Peregine Posted July 8, 2015 Posted July 8, 2015 (edited) User Data: PereginePosting: Fairly often I guess?Time Zone: Sydney, AustraliaCharacter Slot: 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //Vital Statistics// Name: Nakayama MadokaClan: ClanlessBirthplace: MetropolisCurrent Residence: IwagakureAge: 17D.O.B.: 2099Sex: Female~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //Appearance// -Height: 168cm-Weight: 58kg-Hair Color: Dark Red-Eye Color: Blue-Clothing: Madoka changes clothes extremely frequently, often going through multiple outfits in a day. For casual wear and nights out her style trends more feminine, often combining skirts, tights, various jewellery and form-fitting tops and jackets or sweaters. As with all her clothing, colours and styles often vary widely, though her most common apparel is in blue, black, red or grey. Madoka doesn’t shy away from showing some skin, showing off her legs in between tights and skirt or midriff. If using neither of those styles, she typically wears tops cut low enough to emphasise her other assets. For more practical tasks she generally dresses in jeans and looser shirts, typically without sleeves to ensure total freedom of movement. -Physical Description: The most obvious thing about Madoka is always her ever-present smile. She genuinely loves life and everything it throws at her, for better or worse. The second thing, most commonly, is her beauty. Long hair that falls almost to her waist, toned muscles, long slender legs and just enough curves to entice the unwary. Her delicate features only enhance the overall image, her ever-present grin promising a happy, if exasperating, experience. Madoka is always moving, always fidgeting or tapping her fingers or spinning a kunai. A natural athlete, she moves gracefully and often arrogantly, knowing that very few can match her finesse and completely happy about it. As with most spoiled teenage girls Madoka is quite vain and takes care to maintain her appearance, the more public the setting the more effort invested. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //Persona//Personality: Madoka is a cheerful, mischievous young woman. Endlessly vivacious, she does tend to suffer from an extremely short attention span and an overabundance of energy. She fidgets and twitches constantly, never completely coming to a stop for even a second. Her mind changes as quickly as the wind, often irreverently or even inappropriately doing her own thing regardless of social convention. With no regard for tradition or routine, Madoka is cheeky, a vocal advocate of change for no other reason than enjoying the chaos. As a result she is frequently impulsive to a fault, reckless and whimsical. Madoka does what she wants when she wants without giving a damn about what strangers think of her. At the same time she is fundamentally a social creature, bouncing ideas off others, socialising and getting into trouble. So although the opinions of strangers tend not to matter to her, she can be influenced by the opinions of her friends and acquaintances. She cares deeply for those she has allowed into her life, and will not see them hurt if she can stop it from happening. Even if sometimes this instinct goes against her better judgement, protecting the people she has claimed as hers isn’t something she is willing to throw away for anything.She treats life like a game, finding a joke in anything and everything. Anything passed up is a wasted opportunity, and when even laws are guidelines the rules are virtually worthless. Madoka lives by her own code, ignoring the dictums of the masses. An anarchist at heart, Madoka does have a strong moral and ethical code that governs her actions. At times similar to legal restrictions and at others completely counter to them, attempting to predict her is often a waste of everyone’s time. The only thing you can reliably predict about her is her absolute disdain for all things boring; meetings, routine training, D-rank missions all bore the pants off her and she will go to a great deal of effort to avoid them- even more effort than would be used on said boring activity. Even in combat and bloodshed, Madoka treats life like a game. Forbidden techniques? Just an invitation to use them. Lacerations, broken bones and the risk of death? Price of admission. Killing other human beings? They paid the same price of admission. Not a fair fight? Life isn’t fair, thanks for playing. In combat, the most sociopathic side of Madoka’s personality comes to the fore. When the blood starts flying, Madoka’s normally low level of concern and human compassion for all but her friends drops to zero. A fight is a contest and all’s fair in love and war. The only kind of fight she doesn’t really get into are the fights where the outcome is predetermined; her sense of anarchy and chaos drives her to riskier techniques just to kill her own boredom. If and when Madoka does die, probably covered in her and her foe's blood, she'll do so with a manic grin and a cheerful curse on her lips.Likes: Parties, flirting, excitement, relaxing her way, cities.Dislikes: Discomfort, cold, the sticks, stupid people, clingy people.Favorites: -Food: Toffee Apples (or any sugared fruit)-Color: Green-Music Genre: Dance-Book/Movie Genre: Horror-Hangout: Anywhere.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //Background//Current Allegiance: Iwagakure and Tsuchi no Kuni.Relationships: -Parent(s): Mother, Nakayama Marika (43) and Father, Nakayama Nagi (45).-Sibling(s): Elder sister Nakayama Momoka (23).-Significant Other(s): Many, all ex-significant others and no longer significant.-Pet(s): A mouse called Syl.-Teacher(s): None notable.