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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Maelstrom

    Still alive?

    Wow, I haven't been on here in...well, I don't exactly know how long, but it's been a heck of a hot minute. By the looks of it this place doesn't seem to get much traffic these days, which is a shame. Anyone still alive out here?
  2. Kishi spits in the face of your logic.
  3. Haven't logged in for quite some time, and apparently I'm not the only one who's been on an extended hiatus from this place. As of this post, and according to his profile, Cntr hasn't been on since late August, which really isn't a good sign of the times. Really sad to see this place in the state it's in. A lot of fond memories here.
  4. Do you plan on updating your last post? I'm intrigued by this 'Slender Man' phenomenon.
  5. Well, the problem with that last one is it seems way to easy to fake. A group of people from all around the world could've talked about it online and decided to rig up a couple of speakers and looped a track somewhere out in the country where they wouldn't be seen. Meanwhile, people are hearing this otherworldly sound out of seemingly nowhere and decide to record it and put it up on youtube, thus fanning the paranormal flames. Just doesn't strike me as very convincing.
  6. So I edited a post in the Custom Ninjutsu forum, which sorta worked but any time I clicked 'Save Changes' the page never reloaded. I clicked the link to Custom Ninjutsu, reopened my tech and the change was made, but now any time I try to edit that same post, it either cuts off the first part of the tech, or it mix and matches the top part with the rest. Very frustrating. The tech is Paper Shield. Oh, and I hate this new forum setup. ;
  7. The clan's been approved, the bloodline just needs to be resubbed. Thought I'd get this out of the way in the mean time.
  8. Could you take a look at this please? Paper Shield
  9. Do they lose their respective Setup and/or Main Phases for negating the technique? I don't see it mentioned anywhere. Kinda thinking that whole 'reflecting' deal should be a separate response technique and not just a part of the bloodline.
  10. I can agree with that, but what about other, non-clan associated techniques that require specific skills to use? I don't see much of a problem with the user forgoing such restrictions so long as the Sharingan is active, but you just might want to make a note of that. Same with Taijutsu that require specific fighting styles to use. Referring to the section in bold, does this mean the original attack targetting the Uchiha is negated?
  11. Does this mean the Uchiha could potentially copy one of the Nara's shadow techniques, or the Yamanaka's mind-control, since I don't believe either requires a bloodline to use? I don't think it should, if such is the case. Should word it as, 'Cannot copy Clan techniques, or any technique with a bloodline requirement'.
  12. Not sure if this even means anything anymore, but... APPROVED
  13. Gennin techniques may not exceed 80 DP. You have a total of 85 with the additional two turns of 'Afraid'. Also, you may want to mention the 'two uses per enemy' limit set for that same status effect. This one seems fine. Edit: Oh, and add the word 'Chakra' to the cost of each technique. Minor detail, but I'm picky. ^^
  14. Been a very long time since I've posted anything here, so I thought I'd get my feet wet a little. Started this one a ways back. Talked with the Housho creator about it at the time, got the ok then, so here it is now. ---- Name: Kami no Tate (Paper Shield) Type: Ninjutsu [Response, Paper, Clan: Housho] Rank: Chuunin Cost: X Chakra; whereas X is a whole number determined by the user, up to a maximum of 150. Effect(s): Absorb Y damage (which is a number equal to X divided by 3 then multiplied by 5) from one physical and/or elemental attack targeting the user from a single source in their respective Response Phase, so long as said attack is of equal or lesser rank when compared to this technique. Only half of the aforementioned amount may be absorbed from a fire-based attack/technique. If all damage from the targeted source is negated in this way, any and all effects associated with the opposing attack/technique are negated as well. This character must also sacrifice their following Setup and Main Phases of this turn. May only be used three times per battle. Description: By concentrating a moderate amount of chakra into the seemingly fragile sheets of paper composing their form, a Housho may temporarily harden those same sheets to match the quality of steel, overlapping them to create a small barrier or wall in the direction of an oncoming attack. While capable of blocking, or in the very least mitigating the effective damage, the applicable hardness and tensile strength at this level leaves much to be desired, offering considerable protection to the user, but not enough to shield them completely from harm. Points: 5
  15. Just skimming through it but with the penalty on the 'Blood Rage' roll, is that essentially -25 to whatever you roll for that turn? Edit: Nevermind, just read through more of the bloodline.
  16. I'm really impressed by your detail in the clothing. Really great work.
  17. Now this just made my day. Thanks guys. XD
  18. So, what server does everyone play on? I've been on Canderous Ordo since 'early access' began. Level 24 Sith Jug at the moment. It's amazing how many people have hit the level cap already. Frightening, really.
  19. Huh. O.o; ...I stand corrected.
  20. ^ That's certainly one beaver I wouldn't f*ck with. XD
  21. Does the bonus to Chakra regeneration stack with other regenerative skills, such as 'Chakra Flow'?
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