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Ninja Academy 7.0; Rules Change Index

UPDATE: These changes ARE live.

Welcome to Ninja Academy 7.0!

We have been working for months on these changes, and they will seem like a lot (they seem like this because… there is a lot). For your benefit though, we have gone through great pains to ensure that these rule changes are easy to look up and read. As such the first post here will be an index of all the changes and basically the jist of them in just a few words. Below in the following posts will be in depth follow ups to each of the changes and why they were changed.

As always, if you have ANY questions please feel free to ask. There is a NA 7.0 Q&A topic linked [here] for any questions you may have. Also, feel free to contact any of the staff with questions; we are here to make sure you guys know how to play!

Hopefully you will enjoy all of the changes, and we hope we didn't break anyone's builds! (Too much)

Thank you,


Timeskip Role Play

Players will be allowed to continue their current role play in the past until they are ready to time skip their characters. They will not be able to start a new role play in the past nor will they receive their EXP or money bonus until after they participate in the time skip. Once a player time skips they can not go back to their previous role play, and anyone who does time skip may not continue to role play in the "past".

Once you do time skip, your character will receive the following bonuses. Only characters that were posted for approval before 8:00AM GMT-6 on August 25th are eligible for time skip and bonuses.

Five Years

+4000 EXP


Character Changes

WARNING!: Wait until you have time skipped to make any changes to your character.

The following are acceptable changes to your character sheets because of the following rule changes. If you have a reason or want to make any changes to your character outside of these bullets, please ask a staff member for permission before continuing. If your reason is good it will be considered. THESE ARE ONCE ONLY CHANGES. They must also all be done before you begin using your character after the time skip. Once you role play with your character all changes are locked in and you cannot keep swapping things around.

  • All stat points may be redistributed any way you choose too.
  • Any skills that you have that were changed because of these rules may be refunded for the amount of skill points that you paid for them.
  • Any jutsu that you have that were changed because of these rules may be refunded for the amount of jutsu points that you paid for them.
  • Any weapon/armor effects that were changed because of these rules may be refunded for the amount of money that you paid for them.
  • If you do not have a fighting style skill or paid for the one from your own village, you may be refunded the points or take the skill. This must be done in a reasonable amount of time.

The following will need to be resubmitted for approval, and as of now they are all considered to be unapproved. In topics that contain resubmittions you may have more than 3 techniques. Please try and provide a link to the original approval for the original, especially for more complex ideas.

  • Summons
  • Jounin+ Area of Effect jutsu (You may want to resubmit genin techniques too, they are over costed but we won't force you too)
  • All terrain jutsu.
  • Jutsu and Skills that raise or reference chance to hit % rather than Accuracy and Evasion stat amounts.
  • All custom Path skills.
  • Response Techniques that block more than one jutsu and do not follow the new rules for doing so. (So most of them)
  • Feel free to ask staff if you are unsure if something of yours needs resubmission. We ask the members to try and be responsible for your own creations.

--Wave I--------------------


Raised the chance to awaken in battle by 1.

When Damage and Costs Takes Place-

Damage is taken at the end of the phase in which it was afflicted. The cost for a technique or other ability is paid at the end of the phase in which it was used. Unlike damage however, the cost for a technique or other ability cannot be paid if it would bring you below 0 in said stat. The upkeep cost for any ability, no matter what it is paid in occurs at the end of the setup phase unless otherwise noted within the ability itself.


Blocking an oncoming attack will simply deal half the amount it would originally deal with no dodge roll.

Area of Effect Jutsu-

Reworded rules for the most part, in addition to a couple additions.

*Area of Effect jutsu are also treated like multi-hit jutsu, in which they obtain one full modifier divided by the number of targets.

* *If you want an AoE technique that does not target allies it will cost four times the final cost of the technique instead of three times.

Status Effects-

The following effects have been nerfed due to new speed rules; Cold, Drowning, Ensnared, Frostbite (Hypothermia Stage 2), Frozen, Hamstrung, Hypothermic (Hypothermia Stage 3), Shackled [Leg], Shackled [Paired Legs], and Tired.

Status Effect Duration-

When a person is affected by a status effect it lasts for a set amount of turns. The amount of turns that the effect lasts is determined by the turn amount of the person being affected. In a small number of cases there may be a ‘global' status effect that affects everyone. In that case it will last for an amount of turns equal to the user's turns. If there is no one person who initiated the status effect, it will last for a turn amount equal to the person with the lowest amount of turns.

Ghost Damage-

Chance to knock out a player through Ghost Damage has increased to a roll of 80 or below, rather then 50 or below.

Response Phase-

* Each attack that is aimed at you is treated separately. Unless a response technique or other ability specifically says so, it only targets/affects one of the attacks aimed at you.

** You react to each attack in the order that they were made.

*** Per turn you may only use 1 Counter Response Phase technique. So if you have multiple attacks coming at you, and you have a technique that stops one attack, you will have to choose another action for the second attack.


A clone does not receive equipment from the original user, and as such they do not receive bonuses from it either. For purposes of RP though, they may appear to have the same equipment as the user. In addition, the owner of a clone is considered the user for any techniques used by the clone that have harmful effects outside of battle to the user.


Weapon attacks are considered multi-hit jutsu and as such follow the same rules as multi-hit jutsu. In addition though, weapon attacks also have their base damage divided per attack as well. So a weapon that deals 50 base damage would deal 25 and 25 if it were used for two swings, before modifiers.

--Wave II--------------------

Second Wind-

If a ninja would fall below -25% of their base health, this skill no longer comes into effect.

Critical Hits-

No longer can someone land a ‘double critical hit' IE; Strategist + Rolling a 1.


Bleed and Burning are considered the same status effect as of now. x = The normal DP (cost) of the damage that it is being applied to.


Terrain effects will now be split into two different categories; Terrain and Climate. Terrain is the 'ground' of the environment. Sand, rocks, rubble, water, or anything else that would always be in an area is considered terrain. Climate is the 'air' of the environment. Rain, snow, high winds, mist, smoke or any other type of atmospheric or very brief effect are placed in here.

Main Site Terrain-

Effects balanced accordingly to the new speed and terrain rules.

Terrain Skills-

All terrain skills nerfed to 10% Speed rather then 20%.

Custom Paths-

All custom paths are considered to be removed henceforth. If you want to make a custom path, it must be available to the rest of the members, and will require more approvals then a normal skill. We're no longer allowing special ‘character paths' just so people get their own special skills.

Genjutsu Creator-

Now states that it does not apply to tank stats.

Fighting Styles-

Every ninja gets their village's fighting style free of charge. However, this must be taken at level 0.

Martial Artist-

Removed training requirement.


You must have enough points in the school of jutsu to actually be able to use the technique within a scroll. If you need help with this one let me give you an example. Forbidden technique that costs 7020 chakra, 81 JP. You can't possibly preform this yourself, as it would take at least a total amount of stats of 14042 to preform. But with the old scroll rules you could place it on a scroll and then use it for free.

Ninjutsu Mastery-

You can now simply choose any element, rather then your home village's.

Knowing The Elements/ Seeing Mind/ Iron Will-

Effects changed so rather than completely nullifying an incoming jutsu, your respective evasive stat is considered to be 1.5x it's base for the incoming jutsu.


- Time and money put into making a puppet. Lowering both of them some will make it easier to obtain a puppet. (Durability = $3; +1 Stat = $4).

- The evasion of the puppet should be considered 1.2x that of the user base evasion (The fact that they can be destroyed in the first place by damage is a disadvantage to normal weapons). Any attack that says 'destroys target weapon' must hit the puppet itself and not the user, otherwise the puppet cannot be targeted. A jutsu that destroys weapons has a 50% chance to fail if it is the same rank of 'Puppet Technique (Kugustu no Jutsu)' the user is currently using. If the technique is a lower rank it has a 75% chance to fail and if it is a higher rank it has a normal chance to succeed. All rolls are made on a d100 and a roll below the chance to fail is considered a failure.


As of now, we're removing level 6 summons (boss summons will simply be level 5 now) as well as nerfing them once again. The allowed stats for each summon has also been nerfed, and all summons must be resubmitted.

Here are the new rolling requirements and summon stats to be put in place;

EQUATION: Die Roll (1d50) + User Level + Rank Modifier

Rank Modifiers:

Gennin: 0

Chuunin: 10

Jounin: 30

Sennin: 40

Roll Requirements:

0-40 : Level 0

41-70 : level 1

71-100 : Level 2

101-130 : Level 3

131-160 : Level 4

161+ : Level 5

Level – Stat Amount

0 – 100

1 – 2000 (Level 15)

2 – 3500 (Level 30)

3 – 5500 (Level 50)

4 – 8000 (Level 75)

5 – 10,000 (Level 95)

JP; SP; Weapon

0 - 0 (boosts one of your stats +100)

1 - 16 Jutsu Points, Only Genin techs; 3 SP; lvl 1 Medium Weapon

2 - 30 Jutsu Points, Genin techs and no more than 3 Chuunin techs; 5 SP; lvl 10 Medium Weapon

3 - 48 Jutsu Points, Genin Techs, no more than 5 Chuunin Techs, Only 1 Jounin Tech.; 8 SP; lvl 20 Large Weapon

4 - 70 Jutsu Points, Genin Techs, no more than 5 Chuunin Techs, no more than 3 Jounin Techs.; 10 SP; lvl 30 Large Weapon

5 - 120 Jutsu Points, only 1 Sennin Tech; 15 SP; lvl 50 Large Weapon

--Wave III--------------------

Hybrid Jutsu-

Fleshed out the Hybrid jutsu rules more, due to how short they were and how little they originally covered.

Sennin Ratios-

Now clearly stated to be the same as Jounin ratios.

Second and Third Character Slots / Death Bonus Rules-

When your first character hits level 30 you have the choice of creating a second character.

When your first character hits level 60 and your second hits level 30 you may make a third character.

A third character may roll for a death bonus, but only if the first and second characters are considered to be 'normal' level. When rolling for your third character's death bonus, you have the chance to re-roll your death bonus roll for this character if it meets the requirements. If you choose to roll a second time you MUST take the second roll. This applies to the first time a person is allowed a third character and every death after that in which they still have two characters of the appropriate levels to grant a third character.

Stat Additon/Subtraction Restrictions-


Chakra and Stamina Damage-

All damage dealt to Chakra and Stamina is unmodified. When a stat talks about increasing damage on a technique, it is exclusively talking about Health damage. This was always the case, it is just now in the rules officially. (Clerical Error)

--Wave IV--------------------


In order to balance Genjutsu's well known ability to become unstoppable at higher levels, Concentration will now give the following bonuses;

- Every 20 points in Concentration raises your chance to hit with Genjutsu by 1%, to a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 90%.

- Every 20 points in Concentration raises your chance to dodge Genjutsu by 1%, to a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 90%.

- Every 100 points in Concentration raises your chance to critically strike with Taijutsu based attacks by 1%.

- Every 100 points in Concentration lowers the cost of your Ninjutsu based attacks by 2%, rounded down.


In order to counteract the changes to Concentration as well as to make ghost damage more interesting rather than an illusionary clone of regular damage, the following changes were made to Genjutsu.

