Hardcore Skittlez Posted January 19, 2011 Posted January 19, 2011 (edited) “In each age men of genius undertake the ascent. From below, the world follows them with their eyes. These men go up the mountain, enter the clouds, disappear, reappear, People watch them, mark them. They walk by the side of precipices. They daringly pursue their road. See them aloft, see them in the distance; they are but black specks. On they go. The road is uneven, its difficulties constant. At each step a wall, at each step a trap. As they rise the cold increases. They must make their ladder, cut the ice and walk on it., hewing the steps in haste. A storm is raging. Nevertheless they go forward in their madness. The air becomes difficult to breath. The abyss yawns below them. Some fall. Others stop and retrace their steps; there is a sad weariness. The bold ones continue. They are eyed by the eagles; the lightning plays about them: the hurricane is furious. No matter, they persevere.” Character Index -- General Information Appearance Personality History --(Reserved) Ninja Stats, Skills, and Techniques Equipment Transaction Records General Information Name:Uchiha Katsuro Village: Konohagakure no Sato Nationality: Hi no Kuni (Native) Clan: Uchiha Age: Twenty Four [24] Birth Date: September 27 Gender: Male IQ: 134 Blood type: O- Sexuality: Heterosexual Theme Song: Appearance Height: 5'11" Weight: 154 lbs Hair: The image of Katsuro's strands would lead one first to believe that he was not, in fact, of Uchiha descent. The man has golden-blond hair cut in such a way that it often hangs messily about his countenance, though it rarely dares to stretch farther than his chin in overall length. Eyes: Following the example laid out by his hair's natural complexion, Katsuro's eyes further deceive one from believing that he is truly Uchiha. The man's hues are oscillating in nature, sometimes appearing light blue while others seeming to be a shade of viridian. The simple truth, however, is that his eyes are teal in color, blending the two common misconceptions into a perfectly paradoxical pigmentation. Summary: Despite a small number of years confined to his desk and the academy offices, the residual effects of war-time training can still be seen on Katsuro's somewhat slender frame. His musculature is finely carved and drawn taut, flexing and undulated with barely noticeable flux through every movement. Over time with training and deliberation, those same movements can be seen to be quite conservative; his stride and gestures carry underlying traits that can be attributed to the philosophy of economy in motion- that is, no movement seems wasted, even in the most cavalier of situations. His posture usually remains unassuming, but with the residual effects of confidence carefully garnered over time. When stripped free of clothing and pretense, an observer peering upon his naked form would note the littering of scars about his form as a presumable symptom of shinobi life. Personality Studious, and then lazy- that is what defines the then and the now of Uchiha Katsuro. In his beginnings, Katsuro was a bright student with an infinitely broad academic horizon; he passed his classes with the most vibrant of flying colors. This was as much a gift of his intellect as it was his birthright- and, ah! Birthright! He was entitled, and knew it. A wealthy upbringing from a legendary clan landed rather deep expectations upon the man in his youth, yet, he shouldered those expectations and used them as a wall to ascend beyond. As they say, all good things must end- and thus they do. Age brought a certain wisdom onto the once intellectual Uchiha. As he would grow stronger and rise in shinobi ranks, his uncanny knack for picking up the mentalities of those around him would eventually play more to his fall than any real boon. He would come to understand all that there was to know about konohagakure no sato's inner politics, and eventually, of the world. Born from this was a sudden clarity to the dreadful repetition that was life. Everything, as history often does, was doomed to find itself in some twisted cycle of crimes repeated and punishments rehashed. He grew nostalgic to his youth, craved the memories of a simpler time, and fell lethargic. He would accomplish what was asked of him, but ultimately, would return to a state of absolute laziness upon his couch- often with a cigarette in hand. His interest in the world around him dulled, and morphed into what it now is- a half-lidded stare that could not possibly care less about the outcome of a given day(as they were all the same to this lethargic Uchiha). Every panorama of opportunity becomes another chance for Katsuro to simply lounge about and idly woolgather about what once was and what could be. From this was birthed what we see today in Katsuro- passive poetry born of adventurous daydreams. He composes himself as amiably as he can when around others, and frequently exploits any opportunity to load a youthful mind with dreams of grandeur and success. The most recent incarnation of his idle dreaming has taken root in avoiding small-time missions in favor of sitting at his home and writing epic poems of times that never happened. Even still, he occasional peeks out of his reclusive abode to pick up a higher-ranked mission in hopes of being wrapped into some great plot. Flavor Information Favorite Food: Anything Spicy Favorite Phrase: "The abuse of Greatness is when it disjoins remorse from Power." Favorite Genre of Music: Alternative Rock and Classical Favorite Color: Viridian Favorite Book Genre: Fantasy/Science Fiction Favorite Subject of Study: Philosophy and History Relationships Family: Uchiha Takahiro (Father) [Deceased] Uchiha Aoi (Younger Brother) [Deceased] Uchiha Izumi (Younger Sister) [Missing, Assumed Deceased] Edited February 10, 2012 by thepaintrolley
Hardcore Skittlez Posted January 19, 2011 Author Posted January 19, 2011 History-- Then; To what point does birthright decide social standing? Who is any one person to judge another based on the sickly red flowing through any number of veins common in every person? Why is it that, inevitably, all things are found to come full circle- an abysmal ouroboros never to eat its fill? Somesuch questions have found themselves embedded in the mind of Uchiha Katsuro since shortly after his inception into the shinobi world as a gifted disciple. The tragic pain of loss would come and go as Katsuro witnessed the fall of those he called compatriots in the war against the Empire United. He was present in the empire's downfall, though only as a footman against the imperial war machine. These deaths, though saddening for a spell, were accepted as an eventual necessity as it was often in the ninja world. After his return from war, Katsuro found himself promoted officially to a chuunin rank- near special-jounin in privileges around his village, and would often be called upon by the local academy to aid int he teaching of upcoming genin. His curiosity, however, was found to have eventually taken the best of him. During his off-times from the academy and mundane missions provided by the wealthy members of Konoha's upper social caste, Katsuro could be found burying himself to the ears in studious reviews of history. He saw the war against the empire, and the empire's formation at all, as redundant to the events that occurred over one hundred years prior to the current date. At first, this historical redundancy drove Katsuro into a working frenzy, causing him to fully focus his ideals into the teachings of his classes. Never make the same mistake twice- that would be a key point in every lecture, and in every bout of scolding that would be administered to a particularly tough-learning student. Over time, however, this ferocity to preach the dangers of the past morphed into a twisted nostalgia, and then, laziness. He stopped teaching, and begun to pick up only the most dangerous of missions- his passion for learning and perfecting his arts became a lethargic addiction to writing fruitless poems and smoking one too many cigarettes. And then? Today happened. Katsuro was not quite sure how it happened, or why- perhaps it was a stray hair that opted to wiggle its way into his rear, driving him into a wayfaring wanderlust that made his writer's chair unbearable any longer. Epic poetry has become a need to experience that which he dreamed to right about- striving to entice the world into embracing a dynamic new mentality. In with the new, and keep embracing change- break from the mold, and defy expectations; this became his "motto". Previous amiability has become rekindled, and a drive to take missions that pushed him as far from home as they would allow- he sought, and seeks, to spread the idea of a better world to all that will listen.
