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Yoroi Ogun

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~User Data~

-Posting: Daily

-Time Zone: Varies

-Character Slot: 2





.:Vital Statistics:.

Name: Yoroi Ogun

Clan: Yoroi

Birthplace: Eyame Port

Current Residence: Konoha

Age: 14

D.O.B.: Sept. 16th

Sex: Male








-Height: 5'9" or 175cm

-Weight: 150 lbs or 82 Kgs 

-Hair Color: Black

-Eye Color: Green


Casual: A white t-shirt, green scarf, black duster with black baggy cargo pants, boots, and jacket. He also has black finger-less gloves 

Military Police Cadet: Dark green top and black trousers with Konoha signature over the left breast. Black boots with the trousers bloused into them. Ogun still wears the black fingerless gloves. 


-Physical Description


An athletic build of one which endured a daily regiment of exercise and labor which he is constantly lifting heavy objects. A little taller for his age at times could be mistaken for one that is older. A tan of one which works long hours out in the sun. His hair is kept in a short style that has a curl which falls on his forehead.  His hands and fingers are coarse from hard labor.  He also has a small circular scar on the right side of his lower abdomen


18px-Otogakure_Symbol.svg_zpse1v4qgep.pnTheme Music18px-Otogakure_Symbol.svg_zpse1v4qgep.pn


Standard Theme -


Battle Theme -


Melancholy/sad Theme:


When the hunger comes:

Edited by tygerin
Posted (edited)



At times he can be nice and open, a smile which brightens up his face and warm those around him... then when the urge to feed comes, when he starts to view those around him as prey, then that smile takes on a different tone. He is a nightmare dressed as a daydream, a predator disguised as what he thinks of his prey. If the person is strong, then its both exciting and honorable, if he sees them as weak, its usually disgust and a play toy. But at his core, he believes in the strength of the Leaf's history, their heroes... He wants to become what his predecessor couldn't. Since he hid among normal humans all his life; he empathizes with their way of life more than the ideal ninja way, so many of his tactics are those used by the normal humans that don't have the benefit of chakra magic as he puts it. 


One of the drawbacks for his ability could only be describe by a hunger. Its a feeling which comes upon him after he feeds, in which he instinctively wishes to prey upon those which holds essence. For the most part, he calls it the 'dark passenger', the one within him which urges him to treat others as cattle; but Ogun understands it is indeed himself which wishes to feed more. So for the most part, after moments in which he uses his abilities to drain others, he will isolate himself and meditate to keep himself in control. 


  • Cats - What's not to like? They way they move, hunt, fight... their eyes seem to possess some otherworldly powers
  • Females - Almost the same as cats; their movements, their scents, the feeling you get in your gut when you are around them
  • Dancing - Always loved movement
  • Music - You need something to move to
  • Karaoke - I used to sing all the time at my home... it was therapeutic  
  • The roar or boos of spectators - the crowd has spoken on your skills
  • Puzzles - it gets your brain working outside of the box
  • Strong fighters - you must train to fight with them, and harder if they are even stronger. An obstacle to achieve.
  • Predatory animals - they are as true to themselves as a force of nature. There is nothing worse than to see a predator in a cage. 


  • Weakness - Not that the person itself is weak, but that they relish in it and not attempt to get stronger, or strive to be better.
  • Reminded about his ancestor Yoroi Akado in a bad way, after all, he is trying to erase his bad deeds and clear the family name
  • Bullies - It is one thing to be strong, but to pick on the weak and not make them stronger? You crossed the line buddy
  • Group think - If you have too many people looking in only one direction, you will be blindsided every time
  • What happens after you complete a mission - when you leave; what happens to the people afterwards? Shouldn't we care more?


  • -Food: Ramen, BBQ, Lo Mein, 
  • -Color: Black, Blue, Silver
  • -Music Genre: Pop, Techno, Trip Hop, Disco, Metal, Grunge
  • -Book Genre: Horror, Mystery, Detective
  • -Hangout: Anywhere crowds of people are



Current Allegiance: Konoha

Yoroi Kateshi, Yoroi Harambi - strained as of late; became a shinobi so now I am ostracized. Not a problem, I will drag them into the light 
Yoroi Takeda - My older brother who left before me to also become a shinobi; haven't seen or heard from him or even about him
-Significant Other(s):
Nope... not yet at least
Btah the black cat - My roommate, or rather the creature which always bothers me for food
Inuzuka Matsudo- A cool relaxed instructor; understands the limits of rules and how to get the job done. Even his dog Tano is cool
Haruno Kasumi - I wouldn't say friends... had a crush on her, but she is strictly a rule book type... but as beautiful as a Cherry blossom tree. 
Aburame Shiina - He's a cool guy, his bugs and I are on the same page and looking at the world through his eyes grants him a different perspective. 