-Friend(s): Left behind in Metropolis.History: Nakayama Madoka was born and always will be an odd duck in the world. Born to prosperous merchants in Metropolis, Madoka was five when hostile forces occupied Iwagakure. However, far away from the conflict as she was and sheltered as much as possible by her parents, the terror attack and subsequent siege didn’t trouble the young girl in the slightest. Instead her day was filled with lessons in etiquette, manners, languages and dialects, trade and mercantile law. Following in her elder sister’s footsteps, by the time she was seven Madoka had learned the business of buying and selling in intricate detail, rising to a level where she could have outmanoeuvred nearly any merchant in the capitol. Perfectly protected inside her father’s manor, Madoka was a perfectly obedient child in every way, carefully moulded into her parent’s dream child. The Kumogakure Blitz changed Madoka’s life permanently, jarring her from her parent’s plan for her life in an event she describes as ‘scales falling from her eyes’. As Iwagakure and Metropolis were occupied by invading shinobi and quickly formed into the NCIA, seven-year-old Madoka revelled in the chaos so unlike anything else she had ever experienced. With the city’s economy seized by the occupying shinobi, her parents were drafted into the new regime’s machinery, regulating the county’s economy in exchange for preferential treatment. With the aegis of Kumogakure’s shinobi, Madoka took advantage of her parent’s preoccupation to break out of the shell she had lived in. Experimenting with theft and low-level criminal behaviour, Madoka fell in love with humanity. She explored and adventured without restriction or rebuke, coming to know the city’s darkest corners and deepest secrets and bartering what she found for money to support her new lifestyle. Unlike most caught in the grip of the Kumogakure Empire, Madoka and her parents were never truly unhappy with the invasion. Her parents for the added responsibility and power given to them in the wake of the invasion, Madoka for the new life and experiences that had come with the violent upheaval. The only member of Madoka’s family truly upset and angry at the invasion was her sister, who was severely injured by a wayward jutsu. Many of Nakayama Momoka’s friends were crippled or killed in that same attack, birthing a vendetta that lasts to this day, and the catalyst of many arguments between parents and eldest daughter. When Tsuchi no Kuni and Metropolis were finally freed from Kumogakure’s control in 2109, Mokoka moved out of Metropolis leaving Madoka alone with her parents. While the Nakayama family survived Kumogakure’s removal by copious favours and claims of threats and forced labour, Madoka had been changed permanently from the meek young girl of years prior. As Madoka entered her teenage years her thirst for adventure and excitement grew, becoming more and more unsettled in her confining home environment. More and more, Madoka yearned to see the world and meet as many different people as she could. Using the skills her parents had drilled into her, Madoka was able to acquire and read some basic Iwagakure Academy textbooks, teaching herself to use chakra in preparation for the future. For years the tension in the Nakayama family grew, eventually reaching breaking point when Madoka was caught stealing a particularly valuable and rare ninja tome from one of the largest bookstores in the city. Her parents connections ensured that no charges were ever made, but Madoka’s patience had reached its limit. Threatening her parents with her own felony, Madoka threatened to turn herself into the police and confess the truth of her parent’s voluntary work during the NCIA occupation if she was not allowed to enrol in Iwagakure’s shinobi forces. Torn between irreparable damage to their reputation and the loss of their daughter, they finally relented realising that they would lose their daughter either way. Shortly afterwards Madoka was recognised as an official Genin of Iwagakure her age, half decade of self-study and parent’s connections allowing her to pass the academy final exams immediately after her arrival.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //Statistics//Death Bonus: GiftedRank: ChuuninLevel: Fourty FourTXP: 19335Next: 19500Total Stat Points: 5000 Creation: +500Levels: +4400Gifted: +100 -Stats-(Health) 500(Stamina) 600(Chakra) 100(Taijutsu) 360 [480](Defense) 60 [100](Ninjutsu) 160(Genjutsu) 0 [0](Concentration) 500(Speed) 1060(Accuracy) 880 [960](Evasion) 780 [920]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //Skills// Skill Point Tally: (39/40)Remaining Skill Points: 1 Creation: +2Gifted: +1 Chuunin: +2Levels 1-10: +10Levels 11-44: +17Hindering: +8 Path of the MarksmanEffect: Characters with this path receive +15 equipment slots per rank.Choose Two:Fast Hands: As a Setup Phase action you may add one small weapon to a Main Phase action. The small weapon's damage and effects are added to the attack and the weapon is considered to be "thrown" afterwards. This ability may not be used more than once every three (3) turns. Once per turn the user may draw or sheath two (2) Medium Weapons or one (1) Large Weapon as a free action in any phase.Perfect Aim: Characters with this ability are unaffected by Accuracy changes created by terrain and climate effects. In addition, once per battle they may have a single thrown weapon attack ignore any abilities or effects that modifier their Accuracy or their target's Evasion outside of the base stats.Description: One who follows the Path of the Marksman has dedicated themselves entirely to the art of killing from afar; they hone their skills with steel as much as any shinobi does their fist or chakra. Often striking from unpredictable angles, these warriors rely less on chakra than any other shinobi, making them extremely mobile and deadly.Cost: -1Advanced Paths: Assassin, Warlord, EngineerWalking a Different PathEffect: You may chose a new Basic Path. You retroactively lose all bonuses and effects of your original Basic Path. If you bought any skills at a reduced cost with your original Basic Path, you may 'unlearn' those skills, otherwise you must pay full SP for their effects. Any other bonuses (such as additional JP) will be lost as well. If you do not have enough available JP to pay for techniques your character has previously learned, you will go into the negatives until you level up enough to pay the difference.Description: After a while, some Ninja decide that the 'path' that they are following is not suited for them. Instead, they will choose to embark upon a new career, hoping that it will be more suitable for them.Cost: -1Ranks: 1/1Path of the WarriorEffect: Gain 1 extra Jutsu Point every other level.Warrior's Way (Choose Two):Brutal Warrior: May take 2 Ranks of 'Martial