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Ninja Academy 8.2.3

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Ninja Academy 8.2.3
(Ninjutsu Elements Addition, Base Regeneration, Clones, Weapon Jutsu)
(... 'Bloodlines, Clan Skills, & Transfusions', Barrier Rules Additions, 'Summons and Their Hands, Their Ranks, & Your Ranks')
(... Block Range Maximums, Guard Expertise, Armor & Weapon Attributes 'Hidden', Path of the Harmonius, Reflective Surface)
(... *Deep Breath*)
(... Elemental Shield Stacking, Character Compatibility Rules, Academy Student Skill, Yokai Focus Void)
(... Wielding Weapons of Multiple Sizes, Grand Terrain & Climate Wording Update, and... Rules Re-Arrangement!)

Welcome members!

Patch 8.2.3 is here! This patch is a big one, and it has a lot of highly anticipated changes along with some much needed house cleaning! Check out all the new updates big and small below!

As always, if you have any concerns about these changes and how they effect your character please contact myself or a staff member and we can help you!

As of this posting, the following types of techniques are unapproved!

  • Clone Techniques (That make physical clones that get turns, phases, etc.)
  • Weapon Techniques (Ones that add weapon damage and/or abilities as part of their effects and damage)

Official 8.2.x Q&A thread



Ninjutsu Elements Addition

This change may seem a bit strange at first, but it is to make sure that the rules follow what most members believe to be true. The effects of a Ninjutsu element that are 'given' by the Subtle Elements or Combinatorial skills are there because they are what that element does. Unlike most skills, they are not suppose to be what your character does special but the flavor of what makes that element unique and not just a different color of Ninjutsu. As such, this rules change will make sure that anytime that element is used the effects of the skill associated with it will be applied. Fire will always burn, Lightning will always be harder to dodge, etc.

You might be thinking "but when does this happen? You can't even use Ninjutsu of an element unless you have the skill!". You would be correct in most cases, but there are fringe cases where this comes up. For instance, if a clone uses a Fire technique because they have access to all of your techniques, but not access to Subtle Elements; Fire, logically their fire shouldn't just not burn anymore. It's not 'cold' fire suddenly. In addition, when an item such as a grenade deals Fire damage, it should gain the benefits that are a part of Fire, even though the grenade cannot know the skill Subtle Elements; Fire.

Also, we are removing the line about void being easiest to learn. Its misleading, confusing, and not even helpful when you do understand it. So it's cut.


- To use a Ninjutsu element you must have the corresponding skill.
- Ninjutsu with no element are considered "Void" element and do not require a skill.
- The basic five elements make up all other elements. Use them when creating your own.
- After "Void", the basic five elements are the easiest to learn.
- Damage from a Ninjutsu element always has the effects of its appropriate Subtle Element or Combinatorial skill regardless of whether or not the source of the damage has access to those skills.
- See 5.08: Combinatorial Elements for more information.



Base Regeneration

We are changing Base Regeneration from 10% every other turn to 5% every turn. It's easier to remember and the exact same amount in the end. It also has a ton of cleanliness to it overall and also makes things like Metabolic Breakdown and similar status effects not completely whiff when they are used on the 'wrong' turn.

Stamina regenerates by 1/10 of its total every other turn you have within a battle, starting on the second turn.


Stamina regenerates by 5% of its total every turn. This may not exceed your total Stamina. See Battle System 3.14; When Damage and Costs Occur for more information.




Okay. So, this has been a long time coming and I know a lot of you have been waiting for these rules for awhile. So let me first say that clones are going to most likely be an ongoing process of balancing. Don't be surprised if these rules get tweaked over time as we find the best balance for clones. I also want to take a moment to give a special thanks to Cellar Door who led the charge on these clone charges. He put in a lot of work here so show him some appreciation!

That said, let's dig into this issue a bit. The biggest problem with clones was that they were always one of two extremes. You either made clones and got them destroyed before you could do anything with them or B.) You made clones, they survived, and you crushed your opponent under a literally multiplier on your actions and damage. This led to very boring gameplay in which you were forced to deal AoE damage and take out an enemies clones before they could use them or else you would just lose. Everyone had their "clone buster" techniques, which was likely a 10 or less cost jutsu that dealth 1-3 damage AoE to all players. That was not fun. And since this is a Naruto Role Play, cutting clones out of the game was not really option (not that we would, but man did we get frustrated at times.)

So, we wanted clones to allow a player to make a bunch of copies of themselves and to allow them to do multiple actions, but we needed to find a way that this could be fought against that didn't involve just blasting the clones right away. With that in mind we have come up with the new set of rules. In addition, we have also included a new set of clones for the Main Site, listed just below the rules. If you had any of these clones you will need to update your sheet or remove them and get a refund for the JP spent.


In addition, if you have any custom clone jutsu you must get them re-approved.
All clone jutsu are considered unapproved as of this news update.


Clones -
Clone Techniques (???, Bunshinjutsu) are techniques that create copies of the user or their tools. Though the standard Clone Technique is considered the most basic of ninjutsu, these techniques are highly versatile, often used to distract enemies or fool them into thinking they have landed a hit on the user. Corporeal clones can aid the user in physical combat, and even use techniques independent of the original. There are varying methods of creating clones, some techniques using only chakra while others require some sort of medium to give the clones form and substance.