Home Life
'Being forgotten is freedom in itself' his grandfather used to say before he died. It was through him that he learned of the exploits of his ancestor, Yoroi Akado. He fought the great leaf ninjas of the Uchiha and Aburame clans, he came to serve first the Leaf and then Sound villages, and then nothing. What he explained was that his quad great grandfather continued to bounce between the two villages doing minor mercenary work, getting married in Konoha and then escaping once he was found out to Oto where he created yet another family. Although they didn't have Akado to lead them any longer, they still had his ryo from his previous occupations.
From then on, the family became that of lumberjacks. Ogun from the time he could walk and understand what they did for currency dragged leafs and branches and chopped wood. He never understood why they worked so hard when they didn't have to, but being remembered is the loss of freedom. If they were to spend their money and live luxuriously, then someone will remember the name. What of any enemies which would come for them? So Ogun chopped wood and kept to himself...
Ogun understood a few things about himself, he couldn't have pets because they will get weak from his handling. He couldn't play with kids because contact when he was excited made them weak. Like his family, they were able to absorb the energy out of objects and people. By age 8 his father, as he has done with his siblings, placed him to work in the forest. The more he trained, the more his chakra stopped leaking. His test was to hold rodents in his hands at the end of the work week for an hour to see if he had full control, which was completed in two years.
What they believed to be a failure for such a prolonged time was actually Ogun enjoying draining the creatures. There was a guilty rush to the absorption, the sensation filled an abysmal hunger which he had once he was around others and couldn't explain. So by the second year he finished mastering the ability to drain miniscule amounts over time.
He started to think about the slogan... why would he want to be forgotten? He had a skill, his bloodline that made him special, and he was a predator. Why would you hide from your prey? He should live in the open, he should be around lots of people, and he should feed. Most of his brothers either died from being hunted by the NCIA during the rebellions when he was too young to remember, another left the village after cutting his hair in defiance to the patriarch, while Tanaka remained behind and helped the family obediently.
Ogun bided his time, training his body for two more years cutting wood, but also going into town when deliveries needed to be made where he moved along the crowded streets siphoning energy from other villagers. He never really thought of fighting until he seen a traveling entertainer act, one of the actresses had a large cat which pounced around her as she made large dancing movements. Her circular kicks and thrusts of her legs, the flips and variety of stances in which she assumed. It was something he never witnessed that got his heart moving, also mind thinking. While standing in the crowd, people around Ogun started to faint, which made him realize that during his excitement he drained the energy of those around him. Because of this an angry mob surrounded him, until he was saved by the large feline which growled loudly and swung its deadly paw every which a way. When their eyes met, the ferocious jaguar and Ogun, it felt like forever, each slowly blinking without moving an inch. The dancer snapped him out of thinking as she suggested they relocate fast, which they did.
Yuri, as she is called, told him that all fighting is nothing but choreographed movement like dancing, that she could teach him the basics before they are schedule to leave. Once Ogun learned the rhythm and started to creatively move his body, she said that it was enough to start... if he wanted to be a dancer, but if he wanted to be a fighter, that he should go to the Hidden Leaf and join the academy. He nodded, pet the jaguar, and said his farewells until next time.
Ogun told his father Kateshi that he wanted to become a ninja which his father disagreed. No child of his would become a ninja after so many of his brothers died. It was a empasse which neither was backing down from.  To the point in which the argument got heated and Kateshi, not realizing that he still held a blade in his hand from when he was sharpening it, stabbed his son in the stomach when they got in close. Ogun, shocked by the revelation and pain, rushed away from his home.
When he stopped running, and stitched the wound up and covered it... he started to cut his long black hair,  and assumed his new path
Ogun reached Konoha and started to take missions while wearing his Ancestor's old hitai-ate, wanting to jump into it without any academy training. The successes which he had while performing D and C ranked missions started to pile up until he received a scroll for meeting his first instructor; Inuzuka Matsudo and his canine companion Tano. He bonded with him while being trained. Being too old to attend the academy, Ogun learned the basics of ninja tactics and jutsu from him. It wasn't until he performed a joint mission with Haruno Kasumi on a mission to dispatch bandits at Eyame Port that he knew the difference between justice and performing ninja missions. The idea of simply completing the mission and leaving didn't work within his ideals for justice for the villagers. Even then, Ogun was arrogant while performing missions until he took mission meant for Chuunin and failed. Humbled by the experience, he sought to learn all about the academy's teachings. It was then that Matsudo submitted him as a cadet for the Military Police Force, granting him the opportunity to ensure justice for the villagers and ninja alike. 
Konoha Police Force


As a cadet, Ogun was assigned to squad Hemlock for his training. With his teammates they performed tasks, studied, and competed against other squads as part of the daily regiment. It was also during this time which he found out that being a cadet does not get a paycheck; so he still performed missions while not training. Although he was physically able for the task, it was a mental strain in how to perform his duties since being part of the military police functions differently in many aspects as being part of the ninja corps. It was this time which he met Aburame Shiina which he partnered up with to perform missions, and Sarutobi Kentaro which he became close with while in the academy. This time was confusing to Ogun, trying to maintain a balance of control over his urge to feed on the essence of creatures, and performing as one should as part of the police force. He found these contradiction of ethics a slippery slope, and simply hoped not to harm a villager while performing his duties. 


