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About Aiyoku

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  • Birthday 12/19/1990

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    Kodate, Obasan
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    The moon.
  • Interests
    -|Boyfriend<br />-|Soccer<br />-|Reading<br />-|Writing<br />-|Videogames<br />-|Music

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  1. I will leave a comment, so there! Suppose or don't suppose, here it is!

  2. Aiyoku

    Aiyoku's 18!!

    Haha, silly Eechi-go. Thanks for the birthday wishes
  3. Aiyoku

    Prop 8

    Talk is good though! Though politics are frustrating...
  4. Aiyoku

    Prop 8

    Oh my...that's not right. How depressing...
  5. Aiyoku

    Prop 8

    The fact that it is a religious belief that is propelling this argument makes it ten times worse. The religious sect wants to make it unconstitutional for same-sex marriage. Holy cow. How many civil rights are we going to take away from them next? How about, next they won't be able to adopt children, then they can't be in the same restaurant, oh! I know, they can't vote. I mean really. Not saying that those things will happen, just some exaggeration to make my idea clear. Yeah it's California's decision, but it'll be a the surrounding states problem when same-sex couples leave California to get married elsewhere and then move back to California. It's not fair to take someone's right away. They are a human being they deserve the same rights as the person standing next to them, it doesn't matter where in the U.S. Who cares if it's their societal views, they can't tell someone they can get married to the person they love because it's of the same sex, that's not fair. And that shouldn't be how America works......
  6. Aiyoku

    Prop 8

    Agreed, I mean what's next, they can't vote? They are taking away rights that they can't legally take. It's so frustrating. I'm not a lesbian, but I support love, whether it's with another woman or man. If you can't find love straight and you can by being gay or a lesbian, more power to you.
  7. Aiyoku

    Prop 8

    If it gets too out of hand, Supreme Court could get involved...possibly.
  8. Aiyoku

    Prop 8

    So: Proposition 8 is taking place in California. It is as follows: "ELIMINATES RIGHT OF SAME–SEX COUPLES TO MARRY. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. * Changes the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California. * Provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." --- Problem: There is nothing constitutional about marriage, it is a religious event. Keep church and government separate. Thoughts on this? I'm doing this as my current event for my government class, it got me so flustered I thought I'd share it.
  9. Haha! And they drank so much that they had, "Shrek's piss". Hahaha!
  10. It sucks at my school, no one has seen it yet, so I feel so silly walking around saying, "Good Morrow Plufkit!"
  11. Has anyone seen Role Models yet? Did you find it as hilarious as I did?
  12. Aiyoku

    Photo Exchange

    Really? Sorry to disappoint. Heh...
  13. Aiyoku

    Photo Exchange

    So, I haven't personally posted a picture here yet. Preeoooow
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