Hardcore Skittlez Posted January 19, 2011 Author Posted January 19, 2011 (edited) Ninja Statistics Rank: Jounin//ANBU "Member" Level: o53 TXP: o16,213//o16,600 [Current//Required for Next Level] (5800/5800) (Health Power) 800 (Stamina) 200 (Chakra) 900 ______________ (Taijutsu) 100 (Defense) 400 [720] (Ninjutsu) 700 (Genjutsu) 300 (Concentration) 400 (582) (Speed) 800 (Accuracy) 600 [650] (782) {832} (Evasion) 600 [760] (782) {942/900**} []* Total with item bonuses ()* Total with Sharingan Bonuses {}* Combined Total ** 1.5x Limit Elemental Specialties Wind Specialty Cost: 0 Effect: User has a +15% to base damage (rounded up) with Ninjutsu techniques. Wind Jutsu cost one less JP to a minimum of 1. User receives the skill "Subtle Elements: Wind” for free and may purchase an additional rank of "Subtle Elements”. If the user already has "Subtle Elements: Wind”, they may have their points refunded. This skill may be learned before level 30, but the effects are not granted until level 30 is obtained. Description: Naturally aligned to the element of the wind, this character has a natural tact at using and manipulating the wind to their bidding. This chakra takes on the form of thin razor edges that flow for more piercing and damaging attacks. Restrictions: You get one specialty at level 30 and another one at level 80. Learned: Here. Rolled: Here. Water Specialty Cost: 0 Effect: User has -10% chakra/stamina cost (rounded up) for all Ninjutsu -or- Taijutsu -or- Genjutsu (choose one when this skill is learned). Water Jutsu cost one less JP to a minimum of 1. User receives the skill "Subtle Elements: Water” for free and may purchase an additional rank of "Subtle Elements”. If the user already has "Subtle Elements: Water”, they may have their points refunded. This skill may be learned before level 30, but the effects are not granted until level 30 is obtained. Description: Naturally aligned to the element of the water, this character has a natural tact at using and manipulating water to their bidding. This chakra tends to flow and ebb with ease, making it much easier to manipulate than other chakra, still one moment and crashing down the next. Restrictions: You get one specialty at level 30 and another one at level 80. Learned: Not yet Learned Rolled: Here. Edited February 7, 2012 by thepaintrolley
Hardcore Skittlez Posted January 19, 2011 Author Posted January 19, 2011 (edited) Skills Skill Progression -_+2(Creation)+_- -_+3(Hindering)+_- -_+2(Chuunin Rank)+_- -_+3(Jounin Rank)+_- -_+30(Level thusfar)+_- Points Remaining 0/40 Kekkei Genkai Dormant Sharingan Bloodline: Uchiha Clan Cost: 0 (Must meet level requirements before using roll) Effect: Key to Dokushinha Sharingan [unlocked] Once per stat battle (no more than once per day), this character may roll a D100. If the roll turns up any number with a four, five, six, or seven in its digits, then they are awarded the Dokushinha Sharingan. This skill cannot be used in the Practice Arena. Key to Ninjuuha Sharingan [unlocked] Once per stat battle (no more than once per two days), this character may roll a D100. If the roll turns up any number with a five, six, or seven in its digits, then they are awarded the Ninjuuha Sharingan. This skill cannot be used in the Practice Arena. Key to Toripuruha Sharingan [unlocked] Once per stat battle (no more than once per three days), this character may roll a D100. If the roll turns up any number with a six or seven in its digits, then they are awarded the Toripuruha Sharingan. This skill cannot be used in the Practice Arena. Key to Mangekyou Sharingan [Locked] Once per stat battle (no more than once per four days), this character may roll a D100. If the roll turns up any number with a seven in its digits, then they are awarded the Mangekyou Sharingan. This skill cannot be used in the Practice Arena. Sharingan The Sharingan (literally "Copy Wheel Eye" or "Mirror Wheel Eye") is a special type of dojutsu (pupil technique) that naturally occurs in all members of the Uchiha clan, though not all of them ever discover it. The Sharingan descended from the Byakugan and grants the user different abilities and a different eye of insight. The Sharingan's first and most well known ability is to dissect the technicalities of Taijutsu, Genjutsu and Ninjutsu techniques as well as memorize them and reiterate their full capacities with flawless accuracy and allow the user to use or exploit the techniques, as long as they have the necessary resources to do so. Second, the Sharingan can predict the movements of a viewed creature by noting finite muscle movements and extrapolating with extraordinary clarity. Third, it is capable of a unique brand of hypnosis that involves suggesting actions and thoughts to the opponent. Fourth, it can perceive all things at drastically reduced speeds as well as see through illusionary arts, the level of which is possibly dependent on the user's skill. In order to copy a jutsu, one has to have the physical ability to perform the technique. For example, they have to have the needed amount of chakra, stamina, agility, and/or strength in order to perform said technique. In addition to physical skill, the Sharingan cannot copy any other bloodline abilities or summon a creature the user has not made a contract with because the user of the sharingan has to have the same blood of the other summoning user. The Sharingan does not automatically appear from birth in a user; instead, it will usually appear when the user is in a life threatening situation, where the power of the Sharingan will save the user. After this first appearance, the user can then call up the Sharingan any time he or she pleases. The power of the Sharingan is judged through the number of tomoe (swirls) in the person's eye. It is not unheard of for a Sharingan user to have different amounts of tomoe in each eye. For example, Sasuke's Sharingan initially had two tomoe in one eye and one in the other. Eventually his Sharingan evolved to two tomoe in each eye, then three. An "adult" and fully matured Sharingan has three tomoe in each eye. Interestingly enough, it is possible to transplant Sharingan eyes from one person to another, as occurred with Kakashi and his deceased comrade Obito. However, transplanted eyes do not work as well without an Uchiha body, causing much more strain on the user, as was the case with Kakashi - extended use of his Sharingan caused him to collapse. Uchiha clan members are not burdened with this weakness; while activation of the Sharingan does consume chakra, the drain is so small as to be almost insignificant. Uchiha Itachi in particular seemed to have no trouble in keeping his Sharingan activated near-constantly. Restrictions: Ranks within the Sharingan do not stack, If the Sharingan is active all advanced regeneration is suspended until it is deactivated. Each rank overrides the previous except Toripuruha & Mangekyou. The Sharingan upkeep is payed every turn in the Loss Phase. Dokushinha/Ninjuuha Sharingan • Gennin: 10% total chakra • Chuunin: 5% total chakra • Jounin+: 2.5% total chakra Toripiruha Sharingan • Gennin: 20% total chakra • Chuunin: 10% total chakra • Jounin: 5% total chakra • Kage/Sennin: 5% total chakra Mangekyou Sharingan • Gennin: 40% total chakra • Chuunin: 20% total chakra • Jounin: 10% total chakra • Kage/Sennin: 7.5% total chakra Dokushinha Sharingan Once unlocked, the possessor will be endowed with a chain of powerful but adolescent abilities. Specifically, one will notice once activated there is an incredible perception of motion that stretches the boundaries of what is normal (can perceive things at drastically reduced speeds). This alone allows for counteractive measures in combat and an establishment of what techniques are used from the opposition. Users of the Dokushinha can memorize all techniques that he or she witnesses with unmatched precision, save for other Kekkai Genkai techniques, provided that the user has the competence to perform them. Lastly, their augmented perception allows them to discern Genjutsu and different forms of chakra, however the Sharingan lacks the explicit clarity that the Byakugan would have otherwise and cannot view the various tenketsu. Nonetheless, this allows them to pick up on subtle details; sanctioning them to be able to read lip movements or mimic movement as keen as pencil strokes. This is the earliest form of the Sharingan and with further tomoe; these abilities will mature and seed additional abilities. May be opened in the Main Phase. Requirements: Dormant Sharingan; Key to Dokushinha (Success) Cost: -3 Ninjuuha Sharingan The evolution of the Dokushinha and the appearance of the second tomoe is how the Ninjuuha manifests its name. Even the fastest of objects can be traced and copied with the second tear surfaced upon the red pupils. Where speed once held a serious advantage, that gratuity has become near-useless. The possessor of the Ninjuuha has become more attuned to their previous rank and can now exploit their bloodline with a level of finesse and tact. All previously mentioned abilities within the Dokushinha are amplified to a certain degree, and the concentrative aspect of the eye itself has evolved to a point where the irregularities within a chakra system are now obvious. Genjutsu techniques are more readily recognized and a subtle case of hypnosis can now be manipulated. Requirements: Level 20. Dormant Sharingan; Key to Ninjuuha (Success) Cost -4 Toripuruha Sharingan An eye containing three tomoe will allow the ninja to see the image of an attacker's next move from the slightest muscle tension in their body. This prevents wasteful movement and allows the Uchiha clan member to conserve much needed chakra in battle. It allows them to synchronize their movement to strike at an area moments before their opponent is even in that spot, essentially allowing them to strike out and hit their opponent before they're even there. Three tomoe also grants the Uchiha the ability to do Genjutsu and hypnosis after locking eyes with an enemy. This can be used to cause their opponent to do an attack of the Uchiha's choosing. This hypnosis can also be used as a Genjutsu counter, which is the ability to turn a Genjutsu spell back upon the original caster without the requirement of forming any hand-seals. Important to note however, is that the Toripuruha has mastered the conception of prediction and do so without the opposition having a say in the matter. Muscle tendons cannot be falsified and the speed of which their next movements are charted is undeniable. A common misconception is that the Byakugan surpasses the Sharingan wholeheartedly, when really, the Byakugan surpasses the Sharingan only in regards of Insight and peripheral range. The Sharingan, or otherwise known, the Illusionary eye—Is unmatched when it comes to predictive measures and the exploitation of Genjutsu. Requirements: Chuunin lvl 40; Dormant Sharingan; Key to Toripuruha (Success) Cost -4 Sharingan Vision - Rank Three Description: With the Toripuruha, a more impressive case of prediction is introduced. Now, with three tomoe, the eyes will employ indisputable corporal physics and extrapolate almost everything. Where the Byakugan would surpass the Sharingan with Insight the Sharingan will dominate with counteractive measures using far-superior Foresight. Still, the Sharingan remains incapable of reviewing Tenketsu, but will be better suited when resisting Genjutsu efforts. Effect: While the Toripuruha is active, This character's base Accuracy, Evasion and Concentration are considered to be increased by 3.5x (where x is equal to their level). Additionally, the minimum value for x is considered to be 40. This cannot exceed by 1.5x the base stat. Sharingan Focus - Rank Three Description: The Toripuruha level of the Illusionary eye steps into its own at this tier, completing the three tomoe hypnosis diagram. With this, not only does the second tier draw another reduction towards Genjutsu used towards the