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Guest DiZ

Small Practice Match

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Aijin walks into the small forest area, wanting a bit of a warm up from his awakening. He slowly began to stretch out a bit, doing numerous push-ups, jumping jacks, and whatnot.....


Gornok saw the grass shinobi working out. Since he needed to test his own strength against what looked like an experienced ninja, he said to him

Hey, do you want to spar a bit?


Opponents always act first, no matter what. +2

Combat Adept

Bloodline: No

Description: The user can attack using different mediums during an attack string. (IE: Tsunami rushed forward throwing a heavy kick, then quickly backflipping tossing a kunai at his opponent.)

Effect: You may use a thowing/small weapon attack and use a basic attack in the same turn.

Name: Nectar of Scorpion

Bloodline: Kolyma Cleric

Description: The user is not only immune to scorpion venom, but they also regenerate stamina and health while exposed to it by +4/turn.

Requirement: Clan Membership, Kolyma Cleric Bloodline

Skill Name: Kunai Mastery

Description: The user becomes so skilled with a Kunai that they may use them as close combat weapons.

Effect: Allows user to use kunai as a close combat weapon. 1 Kunai per hand. Accuracy Mod still applies.

Taijutsu 50

Defense [50]

Ninjutsu 50

Resist 20

Genjutsu 20

Concent 30

Speed [80]

Accuracy 40

Evasion [40]


Hmm....alright. Let's start. Aijin says to the sand-nin and stopped his exercising, preparing for the battle.

Fuugetsu Aijin, Level 2

(Taijutsu) 70 {+15 taijutsu bonus, +5 stance}

(Defense) 60 {+15 defense bonus}

(Ninjutsu) 30

(Resistance) 25 {+5 Resistance bonus}

(Genjutsu) 15

(Concentration) 25 {+5 Concentration bonus}

(Speed) 140 {Gifted, Natural Growth}

(Accuracy) 65 {+15 accuracy bonus}

(Evasion) 60 {+15 evasion bonus, -10 stance}

Extreme Endurance - Your strength far exceeds simple endurance. For a number of posts equal to your rank in this skill, you can continue to fight using your HP in place of your Stamina, once your stamina reaches 0. You may only use Taijutsu techniques during these posts, and when the skill expires you immediately pass out (or worse, at a Kage's discretion) regardless of any other skill you may have. This is your "last wind.”

Warrior Katana - An attack from that specific weapon will do +5 Damage.

Chakra Burn - For every 25 chakra used in a technique, the user takes 5 damage.

Merciful - Whenever you would deal the finishing blow in combat to an opponent, you must let them live with one HP left, only applies once a battle.

Anger Offense: +5% to Taijutsu damage, -10% to dodge.

One Handed-Seals - Perform hand-seals for jutsu with one hand.

~Response Phase~


~Setup Phase~

Aijin slowly stretched out his body, shifting it into his standard Anger Offense stance, while pulling two kunai as he does it, pulling one in his hand and the other in his mouth.

~Main Phase~

Aijin holds up his left hand and began to quickly form seals, and yells, "Bunshin no Jutsu," creating two exact clones of Aijin.

Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique)

Type: Genjutsu

Rank: Academy Student

Cost: 10 Genjutsu

Description: Creates illusionary replicas of the user. They are unable to attack or interact with other objects, but can serve as good distractions.

Damage: None

Effects: Adds +5 evasion and +5 accuracy for each clone. Once a clone is hit it is destroyed, and the bonuses with it.

~Loss Tag~

(HP: 0 | Chakra: -20 | Stamina: 0)

~Cumulative Loss Tag~

(HP: 0 | Chakra: -20 | Stamina: 0)

Posted (edited)

Another clone user, well lets get this over with.

~Response Phase~


~Setup Phase~

Gornok let his robe drop to reveal an extra set of arms and a scorpion's tail. Two small scorpions crawled down his arms and into his hands as he pulled out to kunai with his other set, rolling tags on them.

~Main Phase~

Name: Sand Type: Scorpion Kunai

Bloodline: Kolyma Cleric

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Gennin

Cost: -10 Ninjutsu

Damage: 10 damage per kunai.


Description: The user converts a scorpion into a kunai by using chakra. The blade is stronger than the regular kunai. The user could shoot kunai as projectile or use as melee weapon.

~Loss Tag~

(HP: 0 | Chakra: -0 | Stamina: -20)

Regen: 0HP, +4 stamina


(HP: 0 | Chakra: -0 | Stamina:-16)

Edited by Gornok

[OOC: Huh...? Why do you have -22 stamina? And it's only the first turn. You don't regenrate stamina/chakra unless it's every other turn.]

~Response Phase~


~Setup Phase~


~Main Phase~

"Wow. Must be a bloodline user. Never met one before....interesting...." Aijin says as he darts toward Gornok, kunai ready, with his two clones mimicking him. The three quickly shuffle around in an attempt to confuse Gornok, and swiftly throws their kunai at him, only two being real.

~Damage Tag~

[8[base] + 15[Acc Mod] - 10[Gornok Defense] = 13 dmg each]

~Accuracy Mod~

[60[base] + 15[Acc Mod] - 10[Gornok Evasion] = 65% chance to hit each]

~Loss Tag~

(HP: 0 | Chakra: +4 | Stamina: -2, +10)

~Cumulative Loss Tag~

(HP: 0 | Chakra: -16 | Stamina: 0)

Posted (edited)

{occ: I used my jutsu, SK. Read my skill, I generate 4 stamina and hp every turn.}

~Response Phase~

(Rolled 68, 93) Dodges the two kunai as he leaps backwards, watching the three targets approach quickly. With no time to figure out the real ninja, he chose option two

~Setup Phase~

Leaping backwards into the air, he threw the two kunai with explosive tags rolled on him at the approaching targets.

