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  1. Yesterday
  2. First off, welcome to NA! Overall, this is a really great character sheet for your first time creating a character. Just a few things to edit before it’s ready for approval. Stats: You don’t technically need to change anything; however, you currently have 10 points placed in Concentration. Concentration only gains benefits in 20’s and 100’s, so your current 10 stats are not actually granting any bonuses. If you’d prefer to keep the 10 stats in Concentration, your stats look okay. Skills: Since you took Merciful as a hindering, your total stats and total stats used should be 4. Under your Expenditure log, please specify that Crane Style is what you are taking. Subtle Elements technically only have one rank per element. The rank is a limit on how many elements you can have before certain points in time. The good news though is that this means you have 1 stat point left to spend (now or later in time). Techniques: You’ve only spent 1 JP on Liquid Thorns, so you have 4 total JP and 3 remaining. Equipment: Outside of the starting equipment, equipment must be purchased after character creation in the ‘Buy’ part of the ‘Commerce’ forum. Make these changes and you should be ready for us to approve it.
  3. Welcome to NA! Love Washington State. Such a fun place to visit!
  4. Last week
  5. Character Logs -Experience Log- Experience Gained: -Transaction Log- Ryo Earned: +125 - Character Creation Ryo Spent: Items Gained: +4 Shuriken - Character Creation +4 Kunai - Character Creation Items Lost: -Mission Log- D Rank Missions: C Rank Missions: B Rank Missions: A Rank Missions: S Rank Missions: -Additional Logs-
  6. Equipment -Inventory- Slots Used: 6 Total Slots: 15 -Armour- Hitai-ate, worn around the right elbow. Head: Neck: Body: Waist: Forearm(s): Hand(s): Thigh(s): Calve(s): Feet: -Weapons- Main Weapon: Sub Weapon: -Item Listing- Items on Hand: 4 Shuriken and 4 Kunai, Items in Vault: None Money on Hand: $125 Money in Vault: 0
  7. Techniques -Technique Ledger- Point Total: 4 Total Spent: 1 Points Left: 3 Gains: 4 – Creation Expenditure: 1- Liquid Thorns 3- Spin Cycle Jounin Taught: -Techniques- Body Replacement Technique | Kawarimi no Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: x Chakra Effect: This technique may be performed as a Free Action in the Response Phase following a failed dodge roll. When determining the cost of this technique "x" is equivalent to the cost of 1 basic attack or small weapon attack that the user failed to dodge. The damage and effects of that basic attack or small weapon attack are negated. The user may take no action in the Setup Phase or Main Phase on the turn this technique is used. This technique has a 5% chance to fail. This technique may be performed 1 time per battle. Description: A life-saving technique for most young shinobi, the Body Replacement Jutsu has been a staple in academy learning for many years. By utilizing their ability to manipulate chakra, with quick movement, a skillful shinobi is capable of switching their position with another object to evade damage. By creating a simple optical illusion, the user of the Kawarimi no Jutsu can make it appear as though they were damaged or even killed by the opponent's attack. Some ninja become extremely adept in the usage of this technique, and have even been known to swap places with hazardous materials to trap their enemies. Points: Free Upon Creation Clone Technique | Bunshin no Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: 5x Chakra Effect: This technique may be used in the Setup Phase or Main Phase. When determining the cost of this technique "x" is considered to be the number of "Clones" created by the user and may never be greater than 2. "Clones" have 1 Health and 1% of the user's other statistics. "Clones" are not physical, and may not use items, techniques or attack during their turn. The user of this technique gains +20 Evasion or +20 Accuracy for every "Clone" on the battlefield. The effects of 'Clones' may be ignored by any character with heightened senses (i.e; Byakugan, Path of the Sensor, Inuzuka Smell Tracker, etc). This technique may be used in the Setup Phase 1 time per battle. Description: A technique that most students are required to be proficient in before they can graduate from the academy, the Bunshin no Jutsu is the most basic of the myriad of clone techniques that exist in the world. By properly molding their chakra, the user is capable of creating near perfect replicas of themselves. Unlike most bunshinjutsu, the basic clone technique does not produce physical clones but creates something more akin