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[One Thousand Mirrors] Tournament Rules and Information

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大黒らか | The Great Darkness




You've opened your eyes to a scene unfamiliar to you, your thoughts come like molasses down a thick tree trunk. Where you had been only a moment ago is lose, and you can't quite shake the feeling like you've been here before, but at the same time it feels so alien. In all directions around you see nothing but a great expanse of water, perfectly still and clear as a mirror. It reflects the clouded blue sky above, shapes that churn and move too quickly for natural clouds, but with a type of pattern and dance to them. You feel as if you've watched them before but you can't place where. 


Looking down, you see that your hands are your own, but they leak mist like cold rain falling onto hot stones. You feel like you should be alarmed by this, but a flowing peace reverberates through you keeping you from panic. The water beyond your fingertips reflects your face, same as you remember but also trailing faint mist. And beyond the reflect you see that the water is shallow... or very deep. Or both at the same time. You can see the bottom but you feel as if you tried to touch it you would never be able to reach the white sand below. And the sand... it churned and swirled despite the water being entirely still. You've never seen water to still or sand dance in such a way. You wonder at it until a soft piece of string music touches your ears.


You follow the sound for what feels like an eternity, it never growing louder but you always know which direction it is coming from. Your footfalls to not disturb the water and the scenery never changes. In the sky above the clouds continue to churn, large shapes undulating in ways that seem more monstrous than natural. As your sight pulls from those clouds back to the water you see her.


A young woman with pale blue hair and a white dress has appeared before you. She is playing what looks to be the skeleton of an instrument, delicate hands navigating strings with a master's practice. Like you, she stands on the water, but her focus is on the detail of her movements and your presence is not acknowledged. You feel as if another eternity passes with the music washing over you before she ends, pulling her bow up and lightly letting it rest on her shoulder. Her eyes finally raise and she smiles at you. Those eyes, like two pools of infinity, deep and inhuman they seem more endless than the water around you.


"Hello n̬̰̝͖̩̻͎̍̃̐̆ͨ̋͠t͓̣̭ͫ̈́͝ḯ͙̹͕͕̠͚̳̜̄̒ͧ̉͋͜l̢̤̟̖̳̺̪̼̩̠ͪ̀͜j̮̠̅ͭ̿̂͠a̲̹̜ͬ̅͌̋̈́̋̓̈́ͪk͚͕̦͕͔̟̮̱̅ͦ́̓͑ͥͯ͞n͚̫͊̀̓͆a̶̢̭͉͓̳̱̞͈ͨ͆͜ȃ̙̼̥̱̩͔̦̿̔̋̓̾̀̿̀͢ȕ̡̩̏́ , it has been a long while, but nearly no time at all."


She smiles warmly, the smile a mother gives when a child returns home.


"Come, see for a bit. The infinity awaits. You will not be able to see it all, no soul may see it all, but you may see a bit."


She smiles again, this time releasing the instrument from her grip and walking towards you with the bow still across her shoulder. Her steps are light, her toes barely touching the water before taking another step as if she is closer to gliding than walking. The instrument stays perfectly upright without her, a monolith in the flat expanse in every direction. As she nears she takes her bow and points towards the water below. The sand that had been stirring since your arrival is no longer. It is still and calm, but as you look closer you feel yourself... falling. Falling into the water but without a splash. Your vision is blurred the expanse of water and cloud is gone and you see visions, lands and people you don't recognize flash past until you finally come upon to familiar figures.


You know these two, they are familiar to you... but at the same time not.


They are different than what you knew.

