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Hardcore Skittlez

Watanabe Izanagi's Transactions

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Money on-hand: 525 両




Shinkūjin | 真空刃 | Empty Blade

Type: Katana

Size: Medium

Level: 1

Special Effects: --

Attributes: --

Description: Shinkūjin is the simple katana that Watanabe Izanagi inherited from his sister upon her passing. It was once said that the blade was capable of great feats of war, slaying many enemies in a single stroke. Since its original wielder- Watanabe Sasaki's passing, the blade seems to have lost most of its ability as a deadly blade. Where it once felled armies with simple movements, it now is only barely superior to a basic training blade. The blade remains sharp and well-cared for, looking every bit as formidable as the day it was forged- but there just seems to be something missing. The blade is relatively plain, save for two instances of the Wheel of Dharma existing several inches above and below the blade's middle; the bottom wheel holds twelve spokes representing the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination, while the top only has ten spokes to represent the ten directions. These engravings exist on both sides of the blade.

Cost: 20 両


After purchase: 525-20 = 505 両

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