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Inuzuka Manako

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Inuzuka Manako


  • Name: Inuzuka Manako
Birthplace: Konoha
Current Residence: Konoha
Age: 15
D.O.B.: Fall 2109
Sex: Male


  • Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 140 lbs.
    Hair Color: Brown
    Eye Color: Black
    Clothing: Manako's attire consists of black pants and sandals with a white, sleeveless shirt underneath an unzipped, short sleeve leather jacket with a brown fur collar, over an apparent piece of light leather armour.
    Physical Description: While clearly human, Manako has several physical traits more akin to animals. Like the rest of his clan, he has messy brown hair that reaches slightly past his shoulders, sharp black eyes with vertical slit-like pupils, pronounced canine teeth, and nails that he can change into claws. He also has the distinct red fang markings of the Inuzuka clan on his cheeks and prickly scruff that adorns his face no matter the time of day. Despite the wild blood that runs through his veins the young man always seems to look half awake, his eyes droopy all of the time.


  • Personality: Inuzuka Manako is the sort of unenthusiastic kid who likes to laze around all day and watch clouds. He prefers not to get involved in events that do not directly effect him, calling them "troublesome", and pretending to be busy to avoid responsibility. He also does not like dealing with people, deeming them, as he does most things, "troublesome". He is fully aware of this side of his personality but couldn't be bothered to deal with it.
    Likes: Dogs, Slacking Off, Sleeping, BBQ
    Dislikes: Work, Busy Bodies, Chatterboxes, Aggressive Women, Disloyalty


  • Allegiance: Konoha
    Relationships: ??
    History: ??

Edited by Anima
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Ninja Song

  • Death Bonus: None
    Rank: Genin
    Level: 1
    TXP: 0

  • Total Stat Points: 0/500
    [HP] 65
    [sTM] 60
    [CHK] 20
    [TAI] 80
    [DEF] 20
    [NIN] 20
    [GEN] 20
    [CON] 20
    [sPD] 75
    [ACC] 80
    [EVA] 40


  • Skill Points: 0/4

Inuzuka: Canine Dialect [-1]

Can communicate with any type of canine, and may have one 'Inuzuka Bred Canine' as their pet.

Inuzuka: Uncanny Smell Tracker [-3]

Immune to Blind, Impaired Eyesight & Impaired Hearing and terrain effects that negatively effect their Accuracy or Evasion unless they are under the effects of Impaired Smell.

Slow Learner [+2]

-10% EXP From Missions and Training. EXP given as holiday gifts or handed out from events by the staff is not included in this.

Edited by Anima
Posted (edited)



  • Jutsu Points: 0/4

Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique) [-0]

Type: Genjutsu

Rank: Academy Student

Cost: 10x

Effect: Adds +5x evasion and +5x accuracy for each clone. Once a clone is hit it is destroyed, and the bonuses with it. A bunshin is considered to have 0 evasion and rolls to dodge whenever it is targeted in the user's response phase. The value of x is the number of clones you have made. Maximum of 8 bunshin can be made.

Description: Creates an illusionary replica of the user. It is unable to attack or interact with other objects, but can serve as a good distraction.

Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique) [-0]

Type: Genjutsu

Rank: Academy Student

Cost: 5 Genjutsu

Effects: Change your appearance. A character 25+ levels above the one who uses this technique can see through it.

Description: Wrap chakra around your body to change your appearance. You take that physical form, but only to a certain extent, such as body shape and size. You cannot, for instance, turn your arm into a bow and start firing ammunition at an opponent.

Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Substitute Technique) [-0]

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Academy Student

Cost: 10

Damage: None

Effects: Evade the next attack aimed at you. Skip your main and setup phase this turn. You can only use this 1 time per battle. This technique cannot be used to dodge Ninjutsu, Taijutsu or Genjutsu Techniques.

Description: A lifesaver, and a must-have technique. With this technique, the user is able to swap their body with a nearby object, usually a log, which will take the full force of any incoming blows for them, while they retreat to safe ground or search for an opening.

Inuzuka Style: Beast Man Clone Combo (Jūjin Bunshin Rendan, 獣人分身連弾) [-4]

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Gennin (Inuzuka Clan)

Cost: 10 per every attack; six attacks must be used.

Damage: 13 per attack.

Effect: This is a multi hit jutsu, and must be used when the master and pet act on the same turn. The first strike is made by the master, and then the second by the pet. They alternate thereafter. Accuracy is calculated according to who the attack came from. For every successful hit, the next one gains a +2% bonus to its accuracy. Both the pet and master must know this technique, and pay for their own strikes. This jutsu consumes the main phase of both pet and master.

Description: A complex combo that is often used while both the user and their pet is in a transformed state. Typical use involves the master approaching from behind while the pet takes on a full-frontal assault, adding to the confusion already cause by their likeness. Through a combination of strikes by the pair, often alternating between pet and master, the target becomes trapped in a hell storm of teeth and claws; each strike merits one that is even more artfully placed.

