Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 20, 2009 Posted July 20, 2009 (edited) Character Index General Information Appearance Personality, Relationships History Catalog of the Multitudes Ninja Stats, Skills, and Techniques Equipment Transaction Records General Information Name: Hyuuga Hanaki [Mizumono]Nickname: (None)Village: Konohagakure no SatoAllegiance: --Clan: Hyuuga Clan Branch familyAge: 22Gender: Female Appearance Recent years have done much to the girl that was once Mizumono, now named Hanaki. She has since developed into woman that she should have been. Rising to a total height of five feet six and a half inches, Hanaki fills an appropriate weight of one hundred twenty four standard pounds. Her body now holds the gentle curves of a young woman; her breasts have blossomed from minimality into handfuls of supple flesh. Even despite her development, her form remains svelte and toned, losing no agility or strength to age.Hanaki's eyes once bore a certain sadness within their milky orbs. That was in a time long past- a time of many voices and little rest. The almonds of her eyes have since upturned to show a bright resonance of happiness, or at least contentedness with the current state of things. Peering into her ashen gaze, a person may feel inspired to smile at the young woman.What locks of hair that were once cut shoddily have been, over the last span of years, crafted into a more acceptable and clean appearance. Hanaki's raven strands now sit straightly atop her head, hanging down across her face and shoulders as an ebony veil. At its longest, Hanaki's hair is no longer than an inch past the length of her shoulders. Personality UNDER CONSTRUCTIONPreviously, Mizumono was a happy person. She liked to look at the bright side of everything, to see the light in all that was dark. Recently, however, that hardly seems to have been the case. From the multiple voices ringing in her head, to multiple bouts of total rage; she has almost completely changed. What was once explosive and attention drawing has now withdrawn to a more steady rhythm. She has become cool, level headed as a result of her outbursts - fearing that she might accidentally eliminate another ally. A piece of Mizumono wishes for the way things were, where she would be allowed to mindlessly romp about, uncaring of her actions. But the whole of her has realized that life is not all fun and games. Having been hardened by both the actions of herself and those around her, she has, to say at the least, matured. Time once spent with friends in the great outdoors has become limited to her own studies within what resources she has. While she enjoys both aspects of life, Mizumono is currently searching for a healthy medium between passivity and action.Mizumono's desire to help others remains in spite of Kaosu's selfishness. Though while she once would have given all but the clothes on her back, Mizu has adopted more progressive, more subtle methods of help. She encourages others to find their own paths, offering assistance when asked, but rarely freely giving the definite answer to a given situation. She has taken some pleasure in watching others find their own way, and in this, she has taken to assisting youngsters and those lesser learned in the arts in their studies.This retraction of energy for the most part has not totally hidden the person she once was. Mizu remains ready to gorge herself on fruit, and may occasionally be seen engaging in less-than-adult practices such as seed-spitting and obnoxiously blusterous laughter, though mostly with those younger than herself. It has been noted by some superiors and colleagues, though, that even a single shot of alcohol lowers those 'mature' inhibitions that exponentially limit her careless fun. Edited April 26, 2015 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 20, 2009 Author Posted July 20, 2009 (edited) History Don't Fix Me, I'm not Broken Years of ideal genetic combinations, planned breeding, and the dream of a perfect child. All of these contributed to the conception of Hyuuga Mizumono. It took, literally, generations of planning to even complete the ideal genetic tree leading to this child, Mizumono. But, as chance would have it, the game of god was interrupted somewhere back in the genetic web. This interruption led to Mizumono, the child that was meant to be perfect. As her name implies, it was thought to be a matter of bad luck on the part of the parents of Mizumono. Even so, as time would trudge on, Mizumono would prove to be useful to the recovery of the particular genetic strain. Her mother was thought to become barren after the birth of Mizumono, as, no other child was ever successfully developed from the womb of Mizu's mother.. At two years of age, Mizumono wandered away from home in the arms of some unknown man. She was, of course, retrieved, and imprisoned. That is, she was granted the ‘Cursed Seal’ of the branch family, despite her belonging to the main family. The revised planning dictated that Mizumono must be kept alive until her twenty fifth year, if the line was to be successfully carried on. This meant that at an early age, she was being taught the basics of shinobi combat. Around the age of five, she was entered into the Ninja Academy of Konohagakure, though, was under constant surveillance of the Hyuuga clan. Her life would carry on that way, under constant watch, through her early teenage years. Many-a-time, Mizumono would attempt to flee Konohagakure no sato, Seeking some freedom from the constant control of her Hyuuga clan. Each time ended in failure, landing her locked in her room for months at a time. And after time, she would be put through the final test before Genin-hood. Despite her passing grade, she was held back from graduating to a genin, “For her own safety, under the request of her family”. This lasted until the fall months of her thirteenth year, the invasion of Kumogakure no Sato. As a safety measure, she was surrendered to the Kumogakure Empire, whom she gladly swore to help. As ordered by the Kumogakure empire, Mizumono went through the proper training and conditioning for the duration of the “Great Ninja War”. And, just recently, she was promoted to the status of NCIA genin, where she happily awaits her team assignment. The Raging Nasty While under the rank of Genin, Mizumono met what she would consider her best friend - Nenshou Toko. A spar that left Toko near crippled brought the two close, and even closer while they walked their injuries off. In any normal circumstance, Mizumono would have paid the boy no attention, but something undefinable drew her to this Nenshou from the village of Konoha. Perhaps it was his laid back attitude? His ability to show that he cared about what she was saying? Fumbling over her own thought processes, the pair met Darksol Anima, a genin of particular interest to Mizumono. Where Toko would appeal to the mental aspect of Mizu, she could not help but *Want* Anima. As time would pass, his shows of strength and grace only amplified Mizumono's craving for the Darksol, until she would at last, attempt to seduce him while they rested in a hot bathhouse after an extensive day of training. Being trained against it, Anima pushed her off and scolded her, only to find out that she had fallen unconcious in the water. While in the depths of unconciousness, Mizumono was cast from a total darkness into a great, sandy expanse. She would wander for what seemed to be hours, finding only one dune of sand after the next. As all hope would seem lost, Three figures found her. One, an old woman dressed in a black robe that wielded a strange purple box. Two, a teenager with long, raven hair, who bore the distinct Sharingan eyes. And Three, a man dressed in a traditional samurai attire. Lost, confused, and tired, Mizumono could only sit and stare as the seeming Uchiha and the older woman argued over what was to become of Mizumono. The traditionally dressed man showed a measure of compassion, and ousted Mizumono (Though Rather harshly) from the water-forasken world. When she would awake, Mizumono found Toko and Anima fighting, each blaming the other for why she had fallen into a state of unwakeable sleep. As Anima would move to land the killing blow on Toko, Mizumono intercepted, and began her own battle with Anima. To her, he was in an unusual bloodrage; to him, she brought it upon herself. Only a short time later, the pair were battered and bruised, with Mizumono slumping near unconcious yet again on the floor. Over the Edge, Over Again After the brawl, Mizumono had decided that she needed a break. Despite her uncanny hatred for the Hyuuga clan, she found herself concerned as to how the clan was faring in this war with the NCIA. The girl departed to Konoha, only to find it mostly in ruin. While she had been in fang, the previous Konohagakure shinobi rose up against the kumogakure empire, but was shut down as easily when the war had began. Meeting with the brother of Hyuuga Yatako, Mizumono was sent to the country of coal to seek him out for training. It seemed the flame of Konoha had started burning within her heart. They have Passed like Rain on the Mountain After arriving in the country of Coal's City of Tin, Mizu met with Amshiro Suzuke, and his partner Shodaan. Shodaan and Suzuke were members of the reborn Akatsuki, known as Hakumei. Suzuke and Mizu quickly became good friends as he assisted her in the search for Hyuuga Yatako. Soon enough, Yatako was found, and a false death was arranged for Suzuke, that he might escape the confines of the Hakumei. The flawlessly executed plan brought Mizumono and Suzuke into the forest surrounding the City of Tin. Here, Suzuke pulled Mizu and himself into a mental realm only conjurable by himself, being the leader of his clan. Here, Uchiha Kaosu showed himself fully for the first time. The break in Mizu’s mental defenses allowed him to take total control of her while in the mental realm. Using Mizu’s possessed body, Kaosu beat Suzuke down, in his own world. Much to the dismay of Kaosu, they were torn out of the dimension when Yatako arrived and disrupted the flow of Suzuke’s Chakra. Still in control, Kaosu attempted to beat Yatako, but was dismissed with a murderous intent that would make the most vicious of shinobi cower. The beast was free. The Hounds are Loose After a brief period of travel, Suzuke, Mizumono, and Yatako arrived on the very shore that the Hyuuga Jounin had trained on as a chuunin. The sand was scarred as if a terrible battle had occurred there, and one had. Here, Mizu and Suzuke began a long and tedious training in order to further the cause of the resistances. This would continue until one particular night, a night in which Kaosu convinced a shaken Mizu to flee. What had he told her? After fleeing, Mizumono encountered a pair of Umikoi travelers – travelers of considerable strength. She fought them, and was ultimately beaten, literally, half her body’s length into the ground. When she awoke, things were amended, and Mizu agreed to accompany them to Kirigakure no sato. They trusted her to be alone too much. Kaosu hounded her thoughts again, and drove her into the deep tropical forests in the Country of Water. Here, in the country of water, Mizumono happened across a party of two genin inside a cave. Hostile genin. A brief battle insued, which turned from 2 against Mizu, into Four against Mizu. She systematically brought them all down, sealing 3 of their chakra and killing the fourth. Before further harm could be made, the hostile team’s jounin dropped in and overwhelmed Mizu. The Sword that speaks Captured, Mizumono was ‘converted’ to the cause of the group, a simple resistance faction. Even Kaosu could not argue that joining them was the best possible action. While upon a boat, Mizu was tested. Her blade tasted blood once again. Sitting alone in her room after the test, her blade spoke to her. No more than a sentence, no less than a revelation. The Tragedy of Uchiha Kaosu Uchiha Kaosu was born and raised no more than an average student. His schooling resulted in him being ranked around the mid-point of potential genin. The bland Uchiha showed signs of his clan’s potential, but had not fully bloomed. Kaosu’s first encounter with blood was no more than the