user, but the user also receives a unique brand of hypnotism that enriches their own techniques. Effect: While the Toripuruha is active, Genjutsu targeting the user performed by Ninja of equal or lesser rank than the user apply 70% Ghost Damage, Effects, and Duration (rounded to the nearest whole number). Genjutsu of the user applies a bonus 10% to Ghost Damage, Effects, and Duration (rounded to the nearest whole number). Sharingan Mirror – Rank Three Description: The Mirror Wheel develops a name for itself because of the fact that those who possess it can witness explicit detail and memorize it in a motion that can be controlled. If an individual performs a technique while the Toripuruha is active, the user can take the same amount of time to observe as it is done and hoard the sequence inside of his photogenic mind. It is done with an instinct, and in blink of an eye. None can ever distinguish whether they have or haven't taken the technique. At this level however, apparent ease has been acquired with the copy ability and the user can opt to mime as well as beat the individual to the punch and execute the technique slightly beforehand, reflecting the technique towards another. Becoming more and more proficient with their seals and more efficient in their conjuration, lessening their resource demands. Effect: If the Toripuruha Sharingan is activated at the time an individual makes an attempt to use a technique, in your Setup phase you may spend X Chakra (X = 70% of Target Jutsu Cost) to make an attempt to copy the technique. If you choose to do so, roll a D10 dice and if you roll a 1 through 6, you learn the technique; any other number is failure. May not be used to copy clan techniques or techniques that require a specific bloodline or mutation to use(not including other Sharingan-based techniques, though the corresponding rank of Sharingan must be unlocked for a Sharingan-based technique to be copied.) May not be used to learn techniques from Ninja Ranks that are higher than your own. May use copied Jutsu without corresponding 'Subtle Elements' skill. Copied Jutsu do not take up any points. If the technique is a Ninjutsu, Genjutsu or crossbreed of the two, there is a small probability that the action can be reflected back upon its user, if the user opts to reflect. Use in the Response Phase before the dodge roll and must pay 75% the base cost of opponent's Jutsu, with a base 15% chance. If reflected, the action deals half unmodified base damage back to its user, the opponent may still use a dodge roll in their next Response Phase as well as a Jutsu or skills to avoid the redirected damage, this character however, is unaffected. Only applies to techniques or attacks of a lesser or equal Ninja Rank. Elemental techniques in which the user have learned and do not have the affinities for, requires the Kekkai Genkai to be active in order to use them. The reflection ability may only be used to target one technique per round. The ability may be used again after the opponent's next turn. The copy clause pertains to an RP scenario as well; An attempt can be made four times per day through this manner. Positive Subtle Elements; Wind Effect: May use Wind element techniques. Any response phase techniques that blocks a Wind Techniques costs an additional 10% to use, rounded up. Ranks: 3, All 5 "Subtle Element” skills share ranks. Cost: -0 Subtle Elements; Fire Effect: May use Fire element techniques. All Fire Techniques deal an additional 5% of their total damage in burn damage (bleed damage when burn damage doesn't make sense) on the following turn, rounded up. Ranks: 3, All 5 "Subtle Element” skills share ranks. Cost: -0 Subtle Elements; Earth Effect: May use Earth element techniques. All defensive Earth Techniques give an additional 10% to their effects, rounded up. Ranks: 3, All 5 "Subtle Element” skills share ranks. Cost: -.5 Subtle Elements; Water Effect: May use Water element techniques. All Water Techniques cost 10% less and deal 10% more base damage when near a large source of liquid water, rounded up. Ranks: 3, All 5 "Subtle Element” skills share ranks. Cost: -.5 Combinatorial; Glass Effect: May use Glass Element techniques. Glass Techniques have a +8% chance to critical strike and deal full damage if they are blocked. In addition, the user may choose to apply the bonus from one of the Subtle Element skills required to learn this skill. Requirements: Subtle Elements; Fire, Earth & Wind Cost: -2 Combinatorial; Gravity Effect: May use Gravity Element techniques. Targets hit with a Gravity Technique have +40% Chakra/Stamina cost to all non-bloodline actions in the following turn, rounded up. In addition, the user may choose to apply the bonus from one of the Subtle Element skills required to learn this skill. Requirements: Subtle Elements; Lightning, Water, Earth & Wind. [Descendent of the Six Paths] -3 Sharingan Secret Technique; Spacial Distortion Arts [bound to; RIGHT Eye] Effect: Allows the use of the [Distortion] techniques. [Distortion] is a void type element usable by Uchiha Clan members. [Distortion] may never have its damage reduced below 3/5s of its base by effects and skills, except in the case of stats and techniques.. Whenever a [Distortion] technique is used, the user gains an additional 4% hit(stacking per use) to a maximum of an additional 12% to hit. This bonus applies as long as the User uses [Distortion] techniques exclusively, but will be consumed when a non-Distortion technique is used. Furthermore, if the base DP value of a [Distortion] technique would meet or exceed 540 DP, it requires Mangekyou Sharingan to be active. In the instance of a [Distortion] technique meeting or exceeding this value, the user is then afflicted with the status effect "Tired" for two turns. Note that the 540 DP clause and its mentioned effects only apply to a technique wherein [Distortion] is the PRIMARY element used- though it does not apply to Response Phase techniques with variable costs. Description: Among the Sharingan's plethora of abilities lies one gem that only the most talented, or determined, of the Sharingan wielders might find themselves capable of using- Spacial Distortion Arts. Through these arts, the Sharingan wielder gains access to manipulation of the space around them- an ability that is most often used as a means to set of more successful combos on an opponent, and revered as a pinnacle of ninjutsu mastery. Requirements: Requires Toripuruha Sharingan to be active to use any [Distortion] techniques. May only be used in Jounin+ ranked techniques. Manipulation Addendum; When taking this skill, the Sharingan wielder in question must select either their right or their left eye. This skill then becomes "bound" to that eye and may not be utilized if that specific eye is impaired in any way. Additionally, if the "bound" eye is stolen or given away, this skill is the only Uchiha Hijutsu base skill that may be taken. -3 The Art Of Breathing Dragon’s Flames[2] Clan – Uchiha Description; Fire is the hallmark of Uchiha culture. Whether because of its potency in battle or for the rage that is said to burn in the hearts of all Uchiha, fire has so deeply ingrained itself in the culture of the clan that it is present in their ceremonies and the ability to adeptly utilize it is a right of passage for the clan. Naturally, with such a vast collection of experience with the element, the clan would retain an unparalleled proficiency with flames. Effect; Uchiha clan Ninjutsu of the fire element deal an additional 10% of their base damage per rank in this skill. Additionally, all Uchiha clan fire techniques inflict the opponent with 1 additional turn of ‘Burned’ per rank in this skill. The effects of this skill do not stack with any other skill that increased the base damage of Ninjutsu. The duration of the ‘Burned’ effect may never be increased beyond it’s maximum duration through the use of this skill, and no technique augmented by this skill may have it’s damage increased beyond it’s maximum capacity for its rank. Ranks; 2 Cost; -1 The Art Of Mirror’s Reflection Clan – Uchiha Description; The Sharingan Eye is one of the most enigmatic and powerful bloodlines known to the ninja world. It is capable of many different but equally powerful effects, but the power to steal the skills and abilities of another with a simple glance is one that only a handful can lay a claim to. For those Uchiha who have mastered their Sharingan though, mimicking their foes comes as naturally as breathing. Effects; The number of times that the ‘Sharingan Mirror’ aspect of the Sharingan Bloodline may be used an additional 1 time per day. Additionally, all techniques copied by the Sharingan are considered to be Uchiha clan techniques while the Sharingan bloodline is active. Cost; -2 Economy Of War And Fire[2] Clan – Uchiha Description; In all of the clans of all the world, there is none so familiar with war and hatred as that of the Uchiha. Through long experience and trial by fire, the warriors of the Uchiha have developed methods that most economize their energy when employing techniques that require vast amounts of chakra, and energy. These skills have helped define the clan as ninja with profound endurance when in the thick of combat. Effect; The cost of using any Uchiha clan technique is reduced by 10% per rank in this skill. Additionally, the upkeep costs of any Uchiha clan techniques are reduced by 10% per rank in this skill. The effects of this skill may not stack with any other skill capable of reducing the chakra or stamina costs of techniques. Ranks; 2 Cost; -2 Strategist Effect; Once a battle, and only once, you may choose to have any of your attacks on a single target become a critical hit for 1.5 times its usual total damage. -3 Quick Learner Effect: +10% EXP From Missions and Training. EXP given as holiday gifts or handed out from events by the staff is not included in this. -2 Second Wind Effect: Upon reaching 0 or less health, the user's HP is raised back up to 1 HP, but only once per battle. If the user's HP would be reduced below -25% of its total then this skill does not come into effect. -2 The Path of the Scholar Effect: Character gains 1 extra Jutsu Point per level Scholarly Mastery: Choose Two: -May gain 2 ranks of 'Scroll Arts' for 1 skill point. -May gain 2 ranks of 'Scribe' for 1 skill point. -May gain 2 'Subtle Elements' skills for 1 skill point. -May gain 2 ranks of 'Merchant' for 1 skill point. RP Guide: -Acute knowledge of the world around them. This ninja has studied their world through many ways and is a quick mind when it comes to absorbing knowledge. With a keen eye for detail and a photographic memory to boot. This does not, however, mean they are good at processing this information. Restriction: -Players can only apply this path to characters which actually spend a portion of their time, or have spent a portion of their time, studying in a scholarly sort of fashion. Description: Although quite rare, a few Ninja proceed down the path of the scholar, spending a lot of time in research and in trying to understand the world around them. These Ninja are not to be underestimated, however, as they can be quite deadly. -1 Path of the Wise Effect: The player gains the following mastery ability. When this ninja would learn a jutsu or skill through training in which they would normally not receive any EXP, they gain a +.5 EXP bonus as if they were normally training as well. Knowledge Mastery: Character gains 1 skill point every 2 levels beyond lvl 50 instead of 2 every 5 levels. In addition, they gain +.5 XP, when training their mind or studying, IE; 'scholarly' training. Anyone whom trains with a follower of the Path of the Wise gains a bonus of +.5 in addition to the normal bonus they would gain. The total bonuses can not exceed the maximum amount of EXP they could normally gain per line based on their current level. RP Guide: -A character that follows the path of the Wise is truly one with knowledge. Spending