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Hardcore Skittlez

Tenkiame Murasaki

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Posted (edited)

Character Index --

  • General Information
  • Appearance
  • Personality and History
  • --(Reserved)
  • Ninja Stats, Skills, and Techniques
  • Equipment
  • Transaction Records

General Information

Tenkiame Murasaki

Kirigakure no Sato

Mizu no Kuni [Native]


Twenty Six [26]

Birth Date:
November 5th




156 lbs

Murasaki's dark strands are unkempt only in that they remain mostly unbrushed at most times, but this is generally unseen as his hair is pulled into a low 'tail behind his head, leaving only his bangs to hang freely into his face.

The eyes of Tenkiame Murasaki are his most defining feature. Buried within sharp almonds are his namesake- orbs of a deep violet. His gaze is somewhat aloof, unbetraying of his inner clarity, or turmoil, whatever it may be at the time.

In the briefest of statements, Murasaki's form is notably average among shinobi. His frame is muscled by necessity, but smoothed by study. He carries himself with little confidence, preferring to "Blend in and get on with things". This attitude is carried into his posture and gaze, both of which easily hide what he may feel like saying. Even so, he is not often seen slouching. Stance aside, Murasaki's naked form is littered sparingly with scars of varying intensity as a result of the shinobi lifestyle. His pale-tawny skin tone is only truly marred by a large scar stretching down his right eye and cheek.


Murasaki can be best described as detached from the public at large. His disinterest ties into a faint distrust for most adults, though this aloofness does not entirely prevent his functionality in occasions casual or formal. Until around friends or family members, the violent-eyed man tends to keep mostly to himself. In this, he tries not to be rude when he does speak but holds a habit of being very straightforward. This truthfulness is sometimes harsh, despite his intention; Murasaki's wife has previously stated that he sometimes speaks through the toes in his mouth. There exists but one exception to his direct speech, and that is around youth. Murasaki treats all middle-teens and younger with compassion in a 'big-brother' sort of manner. He tries not to hurt their feelings in any way, and encourages their development as he notices it.

Since the tragic passing of his wife and daughter, Murasaki has developed a habit of pushing his own emotions to the back-burners in lieu of more logical decision making. He does his best to decide and act for "the greater good", but often feels pangs of distinct selfishness guiding his subtleties. Sometimes this inherent selfish tendency mixes itself with his distrust and shields him against reading another's emotions, thereby multiplying his already bad foot-in-mouth truthfulness. At times, Murasaki's sincerity to help his people and their country collides with his self-absorption and causes a schism within himself, preventing punctual decision.

Though the greatest tragedy in Murasaki's life was initially met with extreme grief and anger, his remorse has since sauntered into the depths of his memory, leaving only occasional glimpses into his consciousness. As a counter to this, Murasaki does his best to keep himself thinking of the task set before him. When no particular goal is placed before him, Murasaki distracts himself with immersive reading or research. He also enjoys distraction in the form of strategy-based games, as they require the most thought, and are therefore the most effective in their goal.

  • Reading

  • Go, Chess, and other Strategy games

  • Working

  • Almost any food combination including steamed rice

  • Children

  • Doing nothing/spacing out

  • Lying

  • Talking too much

  • Killing other humans

  • Most cold sweets

Edited by thepaintrolley


Named after the strange color of his violent eyes, Murasaki was born to a rather ordinary family. His father and mother shared ownership of a small-time hotel within the capitol of Mizu no Kuni. Raised like any other child of the upper-middle class, Murasaki grew enamored with the romanticized "Way of the Ninja" and convinced his parents to allow him to enroll in the Kirigakure no Sato shinobi academy. His schooling was completed with excellent marks in both Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, with his Taijutsu skill lagging behind to be slightly below average. As a genin, Murasaki pushed to distinguish himself as the strongest member of his team, though his only true competition was to be found in his greatest rival and later, wife- Kaguya Hinoiri. Their love blossomed from rivalry only after the team had risen to chuunin and taken their separate paths. It was tentative at first, but quickly tumbled away from casual dating to the full-blown folly of youth. By the age of seventeen, Murasaki had proposed to her and they were wed. Almost immediately after, a child was conceived between the pair.

As a shinobi's life would have it, their familial bliss was cut short by the invasion of Kumogakure into every major shinobi village. Both Murasaki and Hinoiri fought to defend their village initially, but decided to fall to the shadows to live a civilian's life with their soon-to-be daughter. During the lay-over, Murasaki and his wife sought shelter at his parent's estate, where they were offered a place to stay until they were ready to establish a household of their own. With a child well on the way, the wait only lasted as long as the N.C.I.A's initial sweeps of the country for rogue shinobi. They purchased a small house on the outskirts of Avalon, where they would rise to the challenge of their new occupation: running a small rest-shop on the final stretch to the country's capitol. There, they lived happily for nearly four years.

Those four sweet years came to sudden end when a passing patrol of N.C.I.A operatives identified Hinoiri as a member of the Kaguya clan. She was questioned about her allegiances for a brief time before the operatives decided to detain her in an attempt to force her to join the local N.C.I.A. In a brief bout of resistance, she was beaten to near death. As her death stroke at the hand of a man wielding a large nodachi was to be, the toddling daughter of Murasaki attempted to intervene, only to be awarded with a blade piercing the pair of females. They were left, bleeding, only to be discovered some short time later by Murasaki himself (who had been out on a grocery run.) His return was only in time to bear the incredible trauma of having his child daughter breath her final breaths within his arms. Immediately, he buried his family and left to join the Resistance Movement.

Since then, Murasaki's thirst for vengeance has been mostly quenched by two tours of miltary duty with the forces of Kirigakure no Sato- one during the liberation of the country, the other during the battle of Nigiyakashufu. After the Rebellion, Murasaki joined Kirigakure as a proper shinobi and was promoted to the rank of Jounin. Over the last five years, he has taken on several small-time missions and worked to deal with his anguish.