simple killing of pigs for food, yet, managed to engrave a small fear of the thick red substance deep within his conscious. At his first attendance to the chuunin exams, he witnessed the ferocity of the Hyuuga Clan’s Jyuuken. Still no more than a curious child, he attempted to replicate this technique, only to fail. Thus were the seeds of rivalry sewn within Kaosu’s thoughts. Rivalry, or envy? --- Around the age of thirteen, Kaosu met his most talented cousin, Uchiha Mizujin. Mizujin was a chuunin at the age of 9 and had already begun to master the powers of the topihura sharingan. Though it was no more then a casual friendship at first, Kaosu began to note the internal workings of Mizujin. Something, or someone, guided his judgement; Guidance to better, or worse? Over the span of several months Kaosu and Mizujin grew close, they could even be called best friends. That was what he wanted. One fateful day while training in a bog outside of Konohagakure no Sato, Mizujin snapped. The genius child went into a frenzy, beating Kaosu until he was thought to be dead. The Mangekyou seen again? --- After being nearly killed, Kaosu was rescued by none other than Nara Arashi. After spending a number of days in the hosipital, Kaosu was released into the public once again. His first and only goal at that point was to find and thank Arashi, and he did. The beginnings of a long friendship began. --- After discovering the origins of Uchiha Mizujin, Kaosu decided to travel to Kirigakure no Sato in order to discover exactly what it was that drove him to snap as he did. The travel experience was no more than a melancholic boatride. Upon reaching the country of Water, Kaosu was assigned (Most hospitably) living quarters in the household of Ex-Jounin Furousha Yuki. To earn his stay, Kaosu did house and yardwork that Yuki had never found the time to do. He was also adopted as a temporary Kirigakure genin and allowed to participate in simple missions. After becoming settled into the village, Kaosu found himself traveling to local ‘scenes’ to gather more information on not only Mizujin, but the girls of Kiri. His first stop – A local mall. In this mall, Kaosu first met Hyuuga Ai, the most feminine man he had ever laid eyes upon. The friendship was restrained at first, as they were first acquainted through the means of a spar in the vendor-stall lots outside of the complex itself. Relationships To be added... Edited August 28, 2009 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 20, 2009 Author Posted July 20, 2009 Catalog of the Multitudes Persona A Detail; Persona B Detail; Persona C Detail;
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 20, 2009 Author Posted July 20, 2009 (edited) Ninja Stats Rank: Konohagakure 'Chuunin'; Missing Ninja 'Jounin' Equivalent Missing Rank: Previously; A-Rank Missing Ninja, Currently; Unknown Rank Crimes: [invalidated due to the fall of Kumogakure no Sato] (•)Betrayal of the Grand Army of Kumogakure no Sato (•)Murder of an entire division of NCIA Hunter-Ninja (•)Assassination of two High-Ranking Officers of the Kumogakure Imperial Army (•)Assistance in the Freedom of Kirigakure no Sato Bounty: Previously; $1800, Currently; Unknown Bounty Level: 70 TXP: 22,700//23,000 [Current//Required for Next Level] -Stats (out of 7500)- (Health Power) 800 (Stamina) 1200 (Chakra) 1200 ______________ (Taijutsu) 900 [1000] (Defense) 200 [240] (Ninjutsu) 400 (Genjutsu) 100 (Concentration) 100 (Speed) 900 [1000] (Accuracy) 850 (1095) (Evasion) 850 [1090] (1095) [(1335)] Byukagan Bonuses: +245 to Accuracy and Evasion Stamina Regeneration~ 120 Stamina per every other turn Chakra Regeneration~ 180 Chakra per every other turn ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Taijutsu Offense~ +250 Taijutsu/Shojutsu Defense~ 60 Ninjutsu Offense~ +100 Ninjutsu Defense~ 60 Shojutsu Offense~ +260 Genjutsu Effect and Reduction~ 25 Genjutsu Accuracy and Evasion~ +25 Hit Rate~ +109% Dodge Rate~ +143% Taijutsu crit~ 2% []=Total, With any Item Additions ()= Total with the Byakugan [()]= Total with both Affinities Warren says: 1-Lightning 2-Fire 3-Water 4-Earth 5-Wind Warren says: 1-Lightning 2-Fire 3-Earth 4-Water Wind Specialty Naturally aligned to the element of the wind, this character has a natural tact at using and manipulating the wind to their bidding. These characters tend to be good at attacking, and somewhat brash. Effect: User can use wind based ninjutsu (no need for Subtle Elements) and has a +10% to damage with ninjutsu, taijutsu or genjutsu attacks (choose one when it is learned). Wind-derived jutsu cost one less JP to a minimum of 1. [Taijutsu Chosen] -0 Lightning Specialty [iI] Naturally aligned to the element of the lightning, this character has a natural tact at using and manipulating lightning to their bidding. These characters are often good at making stinging blows and stunning dodges; their motto could well be "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." Effect:User can use lightning based ninjutsu (no need for Subtle Elements) and has a +10% chance to hit with all taijutsu and ninjutsu attacks -or- a +10% chance to hit with genjutsu attacks (chosen when learned). Lightning-derived jutsu cost one less JP to a minimum of 1.[Taijutsu/Ninjutsu Chosen] -0 Water Specialty [iII] Naturally aligned to the element of the water, this character has a natural tact at using and manipulating water to their bidding. These characters are often solemn, and have uncannily good aim. Effect: User can use water based ninjutsu (no need for Subtle Elements) and has a +10% stat reduction or addition with all attacks. Water-derived jutsu cost one less JP to a minimum of 1. -0 Edited August 28, 2009 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 20, 2009 Author Posted July 20, 2009 (edited) Skills Remaining Skill Points 5/51 Skill Records -_Starting: 2 -_Hindering: 2 -_1 to 10: 10 -_11 to 20: 5 -_21 to 30: 5 -_31 to 40: 5 -_41 to 50: 5 -_51 to 60: 5 -_61 to 70: 5 -_Chuunin bonus: 2 -_Jounin Bonus: 3 Positive *Subtle Elements, Wind Subtle Elements, Water* -1 *Subtle Elements, Earth Subtle Elements, Lightning* -1 The Twisted Colors; 1// -1 Chakra Release Effect: A counter method to moves such as 64-points. So it restores use of chakra if it is sealed. This technique can not be performed on ones self, but may be used on others during the setup phase. -1 Quick Learner Effect: +10% EXP From Missions and Training. EXP given as holiday gifts or handed out from events by the staff are not included in this. -2 An Understanding Mind Bloodline: Regular Skill Description: There are several ninja in this world that are looked over because they aren't a Genius, a Prodigy, or even gifted. But, what exactly makes these things? A keen sense of battle? A great understanding of justu? A greater strength then the average person? Why must a person have all three of these things and more just to be considered above average? Why can't a person just understand more than the rest? Effect: Roll a d5. On a roll of 2 or 3, the character may access Jutsu and Techniques one rank above their own for the normal cost. The jutsu is treated as it normally would, unless when involved with a counter justu. A Chuunin using a Jounin technique will not be able to prevent damage from a Jounin technique from a Jounin. Skill points are not refunded if you fail at the roll. Cost: -3 (-4 if character has Clan/Bloodline) Requirements: Path of Scholar, Chuunin Restrictions: The owner of this skill may not take any other skills that lower the cost of JP for any form of justu. Roll: 2 Savior Effect: Once per team battle you may choose to take an attack in place of your ally without need for any rolls. Apply all armors against this attack regardless of if it is supposed to bypass armor or not. When you take the hit, you gain a +100 to the relevent defence stat. Cannot be used against Genjutsu. -1 Second wind Effect: Upon reaching 0 health, user regains 1Hp, but only once per battle. -2 Skill Name: My Way of the Ninja! Effect: Used in the Setup Phase as a free action. Once per battle, when character is reduced to 10% Health or lower (choose one of the following): *1. Remove all negative status effects from the character 2. Your next attack may not be dodged 3. Gain 10% of your Total Chakra* Description: When a Ninja is taken down to their very last reserves, they will dig down deep and pull out just a little bit more, in desperation to continue fighting for all that they believe in. This phrase was coined by Uzumaki Naruto of Konoha, and its popularity has spread around to other Villages. Cost: -1 Restriction: May not be used in the same turn as 'Guts Pose!' or 'Hooray for the Big Boned People!' or 'Stroke of Genius!' Skill Name: The Path of the Scholar Description: Although quite rare, a few Ninja proceed down the path of the scholar, spending a lot of time in research and in trying to understand the world around them. These Ninja are not to be underestimates, however,as they can be quite deadly. Effect: Character gains 1 extra Jutsu Point per level Scholarly Mastery: Choose Two: -May gain 2 'Subtle Elements' skills for 1 skill point. -May gain 2 ranks of 'Merchant' for 1 skill point. RP Guide: -Acute knowledge of the world around them. This ninja has studied their world through many ways and is a quick mind when it comes to absorbing knowledge. With a keen eye for detail and a photographic memory to boot. This does not, however, mean they are good at processing this information. Cost: -1 Restriction: Players can only apply this path to characters which actually spend a portion of their time, or have spent a portion of their time, studying in a scholarly sort of fashion. Path of the Wise Effect: The player gains the following mastery ability. When this ninja would learn a jutsu or skill through training in which they would normally not receive any EXP, they gain a +.5 EXP bonus as if they were normally training as well. Knowledge Mastery: Character gains 1 skill point every 2 levels beyond lvl 50 instead of 2 every 5 levels. In addition, they gain +.5 XP, when training their mind or studying, IE; 'scholarly' training. Anyone whom trains with a follower of the Path of the Sage gains a bonus of +.5 in addition to the normal bonus they would gain. The total bonuses will not and cannot exceed the 4 EXP Per line rule. Description: The 'Wise' is a source of great knowledge to other Ninja. They have either spent their lives hidden behind books or traveling all over the world, gaining practical knowledge. In either case, the Ninja has added much to their learning, and have a lot to offer their teammates. RP Guide: A character that follows the path of the Wise is truly one with knowledge. Spending countless hours within literature and study, the sage will constantly pour their efforts into the pursuit of knowledge. Their minds soak up anything they read or study, their learning capabilities surpassing that of normal people. Because of this, they may not be focused in any specific field in battle like other paths, but they become a potential jack of all trades, not being specifically well versed in just one area. As well, the Wise is also an adapted teacher, with the gift to pass the knowledge they absorb to others with relative ease. Requirement: Chuunin. Must have Path of the Scholar. Cost: -1 Advanced Chakra Negotiation Effect: Regenerate an additional 1% total chakra every other turn(Per rank).