to a projected image, which is a real image that has no form. The Clone Technique is considered an E-Ranked jutsu, and is not very powerful, but with practice and ingenuity many shinobi have come to use it in masterful ways. Most often stalling by hiding out among their clones, or setting themselves up for a strong offensive. Points: Free Upon Creation Transformation Technique | Henge no Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: 10 Chakra Effect: During any situation in which a character with this technique would need to calculate their "Visibility Score", they may use this technique to reduce their "Visibility Score" by -10%. "Visibility Score" reduction caused by this technique may be ignored by any character with heightened senses (i.e; Byakugan, Path of the Sensor, Inuzuka Smell Tracker, etc). Description: The Transformation Technique is a time-honored staple of nearly every shinobi academy the world over. Its concept and execution are both extremely basic, making it a perfect training technique for young students. By molding chakra around their body, the user of the Transformation Jutsu is able to temporarily take on the physical characteristics of another person. Though the Henge no Jutsu rarely offers a perfect disguise, clever ninja have been using it for hundreds of years to confound their foes. Points: Free Upon Creation Liquid Thorns | Sui Ibara Type: Ninjutsu [ Water ] Rank: Gennin Cost: 5x Chakra Damage: 5 per strike Effect: Multiple strike jutsu, four strikes maximum. Description: An extremely simple technique, a shinobi will be able to manipulate water in the air into small spikes that are shot at the target. Points: 1 Spin Cycle | Jiten Shuuha Type: Ninjutsu [ Kirigakure | Water ] Rank: Gennin Cost: 60 Chakra Damage: 20 Effect: The target is afflicted with 'Exposed' for one (1) turn. Description: A small whirlpool of water is created under the target and stabs up with great force, causing damage and disorientation. Points: 3
  8. Character Skills -Skill Point Ledger- Point Total: 4 Total Spent: Total Left: 4 Gains: 2 – Creation 2-Merciful Expenditure: 0 - Village Skill (Crane Style Taijutsu) 2- Quick Learner (General Skill) 1- Subtle Element; Water 1-Scroll Arts Jounin Taught Skills: -Skills Log- Village Skill: Crane Style Crane style is simply described by it's name. It is a style which may very well have been created by watching the movements of the various cranes and mariner birds within Mizu no Kuni. The style itself is fluid, slow, and prone to piercing strikes and a tide of gambling strikes contrasted by a tide of dancing like dodges. It is said that a master of the style can be described as 'eerily resembling a crane'. Effect: A player with the Crane Style will start every battle with two Balance Charges. The amount of Balance Charges will determine the effectiveness of your Crane Style techniques in battle. Unlike most other styles though, every time an enemy makes a successful hit on your character you will lose a Balance Charge. You may only lose one Balance Charge per enemy who attacks you per turn. A player may at any time sacrifice their Main Phase to restore their Balance Charges to an amount of two. 0 Charges: When using a Crane Style technique your Accuracy is considered to be 0.8x its base value. 1 Charge: When using a Crane Style technique your Accuracy is considered to be 0.9x its base value. 2 Charges: Your Crane Style techniques receive no negatives or bonuses. 3 Charges: When using a Crane Style technique your Accuracy is considered to be 1.1x its base value. 4 Charges: When using a Crane Style technique your Accuracy is considered to be 1.2x its base value. 5 Charges: When using a Crane Style technique your Accuracy is considered to be 1.3x its base value. In addition a player with this style does not gain a Balance Charge normally. Instead, you may ‘bet’ additional Balance Charges on any Crane Style technique. If the technique makes contact then you will gain the additional Balance Charges. However, if the technique misses you will lose the ‘bet’ amount of Charges. You may only bet with Charges that you have. If you have 0 Balance Charges you may bet 1 with no penalty for a miss. The user may perform a technique that requires the use of Balance Charges. Requirements: Kirigakure Ninja or 5 post training session with a ninja who already knows this skill. Cost: ⁿ/ₐ Path Skills: Clan Skills: General Skills: Quick Learner: You pick up on concepts and skills more quickly than the average ninja. You may gain +10% EXP From Training, Battles, Gamemaster and Mission rewards. Bonus EXP is not included in this. Cost: 2 sp Teacher Trained Skills: Jutsu Skills: Subtle Elements; Water: May use Water element techniques. All Water Techniques cost 10% less. All 5 'Subtle Element' skills share ranks. Ranks: 1 (3 Total for other elements) Cost: 1 sp Equipment Skills: Scroll Arts: Symmetry is a part of art, is it not? Why have one when you can have more! You may use a scroll one (1) additional time per battle for each rank in this skill. Ranks: 1 Cost: 1sp Hindering Skills: Merciful: You bring mercy to your opponents on the battlefield, no matter how terrible they may be. You refuse to bring yourself to their level, and as such will always pull back on that finishing blow. Not to say you won't finish them, but everyone deserves the chance to surrender. As long as this character is conscious and participating in battle the first time a primary opponent's Health or Ghost Health is reduced to zero (0) or less in a battle they are reduced to one (1) instead and have all status effects removed from them. This skill must be shared at the start of battle. Ranks:1 Cost: +2 sp
  9. Characters Statistics -Game Statistics- Level: 0 Rank: Gennin Total Experience: 0/400 Total Stats: 500 Health: 50 Chakra: 30 Stamina: 30 Ninjutsu: 40 Genjutsu: 20 Taijutsu: 20 Concentration: 0 Defence: 40 Speed: 70 Accuracy: 100 Evasion: 100 Bonuses: Ninjutsu Bonus: +10 Damage Genjutsu Bonus: +5 Damage Taijustsu Bonus: +5 Damage Defense bonus: -10 Damage Taken Concentration: None Speed Percentile: 589 (Used the site calculator) Accuracy Bonus: +10% Chance to hit with Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Basic Attacks Evasion Bonus: -10% Chance to be hit by physical attacks.
  10. Information -User Data- Timezone: PST Posting: Preferably ASAP, but sometimes it may be only weekly depending. Character Slot: 1 -Character Data- Name: Isse Gakuto Clan: None Gender: Male Date of Birth: October 3rd, 2097 Age: 19 Birthplace: A small town outside the Mist Village (If that's ok). Village: Mist. -Appearance- Hair: Messy black hair, shoulder length, stringy and terribly unkempt. Eyes: Dark blue. Height: 5'11 Weight: About 130 pounds, quite thin. Skin Tone: A somewhat sickly shade of pale. Physical Description: Isse is a average height, somewhat lanky looking goober. He doesn't look as healthy as the average shinobi, looking somewhat similar to someone who's almost drowned recently. Their face, while pale on gaunt, is somewhat attractive. With some work (and maybe some sunlight), they'd fit the pretty boy persona, but the tired, baggy eyes and dry lips ruin that. He also has a scar on his neck, from an old surgery. Clothing: On Missions: Isse wears the usual Kiri ninja fatigues, though normally with a lighter vest over his shoulders, with plenty of pockets for tools, throwing weapons, and oddly, fish food. Casually: Isse goes out around town in a heavy blue coat, with no hood. Under that is a plain T-shirt, normally one's with darker colors, blues and blacks, and a few with fish-themed decals on the front or back, and for pants it's usually just a pair of solid color ninja pants. The only noticeably interesting part of his wardrobe is a long dark blue scarf, knitted years ago by their grandmother. -Persona- Ideals: Simply put, to protect the people of their village, now that he has the strength to do it. Also isn't a big fan of killing if unnecessary, which is rare for a Mist Shinobi. Bonds: Besides his close family, who he visits from time to time, Isse doesn't have too many specific bonds to the Mist village or its inhabitants, it more being a general respect for his nation, and the ones who helped him get to where he is now. Mainly doctors. Flaws: Besides not being in the best of health, they're somewhat bad at taking orders. Not out of a lone wolf style feeling, but mostly because he sometimes just does his own thing. He'll apologize after, but still. Is also very self conscious about people seeing anymore of his body then they have to, if they aren't a medical professional. Personality: Overview: Distractable, Socially confused, Terrible at making conversation (but tries!) Likes: Rain, Koi, River fishing. Dislikes: Hot weather, Sushi, Needles. The whole shebang: Isse, while someone who stays at home most days and is horrible at actually talking to people, likes to be around them sometimes, having been isolated for most of his life due to a dangerously ineffective immune system. He also has an issue with forming a real bond with anyone either, though with the people he does become friends with, can become somewhat clingy quite quickly. Outside of that, in actual conversation, he's normally polite, though always seems like he's either somewhat distracted or very, very