Peregine Posted March 20, 2015 Posted March 20, 2015 (edited) ~User Data~ Peregine -Posting: Most days -Time Zone: Sydney, Australia -Character Slot: 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Vital Statistics~ Name: Aburame Shiina Clan: Aburame Birthplace: Konohagakure Current Residence: Aburame Clan grounds, Konoha Age: 13 D.O.B.: 2102 Sex: Male ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Appearance~ -Height: 149cm -Weight: 48kg -Hair Color: Black -Eye Color: Dark Brown -Clothing: Heavy, tough garments designed to last through time and battle. Shiina’s clothes are almost all-covering and protect his body entirely. Composed of dull browns, greens and blacks, the attire is designed to blend into forest cover and remain hidden while his allies (human or insect) fight on his behalf. His boots are all-covering and a thick leather, unlike the classic open-toed sandal most shinobi prefer. His pants are a mottled camouflage pattern, disappearing under a long overjacket of dull grey. The jacket’s hood covers much of his head, oftentimes falling over his eyes and shading them from view. His mouth is the most expressive part of his face, left uncovered by hood or jacket collar. His hitai-ate is sewn into his pant leg along his thigh, where it can be covered to avoid glare. -Physical Description: Shiina is slightly short for his age, slightly overweight as well. However, this is less because of any kind of overeating or tendency for fat; for Aburame Clan members his growth is considered perfectly acceptable. His body, like all other Aburame shinobi, is host to a hive of Kikaichu insects whose presence in his body results in slightly higher body mass compared to other children his age. His Kikaichu partners are also the result of his rather sturdy body tone; happily Shiina’s body type seems to be conditioned to a lithe, wiry frame allowing him to move freely despite the added mass of his hives. His posture is straight and he very rarely slouches; despite his hands being the only uncovered skin below his neck he frequently hides them away in his pockets or in his sleeves behind his back; ready to draw weapons from concealed pockets in the cuffs at a moment's notice. Shiina tries hard to communicate verbally, but his habit of communication through expression and body language has proven difficult to break and it's not uncommon for the young teenager to carry out entire conversations without voicing a single word. His hair is strong and disobedient, hidden away by his hood partially because it sticks out in complete chaos. Underneath his clothes his body is marked with numerous scars and scabs, marks of self-inflicted injury to allow his insect allies easier escape from his body; the old wounds barely pain him anymore and he has become used to living with them. He also has a large brown birthmark over his left elbow, as if someone had painted the outside of the joint a deep coffee brown. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Persona~ Personality: Blunt, quiet, intolerant of idiots. Highly esteems problem-solving and rational decision making; respects authority almost intrinsically. Prone to overconfidence and rushing to conclusions, very slow to make close friends but actively cultivates acquaintances. He views social interaction as a series of hoops to jump through, irritating and needless but also required by convention and majority rule. He is raised with the idea of killing, and he knows he will at some point. He hates being in danger himself, and prefers to fight from a distance with his Kikai and traps. His life goal is to breed the most lethal subspecies of kikai bugs ever created. He wants to be a shinobi not for blood thirst or need for battle, but for duty and responsibility to the village that sheltered him from the Kumo attack. Shiina has a strong dislike of fruitless battle, often asking potential foes to run away or surrender before combat becomes necessary. However, when battle does occur he can be incredibly vindictive and sadistic in order to intimidate the enemy and head off further attacks- he has no moral qualms against torture, unnecessary injury or cold-blooded murder, using his allies for maximum psychological damage. After all, they refused to surrender; it’s their fault anyway. For Shiina emotional management is the highest degree of personal strength; a professional demeanour and attitude is what seperates the shinobi who excel from the shinobi who muddle in mediocrity forever. For that reason he keeps himself as private as possible; anyone could be an enemy infiltrator. His