countless hours within literature and study, the sage will constantly pour their efforts into the pursuit of knowledge. Their minds soak up anything they read or study, their learning capabilities surpassing that of normal people. Because of this, they may not be focused in any specific field in battle like other paths, but they become a potential jack of all trades, not being specifically well versed in just one area. As well, the Wise is also an adapted teacher, with the gift to pass the knowledge they absorb to others with relative ease. Restriction: -Chuunin. Must have Path of the Scholar. Description: The 'Wise' is a source of great knowledge to other Ninja. They have either spent their lives hidden behind books or traveling all over the world, gaining practical knowledge. In either case, the Ninja has added much to their learning, and have a lot to offer their teammates. -1 Skill Name: My Way of the Ninja! Effect: Used in the Setup Phase as a free action. Once per battle, when character is reduced to 10% Health or lower (choose one of the following): 1. Remove all negative status effects from the character 2. Your next attack may not be dodged 3. Gain 10% of your Total Chakra Description: When a Ninja is taken down to their very last reserves, they will dig down deep and pull out just a little bit more, in desperation to continue fighting for all that they believe in. This phrase was coined by Uzumaki Naruto of Konoha, and its popularity has spread around to other Villages. Cost: -1 Restriction: May not be used in the same turn as 'Guts Pose!' or 'Hooray for the Big Boned People!' or 'Stroke of Genius!' [Talent Shifted out of, approval via Warr(18, October, 2011)] Burst of Chakra! Bloodline: N/a Description: During battle, shinobi constantly regenerate their Chakra, and constantly use it. There are some shinobi though who are able to tap into their bodies to give a sudden burst of speed in their Chakra Circulatory System in order to give out more chakra in a very short amount of time. Shinobi like these are skilled and understand the Chakra Circulatory System and are attuned to their own Chakra. Effect: Once per battle during the Main Phase, the user may activate this effect. The user gains X% of their Chakra, which may not exceed their Maximum amount of Chakra. A user who has sealed Chakra may not use this effect. A user who has sustained ANY damage to their Chakra, and/or has a skill which would cripple their Chakra(IE: Hindering Skill; Unsavory Chakra, Chakra Burn, etc) will have their percent cut in half(Rounded Up). If the user would Regenerate Chakra/Stamina this turn, he/she does not. X is the number rolled on 1D50; (Link must be provided). Cost: -3 Restriction: Chuunin Rank or Gifted+ Gennin Descendant of the Six Paths Clan: Uchiha and Senju Description: Legend has it that, before the Rokudo Sennin's final moments, he divided his strength between his two sons. To one son, he granted the immaculate vision that has come to be known as the Sharingan, and with it a mastery of ninjutsu and the world around him; to the other, he granted the divine body- chakra stores that know no equal, and a sublime mastery of the self. Over time, the two brothers would evolve and multiply into what is now the Uchiha and Senju clans, respectively- and despite their animosity, there remains one inherent similarity between the two clans: the potential to reclaim at least a fraction of their legendary heritage through mastery over the Rokudo Sennin's alleged ninjutsu. Effect: Allows members of the Uchiha or Senju clan to purchase "Combinatorial: Gravity" without possessing any of the prerequisite Subtle: Elements skills; this also allows Senju clan members to use Gravity-type techniques after they have purchased the Combinatorial: Gravity skill. However, until the character utilizing this skill actually possesses all of the previous Subtle Elements skills required for Combinatorial: Gravity, the skill taker may not apply the effects of a Subtle Elements skill to a Gravity technique as described in the Combinatorial: Gravity skill. Additionally, this skill allows members of the Uchiha or Senju clan who possess techniques found on "The Scroll of Six Paths" to treat those techniques as if they were Clan techniques for any purpose.Restrictions: Must be Jounin Rank; the skill taker must possess a "Scroll of Six Paths" at the time of purchase.-2 Contract Manager; Snakes -1 Hindering Genkai Merciful Effect: Whenever you would deal the finishing blow in combat to an opponent, you must let them live with one HP left, only applies once a battle. +1 Poor Stamina Manipulation Effect: Before using a Taijutsu technique, roll a d10. On 1or2 Jutsu fails. You may not take another action this turn, but the stamina is not lost. May not have Sealed Taijutsu +2 Edited October 29, 2012 by thepaintrolley
Hardcore Skittlez Posted January 19, 2011 Author Posted January 19, 2011 (edited) Shinobi Techniques JP Progression Chart -_+4 (Start)+_- -_+15 (0-15)+_- -_+28 (16-30)+_- -_+42 (31-45)+_- -_+29 (46+)+_- -_+53 (Scholar)+_- -_+5 (Chuunin Rank)+_- -_+10 (Jounin Rank)+_- -_+4 (Christmas 2011)+_- Total JP: 185 JP Used: 183 Current JP: 2 Wind techniques cost -1 jp Offensive Ninjutsu Katon; Bunshin Daibakuha (Fire Release; Great Clone Explosion) Type: Ninjutsu (Trap/Fire) Rank: Jounin Conditions: Must be used in the response phase following the succesful destruction of a Shadow Clone by the enemy through Taijutsu attacks. Cost: 210 Damage: 320 Effects: This technique may only be used in the Response Phase, and no other offensive action may be taken during the Main Phase. In the event of a succesful hit the victim of this technique is stunned for one turn. This technique may be used once per battle by a ninja of Chuunin rank, three times at Jounin, and five times per battle at Sennin. Description: A trap devised as a means of luring out the enemy, this technique is capable of causing massive damage to the enemy. Using the commonly held belief that Shadow Clones poof harmlessly into smoke when destroyed, the user quickly performs the handseals necessary to turn a likeness of himself into a high powered explosive. The force of this technique is easily capable of stunning or dazing those not killed by the blast. Cost: 7 Name: Doton: Ishi Hyoushi no Jutsu (Earth Type: Stone Binding Technique) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Jounin Cost: 220 Damage: 100 Effects: Shackled: [Paired Legs] (Three turns) Description: The user of this technique will form several hand seals. Rocks will rise up and crush the target's legs together. This effectively hobbles the target for a brief time. Points: 6 [Evolving] Wind Type; Vacuum Wave (Fūton; Shinkūha) Type: Ninjutsu (Wind) Rank: Jounin Cost: 148 Chakra + 2x Chakra Damage: 50 + x Damage Effects: Area of Effect, Targets suffer fifteen (15) bleed damage for two turns. The value of x may not be more than 100. Description: Utilizing wind ninjutsu, the user will inhale sharply, filling their lungs with air. With a quick spin, they will release the air in long blades that stretch out in every direction, cutting through their enemies and anything else in the way with extreme efficiency and power. Of course, the amount of air inhaled directly effects the power of the jutsu. Points: 8 Wind Type; Vacuum Ball (Fūton; Shinkūgyoku) Type: Ninjutsu (Wind) Rank: Jounin Cost: 166 Chakra Damage: 30 Damage Each; Five (5) Bullets Effects: Multi-hit jutsu. +100 Accuracy to hit with this technique. Description: Utilizing wind ninjutsu, the user will inhale sharply, filling their lungs with air. Once they are ready, they will then exhale several balls of wind towards their enemy. The balls are capable of piercing into an opponent's flesh, similar to bullets. Points: 4 Blood on the Wind (Chi o za Kaze) Type: Ninjutsu [General; Wind] Rank: Jounin Cost: 110 Chakra Damage: 70 Effect: If this technique strikes an opponent they begin to bleed. Deal an additional twenty damage every post made by the opponent that isn't attempting to stop the bleeding. Bleeding may be stopped with a makeshift bandage, but requires a post to do so. Description: This move once again does not directly target the foe itself, but instead tries to find wounds already made in the opponent. If none are there the wind itself will cut a shallow blow, then infuse it's chakra into all the wounds on the person, causing them a bit of pain but more importantly causing all their wounds to start bleeding profusely. Cost: 3 Fire Type; Cover Fire Type: Ninjutsu [General; Fire] Rank: Chuunin Cost: 110 Chakra Damage: 50 Effect: Target is 'Blind' for 1 turn and 'Distracted' for 1 turn. Description: The user breathes in deeply and exhales, swinging from one side to the other so that they send out an arc of small fire sparks. The sparks fan out and then converge on their target, swarming them in light and fire. Cost: 3 Offensive Taijutsu Offensive Genjutsu Firefly (Hotaru) Type: Ninjutsu [Konoha; Fire] Rank: Gennin Cost: 5 Chakra Damage: N/A Effect: Lights dark areas Description: Creates one to fifteen small phantom fireflies. These are beautiful to look at and light up an area very well. Excellent jutsu for use on a date, really impress the girls (or boys). Cost: 1 Firefly Regime (Hotaru Ryouiki) Type: Ninjutsu [Konoha; Fire] Rank: Chuunin [Trap] Condition: Must have x fireflies on the field from 'Hotaru'. Cost: 4x per firefly Damage: 5x per firefly Effect: Sacrifice x fireflies five. This is not a multi-hit jutsu, maximum of 25 fireflies. Description: Causes the fireflies summoned by Hotaru to explode in tiny fiery balls on their opponent. While only nuisances in themselves, they can deal a quite staggering amount of damage if the entire swarm blows up together. Cost: 2 Defensive Ninjutsu Bunshin Kawarimi No Jutsu (Clone Substitution no Jutsu) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Jounin Cost: 250 + X Damage: N/A Effects: Response Phase Jutsu, negate and completely dodge one string of attacks or one attack against the user of equal or lower rank then the user, excluding Genjutsu. This requires a Ninjutsu Bunshin to be out on the field, and the Bunshin is considered to be hit by the attack. May be used three times per battle, counts toward the use of Kawarimi no Jutsu and vice-versa. User loses Set-Up Phase and Main Phase. X may be payed by creating a Ninjutsu Bunshin of users choice before the attack in the response phase, this counts as a free action and may only be done if user has more speed then the opponent. 'X' is the cost value of the clone being created, and that the user must know/have access to that particular technique. 5% to fail(Like all other response phase jutsu note you!!). Description: Using the basics of Kawarimi no Jutsu, the user will use a Ninjutsu Bunshin in order to negate an aimed attack at them, purely effective to those who speed are greater then their opponent, capable of creating a bunshin in mid range of the attack and quickly switching before the attacks hits the user. Points: 7 .:Fuuton; Shippuuden Bunshin no Jutsu [Wind Release; Hurricane Clones]:. Type: Ninjutsu [Wind] Rank: Jounin Cost: 280 Damage: N/A Effects: Creates clones (To a max of two) that has the following 1 Point of Health 1 Point of Stamina 75% of the Original's chakra. 