tygerin Posted June 10, 2015 Posted June 10, 2015 (edited) .:User Data:. Posting: a steady stream Time Zone: Varies Character Slot: 2nd .:Vital Statistics:.Name: Asenaru MayumiClan: Retainer of Shitareno ClanBirthplace: Otogakure MountainsCurrent Residence: SunaAge: 16D.O.B.: Spring of 2100Sex: Female Edited June 11, 2015 by tygerin
tygerin Posted June 10, 2015 Author Posted June 10, 2015 (edited) .:Appearance:. Height: 5'8" Weight: 130 Hair Color: Silver Eye Color: Jade Clothing: black form fitting sleeveless jumpsuit made for the rigors of the desert, around the openings are padded black trim and padding along the shoulder, upper back to spine, and chest area. A neck protector with the hitai-ate fastened by the collarbone. A hooded desert camouflage cloak Standard black hi-top open toe sandals with rubber soles. Physical Description: Mayumi is an attractive kunoichi that has an athletic figure from the rigorous strength and endurance training from taijutsu and weapons with archery training. As with those of her clan, she has six arms independently connected to her shoulder joints. Her hair is long, and braided into three torso length ropes. Her color of her eyes are abnormally intense, at the end of both sides of the eyes are small black fixed lenses. She wears shaded goggles which covers the quad eye placements. .:Persona:.Personality: Mayumi is a person which enjoys nature and the natural calm of it. She is as honest as her obligations would allow her to be. To most she seems more business oriented, but its because of her many years of isolation with her clan. For the most part, she normally sees humanoid hybrids and deems the normal human shape for the most parts... uninteresting. Although she is attractive, she has no sense of sensuality, simply raised as an asset to a clan. She likes to play games, especially if an opponent is found to be harmed. Instinctively, the strong or those with the potential to become strong are considered enough to gain her attention. Likes: landscapes, predatory creatures, caves, meat of all kinds.Dislikes: vegetables, boisterous people, Favorites:-Food: meat-Color: tan and black-Music Genre: alternative, metal-Book Genre: true crime, mystery-Hangout: cave, on top of the sentry wall, sand dunes Theme Songs Standard - Edited June 15, 2015 by tygerin
tygerin Posted June 10, 2015 Author Posted June 10, 2015 (edited) .:Background:.Current Allegiance: Shitareno Clan of SunaRelationships: -Parent(s): Arisu of Tsuchigumo... gave her away in order to maintain her reign-Sibling(s): There were 31 births in her cycle; she never met any of them-Significant Other(s): -Pet(s):-Teacher(s):-Friend(s): .:History:. Mayumi was the thirty-second born to the clan that year; an unfortunate omen. The clan, years into the archaic rule under its current queen has restricted the population due to their dealings with the Kyoukage and the Otokagure military, many of their contacts from around the nation were delivering reports of discord and gearing up for possible military conflicts. It was one thing having an extra male progeny born, it would mean that they had more resources for war, but a female meant that the rule of Arisu would come to an end at a crucial time of influx. The child was placed into isolation and chamber maids which knew were dispatched secretly to hide the secret. Only those close to the Queen would know of her existence. Arisu couldn't kill her outright, for that in itself would be taboo; but she can send her far from the kingdom, and if she died then it would be simply nature taking its course. Arisu dealings with the Shitareno Clan was becoming tense as they traded a variety of resources. They required more human females, so in return for an increase they would accept the child as a retainer for their pact. Being a clan comprised of criminals, they expect that sooner or later she would be sent out on a dangerous endeavor and killed. The deal and pact was cemented, and before she left, she was named Mayumi. From the start, Hotori acted more as a father than that of her master, seeing the similarities of their deformities more than the reality of her birth. They stayed with many of the clan in the seclusion of the desert; where Mayumi learned to hone her skills in hunting and stalking the prey. Instinctively, she used her golden webbing to create small weapons, but larger weapons proven more difficult to create. Taught in the village's fighting style, she capitalize on the independence of her limbs for parrying and the counter. It wasn't until she was 10 that she learned how to finally make a bow, but chose other weaponry instead. During the NCIA Occupation, Hotori kept Mayumi below the sand, only venturing to the village at night while wearing cloaks to hide their appearances. Her