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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/27/2024 in all areas

  1. It's that time of year when we all get busy with various holidays and family obligations. So, why don't we do a little something to make this all a little more fun and give out some free stuff! Happy Late Halloween, Holidays and Early New Years! All combined into one! If you're a regular around here, you already know how this goes. If not, here's how it works! This is a mix of two events we normally try to do. A Halloween event where we give out some candy and creepy gifts and then a Holiday one to spread goodwill and cheer. Regardless of what holidays you celebrate, please join in on the festivities! All currently approved characters, receive the following: 3 Milk Chocolate Shuriken -A four pronged piece of chocolate shaped to look like a Shuriken. A classic treat for children dressed as ninjas. Effect: Gain 1 JP when this candy is eaten. Value: $25 2 Pumpkin Juice -A small wax bottle containing a sweet orange liquid. Even the small amount in the bottle packs a punch of flavor including cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin and just a little hint of something spicy. Effect: This candy may be eaten when your character receives experience. When you eat this candy, you gain +100 EXP. Only one "Pumpkin Juice" may be eaten per thread. Value: $50 2 Black Licorice Bats -Only psychopaths like this candy. The unforgettable flavor of the licorice root in the shape of a hairy bat, complete with little strands that get caught in your teeth. Makes a squeaking sound when you eat it. Effect: When this candy is eaten, you may increase the word-count of the post that this candy was consumed in by +200 Words. Eating multiple 'Black Licorice Bats' may stack this effect to a maximum of +400 words. Value: $50 1 Creepy Capsule Prize! [Roll 1 (One) d35 to Determine your prize!] 1 Random Holiday Gift -To get your random gift, roll 2d50, using the die roller found on the main site. You're only allowed two (2) rolls and out of those two (2) rolls you can take a (one) gift! Please feel free to reach out to me or any staff with questions.
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