There was one incident in which Ogun went along with a plan mentioned by Kentaro to deal with a suspected bully. The plan was working well until he noticed that his associate started acting more aggressive against the bully. It was then that Ogun realized he was used to settle old scores which Kentaro had against him. This placed a strain and distance between the friends while landing Ogun in enough trouble for possibly an expulsion. His supervisor Lieutenant Yoshimatsu spoke for him and said that if he was able to pass the Chuunin examination, then he would still be a cadet for the corps, if not, then he would be expelled.


At the Chuunin Exam, his supervisor and exam proctor Lieutenant Yoshimatsu gave him the exam after reviewing his record of missions which he undertaken as well as his ability to describe the philosophies of his ability and the nature of life. He was then tested in a fight against a storm element user, which was basically a stand still based on the ninja's ability to cause little to no damage and Ogun's ability to hit was less than stellar. The bout soon turned into a cooperative when the proctor switched the target to be a looming shadow figure with a scythe. During the bout, Ogun attempted to save Siaru when she first got hit by creating a barrier, than a plan in order to attack the creature, but in the ordeal the scythe found its mark in Siaru and killed her. With the exam over, Ogun was became a Chuunin and permitted back on the Konohagakure Police Force. Still despondent from the events, Ogun looked at the vest with pride and sadness.



Edited by tygerin
Posted (edited)





Death Bonus: None

Rank: Gennin

Level: 42

TXP: 18,144


Total Stat Points: 4400

+ Creation: 500

+ Levels 1 - 30  : 3000

+ Levels 31 - 42: 1200






(Health) 500

(Stamina) 300

(Chakra) 300

(Taijutsu) 400

(Defense) 400 [840]

(Ninjutsu) 300

(Genjutsu) 100

(Concentration) 500

(Speed) 600

(Accuracy) 800

(Evasion) 500 [540]





Statistical Modifiers



  • Taijutsu Damage: +100
  • Basic Attack Damage: +65
  • Ranged Weapon Damage: +50


  • Ninjutsu Damage: +75


  • Genjutsu Statistic Damage: +25
  • Genjutsu Ghost Damage: +10
  • Genjutsu Statistic Reduction: -25


  • Physical Damage: -100
  • Armor: -110
  • Skill Reduction: -30
  • Skill Basic Strike: -18
  • Skill Block Range: +3 [8]


  • Genjutsu 'To-Hit': +25%
  • Genjutsu 'To-Dodge': -25%
  • Taijutsu Critical Chance: +6%
  • Ninjutsu Cost Reduction: -10%


  • Speed Percentile: 143%


  • Physical 'To-Hit': +80%
  • Ranged Weapon Damage: +100


  • Physical 'To-Dodge': -54












Skill Point Tally:(34/34)

+ Creation: +2

+ Hindering: +5

+ Chuunin Promotion: +2

+ Level 1 - 10: +10

+ Level 11 - 42: +15


Remaining Skill Points: 0








First Elemental Affinity:  EARTH unlock at level 30

User has a -15% to base damage (rounded up) for incoming Ninjutsu -or- Taijutsu attacks (choose one when this skill is learned). Earth Jutsu cost one less JP to a minimum of 1. This effect may stack with other skills, to a maximum of -2 JP per technique. User receives the skill & Subtle Elements: Earth for free and may purchase an additional rank of Subtle Elements. If the user already has Subtle Elements: Earth, they may have their points refunded. *This skill may be learned before level 30, but the effects are not granted until level 30 is obtained.




Second Elemental Affinity: WIND unlock at level 80


User has a +15% to base damage (rounded up) with Ninjutsu -or- Genjutsu -or- Taijutsu attacks (choose one when this skill is learned). Wind Jutsu cost one less JP to a minimum of 1. This effect may stack with other skills, to a maximum of -2 JP per technique. User receives the skill “Subtle Elements: Wind” for free and may purchase an additional rank of “Subtle Elements”. If the user already has “Subtle Elements: Wind”, they may have their points refunded. *This skill may be learned before level 30, but the effects are not granted until level 30 is obtained.











Subtle Elements: Fire - Rank 2

Effect: May use Fire element techniques. All Fire Techniques deal an additional 10% of their total damage in burn damage (bleed damage when burn damage doesn't make sense) on the following turn, rounded up. All 5 Subtle Element skills share ranks.

Cost: 0 + 1SP


Subtle Elements: Water - Rank 2

Effect: May use Water element techniques. All Water Techniques cost 20% less and deal 20% more base damage when near a large source of liquid water, rounded up. All 5 Subtle Element skills share ranks.

Cost: -1


Subtle Elements: Earth - Rank 2

May use Earth element techniques. All defensive Earth Techniques give an additional 20% to their effects, rounded up. All 5 “Subtle Element” skills share ranks.

Cost: -1




Combinatorial; Steel

May use Steel Element techniques. Steel Techniques have +10% on durability effects with jutsu that create shields or other objects. In addition, the user may choose to apply the bonus from one of the Subtle Elements skill required to learn this element if they own it.

Requirements: Subtle Elements; Earth & Fire

Cost: -1


Combinatorial; Ash

May use Ash Element techniques. A player who is hit with an Ash Technique suffers -10% to dodge in their following response phase. Does not stack. In addition, the user may choose to apply the bonus from one of the Subtle Elements skill required to learn this element if they own it.

