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Suna Clans

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What this topic is for:

This topic is to help everyone learn more about their village's available clans. It is designed to give you easy access to the already approved clans. Here you can also receive a few tips on how to choose a clan that is best for you.

What to look for in a clan:

There are many clans out there. There are also many perks to them as well as disadvantages. Try to pick something you know you would have fun role-playing. Remember, most clans have specific jutsu, skills, and sometimes items or summons, which are specific to them and no one else. Some clans even have bloodlines, which can provide and interesting twist to your character.

There are a lot of clans out there, try to steer clear of the legendary ones(Example: Uchiha or Hyuuga) until you are a well-known player, you probably won't be accepted otherwise. Also pay close attention to the clan capacity. Some clan have a certain number of possible participants, if a clan is full you will be denied entry.

Clan Role-play advantages and disadvantages:

Role-playing within a clan can be rather fun and unique depending on how many people are in the clan. When you and another player share the same clan, you become family. It would be like having a partner and someone you can role-play with regularly, simply because your characters know each other. This is helpful when looking for training, mission help, or even something to pass the time.

Sometimes role-playing in a clan can be confining. When in a clan, you must follow the clan's perspective. In other words, if the clan is affiliated with Ncia then your character should also be. If clan members usually are aggressive and cold, your character should be as well. When deciding which clan you want, be sure to read the clan history to find out this information.

Contacting the Clan head:

The clan head is usually the person who posted the clan sheet unless otherwise stated. To enter a clan you must PM the clan head for approval. If the Clan head has been inactive for a while sometimes they will hand over leader status to someone else. If the clan head has not done so, you should assume the clan is closed and pick another.

Your village's approved clans:

Suna Clans

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