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Free Kusa Skill

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Characters who start in Kusagakure get to choose

-one- of the following skills to learn for free.

( Ignore requirements if the skill has them )


Combinatorial; Plant

Effect: May use Plant Element techniques. Plant Element Medical techniques inflict "Induced Regeneration" for one (1) turn equal to 10% of the total amount of health healed. Offensive Plant Element techniques inflict "Poison" for 1 turn equal to 10% of the total damage. In addition, the user may choose to apply the bonus from one of the Subtle Elements skills required to learn this element if they own it.

Requirements: Subtle Elements; Earth & Water

Cost: ⁿ/ₐ


Combinatorial; Wood

Effect: May use Wood Element techniques. Once per turn, when a Wood Element technique is used the the environment gains an 'Essence of Wood'. When using a Wood Element technique the user may consume four (4) 'Essence of Wood' from the environment to change the terrain to 'Dense Woodland'. In addition, the user may choose to apply the bonus from one of the Subtle Elements skills required to learn this element if they own it.

Requirements: Subtle Elements; Earth & Water

Cost: ⁿ/ₐ


Wild Beast Style

The Wild Beast Style takes the concept of self control within a battle and refocuses its energy in a new direction. This style, rumored to have been started by tribesmen who lived and died by the whim of the harsh forests and grasslands of Hara no Kuni, is based around the concept of perseverance. As a battle progresses, users of this style will build up a battle rage which can be focused in a devastating show of force and control. In addition, one of this style has been known to draw attention during the battle, making themselves impossible to ignore at their peak, allowing allies time to gather their strength.

Effect: In addition to gaining Rage Charges through successful strikes with Wild Beast Style techniques, the user will also gain a Rage Charge every time they take damage from an opponent per turn (including ghost damage). A user may not gain more than one Rage Charges per opponent attacking them in a single turn. Additionally, Rage Charges may be spent in one of the following three ways.
1. The user may at any time spend a Rage Charge to increase the chance to hit with a Wild Beast Style technique by 2x% and raise its base damage by 5x% rounded down, with x being equal to the amount of charges spent. In addition, until the end of their next setup phase their speed is considered to be increased by 5x% their base speed.
2. The user may perform a technique that requires the use of Rage Charges.
3. The user may spend x Rage Charges in their setup phase, targeting a single opponent. The targeted opponent will roll 1d100 in their Response Phase. If they roll below 20x they MUST at their next possible Main Phase target the user with their action. If the target is a higher ninja rank than the user then the chance to hit is lowered to 10x instead.

Requirements: Kusagakure Ninja or 5 post training session with a ninja who already knows this skill.

Cost: ⁿ/ₐ




At Level 10, characters from Kusa gain the following Role Play Trait

+1 Stealth


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