- For every 20 points of Genjutsu the player has his Genjutsu attacks reduce an opponent's stats by an additional 5 points.

- For every 20 points of Genjutsu the player takes 5 points less of stat reduction from Genjutsu attacks.

- For every 20 points of Genjutsu a player has their Genjutsu techniques deal an additional 2 ghost damage

Accuracy/Evasion Percentiles-

In order to keep battles from always ending in 90% chance to hit and 15% chance to it, the Accuracy and Evasion percentiles have been changed from 1% per 20 points in their respective stats, as opposed to 5%.

Defensive Stats-

Both Resistance and Defense have been rolled together into one lone stat, still dubbed ‘Defense', that functions to protect against all physical attacks (ninjutsu, taijutsu, weapon, basic attacks, etc.)

Chakra Flow / Intestinal Fortitude-

Ranks 3 and 4 no longer exist.


Mission rewards are now 10% higher. This is NOT retroactive.

Blocking Multiple Techniques with One Jutsu-

To create a technique that blocks multiple techniques in a turn it must follow certain restrictions.

- The response phase technique must be of at least Jounin level to block basic and/or weapon attacks. It must be of Sennin level to block techniques and other types of attacks.

- The cost of a technique that is blocking multiple other techniques must have a +25% cost increase as compared to its cost when responding to just one technique.

Ranged Weapons-

Now run off Accuracy and Taijutsu, rather than Speed and Taijutsu.

Tied Defense-

Does nothing with the change in Defense, replaced with a new skill.


Reworded for clarification.

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Ninja Academy 7.0; Wave I

Ok, first off I would like to say that this is the list that I created so that the staff and myself could go through and easily make streamlined decisions on rules changes. Most of them are unchanged from my original proposed changes, and some are drastically changed. Basically, this is a list of things that were found to be broken, unbalanced or just plain not fun over the course of our NCIA plotline (Look here for the list). Basically, I am going to try and make this as easy as possible to read and go through, and please do not feel intimidated by the size of the post. For the most part I am giving a large amount of information so you do not need to dig around on the main site for it.

Let me first say how I plan to break these rules changes up. As you noticed the title of this topic is 'Wave I' which implies there will be multiple waves. Here is the structure of the rules changes I will be presenting to you all and what each one means.

Wave I (First portion of rules changes; straight up rules for the site)

Wave II (Second portion of rules changes; Waves are arbitrarily split up based on what I felt like tackling at the time)

Wave III (Third and last wave. This will probably be more of a clean up than a full wave; This may not be needed)

Wave IV (I needed a fourth wave because more rule changes spilled over and I wanted to keep stat changes separate.

New Stat Description (This is a complete list of the stats, each rewritten for clarity or to reflect changes listed in the Waves)

Techniques I (Full list of Genin techniques from the main page that are to be changed or fixed)

Techniques II (Full list of Chuunin techniques from the main page that are to be changed or fixed)

Techniques III (Full list of Jounin and Forbidden/Sealing techniques from the main page that are to be changed or fixed)

The format of these changes is as follows.

User Story - This is at the top and it is basically the problem that we ran into and the initial idea to fix it. These were copy pasted from the 'list to fix' page, which was available to staff only. These will be in italics and also colored teal.

Quote - This is the rules as they appear on the main site at the moment, or how they use to appear (depending on when you are reading this, haha)

Fix - Below the quote will be the proposed fix or update for the rule. This is where the meat of this topic is, and unless something ground shaking is brought up these will be going through.

Cntr's Comments - These will be orange in color and also in century gothic. Basically my approval font. They are just my comments that I thought may need clarification.

Please inform me of any grammatical errors so they don't make it to the main site. :[



- Possibly raise the DP value and clarify the effects.

Asleep: At the beginning of your response phase you roll a 10 sided die. If you roll a 3 or lower you wake up and continue your turn regularly. If you miss your roll you cannot do any actions in your turn, but in your Main Phase you gain +5% to your HP, chakra and stamina. If the person(s) in a sleep state is hit afterwards they wake up immediately afterwards.

Max Duration: 10 turns

DP: 50/turn

Asleep: At the beginning of your response phase you roll a 10 sided die. If you roll a 4 or lower you wake up and continue your turn regularly. If you miss your roll you cannot do any actions in your turn, but in your Main Phase you gain +5% to your HP, chakra and stamina. If the person(s) in a sleep state is hit by any attack they wake up immediately.

Max Duration: 10 turns

DP: 50/turn


When Damage Takes Place

- Identify when damage actually is calculated. Also when bleed/burn takes place as well as upkeep costs.

* The below will be a new subsection of the battle system rules

When Damage and Costs Occur

Damage: Damage is taken at the end of the phase in which it was afflicted. This means if you are hit with an attack in your response phase that will bring you below 0 HP, you are knock unconscious at the end of that response phase. Also, if you use a technique, skill or other ability that deals damage to yourself, that damage is taken at the end of the phase in which you used it. So if you use a technique that deal you 20 HP in your main phase, you take the 20 damage at the end of your main phase (meaning you can use a technique that deals HP damage successfully, even if it would knock you out). Any bleed damage or damage caused by other effects that happen over a set amount of turns happens in the phase it was originally caused in. If for any reason a type of damage does not have a phase in which it started, it is assumed to be taken at the end of the setup phase. The Loss tag is the combined loss you recieved from the ENTIRE turn.

Ability Cost: The cost for a technique or other ability is paid at the end of the phase in which it was used. Unlike damage however, the cost for a technique or other ability cannot be paid if it would bring you below 0 in said stat. If this is attempted, the technique will not be successful and you will still pass out from chakra/stamia exhaustion at the end of the phase.

Upkeep Costs: The upkeep cost for any ability, no matter what it is paid in (Health, Chakra, Stamina, Rupees, Goats, etc.) occurs at the end of the setup phase unless otherwise noted within the ability itself. If the cost from an upkeep would exhaust any of your resources (Health, Chakra, Stamina) it will be successful until the cost is paid. So for example, if you have a bloodline ability active on your turn, it will be usable throughout your response phase and setup phase, even if at the end of your setup phase it causes you to pass out.

*Note: The difference between an Ability Cost and Upkeep Cost is important to know as two distict types of cost. The each follow separate pricing rules for techniques. For a general definition, an Ability Cost is the initial cost of the ability, while an Upkeep Cost is any additional cost paid on turned following the Ability Cost.



- Completely remove -or- change to consider the attack a "block" -or- Pur sever limits. Needs to mention about blocking rank of the user's level or less.

Parry You have been trained too parry other weapon attacks. Your weapon is able too block another weapon's attack a number of times equal too the rank you have in this. Can get up too 2 ranks n/a $200 per rank

Defend You have been trained too defend against taijutsu and physical attack(punches, kicks, etc.). Your weapon is able too block an enemy taijutsu or physical attack a number of times equal too the rank you have in this. Can get up too 2 ranks n/a $200 per rank


You have been trained to parry other weapon attacks. Your weapon is able to block (Take half damage with no dodge roll) another set of weapon attacks in a single turn a number of times equal to the rank you have in this. Can get up to 2 ranks


$200 per rank


You have been trained to defend against taijutsu and physical attack(punches, kicks, etc.). Your weapon is able to block (Take half damage with no dodge roll) an enemy taijutsu or physical attack a number of times equal to the rank you have in this. Can get up to 2 ranks


$200 per rank

Any weapon or armor ability based on the above two will have to be resubmitted with the same style of changes/clarifications.


Area of Effect / Opening Series

- Cost rules are a bit messed up, may need to be clarified. Dodge negative needs to be cleared up, reworded/remade. possible percentile negative to dodge based on the amount of targets. Clear up that by default the player is not a target, but all allies are. Possibly change ALL area of effect costs to merely be 3x the regular cost (DP cost)

Area of Effect Jutsu

Area of affect jutsu have half the normal chance to dodge. So if you have a 60% chance to dodge an attack normally then you have a 30% chance to dodge an area of effect jutsu. Minimum %'s to dodge still apply. They affect everyone on the battlefield unless stated otherwise. They can be used with Taijutsu, Ninjutsu or Genjutsu as long as they make sense.

Cost: DP Ratio

Gennin: 4:1 (120 chakra for 30 DP)

Chuunin: 3:1 (90 chakra for 30 DP)

Jounin+: 2:1 (60 chakra for 30 DP)

*The final cost is the final DP for the technique.

Area of Effect jutsu are also treated like multi-hit jutsu, in which they obtain one full modifier divided by the number of targets.

Area of Effect Jutsu

Area of Effect jutsu are jutsu that effect everyone in the battle. Unless stated otherwise, an Area of Effect (AoE) technique hits everyone on the field (opponent or ally) except the user. They can be used with Taijutsu, Ninjutsu or Genjutsu as long as they make sense.

Dodging an AoE technique is different than dodging a regular technique, in that it is quite a bit harder to do. To dodge an AoE attack you first calculate the chance to hit like you would normally. Once you have that %, you take half of it and add it on, or multiply it by 1.5. The result is the % to hit for the technique. For example, if you have an AoE attack and the normal to hit would be 50%, you take half of that (25%) and add it onto the 50% to get a total of 75% chance to hit. Of course the normal maximum and minimum of 90% and 15% are still used. So a technique that starts with an chance to hit of 70% will still be capped at 90% chance to hit.


For any technique to be an area of effect it needs to cost three times the final cost of the technique. The final cost is the same as the final DP for the technique.

* Area of Effect jutsu are also treated like multi-hit jutsu, in which they obtain one full modifier divided by the number of targets.

* If you want an AoE technique that does not target allies it will cost four times the final cost of the technique instead of three times.


Status Effects w/ Speed

- Nerf due to new speed rules.

Cold (Hypothermia Stage 1): Target's chance to hit reduces by 5% (minimum of 15%). Target's speed is at 80%. Ninjutsu and Genjutsu that require hand seals have 5% chance to fail. Max Turns: 3. Burn/Bleed effects last one post longer. (May not be stacked with any other frozen, or numb effects, this effect takes precedence.)

Max Duration: 3

DP: 50/turn

Drowning: Speed is at 70% and if this effect is kept up for more than 4 of their turns the target takes 50 damage a turn for every turn afterwards.

Max Duration: n/a

DP: 40/turn

Ensnared: Uses Taijutsu with a 50% failure chance. Speed halved, cannot move around. May only be used once a battle per enemy by Gennin, three times by Chuunin and six times by Jounin.

Max Duration: 3 turns

DP: 25/turn

Frostbite (Hypothermia Stage 2): Target's chance to hit reduces by 10%(minimum of 15%). Target's speed is at 70%. Target's evasion is at 80%. (May not be stacked with any frozen or numb effects, this effect takes precedence. Does not stack with other stages, replaces 'Cold' status effect if active.)

Max Turns: 3

DP: 60/turn

Frozen: Target's speed is at 75%. Ninjutsu/Genjutsu involving hand seals has a 5% chance to fail. Held items/weapons have a 5% chance to be dropped (unequipped) when used.

Max Duration: 2 turns

DP: 35/turn

Hamstrung: Your speed is at 75%, and 10% failure rate is added to all jutsus that involve movement in the Response Phase.

