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1Q84 last won the day on October 7 2013

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  1. is the 'starting skill' choice retroactive?
  2. character sheet - hoshigaki ceto
  3. character sheet - hoshigaki ceto
  4. Fall Out Boy - The Phoenix this song makes me think of team oto's upcoming mission.
  5. 1Q84

    body armor

    Armor Kind: Forearm Bracers [~] Body Placement: Arms Attributes: +100 Defense Description: A set of simple black forearm bracers designed to be worn under clothing. The back of the hands and arms are padded for extra protection while being set in flexible fabric to allow for a full range of motion. Cost: $400 Armor Kind: Shin Guards [~] Body Placement: Legs Attributes: +80 Defense Description: A set of simple black shinguards designed to be worn under clothing. The front of the legs and top of the feet are padded for extra protection while being set in flexible fabric to allow for a full range of motion. Cost: $320 for yue fei $1096 - 720 = $376
  6. 1Q84

    NA Face Icons:.

    these are awesome, lol actually looks a lot like the image i'm currently using for him too.
  7. Yue wanted to make an exasperated groan when he saw that weirdo from Raz's house had showed up again but there was something about his expression or the way he moved or something that made him hold his tongue. He remembered that stupid pissing contest they had had at Raz's house and knew that this Haruyuki asshat was close to Raz which probably meant he was also close to Korin so Yue knew that giving him a moment of peace was worth keeping his mouth shut for once. Yue did wish afterwards that his body didn't hurt so god damn much so he could give Raz's crazy friend the finger again when he made that piss poor joke about laying still for a second. That didn't mean he didn't try damn hard to scramble away with an 'oh hell no' that his voice cracked over when he saw the crazy son of a bitch pull out needles but the tiniest movement was enough to make him wince in pain and freeze up giving Haruyuki the opportunity he needed to stab him. Yue winced again when the piece of metal entered him more so out of reflex then out of actual pain seeing as the needles actually didn't hurt at all but the last thing in the world he wanted right now was that crazy fuck sticking them in him. In fact after a couple of seconds the pain in his limbs would start to subside as though those little needles were somehow blocking the pain though it sure as hell wasn't helping his dignity to look like some overstuffed pincushion. Yue sucked up his pride enough to accept Ren's help getting back on his feet though it was mostly because he knew if he tried and failed and landed wrong these pretty acupuncture needles would skewer him. He ignored the other asshole's quip about hogtying knowing from experience that he was never going to have the last word and he wasn't going to give the Kiri-nin the satisfaction of seeing him try. Ignoring whatever other attempts Ren or Haruyuki or whatever to help him towards the toad Yue took a few staggering steps before stopping turning to face the statue of Korin or what remained of her. He wasn't sure if her soul or her spirit or whatever the hell that glowing thing was could still see them or hear him but he still felt as though he should say or do something. Problem was Yue wasn't sentimental at the best of times and this sure as hell wasn't the best of times. "I can't promise you he won't do anything stupid, just know he won't be doin' it alone." Yue said to the statute even though he had a pretty good idea it might be a long ass time before Raz laughed or enjoyed life again especially with his son still missing but Yue would make damn sure the crazy fuck lived long enough to do it. "We'll be there for him," Yue actually found himself giving the statue a wry grin figuring that having to put up with more of Team Oto's antics might not be high on Raz's to-do list. "Whether he likes it or not. I'll promise you that. And uh, thanks. For hangin' around long enough for him to say good bye. And for healin' him a bit too." Fuck he should've just left it at the god damn promise but he had prayed that somebody would make sure that Raz lived to see another day so credit where credit was fucking due. Knowing he was making an absolute ass of himself Yue finally dragged himself through the toad not quite sure what state he was going to be in when he arrived at the other side only glad that they were finally getting the hell out of here.