Artist' for 1 skill point.Weapon Warrior: May take 2 Ranks of 'Warrior (weapon)' for 1 skill point.Cost: -0 (Walking a Different Path)Advanced Paths: Assassin, Warlord, Mercenary Monkey GripDescription: Some shinobi have honed their strength and skill when wielding a large weapon to such a degree that it they have gained the ability to wield such weapons with a single hand.Effect: This character may now wield Large Weapons in a single hand.Requirements: Warrior (10 Ranks) OR Path of the Warrior: Weapon WarriorCost: -1Merchant X Effect: You get a 50% discount at stores.Description: Smooth talker, you never pay full price.Cost: -1Ranks: 10/10Mountain Ox StyleRequirements: Iwagakure Ninja or 5 post training session with a ninja who already knows this skill.Effect: The user of the Ox Style gains an Ox Charge each time they use an Ox Style technique instead of when they land a successful hit. Ox Charges may be spent in one of the three following ways.1. The user may spend an Ox Charge during their Main Phase to increase the damage of an Mountain Ox Style technique by 5x% as well as increasing their Defense stat by 10x% until their following Main Phase, where x is the amount of charges spent.2. The user may perform a technique that requires the use of Ox Charges.Description: A good offense is the best defense, and the Mountain Ox Style takes this philosophy to the mat, literally. This martial art makes use of low attacks, grapples and throws that keep a low center of gravity and strong hand techniques, notably the bridge hand and the versatile tiger claw. Students of this style often spend hours in training only standing in a single low stance, which builds strength and focus. Mountain Ox Style is sometimes mis-characterized as solely external; that is, reliant on brute physical force; even though the student advances progressively towards an internal focus.Cost: -0 (Iwagakure Nin) Martial Artist (Mountain Ox Style) IIEffect: For each rank of this skill choose a Taijutsu Style. Taijutsu of the chosen Style deal a bonus +5 damage per ninja rank of the technique (per skill rank). You may choose "Styleless" Taijutsu as your chosen style, which would include any Taijutsu that does not fall under a specific type of fighting style. Basic Attacks deal a bonus +3 damage per strike (per rank).Ex: Genin techniques gain +5 damage, Chuunin techniques gain +10 damage, etc.Ex: Genin Basic attacks gain +3 damage per strike, Chuunin +6 per strike, etc.Description: You put the art in martial arts. Your expertise with the style that you possess puts others to shame and enemies to the ground.Cost: -1Ranks: 2/10 (Path of the Warrior)Warrior (Odachi) IVDescription: A skilled and practiced veteran of your craft.Effect: For each rank of this skill choose a specific weapon type. A weapon attack from the chosen weapon will deal a bonus +5 Damage per strike (per rank). Double this bonus for large weapon strikes.Cost: -1Ranks: 4/10 (Path of the Warrior) Path of the Warlord Effect: All Response Phase Jutsu used against Taijutsu, Weapon or Basic Attacks from the user have an additional 10% chance to fail. War Mastery: (Choose One) Advanced Weapon Warrior: May take 'Strategist' for 1 skill point. May take 'One-Handed Seals' for 1 skill point without training. Your weapons may be upgraded to level 120 (works like a level 100 weapon for anyone without this path). Requirements: Chuunin. Must have Path of the Warrior. Cost: -1 Strategist Description: You are a planner, a thinker. It is not uncommon for you to be three steps ahead of your opponent and making moves that make no sense now but pay off in the long run. Effect: Once a battle, and only once, you may choose to have any of your attacks on a single target become a critical hit for 1.5 times its usual total damage. Cost: -1 (Path of the Warlord) Blademaster; [Odachi] Effect: When this skill is chosen, name one weapon type. Weapon Techniques specifying the named type of weapon now benefit from the skill 'Warrior'. Description: For some individuals, the act of wielding their preferred weapon becomes a form of art. Brutality and elegance combines in a display of violence so poetic and stirring that legends of their exploits are told for generations. Requirements: Path of the Warlord; Advanced Weapon Warrior Cost: -2 Seimon // Third GateDescription: Located in the spine, the Third Gate presides over the flow of information within the body. By releasing neural inhibitors, the body is able to correlate it's motions flawlessly, each part of the body moving in perfect unison. The undamned highways of the nervous system cause damage to the body though, as the electrical impulses from the brain are magnified to a greater extent. At this gate, the coloration of the skin changes to a deep crimson, revealing the enhanced blood/oxygen levels within the body.Effect: When activated, the user's Taijutsu, Speed, and Evasion stats are increased by 2x. The user's level being equivalent to x. The statistical bonus granted by this skill may never be less than +90 at any time. As an upkeep cost, the user must pay 3% of their total Health Points every turn. After a battle in which the user opens Seimon, a full day (RL) and no less 3 days (IC) must be spent in hospitalization and a recovery training of 1000 words must be fulfilled. This skill may only be taken by ninja of level 30 or higher.Restriction: Level 30Cost: -2Training: Life to the FullestThundering Auroch StyleRequirements: Kaimon, Mountain Ox Style, Nakayama MadokaEffect: Upon activation, all of the user's Ox Charges are converted to Thunder Charges. As long as the style remains active, all taijutsu and weapon attacks are considered to be of the [sound] element in addition to their other effects. The user cannot apply Wind or Lightning's effects to attacks made this way. Like Ox Charges, Thunder Charges are gained after an attack is made, not if it hits. On consecutive turns that a Thunder Charge is not gained, the user loses one Thunder Charge for each turn passed in this way. Thundering Auroch techniques may only be performed while the user is equipped with a medium or large weapon. Should the Eight Gates be deactivated, Thundering Auroch Style is immediately deactivated as well and all Thunder Charges revert to Ox