Max Duration: 3 turns

DP: 15/turn

Hypothermic (Hypothermia Stage 3): Target's chance to hit is reduced by 15% (minimum of 15%). Target's speed is at 60%. Target's evasion is at 70%. (May not be stacked with any frozen or numb effects, this effect takes precedence. Does not stack with other stages, replaces 'Cold' or 'Frostbite' status effects if active).

Max Turns: 3

DP: 75/turn

Shackled [Leg]: Speed and evasion are reduced by 50%, any action requiring legs (taijutsu or basic attack kick combinations, running) may not be used for duration of battle until effect has worn off and cannot be stacked with 'Hamstrung'. Opponent is not affected by shackled if used consecutively after the previous attack which used it went to its maximum duration.

Max Duration: 4

DP: 40/turn

Shackled [Paired Legs]: Speed and evasion are reduced by 75%, any action requiring legs (taijutsu or basic attack kick combinations, running) may not be used for duration of battle until effect has worn off and cannot be stacked with 'Hamstrung'. Opponent is not affected by shackled if used consecutively after the previous attack which used it went to its maximum duration.

Max Duration: 3

DP: 50/turn

Tired: Speed is effectively halved. You take a -10% to Taijutsu damage and -5% to evasion. May be healed if the inflicted person takes a turn to rest (skips their Main Phase).

Max Duration: 4 turns

DP: 10/turn

Cold (Hypothermia Stage 1): Target's chance to hit reduces by 5% (minimum of 15%). Target's speed is at 90%. Ninjutsu and Genjutsu that require hand seals have 5% chance to fail. Max Turns: 3. Burn/Bleed effects last one post longer. (May not be stacked with any other frozen, or numb effects, this effect takes precedence.)

Max Duration: 3

DP: 50/turn

Drowning: Speed is at 80% and if this effect is kept up for more than 4 of their turns the target takes 50 damage a turn for every turn afterwards.

Max Duration: n/a

DP: 40/turn

Ensnared: Uses Taijutsu with a 50% failure chance. Speed is set at 75%, target cannot move around. May only be used once a battle per enemy by Gennin, three times by Chuunin and six times by Jounin.

Max Duration: 3 turns

DP: 25/turn

Frostbite (Hypothermia Stage 2): Target's chance to hit reduces by 10%(minimum of 15%). Target's speed is at 80%. Target's evasion is at 80%. (May not be stacked with any frozen or numb effects, this effect takes precedence. Does not stack with other stages, replaces 'Cold' status effect if active.)

Max Turns: 3

DP: 60/turn

Frozen: Target's speed is at 80%. Ninjutsu/Genjutsu involving hand seals has a 5% chance to fail. Held items/weapons have a 5% chance to be dropped (unequipped) when used.

Max Duration: 2 turns

DP: 35/turn

Hamstrung: Target's speed is at 90%, and 10% failure rate is added to all jutsus that involve movement in the Response Phase.

Max Duration: 3 turns

DP: 15/turn

Hypothermic (Hypothermia Stage 3): Target's chance to hit is reduced by 15% (minimum of 15%). Target's speed is at 70%. Target's evasion is at 70%. (May not be stacked with any frozen or numb effects, this effect takes precedence. Does not stack with other stages, replaces 'Cold' or 'Frostbite' status effects if active).

Max Turns: 3

DP: 75/turn

Shackled [Leg]: Speed and evasion are reduced by 15%, any action requiring legs (taijutsu or basic attack kick combinations, running) may not be used for duration of battle until effect has worn off and cannot be stacked with 'Hamstrung'. Opponent is not affected by shackled if used consecutively after the previous attack which used it went to its maximum duration.

Max Duration: 4

DP: 40/turn

Shackled [Paired Legs]: Speed is reduced by 25% and evasion is reduced by 30%, any action requiring legs (taijutsu or basic attack kick combinations, running) may not be used for duration of battle until effect has worn off and cannot be stacked with 'Hamstrung'. Opponent is not affected by shackled if used consecutively after the previous attack which used it went to its maximum duration.

Max Duration: 3

DP: 50/turn

Tired: Speed is reduced to 90%. You deal -10% with Taijutsu damage and take a -5% to evasion. May be healed if the inflicted person takes a turn to rest (skips their Main Phase).

Max Duration: 4 turns

DP: 10/turn

* Note: The maximum amount the speed stat may be reduced to is 75%.

* The above were all changed due to the larger precedence on the speed stat, making any reductions that are below 75% extremely powerful.


Status Effect Duration

- State that status affects that effect a single target last for x turns of that target. Global affects last for the amount of turns that the user has. If there is no user who initiated a global effect it lasts for the turns of the person with the least amount of turns.

* The below will be added in at the top of the status affects page.

When a person is affected by a status effect it lasts for a set amount of turns. The amount of turns that the effect lasts is determined by the turn amount of the person being affected. In a small number of cases there may be a ‘global' status effect that affects everyone. In that case it will last for an amount of turns equal to the user's turns. If there is no one person who initiated the status effect, it will last for a turn amount equal to the person with the lowest amount of turns.


Ghost Damage

- Nerf the chance to be stunned and raise the chance to just be knocked out when reaching 0 ghost HP. Possibly include when HP is lost that GHP of the same amount is lost.

Ghost Damage can be dealt only by Genjutsu. It reflects mental trauma; in other words, your mind has been tricked into thinking your body is dead. Ghost Health is kept separate from (but STARTING equal to) your actual health, and regenerates 5% every two turns. Upon reaching 0 Ghost Health you must roll a 100 sided die, modified by the attacker's GEN and your GEN, using damage modifiers. On a roll of 50 or below, you pass out* until woken or until your Ghost HP reaches 100% (in 20 turns). On a roll of 51 or above, you are stunned for one turn (This stun does not count towards the maximum that can be used on a player per battle). After that one turn is over, your Ghost Health is regenerated 75% of its total, dropping by 25% each time your ghost health is reduced to 0 (Second time would be 50%, Third time 25%, Fourth time you are automatically unconscious). The modifier comes into effect after the die roll not during the die roll.

* - Passed out means that a player is treated as if their current HP is at 0 and they are unconscious. If their HP drops below 10% of their total health into the negative, they will die.

Ghost damage cannot be healed by normal medical techniques.

Ghost Damage can be dealt only by Genjutsu. It reflects mental trauma; in other words, your mind has been tricked into thinking your body is dead. Ghost Health is kept separate from (but the total is equal to) your actual health, and regenerates 5% every two turns. Upon reaching 0 Ghost Health you must roll a 100 sided die. On a roll of 80 or below, you pass out* until woken or until your Ghost HP reaches 100% (in 20 turns). On a roll of 81 or above, you are stunned for one turn (This stun does not count towards the maximum that can be used on a player per battle). After that one turn is over, your Ghost Health is regenerated 75% of its total, dropping by 25% each time your ghost health is reduced to 0 (Second time would be 50%, Third time 25%, Fourth time you are automatically unconscious). The modifier comes into effect after the die roll not during the die roll.

* - Passed out means that a player is treated as if their current HP is at 0 and they are unconscious. If their HP drops below 10% of their total health into the negative, they will die.

Ghost damage cannot be healed by normal medical techniques.


Response Phase

- Rewrite/Clarify how response phase works with multiple attacks aimed at the user.

Response Phase

In the beginning of a player's turn if they were attacked, they get a Response Phase before the Main Phase. This is where you see if you dodge or not. You can also use a technique here to counter or dodge the attack (Ex. Body Substitute Technique). During the Response Phase a player can choose to do one of the following. You can do one or the other, NOT both. If you attempt to dodge and fail you cannot then go and use a technique or skill.

In this phase you respond to all attacks aimed at you and any other actions that affect your character. You roll for all attacks in this phase, you may use as many response phase skills and bloodline skills as your rank will allow. You may only use 1 Counter Response Phase technique.

1. Take the attack without rolling.


Ninja B gets hit by the two punches and the kick.

(Setup Phase here)

(Main Phase here)

(HP: -3 | CHK: -0 | STM: -0)

2. Roll to see if they dodge/ block. You roll for every attack they did, so for each of the three attacks in the example.


[Needs to roll below a 15/100 to dodge, rolls a 70, 17, 3]

Ninja B takes a punch to the face, blocks the kick (See Blocking rules below) and dodges the last punch.

(Setup Phase here)

(Main Phase here)

(HP: -2 | CHK: -0 | STM: -0)

-When dodging, if you roll within five under of the number in which you had to roll over, you will block the attack and take half damage. See the blocking rules below for more details.

3. Use a technique to dodge/counter the attack or increase dodge.


Ninja B is hit, but a second later is replaced by a log.

[Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Substitute Technique)]

(Setup Phase here)

(Main Phase skipped)

(HP: -0 | CHK: -10 | STM: -0)

-You may only use one technique per turn in your response phase. If you have multiple attacks aimed at you from multiple opponents the rest you can either dodge or use skills for.

4. Use a skill to dodge/counter the attack or increase dodge.


The fireball barrels down on Ninja B, but at the last moment he sees an escape through the technique, sliding to the side as the flames pass by him.

[used Knowing the Elements]

(Setup Phase here)

(Main Phase here)

*Note: You can only respond properly to attacks aimed at you, this goes for multi-ninja battles. You can however jump in front of an attack aimed at a comrade. To do so you roll a 20 sided dice. If you roll below a 16 you succeed, 16-20 is a failure. You cannot block, dodge or use a skill/technique; you simply take the damage and all effects of the attack instead.

Response Phase

In the beginning of a player's turn if they were attacked, they get a Response Phase before the Main Phase. This is where you see if you dodge or not. You can also use a technique here to counter or dodge the attack (Ex. Body Substitute Technique). During the Response Phase a player can choose to do one of the following. You can do one or the other, NOT both. If you attempt to dodge and fail you cannot then go and use a technique or skill. Below are the choices you have in your response phase, remember you may only perform one.

1. Take the attack without rolling.


Ninja B gets hit by the two punches and the kick.

(Setup Phase here)

(Main Phase here)

(HP: -3 | CHK: -0 | STM: -0)

2. Roll to see if they dodge/ block. You roll for every attack they did, so for each of the three attacks in the example.


[20% chance to hit; Rolled a 70, 17, 3]

Ninja B takes a punch to the face, blocks the kick (See Blocking rules below) and dodges the last punch.

(Setup Phase here)

(Main Phase here)

(HP: -10 | CHK: -0 | STM: -0)

-When dodging, if you roll within five under of the number in which you had to roll over, you will block the attack and take half damage. See the blocking rules below for more details. Also remember to post links to your rolls.

3. Use a technique to dodge/counter the attack or increase dodge.


Ninja B is hit, but a second later is replaced by a log.

[Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Substitute Technique)]

(Setup Phase here)

(Main Phase skipped)

(HP: -0 | CHK: -10 | STM: -0)

-You may only use one technique per turn in your response phase. If you have multiple attacks aimed at you from multiple opponents / a faster opponent the rest you can either dodge or use skills for.

4. Use a skill to dodge/counter the attack or increase dodge.


The fireball barrels down on Ninja B, but at the last moment he sees an escape through the technique, sliding to the side as the flames pass by him.

