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Konoha Nin
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  1. So I just finished reading Max Brooks's World War Z and Zombie Survival Guide books and I got to thinking if I actually could survive a zombie outbreak. Now, I know, zombies don't exist, yadda yadda but isn't this the question we've all asked ourselves at one time or another after watching D(Sh)awn of the Dead, 28 Days Later, or played/watched Resident Evil? Don't we all think to ourselves, "Yeah, I can tote those super cool AK-47s or an AR-15 and kick some zombie ass" afterward? I found this quiz...thing that I'm sure is also one New Grounds and other flash game zones and I took it. I scored a Z+, which basically states that I'd survive a, uh, Zombie Holocaust. But what about you? Do you think you could survive? Would it matter if they were Max Brooks zombies, or D(Sh)awn of the Dead zombies, or 28 Days Later zombies, or Resident Evil zombies to you? Do you think you could handle them all? Or do you think you'd be doomed to reanimating or getting your bowls eaten? Something fun to consider. PS: >_> Yeah, I got a Z+ but, honestly, I'm pretty sure I'd die. x_x
  2. Aw, shucks, Rei. I think I made a new one myself, since I don't think I've got any old NA'ers on it. LOL! I remember that fight, FMD. Good lord, my RPing was terrible back then and I've forgotten like...all of that spiffy info about the battles. I was thinking of doing a practice fight just to make sure I still understood anything. And if it makes you feel better...I CHEATED ON ROLLS TOO!! LOL
  3. Awesome, thanks Warr! With you and Rei, that makes two! <3
  4. Edited Akiharu's history to reflect that when she was 11, rather than 12 the take over began, fitting it to the IC history. Also edited her history so that it is clear that, while the countries are still there, the villages are nothing of what they were.
  5. Your suggestion was heeded. Changed Charging Tactics/Self Defense Tactics changed to Second Wind.
  6. I believe you're right, Mael. I forgot to edit that. But it's taken care of now!
  7. AAEEEIIIEE!! KAOSU!! I remember those days on AIM. You guys change your SNs?
  8. Oh, sweet. I didn't realize that I could; I bought the second one. Thanks for your approval. x3 One more, I believe!!
  9. The skill has been edited accordingly.
  10. Obamanation, indeed. Firstly, I'd like to Rhap-so-dy (for some reason when I typed out your name the post was auto edited to say "the girl who likes it in the butt" o.o;;: You're right, he's not Adolf Hitler. He hasn't shown any dictator-complexes or the like, but I'd like to point out just how far to the left he is. If you have read any of his books, it's quite plain to see that he values and deeply believes in the values of a socialistic society, both politically and economically. Capitalism/Free Markets =/= Socialism. As both of our executive branch of government and now legislative branch are both controlled by the democratic party (and most of those democrats are pretty far to the left, e.g. Nancy Palosi) any radical democratic proposition, law, etc. isn't going to be difficult to get passed... HOWEVER, none of those points really have anything to do with the National Police system, lol. What exactly are your thoughts on that? <3 Experimental Lover, which parts precisely of my initial post suggest that we should abolish nationalism?
  11. Aw, I totally miss that hindering skill. I swear, I'm going to make it back into the Uchiha clan sooomeday so I can have it back! As for Uchihasmxexorz, I only like it because it irritates my girlfriend xD Shirahime!!! I's member's joo! Always wanted to RP with you, fyi . Mael <3! I think when I joined they were going through the paces of giving you a modminship, I think. Something like, I remember you irritating someone and there was a big fuss over that.
  12. Ah, okay. That clears a lot of things up on my end, although in light of it does make Akiharu's sister seem a bit too idealistic but no matter. I'm going to reword somethings so her history will be a little more consistent with the information you provided me Rei. Anything else I would need to do before receiving an approval? EDIT: Everything should be in order as of right now.
  13. So, I heard from my boss today (whose got this scary obsession with American politics) that President-Elect Barrack Obama has spoken in favor for a National Police force in the United State of America. He allowed me to connect the dots to remember the only other time any government has enacted a Nation Police that was separate from the country's military. I'm sure that most of you could probably remember a certain police force in Germany during the late 1930s and '40s created by an Adolf Hitler. What do you guys think? Am I reading too far into the parallels between the Gestapo and an American National Police? Are they are pros to having a single police unit for the entire country? What are the cons? Personally, I think this is a horrible idea that reminds me not only of Nazism, but of Big Brother's Thought Police. Sure, we haven't ascended into socialism, but we're not pretty far off with the government buying into the banking and housing industries and now seriously considering bailing the auto industry. Maybe I'm paranoid, maybe I'm digging too far into this, but meh. Thoughts?
  14. Ah, okay. I left out the money thinking along those same lines, but would have figured she would have kept the equipment. However, your logic is sound, I'll remove them.
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