(Does NOT stack with Chakra Flow) Description: Through studying the chakra flowing patterns, and the ways to manipulate it, One is able to dictate the most effective methods of chakra circulation, Thus, allowing them to waste minimum chakra for the Maximum effect. [-1] (5 ranks)[Rank 5] Emergency Medical Technician Effect: May use all Gennin Level Medical Jutsu. May use Chuunin Medical Jutsu that cost up to 4 points. Cost: -2 Hyuuga Jyuuken (Gentle Fist Fighting Style) One of the most powerful aspects of the Byakugan is the ability to see the inner chakra coil system, which is the key aspect of using the Gentle Fist style to attack said system. If sufficiently developed, the Byakugan is able to see individual chakra points, potentially allowing the user to shut off the opponent's chakra flow completely, such that the opponent cannot perform techniques that require chakra. However, the user can increase chakra flow as well. Seasoned Byakugan users are even capable of killing with a single blow. Claus: Previous ranks of Hyuuga Jyuuken are replaced when the next rank is purchased and the effects do not stack with previous ranks. Rank 1 (-2) Used as a free action in the Main Phase. For every 1 additional chakra spent, character's basic attack or Taijutsu attack deals an additional 1 damage. A maximum of 60 Chakra may be spent this way. This allows user to break damage caps. This damage is applied separately from a technique's damage and defensive modifiers, though this damage may only succeed in connecting if the attack used in conjunction with this style is landed in any form, be it a successful attack or a blocked attack. No additional dodge roll is rolled as this is considered to hit or miss with the attack used in conjunction. Requirement: Chuukyuu Byakugan must be active Rank 2 (-2) Used as a free action in the Main Phase. For every 2 additional chakra spent, character's basic attack or Taijutsu attack deals an additional 3 damage. A maximum of 120 Chakra may be spent this way. This allows user to break damage caps. This damage is applied separately from a technique's damage and defensive modifiers, though this damage may only succeed in connecting if the attack used in conjunction with this style is landed in any form, be it a successful attack or a blocked attack. No additional dodge roll is rolled as this is considered to hit or miss with the attack used in conjunction. Requirement: Meijin Byakugan must be active Rank 3 (-3) Used as a free action in the Main Phase. For every 1 additional chakra spent, character's basic attack or Taijutsu attack deals an additional 2 damage. A maximum of 180 Chakra may be spent this way. Sennin characters may spend up to 320 Chakra. This allows user to break damage caps. This damage is applied separately from a technique's damage and defensive modifiers, though this damage may only succeed in connecting if the attack used in conjunction with this style is landed in any form, be it a successful attack or a blocked attack., be it a successful attack or a blocked attack. No additional dodge roll is rolled as this is considered to hit or miss with the attack used in conjunction. Requirement: Shukun Byakugan must be active Jūho [GentleStep] Description: The Jūho [Gentle Step] is an advanced fighting style based on the Jūken [Gentle Fist]. It builds on the primary attribute of utilizing the byakugan insight to attack the opponent's inner coils through adding the concepts of constant movement and pivotal rotation. The style itself consists of movements that encourage one to be constantly pivoting in a careful 'dance' around an opponent's position. This concept of rotation allows multiple attacks to be made while minimizing the opponent's window of opportunity to dodge or prevent them. Due to the nature of this constant movement, this style is nearly impossible to perform without the insight of the byakugan eye. As a drawback of this otherwise impeccable style, momentum is easily gathered while moving through this style's pivots, thereby delaying one's ability to instantly react and change their course of movement- as a result, this style may be seen to be lacking against opponents who possess instantaneous movement. There have been documented reports of total mastery of this style's movement to eliminate such drawbacks, but active practice of that technique has yet to be seen. Effects: This fighting style may be activated as any other style, but may be used in conjunction with the Jyuken or any of it's variants that do not specifically cater to a certain kind of movement. While this style is active, the user loses 2% of their base evasion per turn. This amount is then reapplied to their base accuracy or speed stats, at the digression of user at the time of upkeep. The user may never fall below 40% of their base evasion, and may never gain more than 1.5x their base accuracy or speed stat in bonuses, with x being figured relatively to the stat in question. This style may only be used while the byakugan dojutsu is active, and deactivates simultaneously with the byakugan. Whenever this style is deactivated, all stats are reset to their norm during the turn after deactivation. This style has an upkeep of 2.5% of the user's total stamina per turn. -3 Requires rank 2 of the Gentle Fist fighting style Bloodline Inheritance The Byakugan The Byakugan (literally "White Eyes") naturally occurs in members of the Hyuuga clan (and thus only characters from the Hyuuga clan possess it). Byakugan users are characterized by their lavender, pupil-less eyes. When the Byakugan is activated, their pupils somewhat appear and the veins near their temples bulge. A person with the Byakugan has a nearly 360 degree field of vision, except for a small blind spot behind the first thoracic vertebra (near the back of the neck), which is its only known weakness. Byakugan users can detect anything around them within a 50-meter radius (although more powerful Hyuuga members can iincrease the radius to over 800 meters), making them close-range combat experts. The Byakugan also gives the user the ability to see through basically any matter over extremely long distances. This seems to be a combination of x-ray and thermographic vision. A small degree of telescopic vision is also present, as a Byakugan user can focus on a single object at any point within their range of vision. The degree of focus seems to be dependent on the skill of the user. The Byakugan's sight cannot be blocked, unlike the Sharingan, which can be blocked by any sufficiently opaque substance. It is however, possible to impede it slightly through the use of certain powerful seals. The Byakugan's insight capacity makes it useful for searching, tracking, and identifying targets. [Activation/Upkeep] Rank 1 - 10%/10% Rank 2 - 10% 7.5% Rank 3 - 10%/5% Rank 4 - 10%/5% [Jounin], 10%/5% [Kage/Sennin] Claus: ~Previous ranks of Byakugan are replaced when the next rank is purchased and the effects do not stack with previous ranks. ~Stat additions from the Byakugan may not exceed 1.5x the base stat. ~While the Byakugan is active all advanced regeneration is suspended until it is deactivated. Dedashi Byakugan The beginning manifestation of the Byakugan allows the Hyuuga to gain some insight into the location of the chakra coils. The enhanced vision can be extended to about 20 meters around the Hyuuga, allowing them some ability to evade attacks directed at them. There is also some increase in insight bestowed, allowing them to see through minor Genjutsu with little effort. Cost: (-2) Byakugan Vision - Rank 1 This character Base Accuracy, Evasion and Concentration are considered to be incresed by 2x (where x is equal to their level). Additionally, the minimum value for x is considered to be 20. AoE Jutsu may also be dodged as a normal attack. Byakugan Focus - Rank 1 Genjutsu targeting the user performed by Ninja of equal or lesser rank than the user apply 80% Ghost Damage, Effects, and Duration (rounded to the nearest whole number). Chuukyuu Byakugan The most common level of ability of the Byakugan that is present in most Hyuuga who have not refined their skills further allow them good insight into the location of the chakra coils. The enhanced vision can be extended to about 50 meters around the Hyuuga, allowing them an increased ability to evade attacks directed at them. There is also some increase in insight bestowed, allowing them to see through most minor Genjutsu with little effort. Cost: (-3) Requirement: Level 15 Byakugan Vision - Rank 2 This character Base Accuracy, Evasion and Concentration are considered to be incresed by 2.5x (where x is equal to their level). Additionally, the minimum value for x is considered to be 30. AoE Jutsu may also be dodged as a normal attack. Byakugan Focus - Rank 2 Genjutsu targeting the user performed by Ninja of equal or lesser rank than the user apply 70% Ghost Damage, Effects, and Duration (rounded to the nearest whole number). Meijin Byakugan The trained Byakugan allows greater insight into the location of the chakra coils. The enhanced vision can be extended to about 200 meters around the Hyuuga, allowing them an almost uncanny ability to evade attacks directed at them. The greater insight bestowed allows them to see through most average Genjutsu with little effort. Cost: (-3) Requirement: Chuunin Byakugan Vision - Rank 3 This character Base Accuracy, Evasion and Concentration are considered to be incresed by 3x (where x is equal to their level) Additionally, the minimum value for x is considered to be 40. AoE Jutsu may also be dodged as a normal attack. Byakugan Focus - Rank 3 Genjutsu targeting the user performed by Ninja of equal or lesser rank than the user apply 60% Ghost Damage, Effects, and Duration (rounded to the nearest whole number). Shukun Byakugan The mastered Byakugan allows perfect insight into the location of the chakra coils. The enhanced vision can be extended to about 500 meters around the Hyuuga, allowing them an uncanny ability to evade attacks directed at them. The greater insight bestowed allows them to see through most complex Genjutsu with little effort. Cost: (-4) Requirement: Jounin Byakugan Vision - Rank 4 This character Base Accuracy, Evasion and Concentration are considered to be incresed by 3.5x (where x is equal to their level). Additionally, the minimum value for x is considered to be 55. AoE Jutsu may also be dodged as a normal attack. Byakugan Focus - Rank 4 Genjutsu targeting the user performed by Ninja of equal or lesser rank than the user apply 50% Ghost Damage, Effects, and Duration (rounded to the nearest whole number). Hindering Self Defense Effect: Opponents act first, no matter what. Cost: +2 (Overcame) Unsavory Chakra Effect: Your chakra, just for some reason, turns creatures which are really well attuned to chakra flows away from you, which includes the vast majority of summoned creatures. -25% to all summoning attempts. You must have a summoning technique to take this Cost: +2 Edited August 28, 2009 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 20, 2009 Author Posted July 20, 2009 (edited) Techniques Remaining Jutsu Points: 63/225 ::JP Chart:: -_Starting: 4 -_'07 Christmas bonus, +2 JP -_Path of the Scholar: 58 -_Levels 1 to 15: 15 -_Levels 16 to 20: 8 -_21 to 30: 19 -_31 to 40: 30 -_41 to 45: 15 -_45 to 50: 20 -_50 to 60: 37 -_Chuunin Bonus: 5 -_Jounin Bonus: 15 Clan Ninjutsu Clan Taijutsu Name: Divine 32-Hit Palm Strike (Hakke Sanjuu Nishou) Type: Taijutsu Rank: Gennin Cost: 40 Stamina + 40 Chakra Damage: 60 Effects: Character must have Byakugan open. The target is unable to regenerate Chakra for 5 turns. This effect can be removed by the Release Chakra skill by a Medical Shinobi of Gennin rank or greater. Description: Taijutsu technique that must be used in conjunction with the Byakugan Eyes of the Hyuuga Clan and also requires a basic knolwedge of the Gentle Fist Style or Hyuuga Style Taijutsu. With the ability to see the inner coil system, the ninja performs a series of graceful movements while attacking thirty-two of the three hundred and sixty-one tenketsu. Although the tenketsu are not closed, Chakra flow has been somewhat disrupted, making it more difficult for the opponent to continue the battle. Points: 4 Hakkeshou: Houshutsu Tenketsu no Jutsu (Divine Tenketsu Releasing Technique) Type: Taijutsu (Clan) Rank: Gennin Cost: 2/3X, where X is the total damage of the incoming jutsu this is used against. The cost of this jutsu is then split evenly between Chakra and Stamina, rounded up. Damage: N/A Effects: Character must have Byakugan open. Used during the Response Phase, it negates the effects and damage of any RANGED non-Genjutsu attack string that is of lesser or equal Ninja Rank to your own. Gennin may only use this once per battle, Chuunin have a limit of two times per battle, Jounin are limited to three times per battle. The use of this jutsu forfeits the Set Up and Main Phases for that turn. Description: A Taijutsu technique used in conjunction with Byakugan Eyes where the ninja expels chakra from every one of their tenketsu, effectively repelling any type of ranged attack moments before