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Panda's Oddities; Hoax or Inevitability?

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As for the levitating girl, I actually could believe that one. I've actually had the wonderful opportunity to see a man levitate a few inches off of the ground. (Legitimately, not some intricate hoax) He was using his years and years of power meditations to align his chakras. It's kind of like those monks who were doused in gasoline and set on fire while meditating, yet didn't budge, and how some monks are able to break through stone with their fists that would be more than impossible for someone without the training and energy alignments. It has already been scientifically proven that humans have a bioelectrical aura - I just figure that with the right kinds of meditation it can be controlled to work for you however you like. My only issue with the levitating girl is that it just seems too high up in the air to really be possible.

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Not calling you a liar, but I'm going to call bullshit. I know people meditate and mind over matter is definitely a reality, but any real energy from Chakras, Chi, the Force, or whatever is just as bogus as Elmo talking without a hand up his ass. I think the human body is capable of A LOT, but flight, even just a few inches is bullshit. So until I see someone who can do it on command and recreate it endlessly in a lab with a team of scientists monitoring even reading they can and have the results irrefutable THEN I will believe it. 

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I thought it was bullshit too, until I saw it. If I could go back and convince him to do it in a lab, then I definitely would. There is still some possiblity that he could have done something to make it appear that he was levitating, but he merely sat and meditated for about 20 minutes before he did it. I believe it, but like you say, I'll never believe it 100% until it's actually proven scientifically.

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So, I haven't watched the Bitterroot footage yet, but NEW RULE. Post warnings for potential scare factor. Like that hand demon shit should have had a warning on it. Levitating girl, no. See what I mean? So please put some warnings on your videos/photos/links. Thanks!

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scary stuff, no thank you. i like sleeping.


the only places on earth i could see bigfoot or other large humanoid apes living would be in either the amazon or deep in un explored island jungles in asia OR Yeti in the russian taiga.


aliens, definitely. not intelligent ones though.

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Forgive my Double Post.
This week I want to focus on something slightly different from what we discussed last week. Big creatures, ghosts and aliens are great, but have not been recognized by the majority of the population. However, what if something inexplicable happened all over the world that no one can deny happening, but even the experts can't give a real reason why? Ladies and Gentlemen:

The Strange Sounds Heard All Over The World

So this particular video is kind of long, but just go to youtube and search Strange Noises 2012 and you'll get more than your fair share of videos from all over the world.
Early in 2012, January actually, people all over the world began hearing strange sounds piercing from the sky. It was described as a cross between a whale and a machine, but it was like nothing they had ever heard before. The noise was captured on countless videos all around. The sound even set off car alarms. This is one of those things that people have tried to call false, but even science accepts that it happened. No scientist denies the reality of these sounds, but they can't offer a very good explanation.
To really get a sense of the magnitude, you should really watch at least some of the videos on youtube. It's eerie. But what is it? Well here is a few theories I've heard.
Well, some people say that is the trumpet that signals the beginning of the End. 
Some say that Aliens were just above our planet and those sounds carried that far
Scientists say that it was coming from the ground as tectonic plates shifted and made these noises.
Honestly, none of those sound legit. Personally, I didn't see anyone get taken up into to heaven, nor was there any increase in UFO sightings. As for the science peeps, try tell the people who heard these noises that it was from the ground. One guy in that video even says it isn't coming from the ground at one point. Included with that is that there were no earthquakes or anomalous activity n the mantle. So what is it? I dunno. When I first heard about it last year, me and my friend at work thought it might be some viral marketing scheme, however it's been well over a year and no one has come up to say so. On top of that, every one has accepted this anomaly as actually happening. Weird. 
Normally, this is where I would give some pros and cons, to the validity of the subject, but honestly, it happened. Done. However, as for what it was? I don't know. I can't even begin to try and pretend to know. This is why I wanted to do these topic this week. It's strange, kind of creepy and has endless theories attached to it. Except unlike with most odd things, it's real. 
Conclusion: Seriously Perplexing

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Well, the problem with that last one is it seems way to easy to fake. A group of people from all around the world could've talked about it online and decided to rig up a couple of speakers and looped a track somewhere out in the country where they wouldn't be seen. Meanwhile, people are hearing this otherworldly sound out of seemingly nowhere and decide to record it and put it up on youtube, thus fanning the paranormal flames. Just doesn't strike me as very convincing.