Posted (edited)

Ninja Statistics

Rank: Jounin

Level: o58

TXP: o18,239//o18,600 [Current//Required for Next Level]


(Health Power) 800

(Stamina) 300

(Chakra) 1000


(Taijutsu) 200

(Defense) 200 [280]

(Ninjutsu) 800

(Genjutsu) 300

(Concentration) 600

(Speed) 700

(Accuracy) 700

(Evasion) 700 [780]

[]* Total with item bonuses

Elemental Specialties

Lightning Affinity

Description: Naturally aligned to the element of the lightning, this character has a natural tact at using and manipulating lightning to their bidding. These characters are often good at making stinging blows and stunning dodges; their motto could well be "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

Effect: User can use lightning based ninjutsu (no need for Subtle Elements) and has a +10% chance to hit with all taijutsu and ninjutsu attacks. Lightning-derived jutsu cost one less JP to a minimum of 1.

Fire Affinity

Description: Naturally aligned to the element of the fire, this character has a natural tact at using and manipulating fire to their bidding. These characters are often very nimble and lighthearted.

Effect: User can use fire based ninjutsu (no need for Subtle Elements) and has a +10% chance to dodge any attack. Fire-derived jutsu cost one less JP to a minimum of 1.


Edited by thepaintrolley
Posted (edited)


Skill Progression

-_+2 (Creation)+_-

-_+2 (Chuunin Rank)+_-

-_+3 (Jounin Rank+_-

-_+34 (Level so far)+_-

Points Remaning



Hiraishin [避 雷 針 ; Lightning Soul]

The Hiraishin, as seen by the public at large, is the most prominent feature of the Raigeki clan members. While the clan members themselves have generally angular, 'elfin' features, such qualities are oft disregarded as the result of a prominent gene unrelated to the Raigeki's kekkei genkai. The Hiraishin, coined from the original Raigeki being seen as natural conductors, is the inner ability to manipulate electricity and the currents thereof with little more than a whim. While this kekkei genkai allows for the Raigeki to control a nonlethal amount of energy, the Hiraishin does not reach its peak until the dormant powers are tapped in to with the Raigeki's chakra reserves. When the Hiraishin is 'active', branches of electricity may be seen coursing along the flesh and clothing of the Raigeki. This electricity may take any number of colors; though initially appearing as white-blue veins, the electricity of the Hiraishin may take on colors associated with the Raigeki's natural chakra affinity.

Damage and Stat increments may never increase their stat/damage amounts by more than 1.5x, where X is the user's stat in question, or the jutsu in question's base damage.

All figures involving X have a minimum of 1 damage/ninjutsu/etc

Hiraishin; Jakuden [避 雷 針 Lightning Soul; 弱 い 電 流 Weak Current]

The lowest and least potent of the Hiraishin comes in the form of the Jakuden, and it was named as such. While weak in comparison to the higher tiers of Hiraishin, the Jakuden is still a force to be reckoned with. It is the innate ability of the Raigeki, the most unrefined form of the bloodline.



This costs 2.5% total chakra per turn to upkeep, and may be activated during the setup phase.

While active, all advanced regeneration skills are halted

In-Game Effects:

Taker may roleplay control of electricity, and may detect sources of said electricity up to a distance of 100 meters away. Taker may use jutsu of the Lightning Element as if they had the appropriate rank of Subtle Elements.

- - Due to heat produced by a constant supply of electricity, any status effects caused by Coldness, Frost, or any lack of heat have their duration cut by 1 turn, to a minimum of 1 turn.

- - All jutsu with Lightning in them (Unless it would be considered illogical) are capable of being preformed with no hand seals, and the user can have a weapon equipped but still use jutsu so long as this is activated, however, the user cannot attack with the equipped weapon.

- - Lightning elemental jutsu/attacks used against the user of this bloodline while it's active have their total damage reduced by x, where x is the user's (Of Hiraishin) level.

- - When using Jutsu containing the element lightning the user's ninjutsu (Or genjutsu) is considered to be its base+4X, where X is the user's Level.

- - While this is active, taijutsu attacks (Including basic, unarmed attacks) deal an additional .5X damage, where X is the attacker's level. This is due to the lightning coursing across the flesh of the Raigeki, who's body was built for such extreme circumstances.

Cost: -4

Hiraishin; Juudenki [避 雷 針 Lightning Soul; 強 電 流 Heavy Current]

It is at this level of the Hiraishin that the Raigeki shinobi may begin to harness the sound and air pressure produced by their lightning-based abilities. At this strength tier, is it not uncommon to see wielders of the Hiraishin summoning thunder and lightning storms to their location. While in this form, electricity flows much more readily and plentifully across the Raigeki's body. This is the level at which most Raigeki perform their lightning-manipulation proficiently. It is rare to see a Raigeki clan member progress beyond this tier, though it is not unheard of.



This costs 5% total chakra per turn to upkeep, and may be activated during the setup phase.

While active, all advanced regeneration skills are halted

In-Game Effects:

Taker may roleplay control of electricity, and may detect sources of said electricity up to a distance of 200 meters away. Taker may also roleplay small-scale atmoskinetics, allowing them to control aspects of the weather. Taker may use jutsu of the Lightning, Sound, and Wind [Air Pressure] Elements as if they had the appropriate ranks of Subtle Elements.

- - Due to heat produced by a constant supply of electricity, any status effects caused by Coldness, Frost, or any lack of heat have their duration cut by 2 turns, to a minimum of 1 turn.

- - All jutsu with Lightning in them (Unless it would be considered illogical) are capable of being preformed with no hand seals, and the user can have a weapon equipped but still use jutsu so long as this is activated, however, the user cannot attack with the equipped weapon.