  8. "My vote is also for a fuckin' hospital, don't fuckin' care which." Yue groaned at the frog giving up on keeping himself upright and flopping back down on the ground taking only the amount of effort it would need to land on his back instead of his stomach so he could stair up at the sky. Fuck he should've known this was coming after pushing himself with the Gates last night and then decided for some dumb ass reason to right on using them again even though he should still be in a god damn hospital bed. Well he sure as hell was paying that price now with interest seeing as he couldn't quite decided if every single muscle on his body was on fire or if the pain was because they'd just been shred to hell and back. Still it was a relief to hear Ren and Lilina's voices and for them to confirm that Raz wasn't dead yet though like hell he would say that out loud. He wondered if they had had their own little psychotic encounter without whatever the hell had come crawling out of Raz's body but figured if they weren't saying he wasn't going to either. Like I'd ever fuckin' kill them. He'd have zero qualms about getting a little loud and rough with either of them if they were doing or planning on something stupid but that thing was as dumb as it looked if he thought he'd ever kill them. But as though this day couldn't get any more bizarre Ren then decided to take this opportunity to actually thank Yue which made Yue really wonder if he was actually alive or if hell had just frozen over. "... did you hit your god damn head? Or is this another fucked up dream from that horsey piece of shit?" Yue asked his expression suspicious as he watched Ren as though expecting this to be some sort of trick and he was about to get drop kicked in the kidneys or something. Ren's usual form of gratitude for Yue saving his ass was to to hit him, yell at him, blame it on him or some combination of the above. He hurt too much to be dead and as far as he could tell the world was still spinning so maybe miracles did happen. Yue did groan at the thought of having to wait for the other survivors to meet up counting the seconds until somebody drugged him into a pain free oblivion but he figured that the other two might actually care about what happened to the other ninja. Right now, all Yue wanted to do was be in a bed knowing that Raz and his team was safe and when they could breath without hating life they could go hunt down his boy. "If they're comin' with us, they better get their crazy asses up here because I will give zero shits about leavin' them behind." Yue grumbled still laying prone knowing that his pride would not allow him to crawl his way over to the frog's mouth but it was going to take an act of god to get him on his feet right now.
  9. Yue wasn't sure if the tailed beast could see him or see his thoughts or emotions or what but the Gobi's words brought a shit eating grin to Yue's face as though being told being stuck somewhere between stubborn and stupid was a good thing. Yue was mostly just happy knowing that he managed to piss the thing off. He didn't even notice the dull pain of the Gates having been experiencing it the whole god damn day but it didn't take long for that shit to get a lot worse and Yue wasn't sure if this was supposed to be some sort of lesson or foreshadowing of the damn beat tearing his mind and body to shreds because it was tired of arguing with Yue but Yue clenched his jaw and bared his teeth in a silent snarl stupid and defiant to the last. He wouldn't let this thing hear him cry out in pain or beg for him to stop but apparently it had one last taunt that was enough for Yue to jerk his body or whatever the hell he was back in surprise. Wait, wha- Yue wasn't even able to finish the sentence as he suddenly found himself sprawled on the ground back in Kusa. Some of the pain that he had felt burning through his muscles in that dream or mindfuck or whatever the hell had just happened wasn't entirely in his head seeing as he had pushed his body far too hard these past couple of days and every god damn thing hurt at this point. "Oh, fuck me." Yue groaned trying to pull himself back to his feet and only managing to pull himself up onto one elbow trying to wrap his mind around what the hell just happened. Was it even real? And what was that bullshit about his father anyways? He spent almost twenty god damn years without sight or sound of the asshole and now every time he turned around some new weird ass fuck was talking about him. Like Yue gave a damn. He had bigger things to worry about right now then whoever the hell his father was or what kind of person he was and whether or there destined meeting was ever going to happen. At least that's what Yue told himself and refused to think differently as he tried to find something that didn't hurt to do. At the rate Yue had been going he wasn't quite he'd live out the week or the night so might as well focus on living and getting the hell out of here before he figured out what the hell that four-legged fish was going on about. Maybe he'd just have to track that damn thing down and beat a real answer out of him, show him just how stupid and stubborn Yue was willing to be. Looking around he saw that Ren and Lilina were still there and breathing which was a relief before he caught sight of a red toad sporting goggles just sitting there waiting. "Oh, let me fuckin' guess." Yue groaned still not quite feeling like he could manage standing on two feet but that didn't mean he was going to look forward to another experience of rapid toad transit. It did mean one thing and sure enough Yue saw Raz now back to normal or as normal as that crazy-eyed fuck ever got collapsed by the body of his wife. Yue knew that he should probably feel sad but selfish son of a bitch that he was he was glad to see that Raz had somehow made it through this and even managed to summon the toad before collapsing. "Guess I ain't draggin' you back from hell after all." Yue muttered knowing that once they were back in Oto they would all probably need time to heal and recover and get their shit together after a night like tonight but they weren't there yet. "Oi, rollcall. Everybody still in one piece, or close to it?"
