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The Umikoi-

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Umikoi (海愛)

Clan Village: Kirigakure no Sato

Clan Starter: Umikoi Warrusu za Ichi

Clan Head: Umikoi Wairu (海愛 野生)

Clan Age and Status: At least one century old, somewhat 'unknown' to the majority of the populace as a shinobi clan until a few years ago.

Clan Bloodline: Mizushin (水中心)

Clan Element: Water & Wave

Clan Emblem: The Umikoi Clan Emblem is a simplified human Eye, with a mixture of almost every tint of blue coloring the iris, and the rim of the iris a dark as the midnight sky tint of blue. (I'll try to get an actual symbol up and running as soon as I can, as I find my description a bit weak.)

Clan Info:Size and Family Lifestyles- The Umikoi clan is a small clan which is barely more than a few families in size. The Clan itself has never numbered more than forty or fifty members, and tends to be very close. Most members of the clan know every other member, and refer to them as if they were aunts, uncles, or cousins, even if they are far removed.

Training and Youth-The Clan is closely knit, and members of the clan tend to train all of the youths within the clan in unity. Mastery of the Family's Bloodline's First Step is not required to be viewed as an adult, but those who hold the bloodline limit are in many cases held in high esteem, and closely gaurded by their extended family, because of the fact that in the past members of the clan have faced so much distrust and at times hate or fear from their fellow citizens of Kirigakure because of their bloodline.

Leadership of the Clan-The Head of the Clan is appointed by the former head upon retirement or death. (It's written in their will, and normally other wise communicated.) The Head can appoint more than one apprentice to be the next head, and in many cases trains these young men and women by hand. An Apprentice which is not chosen to be the next head becomes one of the head's Lts. If the Head can not communicate a successor, the eldest five members of the clan decide for the clan who the next Head will be, out of qualified candidates.

Interactions with other Clans within Kirigakure No Sato- The Umikoi Clan has throughout their history, been misunderstood by other clans within Kirigakure No Sato, and have chosen to stay amongst themselves aside from in the tasks such as Academy Training and Gennin Missions that require close interactions with non-clan mates. They're not xenophobic, but they find that members of most other clans in Kirigakure dislike them, and tend to have virile reactions to people insulting their clan. One thing is sure with this clan, their interactions and taboos about the rest of the clans are ever changing, like the ocean which part of their name is taken from.

Other-The Clan as a whole tend to enjoy blue colors of clothing, and many wear midnight blue attire in almost every occasion. The majority of the youth of the clan have a natural knack with water based jutsus, and the clan as a whole in many cases focuses on training Ninjutsu primarily, and Gen and Taijutsus secondarily.

History- The Clan which is known as Umikoi has been for most of it's life, barely trusted, and in some cases feared because of their many traditions, and because of the mysterious way they were formed. The clan's founder himself was not born within the village, but instead found by a fishing boat, caught in its net, and brought to the surface. The fishers were quite alarmed, and checked to see if the little boy they had found was still breathing. He was, and he seemed to be very much aware. The crew took this as a sign of good luck from the kami of the ocean, and took the boy, dubbing him "Umikoi", to the village which they lived in.

A village known as Kirigakure No Sato. The boy was taken in front of the Mizukage, and inspected after the tale had been tossed forth in a flurry like no other by the youngest of the sailors. His elders had told him that this boy must be a sign of good luck to the village, and he felt the need to show the Mizukage as a result. The boy's examination had made the Mizukage think he was a prime subject for shinobi training, or would be when he was older.

Years passed, and the boy, who's name was not properly "Umikoi" but was affectionately referred to that by many of his sempai, grew to be a young adult, and finished his Ninja Training. He had fulfilled the Mizukage's expectations, and possibly exceeded them in that time. He quickly ascended the ranks within the village Shinobi, becoming a Chuunin in just a year, and taking advanced missions whenever he could.

On one such mission, a thing which could only be explained as "Sensational" happened, and the young man quickly rose to fame within the village. When ambushed, the young man's teammates and he were almost routed, when his uniquely blue eyes began shifting with every color of blue that man had ever even hoped to see, and his jutsus had begun to work with even more efficiency than they had before, and as the battle strode on, began to resemble a maelstrom over the ocean. Suddenly, the very water around the young shinobi had become an extension of himself, and with this advantage, he won the field that day.

The young man had been successful in his mission, and in his desire to protect his comrades. They went on to tell the tale throughout the village, and the Mizukage and other key officials requested to see this "Amazing New Jutsu" in action. The young chuunin failed that day to show them this skill, and it was proclaimed it must have something to do with his heritage. A mysterious heritage which the entire village speculated over. In their speculation, many taboos came forth to the nin and his offspring, those who would over the centuries represent to Umikoi Clan within their village. A popular nickname for both the figure, and his origins, would relate to a great sea dragon, a leviathan.

The stories which were told of their ancestor slowly proved to be stories which might as well be told about all of them, because the extraordinary abilities which he had displayed showed up without slight in the majority of his children, and even grandchildren. He held the position of his clan's head with unyielding vigilance to his death, only strengthening the fear of the clan which sprung up throughout the time since they have existed.

In most cases of recorded humanity, rejection as a whole to a race of people leads to one of two things. The first, a war for respect and equal place by the rejected ones, or a choice of closing yourself off from your neighbors. The Umikoi Clan found this to be the only solution, because they loved their fellow citizens of Kirigakure, even if it was not reciprocated.

One hundred years in obscurity and silence have passed since then, the clan training their young ones in the abilities they hold dear, and the skills necessary for survival in private, sometimes on trips far away from their village, in the wilderness.

The invasion of Kirigakure by Kumogakure No Sato led to an unexpected action by the head at the time, one Umikoi Warrusu. Many of the adult males in the clan fought alongside their fellow Kirigakure nin, and proved to not be up to par to turn the tide of the more prepared Kumo nins.

The clan has since received slightly more respect from their fellow villagers since the fool hearty move. Their clan had been almost unknown by then, and was definitely unknown by people outside of Kirigakure, so they hid themselves without a word as Fisher folk, and Sailors, skills they excelled at from their lifetime of training.

Clan Specific Techniques: Will be added in when I submit them and they're accepted.

Clan Skills:Kameryuu Style Taijutsu;

Bloodline: Mizushin (水中心)

Edited by Warr
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I found a couple stuff wrong here...

1) CLAN INFO: This really doesn't tell me much about the clan, it just tells me something about what look's similar to the clan founder. Tell me about the clan, their ninja way, how do they live, etc.

CLAN HISTORY: I don't see a clan history. Again its the same thing as clan info, I see more info on what seems to be the founder. The part about the founder is good. BUt there needs to be more than that for the clan history. Like tell me if there was a clan war, or what did the clan do that is historical to them, something like that. Read the approve clans to get some examples.

CLAN HEAD: I highly suggest you have a clan head.

That's the major problems I see so far.

Edited by wolfninja33
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And reporting in that I just finished editing the info to include a good deal more on the clan, including recent history. <.< I forgot the head thing, excuse me why I fix that.

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