favourite saying is ‘You never unsay something that was never said’. Likes: Quiet, early mornings, simple and effective operations, avoiding fights, his village, his family. Dislikes: Improvisation, overemotional displays, being injured and recovery, losing his allies, Kumogakure. Favorites: -Food: Sushi -Color: Golden Brown -Music Genre: Classical, especially stringed instruments -Book Genre: Biological texts and military history texts -Hangout: Aburame Kikai Incubator facility ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Background~ Current Allegiance: Aburame Clan and Konohagakure, then the Land of Fire after that. Relationships: -Parent(s): Aburame Mira (KIA during Kumo invasion of Konoha) and Aburame Shiro (ANBU, retired injured). Shiina was very fond of his mother and most of his desire to be emotionally distant can be traced back to her death. His father was also extremely fond of Mira, and his performance in battle decreased significantly without her. Though Shiina greatly respects and reveres his father, he believes his emotional vulnerability and lingering wound was a liability for a shinobi. As a result, whether he knows it or not he blames himself for his father’s injury. -Sibling(s): Shiina is an only child, though he would like some younger siblings (not that he’ll admit that though). As a result, he considers all young of the Aburame Clan to be his honorary siblings, in a way. -Significant Other(s): Deliberately none. -Pet(s): Shiina’s only real ‘pets’ are his Kikai colonies, which he treats as his weapon and his tool, their lives worth sacrificing if it means defeating his foe. He hates their waste and senseless loss, but will not hesitate to commit his soldiers to battle and feels little sadness for the bugs that never come home. -Teacher(s): Aburame Shiro. Despite being unable to serve in combat any more, Shiro is still a master of Kikaichu bugs and every aspect of their lives. Shiina holds him at the same level as the Hokage or the head of the Aburame Clan, and desires to eclipse him and have his father be remembered as a great teacher, not an old cripple unable to fight. -Friend(s): While Shiina enjoys having acquaintances, he is apprehensive at the thought of having close friends. While he acknowledges that the binds of friendship and cameradie can vastly increase combat potential, his firsthand experience with loss and its after-effects leaves him dubious at the risks involved. History: Shiina was only five years old when the Kumogakure Blitz occurred, losing his mother in the fighting. Her loss affected him greatly, instilling a lingering animosity towards Kumogakure that remains to this day. Already in training to be a shinobi with his father, he threw himself into his exercises heedless of the response that would come from the NCIA if they found the two Aburames practicing their hereditary arts. His father was able to hide the two of them by drawing on his ANBU training, at times even jamming NCIA sensors with his Kikai. Not quite part of the Konoha Resistance movement, the two of them elected not to participate in the attempt to free their hometown based on Shiro's judgement that any attempt at freedom would only incur heavier levies from the conquerors. After the rule of Kumogakure and the NCIA was lifted, Shiina attended the newly reopened Shinobi Academy, leaving his father's full-time tutelage for the first time since his mother's death. His father attempted to transition into Konoha's new ANBU unit, a position he was easily qualified for. However, the years of hiding and avoiding battle, teaching his son and still struggling with the loss of his wife, Shiro was seriously injured on his third operation. He lost his right leg from the knee down to an Earth Jutsu used by a missing ninja and was forcibly retired from active service. Shiina took his father's injury very poorly, becoming agitated and unsettled in the immediate aftermath. It was at this point that he became more withdrawn and quiet, now fully understanding the danger and most likely end of a shinobi's life. Nonetheless, he threw himself into his studies, realising that only the greatest and most able ninja ever survive to see old age. Determined to survive, Shiina graduated from the academy with flying colours. With schooling behind him, now Shiina's true challenges await. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Statistics~ Death Bonus: None Rank: Genin. Level: Thirty. TXP: 12,122 Next: 12,500 Total Stat Points: 3500 Creation: +500 Levels: +3000 (Health) 500 (Stamina) 110 (Chakra) 390 (Kikaichu Hives): 15 (Taijutsu) 60 (Ninjutsu) 400 (Genjutsu) 0 (Defense) 300 (Concentration) 0 (Speed) 630 (Accuracy) 530 (Evasion) 580 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Skills~ Skill Point Tally: (23/27) Remaining Skill Points: 4 Creation: +2 Levels 1-10: +10 Levels 11-30: +10 Hindering: +5 Subtle Elements; Fire Restrictions: N/A Requirements: N/AEffect: May use Fire element techniques. All Fire Techniques deal an additional 5% of their total damage in burn damage (bleed damage when burn damage doesn't make sense) on the following turn, rounded up. All 5 “Subtle Element” skills share ranks. Cost: -0 (Konoha starting skill) Subtle Elements; Wind Restrictions: N/A Requirements: N/AEffect: May use Wind element techniques. Any response phase techniques that blocks a Wind Techniques costs an additional 10% to use, rounded up. All 5 “Subtle Element” skills share ranks. Cost: -1 Subtle Elements; Earth Restrictions: N/A Requirements: N/AEffect: May use Earth element techniques. All defensive Earth Techniques give an additional 10% to their effects, rounded up. All 5 “Subtle Element” skills share ranks. Cost: -1 Internal Infestation ContractRestrictions: Taken Upon Character CreationRequirements: N/AEffect: This character gains an additional stat called "Kikai Hives", recorded beneath their tank stats; this stat is not revealed during combat. The user begins play with 5 Kikai Hives, and gains an additional 1 Hive per 10 levels. Additionally, this allows for use of techniques with the [Aburame Hijutsu] descriptor. [Aburame Hijutsu] are treated as if they dealt [Void] damage, but item effects or skills that reduce [Void]-elemental damage are only 50% effective when being applied to [Aburame Hijutsu] techniques.Description: Upon birth, members of the Aburame Clan are entered into a contract with the Kikai, or destruction bugs. These bugs feast on the chakra of their host as a parasite, but in return the Kikai are able to be controlled with a simple thought and a surge of chakra. Within the cavities of the body of any Aburame member can be found swarms of the bugs crawling about: forever eating and breeding. The signature of the clan, the Kikai are ferociously hostile to anything that is not a host of them.Cost: -2 Minor Renewal Contract Requirement: Internal Infestation Contract.Restrictions: N/AEffect: The user gains 1 additional Kikai hive at the time of purchase. They gain 1 additional kikai hive every 10 levels. Description: If truly willing, a member of the Aburame Clan can become a permanent host that allows nearly every inch of their flesh to be devoted to the Kikai. The destruction bugs are incredibly careful to avoid causing internal damage to their host, so while it poses no safety hazard it remains a rather large commitment. Though the increase is meager at first, it adds up over the years and becomes significant if given enough time to take effect.Cost: -2 Major Renewal ContractRestrictions: Minor Renewal Contract, level 20Effect: The user gains 3 additional Kikai hives at the time of purchase. They gain 3 additional kikai hives every 20 levels.Description: This is the final step towards becoming what is essentially the most revered host for the Kikai. Though it is a small difference, many Aburame Clan members notice the destruction bugs seem more personable after the entire body is devoted to housing both hives and colonies. Eager to occupy the new space, the Kikai begin to breed more rapidly and with appreciable results. Interestingly, there is no place a hive may not be placed; even organs become home to the bugs, though they remain ever vigilant in not hurting the body's functions.Cost: -3 Inner Calm (Rank IV) Requirement: N/A Restrictions: N/A Effect: Chakra-Based Techniques cost 5 less Chakra per ninja rank of the technique. This shares ranks with the skill 'Steadyfast Durability'. Example: Genin techniques cost -5 Chakra, Chuunin techniques cost -10 Chakra, etc. Description: Your are more efficient with your chakra, doing more with smaller amounts than others. Cost: -4 The Path of the Artisan Restrictions: N/A Effect: Character gains 1 extra Jutsu Point per level.Artistic Mastery: (Choose Two)- Master of the Brush: May gain ranks of 'Scribe' for one (1) skill point.