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- Status Effects and Terrains/Climates require four (4) approvals, one of which must be an admin.

- A Status Effect/Terrain cannot overlap in concept in any way of an already approved Status Effect.

- Use the Status Effects/Terrain that are already approved as examples.

- Once a Status Effect/Terrain is approved it will be added to the main page.

- Once a Status Effect/Terrain is added to the main page, the creator has no control over it anymore, it is open for anyone to use, and is open for staff changes at any time.

~Status Effect Sheet

Name: (Describes what it is, self explainitory. Don't get fancy with the names please.)

Effect: (What it does...)

Max Turns: (Maximum amount of turns.)

DP: (DP cost per turn.)

[b]Name:[/b] (Describes what it is, self explainitory. Don't get fancy with the names please.)
[b]Effect:[/b] (What it does...)
[b]Max Turns:[/b] (Maximum amount of turns.)
[b]DP:[/b] (DP cost per turn.)

~Terrain/Climate Sheet

Name: (Describes what it is, self explainitory. Don't get fancy with the names please.)

Effect: (What it does...)

DP: (DP cost per turn.)

[b]Name:[/b] (Describes what it is, self explainitory. Don't get fancy with the names please.)
[b]Effect:[/b] (What it does...)
[b]DP:[/b] (DP cost per turn.)

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