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Everything posted by Warr

  1. As requested, here are a series of links which list the various versions this sword has had. [8:38:20 PM] Warr: http://ninja-academy-online.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=30971 Last attempted version [8:40:37 PM] Warr: http://ninja-academy-online.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=23015 [8:40:46 PM] Warr: And there's the original approved version.
  2. Done and done. It was 13706 total words that were questing for it, because it required the roll to find it, and also an additional 6000 words to 'master' it. By my calculations if we were going with the 2 words per 1$ metric as quoted in the quest area, then this could at maximum be worth: 6853$ With it, assuming you agreed there, it would be: 183$ UNDER the actual amount that it should be worth, so I could/should be able to get it up to level 54 with it being 23$ (28$ if I count the 5$ requirement tacked on to the quest from before) under the actual amount it should be worth, or Level 55* if rounded up as the remaining amount worth 4.575 levels; or if I was able to just pay the 17$ difference between the two. Assuming you agree to that, i'd be editting the level to 54/55, and editing the worth to be $6870 and requiring me to pay the difference of 40$-28$ or 12 Ryo.
  3. That's undercutting me on that. If having 1 additional offensive action for a type of clones is worth 100CP, then having one less/none should be worth a 100CP discount. Further, 20CP from taking an additional 25% damage from fire? That's like giving it an automatic critical if they use fire techniques, so it's got to be worth more than 20CP. I'm not even adverse to making it include elements like Scorch or Lava on top of fire, but the max I can see this at is like 350CP. Even raising it a little is going to make me have to change the maximum number of clones it can create, and I'm saying it's got to be worth more than you said because in both cases this sets a precedent for anyone else who tries to make non-offensive based clones like these, or clones that take extra damage from a particular element or set of elements.
  4. I only listed it a 'Quarantine; Dojutsu' effect because I didn't see a reason to submit such a status effect, it'd be super niche; however the wording would make it very clear that's what it is based on the other quarantine effets. And like the only way it'd ever see use beyond this seal is if someone made an eyejab technique or something. That said, I'll remove the quarantine bit and just edit it to state that dojutsu can't be used while under the effects of the seal. Nope. There is just no additional modifier. The way it is now was just meant to make it make more 'sense', versus other options.
  5. Done. @KC's suggestions. I know I don't have to pay for it, but I'm still against such an absorbant increase in price. The other elements literally do NOTHING when it all comes down to it, especially when 4 of the 5 combinatorial elements listed are blocked by the same elemental shields at an increased rate, without having to pay extra for each combinatorial or something zany, yet I do have to pay extra for it...? Right now, 400 Ryo x 5 = 2000 + 100 for the size change thing, if we went on the EXACT pricing on Elemental Resonance, given this isn't a level 60 weapon and thus can't apply true elemental resonance yet. With that situation in, this as a special effect is making me pay for EVERY single one of the elemental resonances, despite the fact that if I did the inverse and just did what the armors have to do to defend against extra combinatorial elements, I'd only have to pay for 3 x 400 = 1200 + 100, or 1300 (assuming I nixed storm). As a special effect. The thing which weapons are only allowed 2 of. Yes, the elemental resonance trait says it can only apply 1 type to each weapon, but I don't feel that it's special enough of an ability to say 'you can pay for every resonance you'd otherwise have, to get to have 1 resonance at a time!' situation going on. There's literally no statistical benefit inbuilt in the ability either, it's all flavor. They don't get to apply the effects of combinatorial; [element] to themselves or anything like that, it's all just bout having a magic sword that has elemental ties. I should get some sort of discount on it, given switching the elements has no real statistic bonus, it's all flavor. Even 1200Ryo is paying more than the 700Ryo it'd be for just water, given the others are just really flavor bits. And yes, the price DOES matter. With the increase in use of 'destroy weapon' and the nix of indestructible on the way, chances are higher than not that I'll have to pay some percentage of this weapon's cost to repair it when someone breaks it. At 10% or something, that's 500+ Ryo to repair it, every time some punk does that to it.
  6. Umikoi Warrusu Thunder Token Stipend; +40 Thunder Tokens Chamber Of Elements Admission; -10 Thunder Tokens Chamber Of Elements Reward; + 300 Thunder Tokens Golem of Strength Admission; -10 Thunder Tokens Golem of Strength Reward; + 300 Thunder Tokens World Building Contest Reward; +175 Thunder Tokens Total Thunder Tokens: 795 Thunder Tokens
  7. Wasn't aware that canon had revealed that. But if that's the case, then there's no qualms I have.
  8. I personally feel that so long as the curatorship from Rilon to KC isn't an issue amongst the administration, there's nothing wrong with this. Yes, it specializes in light, but it does so from an aspect of requiring a bloodline being activated to do it, up until the point it's mastered. The lore's only issue for me is to a point the idea of another ninja continent existing somewhere which has a similar set up, and which despite the power of the ninja all over the place, is relatively unknown and has basically no real bloodlines or 'major' tier ninja villages, though given the tendency of members (and the fandom of Naruto as a whole) to make up new minor villages and countries, I don't see it as -that- much of an issue. That said: APPROVED.
