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Cellar Door

Tools For Puzzling Out Japanese!

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This is a site that'll translate things into katakana

Katakana is a collection of syllabic characters that are primarily used with words of foreign origin. (Also sometimes names and other proper nouns)

This is Google Translate already set to Japanese/English

This isn't perfect, and it'll translate to Katakana and Kanji without any rhyme or reason. It's one of the better translation tools though, and when coupled with the next link, you can usually puzzle out what you want to say.

The Naruto Wiki (Links to the jutsu section)

This is one of the most invaluable tools you can use when trying to figure out what kanji to add to your creations. Each mangaka has their own ways of writing their signature attacks and such, so looking through the jutsu for similar words, or even the same words can tell you how Kishimoto would write what you're making.


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