it would connect with them. This is the basic technique upon which the Kaiten improves upon, by which time the Chunnin has fully controlled the precise moment they can release their tenketsu. Restriction: May not be used successively of Hakkehsou: Kaiten (Divine Cyclone), Hakke Shikuchi No Gyakuten (Divine Method Of Reversal) or itself. Points: 4 Hakkeshou: Houshutsu Tenketsu no Jutsu (Divine Tenketsu Releasing Technique) Type: Taijutsu (Clan) Rank: Gennin Cost: 2/3X, where X is the total damage of the incoming jutsu this is used against. The cost of this jutsu is then split evenly between Chakra and Stamina, rounded up. Damage: N/A Effects: Character must have Byakugan open. Used during the Response Phase, it negates the effects and damage of any RANGED non-Genjutsu attack string that is of lesser or equal Ninja Rank to your own. Gennin may only use this once per battle, Chuunin have a limit of two times per battle, Jounin are limited to three times per battle. The use of this jutsu forfeits the Set Up and Main Phases for that turn. Description: A Taijutsu technique used in conjunction with Byakugan Eyes where the ninja expels chakra from every one of their tenketsu, effectively repelling any type of ranged attack moments before it would connect with them. This is the basic technique upon which the Kaiten improves upon, by which time the Chunnin has fully controlled the precise moment they can release their tenketsu. Restriction: May not be used successively of Hakkehsou: Kaiten (Divine Cyclone), Hakke Shikuchi No Gyakuten (Divine Method Of Reversal) or itself. Points: 4 Hakkehsou: Kaiten (Divine Cyclone) Type: Taijutsu (Clan) Rank: Chuunin Cost: 4/5X, where X is the total damage of the incoming jutsu this is used against. The cost of this jutsu is then split evenly between Chakra and Stamina, rounded up. Special: When the character that has this jutsu reaches Jounin rank and has purchased Byakugan Eye Rank 5, the cost of this jutsu is reduced to 3/5X Damage: N/A (50%) Effects: Character must have Byakugan open. Used during the Response Phase, it negates the effects and damage of any non-Genjutsu attack string that is of lesser or equal Ninja Rank to your own. If you counter a close range attack, the attacker takes 50% of the damage, modified by the respective defensive mods. (Opponent applies 50% of their Evasion to dodge the attack). This jutsu may be used Two times per battle while Chuunin Rank and Three times when a Jounin Rank. The use of this jutsu forfeits the Set Up and Main Phases for that turn. Description: A Taijutsu technique used in conjunction with Byakugan Eyes where the ninja expels chakra from every one of their tenketsu, effectively pausing any type of attack moments before it would connect with them. Then, they spin their body like a top while continually expelling chakra from their body in a twisting sphere. Restriction: May not be used successively of Hakkeshou: Houshutsu Tenketsu no Jutsu (Divine Tenketsu Releasing Technique), Hakke Shikuchi No Gyakuten (Divine Method Of Reversal) or itself. Points: 10; If purchased at Jounin rank, this will cost 8 JP. Name: Divine 64-Hit Palm Strike (Hakke Rokujuu Yonshou) Type: Taijutsu Rank: Chuunin Cost: 75 Stamina + 75 Chakra Damage: 120 Effects: Character must have Byakugan open. Target no longer regenerates Chakra. Target is unable to perform any Ninjutsu or Genjutsu techniques until Release Chakra skill is used on target by a Medical Shinobi of Chuunin rank or greater. Target applies 75% Defense. Description: Taijutsu technique that must be used in conjunction with the Byakugan Eyes of the Hyuuga Clan and also requires a good deal of knolwedge of the Gentle Fist Style or Hyuuga Style Taijutsu. With the ability to see the inner coil system, the ninja performs a series of graceful movements while attacking sixty-four of the three hundred and sixty-one tenketsu. Points: +1 (or 5) Special: Evolving: if you have the level before this one, this Jutsu costs +1 point to learn Hakke: Hyaku Nijuu Hachi Shou (Divine 128-Hit Palm Strike) Type: Taijutsu (Clan) Rank: Jounin Cost: 200 Stamina + 200 Chakra Damage: 320 Effects: Character must have Byakugan open. Target no longer regenerates Chakra and Stamina. Target is unable to perform ANY techniques until Release Chakra skill is used on target by a Medical Shinobi of Jounin rank or greater. Target applies 50% Defense. Description: One of the ultimate Taijutsu techniques of the Hyuuga clan that must be used in conjunction with the Byakugan Eyes. With the ability to see the inner coil system, the ninja performs a series of graceful movements while attacking one hundred twenty-eight of the three hundred and sixty-one tenketsu. Points: +2 (or 8) Special: Evolving: if you have the level before this one, this Jutsu costs +2 point to learn Hakke Kusho (Divine Empty Palm Strike) Type: Taijutsu Bloodline: Hyuuga Clan; Personal Rank: Chuunin Cost: 50 Chakra + 50 Stamina Damage: 150 Effect: Character must have Byakugan open. Target is now at long range from the user. Damage from this technique is split evenly between health and chakra. Description: A palm thrust, capable of being done while out of arms' reach, that pushes away the victim violently with chakra. This is apparently used in a similar style as Hakkeshō Kaiten. This taijutsu technique used in conjunction with Byakugan Eyes where the ninja expels chakra from their tenketsu in their palms and directs it at their opponent. Points: 4 Hakke Shikuchi No Houkai (Divine Method Of Collapse) Type: Taijutsu (Clan) Rank: Chuunin Cost: 60 Chakra and 60 Stamina Damage: N/A Effects: For a Duration of (4) Four turns, whenever the opponent receives Taijutsu based damage from this character, they receive 50% of this (base) damage as Chakra damage, effectively halving the potential damage of the attack(s), and instead relocating the other portion of damage to the enemy's Chakra. This may be used (2) Two times per battle Description: Truly a tactical maneuver in combat, this is an attack that does not seek to recklessly assault an opponent's physique, but instead their Tenketsu. By flooding the tips of the fingers and palms with Chakra, it is not surprising that every attack -no matter how simple- performed by the Hyuuga results with the damage of the Tenketsu. Although not manufacturing the precise level of detail that usually comes with such strikes, the attacks still manage to deprive an opponent of their Chakra. Sacrificing lethality for practicality, these strikes come much more quickly than when focusing on the Tenketsu alone, at the cost of potency Points: 4 Requirements: The Byakugan Doujutsu must be active Zeshou Hachimon Hougeki (Eight Celestial Gates Bombardment) Type: Taijutsu (Clan) Rank: Chuunin Cost: 100 Stamina + 100 Chakra Damage: 120 Effects: Character must have Byakugan open. Target opponent of equal or lower Ninja rank may not use the Eight Celestial Gates for the duration of battle. If target opponent has the Gates active, they are immediately deactivated. If opponent used the 'Death Gate' they still die at the end of battle. Description: This is an attack performed on the Eight Celestial Gates. Striking each Gates, similar to tenketsu striking, which results in them being closed. The performer of this attack needs the Byakugan activated in order to see and strike the gates. Points: 5 Hakke Shikuchi No Gyakuten (Divine Method Of Reversal) Type: Taijutsu (Clan) Rank: Chuunin Cost: 60 Chakra + 60 Stamina and X Chakra and Y Stamina Damage: N/A (20%) Effects: X and Y are values equivalent to 60% the total damage of an opponent's attack, divided equally between Chakra and Stamina. Used during the Response Phase against a single opponent. Negates the damage and effects of incoming Taijutsu technique or string of weapon/basic attacks of equal or lower Ninja rank. Enemy has potential of receiving 20% of the total damage that would have been inflicted upon the Hyuuga, but may apply own Defensive stats to lower said damage. Opponent applies 75% Evasion when attempting to negate this damage. If successfully struck, the opponent will suffer the effects of "Vulnerable". User forfeits the Set Up and Main Phases. Gennin may use this Once per battle, Two times per Chunnin, and Three times per Jounin. Description: This is a technique of reversal requiring exquisite timing and enduring patience. Making use of the insightful Byakugan, the Hyuuga will remain in a typical stance, allowing the enemy to approach. Reacting before the opponent delivers the attack, the character will strafe to the defenseless flank of the enemy, delivering a powerful strike to the spinal column, forcing them forwards. Using the momentum of the attack against them, the Hyuuga will likewise thrust the other hand against the lower back (occipital) of the skull, forcing the opponent to flip head-over-heels, rendering their attack ineffective, and also injuring them. This counter-method is one of elegance and strength, humiliating an enemy while also preventing their own selves from harm Restriction: May not be used successively of Hakkehsou: Kaiten (Divine Cyclone), Hakkeshou: Houshutsu Tenketsu no Jutsu (Divine Tenketsu Releasing Technique) or itself. Requirements: The Byakugan Doujutsu must be active. Points: 10 l:.:l Shugohakke Rokujūyon Shō [守 護 八 卦 六 十 四 掌; Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms] l:.:l Type: Taijutsu [Clan] Rank: Sennin Cost: 3/5x + 50 [x= The total damage of the blocked jutsu]; Cost is split evenly between stamina and chakra, rounded up. Damage: 100 Effects: Used in the response phase. Negates the damage and effects of the oncoming jutsu. Usable thrice per battle, with the standard 5% chance to fail each time. If this jutsu fails to negate the oncoming jutsu, it still deals its 100 damage, plus modifiers applied at a ratio of 40 taijutsu: 5 additional damage. The user of this jutsu loses their Main Phase during the turn in which this is used. Description: This jutsu is a combination of the Eight Trigrams Palms Heavenly Spin and the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms. In this jutsu, the Hyuuga emits a constant stream of chakra from their palms, creating extremely sharp chakra blades. With naturally flexible movements, the user can reach any point around her, allowing them to hit any target within their field of vision. While using this jutsu, the Hyuuga moves extremely fast, allowing them to hit hundreds of targets with extreme precision, much like the original Sixty-Four Palms jutsu. Additionally, the Hyuuga clansmen can control the size of the chakra beams in their palms, allowing them to create larger, arc-shaped chakra beams that spread out across their entire attack range. With this and her natural flexibility, the technique creates an "absolute defense" effect similar to that of the Heavenly Spin, though the cutting nature of the chakra prevents any outside force from restricting it. In this way, the technique can be used as both an offensive and defensive maneuver. Requirements: Byakugan must be active. JP: 8 l:":l Hakke Hazangeki [八 卦 破 山 撃, Eight Trigrams Mountain Crusher] l:":l Type: Taijutsu [Clan] Rank: Sennin Cost: 80 stamina and 80 chakra Damage: 150 Effects: Opponent is "Vulnerable" for one turn following a successful hit with this jutsu. This jutsu pierces all barriers of equal or lesser rank. Description: Using the same principles as the Eight Trigrams; Empty Palm and the Eight Trigrams; Divine Cyclone, the Mountain Crusher is an attack of focused chakra. The user will build a chakra of considerable density into their palm, then slam it into the opponent with force enough to crush rocks - or any barrier unfortunate enough to be in the way. Requirements: Byakugan must be active. JP: 4 Jūho Sōshiken [ Gentle Step; Twin Lion Fists - 柔 歩 双 獅 拳 ] Rank; Jounin [Clan] Type; Taijutsu [Gentle Step] Cost; 90 Chakra and 90 Stamina Damage; 200 Effect; The opponent suffers -100 evasion when attempting to dodge this technique. The user of this technique may apply the Gentle Fist skill effects as if they gained one additional damage per chakra point spent. Damage caused through this technique is split evenly between Health and Chakra. Requirements: Byakugan must be active, Requires rank 2 of the Gentle Fist. Description; The