- Master of the Canvas: May gain 2 ranks of 'Scroll Arts' for one (1) skill point.Description: Some Ninja are either exceptionally gifted at the creation and use of items in battle or work hard towards that mastery. These ninja are are more often than not viewed as the most inventive among their peers, and those that follow the Path of the Artisan in the past have been known to create some of the greatest items of legend, as well as the simple tools that nearly every Ninja has used for over a hundred years. Cost: -1 Walking a Different Path Restrictions: N/A Effect: You may chose a new Basic Path. You retroactively lose all bonuses and effects of your original Basic Path. If you bought any skills at a reduced cost with your original Basic Path, you may 'unlearn' those skills, otherwise you must pay full SP for their effects. Any other bonuses (such as additional JP) will be lost as well. If you do not have enough available JP to pay for techniques your character has previously learned, you will go into the negatives until you level up enough to pay the difference.Description: After a while, some Ninja decide that the 'path' that they are following is not suited for them. Instead, they will choose to embark upon a new career, hoping that it will be more suitable for them. Restrictions: Players may only use this option -ONCE-, and can only be done prior to learning an Advanced Path. You must meet any requirements of the new Path. This option may not be used for Advanced Paths. Cost: -1 The Path of the Shaman Restrictions: N/A Effect: Character gains 1 extra Jutsu Point every other level.Nature's Path: (Choose Two)- Cosmic Alignment: May purchase five ranks of ‘Subtle Elements’.- Rainbow Chakra: "Combinatorial; (element)" skills of Tier 2 or higher cost one less Skill Point. You must always, however, pay a minimum of 1 skill point.- Earthen Rage: May purchase ‘Shiva, The Destroyer’ for 1 skill point.- Fighter's Spirit: May take 2 ranks of ‘Ninjutsu Mastery’ for 1 skill point.Description: There are ninjas who spend their entire lives struggling against the elements, and then there are those who have an innate connection with the land itself. These ninja act as microcosms of the land, being capable of sensing disturbances within the world’s lay lines. Their chakra is naturally in sync with the elements, granting them control over all five building blocks of life at a younger age than most. With artistic potential, these Shamans bend the world’s elements in magnificent and awe-inspiring ways. These ninja grow up to be spiritualists and peacemakers, traveling the land to repair the war-torn world. Cost: -0 (Walking a Different Path) Shiva, The Destroyer Effect: Ninjutsu from the user will deal an additional 20% base damage and cost 10% less Chakra, rounded up. This multiplier, in this case and this case only, allows you to break the base damage cap. The taker of this skill may not use Genjutsu and may not have any skills that give negative effects towards Genjutsu abilities.Ex: 100[base Damage] * 1.2 = 120 + 100[Ninjutsu] - 80[Defense] = 140 Damage. Description: Sometimes it takes the form as a blessing on unknown origin, sometimes as a hardened ideology crafted from an early age, and sometimes its seen as an innate ability for Ninjutsu. Regardless of its origin, the results are the same. You take to Ninjutsu techniques like a fish in water, but Genjutsu simply evades or does not interest you. Some may come to fear the power you possess, but you know that it comes at a vast cost. Cost: -1 (Path of the Shaman) Trap Subtlety (Rank II) Restrictions: N/A Requirements: N/AEffect: +5% to hit with Dynamic Traps. This is added to the +20% bonus that is already given with Dynamic Traps. Description: Clever is the way you think of it, your traps are the best and they catch people by surprise every time. You're a hair faster, your hand a hair defter than the normal, allowing you to pull of maneuvers that others just couldn't. Cost: -2 Self-Defence [Hindering] Restrictions: N/A Requirements: N/AEffect: The user does not get a turn in battle until an opponent has a turn. If all characters have this skill, ignore the effects. Description: You have a soft heart, one that does not like violence. You may have chosen the wrong career path. Cost: +2 Sealed Genjutsu [Hindering] [Overcome] Restrictions: N/A Requirements: N/AEffect: Cannot use any Genjutsu techniques and may not have any skills (positive or hindering) that give negative effects towards Genjutsu abilities. Description: Genjutsu is the manipulation of chakra to affect the minds of other beings. Since you can remember, you have been unable to simply make your chakra do these illusions. You can shoot fireballs and break apart the earth just fine, but the finesse at manipulating the mind has always just been out of your reach. Cost: +2 Slow to Adapt [Hindering] [Overcome] Restrictions: N/A Requirements: N/AEffect: A