Clone Basic Rules-
· Clones normally have Health equal to their base cost. A clone's Health must be stated in their respective technique.
· Clones do not have a normal Defense stat. Instead, when a clone is created, take its Defense modifier and add it to their starting Health.
· Clones of any type may be affected by any type of attack, unless otherwise stated by a technique or skill. (i.e; Genjutsu, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Basic Attacks)
· Clones do not regenerate Chakra or Stamina.
· All clones bear a fraction of their creator’s statistics (aside from Health), with the exact percentages detailed in each individual Clone Technique, and are otherwise treated as another combatant.
· Clones created by Ninjutsu techniques may utilize any techniques known by their creator. Clones created by Genjutsu may utilize only Genjutsu techniques known by their creator. Clones created by Taijutsu may utilize only Taijutsu techniques known by their creator. Techniques may be used regardless of prerequisites.
· Clones may not utilize techniques which produce Summons or Clones.
· Clones do not normally possess any skills, bloodlines, or advanced systems possessed by their creator. (And may never possess skills not possessed by their creator.)
· Clones do not normally possess any items, other than small weapons when created. Clones begin play with a number of small weapons equal to the amount and type of small weapons possessed by the creator. Small weapons thrown by clones are destroyed after their attacks resolve.
· Any technique or ability with a usage limit performed by a clone is treated as if it was performed by the creator of the clone. (If a clone uses a technique that may only be used 1 time per battle, the creator may not use the same technique.)
· Any technique that has a cost outside of normal Chakra & Stamina costs is paid by the creator. (A technique that requires Health as part of the cost is paid by the creator.)
· Any technique that has negative effects on the user that is used by a clone, applies its effect to the creator of the clone. (A technique that would make a user ‘Stunned’ would make the creator of the clone ‘Stunned’.)
· Only clones of a single type may be under the control a single creator at any time. (i.e. you cannot have Water Clones, and Rock Clones on the field at the same time.)

Clone Phase Rules-
· All Clones of the same type share a single turn.
· Clones always gain their first turn directly before their creator's next turn after producing them. Following that, all clones utilize their Speed statistic to determine turn order. A clone's starting Turn Order is equal to its creators at the end of the turn it was created.
· Clones adhere to the maximum turn duration rules of the technique type. (i.e; Clones created by Taijutsu may last 3 turns.) In this instance durations refer to the turns of the clones, and not the user.
· Each type of clone gains 1 offensive Main Phase actions that may be utilized each turn (unless stated otherwise by a technique or skill), regardless of the number of clones of that type present on the battlefield. (i.e. Shadow Clones may take 2 offensive Main Phase actions on their turn, even if 4 clones were created.)

Clone Costs-

Chakra & Stamina
· 10% of the user's Chakra & Stamina: 10 CP
· 25% of the user's Chakra & Stamina: 30 CP
· 50% of the user's Chakra & Stamina: 80 CP
· 75% of the user's Chakra & Stamina: 150 CP

Non-Tank Statistics
· 10% of the user's Non-Tank Stats: 20 CP
· 25% of the user's Non-Tank Stats: 60 CP
· 50% of the user's Non-Tank Stats: 160 CP
· 75% of the user's Non-Tank Stats: 300 CP

Offensive Actions
· 3 Offensive Actions per turn: 300 CP
· 2 Offensive Actions per turn: 100 CP
· 1 Offensive Action per turn: 00 CP

Status Effect
· 25% chance to afflict Status Effect: .5x the CP of the Status Effect
· 50% chance to afflict Status Effect: CP of the status Effect
· 75% chance to afflict Status Effect: 1.5x the CP of the Status Effect

· Possessing Non-Bloodline Skills: 40 CP per -1 SP.

Clone CP Maximums-

Chuunin: 250 Cost Points Maximum
151-200 Cost Points – 6 tech points
201-250 Cost Points – 7 tech points
Jounin: 500 Cost Points Maximum
381-440 Cost Points – 9 tech points
441-500 Cost Points – 10 tech points
Sennin: Normal Caps.


Soil Clone | Iwa Bunshin no Jutsu
Type: Ninjutsu [iwa; Earth] 
Rank: Chuunin 
Cost: 75 per clone (max of 3 clones on the field)  
Effect: Each Soil Clone has 1/4 stats of the user, but only 1hp. They are automatically hit by any attack that includes them as a target (they get no dodge roll).  
Description: In similar fashion with any other clone technique, Iwa Bunshin No Jutsu can make up to several clones made out of soil from the ground. Used to trick the opponent in a clever way. When the opponent hits one of these clones, it turns back into soil but latches onto the opponent, thus hindering his/her movement. 
Points: 3

Soil Clone | Iwa Bunshin no Jutsu
Type: Ninjutsu [Clone; Iwa; Earth] 
Rank: Chuunin 
Cost: 105x Chakra
Effect: Each Soil Clone has 105 Health and 25% of the user's remaining stats. If destroyed by an opponent, the Soil Clone has a 25% chance to afflict that opponent with 'Slow' for one (1) turn. Maximum of two (2) clones may be created.
Description: In similar fashion with any other clone technique, Iwa Bunshin No Jutsu can make up to several clones made out of soil from the ground around them. The clones take on the appearance of their creator, but when destroyed explode in a burst of compressed soil. The soil latches onto enemy that destroyed them, hindering their movement.
Points: 7


Water Clone Skill | Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu
Type: Ninjutsu [Kiri; Water] 
Rank: Chuunin 
Cost: 105 Chakra per clone (max of 6 clones on the field)  
Effect: Each Water Clone has 1/6 stats of the user, but only 1hp.  
Description: Using the surrounding water, the user makes clones of himself/herself. This helps in fooling the opponent, making it less likely that they will hit the user. 
Points: 3