Jūho [Gentle Step] is an advanced fighting style based on the Jūken [Gentle Fist]. It builds on the primary attribute of utilizing the byakugan insight to attack the opponent's inner coils by adding the concept of constant movement and rapid rotation around an opponent. The Jūho Sōshiken is the epitome of the combined arts of the Gentle Step and the Gentle Fist, beginning when the user forms chakra shrouds resembling ferocious lion's heads over their open palms. The user then rapidly moves forward with several rotating steps, thereby hindering the opponent's ability to accurately predict where the attack will land. When the user is within range of their target, they will slam both palms into the torso of the target, discharging the mass of chakra built around their hands into the target's chakra coil system. JP; 6 Jūho Shūnpo [ Gentle Step; Flash Step - 柔 歩 瞬 歩 ] Rank; Jounin [Clan] Type; Taijutsu [Gentle Step] Cost; 40 Stamina and 40 Chakra Damage; N/A Effect; Used in the Setup phase, does not prevent main phase action. When this jutsu is used, the next Jūho or Jūken taijutsu used is treated as if it ignored 100 of the opponent's evasion. Requirements; Byakugan must be active. Description; The Jūho [Gentle Step] is an advanced fighting style based on the Jūken [Gentle Fist]. It builds on the primary attribute of utilizing the byakugan insight to attack the opponent's inner coils by adding the concept of constant movement and rapid rotation around an opponent. The Jūho Shūnpo is a more advanced technique of the Jūho style, being a form of instantaneous movement. Through the Jūho Shūnpo, the user moves quickly towards the opponent before abruptly and instantly transferring themselves to the unprotected flank of the opponent. When used in conjunction with the Jūho and Jūken styles, this technique creates the perfect opening for an attack. JP; 3 Hyuuga Rokkingu Taijutsu: Minor Crucification Type: Taijutsu Rank: Chuunin Cost: 24 Stamina, 30 Chakra Damage: 6 Effects: Opponent is Ensnared for 2 turns Ensnared: Uses Taijutsu with a 50% failure chance. Speed halved, cannot move around. May only be used once a battle per enemy by Genin, three times by Chuunin and six times by Jounin.Max Duration: 3 turns Description: A most simple technique in which the user strikes each of their opponent's legs with chakra-imbued hands. Points: 2 Requirement: Byukagan must be open. Clan Genjutsu Offensive Ninjutsu Shadow Clone Skill (Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) Type: Ninjutsu (Fire) Rank: Chuunin Cost: 60 Per Clone Damage: N/A Effect: Creates multiple clones. All clones have stats equal to the original's stats divided by the number of clones created + the original + 1. The original retains full HP, but all clones are destroyed in one hit. Clones gain phases every other turn that the user has. May have 2 simultaneous clones at Gennin, 5 at Chuunin, 8 at Jounin, and 15 at Sennin/Kage level. Description: Unlike the normal Bunshin no Jutsu, this jutsu does not create illusions, but real bodies of the user. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone. This could be very dangerous if the user is low on chakra or makes too many clones. Because the clones are basically real, they can perform jutsu and cause real damage to their target. They can also take some hits themselves, even being able to bleed, although they'll still disappear when enough damage has been done, which is usually after one blow or fatal attack. Since the clones are exact replicas of the user, one can use them in combination with many other techniques. Points: 4 Powerful Fireball Skill (Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu) Type: Ninjutsu (Fire) Rank: Gennin Cost: 40 Damage: 30, 6 burn damage a turn for 2 turns. Effect: If performed by a member of the Uchiha clan this technique causes serious burning which will extend the burn to five posts. If this technique misses the user is left vulnerable for one post due to the awkward position they need to take to use the jutsu. Description: The trademark fireball jutsu, this technique creates fire from the lungs and generates it through the mouth, funneling through a hand put in front of the mouth. Due to needing to stand still and putting the hands away from the defense this can be a risky move. Points: 2 Blaze (Kaen) Type: Ninjutsu (Fire) Rank: Jounin Cost: 100 Damage: 75 Effect: Inflicts 75 damage to anyone that enters melee with the user for the next three posts. Does not prevent the user from taking damage. Description: A blaze of flame rises around the user about a foot away from them in all directions. Anyone that gets to close will be burned. Points: 3 Katon; Bunshin Daibakuha (Fire Release; Great Clone Explosion) Type: Ninjutsu (Trap/Fire) Rank: Jounin Conditions: Must be used in the response phase following the succesful destruction of a Shadow Clone by the enemy through Taijutsu attacks. Cost: 210 Damage: 320 Effects: This technique may only be used in the Response Phase, and no other offensive action may be taken during the Main Phase. In the event of a succesful hit the victim of this technique is stunned for one turn. This technique may be used once per battle by a ninja of Chuunin rank, three times at Jounin, and five times per battle at Sennin. Description: A trap devised as a means of luring out the enemy, this technique is capable of causing massive damage to the enemy. Using the commonly held belief that Shadow Clones poof harmlessly into smoke when destroyed, the user quickly performs the handseals necessary to turn a likeness of himself into a high powered explosive. The force of this technique is easily capable of stunning or dazing those not killed by the blast. Cost: 7 Water Type; Water Dragon Blast Skill (Suiton Suiryuudan no Jutsu) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Chuunin Cost: 80 Effect:: Deals 100 damage to any one opponent. -20 to opponents evasion before they try and dodge because of fear from dragon form. Description: After performing a series of hand seals, the user gathers water around him with his/her chakra. In an instant the water takes form of a dragon and hurrles itself at the opponent. The impact causes an immense amount of damage. Points: 3 Water Clone Skill (Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu) Type: Ninjutsu (Water) Rank: Chuunin Cost: 60 per clone (max of 6 clones on the field) Effect:: Each Water Clone has 1/6 stats of the user, but only 1hp. Description: Using the surrounding water, the user makes clones of himself/herself. This helps in fooling the opponent, making it less likely that they will hit the user. Points: 3 Water Type; Artic Wind Type: Ninjutsu (Water) Rank: Chuunin Cost: 120 Damage: N/A Effect:s: Opponent is under the effect of "Numb” for 4 turns. Description: Manipulating the element of water or ice in the air the Shinobi can send a chilling blast of wind at the opponent that quickly numbs the opponent. Highly useful for fighting opponents reliant on weapons. Points: 5 Body Freeze Skill (Kanashibari no Jutsu) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Chuunin Cost: 100 Effects: - Cannot be dodged. Opponent rolls 1d100. - If they roll higher than 25, then they skip their next response and main phase. - May only target the same opponent with this technique after 4 turns since they were last effected by it. - May only be used once a battle per enemy by Gennin, two times by Chuunin and three times by Jounin. - If target is of two ranks or higher than the user, they are unaffected by this technique. Description: Used to cause ones opponent to lose the advantage of movement. Freezing them in their tracks, this Jutsu creates an opening for a more dangerous attack. Most Anbu Ninjas seem to know this technique. Points: 4 Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique) Type: Ninjutsu (non-Elemental) Rank: Gennin Cost: x Chakra (depends on summon level, see summoning rules) Damage: N/A Effect: Allows you to summon one animal. (See Summoning rules for more info). Requires the skill "Contract Manager" to preform. Description: Having signed a contract in blood, any ninja with this Ninjutsu technique can summon a beast, or beasts, from another plane of existence to use in battle. They must use their own blood as a "sacrifice" to summon them, after performing the hand seals corresponding with their animal and marking their point of summoning on the ground with both hands. Animals range from the famous Japanese Triad of the Toad, Snake, and Snail/Slug, to dogs, spiders, turtles, monkeys, and many more. Points: 4 (Erosion 1) [Paid 3] Chire [scatter] Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Jounin Cost: 180 Damage: N/A Effect: This Jutsu does not override any other terrain or weather effects, and is not removed if another terrain or weather effect is used. Instead, it exists at the same time as the other effects present on the field. The Terrain is changed to Falling Cherry Blossoms Falling Cherry BlossomsEffect: Anytime a participant of battle other than the person who is equipped with "Blade of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms” Dodges an Attack, Changes Ranges (From Close to Long, etc), Makes an Attack, or does any other action that causes them to move, they must roll a D10, with any roll but a 9 or a 10 (or greater) causing them to take 10 Damage. If the person rolling has Greater Speed than the user, they get a +2 to their roll. If they have 2x The User's Speed, they get +4 to Their Roll, and if they have 3x The User's Speed, they get +5 to their Roll. (These numbers do not stack) If, at any time, the user uses a jutsu besides this one that specifically requires Blade of A Thousand Cherry Blossoms, then this effect is suspended until the start of the user's next turn. The user can, at any point during battle, cancel this jutsu himself, ending its effect. Otherwise, this jutsu ends after every player in battle has completed five turns from the time this jutsu is cast Description: Its name incredibly misleading, the jutsu "Chire” is anything but simple. Its one word title lulls the enemy away from the deadly power of the jutsu. The jutsu involves a particular sword, who was famed for its intelligence, after being illegally crafted by the Alchem Clan. The user will hold the sword, The Blade of A Thousand Cherry Blossoms, directly in front of them, the tip pointing at the sky, and hilt at chest level, brining the blade directly in front of the face, partial obscuring it. The user will place their hand at the very tip of the blade, and will begin to press down on the blade, as if trying to impale their hand. Slowly, they will force their hand down, while saying aloud the command phrase. ”Chire.” Upon uttering the command word, the entire blade will turn a pink-red hue. The blade itself will seem to dissolve into the air, scattering into hundreds, no, thousands of pieces. The user will end the motion with his or her hand sitting above the hilt, the blade completely gone from the weapon. Almost as if on cue, the petals will appear in the air, all around the battlefield, floating in mid-air as if by their own will. From their, the petals can be moved or manipulated, as if they have their own ability to move. The blades are impossibly high in number, and incredibly quick, making one hard pressed to fight without being sheared to shreds by the attack. The only one spared the agony is the person who is controlling the Cherry Blossoms, since they purposefully avoid their master. Allies of the user are not so lucky, however. Using this jutsu amplifies the need to fight alone. Restrictions: User must be equipped with "Blade of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms” Cost: 4 Senbonzakura Kageyoshi Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Sennin Cost: 400 Effect: The Battlefield is now under the effects of: Vibrant Display of Falling Cherry BlossomsEffect: Whenever movement would occur, all moving individuals, save the user of this jutsu, must roll a D10. On a roll of 1-7, they take 20 unmodified Damage and 5 Bleed damage for a duration of two turns. If the mover in question has a speed three or more times greater than the user's, their roll is now 1-4 ending in damage. Lasts for 6 turns per participant in the