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K Mitsuhide

A Simple Survival Exercise

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So, today you will be facing off against a feared Gennin from none other than.... KONOHA! I know, exciting, right? His name is Kodomo Itashii, and here's a picture of him so we can skip any description stuff.


Alright. To begin:

"In the very first post of the actual battle you post all your stats except HP, Chakra, and Stamina. These are left out as they are kept secret from your opponent and are not necessary to do the math in the game."

So I will post my stats first. There is no need to post any skills until they become relevant to the battle. However, if you have a skill such as advanced regeneration, you may as well post that, since it is relevant for the entire battle. You also want to post any relevant equipment, as well.



(Taijutsu) 180
(Defense) 100 [+40]
(Ninjutsu) 200
(Genjutsu) 20
(Concentration) 0
(Speed) 300
(Accuracy) 300
(Evasion) 200 [+60]

[x] = Passive Equipment Bonus

{x} = Passive Skill Bonus




Metal Chest Protector

Effect: +40 Defense

Description: A simple metal-plated chest protector. The plates are made of a thin layer of steel, and threaded together simply.


Special Necklace

Effect: +60 Evasion

Description: A simple silver necklace given to Itashii by his mother to remind him how much he meant to her before she perished.


Other Items On Hand: 3 Shuriken, 3 Kunai, 4 Senbon Needles, and 2 WIndmill Shuriken.

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Kiyomizu Hayato

12 yrs old. Genin. Average physical build. Short, black, unstyled hair. Grey eyes. Pale skin. Wears black tactical vest, grey t-shirt, navy blue cargo shorts, shinobi sandals. Headband tied around left thigh. 

Ninjutsu: 200
Taijutsu: 100
Accuracy: 250
Concentration: 100
Evasion: 200 + [5]
Defense: 200 + [40]
Speed: 300 + [5]


Arm and leg guards – lightweight metal plates shaped to be worn around the limbs for extra protection.

High quality shoes – A variation on the standard shinobi sandals that uses better quality materials to give a ninja better traction in their feet, allowing them to run and turn slightly easier.

On hand:

4 Fuma Shuriken, 4 Kunai, 10 senbon. 


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*One quick note: When posting your equipment, you generally also put the passive stats that they give as a bonus. That way, everyone in the battle can actually see exactly what equipment does what.

The turn order, assuming that there are no changes in speed, will be as follows:
Player 2, whose turn order is 33, and which will be 66 after this turn (# 0).
Player 1, whose turn order is 33, and which will be 66 after this turn (# 1).
Player 2, whose turn order is 66, and which will be 99 after this turn (# 2).
Player 1, whose turn order is 66, and which will be 99 after this turn (# 3).
Player 2, whose turn order is 99, and which will be 132 after this turn (# 4).
Player 1, whose turn order is 99, and which will be 132 after this turn (# 5).
Player 2, whose turn order is 132, and which will be 165 after this turn (# 6).
Player 1, whose turn order is 132, and which will be 165 after this turn (# 7).
Player 2, whose turn order is 165, and which will be 198 after this turn (# 8).
Player 1, whose turn order is 165, and which will be 198 after this turn (# 9).
Player 2, whose turn order is 198, and which will be 231 after this turn (# 10).




"During your first turn you can do anything as long as it does not affect your opponent. The first turn is meant to simulate what you may have done going 'into' battle, a type of setting up period in which neither of you may attack the other."

So, the first turn is yours. You can use any techniques or pull out any items, or really anything unless it directly affects my character.

                            - Use Items (Medical stuff, scrolls, etc.)

                            - Pull Out/ Pick up a weapon or item.

                            - Set up armor, create clones.
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Hayato glanced his opponent over head to toe. Even if this guy was a genin, he certainly looked more than capable. Being unable to judge the full extent of Irashii's ability, he decided to start things out by setting the fight in his favor. Slapping together a few hand seals, Hayato executed the signature Jutsu of Kirigakure.


Hidden Mist Skill (Kirigakure no Jutsu)
Type: Ninjutsu [Kiri; Water]
Rank: Gennin 
Cost: 80 Chakra 
Damage: N/A  
Effect: Adds terrain effect 'Mist' to the battlefield for three turns. The user does not suffer the Mist terrain penalty while they keep this jutsu active. Terrain effect is doubled for those with an active Doujutsu.  
Description: A technique that uses moisture in the air to engulf the opponent in mist. This mist makes it harder for your opponent to see, which gives you more of a chance for a sucessful strike. 
Cost: 4


Loss tag: 74 chakra. 