tired. In fact, he has a habit of being distracted by little things in the world, and even excitable at seeing something new and strange (To him, at least). They usually spend their downtime either walking about the village market, watching movies on an old TV at home, or visiting his family nearby. -Relationships- Riko Gakuto: Isse's mother, his only remaining parent as his father passed away in a fishing accident when he was young. Works as a fishmonger back at his hometown, as she has been for almost two decades, to support her own mother, who is getting up there in age and lives at her home. Outgoing, strong, and ready to talk your ear off for hours on end, she's almost the exact opposite of her son, and in fact is one of the people he looks up to the most. Suiren Gakuto: An old, retired nurse, and Isse's grandmother, who helped raise him while his mother was away. Friendly, helpful, and generally content with life, the few times a frown shows on her wrinkled face is when she hears of her grandson going on some dangerous mission, or, more likely, when she can't quite figure out the solution to the daily sudoku puzzle. Loves to read, having been the one to show Isse the wonders of a good book, though he usually still sticks with movies, in which many of the ones he watched as a kid were from her own childhood. Also makes one mean smoked salmon. -History- Ever since he was a young lad, Isse always wanted to be a ninja, instead of a fisherman or what have you. Sadly, it seemed like he wasn't going to be either, as ever since he was around seven, Isse's had multiple medical problems, being bedridden off and on for years. Though even with his multitude of maladies, he would still study what bits of shinobi knowledge he could get his hands on from the library, or sold by traveling merchants. At about nine, when it was looking like his health was improving, if only a little, they managed to enroll themselves in the academy, living in a boarding room in the Mist village while his mother sent him money for food and other essentials. While he had rough spots, mainly with physical tasks, Isse did great on any of his written tests, and eventually managed to control his chakra enough to pass the final exams, becoming a Genin at 13... Or, he would have, if he wasn't hit by another set of debilitating issues, which caused the young man to be yet again bedridden until he was seventeen, in which he had to essentially retrain himself to be back to acceptable levels, which took another two years. So, while he's an older Genin, he's not more experienced whatsoever. Nowadays, while his health is better-ish, he still has troubles with some basic ninja techniques, though he's a quick learner.
  11. • The Basics What would you like to be called?: Coffee, please Age: 23 Location: Washington, the one with trees Education?: GeD, working on a degree off and on Occupation?: In between jobs at the moment New to NA?: Yep How did you find NA?: Honestly I went down a wacky rabbit hole, wanted to check out an RP forum, and this seemed pretty interesting. • Game Experience! Have you role played before?: Yes If so for how long?: 10-ish years Where at (website? local game store? mom's basement)?: Decent amount of TTRPG stuff, but most of it was/is in Champions Online. What kind of role play was it?: Man I dunno how to answer that question. IC Conversations, mostly. Do you play other games?: Absolutely If so, what kind of games? (Console, computer, board games, etc): Oooooooooh too many to list here. Mostly on PC and some other TTRPG's • Naruto! How long have you been interested in Naruto?: Big fan as a kid, dropped off for a looooong time, started watching it again to see it's any good (It is!) Do you watch or read?: Watch What is your favorite story arc?: Zabuza arc, or whatever it's called. Who is your favorite character?: Kakashi Watch any other anime? If so which ones?: A lotta stuff from the 80's and 90's. • Favorite Gauntlet Favorite Anime: Trigun Favorite Manga: Rurouni Kenshin I liked, Soul Eater's manga is pretty great. Favorite Game: Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005). Not the best, but I love it Favorite Book: That one I legit can't answer. Favorite Song: See Above Favorite Color: Wood brown (Boring, I know) Favorite Number: 42 Favorite Phrase: That one seal going "EGH" Favorite Element(s): Wood and Water Favorite Collectible: Tiny plastic models to throw dice at Anything else you would like to share?: I forgor
  12. Earlier
  13. cntrstrk14

    Still alive?

    We continue to exist, yes.
  14. Cho Hakkai

    Still alive?

    Hi! Miss you hope you're well
  15. wolfnin

    Still alive?