[used Knowing the Elements]

(Setup Phase here)

(Main Phase here)

(HP: -0 | CHK: -0 | STM: -0)

* Below is the meat of the changes/clarification.

The above rules are fine for one vs. one battles, but if you have multiple opponents or your opponent gets multiple turns to your one, you will be in need of these rules as well.

- Each attack that is aimed at you is treated separately. Unless a response technique or other ability specifically says so, it only targets/affects one of the attacks aimed at you.

- You react to each attack in the order that they were made.

- Per turn you may only use 1 Counter Response Phase technique. So if you have multiple attacks coming at you, and you have a technique that stops one attack, you will have to choose another action for the second attack.

*Note: You can only respond properly to attacks aimed at you, this goes for multi-ninja battles. You can however jump in front of an attack aimed at a comrade. To do so you roll a 20 sided dice. If you roll below a 16 you succeed, 16-20 is a failure. You cannot block, dodge or use a skill/technique; you simply take the damage and all effects of the attack instead.



- Add the rule, 'The owner of a clone is considered the user for any techniques used by the clone that have harmful effects outside of battle to the user.'

- Define if they receive equipment bonuses from player as default. (No)

* This will just be added as another bullet point in the clone rules.

- A clone does not receive equipment from the original user, and as such they do not receive bonuses from it either. For purposes of RP though, they may appear to have the same equipment as the user.

- The owner of a clone is considered the user for any techniques used by the clone that have harmful effects outside of battle to the user.



- Change it so that the base damage of weapons is divided as well as the modifiers per swing in a turn.

* This will be added as an additional paragraph in the current weapon/attribute rules. The reason for this change is simple, because as weapon attacks increase at higher levels they are easily broken to the point where a person can easily get 400 base damage in one turn for a very low cost. Syaoran for instance can deal 320 base damage per swing with his katana. A normal level 80 medium weapon will deal 160 damage base, 4 times at Sennin level. Plus modifiers of course. At the cost of like 40 stamina per swing. This is also just any ninja who just picks up the sword, not even thinking about the ridiculous amounts of ranks from Path of the Warrior one can get and other skills/abilities that would come with someone focusing on this style of fighting.

Weapon attacks are considered multi-hit jutsu and as such follow the same rules as multi-hit jutsu. In addition though, weapon attacks also have their base damage divided per attack as well. So a weapon that deals 50 base damage would deal 25 and 25 if it were used for two swings, before modifiers.

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Ninja Academy 7.0; Wave II


Battle Start

- 'Fight or Flight': If an opponent could gain an offensive attack against you before your first turn, you may also gain an offensive action on your first turn as if it was a normal turn.

Starting a Battle

To start a battle with someone you must talk to them before. In the very first post of the actual battle you post all your stats except HP, Chakra, and Stamina. These are left out as they are kept secret from your opponent. The person with the highest speed goes first. Make sure to read the speed description to know how to proceed with turns from here on.

During your first turn of the battle you do not get a response phase, since you have not yet been attacked. During your first turn you can do anything as long as it does not affect your opponent.


- Use Items (Medical stuff, scrolls, etc.)

- Pull Out/ Pick up a weapon or item. (Previous rules apply).

- Put Away/ Drop a weapon/ item. (Previous rules apply).

After each ninja's first Main Phase you can attack regularly.

Starting a Battle

To start a battle with someone it is important that you inform them out of character before hand so that they are aware of the circumstances. In the very first post of the actual battle you post all your stats except HP, Chakra, and Stamina. These are left out as they are kept secret from your opponent and are not necessary to do the math in the game. To begin, the person with the highest speed goes first. Make sure to read the speed description to know how to proceed with turns from here on, and if you have a problem please ask a staff member for assistance.

During your first turn you can do anything as long as it does not affect your opponent. The first turn is meant to simulate what you may have done going 'into' battle, a type of setting up period in which neither of you may attack the other.


- Use Items (Medical stuff, scrolls, etc.)

- Pull Out/ Pick up a weapon or item. (Previous rules apply).

- Put Away/ Drop a weapon/ item. (Previous rules apply).

Exception: If an opponent could gain an offensive attack against you before your first turn, you may also gain an offensive action on your first turn as if it was a normal turn. This includes, but is not limited to, the opponent gaining a second turn before your first.


Second Wind

- Fix the wording to include health under 0.

Second Wind

Upon reaching 0 health, user regains 1Hp, but only once per battle.

Second Wind

Upon reaching 0 or less health, the user's HP is raised back up to 1 HP, but only once per battle. If the user's HP would be reduced below -25% of its total then this skill does not come into effect.

I made this change to limit the use of the skill and to fit better with the new HP rules.


Critical Hit

- Clarify critical hit rules.

Critical Hits

If a person rolls a 1 when trying to dodge an attack the attack deals 1.5x damage to them.

Critical Hits

If a person rolls within the Critical Range when trying to dodge an attack, that attack deals 1.5x its total damage to them. The Critical Range is a natural one (and only a one) by default, can be modified by skills and stats. A single attack can only critical one time, so if you use a skill to make an attack a critical hit, if they roll a 1 as well it does not 'double critical'. There is no such thing as a 'double critical'.



- Change wording on effect to say 'bleed' or 'burn' damage. Also make it so it is .8x the normal DP.

Bleeding: User loses x HP every turn. (x is determined in the technique that inflicts bleeding.)

Max Duration: 3 turns

DP: 0.8x/turn (x = Damage the bleeding effects per turn.)

Bleeding/Burning: User loses x HP every turn (x is determined in the technique that inflicts bleeding). Bleeding/Burning damage begins to take place on the turn after the attack hits. So if a technique hits an opponent for 20 bleed damage for two turns, the first turn they are hit, the second turn they take the damage and the third turn they take the damage again.

Max Duration: 3 turns

DP: 0.8x/turn (x = The normal DP (cost) of the damage that it is being applied to.)


Terrain Effects

- Possibly split up into Climate/Terrain. Write up rules governing them, tweak their costs some and add cost values/ 'degrees' to each. (degree of a terrain would constitute its cost). Define what type of damage environment damage is.

* This will be added to the Battle System rules with a link in the Jutsu rules to these rules.

Terrain and Climate

'Environment' within the game is separated into two separate categories, terrain and climate. Environment is the arena that your ninja are fighting in, and based upon the type of environment they are in they may gain certain negatives and bonuses. There are jutsu that may change the terrain and climate of an area, but it is more likely that the environment of an area will be set when you enter it. Terrain and Climate have separate rules governing how they may be adjusted or modified, shown below. These restrictions are important not only for creating your own custom versions of these type of effects, but also for jutsu that may apply existing effects.

Terrain – Terrain is the 'ground' of the environment. Sand, rocks, rubble, water, or anything else that would always be in an area is considered terrain. Mud, lava and other 'temporary' effects that would still last longer than a few moments are also categorized in this term. Terrain is the 'static' version of environment and as such the rules and costs follow this idea when they are being manipulated.

- Terrain will never be allowed to lower a stat by more than 10%.

- Terrain will never have more than a 40% chance to inflict a status effect.

- Terrain will always stay on the field unless another effect specifically says that the terrain changes or to remove the terrain. Climate does not change the Terrain and vice versa.

Climate – Climate is the 'air' of the environment. Rain, snow, high winds, mist, smoke or any other type of atmospheric or very brief effect are placed in here. These effects are brief and need constant attention to be maintained, and as such the rules and costs to manipulate these environment effects will follow suite.

- Climate will never be allowed to lower a stat by more than 15%.

- Climate will never have more than a 50% chance to inflict a status effect.

- Climate will always have to either constantly be paid for with an upkeep, or given a time duration in which it will be effective. A climate without an upkeep can not last longer than five full rounds of battle. A round is considered to be one full loop in which every player has had at least one turn.

- If one climate would come into effect while another climate is in play, the preexisting climate is overwritten. A change in the Terrain of an environment does not change the Climate and vice versa.


Categorize Terrain Effects

- Categorize and balance main site terrain effects in accordance with new rules.

Boiling Mud/Tar: Ninja take 20 damage, not able to be reduced in any way, each turn. They also suffer Thick Mud conditions.

Cave: Lowlight conditions reduce any accuracy by -10%.

Dense Woodland and Jungle: -15% to hit with ranged weapons or jutsus. 5% chance to be Ensnared at the start of every turn, lasts one turn.

Hailstorm: Inflicts a 50 environmental damage every turn with a 50% chance to be dodged.

Heavy Raining: 5% chance to fall prone if moving that turn. -10% to hit with ranged attacks. Lightning attacks do damage to all exposed to the rain, even the user but do 5% less damage for each person affected.

High Grass: -20% to hit when at a distance to the enemy or when using non-area-effect jutsus.

Ice: 40% chance to lose movement ability and fall prone. Roll at the start of a turn involving movement.

Lavaflow: Each player must roll a 100 sided die every turn. On a 1, you take a 50% of your current HP in environmental damage. On 2-10, you take a 10% hit. All player lose 5 HP per turn, regardless, because of extreme heat.

Marsh: -10% to Speed, 2% to be Ensnared for one turn.

Mist: A heavy mist blankets the area. Accuracy is reduced by 10%.

Monsoon: 20% chance to fall prone if moving that turn. -50% to hit with all physical attacks. Lightning attacks do damage to all exposed to the rain, even the user but do 5% less damage for each person affected.

Muddy Ground: -15% to speed, Taijutsu suffers 5% fail chance.

Plains: None.

Raining: 2% chance to fall prone if moving that turn. -5% to hit with ranged attacks. Lightning attacks do damage to all exposed to the rain, even the user but do 5% less damage for each person affected.

Rocky Ground: None.

Rocky Plateau: Players must be cautious about their steps, so speed and evasion are at 75%.

Rubble/Ruins: 10% chance to fall prone. Roll at the start of a turn involving movement. Rock chunks are ranged weapons that deal 2 damage and weigh .5 lbs. They can be picked up as if drawing a weapon.

Sand: -10% to speed.

Sand Storm: 10 damage at the start of each ninjas turn, this cannot be reduced. 50% miss chance to all attacks as if Blind.

Strong Winds: 20% chance to fall prone at the start of every turn. -10% to hit with ranged attacks.

Thick Mud/Deep Snow or Water: -30% to Speed, -10% to hit with Taijutsu.


Boiling Mud/Tar: All ninja take 20 damage each turn, this damage is not able to be reduced in any way. They also suffer Thick Mud conditions.

DP: 300

Cave: Lowlight conditions reduce any accuracy by -6%.

DP: 100

Dense Woodland and Jungle: -8% to hit with ranged weapons or jutsus. 5% chance to be Ensnared at the start of every turn, lasts one turn.

DP: 130

High Grass: -10% to hit when at a distance to the enemy or when using non-area-effect jutsus.

DP: 140

Ice: 40% chance to fall "prone”. Roll at the start of a turn involving movement.

DP: 90

Lavaflow: Each player must roll a 100 sided die every turn. On a 1, you take a 50% of your total HP in environmental damage. On 2-10, you lose 5% of your total HP. All players lose 5 HP per turn, regardless, due to extreme heat.

DP: 240

Marsh: -10% to Speed, 10% chance to be Ensnared for one turn, roll at the start of every turn..