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Itashii - Turn 1

Setup Phase

-10% Accuracy

New Accuracy: 270

Main Phase


Name: Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique)
Type: Genjutsu
Rank: Academy Student
Cost: 10x
Description: Creates an illusionary replica of the user. It is unable to attack or interact with other objects, but can serve as a good distraction.
Effect: Adds +5x evasion and +5x accuracy for each clone. Once a clone is hit it is destroyed, and the bonuses with it. A bunshin is considered to have 0 evasion and rolls to dodge whenever it is targeted in the user's response phase. The value of x is the number of clones you have made. Maximum of 8 bunshin can be made.


(Creating 8 Clones) (+40 Evasion and +40 Accuracy)

Inner Calm -5
Chakra-Based Techniques cost 5 less chakra (Minimum of 5 chakra must always be paid however).
Ranks: 5/10


Loss Tag

(HP: -0 | Chakra: -55 | Stamina: -0)

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Main Phase: 



Liquid Thorns (Sui Ibara)
Type: Ninjutsu [General; Water]
Rank: Gennin 
Cost: 4 Chakra for each thorn (5 max)  
Damage: 4 Damage for each thorn (5 max)  
Effect: Multi-hit jutsu. 
Description: An extremely simple technique, a Kiri nin will be able to manipulate water in the air into small spikes that are shot at the target. 
Cost: 1
5 thorns. 
-Inner calm (1 rank): jutsu cost 5 less chakra
-Shiva the destroyer: +20% base damage to ninjutsu
Loss tag: 14 chakra. +regen
(also, the other skills I forgot to select at the beginning: Chakra Barrier, Iron Skin, and Resistance Mastery [2 ranks]. Edited my first turn for Inner Calm [-5 chakra cost in the loss tag])
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*One more quick note: Always post the hit chance for the technique, as well as the total damage that it would cause.*


Liquid Thorns: 55% Hit Chance Each (60% [base] + 25% [Accuracy] - 30% [Evasion])

Liquid Thorns Damage: 5 Damage Each (4 [base] + 1 [shiva] + 2 [Nin] - 2 [Defense])


Itashii - Turn 2


Response Phase


Dodge Rolls: 92, 80, 93, 93, 14


4 Clones Are Destroyed (-20 Accuracy and - 20 Evasion)


1 Liquid Thorn Hits



Effect: Stunned for first turn after taking damage

Cost: +1


Loss Tag

(HP: -5 | Chakra: -0 | Stamina: -0) (+Regen)

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Main Phase: 



Liquid Thorns (Sui Ibara)
Type: Ninjutsu [General; Water]
Rank: Gennin 
Cost: 4 Chakra for each thorn (5 max)  
Damage: 4 Damage for each thorn (5 max)  
Effect: Multi-hit jutsu. 
Description: An extremely simple technique, a Kiri nin will be able to manipulate water in the air into small spikes that are shot at the target. 
Cost: 1
5 thorns. 
-Inner calm (1 rank): jutsu cost 5 less chakra
-Shiva the destroyer: +20% base damage to ninjutsu
Loss tag: 14 chakra. +regen

Liquid Thorns: 59% Hit Chance Each (60% [base] + 25% [Accuracy] - 28% [Evasion])

Liquid Thorns Damage: 5 Damage Each (4 [base] + 1 [shiva] + 2 [Nin] - 2 [Defense])


Loss tag: 14 chakra

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Itashii - Turn 3


Response Phase


Dodge Rolls: 71, 5, 91, 46, 71


3 Clones Are Destroyed (-15 Accuracy and - 15 Evasion)


2 Liquid Thorn Hits


Setup Phase


Draw 2 Kunai


Main Phase


Spinning Fang (Kaiten Kiba)
Type: Taijutsu [General]
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 33 Stamina
Damage: 30
Effect: Deals 5 'Bleed' damage per turn for 3 turns. Requires two kunai.
Description: Using a pair of kunai, the user proceeds to spin around the
opponent, shifting their footwork to roll their body around and past them.
Using the kunai to slice and puncture the enemy, leaving gashes that will bleed
Cost: 2