Requirements: Subtle Elements; Fire & Earth

Cost: -1


Combinatorial: Rust 

May use Rust Element techniques. Rust Techniques deal 15% of their base damage as ‘Poison’ damage on the following turn, rounded up. In addition, the user may choose to apply the bonus from one of the Subtle Elements skill required to learn this element if they own it.

Requirements: Subtle Elements; Fire, Earth & Water

Cost: -2






.:Hindering Skills:.



Self Defense

User does not get a turn in battle until an opponent has a turn. If all characters have this skill, ignore the effects.

Cost: +2 [paid -2 SP to overcome]




Is Stunned for a post the first time damage is taken

Cost: +1 [paid -1 SP to overcome]



Slow to Adapt

A negative for being in terrain not of your current village. Gives -10% speed when not in your village's terrain

Cost: +1 [paid -1 SP to overcome]






.:Regular Skills:.






Quick Learner

Effect: You may gain +10% EXP From Training, Battles, Gamemaster and Mission rewards. Bonus EXP is not included in this.

Cost: -2


Inner Calm - Rank 2

Chakra-Based Techniques cost 5 less Chakra per ninja rank of the technique. Minimum of 5 Chakra must always be paid. Only 1 technique may have its cost reduced by this skill per turn.

Cost Reductions: No cost may be reduced below 50% of its base cost.

Cost: -2




Steadfast Durability - Rank 1

Stamina-Based Techniques cost 5 less Stamina per ninja rank of the technique. Minimum of 5 Stamina must always be paid. Only 1 technique may have its cost reduced by this skill per turn.

Cost Reductions: No cost may be reduced below 50% of its base cost.

Cost: -1




The Path of the Defender

Effect: User gains 1 extra Jutsu Point every 3rd level and gains the skill 'Savior' for free.

Garrison's Teachings

-Caring Heart: May learn 'Defensive Action Expert'

-Unbreakable: User is capable of gaining 'Resistance Mastery' and 'Defensive Martial Artist' at the cost of 1 SP per 2 ranks.

Cost: -1



Guard Expertise - Rank 1

The character receives +3 to their block range per rank. Does not stack with any other similar skill.

 Cost: -1




Savior [free]

Once per team battle you may choose to take an attack in place of your ally without need for any rolls. Apply all armors against this attack regardless of if it is supposed to bypass armor or not. When you take the hit, you gain a +100 to Defense. Cannot be used against Genjutsu.


Defensive Action Expert [free]

User may use defensive/response phase jutsu to protect an ally. This ability can only be invoked twice a battle



Defensive Martial Artist - Rank 6

The user takes -5 damage from incoming Taijutsu attacks per ninja rank of the user (per skill rank). The user also takes -3 damage from incoming Basic attacks per strike (per skill rank).


Resistance Mastery - Rank 6

The user takes -5 damage from incoming Ninjutsu attacks per ninja rank of the user (per skill rank).

Cost: -3



Martial Artist - Jaguar Style - Rank 2

For each rank of this skill choose a Taijutsu Style. Taijutsu of the chosen Style deal a bonus +5 [chuunin +10] damage per ninja rank of the technique (per skill rank). You may choose "Styleless" Taijutsu as your chosen style, which would include any Taijutsu that does not fall under a specific type of fighting style. Basic Attacks deal a bonus +3 [chuunin +6] damage per strike (per rank).




Path of the Tactician

War is played on the battlefield and far from it, in the shadowed room of politics and in the free roaming tents of warlords. War is about strength, endurance, and tactics just as much as anything else, and a shinobi who has learned this at times focuses on Tactics, on becoming a skilled warrior in situational movements so they can take their opponent to their knees, a tactician.

Effect: You gain the skill "Master Tactician" for free. Word requirements for missions are reduced by 15% of their total for all participants, rounded up. This does not stack with any other bonuses. In addition you gain one of the following abilities. 


Tactical Advantage: (Choose One)

- Combat Brilliance: The Tactician may choose to have any of their offensive Main Phase jutsu gain the ability "Coalescence [X, Jutsu Z]" (See Jutsu Rules 5.31; Coalescence). The value of X is decided by the Tactician when they use their jutsu. "Jutsu Z" can be any offensive Main Phase jutsu that their teammates decides to use on their turn. Accuracy of the Coalescence jutsu is determined by the participating teammate with the highest Accuracy or Concentration stat. All types, damage and effects of the jutsu that make up the Coalescence jutsu are combined. This may break damage caps, but may not break duration caps for status effects. The rank of the Coalescence jutsu is considered to be the highest rank of the jutsu used in the combination. The chance to hit for the Coalescence jutsu is increased by 10X%, to a maximum of 40%.

Cost: -1




Master Tactician [free]

"All warfare is based on deception."

The player can choose to activate or deactivate one of the following tactics during battle in their Setup Phase. The chosen tactic remains in effect until the player chooses to deactivate it, or activates another tactic. Only attainable through 'Path of the Tactician'.


- Tactics; Blitz: The user designates a single opponent when activating this tactic. The user and the members of their team gain a 10% chance to hit on the designated opponent. The Tactician and their allies lose 5% on all dodge rolls.