- - Lightning elemental jutsu/attacks used against the user of this bloodline while it's active have their total damage reduced by 1.5x, where x is the user's (Of Hiraishin) level.

- - When using Jutsu containing the element lightning the user's ninjutsu (Or genjutsu) is considered to be its base+5X, where X is the user's Level.

- - While this is active, taijutsu attacks (Including basic, unarmed attacks) deal an additional .75x damage, where X is the attacker's level. This is due to the lightning coursing across the flesh of the Raigeki, who's body was built for such extreme circumstances.

- - Lightning Elemental jutsu used by the taker of this skill now inflict the opponent with the status "Burned" for two turns, due to the heat of the kekkei-genkai enhanced lightning involved.
Burned: The target takes 120% damage from taijutsu, basic and weapon attacks and takes 10 damage per turn.

Max Duration: 4 turns

Cost: -4

Requirements: Requires the previous rank to be taken, and a
. Requires Chuunin Rank.

Hiraishin; Raijin [避 雷 針 Lightning Soul; 稲 妻 の 神 God of Lightning]

The third, strongest, and most rarely seen stage of the Hiraishin is titled, and rightly so, "Raijin", or the God of Lightning. In this stage, electricity produced by the Hiraishin flows as if the wielder were a superconductor. It glides harmlessly across their flesh, outlining the figure of the Raigeki as if they were a figure of a divine. In this form, the Raigeki may manipulate their innate lightning chakra as if it were little more than a utensil with which they eat - even with such ability to manipulate the primal energies at the molecular level. Their natural electricity is almost a thousand times more potent than other levels, and allows the wielder to perform rare feats such as magnetically charging objects, or even themselves. The Hiraishin may call down mighty tempests at this level, and may harness every aspect of their lightning abilities.



This costs 5% total chakra per turn to upkeep, and may be activated during the setup phase.

While active, all advanced regeneration skills are halted

In-Game Effects:

Taker may roleplay control of electricity, and may detect sources of said electricity up to a distance of 200 meters away. Taker may also roleplay small-scale atmoskinetics, allowing them to control aspects of the weather. Taker may use jutsu of the Lightning, Sound, Wind [Air Pressure], Magnet, and Light Elements as if they had the appropriate ranks of Subtle Elements or Twisted Colors.

- - Due to heat produced by a constant supply of electricity, any status effects caused by Coldness, Frost, or any lack of heat have their duration cut by 3 turns, to a minimum of 1 turn.

- - All jutsu with Lightning in them (Unless it would be considered illogical) are capable of being preformed with no hand seals, and the user can have a weapon equipped but still use jutsu so long as this is activated, however, the user cannot attack with the equipped weapon.

- - Lightning elemental jutsu/attacks used against the user of this bloodline while it's active have their total damage reduced by 2x, where x is the user's (Of Hiraishin) level.

- - When using Jutsu containing the element lightning the user's ninjutsu (Or genjutsu) is considered to be its base+6X, where X is the user's Level.

- - While this is active, taijutsu attacks (Including basic, unarmed attacks) deal an additional 1x damage, where X is the attacker's level. This is due to the lightning coursing across the flesh of the Raigeki, who's body was built for such extreme circumstances.

- - Due to the level of strength involved with the Raijin Hiraishin, jutsu containing the lightning element are treated as if their base damage was 1.5x its normal amount.

- - Lightning Elemental jutsu used by the taker of this skill now inflict the opponent with the status "Burned" for three turns, due to the heat of the kekkei-genkai enhanced lightning involved.
Burned: The target takes 120% damage from taijutsu, basic and weapon attacks and takes 10 damage per turn.

Max Duration: 4 turns

Cost: -4

Requirements: Requires the previous rank to be taken, and a 2000 word mastery training to be performed. Requires jounin Rank.

Mastery done:


Veiled Heritage

Description: With the apex of human exploration, conquest, and economy, bloodlines have become muddied and spread by wayfarer and homesteader alike. Passerbies carry the children of local war veterans, and the versa- and as a result, some persons discover their latent potentials much later in their life than many would expect.

Effect: A clanless character with this skill may take a bloodline as if they were a member of their chosen clan(Permission to take any bloodline must be acquired from the acting clan heads/owners of the bloodline). However, until a character with this skill is roleplayed to be inducted into the clan in question, they may not learn clan specific techniques or skills outside of the bloodline and its masteries.

Mastery Addendum: When using this skill to purchase bloodline mastery skills, a training post of x* words must be made in addition to any skill point cost before the given mastery skill may be used in combat or role play.

Clan Jutsu Addendum: Any clan jutsu purchased after the gaining of a bloodline and entrance into the appropriate clan cost an additional 2 JP.

Requirements/Restrictions: This may not be taken in conjunction with Radical Mutation or any skills that reduce the cost of clan-based techniques.

*x is equal to the number of skill points times 400. That is, every skill point spent on a mastery skill through the use of this skill requires 400 words of training before the mastery skill may actually be used.


Chakra Flow

Effect: Gain 10% of your Total Chakra every turn. This replaces normal Chakra regeneration.


The Path of the Scholar

Effect: Character gains 1 extra Jutsu Point per level

Scholarly Mastery: Choose Two:

-May gain 2 ranks of 'Scroll Arts' for 1 skill point.*

-May gain 2 ranks of 'Scribe' for 1 skill point.*

-May gain 2 'Subtle Elements' skills for 1 skill point.

-May gain 2 ranks of 'Merchant' for 1 skill point.

RP Guide:

-Acute knowledge of the world around them. This ninja has studied their world through many ways and is a quick mind when it comes to absorbing knowledge. With a keen eye for detail and a photographic memory to boot. This does not, however, mean they are good at processing this information.

Description: Description: Although quite rare, a few Ninja proceed down the path of the scholar, spending a lot of time in research and in trying to understand the world around them. These Ninja are not to be underestimated, however, as they can be quite deadly.