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Official Rules

  • Matches will be determined and set at the beginning of each round. Each match will have a role play prompt for the 'universe' in which the battle takes place. Have fun with it and remember, this is not your normal character, they exist in entirely different realities and may have been shaped very differently by this different world! Don't think anything that happens here necessarily reflects on your character!
  • This tournament will likely not be fairly balanced as we are mixing players of very different levels of experience. As such, rewards will be based on completed fights and not on performance. (Read: The rewards for winning will be small compared to the rewards for just participating. Don't be mad at me when the rewards are announced and they are small. I will cut you.)
  • All fights will have a 3 day (72 hour) posting deadline. This means that a player will have 72 hours from the time of their opponent's post to get a reply up. If this is ever a problem approach cntrstrk14 before the deadline and let him know. It will be much easier to ask in advance if you know you will miss a deadline than to miss it and ask for forgiveness. Missed deadlines can range from disqualification to simply lessened rewards. 
  • Have fun! The goal of this tournament is to engage more in battles, practicing with your characters and creations, and enjoying yourself!
  • Please contact a staff member if you ever have any questions or concerns about the tournament, a battle you are in or your opponent!
  • A character may join in later in the tournament. They will be added to the next round of matches.
  • Once the first matches are posted you are not allowed to update your character sheet. 


Combat Rules

  • We will be using the April Fools regeneration rules! That means 30% base Chakra & Stamina Regeneration! If you have questions about regeneration skills aside Chakra Flow or Intestinal Fortitude please PM cntrstrk14 for an official ruling.
  • All players will adjust their stats to the total indicated by their assigned tournament group (see below).
    • If your total stats are below the total stats for your tournament group, you may add stat points anywhere you please until you have reached the allotted amount. You may not remove points from any of your current stats to put elsewhere. Only add.
    • If your total stats are above the total stats for your tournament group, you must remove stat points from any stat you please until you have reached the allotted amount. You may not add to any of your current stats to increase them beyond what they are currently. Only remove.
  • Players have been split into two brackets for this tournament based on their level (see below). 
  • Players will only be changing their stats. No changes to skills, equipment, or techniques will be allowed. You play what you currently have even if your level goes up or down.
  • Each tournament group has an assigned ninja rank, level, and stat total. For all effects and abilities that reference ninja rank or level, the player is considered to be the ninja rank and level of their tournament group. 
  • All techniques used are considered to be of the ninja rank of the tournament group. That means if a player is in a group whose Ninja Rank is assigned 'Chuunin' uses a Gennin ranked technique, it is considered a Chuunin rank technique for these battles and will follow the same rules as if it was. This is most important for using Response Phase Jutsu.
  • The total stats is your total stats minus equipment. Players with Death Bonuses do not get the bonus stats in this tournament from their skill, but are allowed any other bonus the Death Bonus grants. So a player with a 'Legendary' Death Bonus will have the same base stats as a player with no Death Bonus.
  • All out of combat effects that happen in the tournament are carried over between matches, but are not carried over in the real world. This includes things such as Item Consumption, Technique Stealing / Copying, Dynamic Trap effectiveness reductions, etc.
  • The time between matches is considered to be years for any effects that care about time.
  • All items that are broken in combat are repaired for free between matches.
  • Helpful Reminders!
    • You may only have a bonus +10% total stats from equipment. If you have had to lower your total stats for this tournament be aware of this! If your equipment gives more than +10% you may wear it, but you must decide what bonuses you are gaining before the battle. Here is the relevant rules exert from 6.03 —
      "Passive equipment can only raise a player's stats by 10% of their stat total. This means a player with 1,000 total stats can only have a maximum bonus of 100 from all of their equipment. If a player's equipment places them over that limit they choose which bonuses are in effect and which are not (must use full bonuses from equipment, cannot use fractions of bonuses from equipment). A player may at any time use their setup phase to change equipment bonuses but must use the entire phase to do so. The term equipment includes all items a character wears or uses including weapons and armor."


Tournament Groups



Gathering of the Half Moon [Levels 1-50]

Ninja Rank: Chuunin
Level: 50

Total Stats: 5,500



Gathering of the Near Full Moon [Levels 51-120]

Ninja Rank: Sennin
Level: 100
Total Stats: 10,500


Preparing for the First Match

Send a PM to cntrstrk14 with your stat updates. Every character will get one no questions "do over" on stat adjustments that may be done anytime between matches by sending cntrstrk14 a PM letting him know.


If a player who is in the Nanukazuki-kumi bracket would like to opt into the Komochizuki-kumi bracket they may, but it is likely a bad idea. Please contact cntrstrk14 if you wish to do this.