Charges. Thundering Auroch Style is considered Mountain Ox Style for all purposes and Thunder Charges may be used instead of Ox Charges to activate effects or techniques, but may not pay for both Mountain Ox and Thundering Auroch abilities in the same turn.0 Charges: No bonus.1 Charge: The user gains +15% chance that [sound] Element attacks will inflict one turn of 'Deafened'.2 Charges: The user gains +30% chance that [sound] Element attacks will inflict one turn of 'Deafened'.3 Charges: The user gains +45% chance that [sound] Element attacks will inflict one turn of 'Deafened'.4 Charges: The user gains +60% chance that [sound] Element attacks will inflict one turn of 'Deafened'.5 Charges: The user gains +75% chance that [sound] Element attacks will inflict one turn of 'Deafened'.In addition, the user may choose to spend 'x' Thunder Charges as a free action in their Main Phase to add the following effects to their next attack: Ignore 5x% of the enemy's defense, increase your accuracy by 5x%Description: Upon the release of the Eight Gates Madoka's overwhelming power explodes forth, transforming the Mountain Ox into a Thundering Auroch. Coupled with her natural affinities for Wind and Lightning, the very use of an Auroch technique reverberates through the atmosphere and resounds with the force of an inescapable sonic boom. The longer the battle the more her momentum increases and the stronger her bursts become, increasing the chance to inflict hearing loss on any unfortunate targets. However, as the sound disspiates over time techniques must be continually used to maintain its devastating impact. Furthermore, the user can expend the amassed energy at will to imbue their next strike with a shrieking sonic wave that makes dodging nearly impossible. This sonic field can cause significant internal damage on a hit, crippling even the strongest foes.Cost: -3, 10-post trainingTraining: Cascading ThunderResounding ThunderRequires: Thundering Auroch StyleEffect: Whenever this character opens one of the Eight Gates while Thundering Auroch Style is active, roll a D8. If the number rolled is equal to or lower than the number of the Gate opened, the user gains one Thunder Charge. On a turn that this skill grants the user a Thunder Charge, Thundering Auroch Style techniques will only give the user a Thunder Charge on a successful hit.Description: As more of the Eight Gates are unsealed and Madoka's power grows, the shockwaves of each Gate's release can be compressed and harnessed, accelerating her ascent to full power. The more devastating and powerful the Gate, the easier these tremors are to harness and use.Cost: -1Gate Mastery IIIBloodline: N/A [Requires Permission]Description: A true Gate Master is rare in the world. Few can accomplish the task of understanding their body at its fundamental cores. Knowing your extreme limits, and being able to release that extra ounce of power from them is a power few can truly say they possess. But to be a Master is to know this power and more.Effect: For each rank in this skill, when determining positive side effects of the Eight Celestial Gates, the user’s level is considered 10 levels higher than what it actually is.Restrictions: The User MUST have unlocked the gate that corresponds to each rank in order to upgrade this skill (Rank 1 requires Kaimon, Rank 2 requires Kyumon, etc).Cost: -1Ranks: 3/3Gate Affinity IIIBloodline: N/A [Requires Permission]Description: Having often used the Gates, the user’s body is more attuned to the stress and the pain accompanying the gates. This means that recovery periods become shorter between when the gate is used and when the body can be fully ready for combat again.Effect: For each rank in this skill, the user requires 1 less RL day, 2 less IC days, and 1000 less words to recover from any gate symptoms. This CAN reduce those symptoms to 0.Restrictions: The User MUST have unlocked the gate that corresponds to each rank in order to upgrade this skill (Rank 1 requires Kaimon, Rank 2 requires Kyumon, etc).Cost: -1Ranks: 3/3Steadfast Durability IVEffect: Stamina-Based Techniques cost 5 less Stamina per ninja rank of the technique. This shares ranks with the skill 'Inner Calm'.Ex: Genin techniques cost -5 Stamina, Chuunin techniques cost -10 Stamina, etc.Description: Your stamina knows no bounds! Your body is able to push harder and for longer durations than that of your companions.Cost: -1Ranks: 4/10Stubborn GritDescription: Some ninja are gutsy, and some ninja are smart, and some have their own ideals that help drive them on. There are also ninja who are just too damn stubborn to die. These determined individuals don't talk a big game when things look bad, they just get pissed off and strive even harder to knock down whatever stands in their way.Effect: This skill may be activated in any phase as a free action. Once per battle, a character with this skill may choose one of the following effects when their Health is at or below 25% of its total. This skill may not be used if the skill ‘My Ninja Way’, ‘Guts Pose’, ‘Stroke Of Genius’, or ‘Healer’s Passion’ have been activated by this character during this battle. 1. The next technique used by this character has its Chakra or Stamina costs reduced by 80%.2. This character gains 2 charges in a chosen Taijutsu style.3. This character gains 15% of their total Health. Cost: -1Second WindDescription: Pure tenacity is the only word to describe you. When most would be down for the count you will drag yourself back to your feet to finish the job.Effect: Once per battle, if the user's health would be reduced to zero or less, the user's health is reduced to 1 instead. If the user's health would be reduced below -25% of its total then this skill does not come into effect.Cost: -2Wind Specialty [UNLOCKED]Restrictions: Level 30, 10 post Jounin training.Requirements: Roll a 1.Effect: User has a +15% to base damage (rounded up) with Ninjutsu -or- Genjutsu -or- Taijutsu attacks (choose one when this skill is learned). Wind Jutsu cost one less JP to a minimum of 1. This effect may stack with other skills, to a maximum of -2 JP per technique. User receives the skill “Subtle Elements: Wind” for free and may purchase an additional rank of “Subtle Elements”. If the user already has “Subtle Elements: Wind”, they may have their points refunded.Description: Naturally aligned to the element of the wind, this character has a natural tact at using and manipulating the wind to their bidding. This chakra takes on the form of thin razor edges that flow for more piercing and damaging attacks.Cost: -0Lightning Specialty [LOCKED]Restrictions: Level 80, 5 post Jounin training.Requirements: Roll a 3.Effect: User has a +10% to hit with all Ninjutsu -or- Taijutsu attacks (choose one when this skill is learned). Lightning Jutsu cost one less JP to a minimum of 1. This effect may stack with other skills, to a maximum of -2 JP per technique. User receives the skill “Subtle Elements: Lightning” for free and may purchase an additional rank of “Subtle Elements”. If the user already has “Subtle Elements: Lightning”, they may have their points refunded.Description: Naturally aligned to the element of the lightning, this character has a natural tact at using and manipulating lightning to their bidding. This chakra is known for its ability to pierce barriers and move at rapid speeds, making it optimal for being able to strike an opponent.Cost: -0Hindering Skills: UnmotivatedEffect: Characters with this skill must train for an additional 2 posts, when training for techniques, jutsu points, or skillsDescription: Some ninja don’t do well when left to their own devices. No matter how skilled they are, they don’t have the motivation to train as hard as they could if they had somebody there to psyche them up. In groups though, these ninja are able to perform just like any other shinobi.Cost: +1DefenderDescription: A Defender's past experiences or loving nature will not allow other's to suffer in front of them. A Defender will do anything possible to save their allies from harm, throwing themselves between their allies and enemies to do so even if they know it could kill them.Effect: During this character's turn, if a non-clone ally is the target of an unresolved attack that did not target the user as well, this character takes the attack instead. This character may only apply 50% of their total defensive modifiers. Only triggers once per battle per ally.Cost: +2BisexualityDescription: Physical attraction, although typically gender-oriented, remains a subtle facet of the human psyche, and as such, some people are less restrictive of what appeals to their tastes, allowing them to grow attentive of either gender non-specificallyEffect: Any and all effects that specifically target gender now apply to this character, regardless of the intended target audienceCost: +1Chakra Burn Effect: For every 25 chakra used in a technique, the user takes 5 damageDescription: Your chakra has a corrosive nature to it, burning you whenever you use it. You can ignore the pain at times, but if you use too much it becomes overwhelming.Cost: +2Advancement Seal [Genjutsu] Effect: You are considered to have 80% of the base stat points in the chosen stat, rounded up. May only be taken once per stat.Description: Ever since you were a youngster just learning how to be a ninja, you've been just piss poor at this one area. No matter how hard you work, you just have some inability to learn this effectively. You may be tender about the situation.Cost: +1Uninterested CombatantDescription: Some people have no interest in fighting those who are obviously weaker than them. These shinobi will turn down a fight with weaker individuals regardless of the situation and will engage only if assaulted.Effect: When fighting an opponent 5 levels lower than yourself, skip your turn(s) until the opponent has a turn.Restrictions: Cannot be taken with "Self-Defense".Cost: +1Skills learned from Jounins: Kaimon // First GateDescription: The First Gate is a fail-safe that limits the output of the muscular system. By opening this gate, located in the brain, a person is able to nearly quintuple their physical performance in almost every aspect. These extreme results are not perfect, and much like all of the Eight Gates, cause wear and tear on the body. Slight breakdown and tearing has been noted in muscle tissue after having been effected by the Gate Of Opening, and fatigue has been shown to set in quickly. Effect: When activated, the user's Taijutsu, Speed, and Evasion stats are increased by 2x. The user's level being equivalent to x. The statistical bonus granted by this skill may never be less than +20 at any time. As an upkeep cost, the user must pay 5% of their total Stamina Points every turn. This skill may only be taken by ninja of level 10 or higher.Restriction: Level 10Cost: -2, 10-post trainingTraining: Breaking OutKyumon // Second GateDescription: The Second Gate is the other gate located within the brain. This gate limits the production of endorphins and keeps the heart-rate in check. Releasing this gate floods the body with endorphins, relieving feelings of pain and fatigue, despite the continual breakdown of the muscles. An increased heart-rate allows oxygen to reach the muscles more quickly, preventing oxygen debt and keeping lactic acid from building up within the muscle tissue. Effect: After activating, the user gains the ability to recover 3x Health Points and Stamina as a free action during their setup phase at any point during the battle while this gate is open.. The user's level being equivalent to x. This increase may not exceed the user's maximum in either stat pool, and this ability may only be used once per battle. This skill may only be taken by ninja of level 20 or higher.Restriction: Level 20Cost: -2, 10-post trainingTraining: Relentless Pursuit~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //Techniques// Jutsu Points: 107 Used | 65 Available | 172 Total Creation: +4Gifted: +20 Chuunin: +5Character Bonus +30Levels: +87Path of the Warrior: +22 Academy Jutsu Name: Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique)Type: GenjutsuRank: Academy StudentCost: 10x ChakraDescription: Creates an illusionary replica of the user. It is unable to attack or interact with other objects, but can serve as a good distraction.Effect: Adds +5x evasion and +5x accuracy for each clone. Once a clone is hit it is destroyed, and the bonuses with it. A bunshin is considered to have 0 evasion and rolls to dodge whenever it is targeted in the user's response phase. The value of x is the number of clones you have made. Maximum of 8 bunshin can be made.Name: Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)Type: GenjutsuRank: Academy StudentCost: 5 ChakraEffects: Change your appearance. A character 25+ levels above the one who uses this technique can see through it.Description: Wrap chakra around your body to change your appearance. You take that physical form, but only to a certain extent, such as body shape and size. You cannot, for instance, turn your arm into a bow and start firing ammunition at an opponent. Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Substitute Technique)Type: NinjutsuRank: Academy StudentCost: 10 Damage: NoneEffects: Evade the next attack aimed at you. Skip your main and setup phase this turn. You can only use this 1 time per battle. This technique cannot be used to dodge Ninjutsu, Taijutsu or Genjutsu Techniques.Description: A lifesaver, and a must-have technique. With this technique, the user is able to swap their body with a nearby object, usually a log, which will take the full force of any incoming blows for them, while they retreat to safe ground or search for an opening. Genin Taijutsu Quick DrawType: Taijutsu [style-less]Rank: GeninCost: 10 StaminaDamage: N/AEffect: You may draw/sheath a weapon in your setup phase without using the entire phase on it. Only weapons, no items. You may only perform one action with each weapon each turn with this technique. You may not draw AND sheath a weapon in the same turn, but may draw multiple or sheath multiple.Description: Through practice and mastery of their weapon the ninja can draw their weapon out at alarming speeds.JP: 1Ox's SpearType: Taijutsu [Mountain Ox]Rank: GeninCost: 40 StaminaDamage: 50Effect: N/ADescription: The user will charge forward in a low stance, stepping forward and thrusting their shoulder into the opponent’s abdomen in a powerful spear attack.JP: 2Rib SplitterType: Taijutsu [Mountain Ox]Rank: GeninCost: 60 StaminaDamage: N/AEffect: Opponent is under the effect of ‘Bruised’ for 3 turns on their chest and stomach.Description: By cupping one’s hands above the other, the user of this technique will step forward with a powerful thrust, and slam their palms against the opponent’s chest cavity and stomach. While the impact inflicts no instantaneous pain, it causes the ninja’s lungs to slightly pierce their stomach and chest, and as a result, force them to bleed internally.JP: 4Wailing StrikeType: Taijutsu [Weapon Technique; Odachi; Thundering Auroch Style]Rank: GeninCost: 80 StaminaDamage: 25Effect: The target is affected by [Migraine] for one turn.Description: Utilising the trademark vibrations that characterise the Thundering Auroch fighting style, the Banshee Wail intensifies and weaponises these vibrations before directing them into the target’s vestibular system, inducing crippling migraines.JP: 4 Chuunin Taijutsu Shockwave | ShōgekihaType: Taijutsu [Mountain Ox | Area of Effect]Rank: ChuuninCost: 150 StaminaDamage: 45Effect: ‘Deafened’, one turn.Description: Shockwave is a simple but effective technique that incorporates body reinforcement to project a deafening wall of force in all directions by smashing one’s foot or fist into the ground to create a localized seismic wave. The ensuing blast is capable of causing substantial concussive damage over a wide area as well as short-term hearing loss.JP: 5 Descending Guillotine | Kakō DantōdaiType: Taijutsu [Mountain Ox]Rank: ChuuninCost: 150 StaminaDamage: 150Effect: ‘Immobilised’, 1 turn.Description: A simple, powerful overhand chop aimed at the base of the target’s neck or shoulders, inflicting severe damage. A successful strike carries enough force and nerve damage to temporarily stun the enemy’s body, preventing them from escaping.JP: 5 Avalanche Burial | Nadare HakaType: Taijutsu [Mountain Ox]Rank: ChuuninCost: 150 StaminaDamage: 15Effect: The target is ‘Vulnerable’, ‘Ensnared’, ‘Shackled [Paired Legs]’ and ‘Hamstrung’ for one turn.Description: Imitating a crushing landslide, the user attacks the target's legs with a bone-breaking sweep kick designed to cripple the foe's ability to move or evade further attacks.JP: 5 Rumbling Collapse | Meidō Tōkai Type: Taijutsu [Weapon Jutsu; Odachi | Multi-Strike | Mountain Ox] Rank: Chuunin Cost: 145 Stamina Damage: 60 Effect: The target is ‘Ensnared’ for three turns Description: A devious technique designed to draw enemies in and prevent their escape, the Rumbling Collapse is a sequence of three relatively weak blows that expose a false weakness in the user’s defense, encouraging the target to continue the engagement. JP: 5 Thunder IgnitionType: Taijutsu [Thundering Auroch Style; Evolving]Rank: ChuuninCost: 135 StaminaDamage: N/AEffect: The user of this technique is Enraged for two turns and Hasted for one turn. This technique generates two Thunder Charges.Description: Primarily used at the start of the battle, Ignition is a cornerstone technique for the Thundering Auroch Style. Repeatedly swinging their blade through the air, the user focuses on generating the screaming vibrations the style is known for, simultaneously working themselves into a manic battle frenzy.JP: 5 (Evolving 2) Shattering Sound βType: Taijutsu [Weapon Technique; Odachi; Thundering Auroch Style; Evolving]Rank: ChuuninCost: 150 StaminaDamage: 60Effect: This attack inflicts [Destroy Item].Description: With the aid of high-frequency vibration and the sheer mass of a swung Odachi, destroying the equipment of an enemy combatant is an exceptionally simple maneuver.JP: 5 [Evolving 1; Shattering Sound α] Sundering Sound βType: Taijutsu [Weapon Technique; Odachi; Thundering Auroch Style; Evolving]Rank: ChuuninCost: 150 StaminaDamage: 30Effect: This attack inflicts [Destroy Weapon].Description: With the aid of high-frequency vibration and the sheer mass of a swung Odachi, destroying the weapon of an enemy combatant is an exceptionally simple maneuver.JP: 5 [Evolving 1; Sundering Sound α] Whispering Cut βType: Taijutsu [Weapon Technique; Odachi; Thundering Auroch Style, Evolving]Rank: ChuuninCost: 90 StaminaDamage: 90Effect: N/ADescription: A light stroke in comparison to what the Thundering Auroch Style is capable of, mastery of the sword style can nonetheless turn this whisper