unorthodox appearance would bring unwanted attention and questions of other agents of Tsuchigumo. While Hotori gave Mayumi the task of collecting debts, he was giving the task of dispatching those which may uncover the pact. Having known the identities of the intelligence gatherers and possible retainers, the Shitareno Clan ensured that they all met their demise by various 'accidents' and Kumo operatives. Once they were cleared in Suna, Mayumi was free to attend the academy while accompanying Hotori on his loan acquisitions at night. She was in the academy for a short time, excelling due to the tutelage she had already received. Afterwards, she was recalled back to the desert to serve the clan. It soon became apparent to Mayumi, that whenever the Kazekage needed a shinobi from every clan she was on the short list... or rather the list to be chosen for the task. As a retainer, she never rebelled against her lot in life, rather perform the mission adequately, as long as it didn't contradict an interest of the clan. While on patrol in the desert with a team, she averted them from the discovery of a smuggling route which the clan gains their concubines, or alerted the clan to any informants within the village which they need to dispatch. For the Shitareno Clan it was a win win; not only do they have the goods being smuggled in from Oto at a reduced price, they also have one of their females, which means that they could create a whole clan of spider ninjas once she is ready to breed. Mayumi, only seeing a glimpse of male spider ninjas when she was younger, hasn't met another one in years since most of her time is spent in the village or desert. Edited June 15, 2015 by tygerin
tygerin Posted June 10, 2015 Author Posted June 10, 2015 (edited) .:Statistics:.Death Bonus: NoneRank: ChuuninLevel: 42TXP: 18,144Total Stat Points: 4700+ Creation: 500+ Levels 1-30: 3000+ Levels 31-42: 1200 .:Stats:. (Health) 500(Stamina) 500(Chakra) 300(Taijutsu) 500(Defense) 400 [840](Ninjutsu) 200(Genjutsu) 100(Concentration) 400(Speed) 600(Accuracy) 600 [660](Evasion) 600 [660] .:Statistical Modifiers:.TaijutsuTaijutsu Damage: +125Basic Attack Damage: +80Ranged Weapon Damage: +60NinjutsuNinjutsu Damage: +50GenjutsuGenjutsu Statistic Damage: +25Genjutsu Ghost Damage: +20Genjutsu Statistic Reduction: -25DefensePhysical Damage: -100ConcentrationGenjutsu 'To-Hit': +20%Genjutsu 'To-Dodge': -20%Accuracy Addition: +40Ninjutsu Cost Reduction: -8%SpeedSpeed Percentile: 143%AccuracyPhysical 'To-Hit': +66%Ranged Weapon Damage: +80EvasionPhysical 'To-Dodge': -66% Armor Bonus +%10 to dodge roll +440 defense +60 Accuracy [capped at 60] +100 Evasion [capped at 60] Edited August 23, 2015 by tygerin
tygerin Posted June 10, 2015 Author Posted June 10, 2015 (edited) .:Skills:. Skill Point Tally: [28/29]Remaining Skill Points: 1+ Creation: +2+ Chuunin Promotion: +2+ Level 1-10: +10+ Level 11- 42: +15 Elemental Affinities Lightning Elemental Specialty - UNLOCKED User has a +10% chance to hit with all Ninjutsu attacks (choose one when this skill is learned). Lightning Jutsu cost one less JP to a minimum of 1. This effect may stack with other skills, to a maximum of -2 JP per technique. User receives the skill “Subtle Elements: Lightning” for free and may purchase an additional rank of “Subtle Elements”. If the user already has “Subtle Elements: Lighting”, they may have their points refunded. Earth Elemental Specialty - Unlock at level 80 User has a -15% to base damage (rounded up) for incoming Ninjutsu -or- Taijutsu attacks (choose one when this skill is learned). Earth Jutsu cost one less JP to a minimum of 1. This effect may stack with other skills, to a maximum of -2 JP per technique. User receives the skill “Subtle Elements: Earth” for free and may purchase an additional rank of “Subtle Elements”. If the user already has “Subtle Elements: Earth”, they may have their points refunded. *This skill may be learned before level 30, but the effects are not granted until level 30 is obtained.Requirements: You get one specialty at level 30 and another one at level 80. Elemental Knowledge Subtle Elements: Lightning May use Lightning element techniques. All Lightning Techniques have a +8% chance to hit. All 5 “Subtle Element” skills share ranks. Cost: free Subtle Elements: EarthMay use Earth element techniques. All defensive Earth Techniques give an additional 10% to their effects, rounded up. All 5 “Subtle Element” skills share ranks.Cost: -1Subtle Elements: FireMay use Fire element techniques. All Fire Techniques deal an additional 5% of their total damage in burn damage (bleed damage when burn damage doesn't make sense) on the following turn, rounded up. All 5 “Subtle Element” skills share ranks.Cost: -1 Combinatorial; Golden WebbingEffect: May use 'Golden Webbing' elemental