~Main Phase~

Accuracy: Base 60 + 15 - 15 = 60%

Kunai: 8 base + 10 accuracy - 15 defence = 3 damage/kunai

Explosive tag: 20 base + 10 accuracy - 15 defence = 15 damage/tag

~Loss Tag~

(HP: 0 | Chakra: -0 | Stamina: -2)

Regen: 0HP, +4 stamina


(HP: 0 | Chakra: -0 | Stamina:-14)

Edited by Gornok
Posted (edited)

[OOC: Ohh ok. I'm guessing your guy is full of poison and stuff then. Anyway, I thought that jutsu uses up chakra, since where you have Cost it says -10 ninjutsu. I'm confused...Also you don't add accuracy to the explosive tags since there only ninja tools. You only do my defense and base damage. And finally, you only have +10 to accuracy mod, so it's a 55% chance to hit.]

Dodge Roll: 57, 7

~Response Phase~

Aijin managed to dodge the first kunai which hit one of his Bunshin but the second one hit it's mark. Upon closer examination, Aijin noticed the explosive tag attached to it, but it was too late, and the tag exploded anyway.

~Setup Phase~


~Main Phase~

"Gah...wasn't expecting that. That did some damage.....Hope he doesn't have more. Anyway...." He stops and began rush toward Gornok again, only this time, with one clone mimicking his movements. He immediately began to carry out a series of punches and kicks upon the Sand-nin.

~Damage Tag~

[5[base] + 15[Tai Mod] + 5[stance] - 10[Gornok Defense] = 15 dmg each]

~Accuracy Mod~

[60[base] + 15[Acc Mod] - 10[Gornok Evasion] = 65% chance to hit each]

~Loss Tag~

(HP: -8 | Chakra: 0 | Stamina: -2)

~Cumulative Loss Tag~

(HP: -8 | Chakra: -16 | Stamina: -2)

Edited by DiZ918

{how many in this series? do I roll to block the post or a certain number of hits?}


[OOC: Oh my bad, it's just two hits lol. Probably shouldn't have said series....]


Dodge Roll: 98, 17

~Response Phase~

Gornok was able to dodge the punch, but was caught by the kick to the thigh. Now that he knew where the real opponent was, Gornok focused his attacks on Aijin

You hit well grass ninja He said to his opponent.

~Setup Phase~

Going on the attack, he told his Commander scorpion to pump more venom into his system for the remainder of the battle. He moved in close for the attack

~Main Phase~

Name: Kolyma ginga one

Clan: Kolyma

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40 stam +5 chakra - bloodline (x 0.4) = 16 stam + 2 chakra

Base Damage: 55 dmg

Description: Spinning kick to the knee with tail targeting that side of ribcage. Reversing the spin, the user uses his opposite hand for shop strikes to neck and other side of ribs. (4 hits, 14 dmg each)

~Damage Tag~

[55[base] + 10[Tai Mod] + 15 [Defense] = 50 dmg each]

~Accuracy Mod~

[60[base] + 10[Acc Mod] - 15 [Evasion] = 55% chance of hitting

~Loss Tag~

(HP: 15 | Chakra: -2 | Stamina: -16)

Regen: +4HP, +4 stamina


(HP: -11 | Chakra: -2 | Stamina:-26)


Dodge Roll: 48

~Response Phase~

Aijin had been slightly surprised that the quadruple combo Gornok carried out which caused him to be hit....But the young grass-nin had counterattacked with his own technique, sending Gornok's attack back at him, only stronger.

Smite (Shou)

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Genin

Cost: 40 Stamina. Requires you get hit. Takes one post to ready.

Effects: Upon being struck, your opponent takes 1.5 damage (unblockable), of the damage you just received. This ONLY pertains to Tai/Nin attacks. No regular attacks/ranged attacks/Genjutsu.

Description: Seeming to give your opponent the advantage, you turn their own attack against them.

~Setup Phase~

Aijin slowly pulled out his katana, Zantetsu, and swung it around a bit.

Weapon Type: Katana

Size: Medium

Level: 1

Special: N/A

Description: The blade is silver and is slightly curved. The hilt has the kanji "Kill" engraved in the hilt, which is a combiation of gold and silver.

~Main Phase~

Aijin once again began forming hand seals with one hand, which he soon used to create another Bunshin.

Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique)

Type: Genjutsu

Rank: Academy Student

Cost: 10 Genjutsu

Description: Creates illusionary replicas of the user. They are unable to attack or interact with other objects, but can serve as good distractions.

Damage: None

Effects: Adds +5 evasion and +5 accuracy for each clone. Once a clone is hit it is destroyed, and the bonuses with it.

~Loss Tag~

(HP: -50 | Chakra: +4, -10 | Stamina: -40, +10)

~Cumulative Loss Tag~

(HP: -58 | Chakra: -22 | Stamina: -32)

Posted (edited)

{occ: That makes my job simple then. Wasn't ready for something like that at all. Good Battle.}

Gornok felt the reflective blast from his own attack and fell to the ground, grimacing in pain. He got to his feet and bowed to Aijin for he knew that he was defeated.

"I'm close to my limit, you are the stronger one. One day I hope to be as strong as you, but until that day, farewell." Gornok said as he seemed to disappeared into the ground.

Name: Chika Ryokou (underground travel)

Description: The user of this gift is able to travel from location to location through the soil twice as fast compared to above ground travel. As long as there aren't any water elements between both locations, the shinobi would disappear and emerge into the ground in seconds without a trace. Able to use this as a counterattack measure with a suitable jutsu.

Requirement: Subtle Elements involving Wind/Earth/Grass.

Edited by Gornok

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