Edited by Anima
Posted (edited)



Pet Bio

  • Name: Haiiromaru
    Class: Canine
    Size: Small
    Description: Similar to dogs given to young Inuzuka, Haiiromaru is a small pup with ashen gray fur that somewhat hangs down from his body while a darker gray highlights his long ears and legs. Black rings hang around the dogs droopy, beady eyes as if the creature has gone without sleep for a rather long period of time.
    Personality: Much like his master, Haiiromaru has little care for events that do not directly involve either Manako or himself. Despite his size, Haiiromaru seems to look down on those around him and will become especially callous when in the presence of another animal. When forced to act the dog becomes extremely aggressive as if angered by the call to action. While in such a foul mood only his Inuzuka master can calm him for it is only he whom he has any respect for. However the creature is easily bribed with treats and will forgo any ill tendency for the chance to fill his belly.

Pet Stats

  • Level: 1
    Total Stat Points: 0/240
    [HP] 55
    [sTM] 45
    [CHK] 0
    [TAI] 40
    [DEF] 0
    [NIN] 0
    [CON] 0
    [sPD] 40
    [ACC] 40
    [EVA] 20

Skill Points

  • Skill Points: 1/4

Inuzuka Pet: Uncanny Smell Tracker [-2]

Immune to Blind, Impaired Eyesight & Impaired Hearing and terrain effects that negatively effect their Accuracy or Evasion unless they are under the effects of Impaired Smell.

Inuzuka Pet: Pinpoint Hearing Sensory [-1]

Used at the beginning of battle, in regards to the first turn, speed is nulled. Instead, a Dx is used, where x = the number of opponents. If the result is a 1, then the taker of this skill goes first in battle, the result is any other number, then the turn order is determined as normal.

Sealed Genjutsu [+2]

Cannot use any Genjutsu techniques and may not have any skills (positive or hindering) that give negative effects towards Genjutsu abilities.

Jutsu Points

  • Jutsu Points: 0/8

Inuzuka Pet Style: Dynamic Marking (Dainamikku Mākingu, ダイナミックマーキング) [-2]

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Small+ (Inuzuka Clan)

Cost: 40

Effect: For the remainder of battle, the pet and the pet's master have a +3% chance to hit the target, if this jutsu hits. May be used once per battle per target by Small pets, twice by Medium, and three times by Large.

Description: It is widely known through the animal kingdom that urine is a commonly used tool, perfect for marking ones territory. Noting this, the Inuzuka clan adapted the natural process of the body for their own use: a weapon in combat. With practice, a pet may become incredibly accurate with their urine, able to hit targets while still in midair. the result is a beacon to the Inuzuka and their pet, for the scent of pee is unmistakable.

Inuzuka Pet Style: Piercing Fang (Tsūga, 通牙) [-2]

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Small+ (Inuzuka Clan)

Cost: 40

Damage: 30

Effect: If this is done with the pet's master simultaneously using Tsūga, on a turn in which they both attack, then the user (the pet) has a +3% chance for this attack to hit, inclusive of modifiers.

Description: Of course, an Inuzuka canine knows the clan staple! Utilizing their blood borne abilities, the canine will launch themselves into a tornado of tooth and claw, barreling into their target with the force of a large boulder.

Inuzuka Style: Beast Man Clone Combo (Jūjin Bunshin Rendan, 獣人分身連弾) [-4]

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Gennin (Inuzuka Clan)

Cost: 10 per every attack; six attacks must be used.

Damage: 13 per attack.

Effect: This is a multi hit jutsu, and must be used when the master and pet act on the same turn. The first strike is made by the master, and then the second by the pet. They alternate thereafter. Accuracy is calculated according to who the attack came from. For every successful hit, the next one gains a +2% bonus to its accuracy. Both the pet and master must know this technique, and pay for their own strikes. This jutsu consumes the main phase of both pet and master.

Description: A complex combo that is often used while both the user and their pet is in a transformed state. Typical use involves the master approaching from behind while the pet takes on a full-frontal assault, adding to the confusion already cause by their likeness. Through a combination of strikes by the pair, often alternating between pet and master, the target becomes trapped in a hell storm of teeth and claws; each strike merits one that is even more artfully placed.

Edited by Anima
Posted (edited)



  • Slot Total: 8/15
    [Head] Hitai-ate
    [Main Weapon]
    [sub Weapon]
    Item Listing:
    [On Hand] 3x Shuriken, 3 Kunai, & 4 Senbon
    [Money On Hand] $125
    [Money In Bank] $0

Edited by Anima
Posted (edited)



  • EXP Earned:
    [Character Creation; Creating a Character][
] 0 XP
Transaction Log:
[Character Creation; Creating a Character][] $125
Mission Log:
[Mission 0; Creating a Character][] 0 XP / $0
Rank D:
Rank C:
Rank B:
Rank A:
Rank S:

Edited by Anima

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