techniques. Whenever the user utilizes an offensive 'Golden Webbing' technique, they have a 40% chance to apply one turn of 'Ensared' to their target if the technique is successful. Cost: free with bloodline Combinatorial: SteelMay use Steel Element techniques. Steel Techniques have +10% on durability effects with jutsu that create shields or other objects. In addition, the user may choose to apply the bonus from one of the Subtle Elements skill required to learn this element if they own it.Requirements: Subtle Elements; Earth & FireCost: -1 Combinatorial: Ash May use Ash Element techniques. A player who is hit with an Ash Technique suffers -10% to dodge in their following response phase. Does not stack. In addition, the user may choose to apply the bonus from one of the Subtle Elements skill required to learn this element if they own it.Requirements: Subtle Elements; Fire & Earth Cost: -1 Bloodline Skills Teikoku Kumo Imperial SpiderThe bloodline recipient was blessed with the mutation which grants them three sets of arms. When performing a single movement, the additional arms acts as amplifiers, compounding the movement with simultaneous attacks to the single area. But when the ambidextrous by nature mutant decides to perform multiple tasks, they are able to widen the spectrum of actions into a coordinated attack.Requirements: Taken at character creationThe User has three sets of arms which grants: An additional 2 small weapon attacks per turn. Can have each of your Basic Attacks split into two (2) strikes, with base damage for each strike being equal to the base damage of the Basic Attack. Any modifiers to Basic attacks are split evenly between the two (2) strikes. Can wield a total of six (6) Medium weapons, a total of three (3) Large weapons, or any combination of the above. As long as the user has two (2) free hands, they can perform seals for jutsu as normal. The effect 'Bound [Arm]' subtracts the use of one (1) arm from the total of six. The effect 'Bound [Paired Arms]' subtracts the use of two (2) arms from the total of six Cost: -3Kumo shiruku - Spider SilkThe User has the ability to make spider webs by infusing their spit or sweat with chakra. They could use his webs to bind, trap, or sense enemies. These threads were extremely sticky, yet durable and elastic. This is because their chakra was constantly flowing through the webs, and is also why the threads could not be cut with normal tools such as kunai. The user could also create a thicker golden liquid that hardened into a chakra-blocking metal on contact with air. By chewing the spider web liquid inside his mouth, he could make it more solid and gum-like, allowing him to form makeshift weapons.Effects:-The user may use Golden Webbing Combinatorial element element to create Golden Webbing Weapons-User may create x small weapons in their Setup Phase for the cost of y Chakra. The value of x may not be greater than the total number of small weapons the user could use in their Main Phase, determined by their rank. y = base damage of the weapon type createdSmall Weapons: The user may create these types small weapons with their ability. Made for the following main phase. Spike: 20 Base Damage Kunai: 8 Base Damage Senbon: 2 Base Damage, +1% chance to hit Arrow: 20 Base Damage Cost: -3 Kumo Bijon - Spider Vision Description: The hybrid bloodline user, along with having a plentitude of arms are also born with four ocular sets, Through a combination, they are able to receive an expanded telescopic view of battle which allows them to maneuver quicker than most. Effect: Concentration no longer gives a bonus to this character's passive chance to critically strike with Taijutsu. Instead, when using Taijutsu, the character gains an additional 10 points in their Accuracy stat for every 100 points they have in Concentration. This may not bring the Accuracy stat over 1.5x. -2 Clan Skills Skill Name: Webbing Forger - Rank 1Description: The spider weaponeer learns to mold and harden their golden webbing weaponry with the efficiency of a forger. When it hardens, not only does it have the tensile strength of regular steel weaponry, it also is able to repel a number of attacks with it.Effect: Golden Webbing Weaponry created by technique are considered 'Indestructible'. First rank grants the attribute 'Parry'. Second rank grants the attribute 'Defend'. Third rank grants the attribute 'Ward'. Cost: -2 Skill Name: Tapestry AgilityDescription: The user, having spun webbing all of their lives, are able to maneuver on their tapestry better than on the ground itself. The vibrations of those on the webbing grants them an elevated sense of presence of those upon their webbing, allowing for them to escape attacks as if they were telegraphed. Effect: User is immune to the effects of the terrain "Golden Webbing" and gain +10% Evasion in that terrain. Cost: -2 General Skills The Path of the WarriorWithin every class of shinobi, there are scholars, medi-nin, scouts, and warriors, and of the four, the warriors are the most dedicated. This dedication to their self and their village exhibits itself within the skills of the shinobi over time, and a warrior grows fairly quickly in skill in regards to their peers.Effect: Gain 1 extra Jutsu Point every other level.Warrior's Way: (Choose Two)- Brutal Warrior: May take 2 Ranks of 'Martial Artist' for 1 skill point.