The Path of the Wise

The player gains the following mastery ability. When this ninja would learn a jutsu or skill through training in which they would normally not receive any EXP, they gain a +.5 EXP bonus as if they were normally training as well.

Knowledge Mastery:

Character gains 1 skill point every 2 levels beyond lvl 50 instead of 2 every 5 levels. In addition, they gain +.5 XP, when training their mind or studying, IE; 'scholarly' training. Anyone whom trains with a follower of the Path of the Sage gains a bonus of +.5 in addition to the normal bonus they would gain. The total bonuses will not and cannot exceed the 4 EXP Per line rule.

RP Guide:

-A character that follows the path of the Wise is truly one with knowledge. Spending countless hours within literature and study, the sage will constantly pour their efforts into the pursuit of knowledge. Their minds soak up anything they read or study, their learning capabilities surpassing that of normal people. Because of this, they may not be focused in any specific field in battle like other paths, but they become a potential jack of all trades, not being specifically well versed in just one area. As well, the Wise is also an adapted teacher, with the gift to pass the knowledge they absorb to others with relative ease.


-Chuunin. Must have Path of the Scholar.

Subtle Elements (Earth, Fire, Wind)


Twisted Colors [Rank 1]

Elements Usable: Ice, Steam, Mud, Clay, Cloud, Magnet, Metal, Sound, Plant[Wood/Grass], Sand,



Effect: You may inscribe techniques into scrolls. These techniques have 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or 100% of the original posts/damage (depending on your rank in the skill). Any technique that ends up being a number less than one cannot be inscribed within the scroll.

-2[Rank 4]*

Scroll Arts

Effect: You may use more than one scroll per battle. For every rank in this skill you gain access to one more scroll per fight.

-2[Rank 4]*

Quick Fingers

Bloodline: Regular Skill

Description: Many ninja who use scrolls often will be able to whip them out even in the tighest situations

Effect: Owner of this skill may take a scroll out and use it in the response phase as a response action per rank in this skill

Cost: -1

Ranks: [2]

Second Wind



Edited by Hardcore Skittlez
Posted (edited)

Shinobi Techniques

JP Progression Chart

-_+4 (Start)+_-

-_+15 (0-15)+_-

-_+28 (16-30)+_-

-_+42 (31-45)+_-

-_+48 (46++)+_-

-_+58 (Scholar)+_-

-_+5 (Chuunin Rank)+_-

-_+10 (Jounin Rank)+_-

-_+2 [Graduation Bonus]+_-

-_+4 [Christmas Bonus]+_-

Total JP:

JP Used:

Current JP:

Clan Ninjutsu

Clan Taijutsu

Clan Genjutsu

Offensive Ninjutsu

Thunder and Lightning (Raiden)

Type: Ninjutsu (Lightning)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 260

Damage: 180

Effect: In addition to damage, reduces the Accuracy of all except user by 50, and speed of all except user by 20 for one turn.

Description: A great thunderstorm is summoned by the user, casting darkness over the battlefield. Storm conditions arise, the gale force winds slowing all except the user. When bolts of lightning appear in the sky, this technique begins to peak. Said bolts are under the user's control, and strike any target they are commanded to.

Points: 6

Thunderbolt Strike (Raizo Ikazuchi wo Utte)

Type: Ninjutsu (Lightning)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 50 chakra per strike. (Max of 200 chakra)

Damage: 75 per strike.

Effect: Requires a weapon to be equipped, no seals necissary.

Description: Using a weapon, the user creates several thunderbolts that cut through the ground until they hit the enemy.

Points: 5

Gokasho Kunai no Fuuin [Five Point Kunai Seal]

Type: Ninjutsu [Personal] [Void]

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 50 Chakra

Damage: --

Effect: Places a Five Point Kunai Seal on the target location (may not target players directly). This has no effect on its own, but may be destroyed by an opponent during their turn at a cost of their main phase. Consumes 5 kunai at the time of use.

Description: This is a very basic technique where the user throws five chakra-charged kunai at five points on a given target. When the fifth kunai tip has embedded itself in the target, a lightly glowing ring will trace itself from tip-to-tip on the kunai. Lines of a same light-glow will then connect themselves from kunai to kunai, forming a pentagram within the kunai's circle. This jutsu is a set-up technique for future attacks.

JP: -1

Gokasho Fuuin; Musubu [Five Point Seal; Bind]

Type: Ninjutsu [Void] [Dynamic Trap] [Personal]

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 1.5x [Where x is equal to the total damage of the oncoming jutsu] Chakra, may never cost less than 100 chakra

Conditions: May only be activated if the user currently has at least 1 Five Point Kunai Seal active on the battlefield.

Effects: Used in the Response Phase. Consumes at least one Five Point Kunai Seal active on the battlefield. The user may opt to consume more to reduce the cost of this technique by 50 chakra per Five Point Kunai Seal consumed, up to a maximum of a 200 chakra reduction. When activated, this technique will bind an oncoming technique to one or more Five Point Kunai Seal(s) active on the battlefield. Only one technique may be bound thus at any given time. This may not be used to bind techniques of higher rank than the user. This may not be used on taijutsu or shojutsu type techniques. This technique does not suffer from the natural chance to fail latent in response phase techniques due to its nature as a trap.

Description: Utilizing a dormant Gokasho Fuuin no Kunai on the battlefield, the user will capture an oncoming jutsu within a Five Point Seal and bind it into place, holding it for potential later use. When more than one Gokasho Fuuin are used as a catalyst to this technique, less chakra is required to bind a given technique into place.

JP: 5

Gokasho Fuuin; Dedoko [Five Point Seal; Release]

Type: Ninjutsu [Variable Element] [Personal] [Dynamic Trap]

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 50 chakra

Conditions: There must be a technique bound using the Gokasho Fuuin; Musubu technique currently on the battlefield.