negative for being in terrain not of your current village. Gives -%10 speed when not in your village's terrain. Description: You do not think well on your feet, and you are not very good at adapting to situations. You like to stick your feet on familiar ground and go about the battle plan that you have practiced. Deviation from that throws you off. Cost: +1 Wind Specialty [LOCKED] Restrictions: Level 30, 10 post Jounin training. Requirements: Roll a 1. Effect: User has a +15% to base damage (rounded up) with Ninjutsu -or- Genjutsu -or- Taijutsu attacks (choose one when this skill is learned). Wind Jutsu cost one less JP to a minimum of 1. This effect may stack with other skills, to a maximum of -2 JP per technique. User receives the skill “Subtle Elements: Wind” for free and may purchase an additional rank of “Subtle Elements”. If the user already has “Subtle Elements: Wind”, they may have their points refunded. Description: Naturally aligned to the element of the wind, this character has a natural tact at using and manipulating the wind to their bidding. This chakra takes on the form of thin razor edges that flow for more piercing and damaging attacks. Cost: -0 Earth Specialty [LOCKED] Restrictions: Level 80, 5 post Jounin training. Requirements: Roll a 3 [D4 rolled and +1 to any result as 'Wind' was no longer possible]. Effect: User has a -15% to base damage (rounded up) for incoming Ninjutsu -or- Taijutsu attacks (choose one when this skill is learned). Earth Jutsu cost one less JP to a minimum of 1. This effect may stack with other skills, to a maximum of -2 JP per technique. User receives the skill “Subtle Elements: Earth” for free and may purchase an additional rank of “Subtle Elements”. If the user already has “Subtle Elements: Earth”, they may have their points refunded. Description: Naturally aligned to the element of the earth, this character has a natural tact at using and manipulating earth to their bidding. This chakra is thick and well suited for the manipulation of physical jutsu, making it perfect for the creation of barriers. Cost: -0 Skills learned from Jounins: Nothing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Techniques~ Jutsu Points: 55 Used : 13 Available : 68 Total Creation: +4 Levels: +49 Path of the Shaman: +15 Genjutsu [sealed]: Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique) Type: Genjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: 10x Chakra Description: Creates an illusionary replica of the user. It is unable to attack or interact with other objects, but can serve as a good distraction. Effect: Adds +5x evasion and +5x accuracy for each clone. Once a clone is hit it is destroyed, and the bonuses with it. A bunshin is considered to have 0 evasion and rolls to dodge whenever it is targeted in the user's response phase. The value of x is the number of clones you have made. Maximum of 8 bunshin can be made. Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique) Type: Genjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: 5 Chakra Effects: Change your appearance. A character 25+ levels above the one who uses this technique can see through it. Description: Wrap chakra around your body to change your appearance. You take that physical form, but only to a certain extent, such as body shape and size. You cannot, for instance, turn your arm into a bow and start firing ammunition at an opponent. Ninjutsu: Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Substitute Technique) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: 10 Chakra Damage: None Effects: Evade the next attack aimed at you. Skip your main and setup phase this turn. You can only use this 1 time per battle. This technique cannot be used to dodge Ninjutsu, Taijutsu or Genjutsu Techniques. Description: A lifesaver, and a must-have technique. With this technique, the user is able to swap their body with a nearby object, usually a log, which will take the full force of any incoming blows for them, while they retreat to safe ground or search for an opening. Steady Deployment (Tegatai Haibi)Type: NinjutsuRank: GenninRestrictions: Aburame Clan OnlyCost: 20; 15/turn upkeepDamage: N/AEffects: One Kikai Hive is 'deployed' during the turn in which this is used. One additional kikai hive is deployed (during the main phase, before actions occur) each turn that this is upkept. This jutsu may not have its cost reduced by any means, and may be upkept indefinitely, or until 10 Hives are actively deployed.Description: With a whisper of chakra and mental commands, the user of this technique sets the destruction bugs