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Quick Draw

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Name: Quick Draw

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 10 stamina

Effects: You may draw/sheath a weapon in your setup phase without using the entire phase on it. Only weapons, no items. You may only preform one action with each weapon each turn with this technique (Cannot Draw AND sheath a weapon in the same turn, but may draw multiple or sheath multiple.)

Description: Through practice and mastery of their weapon the ninja can draw their weapon out at alarming speeds.

Points: 1

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~Setup Phase~

In the Setup Phase, you may do one of these things...

- Use Items (Medical stuff, scrolls, w/e)

- Pull Out/ Pick up a weapon or item. As many as logic will allow, you cant wield 3 swords. This also only counts for large weapons. You do not need to use a turn to pull out a kunai, shuriken, etc. I think the rule of thumb will be if it is larger than your character's hand you have to use a turn to take it out. ie : large scroll/ katana.

- Put Away/ Drop a weapon/ item. As many as logic will allow, you cant stick a sword in a kunai pouch. This also only counts for large weapons. You do not need to use a turn to put away a kunai, shuriken, etc. If it is a Large or Medium Weapon you have to use a turn to put it away. i.e.: large scroll/ katana.

- Activate a bloodline that requires activation unless stated that it takes up the whole turn.

- Inscribe something onto a scroll.

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