battle, Excluding the user. For the purposes of calculating various traits on the senbonzakura, this allows traits with the claus 'Chire must be active' to be used Description: The final release of the Senbonzakura; this form is initiated when the wielder aligns the non-scattered blade of the Senbonzakura with themselves, tip pointing to the ground beneath. Dropping the blade, the user will speak the word of command, "Ban-kai”. Having commanded the blade's form, the nin-to will appear to vanish into the ground. After fully gone, the sky behind the user will darken, and several larger-than-human katana blades will rise from the ground. They will take on a reddish-pink glow, then scatter into millions of cherry blossoms. Restrictions: May not be used while the jutsu ‘Chire' is active. JP: 6 Shadow Shuriken Clone Skill (Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Jounin Cost: 8x chakra (x = amount of clones you want to make.) Max of 320 chakra can be spent on this. Effect:s: Multiplies the amount of the small weapons you threw by x. You throwing limit is uneffected by this, since it happens after you throw it. Description: A powerful technique. The user throws an object, in this case a Shuriken, and uses Ninjutsu to make it divide in the air, creating a few, or hundreds, of other real Shuriken. Points: 7 Energy Absorbtion (Chakra Kyuushuu) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Chuunin Cost: x Ninjutsu (x <= 80) Effect: Opponent looses x chakra. Description: This Jutsu allows the user to suck out his or her opponents Chakra through the plam of their hand. Points: 3 Death Tree (Desu Mokuhon) Type: Ninjutsu (Wood) Rank: Jounin Cost: 400 per tree (max of 3) Effects: Each Tree attacks every other turn the user has a turn. May only be used in Dense Woodland/Jungle Terrain. Creates trees with stats = 1/3 of user, except that the Ninjutsu and Genjutsu stats are 0 and instead added to Taijutsu, Resistance and Concentration stats are 0 and instead added to Defense, and all but 5 Chakra is added instead to Stamina. Death Tree's are armed with Large weapon "Branch" of level equal to user's level/3. Tree's are considered the same rank of the user for consideration in amount of weapon attacks and their cost ratio. Description: Tree-like creatures grown by forcing chakra into seeds of trees. These creatures live on flesh or meat. Points: 8 Wood Clone (Moku Bunshin no Jutsu) Type: Ninjutsu (Wood) Rank: Chuunin Cost: 120 (maximum of 1 clone) Effect:s: The Wood Clone has 1/2 stats of the user, but only 1hp. Description: Unlike other clone techniques, the replica originates from the user himself. This clone is markedly more powerful than any other bunshin jutsu, and was used by the First Hokage and by the famous Jounin, Yamato of Konoha. Points: 3 Earth Type; Tracking Fang Skill (Doton Tsuiga no Jutsu) Type: Ninjutsu (Earth) Rank: Chuunin Cost: 50 Effect: When used along with "Kuchiyose No Jutsu", this technique automatically allows your summon to hold down your enemy for 1 post, making them immobilized. Requires your summon to have fangs or some kind of appendages to be able to hold someone. +40 Accuracy when calculating this attack Description: This technique is used to incorporate the "Kuchiyose No Jutsu". It uses it as a fast-paced tracking system by sending your summon underground to the area where your opponent is. It takes them by surprise and allows your summon to hold them down long enough for you to perform another attack on your opponent. Points: 2 Soil Clone (Iwa Bunshin no Jutsu) Type: Ninjutsu (Earth) Rank: Chuunin Cost: 75 per clone (max of 3 clones on the field) Effect:: Each Soil Clone has 1/4 stats of the user, but only 1hp. They are automatically hit by any attack that includes them as a target (they get no dodge roll). Description: In similar fashion with any other clone technique, Iwa Bunshin No Jutsu can make up to several clones made out of soil from the ground. Used to trick the opponent in a clever way. When the opponent hits one of these clones, it turns back into soil but latches onto the opponent, thus hindering his/her movement. Points: 3 Wind Blade (Kaze no Yaiba) Type: Ninjutsu (Wind) Rank: Gennin Cost: 40 Damage: 20 Effect:: A very hard to dodge and especially penetrating attack. +5% chance to hit with this attack. Description: A sword of wind that forces compressed air to cut through the target. Since it is so fast and hard to see it is hard to avoid, and the wind goes right through all defenses. Due to the tempermental nature of wind the blow only maintains enough force to be dangerous with ten feet though. Points: 1 Offensive Taijutsu Dance of the Cresent Moon (Mikazuki no Mai) Type: Taijustu/Genjutsu Rank: Chuunin Cost: 60 Taijustu/20 Genjutsu Damage: 70 Effect:s: Increases user's accuracy by 40 for this attack. Description: A sword attack which creates two Clones that, with the user, attack simultaneously to confuse the target. Points: 2 Offensive Genjutsu Defensive Ninjutsu Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Substitute Technique) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: 10 Ninjutsu Description: A lifesaver, and a must-have technique. With this technique, the user is able to swap their body with a nearby object, usually a log, which will take the full force of any incoming blows for them, while they retreat to safe ground or search for an opening. You can only use this 3 times per battle. Damage: None Effects:Evade the next attack aimed at you. You are unable to attack the opponent the turn you use this. You can only use this 3 times per battle. This technique cannot be used to dodge Ninjutsu, Taijutsu or Genjutsu Techniques. Plant Type; Shield of Nature Type: Ninjutsu (Plant) Rank: Chuunin Cost: 100 Damage: N/A Effect:s: Creates an armor from the surrounding elements. Armor has 100 hit points and opponent must go through this armor before he can reach you. As many armor pieces can be made for the amount of armor slots you have left. (Chest, leg, forearm(s), etc…) Description: Using the natural elements around you a Shinobi is able to create a piece of armor to protect him/her for a short amount of time. Points: 4 (Erosion 1) Sprout (Sutaba no Jutsu) Type: Ninjustu (Plant) Rank: Gennin Cost: 30 chakra. Must be done on the FIRST TURN. Effect:s: 4 main phases from now, you may eat this bean. It will replenish your health by 70. Description: By storing chakra inside of this bean, it becomes empowered. Points: 3 Leaf Body Flicker (木ノ葉瞬身, Konoha-Shunshin) Type: Ninjutsu [Plant] Rank: Gennin Cost: 80 Effects: Taijutsu of Gennin rank upto 40 DP and basic attacks are completely evaded. May not take Main Phase action and may only be used twice per battle in this way. May alternatively be used in any phase but only once per turn to move from short range to mid range or mid range to long range for half the base cost. Description: This jutsu is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. The use of element occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily boost the user's reflexes. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance between the user and their intended destination. Points: 4 Earth Gods Will (Tsuchi Kame Mune) Type: Ninjutsu (Earth) Rank: Gennin Cost: 80 Damage: N/A Effect:: Dome has 100 hit points and absorbs attacks from all angles. Genjutsus can penetrate the dome. The person inside is also unable to attack the opponent at all. This jutsu can be deactivated by the user by sacrificing their attack phase. Can only be used once per battle. Description: A massive dome of earth much like the Sphere of Sand rises and surrounds the ninja. Unlike it's Sand cousin this sphere will not attack back though, but has an absurdly strong amount of defense. Points: 4 Earth Type; Rising Earth Wall (Doton Doryuuheki) Type: Ninjutsu (Earth) Rank: Jounin Cost: 350 Effect:: Used in the Response Phase. Creates a wall with 700 health points that absorbs damage from all non-Genjutsu string of attacks (of equal or less rank to the user) aimed at the user of this jutsu. If all damage is absorbed by the wall, effects are negated too; user suffers damage that is not negated by the wall. This wall crumbles after the turn in which it was used ends even if damage sustained did not destroy the wall. May be used three times per battle. Descripition: The user "vomits" a small wave of mud, which suddenly turns into a large wall made out of that mud. The mud solidifies and is virtually impenetrable. Points: 8 Tate no Senbonzakura Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Sennin Cost: x (See Effect) Restrictions: May only be used while "Senbonzakura Kageyoshi” is active. If an attack is blocked with this jutsu, the Senbonzakura may not be used to attack during the turn in which the aforementioned attack was blocked. Damage: See effect Effect: This is Activated initially in the main phase. The user may still attempt to dodge oncoming attacks, but during such an attempt, their evasion is treated as if it were ½ it's normal total amount. Whenever an evasive action is made, and the roll is a failure, this technique may still block ½ of the oncoming damage, but only ½. If the opponent's speed is double the sum of half the user's evasion and speed stats, this only blocks half the damage it normally would. If the opponent's speed is triple the sum of half the user's evasion and speed stats, this Tatejutsu is considered null. While this jutsu is active, this may block all incoming damage(this is treated as a clan-technique for the purposes of blocking oncoming jutsu) for a cost of X chakra per damage point blocked. The costs are as follows: --Taijutsu of a higher rank than the user; 3 chakra per 1 damage --Taijutsu of the same rank as the user; 1 chakra per 2 damage --Taijutsu of a lower rank than the user; 1 chakra per 3 damage --Ninjutsu of a higher rank than the user; 2 chakra per 1 damage --Ninjutsu of the same rank as the user; 2 chakra per 3 damage --Ninjutsu of a lower rank than the user; 1 chakra per 3 damage. *Also, whenever a taijutsu attack(Of the close-range variety; this includes hybrids) is blocked by this technique, the attack takes an unmodified 10 damage. Description: After the Senobonzakura Kageyoshi has been activated, the many cherry blossoms will bend to the will of their wielder and serve as a shield to oncoming assaults. Because of the sharp nature of the blossoms, whenever a physical attack is blocked with the senbonzakura, the opponent suffers minor damage. JP: 5 Water Prison Skill (Suirou no Jutsu) Type: Ninjutsu (Water) Rank: Jounnin Cost: 100, then 50 every turn afterwards to keep effective. Effect:: You and your opponent cannot move as long as this is active. You recover 5 HP every post as long as the Water prison is kept up. Description: When fighting in areas with large bodies of water, the users puts chakra into the water which is used to put the opponent in a water-like prison. This incapacitates the opponent as long as the prison is up, allowing the user time to recover. *This technique can only be used in areas with large bodies of water. Therefore, you CANNOT use this technique in the desert or areas like that(duh)* Points: 3 Third Eye (Daisan no Me) Type: Ninjutsu (Sand) Rank: Gennin Cost: 80 Effect: Used in the Setup Phase. Creates an eye of sand for three turns. This sensory unit acts as a third eye, and while active the user cannot suffer the effects of Blind. The eye, while active, also adds +40 Accuracy to the user. The eye itself has 1 HP and is destroyed by any attack that includes it as a target. May only have one Third Eye in play at any given time. Description: This jutsu creates a floating eyeball out of sand that is connected to the user's optic nerves. Its main purpose is spying, since it can form and disperse in any location on command. Points: 4 Four Man Purple Flame Array (Shishienjin) Type: Ninjustu Rank: Chuunin Cost: 40 Ninjutsu too activate, 15 per turn afterwards. User's chakra does not regenerate while using this technique. Effect: Requires 4 people who know this technique to perform. This creates a large box where no one can exit or enter. The box stays until one of the users stops, either from an attack or from lack of chakra. Description: This Jutsu, which is done in co-operation with four people, creates a large cube shaped shield; a barrier which can surrond a person or battle. Any person who touches this barrier will burst into a purple flame. Points: 2 Shushagan no Jutsu (Vanishing Facial Copy Technique) Type: Ninjutsu (Void) Rank: Chuunin Cost: 100 Effect: Used on a dead foe. 