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Soyokaze Clan

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Soyokaze Ichizoku


Clan Village: Sunagakure no Sato.
Clan Starter: Soyokaze Mejiro.
Clan Head: Soyokaze Nosuri.
Clan Age: Old, though official records are not typically kept.

Clan Status: Generally Unknown.
Clan Bloodline: None. [Pet Clan – Birds]
Clan Element: Water.



The Soyokaze clan is a relatively old clan that has historically existed on the southernmost shore of Kaze no Kuni. Given that they are generally a seafaring people, they tend to have water-natured chakra and many are able to manipulate the element from a young age, or are quickly taught how. The most notable aspect of the clan is that the members are breeders of birds. Most clan members use these birds – typically seafaring raptors – to aid them in catching fish, but Soyokaze Shinobi also bring their birds into battle.


The birds taken into battle by Shinobi of the clan, known as Nintori, are purpose-bred and tend to be incredibly intelligent and cunning. They are known to be fearless and grow to a great size. Some are large enough to be ridden by their masters.


Typically, the clan members keep to themselves and during the NCIA invasion they cooperated with the government’s orders to abandon the shinobi way of life. In order to preserve the bloodline of their “warrior” type birds, the clan did volunteer several members to Fang’s army. This allowed them to continue the lineage once the regime had fallen. Following the final stand in Fang, the clan returned to its peaceful and non-intrusive ways, breeding their Nintori by the coast and enjoying a calm descent into obscurity.


In recent years the Soyokaze have become somewhat isolated from Sunagakure no Sato and the government, but are still cooperative. Soyokaze members that end up traveling to the Hidden Sand are known to be amiable and eager to serve the Kazekage. Over all, the clan is fairly average and not of note.





ooc: this is ready for review, despite being quite short. i promise to make it better once i have a better feel for the clan!


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