100% of the Original's ninjutsu 75% of the Original's Accuracy Upon the destruction of a clone, the attacker must roll an additional dodge roll using the clone's stats. If failed, the ninja takes bleed damage equal to 10% of the original's ninjutsu stat. Description: A highly advanced Bunshin technique, that embodies the wind to a trancended pinnacle. The user of this jutsu will preform an inverse crossed hand seal, and concentrate on the air around them. They shall then, manipulate the air into a swirling tornado, and compress it intensely into the body shape of the user. The compression is so tight, that upon the destruction of the clone, the air explodes into sharp, seemingly cutting disks, that fly at high speeds at the one who destroyed it, much like a fan.. This can slice through skin effortlessly and if wielded correctly, can make the opponent think twice about missing. Not only does this technique come with such a little perk, the clones gain the exact skill in ninjutsu as the user, as well as a large amount of chakra. This allows the near existant beings, to serve an excellent purpose, as they fight along side their master. Restrictions: May only be learned if the user has the Wind Specialty. Points: 6 Kage Bunshin No Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique) Type: Ninjutsu [Konoha] Rank: Chuunin Cost: 70x Chakra Effect: In terms of chakra cost calculation 'x' is equal to the number of clones created through this technique. May be used in the Main Phase or the Set-Up Phase. If used in the Set-Up Phase, the user's Main Phase is not consumed. Clones created during the user's Set-Up Phase may take part in any technique that requires the presence of physical clones during the Main Phase following their creation, but are destroyed during the Loss Phase. Shadow clones have 1 Health Point, with the rest of their statistics being equal to their creator's, divided by the number of clones created plus the creator [statistics/(x+1)] . 1 clone may be created by shinobi of Gennin rank, 4 by Chuunin, 7 by Jounin, and 14 by Sennin. This ratio is modified for ninja from Konohagakure to 2 by Gennin, 6 by Chuunin, 10 Jounin, and 18 by Sennin. Description: Years of steady usage has made the Shadow Clone Technique a common site on many a battlefield. Despite being a work-horse technique amongst shinobi, Kage Bunshin remains a versatile maneuver in many combat situations. Through means of the technique, the user is capable of quickly creating physical doppelgangers. The applications for these clones are numerous and every shinobi who learns Kage Bunshin No Jutsu seems to devise their own style with it. The clones themselves are much more fragile than the ninja that they imitate as they can be dispatched with little effort. History lends credence to the commonly held belief that the Shadow Clone Technique originated in the Land Of Fire some time before the creation of the first hidden villages. Since it's advent though, the technique has spread greatly and now shinobi of every denomination have been seen making use of the skill. Ninja hailing from Konohagakure No Sato still seem to be the most gifted with the use of shadow clones. Some say they have developed secret differences from the basic technique that allows them greater benefit. Cost: 4 Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique) Type: Ninjutsu [General] Rank: Chuunin Cost: x Chakra (Depends on summon level, see summoning rules) Damage: N/A Effect: Allows you to summon one animal. (See Summoning rules for more info). Requires the skill "Contract Manager" to preform. Description: Having signed a contract in blood, any ninja with this Ninjutsu technique can summon a beast, or beasts, from another plane of existence to use in battle. They must use their own blood as a "sacrifice" to summon them, after performing the hand seals corresponding with their animal and marking their point of summoning on the ground with both hands. Animals range from the famous Japanese Triad of the Toad, Snake, and Snail/Slug, to dogs, spiders, turtles, monkeys, and many more. Restrictions: Level 30, Contract Manager Cost: 4 (Erosion 1) Defensive Taijutsu Defensive Genjutsu Edited February 8, 2012 by thepaintrolley
Hardcore Skittlez Posted January 19, 2011 Author Posted January 19, 2011 (edited) Clan Ninjutsu Shinra Tensei [Heavenly Subjugation of the Omnipresent God]; 神羅天征 (Singular Target) Rank; Sennin Type; Ninjutsu [Gravity] [seal-less] ["Clan"] Cost; 220+ 70x Damage; 150+ 100x Effect; This is not a multi-hit technique, and X may never exceed 3. Shinra Tensei does not benefit from the effects listed in "Combinatorial; Gravity". This technique ignores 20x%* of its target's base Defense. If this technique is successful, the opponent is treated as if their evasion is reduced by 10% of its base for a single turn(after use.) If the user is capable of "directing" this technique with an available hand, it benefits from an additional 10% chance to hit; similarly, if the user is suffering from effects similar but not limited to "Bound; Paired Arms", this technique suffers a -15% chance to hit. If this technique's target responds with a Wall or Barrier type ninjutsu and X is equal to 3, treat the barrier as if it had a 25% chance to "fail"- though in such a case, the technique may only ignore 20% of the target's base Defense. This technique may not be used in succession with Shinra Tensei(any form), Chibaku Tensei, or Banshō Ten'in. Addendum;*This effect does not stack with effects similar, but not limited to, "Exposed." Description; Shinra Tensei is the most infamous and perhaps one of the most complex manipulations of "Gravity" as a ninjutsu element. This technique centers around directly reversing the normal properties of projected gravitational fields; the user will gather a mass of chakra 'force' within themselves and direct it with a thought or a gesture(the former being far more effective at successful application.) The chakra-formed 'force' will isolate its properties to a given target or area and rapidly repel it from the epicenter of 'force', or in other words- the technique user. While highly versatile in its applications, and very potent given the capacity to control the 'force' utilized within a given Shinra Tensei, this technique has one gaping flaw: it has a cool-down period of no less than five seconds. Though it is a minimum of five seconds, the time between uses of Shinra Tensei(or by extension, Chibaku Tensei, or Banshō Ten'in) may vary greatly based on its intensity- up to several minutes. Requirements; Requires "Scroll of the Six Paths" to learn. -7 jp Shinra Tensei [Heavenly Subjugation of the Omnipresent God]; 神羅天征 (Defensive Application) Rank; Sennin Type; Ninjutsu [Gravity] [seal-less] [Counter-Response] ["Clan"] Cost; 100 +.8x Damage; See Effect; Effect; For this technique, x is considered the total DP value of an incoming non-genjutsu attack or string of attacks; this may be used to counter incoming effects from up to 2 targets as long as the user is not suffering from effects similar but not limited to "Bound; Arm" or "Bound; Paired Arms". If this technique is used to counter taijutsu or close-range ninjutsu, the attacking character(s) have a 50% chance to take damage equal to 20% of this technique's base cost. This technique has a 5% chance to fail, though this percentage increases to 15% if the user is suffering from "Bound; Paired Arms". This may be used to counter techniques equal to the user's rank, but may only be used three times per battle. Additionally, this technique may not be used in succession with Shinra Tensei(any form), Chibaku Tensei, or Banshō Ten'in. Addendum; If the additional "damage" section of this technique should succeed, the effects of "Combinatorial; Gravity" do not apply. Description; This incarnation of the legendary gravitational technique "Shinra Tensei" manifests in the form of a partial or complete sphere. Instead of targeting a single individual to be pushed away from the epicenter(the user), the user will expel a potent wall of repulsive force in every direction from their center- creating a barely-visible shield of gravitational force that repels any and all physical attacks. Though the sphere is complete when the repulsive force is 'guided' with both hands, the defensive application of Shinra Tensei has been known to suffer from a weakness wherein it is weakest in any point not directly manipulated with a gesture. Knowing this, however, the original users of Shinra Tensei learned(and documented) how to maximize the effects of Shinra Tensei and allow the defensive application 'some' offensive potential by means of creating only partial barriers that may then be pushed outward, knocking an opponent backward and sometimes causing them to strike themselves with their own technique. Requirements; Requires "Scroll of the Six Paths" to learn. -6 jp[branching; -2jp if any other form of Shinra Tensei is known] Ryuumyaku [Dragon Pulse] Type; Ninjutsu [Fire; Distortion] [seal-less] Rank; Sennin [Clan] [Personal] Cost; 750 Damage; 700 Effect; Requires the consumption of the setup-phase prior to this technique's use to form this technique. This technique may not be "blocked" by a shinobi of equal or lesser rank to the technique's user; additionally, it ignores 5% of its intended target's defense. For the purposes of this technique, treat the effects of "Subtle Elements; Fire" as being tripled; similarly, this technique does not "consume" the bonuses granted by "Sharingan Secret Technique; Spacial Distortion Arts", though it does not benefit from that skill. Requires Toripuruha Sharingan to be active. Requires use of both arms. Description; Ryuumyaku is the original technique of Uchiha Katsuro's Ryuuton ninjutsu series- a superb blend of traditional ninjutsu and sharingan spacial distortion arts. This technique's formation begins when Katsuro forcibly isolates the chakra in a single arm and converts it into the space-distorting chakra found within the Uchiha distortion arts; this act causes a light-blue glowing "seal" to form on that appendage, winding its way up to his shoulder before abruptly stopping. After doing so, Katsuro will form an orb of highly volatile fire-oriented chakra to coalesce in his opposing hand. Formation of the technique thereon becomes "tricky", as Katsuro must bring both of his hands together to compact the fire chakra with the distortion element bound into his arm- this oftentimes causes the precisely formed 'orb' to lose shape and revert into an amorphous mass of dual-elemental chakra. With those steps finished, the technique becomes "completed"- though execution remains an entirely different matter. Given the nature of the technique and his mastery over the combined arts of distortion and another element, Katsuro is unable to launch the mass of chakra as a projectile lest it lose its form and dissipate into nothing more than a temporary spacial 'anomaly'; Katsuro must bring himself into close quarters with his chosen target through whatever means necessary and press the mass of chakra into the target's body. Unlike most similar techniques, Ryuumyaku has no immediate external results- instead, the spacial distortion chakra 'phases' the mass of flame into the target's internal workings. There, the flame will erupt and expand- severely burning anything that it can in its fairly short lifetime. Even given the aforementioned lifespan of the completed technique, it has proven thus-far to be a very damaging ninjutsu. -11 jp Sharingan Jikukan Hijutsu; Hazumi [sharingan Space/Time Secret Technique; Rebound] Rank; Sennin [Clan] Type; Ninjutsu [Distortion] [Dynamic Trap] [seal-less] Requirements; Targeted ninjutsu must have missed its target within the last turn. May not target Area of Effect techniques. Sharingan must have been open during the last turn, and must remain open during the turn in which this is used. This may only target (Uchiha)[Clan]-tagged ninjutsu that are Fire, or contain the fire element up to a two-element Combinatorial element(IE, Scorch[Fire+Wind] or Steam[Fire+Water].) Cost; .75x + 20 chakra Damage; See effect. Effect; Target one ranged ninjutsu that has missed during the last turn. For the cost of .75x(+20), where x is equal to the base cost of the targeted ninjutsu. Treat the target ninjutsu has being 're-cast' as if it were a "Seal-less" technique, though it deals only 75% of its base damage(plus standard modifiers.) Description; After learning the advanced Spacial Distortion methods known to take root in the Uchiha clan's legendary sharingan, certain users of the Sharingan have begun to learn methods of applying their spacial distortion