    There's still some activity in the discord, with uh some stuff going on in the site
  16. Maelstrom

    Still alive?

    Wow, I haven't been on here in...well, I don't exactly know how long, but it's been a heck of a hot minute. By the looks of it this place doesn't seem to get much traffic these days, which is a shame. Anyone still alive out here?
  17. Pwnzie

    Tetsuo's Buy Thread

    ⚔ Yozora No Ken; Mugetsu | Sword Of The Night’s Sky; Moonless Night | 夜空の剣・無月 ⚔ Weapon Type: One Handed Longsword Weapon Size: Medium Weapon Level: 70 -> 100 Attributes: Unique, Affliction; Afraid 2, Sharpened Edge Rank 3, Parry Rank I, Defend Rank I, Chakra Blade | Unique - Only one of this item may exist at any time within the RP. ($50) Chakra Blade - Attacks made with this weapon cost chakra instead of stamina ($50) Parry Rank I - Your weapon is able to block (Take half damage with no dodge roll) another set of weapon attacks in a single turn a number of times equal to the rank you have in this. Can get up to 2 ranks. Ranks 2/2 Defend Rank I - Your weapon is able to block (Take half damage with no dodge roll) a Taijutsu or basic attack a number of times equal to the rank you have in this. Can get up to 2 ranks. Ranks 1/2 Affliction: [Afraid 2] - A weapon with this attribute has the potential to afflict a target with one (1) turn of a status effect when successfully struck. The status effect is chosen at the time of purchase. Once per attack with this weapon the user may choose to increase the cost of the attack by 0.5x, where x is the CP value of the chosen status effect. If they do, they may add the chosen status effect to a single strike of their weapon attack. Status effects with a CP value of 50 or higher, or any status effect with a variable cost may not be chosen for this attribute. A weapon may never have more than one 'Affliction' attribute. Sharpened Edge Rank 3; - When calculating the damage of this weapon, treat this weapon as if it were 10x levels higher. The value of 'x' is the number of ranks of 'Sharpened Edge'. ⚔ Sōga | Twin Fangs | 双牙 ⚔ Ward - As an action in your Response Phase you may Block (take half damage) a single Ninjutsu. This ability may be used a number of times equal to the times it was purchased. A character may use this ability a maximum of two (2) times per battle. Effect: While ‘Yozora No Ken; Daiga’ is equipped the levels, attributes, and special abilities of both weapons are combined as if they were a single weapon. The combined weapon level and ranks of attributes may not exceed their caps. Everytime the user successfully hits an opponent with a strike from this combined weapon they gain x Speed for one (1) turn. The values of x is equal to the number of levels over the weapon level cap that this combined weapon has. Description: Being forged from the same batch of tirelessly folded steel, the twin swords that went into the forging of the larger one, and then the brilliant idea Tetsuo gave the blacksmith he had hired for this job, the best one in kumokagure he was able to find, the highest of quality in his creations. He took stormcutter and his other emerald meteor steeled sword and combined the two metals and formed a compound that seemed to be even stronger than the previous form it was in separated, because he had the new larger blade forged all from the old material, and then had the idea to have it forged in a way that the swords could be split apart, by a technique if the smith deemed it necessary, but Tetsuo definitely preferred the utility of being able to separately draw them on the fly with his reflexes that had gotten so much training in that maneuver over the years. The end result was a masterpiece of craftsmanship and artistry, the blades were not only durable but almost cut 'through' the wind when swung with enough force behind it, especially when Tetsuo mixed some chakra into a swing and tested it out on a nearby tree only to cleave around thirty of them to the ground with the one swing on accident. Tetsuo found that by using both swords in their separate form his attacks could be faster and more agile than in their combined albeit more durably strong form. ⚔ Tsuihōtsuki | Banishing Moon | 追放月 ⚔ Effect: When targeted by a physical attack, the wielder of this weapon may choose to use a Response Phase action to make a Weapon Attack. The unresolved attack targeting the wielder has its damage reduced by the total damage of the user’s Weapon Attack. If this would bring the incoming damage to zero (0), all effects of the incoming technique are negated as well. This effect may be activated once per battle and has a 5% chance to fail. If successful, the