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Full-metal Dragon

Konoha Nin
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  • Birthday 08/23/1990

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  1. I played DOTA for a while but I haven't been on that in a couple months. I'd invest in some good jazz if people wanted to get together for things though
  2. I recently got into this large market of gaming with a pretty slick rig I built. No lag with any settings on any games whatsoever. Wondering if there were any others around that played. Maybe want to get down on some games. I have Battlefield 4, Titanfall, and counter strike. I will prolly buy COD advanced warfare if they get designated servers, because the game is incredibly fun. Im also on xbox live still with a 360, and play many many games on there. Probably won't get a next gen system since my pc has way better graphics and it's free online for games. As well as pretty much every game coming out will also be for PC. But yeah anyways If anyone wants to play together lemme know
  3. I liked this chapter but have been thoroughly unhappy with this Naruto ending, and hope if they choose to do another season, which there just couldn't be anyone more powerful. I hope they go back to actual badass ninja fights. That being said, I would be even angrier if Kakashi becomes Hokage. Naruto bout one this shit on his own.
  4. No I don't care, doesn't make a difference what anything is named to me, There can be a "Giga Lightning" that's a water based puddle creator, i dont care, I was just showing you I guess, because Liike I said your is it;s own type
  5. I've created an Earth Golem already, although yours still may have it's own type of uniqueity. http://ninja-academy-online.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=27786&hl=
  6. You probably are wrong. The Reaper Death seal was something from the Uzumaki clan. Which is why they got the mask of the reaper from the Uzumaki clan, who specialised in seals. Like the one that is the Reaper death seal. I doubt the people that actually developed it never used it. @PN-Soul Kurama isn't from yu Yu Hakusho...... Kurama is a long time used name of demon foxes in Japanese lore. Just as Kurama -in- yu Yu Hakusho -was- the demon fox. Also It isn't as if there were two Kyuubis after he did what he did. Just only taking and sealing the Kyuubi while not sealing his evil darker chakras because he says it's not possible. See chapter 503 if you want a reference point. He says it would just be impossible to seal the whole Kyuubi away which was his reason for sealing it in Naruto. Taking the darker harsher chakras into himself to protect his son. He wouldn't be a jinchuriki, if anything he'd be less then the golden brothers from cloud, or at the current level of the shinobi allience who has all been given a break off of the Kyuubi's chakra. But also I doubt he'd be trying his hardest in order to give Naruto a massive amount of darker Kyuubi chakra, when he just got control of it because of being able to be at peace and at a full happy state. And your theory Zerofate doesn't hold up. {{When Naruto almost turned into the full form of it when fighting pain, that's because it was actively trying to use his body as a medium to gain its freedom from the seal, and had access to Naruto's Yin chakra while doing so. Now that they're friends, the Kyubi isn't trying to take over his body anymore, so it manifests using its own power. Since it's only got half of its total chakra to work with at the moment, it can only half form, so to speak. I'm willing to bet that if Minato actually does go and give the Kyubi's Yang chakra back, then it'll take on the full form. }} And you guys shouldn't be so held up on this "Half Chakra" thing, I doubt that Kurama is at half strength. He was going to change into the Kyuubi. It was because they were working together. Naruto and him were mixing chakras. But Now Naruto is in full control, having control over the seal and everything. Hence it covering his body whenever he uses it along with it covering the chakra-Kyuubi when he appears. What I'm saying is, it seems like that's not as strong as what the eight tails does with his full transformation. And the point of the training was said to be to control the chakra and be able to do all of those partial transformations Bee could. Their chakra is melding together, as he's told repeatedly not to sit in the mode that does so because he could die. And After all of the times of seeing the full Kyuubi almost appear in shippuuden before the training, it's unwarranted to see it as an "incomplete" or "incapable" kyuubi. Naruto just resealed the kyuubi after he finished that training. Where Jiraiya weakened the seal which allowed all of those blood transformations.
  7. For those of you that do some leisure reading, I want to make a suggestion area. Recently I've read a couple of books I wanted to recommend to others. First off I got into the tv series Game of Thrones pretty late coming in right before the start of the second season of it. But I've also read all of the books that are out since then. There's one or two left still but it is by far a great read with excellent fantasy story telling. Very much recommending it to any and everyone, as it has a huge array of different characters and different genres to cling to in order to love it entirely. Second I've just started these but so far they are very very interesting. They are the "books of Amber" It is a ten book series, although I have it in one large bible size print book. It's a fantasy world where the family within is able to control shadows and create in the world with them, "moving through the shadows" through alternate universes so to speak. They essentially say it's alternate universes and that's how theyre able to build what they want and go where they want in their own world through space and time. But at the same time it's still around the same World. It's semi confusing but if you were reading it, you'd get it. It;s great over all and If you like Game of Thrones you'd love this, as its around a family of 16 boys and nine girls who are all immortal in the Greek God sense as they can be killed but they'd live young forever if never murdered. And Alot of them are dead or missing when the story starts, and there's a huge plot that beautifully unfolds and the family is all extremely cunning and no one trusts each other but they all are in each others' presence all the time so theres a ton of groovy One mind against another like Death Note, since they are all thousands of years old and have huge arrays of fighting skills and tactical minds. Great read, Im at book 5 now and have a very hard time putting the book down. If anyone else has suggestions, please share!!!