Water Clone | Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu
Type: Ninjutsu [Clone; Kiri; Water] 
Rank: Chuunin 
Cost: 50x Chakra
Effect: Each Water Clone has 50 Health, 10% of the user's Chakra & Stamina, and 10% of the user's remaining stats. When Water Clones use Water element techniques, they are considered to meet the requirements for being near a large body of water. The user may sacrifice one (1) clone during their turn as a free action in order to meet the requirements for being near a large body of water for the remainder of that turn. Maximum of five (5) clones may be created.
Description: Using surrounding water from the environment, the user creates a series of clones that take on the appearance of the user with a shimmer of transparency due to the water. A proficient user can solidify the water fully to make a perfect replica, but many disregard to in the heat of combat as it takes extra concentration they doesn't honestly help the clones do their job. When destroyed the clones simply turn back to water.
Points: 7


Cloud Clone | Kumo Bunshin no Jutsu
Type: Genjutsu [Kumo; Elemental; Cloud] 
Rank: Chuunin 
Cost: 20 Chakra per clone.  
Effect: Each Cloud Clone gives +10 Speed and +10 Evasion to the user. Bunshin are automatically destroyed if targetted by an attack. Maximum of 7 clones. 
Description: In similar fashion with any other clone technique, Kumo Bunshin No Jutsu can make up to several clones made out of fog/clouds from the surrounding air. Used to trick the opponent in a clever way. When the opponent hits one of these clones, it turns back into fog but lingers one the field, thus hindering his/her accuracy.
Points: 3

Cloud Clone | Kumo Bunshin no Jutsu
Type: Genjutsu [Clone; Kumo] 
Rank: Chuunin 
Cost: 50x Chakra
Effect: Each Cloud Clone has 50 Health and 10% of the user's remaining stats. While in existence, Cloud Clones give their creator +10x Speed and +10x Evasion each. The value of x is equal to the user's Ninja Rank (Genin; 1, Chuunin; 2, etc). Maximum of five (5) clones may be created.
Description: Cloud Clones are a bunshin jutsu common to Kumogakure, and are used to train younger shinobi as they are easily created in the village’s natural climate. Kumo Bunshin are composed entirely of water vapor collected from the atmosphere and tend to radiate trace amounts of mist when they move. Like most clones, they are easily destroyed, and burst into a cloudy wisp.
Points: 7


Wood Clone (Moku Bunshin no Jutsu)
Type: Ninjutsu [Kusa; Wood] 
Rank: Chuunin 
Cost: 120 Chakra 
Effect: The Wood Clone has 1/2 stats of the user, but only 1hp. Maximum of one clone. 
Description: Unlike other clone techniques, the replica originates from the user himself. This clone is markedly more powerful than any other bunshin jutsu, and was used by the First Hokage and by the famous Jounin, Yamato of Konoha. 
Points: 3

Wood Clone | Moku Bunshin no Jutsu
Type: Ninjutsu [Clone; Kusa; Wood] 
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 240 Chakra
Effect: Each Wood Clone has 240 Health and 50% of the user's other stats. Maximum of one (1) clone may be created.
Description: Wood clones, though rare on the battlefield are extremely versatile weapons in a shinobi arsenal. First developed by the Senju Hashirama to be used in conjunction with his kekkei genkai, the technique soon developed variants that from other villages that did not require the rare Mokuton bloodline. Moku Bunshin became a staple of Kusagakure until the village’s destruction. The clones themselves are well known as strong, durable bunshin because they are made from living wood.
Points: 7


Echo Clone (Kyou Bunshin no Jutsu)
Type: Genjutsu [Oto; Elemental; Sound] 
Rank: Chuunin 
Cost: 20 Chakra per clone 
Effect: Each Sound Clone gives +10 Accuracy and +10 Evasion to the user. Bunshin are automatically destroyed if targetted by an attack. 
Description: In similar fashion with any other clone technique, Oto Bunshin No Jutsu can make up to several clones made out of pure sound vibrations. Used to trick the opponent in a clever way. When the opponent hits one of these clones, it disappears but a loud echo remains, thus hindering his/her evasion. 
Points: 3

Echo Clone | Kyou Bunshin no Jutsu
Type: Genjutsu [Clone; Oto]
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 30x Chakra
Effect: Each Echo Clone has 30 Health and 10% of the user's remaining stats. While in existence, Echo Clones give their creator +10 Accuracy and +10 Evasion each. Echo Clones are destroyed if they are the target of a non Area of Effect attack, regardless if they are hit. The first time an Echo Clone is destroyed it has a 40% chance to return to the battlefield at full Health. All other stats upon returning are the same as they were before being destroyed. Maximum of eight (8) clones may be created.
Description: Kyou Bunshin no Jutsu is unique in many ways from other clone techniques in that it can make a large number of clones out of pure sound vibrations. While active on the battlefield, the Echo Clones create small vibrations in the air, making distortions that interfere with the senses of opponents. Unfortunately, the clones are very fragile and can be dispersed extremely easily.
Points: 7

Sand Clone | Suna Bunshin no Jutsu
Type: Ninjutsu [suna; Sand] 
Rank: Chuunin 
Cost: 50 Chakra per clone 
Effect: Each Sand Clone has 1/10 stats of the user, but only 1hp. They are automatically hit by any attack that includes them as a target (they get no dodge roll).  
Description: The clones of sand are quite obviously not the original and pose no threat, but they will eagerly throw themselves between their creator and harm to keep them safe, often proving a hassle to get by. 
Points: 3