- Weapon Warrior: May take 2 Ranks of 'Warrior (weapon)' for 1 skill point.Cost: -1Warrior (Golden Webbing) - Rank 6For each rank of this skill choose a specific weapon type. An attack from the chosen weapon will deal a bonus +5 Damage per strike (per rank). Double this bonus for large weapon strikes.Cost: -3Martial Artist (Desert Aikido) - Rank 6You put the art in martial arts. Your expertise with the style that you possess puts others to shame and enemies to the ground.For each rank of this skill choose a Taijutsu Style. Taijutsu of the chosen Style deal a bonus +5 damage per ninja rank of the technique (per skill rank). You may choose "Styleless" Taijutsu as your chosen style, which would include any Taijutsu that does not fall under a specific type of fighting style. Basic Attacks deal a bonus +3 damage per strike (per rank).Cost: -3Desert Aikido StyleDesert Aikido style is described as unifying life energy. In the harsh environments of Kaze no Kuni where nutrients can often be few and far between, it is important for one to conserve their energy as much as possible. The style itself uses an opponents’ own movement and energy against them, redirecting the force of the attack to the user's will. It provides an excellent defense for the user, while at the same time exerting very little physical energy. It has been said that a master of the style can be described as “controlling all aggression”.Effect: Counter Charges may be spent in one of the two following ways.1. The user may spend a Counter Charge during their Response Phase to reduce the cost of a Response Phase technique by 10x%, where x is the amount of charges used.2. The user may spend a Counter Charge during their Main Phase to lower the cost of a Desert Aikido Style jutsu they are using by 5x% and increase its base damage by 5x%, where x is the amount of charges used. This may only be used if they naturally dodged an attack from their target in the Response Phase this turn.3. The user may perform a technique that requires the use of Counter Charges.Cost: Free The Path of the Mercenary Effect: When you exchange EXP for money (see Leveling System 4.02: How to Earn EXP, and EXP Amounts) you gain $1 for every 1 EXP instead. In addition you gain the following abilities.Survival Skills: (Choose Two)- Resilient: The skills 'Second Wind' and 'Iron Will' cost one (1) Skill Point each.- Professional: The skill 'Freelancer' is free for this character. Cost: -1 Second Wind Once per battle, if the user's health would be reduced to zero or less, the user's health is reduced to 1 instead. If the user's health would be reduced below -25% of its total then this skill does not come into effect. Cost: -1 Iron Will Once per your rank in this skill you may treat your evasion and defense as if they were 1.5x their current value for a single Taijutsu attack aimed at you. The incoming attack cannot be of a higher rank than your own. This may not be used against an attack from a ninja of higher ninja rank than your own. Must be mentioned that it is being used when the dodge roll is made. Cost: -1 Freelancer Whenever you would gain money, you may gain an additional $3 for every $10 you are given. Cost: Free Quick Learner You may gain +10% EXP From Training, Battles, Gamemaster and Mission rewards. Bonus EXP is not included in this. Cost: -2 Edited August 17, 2015 by tygerin
tygerin Posted June 10, 2015 Author Posted June 10, 2015 (edited) .:Techniques:.Jutsu Points: 101 Used | 114 Total Jutsu Points Available: 13+ Creation: +4 + Skill: +21 + Chuunin Promotion: +5+ Level 1-15: +15+ Level 16-30: +32 + Level 31-42: +37 .:Bloodline:. Name: Kumo U~ebingu Tapesutori - Spider Webbing TapestryType: Ninjutsu [Golden Webbing, Terrain]Rank: ChuuninCost: 140 chakraEffects: Golden Webbing Terrain: 20% chance to be Shackled [Paired Legs] and Bound [Paired Arms] every turn. This may not break max turn duration. Description: The Spider ninja extends their hands, with a mixture of chakra they secrete the webbing which wafts off their hands and arms in the wind, the webs start to grow larger and multiply exponentially. The webs, hitting the surrounding starts to knit together and matte, hanging from places which one places