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Seiton Series: Sennin 001

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Name: Seiton: Ōzora Hakai | 大空破壊 | Rust Release: Firmament Destruction

Type: Ninjutsu [Seiton Hijutsu | Rust | Acid]

Rank: Sennin

Cost: 673

Damage: 500

Effects: The target suffers from ‘Corrosion: 200’ and Exposed for one turn, Scorched and Exhausted for two turns.

Description: The Seiton practitioner forms the hand seals and infuses their chakra with the elements of rust and acid. They target all the oxygen and moisture in the air around their opponent and convert it to a caustic environment. As the chemical starts to corrodes their items and weapons slowly, it also acts to wither the flesh that is open and connected to those items.

Points: 11




Corrosion: [200 x 1.2] x .67 = 161



You take +15% total damage from all physical attacks. Shares stacks with 'Bruised'.

Max Duration: 4 turns

Cost Points: 30/turn



Whenever you spend Stamina or Chakra, you must spend an additional 20%. Shares stacks with 'Tired'.

Max Duration: 3 turns

Cost Points: 40/turn



Your total Defense is reduced by 50%.

Max Duration: 1 turn

Cost Points: 40/turn





Name: Seiton: Ishuku no akuma wa | 萎縮の悪魔環 | Rust Release: Demonic Ring of Atrophy

Type: Ninjutsu [Seiton Hijutsu | Rust | Dust]

Rank: Sennin

Cost: 663

Damage: 200

Effects: The target suffers from ‘Corrosion: 500’ and Exposed for one turn, Impaired Eyesight and Impaired Hearing for three turns.

Description:  The Seiton practitioner forms the hand seals and slams their hands into the ground, sending up geysers of loose earth particles into the air while infusing them with the element of rust. The dispersed dust particles voyage towards their target and surround them in a ring of fast flowing dust particles which tears and withers the soft tissue, open flesh, and their gear.

Points: 11





Corrosion: 500 x 1.2 x .67 =  402


Impaired Eyesight

Your total Accuracy is reduced by 10%. Any ability you use that specifically makes use of the sight must pay twice the cost to use it. If the ability does not have a cost, you may not use it. Shares stacks with 'Blind'.

Max Duration: 3 turns

Cost Points: 15/turn


Impaired Hearing

You subtract 5 from all dodge rolls you make. Any ability you use that specifically makes use of hearing must pay twice the cost to use it. If the ability does not have a cost, you may not use it. Shares stacks with 'Deafened'.

Max Duration: 3 turns

Cost Points: 15/turn



Your total Defense is reduced by 50%.

Max Duration: 1 turn

Cost Points: 40/turn



Edited by tygerin
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Firmament: I've got the cost coming to 673.3

Damage: 500 * (2/3) = 333.3

Corrosion: 200 * 1.2 * (2/3) = 160

Scorched 2: 60

Exhausted 2: 80

Exposed: 40

Total: 673.3


Atrophy: Likewise, the cost is off (sorry about your demonic tech and 666 cost)

Corrosion: 500 * 1.2 * (2/3) = 400

Damage: 200 * (2/3) = 133.3

Exposed: 40

Impaired Eyesight 3: 45

Impaired Hearing 3: 45

Total: 663.3


Can you please specify costs in chakra, thank you!

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