  10. Yue wasn't the kind of person to pray since he didn't think the gods gave two shits about he wanted but he actually found himself tempted to try as they dragged Raz's bloody and broken body up the last flight of stairs wanting but knowing it was probably too good to be true that somehow someway everything was going to turn out okay for Raz. He wasn't quite sure what to make of the glowy person thing that came out of the tree. Considering all the shit he had seen today he was quite content to just accept it until it clicked that whatever it was, Raz had called it 'Korin'. Oh, fuck. Yue actually let himself the tiniest bit of relief when the glowing figure healed the worse of Raz's injuries since it meant that the man wasn't going to bleed to death while Yue stood helplessly by. After that the only thing Yue could think to do was take a step back and let the man have a few moments that sounded awfully like the last he was going to spend with his wife or whatever was left of her. Fuck, that was a kick to the god damn stomach that Yue wasn't expecting to feel since he had given up on finding anyone alive in this cursed city. Why they hell did Raz have to sense her presence or whatever the fuck it was to give him the hope and determination to drag himself along only to find that it was too late to do anything? His son was missing his wife was dead or as close to it that it didn't fucking matter and all the poor bastard had for support was the absolute clusterfuck of a team he had the shitty luck to teach. Whoever did this is going to fuckin' pay. Yue clenched his fists feeling nothing but anger at this whole fucking scenario - angry at whoever took Raz's son, angry whoever forced Raz's wife to sacrifice her life to save what was left of her village, though by the looks of things hundreds if not thousands of people had still died, angry that he was powerless against the demons that had attacked them and powerless when he was trying to help Raz. All that training and fighting for what? To stand around unable to do anything to help one of the few people who put up with his bullshit. It was only when things fell silent that Yue pulled himself from his angry bitter thoughts his blue eyes narrowing as he realized the changes overcoming Raz wasn't a figment of the imagination. Yue opened to his mouth to say something, he wasn't exactly sure what but wasn't given the chance as the menacing stare that the thing that was his teacher silenced him before it took off into the night sky. "Of, you have got to be shittin' me." Yue spat wondering what the hell they were supposed to about this bullshit. "Because he was such a fuckin' lightweight b'fore." Yue hissed in response to Ren's painfully obvious statement that the crazy bastard was literally flying around with the power of a Kage. No fucking shit. What was worse was hearing Ren saying that their teacher was no longer in control and seeing the transformation before his eyes Yue knew that the dumbfuck was actually right for once. What would Raz want me to do? Yue scowled at the thought wondering when the hell he started caring about what the red-headed bastard thought of him or expected of him. Hell, when did I start feeling so responsible for these crazy fucks? He never wanted it, sure as hell didn't ask for it but as much as he complained about them, and how they all seemed to know just the right thing to say or do to piss him off Ren and Lilina were the closest thing he had to siblings and Raz... well, Yue didn't know what the fuck Raz to him only that Yue didn't want to add 'Yue fucked everything up again' to list of issues he was dealing with right now. "No," Yue said firmly in response to Lilina his eyes finally pulling away from Raz knowing he didn't really have any authority over with of his teammates and history had that nasty ass way of repeating itself so he knew he had a snowballs chance in hell at actually getting them to listen to him but he had to fucking try. "If you fail, and you piss off that demon or whatever the hell is flyin' up there usin' Raz we are royally fucked, and frankly, the last thing he needs right now is the knowledge that he ended up hurtin' or killin' one of us." He turned to Ren knowing damn well that before any of this shit went down Raz was more than capable of trying the three of them limb from limb without even trying. "As much as it pains me to fuckin' admit this, I think we go with your plan. We fall back." Yue looked back over to where Raz was and saw some giant swirling black thing now circling him. "Something tells me we ain't alone out here. We should try an' find the other poor son's-a-bitches that got dragged into this hellhole with us." Maybe they could do something or would know something or maybe they could all just collectively sit around twiddling their thumbs until the next round of shit hit the fan.
