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Katon; Okinamori | Fire Release; Great Forest | 火遁・大きな森 
Type: Ninjutsu [ Fire ]
Rank: Jounin
Cost: 130 Chakra
Effect: Changes the current Terrain to “Dense Woodland.”
Description: "Terrains are tricky things. All you need are the same physical hassles. What they are made of doesn't really seem to matter, as long as they achieve the same effect." A forest made entirely of tree-shaped pillars of flame, all surrounded in a thick layer of solidified chakra to guarantee thickness. That is what the Great Fire Forest looks like. The trees themselves dance, producing their own sort of light, as roots snake across earth scorched deep by their heat.
Cost: 3 JP

Doton; Okinamori | Earth Release; Great Forest |
Type: Ninjutsu [ Earth ]
Rank: Jounin
Cost: 130 Chakra
Effect: Changes the current Terrain to “Dense Woodland.”
Description: "Terrains are tricky things. All you need are the same physical hassles. What they are made of doesn't really seem to matter, as long as they achieve the same effect."  With a snap of the fingers, massive pillars of rock and earth will rise into the air, forming limbs, branches, and even crystalline bramble patches. This is the Great Earth Forest. It's dangers are every bit as real as its organic counterpart. It's just a little more...down to earth.
Cost: 3 JP

Suiton; Okinamori | Water Release; Great Forest | 水遁・大きな森 
Type: Ninjutsu [ Water ]
Rank: Jounin
Cost: 130 Chakra
Effect: Changes the current Terrain to “Dense Woodland.”
Description: "Terrains are tricky things. All you need are the same physical hassles. What they are made of doesn't really seem to matter, as long as they achieve the same effect."  Using the adhesive properties of water, and with a large influx of chakra, water can be compelled to take all kinds of shapes. Massive spears of water will lance upwards into the sky, compacting water hundreds of times until becomes as solid and unyielding as the bark of the trees it's made to represent. This is what the Great Water Forest looks like. Watch your step.
Cost: 3 JP

Hyoton; Okinamori | Ice Release; Great Forest | 氷遁・大きな森 
Type: Ninjutsu [ Ice ]
Rank: Jounin
Cost: 130 Chakra
Effect: Changes the current Terrain to “Dense Woodland.”
Description: "Terrains are tricky things. All you need are the same physical hassles. What they are made of doesn't really seem to matter, as long as they achieve the same effect."  Like a crystal wonderland, massive lances of ice will burst from the ground, climbing until they are as high as any tree, shining, translucent roots digging through and around the earth, branches as unique as the snowflakes it is born of. This is the Great Ice Forest. Try not to get lost in its frozen majesty.
Cost: 3 JP

Edited by Kouta
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Doton; Okinamori | Earth Release; Great Forest | 土遁・大きな森 
Type: Ninjutsu [ Earth ]
Rank: Jounin
Cost: 130 Chakra
Effect: Used in the Set-up Phase. Changes the current Terrain to “Dense Woodland.”
Description: "Terrains are tricky things. All you need are the same physical hassles. What they are made of doesn't really seem to matter, as long as they achieve the same effect."  With a snap of the fingers, massive pillars of rock and earth will rise into the air, forming limbs, branches, and even crystalline bramble patches. This is the Great Earth Forest. It's dangers are every bit as real as its organic counterpart. It's just a little more...down to earth.
Cost: 3 JP


This seems more like something the Senju clan would do, Im pretty sure they have several techniques doing this and theyre all Wood style(and cannon that only senju members can manipulate the wood element), I see youre trying to this for every element, Maybe change the names to be something more fitting? Other than the elements being different these are all great forest techs...

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"Earth Release; Great Forest" and "Water Release; Great Forest", as far as the game cares, are different jutsu (Just like Jutsu I and Jutsu II are different jutsu). Because the "___ Release" is part of their name. Its more different than "Katon; Gokakyu no Jutsu" and "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu" which are both techniques that exist but do slightly different things.

Also, in NA anyone can use wood element as long as they pay for water, earth, and wood. Senju just do it better than other people. Also none of these are Wood Element so...I don't see what Senju has any point doing here. This is a Fire Element, Water Element, Ice Element, and Earth Element Jutsu. Senju don't own the concept of Dense Woodland, even if I DID make these Wood Type.

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@Pwnzie Terrains are about as basic as it gets on NA, and while Senju are the premier wood users in the NA canon, they're definitely not canonically the only ones. Momoshiki actually had a wood release jutsu as part of the set that corresponded with his legend. The way I tend to look at Wood Release stuff, if Hashirama used it I put it in the "Mokuton Bloodline only" section. If Yamato used it's pretty much fair game. Then there are some that are Wood Release that I wouldn't give the average Wood Release user, like Zetsu's Mayfly technique.

I've got a theory about how elements work in the canon, because several characters have learned to use bloodline-level elements by virtue of training, observation, teaching and not by genetics. Namely the Third Tsuchikage and Third Kazekage. Onoki was trained to use Dust Release from Mu, and the Third Kazekage studied the abilities of Shukaku's jinchuriki to gain Magnet Release. My working theory is that one can learn to manipulate an advanced element through hard work and practice, and then because chakra natures can be passed down genetically, their offspring would have the potential to possess that element, making it a kekkei genkai.

Not necessary information for reviewing, actually not anything but headcanon... but I was pretty confused after they stated that the Third Kazekage just learned Magnet Release, so I started puzzling over it, and that's the most plausible theory I came to.

But really that's neither here nor there because these are just Kouta being strange and have nothing to do with wood or trees at all. These are strange bastardized elemental things.

@Kouta Please state that these can be used 1 time per battle, then you should be good. Sorry about filling your thread with unnecessary information.

Edited by Cellar Door
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@Chakra Natures: I've seen all chakra natures, and all Kekkei Genkai, as down-evolutions of the Rinnegan/Six Paths nonsense. IN some cases it's super obvious (Byakugan) that they stem from Hagoromo and Ol'Lady Rabbit-chan. But if one of the Rinnegan's core powers it that it can possess every chakra nature, then naturally, "advanced" Natures are likely watering down of this particular subset of the Six Paths/Rinnegan.

But I agree that any Nature can be learned. It's just that the learning to morph your own chakra is about as hard as learning Rasengan. It feels unnatural and so most people go to something more easily expressible ala Water or Fire. Those with a little tiny sliver of Rinnegan Power in them might find their nature automatically aligns in a combination (Swift, Ice, Magnet, etc.) and thus manifest those natures seemingly with no issue, but anyone can replicate that ability. It's a just a Rock Lee vs Neji type of thing, in my headspace. Work v Birth.


@Changes: So done. 1 per battle.

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Sorry brosef, I gotta pull these back. Since I stamped these, the rules on Terrains/Climates and when they can be used has changed. We no longer allow Terrains/Climates to be performed in the Set Up Phase. These can definitely still work as Main Phase techniques, but until then, I gotta pull these back. 

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