- Tactics; Fortification: The user and the members of their team may gain +15 to their block range.

- Tactics; Bait and Bleed: The user declares a member of their team as the target of this effect. Whenever an opponent attacks the designated target, the next attack on that opponent has a 50% chance to be a critical hit. May only be used in Team Battles.

- Tactics; Flanking Maneuver: If the user or one of their allies successfully attacks an opponent, the next attack on that opponent is considered to have the effect of 'Half Opening'.

- Tactics; Withdrawal: The user declares a member of their team as the target of this effect. All attacks directed at the designated target only apply 50% of their Accuracy or Concentration when determining the to-hit chance for the attack. This effect ends immediately if the designated target uses any ability that effects any target aside themselves.













Description: From the ancestor of origin, Akado Yoroi, this bloodline was granted to his descendants. Literally meaning 'To be armed with red', it was a play on the name of Akado meaning 'Red Body' or basically, armor. The recipient of this bloodline has the genetic mutation which allows them to metabolize chakra and spiritual essence into their bodies from animate targets and vessels holding essence. From birth, the recipient has little control over it, making physical contact with others dangerous to them, but as they grow into it, they are able to shut of that aspect, as well as use it in different ways. As they receive the energies from their prey, they are able to use this energy for their own jutsu, or even physical modification.

Requirements: taken upon character creation.

Effect: The bloodline holder is able to absorb chakra or stamina through direct contact or technique, from their animate or vessels which holds the essence and replenish their tanks. Once they gain the essence, they are able to use them as part of techniques. When activating a technique, the user may pay additional Chakra or Stamina in order to increase the damage of their technique.

Restrictions: As per rule, all damage to chakra or stamina tank stats are unmodified. Bonus damage from this skill follows the ratios listed below and applied to base damage and may not increase damage beyond its rank cap

Rank 1: Gennin level, the chakra/stamina applied for damage is 4:5

Cost: -2




Chakura shin'en - Chakra Abyss Rank 2

Description: This mastery of the abyss skill allows the user to metabolize the chakra from the damage of ninjutsu elemental or even genjutsu attacks. Through transmission of chakra through the senses, the user is able to absorb it into their reserves for future uses.

Effect: For each rank in this skill when the user receives damage from ninjutsu / genjutsu attacks, the user will recover x chakra. Where x is 10% of the damage reduced by the users defense

Cost: -3




Akai bodi shin'en - Red Body Abyss Rank 2

Description: This mastery of the abyss skill allows the user to metabolize the stamina from close encounters by taijutsu attackers and specialists. They name gained due to the hue of their bodies as contact is made with their target. Through absorption direction into their chakra circulatory system, the user is able to fill their reserves for future uses.

Effect: For each rank in this skill when the user receives damage from taijutsu attacks, the user will recover x stamina. Where x is 10% of the damage reduced by the user's defense.

Cost: -3




Don'yoku ken - Ravenous Fist

Description: Through training the bloodline user is able to incorporate their ability to absorb the energies of their prey while performing attacks. Through coming into contact with the prey by physical touch or even an elemental attack which connects the user and its prey, they are able to use it to siphon off fragments from the prey's reserves and into their own.

Effects: Allows for the user use of Chakra/Stamina absorption in techniques at the rate of 1.5x, with x being the amount of the targeted tank stat.

Cost: -2



Skills learned from Jounins: 4 SP Available 

Edited by tygerin
Posted (edited)


Jutsu Points: 85 Used : 51 Available : 135 Total

+ Creation: +4

+ One Time Character Bundle +30

+ Chuunin Promotion: 5
+ Skill: +11
+ Level 1-15: +15
+ Level 16-30: +32

+ Level 31-42: +37


Name: Seishin kyūshū: Spirit Absorption level 2
Type: Taijutsu [bloodline]
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 90

Damage: 68
Absorption: 30 Stamina
Effects: Unmodified stamina damage to tank stat and adds it to user's tank. Stamina gained cannot exceed the user's maximum tank stat. If used to convert to health, then only able to convert half of the conversion total [15 health]

Description:  The standard and basic jutsu of the leech; the bloodline user reaches and grabs the target. Once they make contact, the transfer begins; the user's skin at the point of contact turns red as it absorbs the spiritual energy from the target. Learning to metabolize the energy, the user converts some of it into healing energy for his vessel.
Points: 4


Name: Kyūketsuki no shin'en: Vampiric Abyss level 2
Type: Ninjutsu [bloodline]
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 99
Absorption: 50
Effects: drains unmodified chakra from tank stat and add the chakra to the user's tank. Chakra gained cannot exceed the user's maximum tank stat, 12 Burn damage for 3 turns
Description:  The standard and basic technique of the leech; the bloodline user creates a field of chakra around their hands and forcefully extract the chakra of their target when in close proximity. Even if the field runs through their hair it connects to their reserves and feeds the ravenous hunger and leaving the infected area with a caustic burn
Points: 4


Name: Kyūketsuki no Ishuku - Vampiric Atrophy level 2
Type: Ninjutsu [Akazonae, Rust]

Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 115
Damage: 30

Absorption: 40
Effects: 24 burn damage for two turns. Chakra tank stat damage is unmodified
Description: The ravenous ability of the Akazonae user takes form in various ways. They learned to combine their parasitic aura of removing the essence from the target along with injuring them as well, to the point of causing their cells to degenerate through direct contact with their aura.
Points: 5 



Kūchū Kātohoīru - Aerial Cartwheel level 1
Type: Taijutsu [Jaguar style]
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 16x [x = 3 attacks max]
Damage: 20x
Effect: Multi-Strike Jutsu
Description: The ninja plants and rotates fully on his left leg while performing a diagonal roundhouse with his right and his right hand briefly planted on the ground behind him for leverage and measure of his continued rotation, in which he spins again into a cartwheel performing a roundhouse with both feet.
JP: 3

Gyaku sokuten - Reverse Cartwheel level 1
Type: Taijutsu [Jaguar Style]
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 48
Damage: 10
Effect: Migraine for one turn
Description: The ninja does a back handspring in which they plant a hand behind them while bending their back while allowing his hips to go over their head, launching a kick with each foot as he cartwheels backwards.
JP: 3

Jagāsutairu - Hiji no Surasshu: Jaguar Style - Elbow Slash
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 35
Damage: 10
Effect: 20 bleed damage for 2 turns
Description: A basic blow; the ninja steps forward and launches an horizontal elbow at the target's temple. The arc and speed of the blow is able to slice open the skin where its thin against the skull.
JP: 3

Jagāsutairu - Supiningu Hiji: Jaguar Style - Spinning Elbow
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 36
Damage: 20
Effect: Numb for one turn
Description: The ninja launches a feint with his left elbow while using the swaying motion for full rotation to launch the back of his right elbow in the clockwise direction. The elbow hits flat on the side of the face, deadening the nerves on the side of their face for a short moment.
JP: 3


Name: Jagāsutairu: Nodo Sumasshu Jaguar Style - Throat Smash lvl 2
Type: Taijutsu [jaguar style]
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 150
Damage: 150
Effects: Opponent is Vulnerable for one turn
Description:  The user forms his hand into claws at first to throw a flurry of feints, but the last attack he forms a ridge hand and slams it into the throat of the opponent 
Points: 5


Name: Jagāsutairu - Frankensteiner lvl 1

Type: Taijutsu [Jaguar Style]

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 150

Damage: 60

Effects: Opponent suffers Full Opening for Jagāsutairu - Danmaku lvl 2 and Exposed for one turn

Description: The user launches himself at the target feet first by either a forward hand planted flip or another aerial maneuver; but instead of kicking them, he clamps his shins around the target's neck. The user then drags his target off him feet by pulling his legs in a vertical pendulum, dropping the target directly on his head

Points: 5


Name: Jagāsutairu - Danmaku [Jaguar Style: Barrage] level 2
Type: Taijutsu [Akazone: Jaguar]
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 124
Damage: 40
Absorption: 60 stamina damage
Effects: 10 bleed damage for three turns. Damage to stamina tank is unmodified damage
Description: The ninja uses the ability to fortify his hands; gathering energy into his fingertips, they then perform a quick combination of slashes to the body and face which creates lacerations long its path.
Points: 5




Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Substitute Technique)
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: Academy Student
Cost: 10
Damage: None
Effects: Evade the next attack aimed at you. Skip your main and setup phase this turn. You can only use this 1 time per battle. This technique cannot be used to dodge Ninjutsu, Taijutsu or Genjutsu Techniques.
Description: A lifesaver, and a must-have technique. With this technique, the user is able to swap their body with a nearby object, usually a log, which will take the full force of any incoming blows for them, while they retreat to safe ground or search for an opening.

Shunshin No Jutsu | Body Flicker Technique | 瞬身の術
Type: Ninjutsu-Taijutsu [Void | Style-Less | Response | Evolving ]
Rank: Genin
Cost: 40 Chakra; 40 Stamina
Effect: This technique may only be used in the Response Phase and is done before any Dodge rolls. The user of this technique gains +10% to dodge during the Response Phase that this technique is used. This technique must be referenced in the dodge roll that it is affecting. The user of this technique loses their Set-Up Phase on the turn this technique is used. This technique has a 15% chance to fail per rank of the unresolved attack when performed. This technique may be performed 2 times per battle.
Description: One of the basic techniques taught to most students during their time at the academy. The Body Flicker Technique is considered an extremely versatile ability, and is one of the most widely used general shinobi skills. The jutsu itself is a high-speed movement ability that uses chakra to temporarily vitalize the body, allowing movement that is nearly untraceable to the naked eye. The user often disappears from the field of their opponent’s vision in a puff of smoke, as a means to further distract their path of escape. Though Shunshin has many applications, its most common use is in evading hazardous attacks.
Points: 5


Kage Bunshin No Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)