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A few things of note! The base for a win was 600 EXP and the base for a loss was 500 EXP. A player may, for a variety of reasons, gotten docked EXP for their performance in the tournament. Most often this was for missing deadlines for posting, forfeiting early in a match without making many posts or progressing the battle, or other reasons. If you have any questions please feel free to contact cntrstrk14. All EXP is considered to be Battle EXP. Characters may exchange EXP for Ryo at a rate of 3 EXP for 2 Ryo. 


  • Nanukazuki-kumi [ Round 1 ]
    • Aburame Shiina — +600 EXP
    • Hazuro — +500 EXP
    • Shiriya Makoto — +600 EXP
    • Hatake Tane — +500 EXP
    • Sasageru Kagura — +600 EXP
    • Hozuki Zangetsu — +500 EXP
    • Ikiryo Uta — +500 EXP
    • Hatake Tagayasu — +600 EXP
    • Yoshino Hayate — +500 EXP
    • Uchiha Shinji — +600 EXP
    • Nakayama Madoka — +600 EXP
    • Senju Hiragi — +500 EXP
    • Nara Shikahiro — +375 EXP
    • Yamanaka Suika — +600 EXP
    • Yasuke — +150 EXP
  • Komochizuki-kumi [ Round 1 ]
    • Kaguya Kaneki — +600 EXP
    • Togawa Chun — +125 EXP
    • Hyuuga Takeshi — +450 EXP
    • Alchem Syaoran — +600 EXP
    • Nankan Keanu — +570 EXP
    • Hayashi Tetsuo — +500 EXP
    • Asuka Hikari — +600 EXP
    • Asenaru Jaegu — +125 EXP
    • Hitsugaya Toushirou — +500 EXP
    • Endo Tsubasa — +600 EXP
    • Uzumaki Kazuto — +600 EXP
    • Ōtsutsuki Akio — +500 EXP
    • Uchiha Saki — +600 EXP


  • Nanukazuki-kumi [ Round 2 ]
    • Uchiha Shinji — +600 EXP
    • Doragon Tenma — +500 EXP
    • Hatake Tagayasu — +600 EXP
    • Nakayama Madoka — +500 EXP
    • Aburame Shiina — +500 EXP
    • Yamanaka Suika — +600 EXP
    • Sasageru Kagura — +500 EXP
    • Hanabi Nijoko — +600 EXP
    • Shiriya Makoto — +600 EXP
    • Hazuro — +125 EXP
    • Hatake Tane — +125 EXP
    • Hozuki Zangetsu — +600 EXP
    • Ikiryo Uta — +600 EXP
    • Yoshino Hayate — +500 EXP
    • Nara Shikahiro — +600 EXP
  • Komochizuki-kumi [ Round 2 ]
    • Kaguya Kaneki — +500 EXP
    • Uzumaki Kazuto — +600 EXP
    • Uchiha Saki — +550 EXP
    • Nankan Keanu — +550 EXP
    • Alchem Syaoran — +600 EXP
    • Hanamajo Junsei — +500 EXP
    • Sensukai Sato — +570 EXP
    • Hisame Haruyuki — +200 EXP
    • Asuka Hikari — +125 EXP
    • Ōtsutsuki Akio — +600 EXP
    • Hyuuga Takeshi — +500 EXP
    • Endo Tsubasa — +600 EXP
    • Hitsugaya Toushirou — +500 EXP
    • Hyuuga Yatako — +600 EXP