Effects: Releases a previously bound (by Gokasho Fuuin; Musubu) technique from a Five Point Seal, firing it back at the user. It deals an amount of damage equal to 75% of the total damage it would have dealt prior to its seal, modified by ninjutsu to a maximum of 100% of its previous damage. Techniques thus are treated as if they were used by the activator of this trap for the purposes of accuracy roll calculation, modified by standard dynamic trap rules. For each additional Gokasho Fuuin no Kunai used in Gokasho Fuuin; Musubu to bind the aforementioned technique, this jutsu receives an additional 5% chance to hit(calculated with modifiers) and costs 5 less chakra to activate, this does not allow a given technique to break the maximum/minimum to hit scores. The Element of this technique varies based on the bound technique being rebounded.

Description: By surging a small amount of their chakra into an active Five Point Kunai Seal, the user may release a technique bound in place with Gokasho Fuuin; Musubu, firing it back at whatever target(s) they desire. Use of additional seals during Musubu grats the user more refined precision with their remote aiming, as well as relieving them of a small amount of the activating cost.

JP: 6

Gokasho Fuuin no Kunai; Baisuu Fuuin [Five Point Kunai Seal; Multiple Seals]

Type: Ninjutsu [Personal] [Void]

Rank: Sennin

Damage: -

Cost: 50x [X is equal to the number of Five Point Kunai Seals placed on the battlefield]

Effects: Places up to 10 Five Point Kunai Seals onto the battlefield. This has no effect on its own, but a single Five Point Kunai Seal may be destroyed by an opponent during their turn at a cost of their main phase. Consumes 5 kunai at the time of use (Total, not per seal).

Description: Utilizing the basic principles of both Shuriken Kage Bunshin and Gokasho Fuuin no Kunai, the user will deploy 5 kunai and then multiple them in arrangements as needed to place up to ten Gokasho Fuuin onto the battlefield.

JP: 1

Gokasho Fuuin; Bakuhatsu [Five Point Seal; Detonation]

Type: Ninjutsu [Dynamic Trap] [Personal] [Void]

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 100 per Five Point Kunai Seal consumed, up to a maximum of 300 chakra.

Damage: 50 [Area of Effect] per Five Point Kunai Seal consumed

Effect: Consumes x number of Five Point Kunai Seals currently in play.

Conditions: May only be used in a turn after the application of a Five Point Kunai Seal. At least one target must be within AoE range of the Five Point Kunai Seal for this to be of any effect.

Description: After placing a Five Point Kunai Seal somewhere within the general vicinity of a target opponent, the user may command their chakra-seal to charge its energy into the kunai themselves, causing a large explosion to occur.

JP: 5

Gokasho Fuuin; Jiba Kyuushu [Five Point Seal; Magnetic Attraction]

Type: Ninjutsu [Dynamic Trap] [Personal] [Magnet]

Rank: Jounin

Cost: .8x, where x is equal to the damage of the oncoming attack.

Damage: --

Effect: Consumes one Five Point Kunai Seal currently in play. Negate one incoming ranged physical attack that contains metal. This includes but is not limited to shojutsu and Metal/Steel-type jutsu. May not be used to counter a higher-ranked jutsu. During a turn in which this trap is activated, the user loses their Main Phase. If an attacks metallic content is contested, the final decision goes to a moderator or administrator. May be used four times per battle.

Conditions: May only be used in a turn after the application of a Five Point Kunai Seal.

Description: After placing a Five Point Kunai Seal near himself, the user may force his seal's chakra to flood into its kunai hosts and cause them to briefly gain extreme magnetic properties. This most often is used to prevent oncoming shojutsu attacks, such as thrown kunai or shuriken.

JP: 4

Firefly (Hotaru)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 5

Damage: N/A

Effect: Lights dark areas

Description: Creates one to fifteen small phantom fireflies. These are beautiful to look at and light up an area very well. Excellent date jutsu, really impress your date.

Points: 1

Earth Type; Inner Decapitation Skill (Doton Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 50

Effect: Opponent is vulnerable next turn.

Description: The user puts himself/herself underground using his/her chakra. They then can pull the opponent under and attack them.

Points: 3

Earth Type; Minor Tremor

Type: Ninjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 35 Chakra

Damage: 5

Effect: Opponent gains the Prone status effect for one turn. If this technique is followed with another Iwa element technique that causes damage, they take 10% more damage from it.

Description: By focusing the correct amount of chakra, the user stomps on the ground. By doing this in synch with the release of some chakra to the feet, the ground begins to ripple and sends out a single wave of earth towards the target. Once knocked over, the target is further exposed to more earth techniques. This makes a decent combo technique when used correctly.

Points: 2

Liquid Thorns (Sui Ibara)

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 4 Chakra for each thorn (5 max)

Damage: 4 Damage for each thorn (5 max)

Effect: N/A

Description: An extremely simple technique, a Kiri nin will be able to manipulate water in the air into small spikes that are shot at the target.

Points: 1

Body Freeze Skill (Kanashibari no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 100


- Cannot be dodged. Opponent rolls 1d100.

- If they roll higher than 50, then they are Vulnerable and Stunned for one turn.

- A single person may only be affected by this attack once every four turns.

- May only be used once a battle per enemy by Gennin, two times by Chuunin and three times by Jounin.

- If target is of two ranks or higher than the user, they are unaffected by this technique.

Description: Used to cause ones opponent to lose the advantage of movement. Freezing them in their tracks, this Jutsu creates an opening for a more dangerous attack. Most Anbu Ninjas seem to know this technique.

Points: 4

Water Type; Water Dragon Blast Skill (Suiton Suiryuudan no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 96 Chakra

Damage: 100

Effect: +20 accuracy to hit with this technique.