Sand Clone | Suna Bunshin no Jutsu
Type: Ninjutsu [Clone; Suna; Sand] 
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 50x Chakra
Effect: Each Sand Clone has 30 Health and 10% of the user's remaining stats. In their Response Phase, the creator may sacrifice y Sand Clones to reduce the damage of an incoming attack by 30y. This is a free action and may be done after they roll to dodge. Maximum of five (5) clones may be created.
Description: The Sand Clones of Sunagakure were created by Gaara of the Desert during his youth. Unlike most clones, their purpose was not to fight for the user and confuse their opponents, as they appear as sand shaped into the likeness of their creator. Suna Bunshin are made with the defense of their creator in mind and are quick to jump in front of their creator to shield them from damage.
Points: 7

Kage Bunshin No Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)
Type: Ninjutsu [Konoha]
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 70x Chakra
Effect: In terms of chakra cost calculation 'x' is equal to the number of clones created through this technique. May be used in the Main Phase or the Set-Up Phase. If used in the Set-Up Phase, the user's Main Phase is not consumed. Clones created during the user's Set-Up Phase may take part in any technique that requires the presence of physical clones during the Main Phase following their creation, but are destroyed during the Loss Phase. Shadow clones have 1 Health Point, with the rest of their statistics being equal to their creator's, divided by the number of clones created plus the creator [statistics/(x+1)] . 1 clone may be created by shinobi of Gennin rank, 4 by Chuunin, 7 by Jounin, and 14 by Sennin. This ratio is modified for ninja from Konohagakure to 2 by Gennin, 6 by Chuunin, 10 Jounin, and 18 by Sennin.
Description: Years of steady usage has made the Shadow Clone Technique a common site on many a battlefield. Despite being a work-horse technique amongst shinobi, Kage Bunshin remains a versatile maneuver in many combat situations. Through means of the technique, the user is capable of quickly creating physical doppelgangers. The applications for these clones are numerous and every shinobi who learns Kage Bunshin No Jutsu seems to devise their own style with it. The clones themselves are much more fragile than the ninja that they imitate as they can be dispatched with little effort. History lends credence to the commonly held belief that the Shadow Clone Technique originated in the Land Of Fire some time before the creation of the first hidden villages. Since it's advent though, the technique has spread greatly and now shinobi of every denomination have been seen making use of the skill. Ninja hailing from Konohagakure No Sato still seem to be the most gifted with the use of shadow clones. Some say they have developed secret differences from the basic technique that allows them greater benefit.
Points: 4

Kage Bunshin No Jutsu | Shadow Clone Technique
Type: Ninjutsu [Clone; Konoha] 
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 250 Chakra
Effect: Each Shadow Clone has 50 Health and 60-10x% of the user's remaining stats, where x is the number of clones created. Maximum of five (5) clones may be created.
 The user chooses the value of x when the technique is used. 
Description: The Shadow Clone Technique was created before the founding of the first ninja villages by Senju Tobirama. Before becoming the Second Hokage, he gained a reputation for using his clones on the battlefield with lethal efficiency. The great strength of the Shadow Clone technique is that it divides a user’s strength evenly, creating clones that are indistinguishable from their creator, even appearing to have their own working organs. Their strength is also a danger though, as a user who is not careful could easily divide their chakra too greatly, and weaken themselves to the point of illness or even death. Unlike some sturdier clones, Shadow Clones can be destroyed with relative ease, a strong hit transforming them into a harmless puff of smoke.
Points: 14




Weapon Jutsu

We've created official rules for Weapon Jutsu. A problem we've had for awhile is that many Weapon Jutsu would simply add effects to the weapon's attack, which really just made weapons a money sink to reduce the cost of damage on jutsu, which really didn't feel good for a weapon user or really make a compelling reason to ever not use Weapon Jutsu instead of just Weapon Strikes. It was also not very fair and pushed many players into using weapons just because it was free damage and not because it was something they actually wanted to play. As such, the following section has been added to Jutsu Rules 3.14; Weapon Jutsu.

Weapon Techniques

  • Weapon Techniques may be Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, or Hybrid.
  • Weapon Techniques follow the typical rules and restrictions of the jutsu type (e.g. if you are using a weapon as part of a Taijutsu technique, the technique follows all taijutsu ratios, damage caps, etc.) 
  • Weapon Techniques must be made for a specific weapon type. For examples, see the generic weapon types.
  • Weapon Techniques do not deal damage based on the weapon's level.
  • Weapon Techniques receive all the bonuses from whatever applicable special abilities or attributes the weapon may have.
Creating a Weapon Technique
Cost: A User must pay an additional cost when using a weapon as part of a technique, using the following amounts based on the rank of the technique. These costs are built into the technique upon creation:
  • Genin: +20CP
  • Chuunin: +30CP
  • Jounin: +40CP
  • Sennin: +50CP
Tags: The Jutsu Tag must list the technique type, the weapon type, and weapon size. For instance — Type: Ninjutsu [Medium Dagger] -or- Type: Taijutsu Ninjutsu Hybrid [Large Polearm, Ox Style, Iwagakure]
Rank: In order to use a Weapon Techniques of certain Ranks, your equipped weapon must be of a certain level (e.g. You cannot use a Level 1 Dagger wih a Sennin Level Technique). The requirements are as follows:
  • Level 10+: Gennin
  • Level 30+: Chuunin
  • Level 50+: Jounin
  • Level 80+: Sennin
Multi-Strike: Weapon Techniques of a particular rank cannot have more strikes than the associated weapon is allowed to have at the same ninja rank.

For each rank of this skill choose a specific weapon type. A weapon attack from the chosen weapon will deal a bonus +5 Damage per strike (per rank). Double this bonus for large weapon strikes.

Add to Glossary:
Weapon Jutsu: A jutsu that requires a weapon to use. They can be Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, or Hybrid, and are considered as such for anything that references technique type. 




