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Everything posted by Xtholos

  1. TTGL unboxing = epic As for me: Textbooks for the upcoming semester, YESSSSSSSSSSS! Speakers for my computer (Been using a headset for years D:) Amazing Shirts: 1 2 3 A few movies: The Prestige (loved it ), 3:10 to Yuma (also good!), and A History of Violence (haven't watched yet) A ridiculous number of books... like, I don't even know where to begin. Etymology dictionary, woot! FFIV DS and the new Castlevania DS <- haven't played due to FFTA2, grawgrrg... it's so long D: Oh, and Grey, lemme know how Wicked turns out. I saw that in the bookstore a few weeks ago, but I put it back down. :s
  2. If you need a game that will be worth the $$$, FFT:A2 has taken me over 100 hours and I'm not sure if I'm even close to finishing. (Granted, I leave my DS on a bit, just like all other RPGs, but I'm really surprised at how much there is to do. But, I could also compare some of the management in it to an Excel spreadsheet... soo, it might depend on the person ;p) TWEWY is amazing, I need to finish that Castlevania's are fun too.
  3. Both mic + typing + voice command menus
  4. L4D is yummy. pitdroid@charter.net. I go by Apple, though, so don't be confused.
  5. I'm in Year 4 of 6 in college ;p Long story. Business Admin + Chemistry Minors + Molecular Biology Major. I just finished Biology 2. My GPA is ridiculously high (116 hours 3.93 GPA), but I've changed majors a few times. So, that's school. Socially... I'm not much of a hermit anymore. And I was going through some of my old posts... man, was I depressing. And I remember a lot of people, surprisingly enough.
  6. Xtholos


    I don't even remember doing that... I was such an advertising whore there for a bit. I'm sure rival forums loved me ;P Phoenix, I couldn't forget you if I tried. I guess we never talked much, but I watched from afar. (We always joined the off-shoot forums, so I've seen you in many lives,) You produce both excellent writing and characters. I had good reason to remember.
  7. Ah, memories. I remember meeting Grace on the Toriyama's World forums and after quite a few years, here we are again! Hiya And sadly, I don't have any contact info for Gongsun Zan either, aside from an AIM screen name that hasn't been used in years, I'd guess.
  8. Xtholos


    I would appreciate it, mostly for nostalgia's sake. =) And I do remember ya, Kouta, mostly because of the avatar though x_x
  9. Xtholos


    I remember it, but I'm not sure how uberhax it was while you were under my tutelage. x:
  10. Xtholos


    Yeah, my phone was new and it had a camera. I was pretty much numb and deaf from the weed-eating. Yeah, I really liked my Jounins and squads from way back when. And I mostly meant that I'm old as far as NA goes. I haven't quite aged with it as much as some of you guys, but I've spent a few of those years active. =D (I kinda wish that I remembered my password for 3.0 so I could actually poke around at my old characters!)
  11. Xtholos


    @cho: Any suggestions? I've really just listened to RBF, Streetlight Manifesto, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, No Doubt, and Less Than Jake (my familiarity with each lessens as the list progresses) @darkness-leader: If anything, I'd say that I'm well-rounded (academically, at least). I'm still working on the social bit. I'm presently finding it quite surprising how much a bit of eye contact and smiling helps, though. Place yourself in challenging situations. What doesn't kill you will only leave you a mangled mess, which will eventually make you a stronger person. (At the same time, everyone has strengths and weaknesses, no matter the "caliber" of their person.)
  12. Xtholos


    Ok, people can't help but not know a stranger, so lay off. I haven't played a role in NA in many years. And I've been busier, for the better. My eyes are no longer glancing among so many paths. I'm pretty much good with my Biology + Chemistry courses. Current plans are a degree in Molecular Biology with a focus on botany. (My lineage is just full of 'em. I'm not sure how I never realized it before. Hell, even my name means "earthworker" (or farmer =p). ) I <3 tutoring. Being in a somewhat social environment where I have the upper-hand in conversation is just too delicious (+ the girls are cute!) @darkness-leader: Yeah, pangolins are pretty awesome too. Coming up with a favorite anything on the spot is difficult for me. I must be terribly afraid of committing to any choice, because of the chance to be wrong. I pretty much spent my pre-school years reading, with a focus on animals, so I have a lot of random, archived knowledge. @gXb:
  13. Xtholos