DP: 150

Muddy Ground: -10% to speed, Taijutsu suffers 5% fail chance.

DP: 165

Plains: None.

DP: 40

Rocky Ground: None.

DP: 40

Rocky Plateau: Players must be cautious about their steps, so speed and evasion are at 90%.

DP: 240

Rubble/Ruins: 10% chance to fall prone. Roll at the start of a turn involving movement. Rock chunks are ranged weapons that deal 2 damage and weigh .5 lbs. They can be picked up as if drawing a weapon.

DP: 70

Sand: -10% to speed.

DP: 140

Thick Mud/Deep Snow or Water: -10% to Speed, -6% to hit with Taijutsu.

DP: 160


Hailstorm: Inflicts a 50 unmodified environmental damage every turn with a 50% chance to be dodged.

DP: 40 + (70 per turn)

Heavy Raining: 5% chance to fall prone if moving that turn. -6% to hit with ranged attacks. Lightning attacks do damage to all exposed to the rain, even the user but do 5% less damage for each person affected.

DP: 40 + (50 per turn)

Mist: A heavy mist blankets the area. Accuracy stat is reduced by 10%.

DP: 40 + (30 per turn)

Monsoon: 20% chance to fall prone if moving that turn. -20% to hit with all physical attacks. Lightning attacks do damage to all exposed to the rain, even the user but do 5% less damage for each person affected.

DP: 40 + (80 per turn)

Raining: 5% chance to fall prone if moving that turn. -4% to hit with ranged attacks. Lightning attacks do damage to all exposed to the rain, even the user but do 5% less damage for each person affected.

DP: 40 + (40 per turn)

Sand Storm: 10 damage at the start of each ninjas turn, this cannot be reduced. 50% miss chance to all attacks as if Blind.

DP: 40 + (110 per turn)

Strong Winds: 20% chance to fall prone at the start of every turn. -5% to hit with ranged attacks.

DP: 40 + (25 per turn)


Terrain Skills

- Nerf the main site terrain skills to give a smaller speed bonus considering the change in speed rules.

Spelunker: Rocky Terrain Bonus

Gives +%20 speed in rocky terrain. A ninja with this skill suffers half of all environmental damage.

Hydrologist: Mist Terrain Bonus

Gives +%20 speed in the mist/fog. Muddy Ground doesn't give a ninja with this a 5% taijutsu failure chance.

Nomad: Desert Terrain Bonus

Gives +%20 speed in sand. A ninja was this skill doesn't suffer the slowing effects of sand terrain.

Survivalist: Extreme Weather Terrain Bonus

Gives +%20 speed in mountainous or clouded terrain. A ninja was this skill doesn't suffer the ranged attack penalty of Strong Winds.

Outdoorsman: Forest Terrain Bonus

Gives +%20 speed in forests. A ninja was this skill doesn't suffer the accuracy penalty of Dense Woodland and Jungle terrain.

Plains Terrain Bonus

Gives +%20 speed in plains. A ninja was this skill suffers only half of the inaccuracy effects of High Grass terrain.

Cavern Terrain Bonus

Gives +%20 speed in caves. A ninja with this skill only suffers a 2% chance to fall prove in Rubble/Ruins/Heavily Rocky terrain.

Weathered Shinobi

Immune to all Terrain Effects. Gain +20% Speed Bonus in any terrain (does not stack with the other Terrain Bonus skills)

Spelunker: Rocky Terrain Bonus

Gives +%10 speed in rocky terrain. Rubble/Ruins doesn't give a ninja with this a 10% chance to fall prone.

Hydrologist: Mist Terrain Bonus

Gives +%10 speed in the mist/fog. Muddy Ground doesn't give a ninja with this a 5% taijutsu failure chance.

Nomad: Desert Terrain Bonus

Gives +%10 speed in sand. A ninja was this skill doesn't suffer the slowing effects of sand terrain.

Survivalist: Extreme Weather Terrain Bonus

Gives +%10 speed in mountainous or clouded terrain. A ninja was this skill doesn't suffer the ranged attack penalty of Strong Winds.

Outdoorsman: Forest Terrain Bonus

Gives +%10 speed in forests. A ninja was this skill doesn't suffer the accuracy penalty of Dense Woodland and Jungle terrain.

Plains Terrain Bonus

Gives +%10 speed in plains. A ninja was this skill suffers only half of the inaccuracy effects of High Grass terrain.

Cavern Terrain Bonus

Gives +%10 speed in caves. A ninja with this skill only suffers a 2% chance to fall prove in Rubble/Ruins/Heavily Rocky terrain.

Weathered Shinobi

Immune to all Terrain Effects. Gain +10% Speed Bonus in any terrain (does not stack with the other Terrain Bonus skills)

Lowered all of the bonuses from 20% to 10% because of the speed rule changes and the fact that 20% was HUGE based on personal character experiences. [/insert Syaoran nerf]


Custom Paths

- We need to outlaw these things, what's the point of having advanced paths if everyone wants their own path? Ever since we let the 'Path of the Fisher Nin' through, EVERYONE and their mom wants their own path now. I personally want to outlaw them and force people to stick to the real paths.

I agree with this statement completely. We should have users be able to create paths and make new ones, but they should be very hard to get approved and once they are they should be available to anyone who wants them. The point of paths is not for everyone to get a powerful skill for themselves...

All custom paths are considered to be removed henceforth. If you want to make a custom path, it must be available to the rest of the members, and will require more approvals then a normal skill. We're no longer allowing special ‘character paths' just so people get their own special skills.


Genjutsu Creator

- Change the wording so it states that it does not apply to tank stats.

Genjutsu Creator

Genjutsu drain 5 more points per the user's rank in this skill. If the user uses a Genjutsu which deals stat damage to multiple stats then the user must choose it to apply only to one of these stats. This is inclusive of modifiers.

Genjutsu Creator

Genjutsu reduces opponent's stats by 5 more points per the user's rank in this skill. If the user uses a Genjutsu which deals stat damage to multiple stats then the user must choose which stats to apply the bonus to, but only in intervals of 5. This is inclusive of modifiers and does not include tank stats.


Taijutsu Styles

- Nuke them, I've heard so many complaints about how stupid it is to have to spend 1 SP and train to learn taijutsu styles that only a few main site jutsu use. We have to kill the styles altogether or make it so you automatically know the style of your village.

I do not agree with nuking these as they each give bonuses to their own type of techniques. I can however see the point in allowing people from a village to begin with the ability to use their own village's style. So the following will be added under the jutsu rules page under the styles rules.

- A player may choose to begin their character with the taijutsu style of their village for free. This must be taken at level 0 however and marked in the log sheet as being taken at level 0.


Martial Artist

- Remove the training requirement, ninjutsu mastery doesn't require one, why should this?

Martial Artist

+5 Damage to Punches, Kicks, and Taijutsu techniques.

5 post Jounin Training



Martial Artist

+5 Damage to Punches, Kicks, and Taijutsu techniques.






- Fucking hacked work around with high level uber hax techniques. Inb4 patch.

In order to make a scroll for a technique, you must know the technique. You can only put techniques on scrolls if you have the scribe skill, and more ranks in the skill would also be useful. You can only inscribe Ninjutsu and Genjutsu techniques onto a scroll, NO TAIJUTSU. In battle, you can only use one scroll per battle. However, this can be changed by skills.

In order to make a scroll for a technique, you must know the technique and be able to preform it yourself. You can only put techniques on scrolls if you have the scribe skill, and more ranks in the skill would also be useful. You can only inscribe Ninjutsu and Genjutsu techniques onto a scroll, NO TAIJUTSU. In battle, you can only use one scroll per battle. However, this can be changed by skills.

If you need help with this one let me give you an example. Forbidden technique that costs 7020 chakra, 81 JP. You can't possibly preform this yourself, as it would take at least a total amount of stats of 14042 to preform. But with the old scroll rules you could place it on a scroll and then use it for free. Whoo loopholes.


Ninjutsu Mastery

- Replace Ninjutsu Mastery with Elemental Mastery

Ninjutsu Mastery

Ninjutsu of your home village element will do an extra +5 damage. This is inclusive of modifiers.



[ ]

Ninjutsu Mastery [Element Name Here]

Ninjutsu of the chosen type of element will do an extra +5 damage. This is inclusive of modifiers.



[ ]

I changed the wording on Ninjutsu Mastery instead of replacing it completely.


Knowing the Elements/Iron Will

- Rework these skills to give less straight power and more strategic value.

Iron Will

Once per your rank in this skill you may negate the damage from a Taijutsu attack against you. The incoming attack cannot be of a higher rank than your own. This may not be used against an attack from a Ninja of higher Ninja Rank to your own. Does not negate the effects of selected jutsu.




Knowing the Elements

Once per your rank in this skill you may negate the damage from a Ninjutsu attack against you. The incoming attack cannot be of a higher rank than your own. This may not be used against an attack from a Ninja of higher Ninja Rank to your own. Does not negate the effects of selected jutsu.




The Seeing Mind

Once per your rank in this skill you may negate either the damage or the effect from one Genjutsu attack against you. The incoming attack cannot be of a higher rank than your own. This may not be used against an attack from a Ninja of higher Ninja Rank to your own.




Iron Will

Once per your rank in this skill you may treat your evasion and defense as if they were 1.5x their current value for a single Taijutsu attack aimed at you. The incoming attack cannot be of a higher rank than your own. This may not be used against an attack from a ninja of higher ninja rank than your own. Must be used before the dodge roll is made.




Knowing the Elements

Once per your rank in this skill you may treat your evasion and defense as if they were 1.5x their current value for a single Ninjutsu attack aimed at you. The incoming attack cannot be of a higher rank than your own. This may not be used against an attack from a ninja of higher ninja rank than your own. Must be used before the dodge roll is made.




The Seeing Mind

Once per your rank in this skill you may treat your concentration and genjutsu as if they were 1.5x their current value for a single Genjutsu attack aimed at you. The incoming attack cannot be of a higher rank than your own. This may not be used against an attack from a ninja of higher ninja rank than your own. Must be used before the dodge roll is made.






Puppets are too weak and don't reward a player enough for playing them.

- Time and money put into making a puppet. Lowering both of them some will make it easier to obtain a puppet. (Durability = $3; +1 Stat = $4).

- The evasion of the puppet should be considered 1.2x that of the user base evasion (The fact that they can be destroyed in the first place by damage is a disadvantage to normal weapons). Any attack that says 'destroys target weapon' must hit the puppet itself and not the user, otherwise the puppet cannot be targeted. A jutsu that destroys weapons has a 50% chance to fail if it is the same rank of 'Puppet Technique (Kugustu no Jutsu)' the user is currently using. If the technique is a lower rank it has a 75% chance to fail and if it is a higher rank it has a normal chance to succeed. All rolls are made on a d100 and a roll below the chance to fail is considered a failure.



- Though I know it's supposed to be difficult to summon a level 6, has anyone realized how impossible it is to actually get these guys on the field? You must be level 100, be a kage, and roll a 100 to summon these guys naturally. I think we need to redo the rolls a bit, because that's a little farfetched. EDIT: Especially if they're going to get nerfed AGAIN.

Summoning Rules

-Summons leave the field either when you tell them too (done in setup phase) or when their chakra/stamina/HP reach 0.