use rmay take no action in their main phase. The user may not preform Response Phase Techniques for three (3) turns after using this ability. This effect is considered a Response Phase Technique for all purposes. Description: The adage if try hard at something eventually you will improve has some truth to it, at least for Hayashi Tetsuo it does, through his unwavering force of will and want to master swordsmanship at its most advanced levels and bridge the gap between swordsman and shinobi once and for all, he found that with enough physical training of his arms swinging his blades in the various exercises he did every time he woke up each morning, he had over time developed the ability to use his control of the wind element and his chakra to essentially stop an attack coming at him dead in its track because of the momentum of his blade carving through the nearby space in front of him diverting whatever attack was coming in his direction. Description: Yozora No Ken; Daiga derives its fighting style from that of the cloak and dagger variant, combined with a larger more powerful sword in the other hand instead of another dagger or keeping it free handed for more utility, Yozora No Ken; Mugetsu takes the form of a variation of a Short sword; the smaller of the black bladed duo comprises the inner part of the sword and has the handle fixed to it, while the base of the sword is slanted and the blade continues with a section jutting out from the underside as a guard, Tetsuo wrapped dark black cloth around the handle to protect his hands. After all. its edges sharper then any other blade he'd seen before, possibly due ion part to the materials used in its forging, and the thousands of times the steel was folded on itself before it was completely forged. Upgrading This sword from Level 70 -> Level 100 | 30$*30= $900 Also adding 1 Rank of Ward = $200 Total Cost: $1,100 Cash on Hand: $1,288 - $1,100 = $188 Remaining Cash on Hand
  18. Made all of the requested changes, should be ready for app
  19. -Character Logs- -Experience Log- Experience Gained: 0 -Transaction Log- Ryo Earned: +125 - Character Creation Ryo Spent: 0 Items Gained: +4 Shuriken - Character Creation +4 Kunai - Character Creation Items Lost: 0 -Mission Log- D Rank Missions: 0 C Rank Missions: 0 B Rank Missions: 0 A Rank Missions: 0 S Rank Missions: 0 -Additional Logs-
  20. Equipment -Inventory- Slots Used: 6 Total Slots: 15 -Armour- Hitai-ate Head: Neck: Body: Waist: Forearm(s): Hand(s): Thigh(s): Calve(s): Feet: -Weapons- Main Weapon: Sub Weapon: -Item Listing- Items on Hand: 4 Shuriken and 4 Kunai Items in Vault: None Money on Hand: $125 Money in Vault: 0
  21. -Techniques- Body Replacement Technique | Kawarimi no Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: x Chakra Effect: This technique may be performed as a Free Action in the Response Phase following a failed dodge roll. When determining the cost of this technique "x" is equivalent to the cost of 1 basic attack or small weapon attack that the user failed to dodge. The damage and effects of that basic attack or small weapon attack are negated. The user may take no action in the Setup Phase or Main Phase on the turn this technique is used. This technique has a 5% chance to fail. This technique may be performed 1 time per battle. Description: A life-saving technique for most young shinobi, the Body Replacement Jutsu has been a staple in academy learning for many years. By utilizing their ability to manipulate chakra, with quick movement, a skillful shinobi is capable of switching their position with another object to evade damage. By creating a simple optical illusion, the user of the Kawarimi no Jutsu can make it appear as though they were damaged or even killed by the opponent's attack. Some ninja become extremely adept in the usage of this technique, and have even been known to swap places with hazardous materials to trap their enemies. Points: Free Upon Creation Clone Technique | Bunshin no Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: 5x Chakra Effect: This technique may be used in the Setup Phase or Main Phase. When determining the cost of this technique "x" is considered to be the number of "Clones" created by the user and may never be greater than 2. "Clones" have 1 Health and 1% of the user's other statistics. "Clones" are not physical, and may not use items, techniques or attack during their turn. The user of this technique gains +20 Evasion or +20 Accuracy for every "Clone" on the battlefield. The effects of 'Clones' may be ignored by any character with heightened senses (i.e; Byakugan, Path of the Sensor, Inuzuka Smell Tracker, etc). This technique may be