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About Ironwolf

  • Rank
    Curse Seal Fighter
  • Birthday 07/13/1982

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    Ferrum Canis Lupus (And the Official Apprentice Rawr-er)
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  1. And I'll try not to wonder off again. Amen! Um...thanks?
  2. To be serious, that was not meant to be serious. I know it is lacking the best parts, but then I was going for the quick and dirty backstory anyway.
  3. How about this for an unlikely comic book backstory...Wade Wilson was a part of a military exchange between the US and Canada, but due to his performance raitings he was 'drafted' into Department H and became one of their 'Weapon +' experiements. Since they were pooling abilities from various captured mutants, abilities that they were having trouble combining without killing the subjest, Wade was codenamed "Deadpool," until the night when Logan escaped, when Deadpool freed himself during the confusion. Taking the name Frank Castle and doing his best not to draw attention to himself, 'Frank' returned to defeanding his country and started a new life for himself (even started a family), but it seemed that fate wasn't quite done with him though. For even though he tried to present himself as an ordinary soldier, he was still selected to be the replacement for Captian America (likely due to the fact that he was 'ordinary'), to which he initially refused, prefering instead to becoming a cop and spending time with his family. However, Department H found him, and using a local gang as the means, they killed his family. Now with nothing left to live for but for getting back at the people who took his loved ones away, he accepted the offer to become Cap and was promptly given the Super-Soldier Serium. ... ... Captain America + Deadpool + Punisher = PROFfIT.
  4. Frank was a bigger badass that Steve ever was before the Super Juice for either of them, this just makes it official that he'll be one afterwards too.
  5. Now there is that sceane from Wild Hogs, seriously, going to have to do something about this.
  6. *sigh* Leave for a few years and just look at what happens...what's next? A Christmas Special where you all figure out which of Santa's Elves you are?^^ Frank Castle from Earth-93070, the one where he's Captain America...I kid you not, look it up, I can wait.
  7. I would put my name into the ownership hat, but I am not really a fan, even though I could use the position for my own fiendish ploting for power...but that would take too much work.
  8. No, no, we find out that the whole damn thing was a red-hairing, it was Tobi who got blown up while the Deidara and Sasuke are reading themselves for round whatever. And at least this way, Tobi actually was useful for something.
  9. Ironwolf

    Spam Donation

    I'm running it in the background now, I don't think I'll stop it for quite some time yet.
  10. Wow Mael, that's deep man.
  11. Ironwolf


    Thank you all.
  12. Ironwolf


    Thank you, we'll see how long I'll be here this time.^^
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