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Vanguarde Of Kirigakure

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The VanGuarde of Kirigakure

- The Resurrection of a Broken Nation

Palm of the Oceans

Type: Ninjutsu (Personal)

Rank: Genin

Cost: 30

Damage: 0

Effects: Treat technique as if attacking with a Medium level 20 sword.

Description: This technique manifests a blade of once malleable water to become hardened within the palm of the user. The control of water manipulation at this point shall contribute a certain distinguishing between the blades size and shape. This technique however is at its basic evolvement and contains a shell of minimal power; however, at further progression of this controllable technique, the differentiation between powers shall differ vastly. Such a direct assault is reminiscent of those skilled in the arts of the blade, an artistic Swordsman.

Points: 3

Hollowed Dragon Mist

Type: Ninjutsu (Personal)

Rank: Genin

Cost: 60

Damage: 50

Effects: Used when Hidden Mist Skill is in effect; Opponent must roll to dodge twice, unless first hits.

Description: This technique can be activated whence the Hidden Mist skill is in full effect. The manipulative mist will coat the battlefield into a landscape that will betray those that have become immune to such terrain altercations. The source of power within this technique becomes nature itself and the User can commence their dominance over the mist in order to create a creature from its depths. The hollowed create will outline and silhouette within the mist but its intentions will never become too apparent or obvious; therefore the element of surprise is always at hand.

Points: 4

Ammonia Vertebrae Spit

Type: Trap Ninjutsu (Personal)

Rank: Genin

Cost: 80

Condition: If Opponent remains in Close range for this turn.

Effects: Causes the effects of the Poison; Ammonia. Three time use Per Battle. +20% Acc. Bonus.

Description: This technique contains a corrosive component of poison that is expelled from the mouth in a response to those unprepared. This technique holds in incredible range of attack, but is most effective while the opponent threatens to trespass amidst close proximity. The solution of Ammonia is recognized to penetrate the sturdiest of matter and will affect the opponents' anatomical structure with discrepant methods, especially when reproduced in a liquid substance.

Requirements: Poison Creator, The Path of the Medical Ninja.

Points: 4

Water Manipulation; Power Spear

Type: Ninjutsu (Personal)

Rank: Genin

Cost: 75

Damage: 60

Effects: May only use Evasion to dodge this technique, excluding bloodline skills that provide evasive or straight dodging bonuses. Effect only applies to ninjas of the same rank or below of the user.

Description: This technique manipulates the surroundings amongst the user and siphons the principal element of Water. This method of assault forces an incredible volume of water to implode within its own dimensions becoming nothing bigger than a fist. At will, the commendable breadth of water will split into a thin, long rivulet towards their targeted intention with impossible speeds. The true force of the technique is developed on contact however, as the connection between its source severs whence the target is hit; the manipulation aspect of this technique generates such a possibility.

Points: 4

- These a personal techniques created to blend with the styles of each of my students. Help me get this out the way so I can progress with them faster. Kirigakure is in need of some serious shape up. Thanks.

Edited by Exodus
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1st ; Thanks

2nd; Fixed

3rd; (This is specific to Medical Ninja)

-20 Taijutsu, Defense, HP for 3 turns.

4th; I explained it poorly, but I'll change it regardless.

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Palm of the Oceans - NP

Hollowed Dragon Mist - Change cost to 70 (I think Koutas suggestion is under priced, even if it is a personal jutsu)

Oleum Vertebrae Spit - A gennin can do max. 80 DP, this includes effect. The effect is also under priced.

Water Manipulation; Power Spear - Cost 75 (or decrease the damage to 45)

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All changes made to perfection;

Also, I did some quick evaluation and the new version of the Medical move suits it perfectly.

Ammonia | -5 HP, "Tired” for 4 turns. (Tired equals 10 DP per turn, which is 40. While 5 HP for 4 turns is 40. Obviously that equals 80, and is right on point.)

How's that fella's?

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Water Manipulation; Power Spear - Effect only applies to ninjas of the same rank or below of the user. JP:4 (forgot to say that before...)

Besides of that they haves my stamp.

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All things have been modified to suit requests.

Also, for those who suffer from impaired vision;

(Oh and this thread is invisible so the surprise isn't ruined, I'm going to be doing this more often with their creations as well.)



Edit; Nevermind, I'll just make it visible so there are no complaints.

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