Description: After performing a series of hand seals, the user gathers water around him with his/her chakra. In an instant the water takes form of a dragon and hurrles itself at the opponent. The impact causes an immense amount of damage and is frightening in appearance.

Points: 4

Scylla (Scylla)

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 114 Chakra

Damage: 80

Effect: Immobilized target for one (1) turn.

Description: The user concentrates a great deal of water into the ground under the opponent, with natural liquids to dissolve the ground in it as well. This is then spun at an incredible rate, enough to visibly wear away the ground where this attack was used. The target is sucked down, struck against the sides of the pit containing the whirlpool and eventually crushed into the bottm of the put.

Points: 4

Water Type; Whirlpool of Despair

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 50 Chakra per turn

Damage: N/A

Effect: Opponent is under the effect of "Drowning” while this is active. Additionally the opponent cannot perform any offensive action as long as this is active. User has to keep completely still and cannot perform any action at all while this is active. Large body of water must be near and target submerged in that body of water. Maximum of 3 turns.

Description: A teamwork Jutsu used primarily to capture a target in a whirlpool while his teammates dish out the damage on the opponent. Requires a body of water to already be present for the opponent to become trapped.

Points: 5

Water Type; Tidal Burst

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 90

Damage: 50

Effect: Opponent is "Stunned”

Description: Gathering water into a sphere and exploding it in an instant not only does damage to an opponent but also causes them to be stunned from the shockwave the explosion causes. An effective technique if used at the right time.

Points: 3

Shadow Shuriken Clone Skill (Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 8xy chakra (x = amount of clones you want to make.) Max of 320 chakra can be spent on this.

Effect: Multiplies the 'y' amount of the small weapons you threw by 'x'. (y is the amount of weapons thrown and x is how much you are multiplying by). Your throwing limit is uneffected by this, since it happens after you throw the weapons. User decids which type of weapon is copied and how many times if different small weapons are thrown.

Description: A powerful technique. The user throws an object, in this case a Shuriken, and uses Ninjutsu to make it divide in the air, creating a few, or hundreds, of other real Shuriken.

Points: 7

Water Type; Explosion Skill (Suiton Daibakufu no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Jounnin

Cost: 265

Effect: Deals 300 damage to opponent. Shock causes opponent to lose 60 evasion points for 2 posts.

Description: User gathers water in the surroundings with chakra and creates a sort of "bomb" made out of the water. The "explosion" is actually the water bursting and shooting at the opponent at an incredibly high speed. The impact gives the opponent an after-effect that makes them lose their sense of balance.

Points: 6

Dehydrate (Gansuikagoubutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 170

Damage: 255

Effect: n/a

Description: The user manipulates the water in the cells of the target, causing it to be used at an increased rate. The target's body is starved for water, several impairing their ability to function and causing great internal mayhem. This condition must be treated very quickly, or else the chance of fatality is high.

Points: 4

Gaea's Maw

Type: Ninjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 300

Damage: 250

Effect: Opponent is Stunned, Disorganized and Vulnerable. Can only be used once per battle.

Description: The ground beneath the target is split open, raised around the victim in a ring of jagged and razor-sharp spires. The opening is quickly pulled closed, stabbing the victim with the stones and trapping them beneath the earth.

Points: 7

Blaze (Kaen)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 150

Damage: N/A

Effect: Inflicts 75 unmodified fire damage a turn to anyone that enters melee with the user for the next three posts. During this time, if the user hits the enemy with a melee attack, they take an additional 75 unmodified fire damage. If the user attacks the opponent with a melee attack of otherwise comes into melee range with them they may roll a dodge roll modified normally to avoid the damage.

Description: The user is engulfed in a blaze of flames that consumes their entire body. In every direction around them up to a foot away the air is lit aflame. Anyone that gets to close will be burned by the intense heat surrounding their body, and a melee fighter with this technique is an even more dangerous opponent than normal.

Points: 3

Offensive Taijutsu

Offensive Genjutsu

Chuuiwookotaru [Caught Off-Guard]

Type: Genjutsu [Void]

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 70

Damage: N/A

Effects: Opponent is Receptive during their next turn and inflicted with 'Headache' for the two turns following the Receptive Turn.

Description: A simple genjutsu in practice, the user will alienate an opponent's chakra flow with malignant chakra of their own. This chakra will rush quickly to the opponent's brain and force the dilation of the opponent's pupils, causing them to be very sensitive to light. This often results in a headcahe.

JP: 2

Issen Zudon [Flash Bang]

Type: Genjutsu/Ninjutsu [Lightning]

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 100

Damage: N/A

Effect: Opponent is Blind for two turns. This jutsu uses genjutsu hit/miss stats.

Description: Combining the arts Raiton and Genjutsu, the user will infiltrate the opponent's chakra system and force their pupils to widen just prior to two great flashes of lightning occurring behind the user, causing light to flood into the opponent's eyes. This effectively blinds most opponents.

JP: 4

Jinrai [Thunderclap]

Type: Genjutsu/Ninjutsu [sound]

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 90

Damage: 45

Effect: Opponent is Dizzy and Deafened for one turn. This jutsu applies ninjutsu rules for damage modification and defenses, but uses the genjutsu to-hit rules.

Description: After forming a brief seal, the user will slam their palms together in front of themself. The sound of their clap will be multiplied many times over by the amplifying effects of their chakra, causing a sound similar to that of a thunder cracking. Because this jutsu is designed specifically to damage the target's inner ear via methods of sound overload, they are generally very dizzy after being stuck by this technique. It is not uncommon to see a victim's ears bleeding after this attack.

JP: 4

Fire Type; Summer's Heat

Type: Genjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 80 Chakra

Damage: n/a

Effect:s: The opponent has -40 to their accuracy and -20 to their evasion for the next two turns.