Type: Ninjutsu [Konoha] 
Rank: Chuunin 
Cost: 70x Chakra 
Effect: In terms of chakra cost calculation 'x' is equal to the number of clones created through this technique. May be used in the Main Phase or the Set-Up Phase. If used in the Set-Up Phase, the user's Main Phase is not consumed. Clones created during the user's Set-Up Phase may take part in any technique that requires the presence of physical clones during the Main Phase following their creation, but are destroyed during the Loss Phase. Shadow clones have 1 Health Point, with the rest of their statistics being equal to their creator's, divided by the number of clones created plus the creator [statistics/(x+1)] . 1 clone may be created by shinobi of Gennin rank, 4 by Chuunin, 7 by Jounin, and 14 by Sennin. This ratio is modified for ninja from Konohagakure to 2 by Gennin, 6 by Chuunin, 10 Jounin, and 18 by Sennin. 
Description: Years of steady usage has made the Shadow Clone Technique a common site on many a battlefield. Despite being a work-horse technique amongst shinobi, Kage Bunshin remains a versatile maneuver in many combat situations. Through means of the technique, the user is capable of quickly creating physical doppelgangers. The applications for these clones are numerous and every shinobi who learns Kage Bunshin No Jutsu seems to devise their own style with it. The clones themselves are much more fragile than the ninja that they imitate as they can be dispatched with little effort. History lends credence to the commonly held belief that the Shadow Clone Technique originated in the Land Of Fire some time before the creation of the first hidden villages. Since it's advent though, the technique has spread greatly and now shinobi of every denomination have been seen making use of the skill. Ninja hailing from Konohagakure No Sato still seem to be the most gifted with the use of shadow clones. Some say they have developed secret differences from the basic technique that allows them greater benefit.
Cost: 4


Name: Hagane no Yari - Steel Spear lvl 1
Type: Ninjutsu [shield, Steel]
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 76
Effects: This Jutsu may be used in the response phase or the main phase. User gains shield with health of 120. In the setup phase, the user is able to convert shield health into taijutsu stat at the rate of 4:3. Taijutsu gained this way lasts for 1 turn. The user may replenish health to shield with a main phase action. Can only be used twice per battle
Description: The user flows chakra through all parts of their body, causing it to become noticeably darker. The molecules of their skin converts into a hard surface, increasing their defensive and at times offensive power.
Points: 8

Powerful Fireball Skill (Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu)
Type: Ninjutsu [General; Fire]
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 40 Chakra
Damage: 30
Effect: Deals 6 burn damage per turn for two turns.
Description: The trademark fireball jutsu, this technique creates fire from the lungs and generates it through the mouth, funneling through a hand put in front of the mouth. Due to needing to stand still and putting the hands away from the defense this can be a risky move.
Cost: 2

Name: Suiton - Muchi: Water Style - Whip
Type: Ninjutsu [water]
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 30
Damage: 10
Effects: Distracted for one turn
Description: The user forms the hand seals as water siphoned from the air merged with their aura to form a whip connected to his right hand. The user then cracks the whip, sending the lash to strike the target
Points: 3

Name: Suiton: Suima Mimi - Water Style: Swimmer's Ear
Type: Ninjutsu [Water]
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 60
Damage: 15
Effects: Impaired Hearing for 3 turns
Description: The user forms the hand seals as water siphoned from the air merged with their aura to form a whip connected to his right hand. After cracking the whip, he sent the lash at the target and wrapped around their head. The water enters the ear and attacks the inner mechanisms and the target's sense of balance.
Points: 3


Name: Doton: Aranami - Earth Style: Raging Wave level 2
Type: Ninjutsu [Earth Element]
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 114
Damage: 30
Effects: Prone and Deafened effect for two turns
Description:  The user makes the hand signs while generating a portion of chakra into his fist. Slamming his fist into the ground, the chakra is injected into it to creating a minor earth tremor towards the target. The target is unbalanced while the earth crackles below their feet, created a sound equal to seismic activity.
Points: 4


Name: Kyūketsuki no ōra: Vampiric Aura
Type: Ninjutsu [Void, Akazonae] AOE
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 120
Absorption: 30 chakra
Damage: 10
Effects: Unmodified chakra damage to tank stats if successful to all enemy combatants and vessels holding chakra caught within aura.
Description: The bloodline user performs the hand seals while generating his aura. It rapidly expands exponentially into a large sphere of energy with a blue hue. Those caught within the sphere; will feel the drainage of their essence as the user siphons it from their bodies into his.
Points: 4



Name: Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique)
Type: Genjutsu
Rank: Academy Student
Cost: 10x
Description: Creates an illusionary replica of the user. It is unable to attack or interact with other objects, but can serve as a good distraction.
Effect: Adds +5x evasion and +5x accuracy for each clone. Once a clone is hit it is destroyed, and the bonuses with it. A bunshin is considered to have 0 evasion and rolls to dodge whenever it is targeted in the user's response phase. The value of x is the number of clones you have made. Maximum of 8 bunshin can be made.

Name: Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)
Type: Genjutsu
Rank: Academy Student
Cost: 5 Genjutsu
Effects: Change your appearance. A character 25+ levels above the one who uses this technique can see through it.
Description: Wrap chakra around your body to change your appearance. You take that physical form, but only to a certain extent, such as body shape and size. You cannot, for instance, turn your arm into a bow and start firing ammunition at an opponent.