methods to not only themselves, but to the environment around them. Through this incarnation, the Uchiha clan member has learned to displace a dodged ninjutsu from its current space and move it in such a way that would allow it to sudden re-appear closer to another target. This method, while seemingly simple once the Spacial Distortion methods have been learned, is surprisingly difficult to master. First, the Uchiha clan member must learn to apply a unique chakra "marker" to all of their ninjutsu; this "marker" serves only two purposes: aiding in the location of the failed ninjutsu, and serving as a basic "anchor" for the sharingan's distortion technique to seize. After a technique has been used, and has missed or been dodged, the Sharingan will use its capacity to observe chakra to locate the "marker" placed within a ninjutsu. After the "marker" has been located, the Sharingan will create a small rift in space/time based on a variable distance from the "marker", and force the failed ninjutsu to enter an alternate space. After they have displaced the technique, the Sharingan will then peer into the space(which is unique to every clan member) and seize the technique from its current path, then form a second rift that will allow the technique to travel from the alternate space and into its new desired path. This advanced manipulation often catches an opponent off guard, as the ninjutsu will appear from "nowhere" in a space adjacent to their person. -5 jp Hariton; Reirouyari no Hisan [Glass Arts; Flying Translucent Spear] Rank; Jounin [Clan] [Personal] Type; Ninjutsu [Glass] Cost; 50x Damage; -- Effect; May be used in the setup phase. This technique creates a number of "Translucent Javelins" equal to x. Javelins may be consumed during the any of the user's main phase; Javelins consumed/used in this way are treated as if they were shojutsu attacks whose base damage is equal to 60, though it is modified based on ninjutsu and accuracy rather than taijutsu and accuracy(obeys the 40:5 shojutsu stat:modifier rules.) A maximum of 5 Javelins may be made per turn using this technique, though only up to 5 may be used per turn. When multiple Javelins are used, treat them as if it were a multi-hit jutsu for the purposes of modifier redistribution. Description; Utilizing the Uchiha clan's advanced fire mastery, a user of Hariton finds that they Glass products are tempered to such an extreme that they are almost as durable as conventional metals. Though this incarnate of the Uchiha-tempered Glass, the user channel chakra into the ground beneath them. From the chakra-addled ground, several narrow but transparent "javelins" rill rise forth and begin to hover in a steady ring behind the user. The user may then, with a simple thought or gesture(depending on their mastery of the technique) force several of the javelins to rocket forth from behind them and towards any number of potential targets. -6 jp Katon: Bakuyakuryūka no Jutsu [Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique] 火遁・豪龍火の術 Rank; Jounin [Clan(Uchiha)] Type; Ninjutsu [Fire] Cost; 280 Damage; 250 Effect; When applying Subtle Elements; Fire to this technique, consider its effects doubled. After this is used, the climate is changed to "Rain" for two turns, even if this technique misses. Description; The user compresses a large amount of chakra built up inside their body and changes it into a dragon-shaped fireball. The user then skillfully manipulates that great fire, and attacks their opponent. Even outside of the attack range, its power and reliability are stressed. The flames have a high temperature, as they can create an upward movement of air currents which in turn can give rise to thunder clouds. A master of this technique can fire off several flames in succession and anyone caught in the technique could potentially be reduced to ashes. -8 jp Katon; Gōryūka No Jutsu [Fire Release; Great Dragon Fire Technique] Type: Ninjutsu [Fire/Clan/Multi-Hit] Rank: Sennin Cost: 175x Damage: 200x Effect: In terms of cost and damage calculation, "x" is considered the number of seperate attacks created through the means of this technique. "x" may never equate to a number greater than three. This attack may be aimed at seperate targets, or each of the multiple attacks may be centralized at a single target. The field is under the climate effect raining for "x" turns whether or not the technique hits the target or targets. Description: Though the Katon; Ryūka No Jutsu was treated as a failure by most of the Uchiha clan there were some amongst them who discovered that with practice and skill, the technique could be refined. The vast strength of the flames used in the progenitor technique could be divided up in to multiple bursts of fire, and made easy to aim and direct when spat forth in combat. The fire exhaled is some of the hottest that can be produced by basic Fire Release standards, being hot enough to condense the water in the atmosphere and cause rain. The Great Dragon Fire Technique is a fiercesome sight to behold as each large ball of fire is molded to take the shape of a monstrous dragon's head. This technique, being younger than many of the Uchiha's Fire Release arsenal has not yet been officially adopted by any village, though accounts of ninja using variants of it have been surfacing for several decades. Points: 11 Secret Sharingan Art #46: Manifestation of Shadow (Sharingan Hijutsu #46: Kengen No Kage) Type: Void Type; Offensive Ninjutsu Rank: Jounin Cost: 180 Chakra Damage: 100 Effects: -The Toripuruha Sharingan must be active to use this Ninjutsu -This attack is considered to be long-range if necessary, due to the nature of the attack -Only "True" bloodline inheritors may use this Ninjutsu - -100 Evasion to the target for this attack - If the Mangekyou Sharingan is active the user may attack twice with this technique with the affect that this technique is now a multi-hit technique with mutli-hit rules applying Description: The maddening slew of visions that come with the activation of the Sharingan enhance the foresight of an Uchiha, providing for an effective means of countering movements and evasive actions. To this end, the ability to seek out an area to attack before an opponent moves to it tends to be an effective means of catching an enemy off guard, and rendering them less aware of their designated path of movement. Although successful and perfect prediction is impossible, due to the reaction time frame being so narrow, it is possible to create a 50-50% chance to strike an opponent, as they will either react in time to evade or prevent the attack, or fail to realize the true ability of the Sharingan. This Ninjutsu manifests itself as an extension of the arm, twisting and contorting Chakra to coil around the arm, as though it were just elongating the structure, and moving with the arm of the Uchiha as quickly as it would normally. Black and writing, this Chakra seeks out enemy heat signals, and aides the Uchiha in tracking down and striking a quick moving opponent. It is said that with the Mangekyou, the Mangekyou eyes form along the length of this 'arm'. Although said to have no effect, it provides for a frightening addition to the attack, perhaps in response to the dominance of the Sharingan in regards to the host Points: 5 Secret Sharingan Art #47: Manifestation of Spiral (Sharingan Hijtusu #47: Kengen No Kajou) Type: X Type (X=any element the shinobi may use); Offensive Ninjutsu Rank: Jounin Cost: 50 Chakra Damage: 20 Effects: -The Toripuruha Sharingan must be active to use this Ninjutsu -This attack is considered to be long-range if necessary, due to the nature of the attack -Only "True" bloodline inheritors may use this Ninjutsu -Upon a successful strike the target is forced to focus on the user of the technique for the next round, dually they can only attack the user of this technique also -If the Mangekyou Sharingan is active this technique may be changed to an AoE [allies exempt] with the base cost increased by a factor of 4 - May be used three times per battle per target Description: The Sharingan's only weakness is speed, and because of this the Sharingan has (like any living thing) adapted and evolved to counter the weakness, and defeat it. When speed is no longer an option in terms of striking or combating an enemy, it is possible to momentarily bind a foe in place through mesmerizing them with the swirling of the Sharingan Doujutsu. That is to say, while they move around at high speed and evade typical attacks, the Sharingan may flow Chakra towards the general area of a potential spot (being capable of foresight) that the enemy may land, and when he/she finally does, they will be forced to glance at the eyes of the Uchiha, usually through means of causing the Chakra to pressurize and cause the enemy's head to turn towards the Uchiha. Momentarily stunning them with the spinning of the Sharingan, the Uchiha may quickly manifest a basic element that they are well versed in, and strike the enemy. Points: 5 Hariton; Issen Toge no Gekkou (Glass Arts; One Thousand Angry Splinters) Rank: Chuunin [Clan] [Personal] Type: Ninjutsu [Glass] Cost: 110 Damage: 20 Effect: Deals 50 bleed damage per turn over 2 turns if this technique is successful. Generates 10 "Splinters" within an opponent. These "Splinters" lasts up to 5 turns and do nothing unless modified by a further technique. Description: Hariton; Issen Toge no Gekkou is a very simple incarnation of the Glass technique arts. The user simply forms a single seal and a barrage of glass splinters form in the air just before them. With a single notion of their hand, the splinters will rocket forward and attempt to lodge themselves deeply within an opponent. -4 jp Hariton; Shishi Kakuchuu (Glass Arts; Prismatic Lion) Rank: Jounin [Clan] [Personal] Type: Ninjutsu Cost: 200 Damage: -- Effect: Creates 1 "Prismatic Lion"; a Prismatic Lion has 100 hp and taijutsu, accuracy, and evasion equal to 50% of the user's ninjutsu. A Prismatic Lion takes turns every time its creator does, and may only use basic attacks(follows Jounin basic attack rules.) Any attacks landed by the Prismatic Lion also inflict 2 "Splinters" on their target. Splinters have no effect outside of techniques that specifically utilize them, and last only 5 turns. The Prismatic Lion ceases to exist after 5 turns, or after it has reached 0 HP. Description: Utilizing the Uchiha clan's natural fire affinity, a user of Hariton can create more potent Glass-type techniques. In this incarnation, the user forces minerals in the ground around them to gather together and rise up in the form of a translucent glass lion. The lion is a simple construct, and may only use its hardened claws and fangs to attack an enemy, with each attack leaving splinters of glass within the lion's target. -4 jp Hariton; Katsu Ira no Jutsu [Glass Arts; Splinter Shattering Technique] Rank: Jounin [Clan] [Personal] Type: Ninjutsu Cost: 13x (up to a maximum of 20 splinters) Damage: 15x (to a maximum 20 splinters) Effect: Detonates all Splinters currently active in a target, with each Splinter detonated dealing 15 damage. This is -not- a multi-hit technique. This technique may never have its damage reduced below base via the defense stat. Description: Forming a single seal, the user of Katsu Ira channels chakra into the glass Splinters resident in an opponent's body, suddenly shattering them into nothingness and dealing a large amount of damage to an opponent's internal systems. -4 jp Hariton; Yari no Sanryoukyou (Glass Arts; Prismatic Lance) Rank: Jounin [Clan] [Personal] Type: Ninjutsu [Glass] Cost: 150 Damage: -- Effect: Creates one Prismatic Lance on the battlefield; the Prismatic Lance may be targeted by an opponent in their setup phase as a setup phase action to "break" the Prismatic Lance(this consumes the setup phase in question), otherwise, the Prismatic Lance remains on the field for up to 3 turns(unmodifiable). The user of this technique may, at any time