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Attribute Name: Implant

Applicable To: Small Weapons, Medium Weapon or Non-Armour/Non-Weapon Items

Description: You have undergone surgery to have a weapon or item installed within your arm. Unless additional upgrades are taken, it is highly obvious that your arms are so equipped, with air tubes, metal plates, bulging sections or exposed gears making known the presence of your modifications.

Effect: The weapon or item is now stored inside one of your arms, and cannot be disarmed or targeted. Should the arm be lost, the weapon/item is lost as well. If the weapon/item also has the [Hidden] attribute, it becomes retractable and gains the cost below. Each arm may only possess one Medium Weapon or up to 10 Small Weapons. Items cannot be stored in arms that also store weapons.

Effect Costs: Extending/Retracting weapons or items costs x chakra and stamina (where x is equal to the level of the weapon or 1% of the item’s cost, with a minimum value of 5).

Cost: $150

Edited by Princess
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