Bloodlines, Clan Skills, & Transfusions

So, we've been pretty fast and loose with this stuff in the past. These rules are meant to nail down some gray areas in the rules. The questions we set out to give definitive answers to are 1.) "What is a bloodline?"
2.) "What is a clan skills from a clan like the Nara who do not have a bloodline? How does one and can one learn these if they are not born into the clan?"
3.) "What the hell does anything written under 'transfusions' mean in the rules?!!?!!"

What we did was add to the top of the skill page the following definitions for skill requirements. This is a system that will work much like jutsu tags.


Requirements: This is simply any additional qualification needed to learn a skill. This can include other skills, stat requirements, or anything else within reason.

Source Requirement: This is a portion of the requirements of a skill that consists of a village name, item name, clan name or even character name. To learn a skill with a source you will either have to be from the village, a member of the clan, in possession of said item, or the named character. If you are not any of these you must spend a five (5) post training thread learning the skill from someone who already knows it. A key to remember, skills with requirements (especially clan skills) are closely guarded secrets and are often looked down upon if shared with outsiders. Share at your own risk.

Bloodline: A bloodline is a series of skills that are submitted as a cohesive unit. It is possible to have skills that require a bloodline but are not part of the bloodline itself.


In addition, we've come up with a neat new skill sheet to go along with this change.

[b]Skill Name:[/b] (Obvious)
[b]Bloodline:[/b] (Is this a bloodline skill? Enter bloodline name or omit)
[b]Description:[/b] (A description of what this does role play wise)
[b]Effect:[/b] (What it does system wise)
[b]Requirement:[/b] (Any special requirements to learn this? Include sources here as well)
[b]Cost:[/b] (Amount of skill points it costs)

What does this mean?


Skills: Skills are skills, no change.

Clan Skills: They are skills with a Source Requirement. For instance, a skill that makes Uchiha better at fire techniques would be a "Requirement: Uchiha Clan". Nara specific skills would also follow this. The idea is that these are clan secrets, but not built into their genetics. They can be taught to others if they so desire. These are not obtained through a transfusion. "A key to remember, skills with requirements (especially clan skills) are closely guarded secrets and are often looked down upon if shared with outsiders. Share at your own risk."

Bloodlines: This cannot be taught to a player, but it can be obtained through a transfusion.

Other: There are no other situations, all skills fall into one of these three camps above.


But cntr! You didn't answer the most important question of the three! Number three itself!
- I'm glad you asked Timmy, here are your (legible and functioning) transfusion rules!


RPG Rules 1.11; Bloodlines
Bloodlines are skills that are specific to a clan or character based on their genetic information, most often a result of their heritage. These abilities are regularly the headline abilities that draw players to clans and often are allowed to bend the rules more than regular skills since they cannot be taken with other Bloodline skills. Bloodline skills differ from Clan skills in that they require the genetic composition (body) of the character to whom they are attached. A character with a Bloodline skill may not teach another character that Bloodline skill unless the learning character also has access to the same genetics. This makes Bloodlines, and the genetic material attached to them, a coveted secrets that are closely guarded between villages. A character may only possess a single Bloodline at a time. There are two types of Bloodlines; Organ-based and Blood-based.

Organ-based Bloodlines: These are Bloodlines that are based on a single organ or body part of the user. Without this organ the Bloodline can no longer be used. The most common example of these types of Bloodlines are Doujutsu, or eye based Bloodlines. If another character removes this organ they can then steal that Bloodline and use it for themselves. However, if a character with this Bloodline obtains more of the specified organ from other characters, they can compound the power of their Bloodline in unique ways. This is referred to as Bloodline Compounding. The way in which an Organ-based Bloodline may compound their power is up to each individual Bloodline to define upon creation. See 'RPG Rules 1.12; Transfusions' for more information.

Blood-based Bloodlines: These are Bloodlines that are not based in a single organ, but in the blood of the character who carries it. If another character gets a sizeable sample of their blood under the right conditions, they can steal the genetic information from that character without removing the Bloodline from the original character themselves. See 'RPG Rules 1.12; Transfusions' for more information.

RPG Rules 1.12; Bloodline Stealing
Bloodlines may be stolen from Unconscious or recently* killed characters in the course of the game. This does not give the Bloodline thief access to the Bloodline, but it does give them the ability to start a Bloodline Transfusion with the stolen Bloodline. In order to steal a Bloodline from another character, you must be sure to meet the following three conditions.

- The character from which you are stealing must be Unconscious or Dead.
- Must have three full turns in which to 'collect' the Bloodline in which you may not take any damage or take any actions. If damage is taken you must begin the process again.
- Must have an item designed to contain the blood or organ (based on the type of Bloodline). The minimum cost for such a non-reusable item is $150.


Storing a Bloodline
In order to keep a Bloodline for an extended period of in character time, you must have an item designed to hold a Bloodline indefinitely or you must replace the item which holds the Bloodline every two (2) months in character. The base cost for a non-reusable container for a Bloodline is $150, the base cost for an indefinite non-reusable container is $600.
* - The time frame of 'recently' is ultimately up to staff to decide, however any longer than twelve hours will need to be approved with special permission.

RPG Rules 1.13; Bloodline Transfusions
A Bloodline Transfusion is the action of taking a Bloodline from one character and giving it to another. The Bloodline can be from either a willing character or from a stolen Bloodline. When receiving a Bloodline Transfusion, the character replaces any current Bloodlines they possess with the newly transfused Bloodline. This means that they lose all Bloodline abilities and skills they currently possess, are refunded the associated Skill Points, and are no longer considered to have the Bloodline. The way in which a Bloodline Transfusion works is different based on the type of Bloodline being stolen.

