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Hardcore Skittlez

Steel Mastery!

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Description: Within Aragane clan, a select few individuals have cultivated, either through natural talent or hard training, the capacity to manipulate already-existing sources of metal without the necessary series of hand-seals. This rare trait has seen its wielders described as "ferrokinetic".

Effect: The wielder may use Liquid-Steel type ninjutsu as though it were seal-less as long as there is a source of metal nearby(a piece of armor, a sword, a metal wall, et cetera.)

Requirements: Ekikōton: Forge-born

Cost: -2


Living Bulwark

Description: Items crafted through the Aragane mastery of metals are renowned for their uncanny durability first and foremost. The same can be said of even items created spontaneously, in the heat of battle- Aragane armor simply provides more protection than its alternatives.

Effect: Armor generated through Liquid Steel techniques now grant their wearer a bonus of +100 defense per rank in this skill. Only one piece of armor may benefit from the bonus defense at a time.

Ranks: 5

Requirements: Ekikōton: Durasteel

Cost: -1

Edited by thepaintrolley
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