'Steals' their face. May ignore visibility rolls while in that Ninja's home village. [Effect ends if mask is removed, or based on roleplay] Description: This jutsu allows the user to peel the face of another person off and wear it like a mask, effectively impersonating the said person. The grisly effect of this is that the target loses their face entirely, as if it was dissolved clean off their head. Orochimaru uses it to infiltrate Konoha during the Chunin Exam arc and again to impersonate the Fourth Kazekage just before the invasion. Points: 4 Kakuremino no Jutsu (Close of Invisibility Technique) Type: Ninjutsu (Void) Rank: Academy Cost: 10 Effect: +5 to visibility roll Description: This jutsu allows a ninja to take a cloak or a piece of cloth and blend into an object, making themselves invisible. Points: 1 Defensive Taijutsu Defensive Genjutsu Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique) Type: Genjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: 10 Genjutsu Description: Creates illusionary replicas of the user. They are unable to attack or interact with other objects, but can serve as good distractions. Damage: None Effects: Adds +5 evasion and +5 accuracy for each clone. Once a clone is hit it is destroyed, and the bonuses with it. Name: Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique) Type: Genjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: 5 Genjutsu Description: Wrap chakra around your body to change your appearance. You can still use the features of the thing you can become, e.g use the claws of a clawed animal, but not to the extent of if you actually were that thing. Damage: None Effects: Change your appearance. Medical Ninjutsu Recovery Level 1 Type: Ninjutsu (Medical) Rank: Gennin Cost: 60 Effect:: Heal 60 Health on target Description: A green glow surrounds the medical shinobi's hand as they use one of the few Jutsus that is able to restore life. Points: 3 Sweet Nectar (Amai Kanro) Type: Ninjutsu (Medical) Rank: Genin Cost: 10 Effect:: Halts the effect of bleeding, minor poisons, and other debilitating qualities. Description: A sweet smelling, lightly colored fluid coats the ninja's hands and is applied to the troubled area. This technique will take care of any light maladies from minor infection to bleeding to poisons. Points: 2 Recovery Level 2 Type: Ninjutsu (Medical) Rank: Chuunin Cost: 100 Effect:: Heal 120 Health on target Points: +1 (or 4) Special: Evolving: if you have the level before this one, this Jutsu costs +1 point to learn Summoning Jutsu Sealing Jutsu Edited August 28, 2009 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 20, 2009 Author Posted July 20, 2009 (edited) Equipment Armor: -Head: Chakra-weave BlindfoldBody Placement: Head//Eyes Attributes: Reflective Surface Indestructable Special: N/A Description: Chakra-weave is a special material woven by strings of Chakra. Because of this, it takes on a light blue hue, and seems to dully glow. This instance of chakra-weave is a Blindfold who's properties defy what most would considered the norm for a blindfold. Instead of blinding the wearer, the blindfold serves as a visual enhancer, increasing the crispness and detail of the world of an obscene level, some would even say it allows the wearer to see briefly into the future. $70 -Neck: Worn as a scarf-_ Shodaan’s BlankieType: Cloak Description: A blankie made for Shodaan by his mother, it is made of what appears to be purple fleece, with black musical notes. Shodaan has had it since he was a child, and, though he will never admit it, he carries it around with him at all times. Usually he would have kept it in the building he would be staying in, but with him recently moving away from his home, he has taken to wearing it fastened about his neck like a cloak. Though this gives him a childish look, the blanket does have some useful ness. The fleece, imbibed with Hinko Ra’Angh’s own chakra has impressive defensive capabilities against cold. Elemental Resistance, Wind, water Indestructable-50 dollars Elemental Defense; Wind, Water – 200 dollars Anti-freeze-200 dollars Elemental Defense; You take 50% of physical (chosen one of the basic 5 elements) damage. The element must be the same as the one you chose in "Elemental Resistance". Knowing that your mother didn’t want you to catch a cold-Priceless -Body: Konohagakure Chuunin VestamentsArmor Kind: Flak Jacket Bod Placement" Chest Attributes: +40 Defense +40 Evasion +15 Weapon Slots Description: An over-vest worn by Shinobi of the Chunnin rank. Color and style changes based on each village. -Waist: Gem Studded Belt of ShinobiItem Slots Taken: 1 Effect: Holds up to 8 Chakra Gems. Description: A beautiful wide Leather belt, covered with slots for gems to be inserted. The belt is five inches wide, and can be adjusted to fit most anyone. The slots run horizontal, with each one spaced every eight or so inches. The outer edge of each slot is gold plated and hinged, allowing gems to be set solidly and not fall out. There are three slots in the belt buckle, and four others set in the belt itself. Name: Chakra Gem Item Slots Taken: 0 [Requires a 'Gem Studded' item to hold them] Effect: Can be charged to hold 50 chakra. (Must be charged within Role Play, at least 1 post each) Gem breaks after one use. Description: The concept of charging items with chakra has long been a staple in the shinobi equipment inventory, however, with recent scientific advances, the chakra stored within an item may be released when needed. though many materials have been tried, the most effecient were precious stones. these are set in precious metals to maintain purity. A perfectly cut gemstone set in a silver plate, designed to fit inside of a slotted belt. The outer edges of the silver plate are covered in archaic symbols. The disk is about three inches in diameter, with the diamond set in the center. 7 of these -Forearm(Right): Ninjutsu Amplifier[Rank 3]: ($1350) All ninjutsu cost 20 less chakra and do 40 more damage/effect. -Forearm(Left): Taijutsu Weights[Rank 3]: ($1350) All taijutsu cost 20 less stamina and do 40 more damage/effect. -Hand(Right): Chakra-weave Right Hand BandageBody Placement: Right Hand Attributes: Indestructable +100 Taijutsu Special: N/A Description: Chakra-weave is a special material woven by strings of Chakra. Because of this, it takes on a light blue hue, and seems to dully glow. This instance of chakra-weave is a bundle of bandages made to be worn on a right hand. The properties of this bandage are said to greatly imbue one's physical strength. Cost: $50 -Hand(Left): -Thigh(Right): [Konohagakure Hitai-Ate] -Thigh(Left): -Calve(Right): -Calve(Left): -Feet: Chakra-weave Foot BandagesBody Placement: Feet Attributes: Indestructable Chakra Resistance ~Chakra Defense +200 Evasion +100 Speed Special: N/A Description: Chakra-weave is a special material woven by strings of Chakra. Because of this, it takes on a light blue hue, and seems to dully glow. This instance of chakra-weave takes the form of a pair of bandages meant to be worn from mid-calf, to the entirety of the feet. These bandages are said to imbue the wearer with incredible speed and agility. ~Chakra Defense: You take 50% of physical void damage Weapons: -Main Weapon: Blade of A Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms Weapon Type: Katana Size: Medium Level: 30 Special: Sentient Thought, Insubstantial Body, Scattered Union, Blanket of Blossoms, Graceful Suffocation Attributes: Parry Effect:Your weapon is able too block another weapon's attack a number of times equal too the rank you have in this. Ranks: 2 Cost: $400 Total Defend Effect:Your weapon is able too block an enemy taijutsu or physical attack a number of times equal too the rank you have in this. Ranks: 2 Cost: $400 Sharpened Edge ~Razor Edge: +20% on weapon base attack, rounded up. This replaces "Sharpened Edge". Description: The Alchem Clan. A once proud clan of righteous ninja, who had the power to transform the very earth itself into other forms of matter. The Alchem Clan of today respect life, and know that the art of human Alchemy is the greatest sin against god they could ever create. In the past, the Clan’s most rebellious members did not protect this sacred vow. They performed experiments against god, trying to become masters of human life. In many of respects, they failed, often with disastrous results that destroyed the unlucky alchemists. Some of their experiments succeeded. The Alchem Clan created a well of incredibly powerful super weapons. Each one had abilities that were never seen in normal weapons. They were steel, yet they were not. These weapons lived, they thought and moved all on their own. Some of them possessed great strength. Others possessed great Wisdom. Some of them had the power to change form. The weapons were imbued with a power that, the Clan leaders understood, could only come from the Forbidden Art. They confronted the members of their clan, and called out the perpetrators, several alchemists who has fashioned these wonderful weapons. They described the method of creating these weapons, the vile and wicked process, which they had discovered upon seeing the weapons. ”Hundreds of Souls, ripped from their body in unholy crimes. Several hundred weapons lifeless, and dull, the soul rejecting its metal sarcophagus. Few weapons find a binding connection. Few weapon come to consciousness, imbued with the soul of a human whose life was extinguished. Immortal, and indestructible are these sins against god. Forever hidden, it is our only choice of action.” Special prisons were designed for the weapons. The weapons could not be unmade, and the souls could not be detached, but they could be pulled apart, their powers dimmed, their might broken. The Alchem Clan altered the minds of these weapons, forcing from them their identities, their true names. These names were given to the God of Death, and were locked away inside of his head, inside of his palace. This knowledge could be moved, taken from the weapons, and unable to be recalled by any but a human with a soul that is compatible with the trapped one. The weapons were still extremely powerful, and very dangerous. To protect everyone involved, prisons were designed. The weapons would be hidden, as weapons. The Alchem crafted the failed experimental weapons, each holding a life force, but not mind, into living prisons of metal. The true weapons were hidden within, and the living souls distorted their identity, and silence their power. Alchemic symbols were given to each shell, ensuring it to be unlocked only by one who knew the name of the true weapon, or was of the Alchem Clan, and was strong enough the break the seals themselves. The exact number of these weapons is unknown, but there is assumedly only thirteen, one to each Alchem creator, but since the weapons were never recorded, this number is unreliable. One such creator was Alchem Fhaju. Fhaju was an artist, and used his Alchemy to construct beautiful homes and works of art. He viewed this weapon as his greatest masterpiece. Fhajou created the blade that would become this sword with his own alchemy, and in it, he transferred his desire for an artful soul to be compatible with the metal. After hunting down several scores of artists, Fhajou would one who was a flower arranger. The flower shop owner bonded with the metal, creating a blade obsessed with crafting flowers. In its most released form, the blade would actually turn into a field full of flower petals, a tribute to the soul’s wishes. The soul was not the only one to gain his own wishes. The Blade of One Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms, like the rest of the soul-imbued weapons, was doomed to a fate of limbo, its memories eradicated, and its form sealed inside of a second weapon. On the gallows, its creator actually requested a name for its sealed form. He requested that the Fabulous Katana was to be placed into a straight sword, with no marks, or anything