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Juujin Bunshin

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Before I post my question..for reference, and to save time:

Beast Human Clone (Juujin Bunshin)

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 50

Effect: Requires an animal to do, the animal transforms into a human, animal learns the master's techniques for that period. The creature takes on half the Master's stats. It will revert back to its original form when hit, like a Shadow Clone. The two go the same as a summon/pet and owner would usually go.

Description: In coordination with an animal, the user creates a perfect likeness of that creature, and vise-versa with the beast assuming the form of the person.

I am concerned with two parts of this jutsu, the most alarming is this one (it is underlined in jutsu...btw):

The creature takes on half the Master's stats.

Now, does that mean tha:

1) Does the creature's stats BECOME the users? If so, would that drop stats if the pet already has more than 1/2 user?

2) If no to #1, would that mean that 1/2 the user's stats are ADDED to the pet stats?

3) Now, final question, Does the user's stats drop to be added to the pet (if #2 is yes)?

The next issue, not so big, is this (also underlined):

It will revert back to its original form when hit, like a Shadow Clone.

It only brings up this question:

1) Does using the jutsu like Armor of Sand, count as being hit? Because the image takes no real damage, so they wouldn't actually be touched? Simple question..

Thanks for your time!

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I, too, have asked this question before, the responce I got was that you stats do not drop and are just flat out added to your pet's, though I do not know if it can go higher than 100% of your total stats, I doubt it can.

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Guest Seven <3

The creature takes half of master stats. So say creature has 100 nin, and 1 tai. Master has 0 nin and 200 tai. Then after using this creature would have 0 nin and 50 tai get it?

Second question: IE if you hit the doggy/creature than the jutsu's effects would stop. and the creature would become its normal self with its stats again. Yes the dog would still be in its form if it never get touched, armor of sand, sand shield etc..

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Actually, that makes the tech sound really weak, I was told by more than a few mods that this added half of the number of stat points you had to your pet, while not actually reducing yours.

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