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Kumo Nin
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Everything posted by Kassiel

  1. Heyla guys! I'm surprised that I still have an account here. I was just popping in to see how everyone's been doing. I won't really be jumping into the RP, because I dunno if I'll be sticking around too long. But yeah, howdy!
  2. Damn, been awhile since I've posted anything anywhere on this site. Not since before AX, I think. Speaking of which, noone decided to tell me when or where they were going to be. Bastards Anyways: I made a few new signatures. I've been practicing, and I think I've gotten a decent bit better. C&C?
  3. zOMG, 3:00 AM. o.Oo.O
  4. Love is the best, worst, and possibly most terrifying thing in the world. I don't know why we do it. Who cares? Why do I give a damn anymore anyways? I mean, hasn't it always been this way? Haven't I always been full of questions that I have no answer for? Haven't I always been filled with a burning unquenchable desire to just simply know WHY all this crap happens? Who AM I? What's my purpose? Why isn't the meaning of life REALLY 42?
  5. You would end up with a lot of melted metal? Why is it that I can no longer seem to draw to save my life?
  6. Kassiel

    Hey Everyone

    As everyone else has said, welcome welcome. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an AIM or a PM, but as Blue said, its strongly advised that you go instead to a GM, Mod, or Admin. Oh and I forgot to tell you. Congratulations, you're now addicted. You will never be able to leave. At least not entirely.
  7. Kassiel

    Ax 2010

    Yeah, but I don't think I'm going each day. I just don't have enough money, unfortunately. Maybe when I go we can meet up so I can be like "Dude I know that dude!" haha.
  8. Kassiel

    Ax 2010

    Haha, I live in Cali, the expo's only like an hour away. I went my sophomore year, and it was pretty epic, and I can't wait for this year's.
  9. Kassiel


    Samurai 7 Rise Against - Collapse (Post Amerika)
  10. Kassiel

    Ax 2010

    I am most definitely going, and as far as I know, unless any retarded obstacles pop up, I'll be cosplaying as Sasori. I don't think i'm staying in L.A. for the night though. If anyone else from NA is coming they should totally tell me. I'd love to meet you guys.
  11. I'm assuming you meant to say 'tongue' rather than "tong." And I would guess that either A: you have an abnormal amount of pain receptors, which would lead me to make jokes about bloodline limits, or you bit it in your sleep, or injured it in another number of ways. I wouldn't be able to say. Why must the good die young??!!
  12. Because people being tazed is FAR more amusing than people being saved from burning buildings. What if I want more than the pale facsimile of fulfillment brought by a parade of ever-fancier toys? To spend my life restlessly producing rather than sedately consuming? Is there an app for that?
  13. Because god hates you. Why in the hell did I agree to go to prom tonight?
  14. Kassiel

    The Game

    Haha, I know all about the grace period. It's my best friend. All my other friends have been voraciously attempting to make as many people lost as possible. All year. Gah.
  15. Kassiel

    The Game

    You dirty whore wonderful human being. That's the fourth time I've lost today.
  16. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781 64062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317 25359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975 66593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821 33936072602491412737245870066063155881748815209209628292540917153643678 92590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609 times. Why is it that whenever I come back to NA and am in the mood to write I can never seem to get anything done?
  17. Kassiel

    Photo Exchange

    So, It's been quite some time since I posted a picture of myself here. Figured I'm overdue lol. This is actually from way back at christmas-time, 'cause I almost never take pictures of myself. Me, my sister, cousin, and uncle. I'm on the right in white and blue.
  18. Kassiel