to crawling from the various orifices in the body. Usually, these are artificial wounds kept open for the express purpose of deploying the Kikai. This is considered the standard method of getting the destruction bugs out and onto the battlefield for use in various other techniques. This is the gateway to all other techniques in the secretive world of the Aburame Clan.Points: 1 Swift Recall (Jinsoku Shoukan)Type: NinjutsuRank: GenninRestrictions: Aburame Clan Specific; Used in Response or Setup PhaseCost: 25 ChakraDamage: N/AEffects: User of this technique determines how many Kikai Hives or Kikai Colonies that are returned to the possessor of the user.Description: Forming a difference in air pressure via the artificial holes, the Aburame Clan member forms a vacuum and begins recalling the Kikai back into the body. This is mostly for tactical purposes, but it has its place during extractions in which the user must abandon the battlefield. It is terrifying watch, as swarms upon swarms of destruction bug climb and scuttle back into the host. Simple and effective, it obeys the famous saying of the Aburame Clan, in that simplicity trumps complexity if it is more efficient. Foundation to other recall utilities, this is the first one.Points: 1 Tangle of Insects (Matsuri no Konchuu) Type: NinjutsuRank: GenninRestrictions: Aburame Clan Specific; Used in Main PhaseCost: 60 ChakraDamage: 0Effects: This technique may still deal damage via modifiers and other effects. Target gains the Hamstrung status effect for two turns. The user may choose to have this technique consume any number of Kikai Hives or Kikai Colonies. For every Kikai Hive consumed this technique does 20 additional damage and for every Kikai Colony consumed it does an additional 100. The damage caps of the user's current Ninja Rank still apply.Description: Commanding the Kikai to attack, the destruction bugs swarm all over the target and began to feast on the tender human. Ripping and tearing through muscle and skin alike, it would not be such a painful thing if there were only a few. However, hives and colonies are often used in this and it is a gruesome thing to see as the opponent is shredded from the legs up. It is a basic, albeit effective technique that can quickly lay waste to the unwary. Just another reason why the Aburame Clan is so feared for its numerous secret techniques and practices.Points: 4 Aburame Style; Crawling Tide (Aburame Hijutsu; Junkai Shio)Type: Ninjutsu; HijutsuRank: GenninCost: 50 Chakra + X HivesDamage: 30 + 30XEffect: Distracted, 1 turn. The value of X is equal to the number of Hives added to this jutsu. ‘X’ can never be above 1.Requirements: Internal Infestation Contract.Description: One of the most basic techniques in an Aburame’s repertoire, the user attacks with a hive of kikaichu beetles determined to eat the enemy alive. The sheer weight of insects covering the enemy leaves the victim unable to focus their attention completely on the battle at hand.JP: 4 Aburame Style; Impeding Swarm (Aburame Hijutsu; Bōgai Mure)Type: Ninjutsu; HijutsuRank: GenninCost: 30 Chakra + 1 HiveDamage: 0Effect: Fazed, 2 turns. Impaired Eyesight, 2 turns. Requires 1 Hive to use.Requirements: Internal Infestation Contract, at least 1 Kikaichu Hive deployed.Description: Another staple technique in the arsenal of any Aburame, the Impeding Swarm is straightforward and effective, deploying a mass of kikaichu intended to hinder and cripple the enemy’s ability to respond to the true threat.JP: 3 Aburame Hijutsu: Hahen Chūmon (Aburame Style: Splinter Order)Type: Ninjutsu [Hijutsu; Multi-Strike]Rank: GeninCost: 10x Chakra, 1 HiveDamage: 20xEffect: ‘x’ is equal to the number of strikes, to a maximum of three.Description: One of the fundamental steps in learning to control multiple hives of kikaichu is the separate a single hive into multiple independent groups. Often used as a branching step before the host takes on a new queen, it nonetheless has significant combat application in its ability to strike multiple targets at once.JP: 3 Aburame Hijutsu: Ōtabakoga (Aburame Style: Earworm)Type: Ninjutsu [Hijutsu]Rank: GeninCost: 30 Chakra, 1 HiveDamage: 5Effect: Exposed, 1 turn; Impaired Hearing, 1 turn.Description: A frightening technique that plays on the more primal fears of most human beings, the Earworm is a slow, subtle creeping of kikai onto the victim’s head and into their ear, biting and clogging the ear canal with their bodies. The target’s hearing is damaged by the mass of bugs, leaving them open to further attack while they attempt to remove the offending