  11. It was like a punch to the god damn stomach hearing Raz's weak and stumbling words especially when the man started talking about it being the last time. Yue felt a surge of anger at those words fueled by his frustration at feeling so fucking useless this entire time though Lilina beat him to scolding Raz for it as their bloody and broken teacher struggled to his feat. Yue would jerk when Raz mentioned that he could sense Korin a tiny flicker of hope that burned painfully in his chest. Yue had assumed the worse when it came to Raz's wife if she had been present in the village when whatever the fuck had happened went down but if this crazy fuck half dead and dying could feel her here then it was something. Yue's knowledge of the world leaders and the whos and whats might be limited in comparison to others who were born and raised shinobi but he was entirely ignorant of it which meant he knew that Korin was a healer, something Raz really fucking needed right now. "Yeah, speakin' of toads, maybe it's your fuckin' turn to go swimming in that oil shit." Yue said moving to relieve Ren of Raz's weight knowing that if there was something nasty between them and there that Ren would need his hands free to use ninjutsu. "And she's right; you survived us for fuck's sake. Don't think you're gettin' rid of us so easy." Carefully Yue would move to Raz's left seeing as even bound with the straps from Yue's chuunin vest the thing was still royally fucked and probably wouldn't be much use in trying to support or balance Raz's weight as Yue carefully lifted his teacher's left arm and slung it over his shoulder wrapping his right hand around Raz's weight knowing that if he had to fucking carry the man up the last flight of stairs he would fucking do it. "You haven't even had the chance to chew me out for punching a god damn Kage in the head. Which, by the fuckin' way, I did. How long do you think it'll take for one of us to cause an international incident without you stoppin' us from doin' dumb shit. Dumber shit, whatever." This was going to be about as sentimental as Yue got and he wasn't quite sure why he felt so compelled to keep talking only that hopefully it gave Raz something to think about other than the pain and the fact that he was close to bleeding out. Yue would look at Ren with grim determination knowing that whatever crazy ninja shit he was using or pretending to feel would be the best indication of what the fuck they were trying to face.