    Intro To Xtholos Name: George Age: 21 Birthday: May 6 City: Chattanooga Grade: College Senior Job: Tutor New to NA?: Not by a long shot Favorite Type of Music: Ska/Punk Favorite Band(s): Reel Big Fish Favorite Song(s): Party Down Favorite Type of Game: RPG, but considering how long it's been since I've played one... that might be a bit of a stretch. Favorite Game(s): Star Ocean: The Second Story (Currently: TF2) Favorite System(s): PC Overall Personality: Witty, Stable, Diligent, Organized BF//GF: Nope. Relationships Good or Bad? Why?: Good, because life is all about defining yourself. Relationships allow an intimate bond with another unique definition, furthering your own self. (And I just love the inspiration I get from them. Knowing that I can work for someone other than just myself gives me endless energy.) Looking for that "special someone": Yes. Hobbies: Studying, "Hanging Out", Listening to music, exercising, movies, video games, D&D Favorite Food(s): Quesadillas Favorite Color(s): Earthtones, usually green. Favorite Animal(s): Armadillo Favorite Word(s): Interesting Favorite Phrase(s): I produce the quotes, but I don't get attached to them. Favorite Books(s): Textbooks, or at least I'd be insane not to at this point. Favorite Article of Clothing(s): Shirt How long have you been reading/watching Naruto: Since Jiroubou v. Chouji in the manga Who is your favorite character: Eh, I've become detached. Watch any other animes? If so which ones?: Partway through Macross Frontier (TTGL + FMA are still amazing though) Anything else you would like us to know? Not that I can think of. Post a picture of yourself! It's not manditory but some of us are curious! Summer Fun.
  14. Just add something that the blood needs to be warm or something weird >_> How fast does blood lose its awesomeness without being in the body? (Like oxygen or something? I'm not really a big biology guy.) Mirror teammates would just be fun. =] Oh shi... two Sharingan, we only brought one person capable of countering it! (etc.) Very clever. =]
  15. Just invading Az's thread: Can the blood be obtained from teammates/allies as well?
  16. It could be brown, red, or orange /= Background can just force you to learn toward the red. Only problem would be that AL would have to be like 40, if he were Tsunade's little Brother. Also... if Akatsuki are supposed to be even relatively equal... the upcoming fights are going to be crazy... it's hard to beat Tentacle no Jutsu On a separate note, I'm completely confused as to Itachi's age and growth patterns.
  17. A few comments and questions by a passers-by: Wasn't the coloring of AL's hair just from an artist's opinion? The Colored group picture looks more brown than orange to me... I think some people just had their mental image distorted by the red background into thinking that it's orange =p (I read a neat theory about Tsunade's younger brother as the Akatsuki leader... since he wanted to be Hokage, has grey eyes, has brown hair, and should have the ability to control Mokuton! It would make him a twisted version of Naruto, which would be kinda interesting as a final showdown (if the series ends with the demolition of Akatsuki).) Oh, and dots on the nose are just piercings, right? Akatsuki knows what Naruto + Co can do (Plus, Sakura would not have been able to even hit Sasori once without Granny Sand D:) ... why bother discussing them? Sasuke's group is new and involves members that they know relatively little about due to Orochimaru being a sneaky bastard. (who might not quite be dead, anyways =p) (I want to know what Kabuto is doing now!) Suigetsu - Kisame should not know the present Orochimaru'd Suigetsu, so even the early impression of him is mostly to support his character introduction. Karin - ... tracks stuff? Who knows... probably just going to be another girl versus girl battle (this is such a rare occurence, I swear! All kunoichi are medics, lame! (Well, not TenTen, but she has like an Ichimaru (from Eyeshield 21) aura of non-existance, which is kinda sad because it could be such a fun character concept to watch fight =/ ) Juugo - Crazy and unpredictable power. His will be a bloody mess of a battle. Sasuke - He may not have pre-emptively beaten Orochimaru's technique (Y'know... since we've seen Orochimaru fight at full strength... oh wait, we never have ... or Jiraiya or Tsunade), but he (possibly) pulled one better than Big Bro. Blue Hair - Hopefully a female. Hasn't been hit with Plot no Jutsu yet, so she doesn't have to speak. Oh, and Itachi definitely did not expect for Kakashi to be able to MS. So... yeah, Sasuke, Itachi, and _____ (Is Madara a male or female name or just completely made up? What if there is an older sister that isn't a medic?!) Interesting Sidenote - Why don't they just interrogate Hidan? ... aside from the fact that no one knows his head is still alive and ... well, cursing except for Shikamaru. Maybe Shikamaru will be brought in somehow and let them know, "Oh, that guy's head is buried in the ground, but it's far too troublesome to dig him up." /endrant ^ Total Formatting Failure (If the Hidan thing comes true... oh crap. Hidan is going to be one horrible lump of head. Or Ibiki is going to be missing a few fingers :3 ) Edit: Crap... just noticed some mistakes =s And AL's eyes are totally crazy. Weirdo rings in the eyes >_> Kurenai has them? But they have no meaning that we know of =/ And the gray was Anime and we all know how legitimate that is =[ Edit #2: Does Blue Hair have a missing Eye ala Kakashi? 329, near the end... wtf? Or is it just hair? Bleh, Mistranslation, indeed. Removing chunk o' Theory
  18. My school only had one AP class by the time I was a Senior... this concept is foreign to me. =/ Goooo, first class to graduate the Freshman to Senior run at a new school!
  19. On NA 2.0? Ah, things were simple back then.
  20. Not even going to pretend to come back this time, sorry. =s But I hear that Lurkers get these cool spikes to stab people with when they get too close...
  21. ?yrassecen ecaps dna emit fo noitagen eht sI
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