-If a summon's chakra/stamina/HP reach 0, that summon cannot be summoned against for 1 day role play time.

-For weapon and basic attacks, a summon is considered the same rank as the highest level technique it can use. (A level 4 summon would be considered Jounin rank).

-When you use the technique Kuchiyose no Jutsu in battle you roll a 100 sided die. Depending on your level and rank, you will summon a certain level summon depending on your die roll. (see below).

-If you make a successful die roll for a certain level summon you may choose to summon a lower level animal instead. So say after you add your level and rank to your die roll you have a 90. That is a 2nd level summon. But you can choose to summon a level 0 or level 1 instead.

-Two of the same summon cannot be out in the same battle.

-You can only have this many of each summon level out at a time. Without the skill 'Summon Affinity' you cannot have more than one summon out at a time.

Level 0 - 5

Level 1 - 4 / 3 & 2(level 0) / 2 & 3(level 0) / 1 & 4(level 0)

Level 2 - 3 / 2 & 2(level 1) / 1 & 3(level 1)

Level 3 - 2 / 1 & 2(level 2)

Level 4 - 1 & 1(level 3)

Level 5 - 1

Level 6 - 1

EQUATION: Die roll + User level + rank modifier

Rank Modifiers:

Gennin: 0

Chuunin: 20

Jounin: 50

Kage: 100

Roll Requirements:

0-40 : Level 0

41-80 : level 1

81-120 : Level 2

121-160 : Level 3

161-199 : Level 4

200-299 : Level 5

300-> : Level 6

Summoning Rules

-Summons leave the field either when you tell them to (done in setup phase) or when their chakra/stamina/HP reach 0.

-If a summon's chakra/stamina/HP reach 0, that summon cannot be summoned again for 1 day role play time.

-For weapon and basic attacks, a summon is considered the same rank as the highest level technique it can use. (A level 4 summon would be considered Jounin rank).

-When you use the technique Kuchiyose no Jutsu in battle you roll a 50 sided die. Depending on your level and rank, you will summon a certain level summon depending on your die roll. (see below).

-If you make a successful die roll for a certain level summon you may choose to summon a lower level animal instead. So say after you add your level and rank to your die roll you have a 90. That is a 2nd level summon. But you can choose to summon a level 0 or level 1 instead.

-Two of the same summon cannot be out in the same battle.

-You can only have this many of each summon level under your control at a time. Without the skill 'Summon Affinity' you cannot have more than one summon out at a time.

Level 0 - 5

Level 1 - 4

Level 2 - 3

Level 3 - 2

Level 4 - 1

Level 5 - 1

EQUATION: Die Roll (1d50) + User Level + Rank Modifier

Rank Modifiers:

Gennin: 0

Chuunin: 10

Jounin: 30

Sennin: 40

Roll Requirements:

0-40 : Level 0

41-70 : level 1

71-100 : Level 2

101-130 : Level 3

131-160 : Level 4

161+ : Level 5

Level – Stat Amount

0 – 100

1 – 2000 (Level 15)

2 – 3500 (Level 30)

3 – 5500 (Level 50)

4 – 8000 (Level 75)

5 – 10,000 (Level 95)

JP; SP; Weapon

0 - 0 (boosts one of your stats +100)

1 - 16 Jutsu Points, Only Genin techs; 3 SP; lvl 1 Medium Weapon

2 - 30 Jutsu Points, Genin techs and no more than 3 Chuunin techs; 5 SP; lvl 10 Medium Weapon

3 - 48 Jutsu Points, Genin Techs, no more than 5 Chuunin Techs, Only 1 Jounin Tech.; 8 SP; lvl 20 Large Weapon

4 - 70 Jutsu Points, Genin Techs, no more than 5 Chuunin Techs, no more than 3 Jounin Techs.; 10 SP; lvl 30 Large Weapon

5 - 120 Jutsu Points, only 1 Sennin Tech; 15 SP; lvl 50 Large Weapon

Below is a chart showing some stats I worked out on the above system. As you can see I cut out a level of summons and overall lowered the higher end stats and raised the lower end stats evening the ranks out. I also cut down on the randomness of the roll by halfing the die.

Level Low Roll Average Roll High Roll Average Summon Level High Summon Level
0 0 25 50 0 1
10 10 35 60 0 1
20 20 40 70 1 1
30 40 65 90 1 2
40 50 75 100 2 2
50 80 105 130 3 3
60 90 115 140 3 4
70 100 125 150 3 4
80 110 135 160 4 4
90 120 145 170 4 5
100 140 165 190 5 5
110 150 175 200 5 5
120 160 185 210 5 5
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Ninja Academy 7.0; Wave III


Hybrid Jutsu

- I don't believe this has ever been officially established, so I think we should come to a determination now; in regard to 'hybrid techniques', what 'damage ratio' do we use to calculate the cost?

In the case of a Nin/Tai hybrid that deals 140 damage, do we use the ratio given for Taijutsu or Ninjutsu techniques? My opinion is that we go by the higher of the two. So in the case of a Chuunin ranked tech, we'd use the Ninjutsu 4:5 ratio instead of the Taijutsu 2:3.

According to Warr, it's also been done with no given ratio, meaning that for a Nin/Tai hybrid that deals 140 damage, you'd have to pay a split cost of 140 Chakra/Stamina.

Hybrid Jutsu

All Hybrid jutsu (A mix between two or more kinds of jutsu such as a Ninjutsu/Taijutsu technique) costs 1 extra technique point to learn. They also can take modifiers from both kinds of stats they are based from when both cross over. So if it is a Nin/Tai jutsu then for every 40 Tai you have you get +5 damage and for every 40 Nin you have you get +5 damage. Same applies for the Defense/Resistance stats.

Since these jutsu rules are TERRIBLY short, I am going to rewrite them with how I have seen hybrid jutsu work and have also approved them to work.

Hybrid Jutsu

A hybrid jutsu is a mix between two or more kinds of jutsu such as a Ninjutsu/Taijutsu technique or a Genjutsu/Ninjutsu technique. These jutsu are especially hard to create and use because they require a split knowledge of each field as well as some special requirements. When creating hybrid jutsu it is important to remember these rules.

- Hybrid jutsu cost 1 extra jutsu point than a normal technique of the same cost.

- When making a hybrid jutsu, you can pick and choose what you want from each field to be used in the technique. For example, you may make a jutsu that uses the Taijutsu damage ratio but then uses the Ninjutsu stat subtraction ratio as well.

- When calculating the costs for hybrid jutsu you may pay for the different parts of a jutsu appropriately or split completely even. For example, if you were to make the Taijutsu/Ninjutsu example from above, you would use the Taijutsu ratio for the damage and the Ninjutsu ratio for the stat subtraction. In this example you may pay equal amount of stamina and chakra for the technique OR you can pay the stamina for the Taijutsu damage and the chakra for the Ninjutsu stat subtraction, which is figured out as if it was not a hybrid jutsu.

When USING hybrid jutsu its important to remember these rules.

- Hybrid jutsu take modifiers from both kinds of stats they are based from when both cross over. So if it is a Ninjutsu/Taijutsu technique then for every 40 Tai you have you get +5 damage and for every 40 Nin you have you get +5 damage. Same applies for the defensive stats. If a jutsu has an area that does not cross over, you take 100% of the modifiers from the discipline that it applies.

- To use a hybrid technique, you must have at least the cost of the technique in each stat that the technique uses. For example, if you have a Taijutsu/Ninjutsu hybrid technique that costs 100 chakra and 100 stamina, you must have 200 Taijutsu and 200 Ninjutsu to preform the technique.


Sennin Ratios

Can we also just note on the main site that Sennin jutsu use the same ratios as the Jounin's? It's confusing at first.

Now clearly stated to be the same as Jounin ratios.

I will just go through the jutsu page for this and place in 'Sennin' ratios underneath all of the Jounin ones that are the exact same just to avoid confusion. Not a hard fix.


Addition of Third Character

Second Character

When your first character hits level 50 you have the choice of creating a second character.

-For rules on second character bonuses, please read the Death Bonus rules.

-You can't take benefit of having two characters. You can't take the second character's money and give it to the first one, have them team up on missions, helping each other when they supposedly didn't know that the other was in danger, etc. -You are not allowed more than two characters.

-A character that dies and does not want to roll for a death bonus can get up to a maximum of 75% of their TXP.

-A character that dies and wishes to roll for a death bonus can get up to a maximum of 50% of their TXP.

-Staff decide the amount of bonus you get depending on the circumstance of death. You may choose any % of your TXP lower than what the staff says you may have.

-Bonus rolls are made only after your first character dies or right as you plan to make your Second Character.

-A second character may roll for a death bonus, but only if the first character is considered at 'normal' level. This applies to the first time a person is allowed a second character and every death after that. A person may never have two characters with a death bonus. As such, if the first character dies and the second character has a death bonus, then the player is not allowed to roll for a death bonus when remaking the first character.

-Rolls are made on a 100 sided die. The character is allowed to begin at the designated level based on their roll. (See below). The staff withholds the right to reject levels of bonus to players based on staff judgment, but in no way limited to; role play ability; quality; enthusiasm.

Second and Third Characters

When your first character hits level 30 you have the choice of creating a second character.

When your first character hits level 60 and your second hits level 30 you may make a third character.

-For rules on second and third character bonuses, please read the Death Bonus rules.

-You can't take benefit of having two characters. You can't take the second character's money and give it to the first one, have them team up on missions, helping each other when they supposedly didn't know that the other was in danger, etc.

-You are not allowed more than three characters ever.

(Death Bonus Rules Below)

-A character that dies and does not want to roll for a death bonus can get up to a maximum of 100% of their TXP.

-A character that dies and wishes to roll for a death bonus can get up to a maximum of 75% of their TXP.

-A character who is retired (or dies a death planned by the player because they wanted to retire that character) may receive a maximum of 75% of their TXP and may not roll for a death bonus.

-Staff decide the amount of bonus you get depending on the circumstance of death. You may choose any % of your TXP lower than what the staff says you may have.

-Bonus rolls are made only after your first character dies or right as you plan to make your Second or Third character.

-A second character may roll for a death bonus, but only if the first character is considered at 'normal' level. This applies to the first time a person is allowed a second character and every death after that.

-A third character may roll for a death bonus, but only if the first and second characters are considered to be 'normal' level. When rolling for your third character's death bonus, you have the chance to re-roll your death bonus roll for this character if it meets the requirements. If you choose to roll a second time you MUST take the second roll. This applies to the first time a person is allowed a third character and every death after that in which they still have two characters of the appropriate levels to grant a third character.

-A person may never have two characters with a death bonus. As such, if the first character dies and the second character has a death bonus, then the player is not allowed to roll for a death bonus when remaking the first character. Same applies with third characters, and so on.

-Rolls are made on a 100 sided die. The death bonus received is determined by the roll, see below. The staff withholds the right to reject levels of bonus to players based on staff judgment, but in no way limited to; role play ability; quality; enthusiasm.


Stat Additon/Subtraction Restrictions

- They have been ignored for a long time and they are not needed. Remove them.