  12. It was good foresight on Lilina's part to reach out and stop Yue from moving forward because the second he realized that the bloody beaten mess crumpled on the floor in front of them was their god damn teacher he wanted to lunge forward to help. His teammates hand his arm stopped Yue from dashing forward but his blue eyes didn't look anywhere else taking in all the injuries and the weird green aura that surround him. Yue didn't look away when somebody, that dipshit from Raz's place, started talking and frankly didn't give a shit about him or demons or bijuu or however the fuck they wanted to label what the hell was wrong with Raz. He only half listened to what Lilina was saying but jerked slightly when she threw her vest down. For reason it made him angry, angry that they were all just standing their watching him like he was suddenly going to pick himself up from the pile of blood and fucking walk it off. "He doesn't need a god damn pep talk he needs fuckin' help." Yue at Lilina as he pushed past her ignoring any attempts that she Ren or Haruyuki might have made to stop him and dropped to his knees next to Raz's fallen body. He didn't want to say what he actually thought, and that that with everybody else dead in the Village it was unlikely that Raz's wife had survived so bringing her up probably wasn't the best fucking idea right now. Shedding his own Chuunin vest he pulled out the small blade he always carried with him and used it to start tearing the vest apart. "So help me, you try an' leave me alone with these crazy fucks I will drag yo' sad sorry ass back from Hell myself." Yue muttered as he knealt next to Raz using his knife to cut strips of fabric from his Chuunin vest. It would probably do fuck all to help with Raz's injuries but it was a damn sight better than standing their feeling helpless and frustrated and afraid at his ability to do nothing. "Either that or I'mma send them packing to you. I bet the dumbass doesn't last a fuckin' day if you ain't here to stop me from killin' him." Yue didn't know why he was even trying to talk to the Raz when in this state only it was just one more thing he could do to keep his mind occupied instead of freaking the fuck out at the reality of their situation. Yue began with the Raz's arm knowing that with wounds that deep and extensive it probably didn't even hurt at this point with all the nerve tissue torn or burned away. He began to wrap the arm in the strips from his jacket knowing at this point it would do little but stop some of the bloodloss but it was something and with any luck it would be enough until they could get him some real help.
  13. yue fei character theme: still looking for a good battle song, lol
  14. "Do any of your realize how fucked up this is?" Yue said in a heated whisper as he followed his teammates something about the situation making him feel as though raising his voice would be inappropriate or disrespectful and would likely just get them more unwanted attention. "Or how fucking crazy you sound?" Yue added to Ren wondering when the dumbass had developed this crazy chakra sensing viewing skill or whatever. Hell maybe he really had gone fucking crazy at this point. "They're people." Yue didn't have any emergency response training or the ability to be cool and analytic about the situation or whatever the hell Ren and Lilina were telling themselves to ignore the fact that thousands of people who were dead. If his teammates were right about these things being the souls or ghost of Kusagakure they were talking about an entire fucking Village being wiped from the map. When Raz had said that Kusagaukre was gone he had expected an attack like the one in Metropolis only this was far worse than something than that. There were no signs of a fight or a struggle or that there was the possibility that someone had managed to survive or even had the chance to. The entire population of people were gone, or maybe trapped in some weird eternal limbo but still gone with no explanation or reason for it. "Fuck." Yue swore again more to himself than anything wondering what the hell they were supposed to do and feeling pretty helpless at the entire situation. He also couldn't help but think about Otogakure and wonder what the hell was going on there. If they didn't know what caused an entire VIllage to be gone than there was no way of stopping it from happening again. Torn between pissed off and being freaked out by the situation Yue didn't have it in him to be sarcastic about Ren's bullshit commando bravado antics as he kept the team moving. Let any of them had any idea of what they were doing and what they were facing. If it made the dipshit feel important and in control so fucking be it. As Ren paused to catch his breath Yue looked around noticing that something had been splattered against the ground. As they moved closer to the stairs Yue got a closer look and instantly went tense. Blood. Yue stopped in his tracks thinking for a second. Did the yokai bleed? He couldn't remember seeing any of the bird-fish things bleed and there had been no signs of blood anywhere else in the village. Chances were pretty fucking good it was human blood and the blood of someone that had come with them. And there was a shit ton of it which meant that there was probably someone seriously harmed nearby, like painting the fucking walls hurt. Shit, was that what Ren... felt, saw or whatever the fuck he was doing? Had somebody just died above them? They had no idea who or what the fuck was above them and if Ren was to believed there was still two of them. "God damn this is fucked up." Yue whispered again wishing they had never come to this Village. They should have gone back to Otogakure, or searched for Raz's kid. The only good thing about this situation was that if Hei had been kidnapped or was forced to flee from Raz's house the poor kid might actually be in a far better situation than all of them were currently in right now. Including Yue. Didn't stop Ren from continuing which meant Yue felt obligated to follow. Until they came across a sight that made Yue's eyes go wide. Raz, or whatever the hell was left of him had already reached the tree apparently. The crazy fuck looked more dead than alive, with his body burnt and torn to hell. It was like a punch to stomach when Yue realized that all that blood had belonged to their teacher. So fucking eager to chasing after Lilina, or god damn sure that the swirly-eyed bastard could look after himself and it look like he had been dragged through hell and back. There was also something seriously fucking wrong with him and not in the sense of how the hell was he even still breathing at this point. There was something that was holding that man together and Yue was pretty fucking sure what the fuck that something was it wasn't good. "... Raz?"
