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Mr. Kitty

Kumo Nin
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Everything posted by Mr. Kitty

  1. Mr. Kitty


    "I'm not wearing underpants today" - Strike Witches.
  2. -shrug- and No. F.ucking magnets, HOW DO THEY WORK?!
  3. Some kind of chokable toy JUST for the little kiddies. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do more like?
  4. I don't know. I forgot what I typed in typed in that one post with Israfael. What the hell is the filter for "fornication under the consent of azure"?
  5. Mr. Kitty


    Just as a warning, when you DO go to art school, you'll have to forget everything you've ever learned on your own, anyway. Your first year is basically, "fornication under the consent of azure whatever you've learned on your own. We're going to re-teach you like you've never held a pencil/pen/charcoal." And if you're going to the right school, you'll feel like you never have.
  6. Mr. Kitty


    Have you checked out Matessi? He DEFINITELY has a personal style, but it might be a fun artist study. He has great lines and beautiful curves when he draws his anatomy. http://forceddesign.blogspot.com/ Edit: Also, are you thinking of going to art school or are you thinking of taking art courses in college?
  7. Mr. Kitty


    Actually, personal style can get in the way of your accuracy. I started with drawing anime-style pictures, now I can't get the anatomy of the face quite right. It's better to learn how to draw the right way and THEN develop your own style. That way, you can get things anatomically correct first. Also, check this out: fc07.deviantart.net/fs38/f/2008/327/0/0/How_to_draw_all_sorts_of_crap_by_Coelasquid.jpg
  8. Mr. Kitty


    Not bad. The coloring's done pretty decently. You should consider taking a life drawing class. Learning to gesture draw was one of the best things that could've happened to my art career.
  9. Mr. Kitty


    'kay. Will start now and scan later.
  10. Mr. Kitty


    I'll draw something for you. Preferably if it isn't a ninja, but if you insist. Also, don't give me a description that is longer than holy hell. I'm doing this to escape school, I don't want to read another homework assignment.
  11. I'm in, but only during the summer. That one play test he did took super long and I don't have time for it during school.
  12. Mr. Kitty


    Post on it. http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?g...0125&ref=mf
  13. This is that thing that Tony's been working on, right?
  14. Me. Why is my laptop as useful as brick and who's going to pay for this? >:|
  16. I'd love to see it. When are we all going to get drunk together?
  17. Sure. I have some. What was I like when I'm drunk?
  18. Game Stop had an early release today. I got my copy of SoulSilver.
  19. Dude, Mechazawa all the freaking way.
  20. More than you'd think. Why is Dr. Horrible so relate-able as a villain?
  21. Neither. The one that won. The... ones from that Spanish-speaking country. Peru? Puerto Rico? Somewhere. Why am I painting even though I'm on break?
  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Apparently, you've gone somehwere. I was wondering why I haven't been getting random messages to random NA techs or whatever recently.
  23. He didn't MAKE it. He just created the stats system, the homepage, the forums, and got 50% of the members. What the fuck is Blueprint Cru and Poreotix? (And don't tell me to google that shit. It's YOUR job, person below me.)
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