Steadfast Durability
Effect: Stamina-Based Techniques cost 5 less stamina (Minimum of 5 stamina must always be paid however).
Ranks: 5/10

Martial Artist [styleless]
Effect: Taijutsu techniques of the chosen style deal a bonus +10 damage (per rank). You may choose Effects: "Styleless" Taijutsu as your chosen style, which would include any taijutsu that does not fall under a specific type of fighting style. Basic Attacks deal a bonus +5 damage per strike (per rank).
Ranks: 10/10


Damage: 60 Damage (30 [base] + 45 [Tai] + 50 [Martial Artist] - 60 [Defense])

Chance to Hit: 67% Chance (60 [base] + 27 [Acc] - 20 [Eva])


Loss Tag

(HP: -10 | Chakra: -0 | Stamina: -8)

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Response Phase: 

Dodge roll: 19, hit


Set up phase: --


Main phase: throw 1 Fuma shuriken (drawing in set up not necessary as per main site rules, since it's classified as a small weapon for some reason)


Damage: 30 + 15 = 45 - 35 = 10

Hit chance: 60 + 25 = 75 - 26 = 49


Loss tag: 54 health, 1 stamina. +regen

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Itashii - Turn 4


Response Phase


Dodge Rolls: 86


Final Clone Destroyed (-5 Acc, -5 Eva)


Setup Phase




Main Phase


Damage: (70 [base] +
Chance to Hit: (60 [base] + 27 [Acc] - 20

Dragon Fire Skill (Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu)
Type: Ninjutsu [Konoha; Fire]
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 60 Chakra
Damage: 70
Effect: Target receives 8 additional 'Burn' damage for three posts after getting hit. The victim may spend a main phase tending to their burns to cure the burn effect. If this skill misses, the ninja who performed the technique must skip their next 'Main Phase' and 'Setup Phase.
Description: The user releases a huge maw of flame, as though channeling the fire from the very jaws of a dragon. After the fiery blast has subsided, the opponent is left with blistered flesh due to the intensity of the skill. The user must take time recovering from this technique, though the opponent must as well if they are caught in the flames.
Cost: 2 (4)
Inner Calm -5
Chakra-Based Techniques cost 5 less chakra (Minimum of 5 chakra must always be paid however).
Ranks: 5/10

Ninjutsu Mastery [Fire]
Effect: Ninjutsu of the chosen type of element will deal a bonus +10 damage (per rank). This bonus damage is considered part of the modifiers.
Ranks: 10/10


Damage: 144 Damage (70 [base] + 100 [Nin Mastery] + 50 [Nin] - 60 [Defense] = 160 * 0.9)
Chance to Hit: 67%

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Response phase

-Rolled 93, dodged


Set up phase - N/A


Main phase



-Name: Taser

Ninjutsu [General] [Lightning]

Rank: Genin

Cost: 70


Effect: Opponent is "stunned" for one turn.

Description: A thin bolt of lightning is fired from the hand, causing minor electrocution and muscle seizures that inhibit movement.

Cost: 4


-Shiva the destroyer: +20% base damage

-Subtle Elemtents Lightning: +8% chance to hit. 

-Inner calm


Damage: 20[base]+4[shiva]+10[Nin]-35[def]=1 (woohoo)

Hit chance: 60+25+8-26=57


Loss tag: 5 health, 64 chakra 

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Response phase: none


set up phase: none


Main Phase: 


Laser Pointer

Type: Ninjutsu [storm]
Rank: Genin
Cost: 20 chakra
Damage: 20
Effects: N/A
Description: The most basic of storm techniques, the user does a few hand seals and then aims two fingers at a target, firing a small beam of storm chakra to pierce enemies.
Cost: 1


-Shiva the Destroyer

-Inner Calm

-Combinatorial Elements: Storm = Storm Techniques have a 20% chance to apply "Metabolic Shock" on the target for that turn. May also apply one of the Subtle Element skills require to learn this skill. -Subtle Elements Lightnin = + 8% hit chance. 


Damage: 41

Hit chance: 57


Loss Tag: 5 Health, 14 chakra. + regen. 

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