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Posted (edited)

Description: From the ancestor of origin, Akado Yoroi, this bloodline was granted to his descendants. Literally meaning 'To be armed with red', it was a play on the name of Akado meaning 'Red Body' or basically, armor. The recipient of this bloodline has the genetic mutation which allows them to metabolize chakra and spiritual essence into their bodies from animate targets and vessels holding essence. From birth, the recipient has little control over it, making physical contact with others dangerous to them, but as they grow into it, they are able to shut of that aspect, as well as use it in different ways. As they receive the energies from their prey, they are able to use this energy for their own jutsu, or even physical modification.
Requirements: taken upon character creation.


Effect: The bloodline holder is able to absorb chakra or stamina through direct contact or technique, from their animate or vessels which holds the essence and replenish their tanks. Once they gain the essence, they are able to use them as part of techniques. When activating a technique, the user may pay additional Chakra or Stamina in order to increase the damage of their technique. 


Restrictions: As per rule, all damage to chakra or stamina tank stats are unmodified. Bonus damage from this skill follows the ratios listed below and applied to base damage and may not increase damage beyond its rank cap


-Rank 1: Gennin level,  the chakra/stamina applied for damage is 4:5
-Rank 2: Chuunin level, the chakra/stamina applied for damage is 2:3
-Rank 3: Jounin level, the chakra/stamina applied for damage is 1:2

-Rank 4: Senin level, chakra / stamina added for damage ratios remain the same as Jounin level
Cost: -2

~ Chakra Absorption Skills~ 


Chakura shin'en - Chakra Abyss
Description: This mastery of the abyss skill allows the user to metabolize the chakra from the damage of ninjutsu elemental or even genjutsu attacks. Through transmission of chakra through the senses, the user is able to absorb it into their reserves for future uses.
Effect: For each rank in this skill when the user receives damage from ninjutsu / genjutsu attacks, the user will recover x chakra. Where x is 10% of the damage reduced by the users defense
ranks: 3
Cost: -1 for first rank, -2 additional ranks



~Stamina Absorption Skills~


Akai bodi shin'en - Red Body Abyss
Description: This mastery of the abyss skill allows the user to metabolize the stamina from close encounters by taijutsu attackers and specialists. They name gained due to the hue of their bodies as contact is made with their target. Through absorption direction into their chakra circulatory system, the user is able to fill their reserves for future uses.

Effect: For each rank in this skill when the user receives damage from taijutsu attacks, the user will recover x stamina. Where x is 10% of the damage reduced by the user's defense.
ranks: 3
Cost: -1 for first rank, -2 additional ranks


~ Combat Skills~


Don'yoku ken - Ravenous Fist

Description: Through training the bloodline user is able to incorporate their ability to absorb the energies of their prey while performing attacks. Through coming into contact with the prey by physical touch or even an elemental attack which connects the user and its prey, they are able to use it to siphon off fragments from the prey's reserves and into their own.

Effects: Allows for the user of Chakra/Stamina absorption in techniques at the rate of 1.5x, with x being the amount of the targeted tank stat.

Cost: -2

Edited by tygerin

Just dropping in to help clear up some wordings and make them sound more official/clear. I had a hand in creating this so I can't approve it.

Lecherous Abyss - "When activating a technique, the user may pay additional Chakra or Stamina in order to increase the Damage of their technique. Bonus damage from this skill follows the ratios listed below. Bonus damage from this skill is not included in the ninja's normal Damage Caps, but the bonus damage cannot add more damage than a ninja is normally allowed to make for jutsu of their rank."

Then make sure to include the "Ranks: 3" part at the bottom so people know these are three ranks you have to buy separately.

Chakra Abyss & Red-Bodied Abyss - Just one change here: Add "For each rank in this skill" at the beginning of the effect line so that every body knows its 15% per rank, so that at the end it totals at 45%


Kōshoku shin'en - Lecherous Abyss
Effect: Bonus damage from this skill is not included in the ninja's normal Damage Caps.

If I'm reading this correctly, these skills allow you to break the base damage caps on a technique. I am like... 99.9% (as in, will probably want to check with Cntr) that this is a big no-no. The only skills that allow you to break Base Damage caps are the Shiva/Brahma/Vishnu series and they explicitly say "This multiplier, in this case and this case only, allows you to break the base damage cap.".


Effect: For each rank in this skill when the user receives damage from ninjutsu/genjutsu attacks or use bloodline technique, the user will recover x chakra. Where x is 15% of the damage reduced by the users defense


I really don't like that bolded part, because A.) You don't apply defenses against your own attacks and B.) you shouldn't be rewarded chakra for spending chakra... it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense.