Organ-based Bloodlines: A character who donates, willingly or not, an Organ-based Bloodline loses the donated organ and the Bloodline abilities/powers associated with it. Each Organ-based Bloodline will govern what the loss of said organs means in the case that the Bloodline lives in more than a single organ (two eyes). The character receiving the transfusion has access to all Bloodline skills given by that Bloodline, but starts with no ranks of any skills unless otherwise required by the Bloodline itself.

Blood-based Bloodlines: A character who donates, willingly or not, a Blood-based Bloodline does not lose access to their Bloodline. However, characters with Blood-based Bloodlines may only ever have their Bloodline transfused or stolen from them (willingly or not) once in their lifetime. Any attempt to transfuse the Bloodline from a character who has already transfused or has had their Bloodline stolen will result in a failed transfusion. The character receiving the transfusion has access to all Bloodline skills given by that Bloodline, but starts with no ranks of any skills unless otherwise required by the Bloodline itself.


In addition to the above requirements, all Transfusions must be done within a medical environment*. This procedure costs $750 in equipment to safely perform. The procedure takes one hour in character to perform and requires twenty four hours of rest afterwards before they may safely access their new abilities. Any attempts to access their abilities before this time period is finished will result in consequences determined by your active GM.

* - A medical environment is considered to be a hospital location or a makeshift medical environment with a medical ninja of Jounin rank or higher.


P.S. - Organ-based Bloodlines may want to resubmit to add a small portion to them.



Barrier Rules Additions

So, we really enjoy the way new Barrier and Shield rules are working, but there are a number of cases that people are interested in using that are simply not covered in the base rules. There are other considerations that we will cover in the future, but for now there are Multi-Strike Barriers and Group Barriers, which are explained below.


- Barriers may target more than one character. This can be done in one of two ways: A Multi-Strike Barrier or a Group Barrier.
Multi-Strike Barriers
- Multi-Strike Barriers cast the same Barrier multiple times and may target different characters. Each Barrier must be fully paid for each target.
- Allies inside of a Multi-Strike Barrier follow all rules as if the Barrier was their own.
- Multi-Strike Barriers function as Multi-Strike jutsu. See Battle System 3.13; Multiple Hits and Modifier Division for more information.
Group Barriers
- Group Barriers are a single Barrier which can cover more than one character. 
- When creating a Group Barrier technique, consider the following:

- Group Barriers must declare a maximum number of characters they may protect.

- Group Barriers have their cost increased by 0.1x for each additional character they can protect with the Barrier.

- When activated, the user declares which allies start inside of the Barrier. This may be up to the maximum defined in the technique.
- Any physical attack which targets a character inside of a Group Barrier instead attacks the Group Barrier during their Response Phase. If the attack(s) would break the Barrier, the players targeted will then respond to those attacks just as if their own Barrier had broken.
- Allies may enter or leave a Group Barrier as a Set-Up Phase Action. There may never be more than the maximum number of characters in a Barrier. If the user relocates, the Group Barrier is destroyed.
- Allies inside of a Group Barrier follow all other rules as if they were in their own Barrier.
- Shields may only target one character, regardless of circumstances.
Other Barrier & Shield Considerations
- Any Barrier or Shield which can target yourself can choose instead to target an ally.




Summons and Their Hands, Their Ranks, & Your Ranks

Some summons don't have hands. Does that mean they can't use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu? Do slugs need to drag their tails across the ground and slime all over it to gather the energy necissary to spit acid? Do snakes need to do a mean tail shake to connect the chakra lines to spit fire? We've decided no, that is silly. Summons are cooler than people, and as such now have sealless jutsu abilities. All hail hypno-toad.

Also, we made a slight change to some lines concerning the rank of a summon. Previously it was split into two areas. We don't remember why we did this, and it seems dumb, so we've consolidated it. Now summons are always the same rank as their Summoner for all concerns.

Lastly, we have required summons to need Chuunin rank in addition to level 30. No learning summons as a level 30 Genin!


- Summons leave the field when their summoner dismisses them (Setup Phase action) or when their Chakra, Stamina or Health reach zero (0).
- If a summon's Chakra, Stamina or Health reach zero (0), that summon cannot be summoned again for one (1) day role play time.
- For Weapon and Basic Attacks, a summon is considered the same rank as the highest level technique that it knows.<br>
- For all other reference of rank, a summon is regarded as the same rank as the user.
- When you use the technique Kuchiyose no Jutsu in battle you roll a 50 sided die. Depending on your level and rank, you will be able to summon a level of the indicated level or lower. (see below)
- If you make a successful die roll for a certain level summon you may choose to summon a lower level summon instead.
- Two of the same exact summon cannot be out in the same battle.
- You can only have one summon on the battlefield at a time.


- Summons leave the field when their summoner dismisses them (Setup Phase action) or when their Chakra, Stamina or Health reach zero (0).
- If a summon's Chakra, Stamina or Health reach zero (0), that summon cannot be summoned again for one (1) day role play time.
- For all reference of rank, a summon is considered to be the same rank as the summoner.
- When you use the technique Kuchiyose no Jutsu in battle you roll a 50 sided die. Depending on your level and rank, you will be able to summon a level of the indicated level or lower. (see below)
- If you make a successful die roll for a certain level summon you may choose to summon a lower level summon instead.
- All summons can preform techniques without needing to make seals.
- Two of the same exact summon cannot be out in the same battle.
- You can only have one summon on the battlefield at a time.



Block Range Maximums

After Arrakis we've realized just how good the Defensive builds can be. As such, we're going to be applying some of the same restrictions to them that is applied to Critical Strikes. Nothing too difficult here, just an addition of a new line. This has been added to Battle System 3.12; Blocking.