Name: Jagāsutairu - O hokaku: Jaguar Style - Tail Capture

Type: Genjutsu
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 60
Dmg: 10 Ghost Damage
Effect: Bound [Paired Arms] for one turn
Description: The user creates the seals as twin jaguars leap from behind the ninja on each side. The jaguars launch themselves at the target and as they pass them; the tails of the jaguars wrap around the target's arms, binding them.
JP: 4

Name: Jagāsutairu - Nekogantoretto: Jaguar Style - Feline Gauntlet
Type: Genjutsu
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 60
Dmg: 20 Ghost Damage
Effect: Distracted for two turns
Description: The user creates the seals as twin jaguars leap from behind the ninja on each side. The jaguars launch themselves at the target and alternate making attacking lunges at the target. A swipe here, a bite there, an attempt to tackle. The target is made unbalanced by their movements.
JP: 4

Name: Jagāsutairu - Jagā funka: Jaguar Style - Jaguar Eruption
Type: Genjutsu
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 70
Dmg: 10 Ghost Damage
Effect: Impaired Eyesight and Impaired Hearing for two turns
Description: The user creates the seals as twin jaguars leap from behind the ninja on each side. The jaguars launch themselves at the target and as they make their lunge, they explode with a bright light and excruciating roar which echoes within the ear of the target.
JP: 4

Name: Jagāsutairu - Mujitsu no sakebi: Jaguar Style - Cries of the Innocence
Type: Genjutsu
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 60
Dmg: 20 Ghost Damage
Effect: Migraine for one turn
Description: Inside the head of the target the roars of jaguars and screams of friends, loved ones, people which the target knows are echoing in their head. As much as he attempt to shut out the sounds, the thought produces a pain in their head, a throbbing which continued to build until...
JP: 4 



Jutsu learned from Jounins: 12 JP available

Edited by tygerin
Posted (edited)



Hitai-ate: Hung around neck

-Neck: Hitai-ate
-Body Undergarment: Silk Armor Shirt

-Body Outergarment: Sleeveless hoodie

-Body Chuunin Vest
-Waist: Taijutsu Weights


-Main Weapon:
-Sub Weapon: 





Taijutsu Weights

All Taijutsu cost 40 less Stamina and do 40 more damage.

Item Slots: 2.0


Name: Shirukuāmāshatsu - Silk Armor Shirt
Armor type: Undergarment - Tee

Description: With warmth and moisture wicking ability of alpaca wool yet the feel of silk against your body. Made with  the quality of 150 thread count of the mystical threads created by the old monks of the Tsuchigumo Clan deep in the mountains of Otogakure, the garments which are breathable, functional, and strong. Made to order with the insignia chosen by the purchaser, this garment comes in many colors and will never shrink or fade.  
Effect: +400 Defense, Hidden, Indestructible


Chuunin Vest

+40 Def, +40 Eva, +15 equipment slots



.:Item Listing:.

-Items on Hand: 3 Shuriken, 3 Kunai, and 4 Senbon Needles

-Items in Vault: None

-Money on Hand: $1034 

-Money in Bank: 0






$75 and 150 EXP - D Rank mission Flannel Forever

$75 and 250 EXP - D Rank mission Helping the Librarian

$150 and 475 EXP - C Rank mission Training the Troops

$100 and 868 Exp - D Rank Mission and training thread

$100 and 440 Exp + 100 bonus EXP - D Rank Mission 'Would you like fries with that?' + quick learner

$25 and 220 EXP - D Rank Mission Baby Sitting + quick learner

$200 and 880 EXP - C Rank Mission Boats and Foes + quick learner

$200 and 660 EXP - C Rank Mission stole my honor stole my heart + quick learner

1100 EXP - B Rank Mission Failure + quick learner

$100 and 440 EXP - D Ranked Mission + quick learner

$150 and 660 EXP - C Rank Mission hobo + quick learner

$100 and 770 EXP - C Rank Mission Sure Sounds Sweet + quick learner

$150 and 660 EXP - C Rank Mission Sunyin Port + quick learner

$150 and 550 EXP - D Rank Mission Bootification + quick learner

$400 and 550 EXP - C Rank Mission Grim Patrons + quick learner

$734 and 0 EXP - C Rank Mission Two Camels 

$200 and 880 EXP - C Rank Mission The Sound of the Con + quick learner

$200 and 880 EXP - C Rank Mission A Game of Thrones + quick learner

$200 AND 1320 exp - B Rank Mission - Salt Mines + quick learner




440 Exp - Weekend training for work w/quick learner

566 Exp - Lets run some Simulations w/quick learner

998 Exp - Konoha House of Blues w/ quick learner

1792 Exp - Konoha House of Blues w/quick learner

1320 Exp - Chuunin Exam exp w/quick learner

1175 Exp - KPF Case Files w/quick learner


.:Transaction Log:.


-Purchase Taijutsu Weights: -$1,200

-Purchase Silk Armor Shirt - $1,700

-Purchase One time Character bundle + $400 and 30 JP



.:Mission Log:.

Rank D: 7
Rank C: 10
Rank B: 1
Rank A:
Rank S:

Edited by tygerin

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