Taijutsu can only raise the Taijutsu, defense, speed and evasion stats at Chuunin or higher level.
Ninjutsu can only raise the Resistance, Defense, Concentration, Accuracy, Speed and Evasion Stats.
Genjutsu can add to any stat, but in Genjutsu stat addition cannot exceed the damage cap for that level.


Chakra and Stamina Damage

- Many users are not aware that Stamina and Chakra damage are unmodified. This is our own fault because it was never written in the rules because of clerical errors. It should be added. This should be added as a section in Jutsu Rules

Chakra and Stamina Damage

All damage dealt to Chakra and Stamina is unmodified. When a stat talks about increasing damage on a technique, it is exclusively talking about Health damage.

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Ninja Academy 7.0; Wave IV



- Your ability to concentrate should have nothing to do with the concept of being able to hit the opponent with genjutsu. Defend against, yes, but not aim. This essentially ensures that genjutsu users will always win against anyone else. We need to think of a new way to balance genjutsu in this sense, as battles are soon to be one sided, as I've noticed.


This is used to determine the chance your Genjutsu has to hit the opponent and also the chance you have to dodge the opponent's Genjutsu, or Illusion techniques.

Concentration determines whether or not an opponent's Genjutsu attacks affect your character. For every additional 20 Concentration a character has they get an additional 5% chance of dodging an opponent's attack, all Genjutsu attacks, except area attacks, can be dodged.

Concentration also determines the hit chance of genjutsu techniques that drain stats or directly affect an enemy. Every 20 stats in Genjutsu is a plus 5% to effect the enemy with a base 60% to effect. To a minimum of 15% and maximum of 90%

Example - Ninja A has 40 Concentration total, and because of the amount of Genjutsu Ninja B has, Ninja A has to roll at most a 70 on a 100 sided die to 'dodge' his opponent's Genjutsu effects.

Example - Ninja A uses Sandtrap on Ninja B and has 40 Concentration, so including a character's natural 60% hit rate, he gets to roll a d100, and if he rolls 70 or lower, he successfully effects.

After much discussion, arguments, implementations and testing we have decided that the best answer to balancing genjutsu comes from a few smaller changes rather than any unnecessary overhauls that would require the entire system to be revamped. The following three changes have been made.

- Genjutsu will now be DODGED with a combination of Concentration and Evasion, modified at every 20 points for 1%.

- Concentration will have the added effect of increasing the critical strike range. For every 200 points in Concentration, your chance to critically strike with physical attacks will increase by 1%. This may seem small, but it is an added effect to give incentive to non genjutsu users to take points in this field.

- Like Accuracy/Evasion, Concentration will now modify in increments of 1% rather than 5%.

Once again we have changed Concentration, this time based on player feedback and after discussing issues that were arising. As such we have Concentration as the only way to dodge Genjutsu once more as well as added incentive for non genjutsu users to take Concentration. The modifier for accuracy and evasion on genjutsu has also been modified to be smaller, as the drastic hit or miss ability will be lowered, especially in Gen vs Gen battles.

- Every 20 points in Concentration raises your chance to hit with Genjutsu by 1%, to a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 90%.

- Every 20 points in Concentration raises your chance to dodge Genjutsu by 1%, to a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 90%.

- Every 100 points in Concentration raises your chance to critically strike with Taijutsu based attacks by 1%.

- Every 100 points in Concentration lowers the cost of your Ninjutsu based attacks by 2%, rounded down.

Also, Genjutsu has been modified after this change.

[see the next post for full stat rules]



- Change of Ghost damage modifier, not very effective as is.

Ghost Damage has had its modifier lowered to be +2 Damage for every 20 Genjutsu (Use to be +5 for 40). However, with this reduction we have removed the defensive feature of genjutsu to PREVENT ghost damage. This means that ghost damage has no cooresponding defense modifier by default.

- For every 20 points of Genjutsu the player has his Genjutsu attacks reduce an opponent's stats by an additional 5 points.

- For every 20 points of Genjutsu the player takes 5 points less of stat reduction from Genjutsu attacks.

- For every 20 points of Genjutsu a player has their Genjutsu techniques deal an additional 2 ghost damage

[see the next post for full stat rules]


Accuracy/Evasion Percentile

- Possibly change it from 5% per every 20 stats to 2% every 20 stats, keeping the same cap. Far to often becomes 90% and 15% to hit.


Accuracy determines whether or not a character succeeds when attacking an opponent. For every additional 20 accuracy a character has they have a 5% greater chance of hitting. The normal chance for a successful hit is 60%. Depending on accuracy or evasion this can change. But it cannot go below 15%, or above 90%.

Example - Ninja A has 40 accuracy, so including a character's natural 60% hit rate, he has a 70% chance of hitting. The opponent gets to roll a 100 sided die (in their Response Phase) and if they roll 70 or lower you successfully hit them. If your opponent rolls exactly 1, you critical.


Evasion determines whether or not an opponent's attacks hit your character. For every additional 20 evasion a character has they get an additional 5% chance of dodging an opponent's attack (which means the opponent's accuracy goes down 5%), and all types of attacks can be dodged, except area effects, which cannot be dodged.

Example - Ninja A has 40 evasion total, and because of the amount of Accuracy Ninja B has, Ninja A has to roll at most a 17 on a 100 sided die to dodge his opponent's attacks.

In the end, we did make the above change, making Accuracy and Evasion modify at 1% for every 10 points in the stat. However, we also made a change to ranged weapon damage so that it is modified by Taijutsu and Accuracy rather than Taijutsu and Speed.

[see the next post for full stat rules]


Defensive stats

- Consider rolling Resistance and Defense into a single stat that protects from all 'physical' damage.

What I propose here is to toss out the ‘Resistance' stat and make only one defense stat for Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. It would look like this…

[see the next post for full stat rules]


Chakra Flow/Intestinal Fortitude

- Later ranks of these skills are over powered. Give them the ax.

Chakra Flow Restriction: User may not have any other skill (or bloodline skill) that effects Health, Stamina, or Chakra Regeneration. This skill may not be taught.

-5 per rank

Rank 1: Gain 10% of your Total Chakra every turn. This replaces normal Chakra regeneration.

Rank 2: Gain 15% of your Total Chakra every turn. This replaces normal Chakra regeneration. Does not stack with previous ranks.

Rank 3: Gain 20% of your Total Chakra every turn. This replaces normal Chakra regeneration. Does not stack with previous ranks.

Rank 4: Gain 25% of your Total Chakra every turn. This replaces normal Chakra regeneration. Does not stack with previous ranks.

Intestinal Fortitude Restriction: User may not have any other skill (or bloodline skill) that effects Health, Stamina, or Chakra Regeneration. This skill may not be taught.

-5 per rank

Rank 1: Gain 10% of your Total Stamina every turn. This replaces normal Stamina regeneration.

Rank 2: Gain 15% of your Total Stamina every turn. This replaces normal Stamina regeneration. Does not stack with previous ranks.

Rank 3: Gain 20% of your Total Stamina every turn. This replaces normal Stamina regeneration. Does not stack with previous ranks.

Rank 4: Gain 25% of your Total Stamina every turn. This replaces normal Stamina regeneration. Does not stack with previous ranks.

Chakra Flow Restriction: User may not have any other skill (or bloodline skill) that effects Health, Stamina, or Chakra Regeneration. This skill may not be taught.

-5 per rank

Rank 1: Gain 10% of your Total Chakra every turn. This replaces normal Chakra regeneration.

Rank 2: Gain 15% of your Total Chakra every turn. This replaces normal Chakra regeneration. Does not stack with previous ranks.

Intestinal Fortitude Restriction: User may not have any other skill (or bloodline skill) that effects Health, Stamina, or Chakra Regeneration. This skill may not be taught.

-5 per rank

Rank 1: Gain 10% of your Total Stamina every turn. This replaces normal Stamina regeneration.

Rank 2: Gain 15% of your Total Stamina every turn. This replaces normal Stamina regeneration. Does not stack with previous ranks.



- Underpowered, not worth -2 SP for +5%

Successful Character begins with $75 extra and monetary mission rewards are 5% higher. n/a -2 1

Successful Character begins with $75 extra and monetary mission rewards are 10% higher. n/a -2 1

With this changed the skill more closely mimic's Quick Learner.


Blocking Multiple Techniques with One Jutsu

To create a technique that blocks multiple techniques in a turn it must follow certain restrictions.

- The response phase technique must be of at least Jounin level to block basic and/or weapon attacks. It must be of Sennin level to block techniques and other types of attacks.

- The cost of a technique that is blocking multiple other techniques must have a +25% cost increase as compared to its cost when responding to just one technique.

This will be put in the Response/Countering Jutsu rules on the Jutsu Rules page.


Tied Defense

- With the new rules this skill is useless, will be replaced with a new skill for Path of the Defender. The Path skill will be edited as well to allow access to this new skill instead.

Tied Defenses

Any physical attacks made towards this character are defended by 75% of their Defense and 75% of their Resistance. Only attainable through the 'Path of the Defender' option.


Guard Expertise

The character recieves +3 to their block range per rank. Only attainable through the 'Path of the Defender' option. Does not stack with any other similiar skill.

5 Ranks

-1 SP



- Rewording and clarification.


Blocking is a function of how close you got to the roll needed to dodge an attack without succeeding. If you roll anywhere from 1 to 5 points below the necessary dodge roll you will block the attack, thus taking half damage. Ghost Damage cannot be blocked.


Ninja A needs above 75 to dodge.

If Ninja A rolls a 76 or above, he dodges and takes no damage.

If Ninja A rolls a 75, he blocks and takes half damage.

If Ninja A rolls a 74, he blocks and takes half damage.

If Ninja A rolls a 73, he blocks and takes half damage.

If Ninja A rolls a 72, he blocks and takes half damage.

If Ninja A rolls a 71, he blocks and takes half damage.

If Ninja A rolls a 70 or below, he gets hit for full damage.

If Ninja A rolls a 1, he gets hit for critical damage.


Blocking is a function of how close you got to the roll needed to dodge an attack without succeeding. If you roll anywhere within your "Block Range" you will block the attack, thus taking half damage. The Block Range is, by default, the 5 points below the minimum needed to dodge, but can be modified by skills and techniques. Ghost Damage cannot be blocked.


Ninja A needs above 75 to dodge.

If Ninja A rolls a 76 or above, he dodges and takes no damage.

If Ninja A rolls a 75, he blocks and takes half damage.

If Ninja A rolls a 74, he blocks and takes half damage.

If Ninja A rolls a 73, he blocks and takes half damage.

If Ninja A rolls a 72, he blocks and takes half damage.

If Ninja A rolls a 71, he blocks and takes half damage.

If Ninja A rolls a 70 or below, he gets hit for full damage.

If Ninja A rolls a 1, he gets hit for critical damage.

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Ninja Academy 7.0; New Stat Descriptions


Health, since the dawn of games, has been a very abstract concept that does not much pertain to the physical world. At best it has been described as a ‘will to live' or ‘the liters of blood your body can hold'. Whatever you want to imagine health as being for your character is up to you, but one thing is certain. When you run out of it you are in deep trouble.