Maximum Block Range with Passive Effects: 20%
Maximum Block Range with Passive and Activated Effects: 40%



Guard Expertise

Because of the additions of Block Range Maximum, Guard Expertise is getting a buff. And by buff we mean removing the limitations so it can stack with other stuff. Whoo!

Guard Expertise
The character receives +3 to their block range per rank. Does not stack with any other similiar skill.
Requirements: Path of the Defender; Enlightened Defender
Ranks: 5
-1 SP


Guard Expertise
The character receives +3 to their block range per rank.
Requirements: Path of the Defender; Enlightened Defender
Ranks: 5
-1 SP



Armor & Weapon Attributes 'Hidden'

Before they didn't really do anything for you in battle. Now they do! Hurray!

Your weapon is made too be hidden within you clothing or as a package so others do not notice.
Other's cannot tell you have a weapon until you reveal it.

Your armor is hidden under clothing.
People cannot see that you are wearing armor unless you show them.


Your weapon is made too be hidden within you clothing or as a package so others do not notice.
This item may not be the target of abilities until it's used in battle.

Your armor is hidden under clothing.
This item may not be the target of abilities until it's used in battle.



Path of the Harmonius

A single word change to be more clear in the meaning. The updated word use to be "or" and now it is "and".

Path of the Harmonius
Honing their expertise of many disciplines, these shinobi are adept in controlling and combining their energies. At this stage, some focus on so many disciplines that their energies are inseparable and interchangeable, and have found ways of preforming jutsu long after an energy reserve has run dry. Others have focused on increasing the effectiveness of their hybrid powers, as well as the efficiency they release their energy with. A last group of these well-rounded shinobi seek even broader horizons, and pursue the rigorous art of medicine with respectable success.
Effect: User gains 1 extra Jutsu Point every 3rd level.

Harmony's Path: (Choose One)
- Pooled Energies: The user may take ‘Extreme Will’ and ‘Extreme Endurance’ at the cost of 1 SP each, as well as a third rank of each skill for 1 SP. Additionally, the user may choose to substitute any Chakra cost with Stamina or vice versa, usable x times per battle according to ninja rank*.
- Unrelenting Force: If any ability would stop you from using a certain type of technique, you may use hybrids that involve that technique so long as you are able to use one of the types that compose it. In addition, Response Phase jutsu used against hybrid techniques from the user have an additional 10% chance to fail.
- Perception of Self: Every 40 points in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu increases stat additions from Genjutsu on yourself by 5 points.
*Ninja Rank modifiers: Chuunin: 1, Jounin: 2, Sennin: 3

RP Guide:
- Ninja on this path are very curious and receptive to the world around them. Not willing to devote themselves to a single path, these shinobi will try just about everything at least once in their life. Those on the Harmonious path are continuously seeking and creating, finding new ways to forge harmony between the various shinobi arts. The ninja themselves can be as diverse as the techniques they wield, though they all share and underlying appreciation for making opposing forces work together.
- Chuunin. Must have Path of the Balanced.



Reflective Surface

This ability was never updated when Accuracy and Evasion changed from 20/5 to 10/1 for their modifiers. As such, it was even more grossly undercosted than it already was. In addition, the flavor here is just awful. As such, we've completely cut it from the Main Site. If you have an item with this ability please remove it and refund yourself the $120. Note in your logs that you got a refund and link to this news post. You can see Reflective Surface in its final known state below. Revel in its glory as we give it a viking send off.


Reflective Surface
Your armor is smoothed and reflective to light. It blinds your opponent slightly.
Effect: You get a +%10 on your dodge. This attribute does not stack with itself. If the fight has said too be in little or no light then your bonus is taken away unless you role play a way for it to be back in action. (i.e. - "The missed fireball ignights a log, giving light too the dark forest.)



Elemental Shield Stacking

Elemental Resistance, Defense and Shield were never meant to stack together. Now they don't! Hurray! Also I correctly spelled "induce" as well.

Chakra Resistance
Your armor has been chakra enduced to resist void type chakra attacks.
Effect: You gain +80 Defense against physical void damage. This is a triggered effect.

Chakra Defense
Your armor has been chakra enduced to resist void type chakra attacks.
Effect: You gain +300 Defense against physical void damage. This is a triggered effect. Replaces "Chakra Resistance".
Chakra Resistance

Chakra Shield
Your armor has been chakra enduced to resist void type chakra attacks.
Effect: You gain +660 Defense against void damage. This is a triggered effect. Replaces "Chakra Defense".
Chakra Defense

Elemental Resistance
Your armor has been chakra enduced to resist a chosen type of elemental attack
Effect: You gain +100 Defense against (one chosen element) damage. This is a triggered effect.

Elemental Defense
Your armor has been chakra enduced to resist a chosen type of elemental attack
Effect: You gain +360 Defense against (one chosen element) damage. This is a triggered effect. Replaces "Elemental Resistance" of the same element.
Elemental Resistance

Elemental Shield
Your armor has been chakra enduced to resist a chosen type of elemental attack
Effect: You gain +760 Defense against (one chosen element) damage. This is a triggered effect. Replaces "Elemental Defense" of the same element.
Elemental Defense


Chakra Resistance
Your armor has been chakra induced to resist void type chakra attacks.
Effect: You gain +80 Defense against physical void damage. This is a triggered effect. Does not stack with Chakra Resistance, Defense or Shield of the same element.

