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Konoha Nin
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About DragonKing

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  • Birthday 05/23/1990

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    pulling a fast one on your dad, doing your mom!!!!

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  1. I think he was giving away something with this answer: Who could possibly be stronger that's living that we've seen??? Only Madara or Pein as far as I've seen ,and Pein wasn't even that powerful. And Minato is stronger than Rikudou, which is pretty powerful so I really can't wait for Kishi to tell us about Minato's life.
  2. Naruto is going to have to annihilate Sasuke, just as Jiraiya was going to have to beat Orochimaru. Raikage will most likely fight Hawk and Madara. I think Sasuke's mindset is more than likely unstable at best. He is making no sense with his decisions. I can understand wanting to kill the higher ups, but to want to kill everyone who believes in the will of fire is outrageous. Also if you guys haven't already read the interviews from Kishimoto. THis year he said was going to be Sasuke's year. No real Naruto, and he said Kakashi was going to hav a big part before the year is over, and he would face something big.
  3. Yeah but Eechi said something I thought needed to be addressed that wasn't.
  4. DragonKing


    Yeah there was a huge LHC party at a frat house yesterday. I'm hung over as well. It was crazy how many kegs there were.
  5. DragonKing


    College no one has even talked about it at all.
  6. DragonKing


    at ur school???? Or just for Kicks
  7. DragonKing


    http://www.uslhc.us/What_is_the_LHC for you Meal and wouldn't it be awesome if the "destruction" if it has any, gives super powers????? EDIT: If you think about it, after watching so many animes. This is one of those things it sounds like, that scientists do, and it ruins things all over the planet. Causing chaos until the main character sets things straight. If that were to happen I'd be on the casualty list, because I'm far from a main character.
  8. DragonKing


    Meteors aint shit. We'll just shoot a team of trained in a week drillers to to leave a big fart in the center and blow it away from Earth. If that doesn't work, we'll use the power of 30 hydrogen bombs. 1CNrHk. CHUCK NORRIS ROUND HOUSE KICK!!!!!!!! as long as we have chuck norris it's like having God watching the planet.
  9. DragonKing


    Warr I bet you that you couldn't guess one secret that will come true. The real secret is that Naruto won't even become Hokage. In fact he'll die, by Pein's hand, and Kishi will realize he named the series wrong, because Sasuke will then take over and be hokage, and he'll mary Ino. 0_o But in all seriousness. Why even go through with this thing. I just read up on it. I know by all calculations it shouldn't work as a super earth annihilator, but one part I read said that even if it were, it wouldn't effect us in a decent time to be worried. Meaning to the scientists. Why should we care if we will disintegrate the planet in 300 years, We'll be lonngggg dead.
  10. DragonKing


    ohhh come on... we all were thinking it.
  11. DragonKing


    The world better not effin end before I am told all secrets of naruto.
  12. Not gonna lie, and without concerning myself with rudenesses, I at first had a hard time figuring out the gender. Has a face like Toby Mcguire. I think it was the wig throwing a curve ball.
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