a foothold with webs.Points: 6 Name: Kumo no Senso Yumi: Spider War Bow Lv.2Type: Ninjutsu [Golden Webbing, Teikoku Kumo]Rank: ChuuninRequirements: Spider SilkCost: 150Effects: This jutsu creates a single medium bow with a level of X (where X is half of the user’s level). This takes up one set of arms to operate. A bow created with this technique may be destroyed by the user during the Set Up phase. A character may only have one instance of this technique active at a time.Description: One of the Spider Weaponeers' tools; a rudimentary weapon made from the combination of the secretion from their sweat glands and chakra. The combination of rigid structure of the frame and elasticity of the chord makes this incarnation more refined than previous.Points: 5 Name: Kumo U~ebu Heddo Shotto - Spider Web HeadshotType: Ninjutsu [Golden Webbing, Teikoku Kumo]Rank: GenninCost: 50 Damage: 20 Effects: Opponent is inflicted with Impaired Eyesight and Impaired Hearing for one turnDescription: The user shoots out a thick spider web from the base of their palm towards the target's head which wraps around hardens. The webbing, strengthened by chakra and with small thorns along the tapestry snags into the prey's flesh making it difficult to remove.Points: 3 Name: Kumo U~ebu Boru - Spider Webbing BallsType: Ninjutsu [Golden Webbing, Teikoku Kumo]Rank: GenninCost: 20x [x=number of blows]Damage: 20 per strikeEffects: Multi-strike jutsu, max is 3 strikesDescription: The user generates enough web fluid which rolls around at the base of his palms, and then fires out at the target. The web hardens before reaching and collides with the target with concussive force.Points: 3 Name: Kumo Mayu - Spider CocoonType: Ninjutsu [Golden Webbing]Rank: ChuuninCost: 140Damage: 50Effects: The target is Vulnerable and Stunned for one turnDescription: The Spider ninja uses a set of arms to shoot a stream of webbing which envelopes the target and starts to spread, soon their movements are completely stopped and struggle in webbing which covers them from head to toe.Points: 5 Name: Kyanon Shiryo - Cannon FodderType: Ninjutsu [Golden Webbing, Steel]Rank: ChuuninCost: 136Damage: 70Effects: Target is Exposed for one turn, Distracted for two turnsDescription: The spider ninja, with two sets of hands secretes his golden webbing and mixes it with the steel element, creating hardened barbed clumps of webbing. He launches the attack to create blunt forced trauma throughout their body. The clumps drive into them at the point of impact, requiring the target to pull them off.Points: 5 Name: Kyanseru Rappu Cancelling WrapType: Ninjutsu [Golden Webbing, Steel]Rank: ChuuninCost: 145Damage: 50Effects: The target suffers Quarantine; Ninjutsu and Prone for one turn, Bruised [chest] for two turnsDescription: The Spider ninja, uses a set of hands to secrete his webbing and mixes it with the steel element for added hardening while creating a large reservoir of chakra in the threading. The tapestry is launched at the target's torso, the barbs wrapping around and sending a blast of chakra through the barbs. The chakra itself acts as a neutralizing agent, negating their ability to mold chakra temporarily while causing bruising throughout his chest area.Points: 5 Name: Yoroi no Sutikki Kin: Armor of Sticky Gold lvl 1Type: Ninjutsu [Golden Webbing, Steel] Barrier, Response PhaseRank: ChuuninCost: 150Health: 250Effects: Response phase jutsu to protect user and crumbles at end of response phase. Can only be used in the response phase against attacks of equal or lesser rank and when used in the response phase the user loses their main phase action then destroyed at the end of the response phase. Used twice per battle Description: The spider ninja, sensing an impending devastating assault, quickly secretes the golden webbing from his sweat glands intermixed with the steel element in order to create an impenetrable layer of golden armor covering his body. The technique, used even to withstand the chakra assault of the Hyuuga clan, is impervious to chakra and physical attacks, but breaks away once the spider ninja moves. Points: 5 Name: Kumo Koen - Spider Aegis lv.1Type: Ninjutsu [Golden Webbing, Steel] ShieldRank: ChuuninRequirements: Spider Silk Cost: 150Health: 250Effects: This Jutsu may be used in the Response Phase or Main Phase. Can only be used in the response phase against attacks of equal or lesser rank and when used in the response phase the user loses their main phase action then destroyed in the response phase. Shield created in main phase lasts up to four turns. Can only be used twice per battleDescription: One of the Spider Weaponeers' tools. The user forms the hand seals while molding their chakra along with the webbing fluid created within their sweat glands. The fusion