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Kaji Ryu (Smithing Dragons)

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Clan Name: Kaji Ryu (Smithing Dragons)

Clan Village: Iwagakure no Sato

Clan Starter: Kaji Ryu

Clan Head: Doragonburedo

Clan Age and Status: It is a very old clan and typical well respected in the community. They are trying to rebuild the numbers.

Clan Bloodline: None

Clan Element: Steel

Clan Emblem: clan20symbol_zpsqkbvdipg.jpg


Clan Info: The Kaji Ryu is a rather old clan dating back 1500 years or so, back when war and strife was everywhere. They have always been in the earth country area even before it was called that. However with this said most of their written history has been destroyed in the last 16 years due to the Akatsuki organization and the Kumogakure Empire invading and controlling the earth country for part of those years. Most history that is passed on now comes from those members that are still alive and wish to pass on the history to younger generations. What is commonly passed on though is how there clan began as just simple smiths and warriors until a contract was made with the Hafudoragon Summoning Family. With their aid they had become renowned smiths and warriors, and took on the name Kaji Ryu( Smithing Dragons). From this point on the clan provided whatever was needed to protect their village as well as their surrounded allies.

Kaji Ryu developed their own hierarchy system for their clan members based off of their strengths and the honor. The clan head takes on the Title Tan’ya-shi (Master Smithing Dragon) and handles all aspect of clan relations, production, and training of the warriors. The clan itself has never been exceedingly large in numbers but they have always been exquisite at what they pursue. The clan members all used taijutsu style combat with a sword based weapon all based on the preference of the member. Young clan members would choose their favored weapon style and devout themselves to the mastery of it. They also follow the Bushido code which they call honor code.

Unfortunately due to the actions of the Akatsuki and Kumogakure Empire almost the entire clan was wiped out leaving only two survivors. The old man Doragonburedo became the new clan head by default because he was the only full fledge clan member left alive, Fortunately he was also the keeper of the skills, techniques, and more importantly the only survivor of the blood contract to the Hafudoragon. The other survivor was an adopted child of the clan named Doragan. The current status of the clan now is Doragan is a Gennin to Iwagakure no Sato, and Doragonburedo is a retired ninja of Iwagakure who plans on trying to salvage what is left of his clan and pass everything on to Doragan in the hopes he may rebuild it in the future.


Honor Code



Clan Specific Techniques:


Clan Skills: 



Edited by Drake
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