The bloodline techniques are all leech based, they are removing either chakra or stamina from the opponent, even the defensive ones which absorbs the chakra from incoming elemental attacks are taken from those attacks at this percentage...


Kōshoku shin'en - Lecherous Abyss

needs to have caps on how much additional chakra may be spent. I, personally, like Rank Caps. Gennin: 40, Chuunin: 80, Jounin 160, Sennin: 320

Also, if this is being added to base damage, needs to have a clause that states that the additional damage may break damage caps for that technique's rank. If it's

Posted (edited)

I don't see a reason to have spending caps for the bloodline if the effect cannot exceed the general damage caps. If you feel that the bloodline needs some sort of cap I'd suggest something along the lines of "the user may only modify their technique with an amount of chakra/stamina equal to 4x where x is the amount of chakra/stamina leeched this battle."


The above is just an example, because I feel the math is out of favor of the bloodline (as I understand it), but if a cap is needed then I think it should have to do with ranks of the BL or the leeched tank stats and not just arbitrary numbers since they can't break damage caps anyway. If he wants to modify total damage I don't see an overall issue with it as long as it's adhering to the baseline rule set, which Megan (I believe) straightened out.


Also "mod Points" should be redefined so that they aren't vague. I feel like no one is on the same page here. If you want to modify total damage then it'll be easier (as discussed on Skype with peoples and things) than using nomenclature no one is used to.

Edited by Sol Pope

Revisions were made

- Added the known restriction that all vitality absoption [stamina or chakra] are unmodified and added to user's tank stats

- Since unable to break damage caps of rank, made the amplification to the total damage while using ratios for the damage added as well as the damage cap for amplification

- I made the combat skill to remove the opposite of which the tank stat is used. As with the manga, if their is a physical attack made, they will drain chakra, not stamina, to ensure the user will not simply get returns for the same tank which they used on the taijutsu attack


The first branch, I would prefer cost -2 per rank. I'm also going to recommend you make it say that the bonus damage from this cannot increase the damage of the technique beyond it's rank cap. A legendary character with this alone would be unstoppable without it.

For the 2nd and 3rd (absorption) branches, I would recommend reducing the amount of regeneration to 10% per rank. The modifiers can boost the regen from these by quite a bit even at 30% max. At 60%, you could potentially regenerate a 1000+ chakra, and thanks to skills like Second Wind, you could survive.

The last one... I want it to say that you can't reduce a chakra below 1 through that effect. Being able to entirely deplete a Taijutsu guy's chakra is a really cheap way to win in a fight. This way you can whittle down a their chakra, and if they use chakra as well, you'll gain a distinct advantage, but if they're pure tai, you can't destroy them utterly because they only have say 10 Chakra.


Effects: For each rank in this skill, the user is able to drain unmodified stamina from taijutsu techniques and basic attacks and unmodified chakra from ninjutsu / genjutsu attacks at the rate of .5x [rounded up], with x = user's level. The damage is subtracted from the total damage and replenishes the user's tank stats.

[ex (base + tai - defense =  total damage) - ravenous fist  = new total damage]


I'll be honest, the wording on this confuses me. Are you... draining CHK/STM from the technique you are using? Or do you want it so when you hit an opponent you're draining their CHK/STM (like the description implies)?


The tai jutsu when I hit or is blocked removes stamina. The chakra is drained in this skill by specific bloodline techs... because I will not receive anything with an average katon... because of lack of a link between me and the target... but say if you are hit with a water whip or bound by a jutsu which able to pull your chakra from... then yes


Effects: For each rank in this skill, the user is able to drain unmodified stamina from taijutsu techniques and basic attacks. The user can drain unmodified chakra from ninjutsu attacks which connect the user with its target. Both are done at the rate of .5x [rounded up], with x = user's level. The damage is subtracted from the total damage and replenishes the user's tank stats.

[ex (base + tai = damage) - ravenous fist = new total damage]

Ranks: 3

Cost: -1

Okay, based on that, I'd recommend rewording it to something like this:

Whenever the User deals damage with a taijutsu technique or basic attack, they are able to drain unmodified stamina from their opponent. Whenever the user deals damage with a ninjutsu attack, they are able to drain unmodified damage from their opponent. Both are done at a rate of .5x (rounded up), with x = user's level. The Chakra/Stamina damage is subtracted from the total damage and replenishes the user's tank stats. The user must have direct contact with the opponent in order for this effect to trigger.


Does that sound like what you're trying to do? 



1. How does this work with Hybrid techniques?

2. What does increasing the rank do?


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