Description: The user causes the opponent's vision to blur and waver as if they were in extreme heat. This resembles as if the opponent was surrounded by jets of warm air that are constantly blowing out waves of heat. This blurs the movement and actions of the user and also makes it much harder to find and hit them.

Points: 4

Prism (Sanryoukyou)

Type: Genjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40

Damage: N/A

Effect: -60 accuracy. Double effects on Uchiha, Hyuuga, or other "mystic eye" bloodline types regardless of if the effects of the eyes are activated or not. Lasts 2 posts.

Description: A brilliant crystalline piece of rock juts from the earth and shatters in a blinding explosion of light, blinding the opponent. Ninjas used to relying on enhanced forms of eyesight suffer especially badly from this technique.

Points: 2

Secret Might (Kyuusho Chikara)

Type: Genjutsu (Water)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 60

Damage: 60 Ghost Damage

Effect: Damage dealt is "ghost" damage. If the damage would cause the target to die they are completely stunned for one post instead. Jutsu Rules for ghost damage explaination.

Description: The user creates the form of any type of water jutsu they wish, regardless of level or restrictions, and uses the phantom jutsu to crush their opponent, shocking them senseless.

Points: 3

Fire Type; Fire Wash

Type: Genjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 65 Chakra

Damage: 45 (GHOST)

Effect: Enemy Fazed for 2 turns

Descrption: Using this the nin creates a wave of fire that washes over the opponent with an intensely bright illusory flame.

Points: 2

Water Type; Sea Sickness

Type: Genjutsu (Water)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 90

Damage: N/A

Effect: Opponent is left "Sickened” for 3 turns.

Description: Using Genjutsu the Shinobi causes the opponent to feel the simulated effects that Sea Sickness gives people. Particularly useful against those weak of the mind and can cripple the strongest Taijutsu fighters.

Points: 4

Feathery Sleep

Type: Genjutsu

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 50 Chakra per person per turn. (Max of 500 chakra can be spent on this.)

Effect: Target(s) are asleep.

Description: This Jutsu is used to put one or even a very large group of people into a long deep sleep.

Points: 8

Defensive Ninjutsu

Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Substitute Technique)

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Academy Student

Cost: 10 Ninjutsu

Effect: Evade the next attack aimed at you. You are unable to attack the opponent the turn you use this. You can only use this 3 times per battle. This technique cannot be used to dodge Ninjutsu, Taijutsu or Genjutsu Techniques.

Description: A lifesaver, and a must-have technique. With this technique, the user is able to swap their body with a nearby object, usually a log, which will take the full force of any incoming blows for them, while they retreat to safe ground or search for an opening.

Kawarimi Tonzura no Jutsu

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: chuunin

Cost: 50 Chakra

Damage: n/a

Effect: Evade the next attack aimed at you. Roll a d100. If the roll is higher than 10*(Your opponent's level - Your level), the battle ends and no experience is awarded. If you fail, you are unable to attack the opponent the turn you use this. This counts toward your Kawarimi no Jutsu use limit. This technique cannot be used against Ninjutsu, Taijutsu or Genjutsu Techniques. This technique may also be used in the main phase, if not attacked.

Description: A tactical use for Kawarimi no Jutsu. By switching places with an object out of the opponent's point of view, the ninja may make a quick retreat, making this technique quite a life-saver in the heat of battle, though, if the opponent outskills the ninja, it may fail.

Points: 3

Four Man Purple Flame Array (Shishienjin)

Type: Ninjustu (Void)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 40 Chakra to activate, 15 Chakra upkeep per turn

Damage: 10 + 5 Burn Damage for three turns. (See Effect)

Effect: Requires 4 people who know this technique to perform. Creates a large box where no one can exit or enter. The box stays until one of the users stops, either from an attack or from lack of chakra. Users sacrifice their Main Phase and Setup Phase while this is activated. If at any point the user has to move or does not sacrifice their Main Phase or Setup Phase the jutsu is deactivated. This jutsu may be activated twice, this does not cause the first barrier to fail. All user's speeds are set equal to the lowest speed of the four users. Damage is only dealt if a person comes in contact with the wall. Users' chakra does not regenerate while using this technique.

Description: This Jutsu, which is done in co-operation with four people, creates a large cube shaped shield; a barrier which can surround a person or battle. Any person who touches this barrier will burst into a purple flame or be tossed backwards depending on their flammability.

Points: 2

Mizu Bunshin (Water Clone)

Type: Ninjutsu [Water]

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 80

Effects: Create one Water (Mizu) clone. This clone's stats will be based on the technique user's stats, and will use the user's stats in the following formulas. The clone's Defense will be, 1/5th of the user's Defense, with an additional 20 points of defense for every 80 points of ninjutsu the user has. This clone has 1 HP. Consider all other stats, including tank stats, to be set at 1/3rd of their normal amount. If this clone's defense would bring the damage from an incoming attack to less than 5, it is brought to 3, not 5.

Description: Utilizing their familiarity with the Kiri Style of Ninjutsu, or ability with water Ninjutsu period, the user forms quick hand seals, and seeps chakra into the nearest water source or simply from water chakra, creating an liquid water copy of them, which despite being made of water, does not seem to be easily visible as a clone.

Points: 3 JP

Kage Bunshin No Jutsu [shadow Clone Technique] 影分身の術

Type: Ninjutsu [Void//Clone]

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 70x

Effect: In terms of chakra cost calculation 'x' is equal to the number of clones created through this technique. May be used in the Main Phase or the Set-Up Phase. If used in the Set-Up Phase, the user's Main Phase is not consumed. Clones created during the user's Set-Up Phase may take part in any technique that requires the presence of physical clones during the Main Phase following their creation, but are destroyed during the Loss Phase. Shadow clones have 1 Health Point, with the rest of their statistics being equal to their creator's, divided by the number of clones created plus the creator [statistics/(x+1)] . 1 clone may be created by shinobi of Gennin rank, 4 by Chuunin, 7 by Jounin, and 14 by Sennin. This ratio is modified for ninja from Konohagakure to 2 by Gennin, 6 by Chuunin, 10 Jounin, and 18 by Sennin.

