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Matthias Drake

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Matthias Drake last won the day on October 16 2017

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1 Academy Applicant

About Matthias Drake

  • Rank
    I have more than one friend, mom
    Grand Master
  • Birthday 05/19/1991

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    Ravage Nocturne
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    King of Dreams
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    Penny Lane
  • Interests
    I want to be forever young.

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  1. That's fine, I guess. Whiner.
  2. Kabuto mentioned a couple of chapters ago that he was using a different seal than Orochimaru, to deliberately get that effect. It seems like that ought to be a significant point, but maybe it's just Kishi throwing bullshit out there.
  3. Goddamn fucking hiatus. New chapter October 27th or thereabouts. THE TIMESKIP BUG HAS BITTEN BLEACH TOO.
  4. Oonoki is an Alchem. There is no doubt of this in my mind. And we've twisted canon enough for simplicity's sake that I say we might as well just all call him an Alchem.
  5. I'm not as much of a One Piece guy as y'all are (Kubo Tite still has my heart, as far as the Big Three Shonen Manga go) but I'm definitely looking forward to this whole post-timeskip thing. But I have to say - when shonen manga get so popular, they do tend to develop Cerebus Syndrome and some seriously glacial pacing. My favorite thing about Oda is that he's kept his pacing much more reasonable than most of the other big manga (I'm looking at you, Hajime no Ippo). By the way, what the fuck happened to Yoshihiro Togashi? I loved Yuu Yuu Hakusho, and I loved Hunter X Hunter right up until the whole awful-schedule-slippage-and-major-art-degradation thing that happened with the Chimaera Ant Arc... The Greed Island Arc was so good!
  6. Done at lightning speed before cheer practice. Could probably be thought out better.
  7. Lose your Shinigami powers, huh? Smart money says that means he either forever transcends shinigamihood, or he goes back to normal human but later pulls an Ishida and regains all his powers.
  8. Matthias Drake

    Dear Iaf

    We have one, it's called "cntr's inbox".
  9. Shit, a year already? Time fuckin' flies when you're not paying attention.
  10. I just plain can't sleep. Been awake for fourish hours. Contemplating either writing a bit or reading for chemistry. The latter might actually put me back to sleep. 4:38.
  11. I hope this is a curbstomp and Ichigo teabags Aizen at the end. "LICK- ON- MY- NUTSACK!"
  12. I made a jutsu that temporarily inflicted advancement seals, once, to take advantage of that wording. I don't remember what happened with it - either it only got one approval or it got both and I decided it was too sleazy to use.
  13. Or a nickname thereof. At least five of you know my real name, but I'm always MD.
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