insects.JP: 3 Aburame Style; Dark Firefly (Aburame Hijutsu; Yami Hotaru)Type: Ninjutsu; Hijutsu; Dynamic TrapRank: GenninCost: 1 HiveDamage: 2XEffect: Startled, 1 turn. The value of ‘X’ is equal to the number of fireflies created by ‘Katon: Hotaru’.Requirements: You must have at least one Hive deployed. This technique's damage cannot exceed 30.Restrictions: This technique can only be used when ‘Katon: Hotaru’ is on the field. If this technique is used against a target that has already been a target of this attack, the reduction in accuracy is 8% per usage instead of the usual 4% per usage.Description: By hiding small clusters of kikaichu behind the light of Katon: Hotaru, the user can strategically position swarms of kikaichu for surprise attacks. Unfortunately, as the distraction of Hotaru is fairly slight, only a small amount of insects can be positioned this way.JP: 1 Kuchiyose: Hyaku Hachisasare no Jutsu (Summoning: One Hundred Bee Stings Technique)Type: Ninjustu [summon, Evolving, Multi-Hit]Rank: GeninChakra: 40x (max 2 strikes)Damage: 20xEffect: x is equal to the number of strikes. -20x speed for one turn.Description: Those who prove their worth to the Hornets of Dokusu are accorded the rights of the ruling class- including the right to summon forth squadrons of conscript bees from the ranks of the Hornet's conquered foes. The bee venom induces a mild paralytic that slows any stricken target.Requires: Hornet Summon ContractJP: 4 Firefly (Hotaru) Type: Ninjutsu [Konoha; Fire]Rank: GenninCost: 5 ChakraDamage: N/AEffect: Lights dark areasDescription: Creates one to fifteen small phantom fireflies. These are beautiful to look at and light up an area very well. Excellent jutsu for use on a date, really impress the girls (or boys).JP: 1 Flashbang (Furashobangu) Type: Ninjutsu [Konoha; Fire]Rank: Gennin [Trap]Condition: Must be used some time after 'Hotaru'.Cost: 40 ChakraDamage: 20Effect: -40 Accuracy for 1 turn.Description: After summoning forth the phantom fireflies, the user 'drains' the fireflies of their light and pools it with Chakra, then hurls it at the target's face, where it explodes. The fireflies will return to their lit state after this technique.JP: 2 Fire Type; Burst EndType: Ninjutsu [Konoha; Fire]Rank: GenninCost: 40 ChakraDamage: 20Effect: If this technique makes contact with the opponent they suffer from bleeding for 2 turns with 12 damage. If the user misses the opponent then the user takes 10 damage.Description: Takes many months to learn a gennin is simply able to create an orb of fire by using the chakra from the nodes on their fingers. The Orb is a bright red color and it has fire rotating around it. Even though it looks like a basic fireball the Orb actually creates a powerful explosion on impact of the opponent.JP: 2 Ring Blade of WindType: Ninjutsu [Wind]Rank: GeninCost: 40Damage: 10Effect: AoE, does not target allied characters.Description: Clapping their hands together after a set of quick hand seals the user blows a ring blade of air away from their body which is propelled by the user's chakra. The technique is used for hitting multiple opponents.JP: 2 Firefly Regime (Hotaru Ryouiki)Type: Ninjutsu [Konoha; Fire]Rank: Chuunin [Dynamic Trap]Condition: Must have x fireflies on the field from 'Hotaru'.Cost: 4x ChakraDamage: 5xEffect: Sacrifice x fireflies. This is not a multi-hit jutsu, maximum of 25 fireflies.Description: Causes the fireflies summoned by Hotaru to explode in tiny fiery balls on their opponent. While only nuisances in themselves, they can deal a quite staggering amount of damage if the entire swarm blows up together.JP: 2 [4] 挟撃挫く | Pincer Break | Kyōgeki KujikuRank: ChuuninType: Ninjutsu [Hijutsu; Aburame]Cost: 1 Hive, 98 ChakraDamage: 110Effect: the target is 'Clobbered' for one turn.Description: Using a large quantity of Kikaichu, the user directs their allies in two sweeping pincers, crushing the target between them.JP: 5 [10] 固縛群れ | Lashing Swarm | Kobaku MureRank: ChuuninType: Ninjutsu [Hijutsu; Aburame]Cost: 1 Hive, 100 ChakraDamage: 100Effect: the target is 'Ensnared' for two turns.Description: Deploying a large quantity of kilaichu, the user forms them into ties that inhibit any kind of chakra flow to the legs, severely hampering mobility and devouring their flesh.JP: 5 Taijutsu: Shunshin No Jutsu | Body Flicker Technique | 瞬身の術Type: Ninjutsu-Taijutsu [Void | Style-Less | Response | Evolving ]Rank: GenninCost: 40 Chakra; 40 StaminaEffect: This technique may only be used in the Response Phase and is done before any Dodge rolls. The user of this technique gains +10% to