Description: Years of steady usage has made the Shadow Clone Technique a common site on many a battlefield. Despite being a work-horse technique amongst shinobi, Kage Bunshin remains a versatile maneuver in many combat situations. Through means of the technique, the user is capable of quickly creating physical doppelgangers. The applications for these clones are numerous and every shinobi who learns Kage Bunshin No Jutsu seems to devise their own style with it. The clones themselves are much more fragile than the ninja that they imitate as they can be dispatched with little effort. History lends credence to the commonly held belief that the Shadow Clone Technique originated in the Land Of Fire some time before the creation of the first hidden villages. Since it's advent though, the technique has spread greatly and now shinobi of every denomination have been seen making use of the skill. Ninja hailing from Konohagakure No Sato still seem to be the most gifted with the use of shadow clones. Some say they have developed secret differences from the basic technique that allows them greater benefit.

Points: 4

Water Type; Water Barrier Wall (Suiton Suijinheki)

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: x Chakra

Effect: Used in the Response Phase. Negates damage and effects from all Ninjutsu string of attacks (of equal or less rank to the user) aimed at the user of this jutsu, where x is the total damage. Negates the effects but only half the damage from all Taijutsu string of attacks (of equal or less rank to this technique) aimed at the user of this justu. May not act in their main phase the turn that this is used. May only use two times per battle. If the technique does not deal damage or is a lightning technique this jutsu does not work.

Description: A barrier made out of water from the surrounding area. This barrier is effective with blocking incoming Ninjutsu techniques and stops them from reaching the user. Unfortunately, it cannot fully stop Taijutsu techniques.

Points: 7

Water Prison Skill (Suirou no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Jounnin

Cost: 100, then 50 every turn afterwards to keep effective.

Effect: You and your opponent cannot move as long as this is active. You recover 5 HP every post as long as the Water prison is kept up.

Description: When fighting in areas with large bodies of water, the users puts chakra into the water which is used to put the opponent in a water-like prison. This incapacitates the opponent as long as the prison is up, allowing the user time to recover. *This technique can only be used in areas with large bodies of water. Therefore, you CANNOT use this technique in the desert or areas like that(duh)*

Points: 3

Earth Type; Rising Earth Wall (Doton Doryuuheki)

Type: Ninjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 350

Effect: Used in the Response Phase. Creates a wall with 700 health points that absorbs damage from all non-Genjutsu string of attacks (of equal or less rank to this technique) aimed at the user of this jutsu. If all damage is absorbed by the wall, effects are negated too; user suffers damage that is not negated by the wall. This wall crumbles after the turn in which it was used ends even if damage sustained did not destroy the wall. May be used three times per battle.

Descripition: The user "vomits" a small wave of mud, which suddenly turns into a large wall made out of that mud. The mud solidifies and is virtually impenetrable.

Points: 8

Defensive Taijutsu

Defensive Genjutsu

Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique)

Type: Genjutsu

Rank: Academy Student

Cost: 10 Genjutsu

Effect: Adds +5 evasion and +5 accuracy for each clone. Once a clone is hit it is destroyed, and the bonuses with it.

Description: Creates an illusionary replica of the user. It is unable to attack or interact with other objects, but can serve as a good distraction.

Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)

Type: Genjutsu

Rank: Academy Student

Cost: 5 Genjutsu

Effect: Change your appearance.

Description: Wrap chakra around your body to change your appearance. You can still use the features of the thing you can become, e.g use the claws of a clawed animal, but not to the extent of if you were that thing.

Medical Ninjutsu

Summoning Jutsu

Sealing Jutsu

Edited by Hardcore Skittlez
Posted (edited)






Jounin Vest

Description: An over-vest worn by Shinobi of the Jounin rank. Color and style changes based on each village.

Effects: +80 Defense

+80 Evasion

+25 Weapon Slots









Kirigakure Hitai-Ate





Main Weapon:

Sub Weapon:

Un-equipped Slot one:

Un-equipped Slot two:

Un-equipped Slot three:


Total Inventory Slots:

Inventory Slots Remaining:

7 Shuriken, 46 Kunai, 4 Senbon Needles, 18 Small Blank Scrolls

Items in Vault:

Money on hand:
Edited by Hardcore Skittlez
Posted (edited)












Rank D:

Rank C:

Rank B:

Rank A:

Rank S:


Character Approval:

Accomplishments & Experience Earned:

Edited by Hardcore Skittlez


I opted not to spend any JP to begin with. As far as I'm aware, my application for txp has been approved by the appropriate amount of staff members. Also, background might be short/shoddy for a character this old- I know. I'm just pounding this through until I can go through and type it the way I originally wanted to, which is in a journal/interview form.


I enjoyed reading this character. You've got a winner here. I'm going to wait to throw down a full approval until you've finished the history, mostly because I want to make sure I read it.

All the statistical stuff checks out as well.

Provisional Approval

[if other staffers feel like approving as is, this can count as an all around approval.]

Posted (edited)

His age is a year off from his history, I think. And it's just me, but I'd like someone who's bakcground has them already being a jounin to have at least a few techniques on character creation. Taijutsu definitely isn't what set him to that rank, from what I can see.

Beyond that, this has my approval. Assuming you give him some techniques not long after beginning, and the age thing is rectified by aging him one extra year or dropping the reference of being 17 before the invasion by Kumogakure to being 16;


Edited by Warr

Aged him a year, sorry for the discrepancy. And don't worry about techniques, he'll have plenty sometime today- I just left it blank for now so staffers wouldn't have to add all of my JP up and make the approval process take that much longer.

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