  • Nanukazuki-kumi [ Round 3 ]
    • Yamanaka Suika — +500 EXP
    • Inuzuka Ashi — +600 EXP
    • Hatake Tagayasu — +125 EXP
    • Ote Fell — +600 EXP
    • Shiriya Makoto — +600 EXP
    • Hatake Tokei — +500 EXP
    • Hanabi Nijoko — +500 EXP
    • Rinha Otome — +600 EXP
    • Nakayama Madoka — +500 EXP
    • Uchiha Shinji — +600 EXP
    • Nara Shikahiro — +400 EXP
    • Doragon Tenma — +510 EXP
    • Aburame Shiina — +600 EXP
    • Ikiryo Uta — +500 EXP
    • Yoshino Hayate — +600 EXP
    • Hatake Tane — +350 EXP
  • Komochizuki-kumi [ Round 3 ]
    • Asuka Hikari — +500 EXP
    • Alchem Syaoran — +600 EXP
    • Uzumaki Kazuto — +600 EXP
    • Uzumi Ren — +200 EXP
    • Endo Tsubasa — +600 EXP
    • Sensukai Sato — +400 EXP
    • Hyuuga Takeshi — +325 EXP
    • Hanamajo Junsei — +600 EXP
    • Ōtsutsuki Akio — +360 EXP
    • Uchiha Saki — +200 EXP



  • 3 Rounds Undefeated Bonus Rewards!
    • Shiriya Makoto — Winner! Pick one item the following list!
    • Uchiha Shinji — Winner! Pick one item the following list!
    • Alchem Syaoran — Winner! Pick one item the following list!
    • Uzumaki Kazuto — Winner! Pick one item the following list!
    • Endo Tsubasa — Winner! Pick one item the following list!



• Item: Training Manual
Quantity: 2
Size: 2 Item Slots
Type: Consumable Item
Effect: When used, the user may increase their total Experience gains by +50% for the next 5000 Experience.
Description: The are countless editions of training texts that assist young shinobi in learning the ways of the nindo. These particular volumes are of the highest quality and are chock full of incredibly useful information for even the most experienced of ninja. By cross-referencing these materials, a ninja can enhance their training and get the very best results out of their hard-work.
Cost: 両0
• Item: Sage's Sutra
Quantity: 3
Size: .2 Item Slots
Type: Consumable Item
Effect: When used, the user may add +1000 words to their current word-count. Only 1 'Sage's Sutra' may be used per Role-Play Topic. 
Description: These sutra are specially created learning aids designed centuries ago to help focus the mind and enhance the perception of the user. By placing the seal on to their head, the user is affected by a rare sealing formula that enhances the mnemonic processes in the brain, allowing them to process data and learn on a much more efficient level than even the most exceptionally smart shinobi on the planet. The rarity of these seals makes them much sought after, and extremely expensive. 
Cost: 両0


• Item: Dried Jofuku Flower
Quantity: 2
Size: .5 Item Slots
Type: Consumable Item
Effect: When used, the user may write a 5-post training to permanently increase the effects of 2 ‘Soldier Pill’ or ‘Blood Increasing Pill’ Items by 50% of their total. This item may only be used by character with the ‘Path of the Medic’ skill. 
Description: The Jofuku Flower is a rare plant with very strong medicinal properties. The rarity of the flower comes from a natural defensive mechanism that causes its pollen to have a psychoactive effect on anyone attempting to touch the plant. Once it’s dried and prepared for use, the plant is perfectly safe however, and when mixed with other restorative reagents, it can greatly enhance their curative properties.
Cost: 両0
• Item: Curry Of Life
Quantity: 2
Size: 1 Item Slot
Type: Consumable Item
Effect: When used, an allied character’s current Health is set to 10% of their total Health and they are afflicted with 1 turn of the status affect ‘Sickened’. This item may be used on a character who is Unconscious. Only 1 ‘Curry Of Life’ may affect a character per battle.
Description: A small container of an extremely spicy variety of curry that’s recipe has been passed down for generations in one small village. The various herbs and spices that go into the curry have a very powerful restorative effect on the body; even being able to rouse a wounded or unconscious person, but because of the potency of the peppers used this curry also has a tendency to make people sick. 
Cost: 両0


