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178 Sennin Canidate


About cntrstrk14

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    Grand Master
  • Birthday 12/14/1987

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    Seattle, WA
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    Games, Magic: The Gathering, Games.

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  1. cntrstrk14

    Still alive?

    We continue to exist, yes.
  2. Hisame Honsou Approved, 600 EXP & 両120 Enjin Misotake Approved, 600 EXP & 両120
  3. Problem: [Typo] Instead of "The Capital", its written as "he Capital" +25 EXP and 両10 I notice I missed a handful of these above. I will review them at a later date, but wanted to address the latest posting because it was a quick and easy fix.
  4. Aki Sarada Approved, 600 EXP & 両120 Inuzuka Kenji Approved, 600 EXP & 両120
  5. Dark skies kiss strange flight Witches, clowns and elves delight Nightmares now abound. The leaves are changing and its finally getting cold here in North America! Here in English speaking countries, Halloween is celebrated every year without fail and with near universal recognition. However, in Japan, Halloween is a very recent tradition. Trick-or-treating is very rare as the very idea of bothering strangers for candy is absurd in Japanese culture. However, costumes and celebration are becoming more and more common! Having been in Japan during Halloween the most common celebration I saw was bar hopping in full costume, which really is the best way to celebrate it in my opinion. This time of year though is often a celebration of the moon and of harvest. Anyone who has been around for my first two Halloween events knows a bit about this already. Moon viewing parties and special moon related dishes are prepared and served in festive celebration to welcome the changing of the season. So take some time, get some candy, and look up at the moon with a bountiful harvest tonight! HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! All currently approved characters, and any characters posted for approval by November 7th obtain the following: 3 Milk Chocolate Shuriken -A four pronged piece of chocolate shaped to look like a Shuriken. A classic treat for children dressed as ninjas. Effect: Gain 1 JP when this candy is eaten. Value: $25 2 Pumpkin Juice -A small wax bottle containing a sweet orange liquid. Even the small amount in the bottle packs a punch of flavor including cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin and just a little hint of something spicy. Effect: This candy may be eaten when your character receives experience. When you eat this candy, you gain +100 EXP. Only one "Pumpkin Juice" may be eaten per thread. Value: $50 2 Black Licorice Bats -Only psychopaths like this candy. The unforgettable flavor of the licorice root in the shape of a hairy bat, complete with little strands that get caught in your teeth. Makes a squeaking sound when you eat it. Effect: When this candy is eaten, you may increase the word-count of the post that this candy was consumed in by +200 Words. Eating multiple 'Black Licorice Bats' may stack this effect to a maximum of +400 words. Value: $50 1 Creepy Capsule Prize! [Roll a d35 to Determine your prize!]
      • 3
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  6. Mahiru Sencha Approved, 600 EXP & 両120 @Potatosoupliker Sorry for the delay!
  7. Math break down! 225 Damage — 150 Chakra Burning 120 — 64 Chakra per turn (x2) +15% Chance to Critical — * 1.3 RPJ +20% Fail Chance — * 1.25 Double Subtle Elements — * 1.1 150 + 64 + 64 = 278 * 1.3 = 361.4 * 1.25 = 451.75 * 1.1 = 496.925 Total Chakra for Combined Jutsu 496.925 / 2 = 248.4625, rounded to 250 Chakra So the total cost for this jutsu would be 250 Chakra. The JP is then calculated for a 250 Chakra jutsu, but since it can ONLY be used in this way you divided it by 2. So the JP for a 250 Chakra Jounin jutsu is 6 JP, but then you divided by two and get 3 JP. So 250 Chakra & 3 JP.
  8. Reviewing the cost quickly, using the same costs we used in the Friend Cutter thread as a reference. I am putting the things unique to your version in blue just to be easier to see. 600 Damage — 300 Chakra Ignore Item — 80 Chakra 150 Bleeding — 60 Chakra per Turn (120 Total) Defense Ignore — 500 * 1.25 = 625 Chakra Speed Bonus — 625 * 1.15 = 718.75 Chakra RPJ Failure Chance — 718.75 * 1.5 = 1,078.125 Chakra Seal-less — 1,078.125 * 0.3 = 1,401.5625 Chakra Total Before Reductions — 1,400 (Rounded Down) AS Requirement Reduction — 1400 * 0.8 = 1,120 Skill Cost Reduction — 1,120 - 560 = 560 Final Cost — 560 Chakra So just update the cost to 560 and we are good to go!
  9. Okay, some edits have been made so let's break this down! Damage: 600 300 Chakra Cost. This technique does 1.5x damage to barriers/shields +25% Total Cost ... and may not be intercepted by summons/clones. Remove this part. This technique being an AoE will already do that without needing to say that. This technique has a 25% increased chance of a critical hit. +50% Total Cost Response Phase Jutsu used against this technique have an additional 25% chance to fail, even if they did not already possess a fail chance. +25% Total Cost Area of Effect x3 Total Cost So the cost would be... 300 * 2 (25%+50%+25%) = 600 * 3 = 1800 Chakra Total And since it is a coalescence, each character pays half so we cut that cost in two. 1800 Chakra / 2 = 900 Chakra For this jutsu it would be 28 JP (for a 1800 Chakra Jutsu), but then divided by 2 since its only able to be used as a coalescence. Points: 14 JP As before, orange is just commentary and red is needed changes.
  10. The Susanoo Unleashing would not be able to be considered for skill lock since it is already giving a bonus. A skill lock example would be like the Chidori or Rasengan skills where the only they do is give access to those techniques (and hence allow those techniques to get more power from that skill). If you want to prevent clones from intercepting this you could make it an AoE since the intercepting rules can only be used if the character was not the target of an attack.
  11. Great, this is close... • I don't see the seal-less being paid for anywhere in the calculations. Should be a +30% total cost points. • Once you finish this make sure to re-check the JP points. I think the 7+ was a left over from Deriving? I think this should just be priced as a normal kinjutsu at this point which I think will bring your JP down by a decent amount when you're done even with the +30%.
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