  8. I doubt that those four were the only ones every sealed in the things' stomach guys. That would make that dumb as all hell anyway. So I doubt that he did such a thing, he probably was just able to choose what he released from it. The real question is, why hasn't Naruto changed into the actual nine tails?? why is he only this chakra version of nine tails?? He almost changed into the full nine tails, now that they are working together what's the deal? It should be just like the Eight tail's deal But everything he's been doing has been partial transformations with chakra..... WHY?!?!?!
  9. Well the chakra flow skill grants you 10% chakra regen a turn in battle. This will turn that skill off and push 5% instead of ten into the seal, and giving the character no regen. And I can see how 10,000 is a lot of chakra but again it's a one shot thing. And Tsunade's is probably even in that area, considering Healing jutsu have the largest chakra costs in the narutoverse and it's used to instantly heal her wound so quickly that unless her head is knocked off she "can't be killed in battle". Also I posted that high of a number so that it wouldn't be used that much. Considering they are only available once they've been near maxed.
  10. I've edited it. And it makes absolute since to use in battle as is. Asking someone who has 10000 chakra which is pretty damn high, 500 words to get 5% of that chakra is only filling 500 chakra at a time. you'd need 10000 words just to fill it with 10,000 chakra. Which would be insane to have in the first place, and you probably wouldn't need anything like this. My chakra at 800 currently would charge 40 chakra every 500 words in your system, meaning my first time being able to use it would be in the range of 50,000 words. So essentially you'd be paying for something you'd never ever use, and once you did, I'm sure you wouldn't want to have to do it again. It's just storing less chakra than you would already gain having chakra regeneration.
  11. Sorry about that it was a first draft, and I was unsure if it would be going places at all so I was going to make sure it was an acceptable piece before I went for an elaborate description. I want it to be an added chakra amount to the chakra stat Gaining the chakra in battle, makes since because you recharge your chakra when you have a chakra regeneration skill. I could make it specific so that it will only recharge if you have that skill which would obviously be better. The whole reason I see a reason to suspend chakra regeneration, was because of the chakra you gain in battle with the skill. and with rules like 500 words for 5% of chakra, in order to fill it to the 10,000 max it would take many many many trainings, missions, storylines, all sorts of things unless someone had a huge amount of chakra in the first place. I don't see this as a skill that is necessarily needed to have a once in a forever use. After all it is a one battle or rp thing before completely resetting.
  12. Name: Chakra Sealing Lvl 1 Description: This seal was created as an outsider's mimic of what the fifth Hokage used to store chakra in her forehead. It is something that uses and traps all of the body's regenerative chakra past what the chakra pool allows. Tricking the system into thinking there's more to fill and sending that extra towards the seal. Effects: Nulls all chakra regeneration. For every 100 words the user's seal will gain another 5% of user's current chakra. As well as every turn in battle the seal gains 5% of current chakra. At level 80 the user will be allowed half of the chakra regeneration that they've payed skill points for. Max collectible chakra in the seal is 10,000. The added Chakra will play as the current user's chakra pool, without stacking upon user's current chakra. Once max is reached the regeneration skills can also be used again at 50% original skill regeneration. The seal once release will be set to zero after use. Whether it be after a battle or mission. The seal can only be used once it has been filled past 8,000 chakra User Must keep track of chakra intake on character sheet, with links and descriptions of amounts. The user can use this to summon freely their summon beast, paying double the cost in chakra. Must have the skill "Chakra Flow" cost: -2 Name: Chakra Sealing Lvl 2 Description: Used mostly by Sennin Lvl Ninja this is a huge upgrade from the first seal, causing far more work to fill the chakra in the pool. It is as much as a help as it is a hindrance. But was created in order to use far more destructive techniques than normal. And techniques that are far above the level of normal ninjutsu. Effects. Stores an amount of 30,000 chakra max, Adds 5% current Chakra for every 200 words After use all chakra in the pull is nulled You are able to use techniques one level above your own. Able to freely summon as long as twice the chakra cost is paid. The added Chakra will play as the current user's chakra pool, without stacking upon user's current chakra. User Must keep track of chakra intake on character sheet, with links and descriptions of amounts. Can only Activate when the seal has gained at least 25,000 chakra Restreictions: Must have had Chakra Sealing Lvl 1 for 50 Lvls or be level 80. Must have Released Chakra sealing level 1 four times. There are no levels where the chakra costs are nulled. and there is no chakra regeneration skills that may be active once taking the skill. Cost: -1 Evolving
  13. Lol truly. I essentially wanted to only use these in RP and never really on a PC. Maybe like once tops but I thought these would be some neat techniques to use in rp
  14. So I wanted to create a couple of Jutsu, I don't really understand the mechanics of a sealing technique so I was hoping I could have some help on that. But the first tech I wanted to manufacture is a sealing technique that seals all memories. Essentially labotomizing the victim. and the second It's kind of a sealing, kind of a time space. I want it to be a summoned door you can bring and toss your opponent into that transports them to a different dimension inside of a cell type thing. Except it's just the cell made of shadow essentially. Think Kingdom hearts. But they wouldn't be in our space anymore. Obviously theyre going to be forbidden, but I just want to know kind of anyone's thoughts and if these are even make-able in our system.
  15. Almost all of the first season stuff doesn't mold well with shippuden. Shippuden was like an excuse to go from one thing to another. Kind of like if someone skipped from dragon all and went straight to GT. which made just as little sense to the prior series. Kishi just isn't consistent at all and I only pay attention now because I put like 13 years of my life into it
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