Chakra Defense
Your armor has been chakra induced to resist void type chakra attacks.
Effect: You gain +300 Defense against physical void damage. This is a triggered effect. Replaces "Chakra Resistance". Does not stack with Chakra Resistance, Defense or Shield of the same element.
Chakra Resistance

Chakra Shield
Your armor has been chakra induced to resist void type chakra attacks.
Effect: You gain +660 Defense against void damage. This is a triggered effect. Replaces "Chakra Defense". Does not stack with Chakra Resistance, Defense or Shield of the same element.
Chakra Defense

Elemental Resistance
Your armor has been chakra induced to resist a chosen type of elemental attack
Effect: You gain +100 Defense against (one chosen element) damage. This is a triggered effect.Does not stack with Elemental Resistance, Defense or Shield of the same element.

Elemental Defense Your armor has been chakra induced to resist a chosen type of elemental attack
Effect: You gain +360 Defense against (one chosen element) damage. This is a triggered effect. Replaces "Elemental Resistance" of the same element. Does not stack with Elemental Resistance, Defense or Shield of the same element.
Elemental Resistance

Elemental Shield
Your armor has been chakra induced to resist a chosen type of elemental attack
Effect: You gain +760 Defense against (one chosen element) damage. This is a triggered effect. Replaces "Elemental Defense" of the same element. Does not stack with Elemental Resistance, Defense or Shield of the same element.
Elemental Defense



Character Compatibility Rules

This is a new set of rules set out to make it easier for people who start playing a character and decide that it really just isn't as fun as they had hoped or that they just can't get into the character. Also, it replaced a very old set of rules that were already in the section Basic RPG Rules; 1.10. I bet no one could tell me what those rules were. (Hint: They were completely useless, a waste of main site space, AND incorrect!)

Character Compatibility
If a player creates a character and decides that they no longer desire to play the character for any reason, they may transfer all statistics of that character to a new one. This may only be done if the character in question is within ten levels of their starting level at creation. For characters over level 50, there is a six month limitation to this exchange. To do so, please contact a staff members and inform them of your decision so that they may move your character sheet to the appropriate area. Staff reserve the right to deny character compatibility requests given extreme circumstances. The following is a full list of statistics that transfer over.

- 100% of the character's Total Experience Points.
- Death Bonus.
- All items and belongings (if they so choose).
- All money.



Academy Student Skill

So this skill created by Cellar Door has been floating around for awhile. It's had a few issues, but we've come to the conclusion that it is unique and powerful enough that it should be available to everyone who starts the game. So, we have added it to the Hindering Skills section of the Main Page with a few small adjustments. Check it out!

Academy Student
Effect: This skill may only be taken at character creation. Characters with this skill begin play at the rank of Academy Student, which is considered to be below the rank of Gennin. Academy Students begin play at level U4 and begin with 100 Stat Points, 2 Jutsu Points and 1 Skill Point. Level progression proceeds as follows: U4, U3, U2, U1, 0. As they progress an Academy Student gains one (1) Jutsu Point at level U3 and U1 and one (1) Skill Point at level U2. Progression between levels U4 and 0 requires 200 Experience per level. Upon reaching level 0, the Academy Student must pass an exam to become a Genin. Upon completion of the exam they receive an additional 1 SP and 2 JP as a rank bonus. Academy Students may not train by themselves for experience, and may not purchase techniques above their rank. Jutsu of the Academy rank have a maximum DP of 40, and utilize a 3:2 ratio when determining chakra and stamina costs. Academy Students may begin play with 1 additional free Academy Technique of their creation. Basic Path skills may not be taken until reaching level 0. If a character starts with enough TXP to make them level 0 or higher, they must still complete their exam to become Genin, even if it is retroactive in their past.
Description: Possessors of young minds and fruitful imaginations, Academy Students are perhaps one of the only pure things about the Shinobi world. They know little of bloodshed or strife, and only see their superiors as radiant heroes. Often, these young boys and girls are disillusioned and lead astray by dreams of fame and power; they believe that a Shinobi life is one of pure glory, and that freedom from all their suffering is but a Jutsu away. As expected, these young children have poor strength and chakra manipulation, but are willing to learn. Their dreams often turn them into willing, if not impossibly overbearing students.
Cost: 0



Yokai Focus: Void

This use to give +20% to dodge Concentration based attack. Apparently we were on cocaine. This has been reduced to +5%!


Wielding Weapons of Multiple Sizes

We didn't have any rules governing what happens if the very unlikely scenario that a player is weilding weapons of different sizes. Now we do! This was a single line addition to the general weapon rules.

- Medium and Large Weapons share a pool of strikes when used together in a single attack. Use Medium Weapon strike amounts per rank with the Large Weapon using two strikes per swing.



Grand Terrain & Climate Wording Update

This was mostly a wording update to make them uniform and more clear. There are a few changes to some terrains, those changes are outlined below.

Mechanical Changes
- Lavaflow: Changed it from RANDOMLY SCREWING people to being just moderately dangerous for everyone.
- Dense Woodland and Jungle: Changed ensnare chance from 5% to 10%
- Marsh: Changed ensnare chance from 2% to 5%.

- Heavy Rain: Changed how Lightning attacks interact. Changed chance to hit reduction from 6% to 10%.
- Monsoon: Changed how Lightning attack interact.
- Rain: Changed how Lightning attack interact.



Rules Re-Arrangement

The following sections of the rules were moved due to them being in awkward places.

Jutsu Rules 5.22; Passive Damage Reduction is being moved to Battle System 3.14.

Jutsu Rules 5.23; When You Can Learn Jutsu is being moved to Leveling System 4.01 where it will receive its own sub section called "When You Can Learn Jutsu & Skills".

Battle System 3.14; When Damage and Costs Occur is being moved to Battle System 3.20.

Jutsu Rules 5.23 is reserved for MJ.

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