    Name: Alexander Robert Nadon Age: 18 Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA Grade: College Job: None, currently. New to NA?: Considering that this is like my fourth introduction post, I'd say not. I'm not sure why I keep doing this haha. Have you role played before?: Yes, actually. If so for how long?: Quite some time. Since I was like 11 haha. Where at (site, card shop, mom's basement)?: Here, and several other roleplaying sites. What kind of role play was it?: I've done just about everything really. Favorite Type of Music: Alternative, for the most part, but I'll listen to almost anything you put in front of me. Favorite Band(s): Rise Against, Muse, Fall Out Boy, La Roux, Paramore Favorite Song(s): Rise Against - The Good Left Undone, Muse - Uprising, Fall Out Boy - I've got all This Ringing in my Ears and None on my Fingers, La Roux - Quicksand, Paramore - Looking Up Favorite Type of Game: MMOFPS, for sure. Favorite Game(s): Counterstrike: Source, Call of Duty Modern Warfare II, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Soldierfront, NA , and bunches of other games. Favorite System(s): PS1, PS2, PS3, Nintendo DS, Xbox, Xbox 360, PC, N64, Super Nintendo. Overall Personality: My personality... That varies on my mood, and I'm a rather moody person. I'm generally friendly, but I act rather immature sometimes, so watch for that. I tend to come off as a little retarded, and I am a little retarded, but in a good way, so hopefully people will put up with that. BF//GF: Yes, I do have a lovely girl, but you all chances are will find very little mention of her and most likely will never meet her/see her. Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Roleplaying, Listening to music, Counterstrike, Shooting, and Martial Arts. Favorite Food(s): Sushi, Corned Beef & Cabbage, Pot Roast, Potatoes [of any variety], Pizza, and Cheeseburgers. Favorite Color(s): Top three in order: Green, Black, Blue. Favorite Animal(s): Wolves, all the way. As generic as it is, I feel a connection to them, and am rather wolfish in nature as it is. [A good example of this is that I can generally recognize people by their scent, which freaks people out sometimes. Haha] Favorite Word(s): Anti-disestablishmentarianism. Just because it's stupidly long, and I can spell it. Favorite Phrase(s): "That's not the point.", "That's unfortunate.", and "In the face. With lazers." Favorite Books(s): Ok, that question is entirely unfair. That's like asking me to pick a favorite child. Valiant, by Holly Black. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carrol. Otherland, War of the Flowers, Both by Tad Williams. Favorite Article of Clothing(s): Blue Jeans How long have you been reading/watching Naruto?: Quite awhile. Who is your favorite character?: Haku/Sasori. Both of whom are dead. /wrists. Watch any other anime? If so which ones?: Several, although I need a new one. Bleach, which I'm finally caught up with. I finished Code Geass, Samurai 7, Yu Yu Hakusho, Fate/Stay Night, Trigun, and Death Note, and D.gray man. I started reading Blood+ and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, but I haven't been all that consistent with them. Anything else you would like us to know?:My posting ability really depends on my mood, and as I explained earlier I'm a rather moody person, so I apologize in advance for any lengthy break in posting. It will most likely be cause by excessive emo-ness/angst, which I will prolly have no reason for. I'll get over myself eventually and come back though, so patience with me, please.
  19. Because they're all too afraid of what they'll find when they look there. Does me liking pink make me any less masculine?
  20. Definitely Rise Against. Why do I keep losing the game?
  21. Right, so, I've just finished [for the most part] going through a rough patch. I'm here for awhile again, and I will be posting whenever my muse decides to not be kicking me in the face.
  22. So, I apologize for my inactivity, I was moving BACK to cali, and as a result had no computer. I'm kinda busy lately, and I'll do my best to keep active, but I make no promises.
  23. Kassiel

    24 +/-5

    Response Phase: --- Setup Phase: Tsume thought heavily about what his next course of action, seeming to freeze in place for several moments, weighing all the options. Main Phase: "While it may be unwise to divulge this information to an opponent, my name is Awaiken, Tsume. I am a chuunin from Kumogakure no Sato." the man proclaimed as his body sunk into his fighting stance. His left foot was in front, pointed towards his opponent, and his right foot behind, perpendicular. His hands were up at the ready, although open, loose. They weren't clenched into fists. Tsume had found that in his years of using ninjutsu that he hardly ever physically struck an opponent. "You carry no markings of any village. You are wearing an N.C.I.A gennin vest. This points to the fact that you don't belong here. You are either an operative from another village, or you are a missing nin. I apologize for whatever inconvenience it may cause you, but I have to capture you and bring you to the Raikage." The shinobia brought his hands up, and curled them slightly, as if he were cupping a large sphere in each. Tsume then rushed forward, aiming to hit the other man with his newly developed technique. The premise being to disorient and distract the opponent long enough to hit them with a stronger move. He thrust his palm at the other man's face, hoping to catch him within the magnetic field. Then two turns of Headache Description: In the sinus bones of a healthy human being there are minute deposits of Ferric Iron. The user of this jutsu moves forward and must position their hand close to the oponent's head, this is generally done with the palm open, so as to provide a better radius of effect. The user then creates an intense magnetic field in their hand, and expands it so that it catches the Iron in the bones. They then tear their hand back, jerking the oponent forward by their sinus bones, causing an incredible amount of pain and very often fracturing the bones themselves. The amount of pain involved causes an involuntary watering of the eyes, impairing eyesight. Even after they can see though, the pain lingers on, making it hard to focus on the battle. Points: 3 60% Base + 36% Accuracy - 44% Evasion = 52% Chance to hit 50 Base*1.2 Shiva The Destroyer + 110 Ninjutsu - 40 Defense = 130 Damage Loss Tag [-0 HP | -82 Chakra | -0 Stam] (Loss) [+0 HP | +0 Chakra | +0 Stam] (Regen) [-0 HP | -82 Chakra | -0 Stam] (Turn Total) Speed Percentile: 100 Turn Order: 100 OOC: I believe I did that right, correct me if I'm wrong.
  24. Bump This shouldn't bee too horribly hard to do guys, it's just my old clan sheet with some corrections made and the techs posted.
  25. Kassiel

    24 +/-5

    The chuunin continued to walk steadily, dropping his pace ever so slightly, becoming aware that something was out of place. He listened intently for anything that might be a sign of danger or trouble. Rocks skittering down the hillside, the trickle of running water, the rustling of leaves on a calm day. Through his years of training in these mountains he learned that it was wise to always be alert, because one never knew what might be behind the next cluster of rocks, or in the branches of nearby trees. And then the tell-tale sign Tsume had been looking for: One loose stone rolled down the slope to his left, clicking and clattering all the way down. His head jolted up to see a man, wearing a gennin vest, left over from the NCIA war. "You do know those things are outdated, right?" he shouted up to the man, "What are you doing out here wearing that?"
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