  15. Yue barely noticed when Lilina started doing her weird black magic shit seeing as true to fucking form the minute Ren should be using his god damn speed for something intelligent the dumb instead decided to ignore both Yue and Lilina and try to face the damn bird things down. The dumbass was all but a dead weight in Yue's arms and the two of them barely had time to move away from the weird pillar of air before shit ignited sending out a flash of light and heat that was enough to send them both of them flying and then sprawling into the ground. Ignoring the latest collections of cuts and bruises Yue forced himself to turn back towards the flaming pillar staring up at the weird collumn of fire that now lit up the sky igniting everything within the odly straight lines. For some reason Yue couldn't exactly explain he found the sight of it pretty fucking funny considering what Syaoran's last words were. "Fuckin'... fire away." Yue said actually finding himself laughing at the sight figuring this whole god damn trip bad been absurd and the only reasonable thing to do was laugh at it. Of course, Ren had to ruin what little fun Yue found in this fucked up situation taking the oppurtunity to scold Yue for saving his ass. "Yeah, well with your god damn track record the day I ain't there to watch your back is probably going to be your last." Yue said giving the dumb fuck a shit eating grin and ignoring whatever offer he made as Yue pulled himself to his own god damn feet figuring this was probably about the third time Yue had saved Ren's ass and the asshole had thrown it back into his face. "So your welcome, you ungrateful little shit." Or maybe the secret was having tits and a nice ass seeing as Ren had no issues thanking Lilina for her help even though by his own admitance he did fuck all with it. Truthfully Yue probably would've been pretty fucking surprised if Ren had shown any sort of appreciation for Yue's help which said a hell of a lot about their team dynamic but Yue was far beyond being offended by it. In fact he was still feeling pretty god damn proud of himself for figuring out a way to kill the damn bird thing without forcing them to split up or leave one of them behind to possibly die so Ren could suck on his stupid ass wounded pride all god damn night if he felt like it. Finally free of those bird things the group was able to make their way towards the tree once more something that Yue was infinitely greatful for. He probably couldn't keep the first gate open much longer and their was a steady burn in his muscles that he knew was going to ignite the minute his chakra and adreneline stopped running. Yue knew he was going to be in for a world of pain sooner than later so the quicker they wrapped this shit up the faster Yue could crawl back into a hospital bed for a few days. He didn't even complain when Ren took the lead figuring that the dumbass had been spouting enough weird shit about seeing things or sensing things that Yue was ready to run with crazy as long as he led them towards where they were supposed to go. Of fucking course, the minute they started to get close Ren stopped to enlighten them about some sort of fight going on nearby something that made Yue roll his eyes. Surprise fucking surprise, one of the dozen or so people they had come with was still alive, good for fucking them. If Yue heard them calling for help or stumbled across them it might be different but like hell he was going to deviate from what they were supposed to do when it was staring them right in the fucking face. "Tree." Yue said without hesitation wondering why the hell he kept having to remind everybody that's where Raz told them to fucking go. Yue wasn't sure if they were supposed to get in the tree or climb it or sit under it twiddling his thumbs but he wasn't about to go running into god knows what to play mindless heroics for people who probably didn't fucking need it. Again. "When we find Raz he can tell us what the fuck to do next, but as far as I'm fucking concerned our mission is to get to that god damn tree."
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