creates a shield based on the user's combat specifications due to their strategy. Combined with the steel element, the shield itself comes out lighter and stronger than their normal constructions.Points: 10 .:Genjutsu:.Name: Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique)Type: GenjutsuRank: Academy StudentCost: 10xDescription: Creates an illusionary replica of the user. It is unable to attack or interact with other objects, but can serve as a good distraction.Effect: Adds +5x evasion and +5x accuracy for each clone. Once a clone is hit it is destroyed, and the bonuses with it. A bunshin is considered to have 0 evasion and rolls to dodge whenever it is targeted in the user's response phase. The value of x is the number of clones you have made. Maximum of 8 bunshin can be made.Name: Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)Type: GenjutsuRank: Academy StudentCost: 5 GenjutsuEffects: Change your appearance. A character 25+ levels above the one who uses this technique can see through it.Description: Wrap chakra around your body to change your appearance. You take that physical form, but only to a certain extent, such as body shape and size. You cannot, for instance, turn your arm into a bow and start firing ammunition at an opponent. .:Ninjutsu:. Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Substitute Technique)Type: NinjutsuRank: Academy StudentCost: 10Damage: NoneEffects: Evade the next attack aimed at you. Skip your main and setup phase this turn. You can only use this 1 time per battle. This technique cannot be used to dodge Ninjutsu, Taijutsu or Genjutsu Techniques.Description: A lifesaver, and a must-have technique. With this technique, the user is able to swap their body with a nearby object, usually a log, which will take the full force of any incoming blows for them, while they retreat to safe ground or search for an opening. Name: Hagane no Yari - Steel Spear lvl 1Type: Ninjutsu [shield, Steel] Rank: ChuuninCost: 76Effects: This Jutsu may be used in the response phase or the main phase. User gains shield with health of 120. In the setup phase, the user is able to convert shield health into taijutsu stat at the rate of 4:3. Taijutsu gained this way lasts for 1 turn. The user may replenish health to shield with a main phase action. Can only be used twice per battleDescription: The user flows chakra through all parts of their body, causing it to become noticeably darker. The molecules of their skin converts into a hard surface, increasing their defensive and at times offensive power.Points: 8 Name: Crescent Moon Guardian lvl 1Type: Ninjutsu [barrier, Steel]Rank: ChuuninCost: 150Health: 250Effects: Could be used in Response phase to protect user or chosen ally and crumbles after use with loss of main phase. When used in Main Phase, it protects user or chosen ally and lasts 4 turns or depletion of barrier health in which it crumbles away. used twice per battle Description: The user forms the hand seals while the barrier erupts from the ground. The thick metallic wall blocks attacks from both the front and flanks of the target it wishes to guard. The shape of the barrier, as the name describes, is similar to the crescent moon.Points: 5 Name: Doton: Aranami - Earth Style: Raging Wave level 2Type: Ninjutsu [Earth Element]Rank: ChuuninCost: 114Damage: 30Effects: Prone and Deafened effect for two turnsDescription: The user makes the hand signs while generating a portion of chakra into his fist. Slamming his fist into the ground, the chakra is injected into it to creating a minor earth tremor towards the target. The target is unbalanced while the earth crackles below their feet, created a sound equal to seismic activity.Points: 4 Fire Type; Cover FireType: Ninjutsu [General; Fire] Rank: Chuunin Cost: 110 Chakra Damage: 50 Effect: Target is 'Blind' for 1 turn and 'Distracted' for 1 turn. Description: The user breathes in deeply and exhales, swinging from one side to the other so that they send out an arc of small fire sparks. The sparks fan out and then converge on their target, swarming them in light and fire.Cost: 3 Name: Haiton: Sumoggu - Ash Release: SmogType: Ninjutsu [Ash]Rank: ChuuninCost: 110Damage: 100Effects: Opponent suffers from Impaired Eyesight for 2 turns -Impaired Eyesight: You get -10% to Accuracy. Any technique/skill/bloodline you use that specifically makes use of the eyes must pay twice the cost to use it.Description: The user forms the hand seals while inhaling and concentrating the chakra in his lungs. The thick smoke envelopes the target and as it doesn't cling to them, it simply lingers, making their recognition of the people around him difficult.Points: 4 Name: Haiton: Haiki - Ash Release: ExhaustType: Ninjutsu [Ash]Rank: ChuuninCost: 120Damage: 100Effects: Opponent is