• Item: Mission Promotion
Quantity: 2
Size: .2 Item Slots
Type: Consumable Item
Effect: This item may be used when completing a Mission to treat the rewards of that Mission as if they were 1 Rank higher than normal.  
Description: This leaflet of paperwork was obviously obtained by some less than reputable means. In most situations, only a jōnin of your particular village ever gets their hands on these documents that are used to note an elevation of danger or expected work in the field. You could use these as they're intended, or... really get paid the next time you have to pick up trash in the park. 
Cost: 両0
• Item: Discount Coupon
Quantity: 2
Size: .2 Item Slots
Type: Consumable Item
Effect: This item may be used to reduce the cost of 1 item by 25% of its total cost. Up to 2 of these items may be used on the same purchase. This effect does not stack with the skill 'Merchant'. 
Description: Rinne Festival discount coupons! These are a handy gift for when you don't know what to get that special someone who has grand tastes. Let them knock a few bucks of whatever they really want so that they don't open up a package of socks to great disappointment. Maybe not the most heartfelt gift, but at least its not a three-flavored tin of popcorn.
Cost: 両0


• Item: Combat Strategy Primer
Quantity: 3
Size: 1 Item Slot
Type: Consumable Item
Effect: When used, the user may select 1 'Tactic' from the skill 'Master Tactician' and activate it during their set-up phase. The chosen 'Tactic' may be used for the duration of battle.
Description: A series of treatises on the fundamentals of combat. Many great, shinobi tacticians cut their teeth on the theories within the pages of these books. Each book focuses on the nuances of a single stratagem or tactic, allowing the reader to digest and understand them one at a time.
Cost: 両0
• Item: Battle Stim Pill
Quantity: 2
Size: .2 Item Slots
Type: Consumable Item
Effect: This item may be used to increase either the user's Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, or Genjutsu (chosen when used) statistic by 1.5x its base value for 1 turn.  
Description: There are several varieties of battle stimulants from the various shinobi nations, each composed of their own unique ingredients, but all seem to be variations on stolen or out-dated Akimichi clan formulas for food pills. These pills have one goal, momentarily increasing a shinobi's offensive capabilities to their utmost potential.
Cost: 両0
• Item: Eagle Feather Pill
Quantity: 2
Size: .2 Item Slots
Type: Consumable Item
Effect: This item may be used to increase the user's chance to Critically Strike by 15% for 3 turns. While under the effects of this item if the user deals Critical Damage with an attack that attack's total damage is increased by 1.6x its value.
Description: A rare type of shinobi supplement designed by the Kohashi clan of Sunagakure, the primary reagent in these pills is feathers from a very specific kind of desert eagle known for its extremely keen vision. When these pills are consumed, the ninja's senses and awareness are heightened, specifically for the purpose of pin-pointing a foe's weaknesses.
Cost: 両0


• Item: Resistance Scroll [Element]
Quantity: 3
Size: 1 Item Slot
Type: Consumable Item
Effect: When used, the total damage of any attacks of the chosen element that target the user have their total damage reduced by 20% for 4 turns.
Description: A secondary type of elemental scroll that appear indistinguishable from the basic variety. Unlike the first type, that amplifies the power of the elements for the person with the scroll, these elemental scrolls protect the bearer from attacks of that element.
Cost: 両0
• Item: Shadow Sutra
Quantity: 2
Size: .2 Item Slots
Type: Consumable Item
Effect: This item may be used in the Response Phase as a Free Action to increase the user’s evasion by +200 for 1 turn. The user must reference this item in any dodge rolls being made on the turn that it is used. 
Description: A specialized form of sealing formula that functions similarly to a condensed Body Flicker technique. When affixed to the body, the seal is activated and the wearer's evasive abilities are enhanced beyond their normal capacity, easily allowing them to dodge lethal attacks. Unlike the basic body flicker, Shadow Sutra's leave a dark, wispy chakra in the user's wake, giving the item its name.
Cost: 両0
• Item: Gorilla Hair Pill
Quantity: 2
Size: .2 Item Slots
Type: Consumable Item
Effect: This item may be used to increase the user's Block Range by 15 for 3 turns. While under the effects of this item if the user blocks an attack, that attack's damage is reduced by 60% instead of 50%.  
Description: The Gorilla Hair Pill is a specialized supplement that uses the hair of mighty gorillas as a reagent to increase the defensive properties of the user's body. Their ability to shake off damage is heightened considerably by the stimulants within the pill, allowing them to block even lethal strikes with their bare hands.
Cost: 両0

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