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While that's true, there have been several news reports and even then scientists have actually recorded different readings from when this was going on. Not only that but the sounds were all different. The sound in Russia was different from the sound in Toronto. The only problem is that no one definitively knows what caused these sounds. Now, granted, the hoax thing is a possibility and that's what this thread is about discussion on things like this :P However my personal stand on this topic is that it actually happened, but as to what it was, we still don't know. It could be some super-average thing or it could be a phenomenon that hasn't been recorded by science yet, even if it is natural.

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I remember these videos. They really creeped me out. I agree with Matt...it did happen, in all honesty,, there were too many different instances at pretty much the same time for it to have bean easily hoaxed. I am not saying it wasn't hoaxed, it just seems less likely to me. 


Also, haven't watched the Bitterroot Tapes yet, I have known about them forever, just too scared to watch them. Hah.




I watched the Bitter Root Footage. And while yes, it is really creepy, it is also obviously a hoax. No need to look into it

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So this is something that personally, I don't believe in. Mostly because if I did, I would probably vanish or become a proxy in a split second. For anyone who paid attention to that last sentence, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Yes, everybody's favorite:




Slenderman is a phenomenon that began as a cute little project on some image sharing site. The premise was to photoshop some old pictures and make a creepy "ghost story" to go with it. Slenderman first made his appearance on this forum. 
As the original story went, Slenderman appeared and children began disappearing. Well, as the picture started circulating the webs, it grew and evolved. People added to the lore and legend. New photoshopped pictures popped up everywhere. However the basic idea stayed the same. An unnaturally, and unnervingly, tall being with arms that were nearly as long as it's body. No face, but a suit-like appearance on it's body. We'll get Slendy's into abilities in a few paragraphs. Anyways, as the legend grew people started writing fantasy and ARG (Alternative Reality Game) blogs. They would chronicle the lives of people who were hunting, or being hunted by, Slenderman. In this current age, Slenderman causes the people who see him to slowly go insane by stalking them for months. People on these blogs would detail every bit of it and grow increasingly frantic, paranoid and slightly crazy until finally, they just stopped posting. Their final blog post was almost always about seeing Slendy for the last time. 
Now, it's like RPing and is all fun and games right? Sure, until people started swearing up and down that they were seeing him in reality. How is that possible? We'll get into in a bit. People began seeing things they just couldn't explain. They knew what it was, but didn't want to admit it. (personally, I still don't believe this). The lore, the world, all of it seems so interesting, but impossible to be real. There are still Slenderman Blogs around now. On youtube there are several series that chronicle sightings. MarbleHornets being the first one to pop into my mind.
So, how did Slendy go from just taking children to stalking teenagers/young adults and turning them into stark raving lunatics? Well, his lore changed. The Slenderman that first appeared in that photograph doesn't exist in the same sense anymore. Now he's an evil creature that hunts it's prey over the course of months, or even years. Some blogs make him more aggressive, actually attacking and killing people. However, it is impossible to pin down any concrete lore about Slendy. As for people claiming to see him in real life, I have a theory about how it could be possible, even if I don't believe that it is happening. 
The power of the human mind is almost limitless. This is what I think could happen. So many people began to think about him, believe in him, that either their minds are crafting his image from nothing, or a more sinister and terrifying possibility, bringing him into reality. The Tulpa Effect. Tulpa is an Indian belief that if enough people focus their mental energy into a thought, it will become a reality. So what if thousands, or even more, of people begin to believe in this creature? Could he physically manifest in our world rather that the ARG that he was born and thriving in? 
(I have to go to work, but I will post the second half of this tonight or tomorrow. Feel free to begin discussing, but I still A LOT more to post.)

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Well, if you want to go about investigating it on your own, you could always play the "Slender" game (it's downloadable somewhere), or watch the legion of youtube videos on it. Marble Hornets is always a good one if you've got nothing to do. 

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