distracted for two [2] turns -Distracted: You get -25% to Evasion. Description: The user forms the hand seals while inhaling and concentrating the chakra in his lungs. He spews out a cloud of intense heat and thick ash which surrounds the target, obscuring the path to take to escape.Points: 4 .:Taijutsu:. Desert Head Strike (Sabaku Shomen Ate)Type: Taijutsu [General; Desert Aikido] Rank: Gennin Cost: 40 Stamina Damage: 20 Effect: Opponent is inflicted with 'Headache' for two turns. This technique has a +4% chance to hit if the user dodged a close ranged hand based Ninjutsu or Taijutsu attack this turn. Description: Grasping the wrist of their opponent, the user will draw the enemy past them while simultaneously stepping between their legs and using their free hand to strike the enemy under the chin with an open palm, causing them to fall away from the user.Cost: 2 Desert Leg Sweep (Sabaku Aiki Otoshi)Type: Taijutsu [suna; Desert Aikido] Rank: Gennin Cost: 40 Stamina Damage: 20 Effect: Opponent is inflicted with 'Prone'. Opponent must have moved in their previous turn. Description: Using the opponent's momentum against them, the user will draw the wrist of the opponent towards them while simultaneously sliding their leg in and causing an imbalance. The opponent will then be released with a swift lift of the wirst upwards, sending them to a prone position on the ground.Cost: 2 Desert Shoulder Drop (Sabaku Kata Otoshi)Type: Taijutsu [General; Desert Aikido] Rank: Gennin Cost: x Stamina Damage: N/A Effect: Negates the damage and effects of one close range hand based Ninjutsu or Taijutsu attack of Genin rank. The value of x is equal to the cost of the enemy technique. The user skips their next Setup and Main Phase. May only be used twice per battle. Description: Allowing their opponent to rush towards them, users of this technique slide out of the way of the attack and apply a quick and powerful push to the back of their attackers shoulder, sending them sprawling onto the ground. This is an especially affective move to counter an enemies close range attack that focuses on upper body movement, as it essentially uses their own upper momentum against themselves.Cost: 3 Ikkyo: Irimi 一教:入り [First Teaching: Entering]Type: Taijutsu [ Desert Aikido ]Rank: GeninCost: 40 StaminaDamage: 25 DamageEffect: If this is the first “Desert Aikido” performed by the user in battle, this jutsu will generate an extra “Counter Charge” if it hits the opponent.Description: The most basic of Aikido movements, the First Teaching is all about positioning and proper balance. The “Entering” motion involves both hands being thrust forward into the opponent, testing their balance and giving knowledge of their footing to the executor. With enough force it is possible to knock an opponent backwards with this maneuver, but its purpose is an exploratory one, so that further techniques have higher rates of success.Cost: 2 JPIkkyo: Uda Osae 一教: 腕 オサエ [First Teaching: Arm Pin]Type: Taijutsu [ Desert Aikido | Dynamic Trap ]Condition: Target Must have been hit with a “Desert Aikido” in the previous turn.Rank: GeninCost: 54 StaminaDamage: 5 DamageEffect: Target is “Vulnerable” for 1 Turn.Description: The first snare taught to an Aikido student, the Arm Pin is a relatively simple move. After assessing the balance of their foe, the student will reach out with one hand swiftly, encircling the wrist. The secondary hand will strike the elbow, forcing it to bend. The user will twist the arm back and up, driving their opponent’s shoulder to the ground, occasionally with great force. This sets up additional attacks on the opponent, who will be incapable of extricating themselves from the position.Cost: 3 JP Koshi Nage 腰投げ [Hip Throw]Type: Taijutsu [ Desert Aikido | Dynamic Trap ]Condition: User cannot have taken damage from an opponent’s attack in the response phase. Target must have attempted to attack them.Rank: GeninCost: 1 “Counter Charge”Damage: 55 DamageEffect: NoneDescription: Using the opponent’s failed attack as momentum, the user of a hip throw will grab their attacker’s arm, pulling it across their hip, forcing the enemy body to lose their connection with the ground. Then, pivoting fiercely on their hip, the user will slam their opponent’s body into the ground, usually aiming to break of dislocate bones in the process.Cost: 4 JP Desert Heaven and Earth Thrown (Sabaku Tenchinage)Type: Taijutsu [General; Desert Aikido] Rank: Chuunin Cost: 90 Stamina Damage: 90 Effect: Opponent is inflicted with 'Confused' for one turn. Description: Grabbing the opponent's wrists and holding them together in front of them, the user will raise their dominant hand up and their other hand down with the opponent's wrists firmly grasped. Taking a step towards their lowered hand, the