dodge during the Response Phase that this technique is used. This technique must be referenced in the dodge roll that it is affecting. The user of this technique loses their Set-Up Phase on the turn this technique is used. This technique has a 15% chance to fail per rank of the unresolved attack when performed. This technique may be performed 2 times per battle.Description: One of the basic techniques taught to most students during their time at the academy. The Body Flicker Technique is considered an extremely versatile ability, and is one of the most widely used general shinobi skills. The jutsu itself is a high-speed movement ability that uses chakra to temporarily vitalize the body, allowing movement that is nearly untraceable to the naked eye. The user often disappears from the field of their opponent’s vision in a puff of smoke, as a means to further distract their path of escape. Though Shunshin has many applications, its most common use is in evading hazardous attacks.Points: 5 JP Jutsu learned from Jounins: None ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Inventory~ (9 Slots Used [15 Slots Total]) --Armor: -Head: -Neck: Ninjutsu Amplifier Rank 3 [indestructible] -Body: Shiina's Reinforced Longcoat [indestructible, Chakra Resistance, Chakra Defense, +150 Evasion, +150 Defense] -Waist: -Forearm(s): -Hand(s): -Thigh(s): Hitai-ate -Calve(s): -Feet: --Weapons: -Main Weapon: N/A -Sub Weapon: N/A --Item Listing -Items on Hand: 3 Shuriken, 3 Kunai, and 4 Senbon Needles -Items in Vault: None -Money on Hand: $20 -Money in Bank: 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Logs~ Exp Earned: 12,122 Transaction Log: I'm a Lumberjack and I'm Okay, +150 EXP, +$75 New-bee, +200 EXP Just like riding a Bike, +500 EXP, +$150 Nautical Nonsense, +800 EXP, +$200 Pay the Ferryman, +600 EXP, +$150 Grim Guzzlers and Grim Patrons, +800 EXP, +$200 Of All Things, A Camel, +800 EXP, +$200 Bookage, +250 EXP, +$75 Weekend Warriors, +750 EXP, +$150 A Game of Thrones, +800 EXP, +$200 To a Better Place, +600 EXP, +$150 First World Problems, +700 EXP, +$100 The Freelancer, +600 EXP, +$200 Once Stung, Twice as Deadly, +922 EXP Reflective Surface Refund, +$120 Many Eyes, Light Work, +200 EXP, +$25 Shrink the Hive, +800 EXP, +$200 Gone Walkabouts, +400 EXP, +$100 More Boats and More Foes, +800 EXP, +$200 Chaperoning Rocks, +600 EXP, +$150 On the Road Again, +700 EXP, +$100 Lumberjacks have all the Fun, +150 EXP, +$75 Expenditures: Ninjutsu Amplifier Lv3, -$1200 Reflective Surface & Amplifier Indestructible, -$170 Reinforced Longcoat, -$1555 Mission Log: Rank D: 3 Rank C: 11 Rank B: 0 Rank A: 0 Rank S: 0 Edited October 27, 2015 by Peregine
Hardcore Skittlez Posted March 20, 2015 Posted March 20, 2015 Numbers and whatnot mostly add up. Unfortunately, techniques should cost a minimum of 1 jp. I know the Aburame skills don't specifically say that- but it's sort of an unspoken rule that's been around for awhile, and the Aburame stuff are really dated*. After you adjust your JP values and get that sorted, numerically you'll be fine. Second, we have a sort of "submission ownership" policy here on NA wherein membership to certain clans and access to most custom-creations requires permission from their respective owners. In this case, the Aburame clan "belongs" to me, as far as management is concerned. You can consider this my blessing to make an Aburame, however, as I love seeing new ones. *So, about that- I'm actually in the process of working up an Aburame rework to bring them up to date. They're currently like... almost a decade old, so they direly need it. Just, until this year, we haven't really had more than one, so there hasn't been a super pressing need to update them at any more than a beetle's pace(get it? GET IT?) Just letting you know so that you don't get too attached to preliminary build ideas using the current skills. The functionality will be very similar, but a lot of the skills are going to get rolled into one. Not something you need to be concerned about immediately, but something that you should be aware of in the future. Naturally, I'll make sure to inform every Aburame of the changes when they are approved.
Peregine Posted March 20, 2015 Author Posted March 20, 2015 Oops, stepping on toes in the dark. My bad! I'm sorry I didn't ask even if has turned out well Jutsu points should be fixed now (and I thought I was being so clever ), so I guess that's sorted? I don't mind the Aburame skills/jutsus changing, I figured they would at some point. Better to get a character approved before I start pushing change, I think!