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Deer Jutsu 1.3

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I warned you. Alot. The entire jutsu catalogue of my summons is ready for approval. They will just rapid fire on out here.

Sasu no Heisa [Piercing Shutdown]

Type: Taijutsu [Deer Style]

Rank: Chunnin

Cost: 150 Stamina

Damage: 30 Damage

Effect: This jutsu can be considered to use any “Antler” type weapons for the purposes of skills or other effects. Enemy is under “Quarantine: Ninjutsu” “Quarantine: Genjutsu” and “Quarantine: Taijutsu” during their NEXT turn following the turn in which this jutsu hits.

Quarantine [Ninjutsu/Genjutsu/Tajutsu]: The target cannot use Ninjutsu/Genjutsu/Taijutsu. A character may only be affected by any 'Quarantine' effect for a maximum of three turns throughout the entire battle. Using multiple 'Quarantine' effects at a time takes up multiple turn uses.
Description: A brutal Deer-Style attack, the Piercing Shutdown combines ferocity with trickery. The deer will rev themselves up, imitating a bull as they initiate a full-on charge leading both horns to pierce the mid-section of the body. After the horns are lodged deep, the deer will thrash its head about, causing internal ripping and tearing. At first the attack merely seems savage, and the ninja will fight on as normal. The internal damages, however, have weakened the body’s systems, and any continued use causes them to completely shut down for a short period of time, leaving an enemy wide open for the summoner’s own attack.

Cost: 5

Gaisho Handou [Trauma Kick]

Type: Taijutsu [Deer Style]

Rank: Genin

Cost: 65 Stamina

Damage: 5 Damage

Effect: Enemy is “Confused” for two turns.

Confused: Subject has a 50% chance to attack themselves every time they attack a target
Description: Yet another in the line of “Handou” jutsu, the Trauma Kick is a simple attack, aiming a single of the deer’s legs at the head of its enemy. The kick usually disorientates the enemy, causing them to stumble about the battlefield and occasionally hurt themselves.

Cost: 4

Fumi Hasai [Crushing Stomp]

Type: Taijutsu [Deer Style]

Rank: Chunnin

Cost: 100 Stamina

Damage: 30 Damage

Effect: Enemy is “Clobbered” for two turns.

Clobbered: When afflicted by this the character may only use Jutsu with a DP less than or equal to twice their level, or basic attacks.
Description: The deer get larger as their power grows, and fnally, it comes into play as part of the Crushing Stomp. Using one massive foot, the deer will jam it into the ground, crushing an enemy underneath it. The broken and beaten body beneath the foot will find it hard to perform at their normal levels for a while, having taken such a brutish hit.

Cost: 4

Edited by Kouta
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