user will move forward throwing the enemy off balance and using a cooping motion to take them off their feet and throw them into the ground. The shift in momentum and sudden throw causes opponent's to become confused briefly.Cost: 3 Desert Piercing Punch (Sabaku Ketatamashii Wantsū)Type: Ninjutsu [General; Desert Aikido] Rank: Chuunin Cost: 70 Stamina, x Counter Charges Damage: 100 Effect: The user may spend x Counter Charges when they use this technique to increase the fail chance of a Response Phase Jutsu used in the next turn by 20x%, whereas x is equal to the number of charges spent to a maximum of four (4). Description: With their expert training in the way of defense, the user of this technique will identify the opponent's defensive stance and style to some degree of accuracy. Utilizing this knowledge, the user will quickly slide within the reaches of the opponent's defenses and deliver a close proximity double burst punch, knocking them a few feet back and recovering their own defensive distance.Cost: 3 Desert Reverse Wrist Throw (Sabaku Kote Gaeshi)Type: Taijutsu [General; Desert Aikido] Rank: Chuunin Cost: 15 Stamina + x Stamina Damage: See Effect Effect: Negates one Taijutsu or Ninjutsu attack of Chuunin rank or lower from an opponent. The value of x is equal to the cost of the enemy jutsu. Opponent rolls a 1d10 in their response phase, on a roll of a 6 or less they are inflicted with 'Fazed' for one turn. The user skips their next Setup and Main Phase. May only be used twice per battle. Description: As the opponent attacks, the user will either approach them at rapid speed or use their momentum as the attacker comes towards them to their advantage. Grabbing the wrist of the opponent, the user will turn it first off the line (away from themselves) and then move the wrist so that it is palm up. Continuing to pressure the wrist, the user will turn their body, moving the opponent over and flipping them with the pressure on the wrist. This is often used to counter close range techniques or to approach the user and stop them before they can finish their long range attack.Cost: 4 Jutsu learned from Jounins: 12 JP Remaining Edited July 14, 2015 by tygerin
tygerin Posted June 10, 2015 Author Posted June 10, 2015 (edited) .:Inventory:. Slots total: 30 Slots used: 8 Slots remaining: 22 .:Armor:. Chuunin VestAn over-vest worn by Shinobi of the Chunnin rank. Color and style changes based on each village.+40 Defense+40 Evasion+15 Weapon Slots Ranger Goggles Placement: Head Attributes: +60 to Accuracy and Evasion, Unique, Indestructible Description: The goggles has a full coverage mirrored lens; covering her quad eye placement. Etched range markings along the edges allows the fixed telescopic smaller eyes to quickly process for rapid targeting assessment and tactical maneuverability. Attributes added to Hitai-ate: Reflective Surface Effect: You get a +%10 on your dodge. This attribute does not stack with itself. If the fight has said too be in little or no light then your bonus is taken away unless you role play a way for it to be back in action. (i.e. - "The missed fireball ignites a log, giving light to the dark forest.) Indestructible Compression Under Armor Placement: Torso Attributes: Indestructible, Hidden + 400 Defense Description: A black sleeveless formfitting one-piece garment which covers her body. Made of spider's silk for its breathable fabric and tensile strength for defense .:Armor Placement:. -Head: Ranger goggles-Neck: Hitai - ate-Body: Chuunin Vest-Body: Compression Under Armor -Waist: -Forearm(s): -Hand(s): -Thigh(s): -Calve(s): -Feet: .:Weapons:.-Main Weapon:-Sub Weapon: .:Item Listing:. Items on Hand: 3 Shuriken, 3 Kunai, and 4 Senbon Needles Items in Vault: None Money on Hand: $428 Money in Bank: 0 Edited August 23, 2015 by tygerin
tygerin Posted June 10, 2015 Author Posted June 10, 2015 (edited) .:Logs:. .:Exp Earned:. .:Transaction Log:.100% TXP transfer from retired character Yoroi Ogun+$1,050 - character creation at level 42-$750 - purchase of armor and updated hitai-ate+$351 - D Rank Mission +$1,001 - C Rank Mission +$351 - D Rank Mission -$1700 - purchase of hidden armor .:Mission Log:. D Rank Mission - Play nice - $351 C Rank Mission - Night Patrol - $1,001 D Rank Mission - Waterboy - $351 Rank D: 2Rank C: 1Rank B:Rank A:Rank S: Edited August 23, 2015 by tygerin
tygerin Posted June 14, 2015 Author Posted June 14, 2015 (edited) .:RESERVED:. Edited June 24, 2015 by tygerin
tygerin Posted June 17, 2015 Author Posted June 17, 2015 (edited) .:RESERVED:. Edited June 24, 2015 by tygerin
Cellar Door Posted June 20, 2015 Posted June 20, 2015 Fixed the stats. Added a monetary log. Approved.
Hardcore Skittlez Posted March 20, 2016 Posted March 20, 2016 Character was retired a long time ago, moving.