during the Prismatic Lance's lifespan, target the prismatic lance with a genjutsu techinque. Genjutsu used in this way has a 10%(Base) chance to hit the Prismatic Lance; if they successfully strike the lance, their effects are then made into an Area of Effect "attack" and the Prismatic Lance is subsequently destroyed. The Prismatic Lance may only channel/reflect jutsu of rank equal to the Lance's base technique. Description: A more elegant incarnation of Hariton, the Prismatic Lance is a relatively simple technique to actually perform. Three brief seals quickly lead way into the user lifting a single hand to guide the lance's direction. The Prismatic Lance forms itself from the loose sand and other miscellaneous particles beneath the opponent until it has enough mass to hold a significant form- at which point, it juts abruptly outward from the ground. Commonly, this technique is later used as a prism(hence its name) to the hypnotic qualities of some Genjutsu. -4 jp Katon; Hōsenka No Jutsu [Fire Release; Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique] 火遁・鳳仙火の術 Type: Ninjutsu [Fire//Clan//Evolving//Multi-Hit] Rank: Gennin Cost: 25x Damage: 25x Effect: In terms of cost and damage calculation, "x" is considered the number of seperate attacks created through the means of this technique. "x" may never equate to a number greater than three. This attack may be aimed at seperate targets, or each of the multiple attacks may be centralized at a single target. In the latter case, when the victim successfully dodges one of the attacks, any consecutive attacks receive a +1% bonus to their accuracy modifier. This effect is non-cumulative. While the Sharingan is active the effects of this technique are considered to be cumulative to a maximum of +3%. Descpription: Created before the introduction of the shinobi villages, the Pheonix Immortal Fire Technique began as a secret technique of the Uchiha clan. Using a similar formulae to it's progenitor, the Great Fireball Technique, Hōsenka No Jutsu is a more versatile offshoot of the original. Sacrificing pure power for the ability to hit mutiple targets, the user fills their lungs with air, intermingling it with chakra of a fire nature, and it is similarly exhaled from their body. This volatile air is ignited by the ring made by the user's thumb and index finger, but exhaled in small enough bursts to create more than one, smaller ball of fire. This technique, along with several others created by the Uchiha clan had secondary versions created and gifted to the academy of Konohagakure No Sato. It is a popular technique among shinobi of the Fire Nation. Points: 4 Katon; Hōsenka No Jutsu [Fire Release; Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique] 火遁・鳳仙火の術 Type: Ninjutsu [Fire//Clan//Evolving//Multi-Hit] Rank: Chuunin Cost: 20x Damage: 25x Effect: In terms of cost and damage calculation, "x" is considered the number of seperate attacks created through the means of this technique. "x" may never equate to a number greater than five. This attack may be aimed at seperate targets, or each of the multiple attacks may be centralized at a single target. In the latter case, when the victim successfully dodges one of the attacks, any consecutive attacks receive a +1% bonus to their accuracy modifier. This effect is cumulative to a maximum of +3%. While the Sharingan is active the effects of this technique are considered to be cumulative to a maximum of +5%. Descpription: Created before the introduction of the shinobi villages, the Pheonix Immortal Fire Technique began as a secret technique of the Uchiha clan. Using a similar formulae to it's progenitor, the Great Fireball Technique, Hōsenka No Jutsu is a more versatile offshoot of the original. Sacrificing pure power for the ability to hit mutiple targets, the user fills their lungs with air, intermingling it with chakra of a fire nature, and it is similarly exhaled from their body. This volatile air is ignited by the ring made by the user's thumb and index finger, but exhaled in small enough bursts to create more than one, smaller ball of fire. This technique, along with several others created by the Uchiha clan had secondary versions created and gifted to the academy of Konohagakure No Sato. It is a popular technique among shinobi of the Fire Nation. Points: 5 [1] Katon; Gōkakyu No Jutsu [Fire Release; Great Fireball Technique] 火遁・豪火球の術 Type: Ninjutsu [Fire//Clan//Evolving] Rank: Gennin Cost: 80 Damage: 50 Effect: Victim is afflicted with the status effect "Burned" for one turn. Descpription: Said to have originated amongst the Uchiha clan before the founding of Konohagakure No Sato, the Gōkakyu No Jutsu has long been a staple technique of the clan. For generations, the ability to produce a full-sized Great Fireball Technique has been considered a right of passage, allowing the Uchiha to be considered an adult in the eyes of their clan. The fame of this technique spread after the creation of the village, where it was adopted as a standard by most shinobi trained in the Konohagakure academy. A powerful technique, the Gōkakyu No Jutsu requires greater than average skill with chakra manipulation and it's said to be difficult for most Gennin to produce. The user mixes their collected chakra with oxygen in their lungs, by inhaling deeply, making the air within into volatile mixture. By exhaling this through a heated ring created by the index finger and thumb, the shinobi is able to ignite their breath, producing a stunning, and extremely hot ball of flame. Points: 4 Katon; Gōkakyu No Jutsu [Fire Release; Great Fireball Technique] 火遁・豪火球の術 Type: Ninjutsu [Fire//Clan//Evolving] Rank: Chuunin Cost: 135 Damage: 90 Effect: Victim is afflicted with the status effect "Burned" for two turns. Descpription: Said to have originated amongst the Uchiha clan before the founding of Konohagakure No Sato, the Gōkakyu No Jutsu has long been a staple technique of the clan. For generations, the ability to produce a full-sized Great Fireball Technique has been considered a right of passage, allowing the Uchiha to be considered an adult in the eyes of their clan. The fame of this technique spread after the creation of the village, where it was adopted as a standard by most shinobi trained in the Konohagakure academy. A powerful technique, the Gōkakyu No Jutsu requires greater than average skill with chakra manipulation and it's said to be difficult for most Gennin to produce. The user mixes their collected chakra with oxygen in their lungs, by inhaling deeply, making the air within into volatile mixture. By exhaling this through a heated ring created by the index finger and thumb, the shinobi is able to ignite their breath, producing a stunning, and extremely hot ball of flame. Points: 5 [1] Katon; Gōkakyu No Jutsu [Fire Release; Great Fireball Technique] 火遁・豪火球の術 Type: Ninjutsu [Fire//Clan//Evolving] Rank: Jounin Cost: 285 Damage: 290 Effect: Victim is afflicted with the status effect "Burned" for three turns. Descpription: Said to have originated amongst the Uchiha clan before the founding of Konohagakure No Sato, the Gōkakyu No Jutsu has long been a staple technique of the clan. For generations, the ability to produce a full-sized Great Fireball Technique has been considered a right of passage, allowing the Uchiha to be considered an adult in the eyes of their clan. The fame of this technique spread after the creation of the village, where it was adopted as a standard by most shinobi trained in the Konohagakure academy. A powerful technique, the Gōkakyu No Jutsu requires greater than average skill with chakra manipulation and it's said to be difficult for most Gennin to produce. The user mixes their collected chakra with oxygen in their lungs, by inhaling deeply, making the air within into volatile mixture. By exhaling this through a heated ring created by the index finger and thumb, the shinobi is able to ignite their breath, producing a stunning, and extremely hot ball of flame. Points: 7 [2] Uchiha Jikukan Hijutsu; Doutai [uchiha Space-Time Secret Technique; Moving Body] Rank: Jounin Type: Ninjutsu [Clan] [Distortion] [Doujutsu/Sealless] Cost: 135 chakra [5x% of total chakra for out-of-battle effect, does not regenerate for 1 RL day] Damage: -- Effect: (In battle;) Increases the accuracy of the user's next attack by 200. This is usable in the setup phase and does not consume the main phase, though it may only be used up to 3 times a battle in the setup phase. (Out of Battle;) For a cost of 5% of the user's total chakra per 500 words traveled per person, to a maximum of 3 people(including the user), the user of this technique(and up to 2 companions) may instantly travel to another location. The chakra spent in this manner does not regenerate for 1 RL day and 1 IC day. Description: Utilizing the Diminsional Hijutsu of the Uchiha clan, the user of Doutai folds reality around their person and transfers their entirety to another location. This technique is most commonly represented by a swirling-inward distortion of the space about the user just before the are abruptly relocated. More often than not, this specific hijutsu is utilized to gather an advantage over an opponent for a single attack. JP; 5 Uchiha Jikukan Hijutsu; Kieteiku [uchiha Space-Time Secret Technique; Fade Away] Rank: Jounin Type: Ninjutsu [Clan] [Distortion] [Doujutsu/Sealless] Cost: .8x (x = the total DP of oncoming attacks during the turn that this was ued) Damage: -- Effect: The user evades all damage and effects of a single incoming string of attacks from a single source(basic or weapon) or a single incoming technique. May not be used to counter incoming techniques of higher rank than the user. Using this technique sacrifices the user's setup and main phases. Used in the response phase, may only be used 3 times per battle. This technique has a 5% chance to fail upon use. Description: Using the secret arts of space/time distortion learned by only the most skilled Uchiha clan users, the user of Kieteiku utilizes the power of their sharingan to create a "wrinkle" in the space around them, causing all incoming attacks to pass harmlessly through them. JP; 8 Clan Taijutsu Sharingan Hijutsu; Sōshuriken No Jutsu [secret Sharingan Art; Manipulated Shuriken Technique] 写輪眼秘伝・操手裏剣の術 Type: Taijutsu [Clan//Dynamic Trap] Rank: Gennin Conditions: Victim must have successfully evaded an attack from a shuriken augmented with an application of Manipulator's Wire in the previous turn. Cost: 45 Damage: 10 Effect: After a successful strike, this technique inflicts the effect of Half Opening on the victim. This half opening applies to the first Fire Release technique of the Uchiha Clan of the Chuunin rank or below used on the following turn. Should the Sharingan Eye be activated during the use of this technique, then the stamina cost is reduced by 10. Descpription: A technique largely abandoned by most of the ninja-world, but cleverly utilized by the nimble fingered members of the Uchiha clan, the Manipulated Shuriken Technique is a tricky use of extremely thin wire and a shinobi's standard shuriken. A practiced user of this ability is able to guide thrown shuriken with mere twitches of the finger and at blinding speeds, those with the ability to use the Sharingan are doubly blessed for the masterful precision it grants. Many use the ability to rope their opponents with the attached wire, rather than aiming the shuriken for vital areas. Points: 3 Clan Genjutsu Sharingan Rasen-Tomoe Hijutsu; Kakinaoshi [sharingan Spiraling Tomoe Secret Arts; Rewrite] (Rank 1) Rank: Chuunin [Clan] [Evolving] Type: Genjutsu [Void] Cost: .75x + .75y(where x is the cost of the jutsu being attempted, and y is the cost of the jutsu it is being changed into) Damage: -- Effect: When used, this technique allows its user to force an opponent to change a technique currently being performed(may only force an opponent to use a technique that has been previously witnessed by the sharingan wielder.)This jutsu is performed