else, that would tell it apart. Let some lucky warrior discover it and use it, even if not how Fhajou originally intended the grandest of weapons to be. Sentient ThoughtDescription: Being the Embodiment of a long lost soul, the weapon or armor in question is able to think for itself, and, if possible, move on its own accord (of course, this does not apply to a chestplate, that cannot move to begin with, but would apply to, say, a whip) to a certain degree. Effect: Weapon can Talk Freely with the character. It can move on its own Cost: $5 (Purely RP Purposes) Insubstantial BodyDescription: Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms is usually in a state referred to as the “Dormant” state. In this form, the weapon appears as nothing more than a normal Katana, albeit one with a strange aura surrounding it. When commanded, Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms takes on the form that spawns its name. The blade itself will dissolve, leaving the user holding nothing but the hilt (which can be dropped or let go of, without losing control of the petals), as thousands of small particles of pink-red chakra scatter into the air. These particles are all inexplicably linked to the user, so they require nothing more than thought to maneuver them. Despite how they move, destroying the entire sword in this form is impossible, although attacking all of the petals at once MIGHT give the attacker a brief moment of armistice until the petals can swarm in on them again. Effect: As long as the jutsu “Chire” is active, this weapon cannot be “Un-Equipped” but does not take up the user’s hands, leaving them open to use handseals. All jutsu that would “Break,” “Un-Equip,” “Make Useless for the Remainder of Battle,” or “Destroy” this weapon (or anything similar) do not do their intended function. Instead, this weapon is unable to attack, or use, any jutsu that involve this weapon directly, for one turn. Scattered UnionDescription: Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms is usually in a state referred to as the “Dormant” state. In this form, the weapon appears as nothing more than a normal Katana, albeit one with a strange aura surrounding it. When commanded, Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms takes on the form that spawns its name. The blade itself will dissolve, leaving the user holding nothing but the hilt (which can be dropped or let go of, without losing control of the petals), as thousands of small particles of pink-red chakra scatter into the air. Since the Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms are inhabited by a single, once living soul, they can be manipulated on their own, without direction from the user. This form of attack is undoubtedly weaker than normal, but the user is able to do multiple things simultaneously. Effect: As long as the jutsu “Chire” is active, this weapon can attack on its own, once per turn. While it attacks, the user may still attack, defend, or do any actions the user normally would. As long as the weapon is attacking by this effect, all damage it would deal is halved. Damage is based PURELY on base damage, and stat modifiers, nothing else. The user can choose to attack the enemy with the weapon on purpose, canceling this effect until that turn ends. This effect does not apply to any techniques used by this weapon, or any techniques that require this weapon to use, or any techniques that at all are related to this weapon. This effect cannot be used during the turn that the user uses a jutsu that specifically requires The Blade of A Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms, nor in the turn that follows it. This ability is deemed "Inactive" or "Unuseable" for the remainder of battle, or until the jutsu "Chire" ends, if three or more Area of Effect Jutsu successfully hit the scattered weapon. The AoE all have a 90% chance to hit the weapon immediately, but the weapon gains its own dodge roll to try and evade them. Blanket of BlossomsDescription: Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms is usually in a state referred to as the “Dormant” state. In this form, the weapon appears as nothing more than a normal Katana, albeit one with a strange aura surrounding it. When commanded, Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms takes on the form that spawns its name. The blade itself will dissolve, leaving the user holding nothing but the hilt (which can be dropped or let go of, without losing control of the petals), as thousands of small particles of pink-red chakra scatter into the air. These particles then begin to rain down, like a gently drifting blanket. The user can move in between these blossoms, since they move in order to conceal without cutting their own master. As they fall even faster, and begin to surround the user more and more, the enemy will inevitably lose sight of the user. This means that they will have no idea where to look for attacks, while the user has more and more time to prepare accurately. Effect: For Every turn that the jutsu “Chire” is active, the user will gain an amount of Accuracy every turn equivalent to X. (X=2^(z+1)) (Z=Number of Turns that “Chire” Has Been Active) The opponent will also lose an amount of Evasion every turn equivalent to X. (X=2^(z+1)) (Z=Number of Turns that “Chire” has been active). When the jutsu “Chire” ends, these bonuses/reductions are immediately removed. If the jutsu “Chire” is used again, then the equation begins at its beginning all over again. Requirements: Scattered Union Credit: To Cntr for the idea of the math from Aisuhime Graceful SuffocationDescription: Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms is usually in a state referred to as the “Dormant” state. In this form, the weapon appears as nothing more than a normal Katana, albeit one with a strange aura surrounding it. When commanded, Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms takes on the form that spawns its name. The blade itself will dissolve, leaving the user holding nothing but the hilt (which can be dropped or let go of, without losing control of the petals), as thousands of small particles of pink-red chakra scatter into the air. With the field totally coated in these particles, the user can attack more than one enemy at once, since particles rest only inches or less from all of the user’s foes at one time. Attacking like this will require that the user guide the petals themselves, to ensure that their allies are not hit in these swarm-type attacks. Effect: While the jutsu “Chire” is active, this weapon’s attacks are all considered “AoE”, but their cost ratios are raised to reflect the user’s current AoE cost ratios. (If user is Chunnin, the weapon uses Chunnin AoE Ratios for cost) This effect cannot be used in conjunction with “Scattered Union,” but both may be present on the weapon at the same time (you simply cannot activate both of them in the same turn). This effect does not apply to any techniques used by this weapon, or any techniques that require this weapon to use, or any techniques that at all are related to this weapon. [/indent] -Sub Weapon: -Un-equipped Slot one: -Un-equipped Slot two: -Un-equipped Slot three: Items-- Item Slots: 46/60[Taken/Total] -Pouch: 9 Shuriken, 9 Kunai, 12 Senbon Echi Chakra GourdItem Slots Taken: 2 Effect: Holds Echi Chakra Potions. Any potions held within can have a 200 Word post of role playing, and they will receive a 10% boost to effectiveness. Post a tag saying what potions are in the gourd at the beginning of the post. Can hold up to 5 potions. Should potions be of different types add the base effect of them all and divide by the number of potions stored. IE: 1 Diluted + 1 Standard will heal for 75 Chakra every time it is used. Description: A small gaurd made by the Echi Clan. Due to the taxing effect the Reikigan holds on it's users, chakra potions are taken after training, or whenever they are low in a fight. This is the standard container that can be used. Cost: $50, $100 if not in Echi Clan Amount Healed: 110 Name: Echi Chakra Potion (Diluted) Number: 3 Effect: Restores 50 Chakra, taken in the Setup Phase. Description: A teal colored liquid that is taken to restore the chakra of those with small capacity for it. Echi households drink this potion with every meal, making sure their children maintain enough chakra to train. Cost: $10, $30 if not in Echi Clan. Echi Chakra Potion (Empowered) Item Slots Taken: N/A, or 1 Effect: Restores 200 Chakra, taken in the Setup Phase. Description: A deep blue colored liquid that is taken to restore the chakra of those with great capacity for it. -120 Number Purchased: 2 NCIA: Identification CardItem Type: ID Card Item Slots Taken: -- Description: A laminated identification card, simply a must have when apprehending troublesome and mischievous people within The Empire's realm, no one wants to be accused of falsely impersonating an NCIA officer.. Keeping the peace, the duty of the Ninja Crime and Investigation Agency. This simple card bears the name, passport photo sized picture, and general information of the officer; assigned unit, date of registration, etcetera. Cost: -- ; recieved upon registering with the NCIA. Scrolls Reusable Large Scroll Item Slots Taken: 5 Effect: Acts as a large scroll, but can be used many times. But only once per battle. Takes up 5 slot point. Description: A large white scroll with red and gold bordering. It is enfused with chakra to be written on many times. -500 Reusable Scroll Item Slots Taken: 1 Effect: Acts as a small scroll, but can be used many times. But only once per battle. Takes up 1 slot point. Description: A small white scroll with red and gold bordering. It is enfused with chakra to be written on many times. -150 Small Scroll Item Slots Taken: 1 Effect: This can be used to record information or one jutsu. (You must have the proper skills to record jutus). One use only. Takes up 1 slot point. Description: A small white scroll in a variety of colored edges. -10 Number Purchased: 2 Explosive Scroll [Rank I] Item Slots Taken: N/A? Effect: Deals 20 damage, may be equipped to projectile weapons. Description: This is a pre-made scroll that contains a powerful explosion within. May be attached to a small weapon in the setup phase. Must state which small weapon has the explosive tag attached to it. This is a one time use item. Number Purchased: 2 -Items in Vault: Nothing -Money on hand: $2906 Edited August 28, 2009 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 20, 2009 Author Posted July 20, 2009 (edited) Records Experience Log: -+210 Exp -+324 Exp -+163 Exp -+207 Exp -+1342 Exp -+210 Exp -+305 Exp -+302 Exp -+630 Exp -+510 Exp -+2611 Exp -+1800 Exp -+6468 EXP. (5880*1.10 because of quick learner) -+186 exp -+3102 -+330 exp - +4000 Exp [Na 7.0 time skip] Money Log: +$250 Start -Minus 250, Echi Chakra Potions +/-Plus 30 for Potion sell, Minus 20 for Nin-to +/-Plus 10 for Nin-to, Minus 20 for Senbonzakura(Sealed) +$125 and some items from Pwnzie's defeat +$10135 and some items from Fluffy's defeat -$ 6431 for Chakra Weave Items+Wayfarer Rosary - $1400 for Senbonzakura Upgrades +$6000 for broken gear +Refund for Wayfarer's $161 -Upgrades and Amps, $3755 +$200 Christmas Bonus -2528 +400 NA 7.0 Time skip Combat Log: Wins: Shodaan A whole shitload of NCIA... And my team Aburame Acedira, Aburame Narako, Kitara, Ryuu Level 50 and 60 NCIA officers Losses: Darksol Anima Draws: Mission Log: Rank D: Rank C: Rank B: Rank A: Rank S: Edited August 28, 2009 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 20, 2009 Author Posted July 20, 2009 Notes BEST VIEWED IN: Rogue This is a repost for more space, since the old sheet failed. I reformatted it while I was at it. ._.
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 27, 2009 Author Posted July 27, 2009 Need to get this reapp'd and stuff. :x
Hardcore Skittlez Posted August 16, 2009 Author Posted August 16, 2009 plz? Need this inthe missing nin list.
Cellar Door Posted August 27, 2009 Posted August 27, 2009 She needs to the new version of the Byakugan.
Cellar Door Posted September 1, 2009 Posted September 1, 2009 (edited) Stat/Skills/Tech tallies and what-not; approved. I'll give my full approval once you've finished up the sheet. Edited September 1, 2009 by Cellar Door