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Ravage Nocturne

Kaguya Particulars Pt Ii

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((Evened the Skills Out for convenience; Should be easier to read through now))

[surreptitious Recall; Third Wind] (-2)

Requirement: Level 60; Kaguya; Activation of Hone Okori Rank 4; activation of [Chaos Blooming]


Effect: Character's Chakra and Stamina effectively drop to '1'. This ability cannot be used unless a minimum of 50% Total Chakra and Stamina are depleted in this way. May not be used after the skill "Second Wind" takes effect. Chakra and Stamina costs of Hone Okori and Chaos Blooming are nulled for the next three turns. Maximum Health is increased by 15% while 10% is instantly healed. The Health Regeneration from [Chaos Blooming] is increased from 12% to 20% for the next three turns. All Chakra and Stamina regenerations are halted until the effect ends.


[Hematolagnia] (-1)

Requirement: Level 40; Kaguya; [intrinsic Pantheon]; [incorrigible Sadomasochism];

Description: Closely interlaced with a Kaguya's Sadomasochistic tendencies, there is a particular bloodlust that borderlines sexual interest with the processes of either bleeding or forcing bleeding of another. The Kaguya, whilst bleeding or having drawn blood, will be thrown into a frenzy, increasing their violence astronomically

Effect: Character receives a +5% Taijutsu or physical damage increase while under the effects of bleeding. Should an opponent suffer from a bleeding effect, the Kaguya receives a +5% damage increase which may stack with the aforementioned. If an ally is bleeding, the Kaguya will suffer from "Distracted" for the duration


[invigoration; Indomitable Courage] (-2)

Requirement: Level 40; Kaguya; Activation of Hone Okori (Rank 4); [intrinsic Pantheon]; [incorrigible Sadomasochism]; activation of [Chaos Blooming]; [Hematolagnia]

Description: It is believed that the strongest of Kaguya will throw themselves against any obstacle in their way to achieve their objective. The only reliable means of deterring them is to steal their consciousness or life. Even in the wake of afflictions, be them of body or mind, the Kaguya will press forward, reacting to their subjection to new scenario by focusing deeply on recovery. To live is to outlast, and the strongest Kaguya embrace this philosophy with reckless abandonment for others

Effect: Character receives +1% Health whenever they are afflicted with a negative status effect. This ability may stack up to +5% Health returns per turn. To benefit from this healing, the effect must last longer than one turn; however, should this be the case, the heal will trigger on the turn it afflicts the Kaguya. Character will not receive a heal from stat reduction Genjutsu; only mostly traditional status effects (listed on the main site or ones that reasonably fall into similar category) will trigger the heal. Character will not benefit from self-inflicted negative effects or negative effects that stimulate a beneficial effect (IE: [Hematolagnia])


[Vein Scratcher] (-1)

Requirement: Level 40; Kaguya; Activation of Hone Okori (Rank 4); [intrinsic Pantheon]; [incorrigible Sadomasochism]; activation of [Chaos Blooming]

Description: Considering the Kaguya's manipulation of bone structures, it is not surprising that many of their attacks involve scraping flesh upon contact. As the lesions are formed, the opponent tends to suffer from minor bleeding effects due to the sharpness of the bones that pierce their skin. Although initially and in single events nothing more than a mere inconvenience, over time the persistence of these wounds can add up, rendering an opponent vulnerable to further danger

Effect: Character's Taijutsu and basic attacks have a 1d10 (1-3 is success, any other number is failure) to inflict a bleed on the opponent. The damage is calculated by .5(3) of the overall damage the opponent receives, and the bleed will persist over three turns


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