used in the Setup Phase 1 time per battle. Description: A technique that most students are required to be proficient in before they can graduate from the academy, the Bunshin no Jutsu is the most basic of the myriad of clone techniques that exist in the world. By properly molding their chakra, the user is capable of creating near perfect replicas of themselves. Unlike most bunshinjutsu, the basic clone technique does not produce physical clones but creates something more akin to a projected image, which is a real image that has no form. The Clone Technique is considered an E-Ranked jutsu, and is not very powerful, but with practice and ingenuity many shinobi have come to use it in masterful ways. Most often stalling by hiding out among their clones, or setting themselves up for a strong offensive. Points: Free Upon Creation Transformation Technique | Henge no Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: 10 Chakra Effect: During any situation in which a character with this technique would need to calculate their "Visibility Score", they may use this technique to reduce their "Visibility Score" by -10%. "Visibility Score" reduction caused by this technique may be ignored by any character with heightened senses (i.e; Byakugan, Path of the Sensor, Inuzuka Smell Tracker, etc). Description: The Transformation Technique is a time-honored staple of nearly every shinobi academy the world over. Its concept and execution are both extremely basic, making it a perfect training technique for young students. By molding chakra around their body, the user of the Transformation Jutsu is able to temporarily take on the physical characteristics of another person. Though the Henge no Jutsu rarely offers a perfect disguise, clever ninja have been using it for hundreds of years to confound their foes. Points: Free Upon Creation Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique | Katon; Gōkakyū no Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu [ Fire ] Rank: Gennin Cost: 20 + 8x Chakra Damage: 20 Effect: The value of X is a number between 0 and 3, chosen when this technique is utilized. This technique afflicts one (1) turn of 'Burning: 10x'. Description: Originally crafted as a signature technique of the Uchiha clan of Konohagakure, Gōkakyū no Jutsu has found its way into the hands of both common Konoha shinobi and further into the world at large. Though most powerful when handled by a member of its origin clan, Gōkakyū no Jutsu is a formidable and relatively easy to use technique wherein the user kneads chakra inside their body, converts it to fire, then expels flames rapidly from their mouth. Though the technique gains its namesake from a large orb shape, it is easily used as a continuous flame-thrower whose volume can be controlled through raw chakra output. The impact of this technique is not the most potent, but it easily burns away its targets and often leaves a scorched crater in its wake. Points: 3
  22. -Jutsu Point Ledger- Point Total: 4 Total Spent: 3 Points Left: 1 Gains: 4 – Creation Spent on: 0 - Body Replacement Technique | Kawarimi no Jutsu 0 - Clone Technique | Bunshin no Jutsu 0 - Transformation Technique | Henge no Jutsu 3 - Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique | Katon; Gōkakyū no Jutsu
  23. -Character Skills- Path Related Skills: Null: N/A Clan Skills: Null: N/A Elemental Skills: Subtle Elements; Fire: May use Fire element techniques. All Fire techniques deal an additional 5% of their total damage in 'Burning' damage on the following turn, rounded up. All 5 'Subtle Element' skills share ranks, however each skill may only be taken once. Ninjutsu Skills: Null: N/A Genjutsu Skills: Null: N/A General Skills: Quick Learner: You pick up on concepts and skills more quickly than the average ninja. You may gain +10% EXP From Training, Battles, Gamemaster and Mission rewards. Bonus EXP is not included in this. Teacher Trained Skills: Null: N/A Hindering Traits: Null: N/A
  24. -Skill Point Ledger- Point Total: 2 Total Spent: 2 Total Left: 0 Gains: 2 – Creation Spent on: 0 - Subtle Elements; Fire 2 - Quick Learner
  25. -Game Statistics- Level: 0 Rank: Gennin Total Experience: 000 Next Level: 000/400 Total Stats: 500 Health: 60 Chakra: 70 Stamina: 70 Ninjutsu: 40 Genjutsu: 0 Taijutsu: 60 Concentration: 0 Defence: 40 Speed: 50 Accuracy: 50 Evasion: 60 Taijutsu Mod: +10 damage to their Taijutsu attacks and Basic Weapon Attacks. +10 damage to their Basic Unarmed Attacks. Ninjutsu Mod: +10 damage to their Ninjutsu attacks. Defence Mod: takes -10 damage. Speed Percentile: 667 Accuracy: +5 accuracy Evasion: + 6 evasion
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