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Konoha Nin
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About Aberacht

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  • Birthday 11/06/1992

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    Roxas luver
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    Louisiana, USA
  • Interests
    History and linguistics.

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  1. It's good to be back. I may take forever overhauling everything about my characters, but I'll be back up to speed eventually. Never fear, there will be plenty of English in the future. Sadly yes, because German has some really nice compound words. I mean honestly, Höchsgeschwindigkeitsbegrenzung (speed limit).
  2. Indubitably. 有趣!我也可以使用谷歌翻译。 And it's interesting that you bring up that word in particular. It's actually been widely replaced in Germany by "summer sale". Invasive English sure is invasive. Es freut mich nicht, dass diese Situation jetzt passiert; aber glücklicherweise habe ich genug Deutschsprachesommerschlussverkaufsehrlangewörterlesenstärke, um den Teufel selbst zu vernichten. Keine Bange.
  3. Intro to Aberacht (formerly Arachanox) Name: Jordan! Age: 18. Location: People's Republic of Humid Grade: Sophomore in college (majoring in International Studies, minors in German/History/Latin) Job: Simple desk assistant. New to NA?: Hell no. How did you find NA?: THIS IS ALL KOUTA'S FAULT Have you role played before?: Never outside of NA. If so for how long?: I've been here on and off for years. How long have you been reading/watching Naruto?: I watched until Shippuden, read until the war arc or something. Then it got bad. Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind, so yeah... What is your favorite story/arc?: Anything with Shikamaru in it. Who is your favorite character?: Shikamaru. Watch any other anime? If so which ones?: Currently in various stages of completion: No.6, Oofuri, Mawaru Penguindrum, Natsume Yuujinchou, Baka to Test, Steins;gate, Anohana, Star Driver. I actually watch more anime now than I ever did in high school, it's bad and I should feel bad. Favorite Type of Music: My musically inclined friends say I am not entitled to an opinion about music. Favorite Song: Favorite Type of Game: I don't really play many games anymore, so none really. Favorite Game(s): Team Fortress 2. The only thing I can still play for hours with bros Favorite System(s): I don't own any consoles, so PC? Hobbies: Learning/making languages, wasting time on animu, screenwatching friends in TF2, supporting the German association around here. Favorite Food(s): Nutella. European culinary engineering is the glory of the universe Favorite Color(s): Uh, blue? Favorite Animal(s): Cats Favorite Word(s): französisch. Or die Universität. Or maybe die Bevölkerung. Favorite Phrase(s): Befass sich damit. Favorite Books(s): Der Kleine Prinz ("The Little Prince" in German) Favorite Article of Clothing(s): My bright blue polo shirt. Anything else you would like us to know?: My signature is composed of fourteen separate pictures. I can speak sub-conversational German. I'm taking Chinese and it is fucking hard. This is all Kouta's fault.
  4. This man right here. Also watch Mawaru Penguindrum for the experience.
  5. Anime discussion? In my NA? I find it amusing that I only seriously "got into anime" after I went to college (and left NA). Sadly I stray from superhuman shounen, so I can't help you (assuming you haven't already watched TTGL, which you should have).
  6. Aberacht


    I haven't had Wiz related stuff in a long time. I moved on to bishounen about a year ago.
  7. Aberacht


    My German is actually approximating working level. Not yet conversational by any means, but I can work my way through grown-up newscasts (I used to be forced to watch the kid's broadcasts...) Also hi Kouta.
  8. Aberacht


    So much anger.
  9. Aberacht


    Sadly, I have. The last time I went poof I told myself it was the last and that I really don't have the determination to stay around for longer than three months at most. Granted, I left because 1. RP partner vanished and 2. went to Germany for a month. But still. Hi nonetheless.
  10. Aberacht


    Only a bit. Anyone know any Franks, Corys, or Marks? Though they are possibly imposters, Kouta's real name IS Cory. http://boards.4chan.org/a/res/54495234
  11. Aberacht


    I leave for the summer when activity seems to be completely zero, and now I come back and see all this shit. Way to self-revive when I'm buried in schoolwork. ;_; Edit: also if any of you bastards are on 4chan right now talking about NA, I'm on to you.
  12. As promised, I am leaving very soon. I'll be focusing on packing and running errands the next two days, so consider me already out of the country. It seems that things are slowing down anyway, but upon my return I hope to continue. Yes Matt, this means that you will be moving on without me. D:
  13. Ah, ich sehe. Rothenburg ist ja eine alte Stadt, aber weiss ich nicht, wenn wir dazu gehen. Ich hoffe dass wir können.
  14. Azure, meinst du Rottenburg am Neckar oder Rottenburg an der Laaber? I assume am Neckar since it is larger, but I'm actually going to be close to an der Laaber for a large portion of my trip, so it might be that one if you like the smaller towns.
  15. Yup! Wenn ich nach Deutschland reise, (When I to Germany [will] travel,) gehe ich nach Nürnburg, München, Berlin, (go I to Nuremberg, Munich, Berlin,) aber meistens nach die Deutsche Alpen. (but mostly to the German Alps.) Diese Reise wird so toll werden! (This trip will so great be!) Ich werde auch nach Rome gehe, für ein paar Tage. (I will also to Rome go, for a few days.) German word order makes things wonky, but it isn't bad at all once you get the rules down.
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