in the response phase before rolls are made to dodge and does not consume the setup or main phases of the user. Techniques forced to change must be of the same type (damaging ninjutsu, damaging genjutsu, etc). This technique suffers a 10% chance to fail on targets of the same rank as the user and a 5% chance to fail on targets of lower rank. This technique may only be used twice per battle. May not be used on targets of a higher ninja rank than the user. This may not be used in such a way that forces the target to use a technique that has already reached its per-battle usage; additionally, may not be used to force an opponent into using a technique that would cause them to faint via reach 0 chakra- if this would be the case, this technique is cancelled and all chakra expended is refunded. If the Mangekyou Sharingan is active when this technique is used, the fail chance is reduced to 1% no matter the opponent's relative rank. Requirements: Ninjuuha Sharingan must be active. Description: A classic usage of the sharingan's hypnotic capacity; through this technique, the wielder of a sharingan may force their tomoe to spin rapidly, mesmerizing an opponent into performing a jutsu that the user has already witnessed in battle. Due to the nature of this technique, it requires eye contact to be made before the hypnotic effect may take place. -5 jp Sharingan Rasen-Tomoe Hijutsu; Kakinaoshi [sharingan Spiraling Tomoe Secret Arts; Rewrite] (Rank II) Rank: Jounin [Clan] [Evolving] Type: Genjutsu [Void] Cost: .6x + .6y(where x is the cost of the jutsu being attempted, and y is the cost of the jutsu it is being changed into) Damage: -- Effect: When used, this technique allows its user to force an opponent to change a technique currently being performed(may only force an opponent to use a technique that has been previously witnessed by the sharingan wielder.) This jutsu is performed in the response phase before rolls are made to dodge and does not consume the setup or main phases of the user. Techniques forced to change must be of the same type (damaging ninjutsu, damaging genjutsu, etc). This technique suffers a 10% chance to fail on targets of the same rank as the user and a 5% chance to fail on targets of lower rank. This technique may only be used twice per battle. May not be used on targets of a higher ninja rank than the user. This may not be used in such a way that forces the target to use a technique that has already reached its per-battle usage; additionally, may not be used to force an opponent into using a technique that would cause them to faint via reach 0 chakra- if this would be the case, this technique is cancelled and all chakra expended is refunded. If the Mangekyou Sharingan is active when this technique is used, the fail chance is reduced to 1% no matter the opponent's relative rank. Requirements: Toripuruha Sharingan must be active. Description: A classic usage of the sharingan's hypnotic capacity; through this technique, the wielder of a sharingan may force their tomoe to spin rapidly, mesmerizing an opponent into performing a jutsu that the user has already witnessed in battle. Due to the nature of this technique, it requires eye contact to be made before the hypnotic effect may take place. -6 jp(+1) Copied Ninjutsu Iwa Bunshin (Soil Clone) Type: Ninjutsu [Earth] [Copied] ["Clan"] Rank: Chuunin Cost: 75 per clone (max of 3 clones on the field) Effect: Each Soil Clone has 1/4 stats of the user, but only 1hp. They are automatically hit by any attack that includes them as a target (they get no dodge roll). Description: In similar fashion with any other clone technique, Iwa Bunshin No Jutsu can make up to several clones made out of soil from the ground. Used to trick the opponent in a clever way. When the opponent hits one of these clones, it turns back into soil but latches onto the opponent, thus hindering his/her movement. Cost: 3 Copied Taijutsu Copied Genjutsu Medical Ninjutsu Summoning Ninjutsu Sealing Ninjutsu Edited February 8, 2012 by thepaintrolley
Hardcore Skittlez Posted January 19, 2011 Author Posted January 19, 2011 (edited) Equipment Armor Head: Mask of the [snake]Armor Kind: Porcelain Mask Body Placement: Face Attributes: Indestructible, +50 Accuracy Special: -- Description: These animalistic masks are custom-tailored for each individual within the ranks of the ANBU. There are and have been an incredible amount of variations that more often than not, represent a creature of their classifications. Drawn and molded with intricate and elaborate designs and filled with an abundance of colours to complement their unusualness, their presence can embody; fear, happiness, mercilessness and a slew of emotions that are impossible to predict. The masks have remained more than just a piece of an equipment, but rather, a traditional symbol of character that will never fade. These, as well as most of everything else developed here, can be customized to fit the wearers' preferences. Cost: Free upon entry, ANBU Exclusive Neck: Uchiha Clan Signet Ring Izanagi's FavorEffect; Once per battle, you may re-roll any roll pertaining to the unlocking of a Sharingan "Key", though the second roll must always be taken. Attributes; Hidden, Indestructable Armor type: Ring [Finger Slot], May be worn as a necklace [Neck Slot] Description; This is a ring gifted to some exceptional Uchiha clan heirs upon their successful coming of age, decided upon their first witnessed performance of "Katon; Gokakyu no Jutsu" Requirements; Must have "Katon; Gokakyu no Jutsu" and be a member of the Uchiha Clan by birth. Cost: 300 Back: Body: ANBU RegaliaArmor Kind: Cowl Body Placement: Body Attributes: Armour is Hidden Special: --- Description: These cowls are worn in an effort to better mask the members' identities when the time calls for it. Some wear black cloaks over their standard uniforms while the white cloaks are fitted towards the Squad Leader. For the most part, these cowls are plain but can be customized to fit the wearers' preferences. Cost: $50, Free once upon entry, ANBU Exclusive Chest: Steel Stitched Jounin VestArmor Kind: Steel Plate & Vest Body Placement: Chest Attributes: +200 Defense, +160 Evasion, +50 Slots Special: --- Description: The variations are ordered with a tint preference but cannot be a selection outside of; Black, White or Grey. Stitched inside of the plain vest, there lays a sheltered plate of steel that harbours the wearers' back and chest. The armour is a hardened alloy which can help to defend against physical attacks. These, as well as most of everything else developed here, can be customized to fit the wearers' specialties. Cost:Free once upon entry, ANBU Exclusive Waist: Forearms: Arm GuardsArmor Kind: Steel Plates Body Placement: Forearms Attributes: +40 Defense Special: --- Description: These plates of protection stretch from the wrist to just passed the elbows, their usefulness has seen numbers and have been distributed across the ANBU as part of their customary uniform. These, as well as most of everything else developed here, can be customized to fit the wearers' preferences. Cost: $160, Free once upon entry, ANBU Exclusive Bicep[R]: Konohagakure no Sato Hitai Ate Bicep[L]: Hands: Steel-Plate GlovesArmor Kind: Steel Plates Body Placement: Hands Attributes: +40 Defense Special: --- Description: These gloves are distributed as a part of the organizations' customary uniform. The black gloves stretch under the arm guards and shelter their entire hand. Adjusted onto the top of these gloves, just between the knuckles and wrist is a single thick plate of steel. These, as well as most of everything else developed here, can be customized to fit the wearers' preferences. Cost: $160, Free once upon entry, ANBU Exclusive Thigh[R]: Thigh[L]: Calve[R]: Calve[L]: Feet: Weaponry Main Weapon: Sub Weapon: Un-equipped Slot one: Un-equipped Slot two: Un-equipped Slot three: Miscellaneous Inventory Total Inventory Slots: 65 Inventory Slots Remaining: 34 Scroll of Six Paths Effect; Allows the owner to learn techniques that require possession of the "Scroll of Six Paths". Techniques learned from this scroll may never be copied(and retained) by effects similar but not limited to the "Sharingan" unless the character attempting to copy the technique also possesses a "Scroll of Six Paths". A character already possessing these techniques may teach them to another character, though the learning character must train for at least 2000 words to learn them; additionally, the techniques on this scroll will still cost standard amounts of JP to learn if they are taught. Description; Modern Ninjutsu is an art that is entirely derived from the teachings of one man- the Sage of Six Paths. Even after hundreds of years of advancement, the techniques known to have been possessed by the Sage of Six Paths remain illusive and legendary; they are techniques that even in present times might be regarded as highly powerful, if not at least very adaptive. This scroll, one of three such scrolls in existence, is known to contain the divine scriptures of the Sage of Six Paths, as well as a detailed explaination of how to perform his legendary techniques. The scroll itself is somewhat mundane- a pristine white in coloration with a red-and-black trim. The scroll itself is roughly three feet in length when rolled, and almost 7 inches in diameter. Cost; Given the legendary nature of this scroll, it is not something that is available for purchase. Instead, a character may perform a 4000 word "quest" to obtain this scroll, after which a D10 must be rolled- with any number above 7 being considered a "failure". If "failed", the questing character may write an additional 2000 words to attempt to locate the scroll again, with another d10 being rolled; on the second or any subsequent attempts, a roll of 1 d10 will be made, with any number above 6 being considered a "failure". A questing character may make any amount of additional "attempts" while trying to locate the scroll. Quantity; Three of these scrolls are known to exist, though they are spread erratically throughout the world. Quest; Obtained Here ANBU Indentification Card; [uchiha Katsuro] Description: A thin black card trimmed with silver, an acclamation to the initiation of the members' deliverance into the ANBU ranks. The card itself however is stimulated with an explicit current of chakra relative to the receiver of the card, this process becomes active on first touch and therefore is crafted with exclusiveness and bestowed in a cautious fashion. Current Rank: Member Current Divisions: Oinin, Nanatsu-Nottori Goshou Effect: The character with this has been endowed membership into the ANBU Cost: 0 Unequipped: Pouch: 3 Shuriken, 3 Kunai, 4 Senbon Needles, 1 Rank 3 Explosive Tag Items in Vault: Nothing. Money on hand: 685 ryo Edited February 8, 2012 by thepaintrolley
Hardcore Skittlez Posted January 19, 2011 Author Posted January 19, 2011 (edited) Records Monetary Transactions Buy: $20 to merge Jounin Vest and Steel-Stitched Vest Upgrading Mask Sell: Sold Windmill Shuriken and Manipulator's Wires for 235. Reward: (started at 46) (+200, c rank mission) Loss: Holiday Bonuses: Christmas 2011, random item, +50$, +4 JP (roll made here) Battle Logistics Wins: Losses: Draws: Mission Logistics Rank D: Rank C: Rank B: Rank A: Rank S: Update Log Character Approval: Accomplishments & Experience Earned: +13,679 exp from Tenkiame Murasaki(75% given by Azure) +80 exp from Pinwill Hunters, 88 with quick learner +13 Exp from "Discoveries;", 14 with quick learner +15 exp, 16 with quick learner +450 exp, 495 with quick learner +750 Experience 304(+30, quick learner=334) exp 480 Experience, Life or Death against Yamanaka Bara(Draw)(+48, Quick Learner) +280 Spar against Hagemasu Kikuya(+28, Quick Learner) Edited February 7, 2012 by thepaintrolley
Hardcore Skittlez Posted January 19, 2011 Author Posted January 19, 2011 Side notes/extra reserved; Uchiha slot and character port both approved by Azure via AIM.