into a deafening thunderclap.JP: 3 [Evolving 1, Whispering Cut α] Thunderstruck βType: Taijutsu [Weapon Technique; Odachi; Thundering Auroch Style; Evolving]Rank: ChuuninCost: 110 StaminaDamage: 120Description: A simple yet devastating technique, Thunderstruck is a swift, hard slash fuelled by the deadly sonic wave of the Thundering Auroch style. Uncomplicated and brutal, this attack is capable of completely bisecting those unprepared for its ferocity.JP: 4 (Evolving 1; Thunderstruck α) Concussive BlastType: Taijutsu [Weapon Technique; Odachi; Thundering Auroch Style]Rank: ChuuninCost: 110 StaminaDamage: 60Effect: The target is [Clobbered] for one turn.Description: The sheer mass of a swung Odachi can easily induce temporary light-headedness in its victims. In many cases such a large weapon has been documented as an effective improvised iron club, inflicting crippling damage by virtue of its sheer weight and velocity.JP: 4 (8)Sonic FieldType: Taijutsu [Thundering Auroch Style; Barrier; Response Phase]Rank: ChuuninCost: 15 Stamina; x Thunder ChargesEffect: Creates a Barrier with 25+60x Health, where x is equal to the number of Thunder Charges consumed when this technique is used, to a maximum of three. This technique may be used twice per battle. This technique may only be used in the Response Phase and is destroyed at the end of that phase. When this technique is used, the user loses their Main Phase.Description: The Thundering Auroch Style is one that produces a great deal of energy, sonic emanations that with a little effort can be converted into a short-term impediment against physical attacks. Though extremely short-lived, sometimes a split-second’s defense can make all the difference.JP: 4 (8)Razor SoundType: Taijutsu [Weapon Technique; Odachi; Thundering Auroch Style]Rank: ChuuninCost: 114 StaminaDamage: 30Effect: The target suffers from [bleeding; 60] for 2 turns.Description: Upon striking the target, the user transfers some of the style’s vibratory properties into the enemy, tearing the wound open further and dealing additional damage and blood loss.JP: 4 (8)Disconcerting CacophanyType: Taijutsu [Weapon Technique; Odachi; Thundering Auroch Style]Rank: ChuuninCost: 110 StaminaDamage: 60Effect: The target is [Distracted] for 2 turns.Description: With a twist of chakra the vibrations of the style can take on a discordant hum, burrowing into the enemy’s mind and preventing them from keeping their attention wholly on battle.JP: 4 (8) Echo Wave | Zankyōha Type: Taijutsu [Thundering Auroch Style | Weapon Technique; Odachi] Rank: Chuunin Cost: 150 Stamina Damage: 105 Effect: The target is ‘Stunned’ for one turn. Description: This technique uses dissonant sound waves to cripple the brain's ability to react, temporarily stunning the target on contact. JP: 5 Jonin Taijutsu Tempest Flash | Arashi Senkō Type: Taijutsu [Weapon Jutsu; Odachi | Thundering Auroch Style | Travel | Hachimon | Multi-Strike] Rank: Jonin Cost: 270 Stamina, 1 Thunder Charge Strike 1: 40 Damage, 'Exposed' for one turn. Strike 2: 340 Damage Effect: This technique is composed of two strikes; both strikes must target the same character. You may not use this technique unless ‘Seimon’ is active. This technique can be used twice per battle. When this technique is used, before modifiers are calculated and for one turn Celestial Gates do not boost Taijutsu or Evasion; any stat boosts from the Eight Gates to those stats are added to this character’s speed instead. For one turn after this technique's effects resolve, stat boosts provided by the Eight Gates are halved. When this technique is used during a travel thread, the user may reduce the required word-count by 50% (rounded up). Description: A delicate technique that demands great mastery over the body and the Eight Celestial Gates, the Tempest Flash is the fastest technique in Madoka’s arsenal. Focusing all of the power released by the Eight Gates into the legs for speed, the Tempest Flash appears as no more than a shining, screaming blur. Such is the incredible speed of this technique that it creates a pressure wave of compact air before the user, often surprising and unbalancing the target before the true attack even comes. Overuse of this technique is heavily damaging on the user's legs, necessitating a short recovery period after each use. This technique can also be held at a lesser intensity, vastly increasing travelling speed. JP: 9 Genin Ninjutsu Kamigami | Hair GodType: NinjutsuRank: GeninCost: x (up to 20) (x = a+b+c; a=1 if changing the texture, b=1 per inch grown or shrunk, c=1 per color added/changed to)Damage: N/AEffects: Changes the texture, length, and color of the user's hair. Adds 1 to the missing-nin modifier per 5 chakra spent.Description: A relatively simple technique in which the user charges their hair with chakra in order to mold it so as to better their disguises... or perhaps as a way to circumvent any need to spend their earnings on the trivial cosmetical pursuit of the perfect hair.JP: 1 Hybrid Jutsu Shunshin No Jutsu | Body Flicker Technique | 瞬身の術Type: Ninjutsu-Taijutsu [Void | Style-Less | Response | Evolving]Rank: ChūninCost: 75 Chakra; 75 StaminaEffect: This technique may only be used in the Response Phase and is done before any Dodge rolls. The user of this technique gains +20% to dodge during the Response Phase that this technique is used. This technique must be referenced in the dodge roll that it is affecting. This technique has a 10% chance to fail per rank of the unresolved attack when performed. This technique may be performed 2 times per battle.Description: One of the basic techniques taught to most students during their time at the academy. The Body Flicker Technique is considered an extremely versatile ability, and is one of the most widely used general shinobi skills. The jutsu itself is a high-speed movement ability that uses chakra to temporarily vitalize the body, allowing movement that is nearly untraceable to the naked eye. The user often disappears from the field of their opponent’s vision in a puff of smoke, as a means to further distract their path of escape. Though Shunshin has many applications, its most common use is in evading hazardous attacks.JP: 6 [Evolving 1; Shunshin no Jutsu]Jutsu learned from Jounins: None~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //Inventory//(12 Slots Used [40 Slots Total])--Armor:-Head: Hitai-ate -Neck: N/A -Body: Iwagakure Chuunin Vest Attributes: Chakra Resistance, Indestructible Stat Boosts: +40 Defense, +40 Evasion Other: +15 Item Slots -Waist: N/A -Forearms: Taijutsu Weights III -Hands: Striker Gloves Armour Type: Gloves Attributes: Indestructible, Elemental Resistance (Lightning), Elemental Defense (Lightning) Stat Boosts: +120 Taijutsu, +100 Evasion Silver Sigil of the Stormgods: +80 Accuracy, Magnetic Grip -Thighs: N/A -Calves: N/A -Feet: Lightning Greaves | 稲妻のすね当て | Inazuma no Suneate Armor Type: Greaves | Relic Gear Attributes: Unique, Indestructible Special Abilities: Strikes Twice: Whenever the User naturally dodges an attack, they gain one Lightning Counter. Lightning Counters may only be spent on ‘Evasive Maneuvers’ abilities. Evasive Maneuvers: Response Phase: User may spend up to three Lightning Counters as a free action before they Dodge to add +5 to your Dodge Roll per Counter spent. Set-Up Phase: The User may spend two Lightning Counter to gain 'Haste' for 1 turn. "Thunder is good, thunder is impressive; but it is lightning that does the work." Description: It's unknown how the sturdy, metal plates that make up this set of leg-armor has existed, though they appear to predate the founding of the Hidden Villages, and are remniscent of the style of the Warring States Era. Some place the leg armor back to even earlier points in history, but what is known is that the armor has always seemed to embue its wearer with unnatural quickness, almost as if they had lightning coursing through their veins. Those who wear the Lightning Greaves are often able to move faster, and with more agility than even the quickest foe. --Weapons:-Main Weapon: Kyōshinken | 共振剣 | Resonant Blade Type: Odachi Size: Large Level: 50 Special Effects: Resonance Description: One of Kyoshinken's unique properties it is incredible resilience, especially under the aegis of a properly trained wielder. The blade is so durable that in the throes of battle its intense vibration can provide a kind of sonic barrier, protecting it from crippling damage. Effect: When Kyoshinken would be destroyed by a 'Destroy Weapon' effect and its wielder has three or more Thunder Charges, the user may choose to negate the effect. If they choose to negate the effect, they are reduced to zero Thunder Charges. High-Frequency Cuts Description: One of the unique capabilities of Kyoshinken is it's tendency to vibrate while in use, especially when used in concert with certain techniques. This high frequency vibration turns any hit into a series of dozens of individual cuts, compromising any armour the target might be wearing and hammering through with comparatively little effort. Effect: When this is weapon is used as part of a [sound] attack, the target only applies 30% of defensive bonuses granted by items. Attributes: Indestructible, Sharpened Edge, Razor Edge, Pristine Edge, Link Formation, Inlaid Element [sound], Elemental Resonance [sound], Chakra Blade, Greater Affliction; [Exposed], Unique Description: An oversized katana comissioned by Nakayama Madoka upon her promotion to Genin and arrival in Iwagakure, Kyōshinken is a solid, durableblade made of the finest steel Iwagakure can mine. While its great weight and length demands that it be wielded in two hands, its single edge means that the bearer can rest the blade's back against their shoulder for ease of carrying. Honed to the finest edge possible and tempered to be virtually indestructible, Kyōshinken cost almost the entirety of Madoka's savings from her activities in Metropolis. It also incorporates a chain-link coil inside the weapon's grip, allowing the blade to be detatched and attack from range and retract at the wielder's command. Though functionally complete, the structure of the blade does allow for more future modifications (both mundane and esoteric) should the opportunity arise. -Sub Weapon: --Item Listing Items on Hand: Kyōshinken, Explosive Tag (Rank IV), 2 Blood Increasing Pills (Rank II), 2 Soldier Pills (Rank II), 1 Antidote, 1 Small Scroll (Kumo Bunshin no Jutsu), Temporary Medical Storage VesselItems in Vault: 3 Shuriken, 3 Kunai, 4 Senbon Needles, 2 Kite ShurikenMoney on Hand: $1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //Logs// Exp Earned: 19335Hitting the Town: $175, 400EXPTaking Flight: $120, 470EXPFrom a Certain Point of View: $150, 600EXPTar with the Same Brush: $120, 470EXPBreaking Out: 84EXPCascading Thunder: 42EXPWater you doing?: $175, 400EXPPugilist's Pulpit: 495EXPPens and Swords: $175, 400EXPNo Pain No Gain: 1815EXPToward the Stormy Horizon: $120, 470EXPOld Ghosts: $150, 600EXPRocking Out: $50, 200EXPThe Next Page: $175, 400EXPChanges Inside, Changes Outside: $120, 470EXPLost and Found: $75, 300EXPWaning Frost: $300, 1390EXPWarming Up: $50, 200EXPBirds of a Feather: $175, 400EXPSlummin': $250, 800EXPWiki Page Creation: $100, 550EXPThe Allure of the Night: $100, 500EXPKumogakure Chuunin Exams; Event 1: +2255 EXPKumogakure Chuunin Exams; Event 2: +3589 EXPKumogakure Chuunin Exams; Side Battles: +691 EXP Under the Mountain Shadow: +254 EXP Transaction Log:Creation - +$125One-Time Character Bundle: +$400 and 30JPPurchasing Kyōshinken: -$360Upgrading Kyoshinken, purchasing Kite Shuriken: -$203Purchasing Taijutsu Weights III: -$600Upgrading Kyōshinken: -$225Upgrading Kyōshinken: -$400Trade From Ippo Biju: Seikan'na Kishi no Kōra | 精悍な騎士の甲羅 | Carapace of the Dauntless Knight, +$1804Upgrading Kyoshinken: -$625Purchase For Ippo Biju: Upgrading Seikan'na Kishi no Kōra, -$1805Trade To Ippo Biju: Seikan'na Kishi no Kōra | 精悍な騎士の甲羅 | Carapace of the Dauntless KnightPurchasing Striker Gloves: -$445Other; Christmas Bonus 2015: +$50, Rank IV Explosive TagPurchase; Kyoshinken Level Upgrade and Medical Storage Vessel: -$275 Other; Thunder Token Trade-in: +$5 Purchase; Chuunin Vest Upgrade: -$25 Mission Log:Rank D: 10Rank C: 3Rank B: 0Rank A: 0Rank S: 0 Edited June 15, 2016 by Peregine
Peregine Posted July 15, 2015 Author Posted July 15, 2015 Still waiting for approval on this one, mates
Peregine Posted July 28, 2015 Author Posted July 28, 2015 Edited to include Standard Village Skill and Elemental Specialties.