  9. 竜門 Ryūmon (The) Dragon's Gate (Advanced System) General Clan Bloodline Skills (Available to all clan members, regardless of family specialization.) へいきしょうの竜門 Heikishou no Ryūmon (Armory of the Dragon's Gate) (Passive Skill) Description: While the various families which make up the Ryūmon Clan each have their own traits which make them different from one another, what is true about all members of the Ryūmon clan is that they have some traits which appear upon all descendants of the 'Dragon's original disciples'. These include having natural weapons such as slightly stronger and tougher natural 'claws' at their finger tips, and natural tail which seems to be like that of a lizard. Effects: This character gains access to the natural weapons, being their tail and claws. The user may modify their attacks made with them with [natural weapons] warrior specialization, and may purchase 'warrior [natural weapons]' at the cost of 2 ranks per one skill point. These weapons may not be effected by the effect 'Destroy Weapon' or effects which would remove limbs, except from techniques of a higher rank than the user. These natural weapons will be specified as [primary], and [secondary] in order of focus, and will be considered to have gained '2' weapon levels every '3' character levels, and '3' weapon levels every '10' character levels. Each natural weapon starts at level 1. Cost: -3SP 正装の竜門 Seisou no Ryūmon (Uniform of the Dragon's Gate) (Passive Skill) Description: While the various families which make up the Ryūmon Clan each have their own traits which make them different from one another, what is true about all members of the Ryūmon clan is that they have some traits which appear upon all descendants of the 'Dragon's original disciples'. These include having some natural physiological differences between themselves and another groups of humans which provide for greater durability in general such as the freckle like scaling which appears in patches upon even young Ryumon clan members which provides greater than normal natural resilence ,and some different preferences to temperatures. Effects: The user gains an additional 10 damage reduction for every 100 points of defense they have. In addition, because of their reptile like features and lessened warmth when it comes to blood, [steam] and [lava] type ninjutsu deal 5% less total damage to Ryumon clanmembers; while [ice] and [snow] type ninjutsu deal an additional 10% total damage to Ryumon clan members. Cost: -1 SP
  10. Which is why I did it that way as far as bumping charges, to give it some incentive to be done.
  11. Umikoi Hiden Ōgi; Toutouban no Waraijin (Umikoi Secret Technique; Resounding Judgment of the Laughing God ) | 海愛秘伝奥義・たる判の笑い神 Type: Ninjutsu [ Water | Hijutsu; Umikoi | Sealing] Rank: Sennin [Forbidden | Powerful] Cost: 400 Effects: Target is dealt 'Laughing God's Judgement Seal', which provides the hindering effect 'Vision Impaired' indefinitely. This hindrance may not be bought off, and provides no additional skill points. The number of ranks of the hindering skill dealt (up to 3) is determined by a D120 roll. This roll is modified by the number of levels that the user has above the target, with every level in difference providing an additional +1 to the roll. On a result of 1-40, 1 rank is dealt, on a result of 41-80, 2 ranks are dealt, on a result of 81-120, 3 ranks are dealt. In addition to the previously stated effects, while under the effects of this seal, the subject is considered afflicted with 'Quarantine; Dojutsu'. 'Laughing God's Judgement Seal' may be unsealed after a 'quest' to find a sennin level ninja of suitable ability at unsealling and manipulating chakra. This quest requires 5X posts, where X is the level difference between the user and the target. It has with a minimum assigned value of 5 posts/1,000 words and a maximum assigned value of 40 posts/8,000 words. Unsealling methods such as 'Five Part Seal Release' are amended to include this technique as apart of the seals which they can unseal. This technique is usable once per battle per non-secondary character target. May not be utilized when Mizushin is inactive. Description: Using the potency of their water control and water chakra control, the user will place their hand upon an opponent's head or torso, or launch a blast of water that does so. This foreign water chakra and water molecules will then proceed to move itself behind the target's eye, and carve what amounts to scar tissue on the nerve endings and inner chakra pathways, making their victim's vision worse and preventing chakra movement towards the eye. Requirements: To learn, the user must roleplay obtaining the Umikaze Clan Archives. Reading 400 words on the science behind it and chakra movements behind it from the 'Laughing God's Curse Scroll' within those archives. 200 words practicing the technique in solitude on wild life targets; or 400 words learning the science of it from someone who knows it and 200 words practicing the technique's movements. Mizushin of Kaijin Mizushin rank or higher must be possessed by the user, as well. Points: 6 JP Update/Port of this. Vision Impaired Quarantine; Dojutsu Type: Seal Effect: While under the effect of this seal, Dojutsu or eye based based bloodlines may not be activated or upkept. Cost: -0 SP
  12. I feel that this is well balanced enough, given that it should be target-able easily by 'destroy item' attacks and thus actually come into play. APPROVED.
  13. Same JP/SP/EXP. SAME level, too. You would just need to update the sheet, and before leveling beyond your current level you would have to make up the difference between previous exp and currentExp necessary for that level. Though that doesn't effect your sheet, which he is asking updated. When making up the difference, you also do so with a plus 30% modifier until the exp difference is gapped/ made up.
  14. Matt is correct. I missed the sealless part. 60 co, 2 jp.
  15. I think, the math looks fair to me and the logic behind it is reasonable. So: APPROVED.
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