This is your health bar, that which keeps you alive. Once this reaches 0 you are unconscious, and if it manages to fall to -10% or below of its total, then say hello to the big man upstairs for me. (If you didn't catch that it means you are DEAD)

Example - Ninja A has 50 Health and Ninja B deals 49 damage to Ninja A, Ninja A lives, but one more point of damage, and he loses the battle.

Example - Ninja A has 50 Health total, and Ninja B deals him 52 damage. Ninja A's health is at -2, which is below 0 so he is unconscious. If Ninja B had made ninja A go below -5 health though, he would have died permanently.


Stamina, like health, is a strange and abstract concept. Basically, this is the physical energy that your body has that allows it to move. Running out of stamina is like running out of energy, when you get low on it you get winded, exhausted and basically in a pretty miserable state. If you run completely out of it though your body will shut down and you will black out.

This stat is used to pay for Taijutsu, basic attacks and weapon attacks during battle. If at any point your Stamina reaches 0 you will become unconscious, just the same as if your health had reached 0. Stamina regenerates by 1/10 of its total every other turn you have within a battle, starting on the second turn.

Example - Ninja A has 10 stamina left and uses a Taijutsu technique that costs 20 stamina. When he attempts to use it he falls unconscious and the technique is considered unused and deals no damage. Ninja A suffers a humiliating defeat.

Example - Ninja A uses his Ninja A Combo which deals 20 damage, but costs 20 of his 40 stamina. Ninja A is fine to use it for now, but if Ninja A uses it again before his stamina has time to regenerate, he loses the battle.


Chakra, like health, is a strange and abstract concept. Basically, this is the magical energy that your body has that allows it to perform super human actions. Chakra is closely tied to the body's basic needs, and much like stamina, if you run low on it your body begins to suffer from exhaustion. Just like stamina as well, if you run out of chakra your body will shut itself down and you will reach an unconscious state.

This stat is used to pay for Ninjutsu and Genjutsu techniques. If at any point your Chakra reaches 0 you will become unconscious, just the same as if your health had reached 0. Chakra regenerates by 1/10 of its total every other turn you have within a battle, starting on the second turn.

Example - Ninja A has 50 total Chakra, but only 1 Chakra left. He dodges Ninja B's attempt to drain his Chakra to 0 and on Ninja A's next turn his Chakra regenerates 1/10 of its total (or by 5 Chakra). So Ninja A now has 6 Chakra.

Example - Ninja A has 30 chakra left. He has two techniques to pick to use, one which costs 40 chakra and the other which costs 20 chakra. He wisely chooses to use the one with 20 chakra, as the other would cause him to fall unconscious.


Taijutsu represents the amount of physical hand to hand combat training your character has received. Contrary to usual assumptions, it does not directly relate to a character's strength. It is the combination of finesse, skill, precision, speed and power that makes up the devastating movements that go into turning your own body into a deadly weapon. Through role play, a character could have an extremely high Taijutsu score and not be able to lift any weight. They may, however, know every pressure point and weakness on the body and cause even the largest of enemies to fall with the lightest brush of a finger.

Taijutsu determines the damage bonus when using Taijutsu, basic attacks or melee weapon damage. Taijutsu is also one of two stats that determines the damage for ranged weapons. Also, to use any Taijutsu technique you must have at least x in your Taijutsu stat to do so, where x is the stamina/chakra cost of the technique.

- For every 20 points in Taijutsu the player receives +5 damage to their Taijutsu attacks and Melee Weapon Attacks.

- For every 30 points in Taijutsu the player receives +5 damage to their Basic Attacks.

- For every 40 points in Taijutsu the player receives +5 damage with range weapons.**

Example - Ninja A has 20 Taijutsu points in his stat, and he uses his Ninja A Combo which says it deals 20 damage. Because of the amount of Taijutsu Ninja A has, he deals gains a bonus +5 damage to his attack. So the technique deals 25 damage instead of the technique's usual 20.

Example - Ninja A wants to use his Ninja A Combo that costs 30 Stamina. He needs at least 30 points in his Taijutsu stat to use the technique.


Ninjutsu represents the character's ability to manipulate their chakra into physical manifestations within the world. This could take on nearly any type of task, from breathing fire to forming water into the shape of a deadly dragon to even moving objects with nothing but a thought.

Ninjutsu determines the damage bonus when using Ninjutsu techniques. Also, to use any Ninjutsu technique you must have at least x in your Ninjutsu stat to do so, where x is the chakra/stamina cost of the technique.

- For every 20 Ninjutsu the player receives +5 damage to their Ninjutsu attacks.

Example - Ninja A has 40 Ninjutsu total and uses his Ninja A Fireball which says it deals 20 damage. Because of the amount of Ninjutsu Ninja A has, he deals 30 damage instead of the technique's usual 20.

Example - Ninja A wants to use his Ninja A Fireball that costs 20 Chakra. He needs at least 20 points in his Ninjutsu stat to use the technique.


Defense is your character's ability to take a beating. This can come in many forms though, and contrary to popular belief it does not mean you are just a large meat shield. Taking less damage in a fight can include many different abilities such as rolling with punches, knowing how to move so that strikes hit in less damaging areas, slowing enemy strikes with passive and miniscule use of chakra or even just having an enormous layer of fat. As many effects from stats, how defense is shown in your own character depends entirely on your choice of role play.

Defense is used to determine the amount of damage you take from an opponent's physical attacks. This includes Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, basic attacks and weapon damage (Not ghost damage).

- For every 20 points of Defense your character has, they take 5 less damage. This can never reduce an incoming attack below 1 damage.

Example - Ninja A attacks Ninja B with a ninjutsu for 80 damage. Ninja B has a total of 100 Defense, so he negates a total of 25 of the damage and only takes 55 damage from the attack.

Example - Ninja A attacks Ninja B with a punch for 15 damage, but Ninja B has 80 Defense so he negates 20 damage from Ninja A's attack. Since Defense can never lower damage below 1, Ninja B takes 1 damage.


Genjutsu represents the character's ability to manipulate their own chakra or the chakra of others to affect the mind. The use of Genjutsu never conjures anything in the physical realm; it merely uses chakra from the user and often times the enemy to confuse their senses and make them believe that they are experiencing that which is not real. Users of Genjutsu can causes enemies to see copies of themselves which do not really exist, make people believe they are under assault from deadly attacks that do not exist and even make a person believe they are in a location that they are not. The more training a character has in Genjutsu the more powerful their own attacks come, but it also allows them to see through and reduce the effectiveness of enemy Genjutsu attacks as well.

Genjutsu determines the bonus your Genjutsu attacks receive, the bonus ghost damage your Genjutsu attacks deal and the reduction you receive to stat damage from Genjutsu attacks. Also, to use any Genjutsu technique you must have at least x in your Genjutsu stat to do so, where x is the chakra/stamina cost of the technique.

- For every 20 points of Genjutsu the player has his Genjutsu attacks reduce an opponent's stats by an additional 5 points.

- For every 20 points of Genjutsu the player takes 5 points less of stat reduction from Genjutsu attacks.

- For every 20 points of Genjutsu a player has their Genjutsu techniques deal an additional 2 ghost damage

Example - Ninja A has 200 Genjutsu total, which means their attack has a +50 on stat reduction. If they use an attack that lowers an enemie's evasion stat by 80, that technique will now lower that stat by 130 instead.

Example - Ninja A has 200 Genjutsu total, which means their attack has a +50 on stat reduction. If they use an attack that lowers an enemie's Defense and Ninjutsu by 80 stat points each, Ninja A gets to choose how that 50 points is split up. For instance, they can have the enemies Ninjutsu be reduced by 100 and their Defense by 110.

Example - Ninja A wants to use his Ninja A Illusion that costs 20 Chakra. He needs at least 20 Genjutsu to use the technique.

Example - Ninja A attacks Ninja B with his Ninja A Sandtrap for 20 Ghost Damage, but Ninja A has 40 Genjutsu so he adds an additional 4 damage to his attack to hit for 24 Damage.


Concentration is a character's ability to focus their mental abilities on a task. In the use of Genjutsu, this means that a character can focus on the task of the mind, which is important and key to that kind of chakra manipulation. It also means that a character is able to realize that an enemy is trying to manipulate their own mind and give them a chance to defend against it. For those who do not practice the art of illusions however, concentration means a keen eye for detail and weaknesses. Taijutsu users with enough concentration can find weaknesses in the enemy, allowing them to exploit them at will like chinks in armor. As well, those who manipulate Ninjutsu are able to focus their energy more efficiently, cutting down on wasted chakra.

Concentration is used to determine the chance your Genjutsu attacks have to hit your opponent, the chance you have to dodge Genjutsu attacks, your ability to critically strike with Taijutsu and the cost of your techniques with Ninjutsu. The cost reduction for Ninjutsu may work with hybrids, but may only ever reduce chakra costs. Hybrid Ninjutsu/Taijutsu techniques only get one of the bonuses given by concentration, this is decided at the time the technique is used.

- Every 20 points in Concentration raises your chance to hit with Genjutsu by 1%, to a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 90%.

- Every 20 points in Concentration raises your chance to dodge Genjutsu by 1%, to a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 90%.

- Every 100 points in Concentration raises your chance to critically strike with Taijutsu based attacks by 1%. Maximum of +30%.

- Every 100 points in Concentration lowers the cost of your Ninjutsu based attacks by 2%, rounded down. Maximum of 60% reduction.

- Example - Ninja A has 100 Concentration total, which means their attack has a +10% chance to hit. This brings the total to a 70% chance to hit, before calculating the enemies Concentration.

Example - Ninja A uses a Ninjutsu that costs 300 Chakra. Because they have 400 points in Concentration, they instead pay 276 Chakra to use their technique.

Example - Ninja A attacks Ninja B with a Taijutsu. Because Ninja A has 500 Concentration the critical strike range for their attack is 1-6 instead of just the normal 1.


Speed is not a simple running speed that tells how fast your character can move. Yes, it is related, but like Taijutsu is to strength, they are not necessarily the same thing. A player's speed is a combination of their hand seal ability, perception, reflexes and thought process. A character with a higher speed is able to make and act on decisions more rapidly in a battle than the other players. This means that they can create seals faster, can move and react faster and can think through situations faster so that they can act before others. Though for a Taijutsu user this will most likely mean that they are incredibly fast at moving around on the battlefield, for a Genjutsu user this may have absolutely no connection to physical ability at all. It is all determined in the style of role play you choose.

Speed determines the order of turns for the members of the battle, both on the level of who goes first, and then every turn from then on. The very first thing you must do when dealing with speed is find the lowest speed of all the people participating in the battle. This number will be called the Low Speed from now on. Once you have this number it will be the reference for ALL players for the entirety of the battle no matter whose speed changes. The Low Speed number never changes. (It is a good idea to state the Low Speed within the first few posts of a battle for reference).

Then you must calculate your ‘Speed Percentile' (See equation below). To do this you take the Low Speed (the number we just talked about above), and divide it by your own speed. Once you have divided the Low Speed by your own speed, you multiply by 100 and round your answer up to the nearest whole number. If your Speed Percentile is less than 33 at any point, round up to 33. If you are the person with the lowest speed, congratulations, your math is easy because you divide by your own speed. Speed Percentile is calculated at the end of every turn; though if your speed has not changed since your last turn the answer will be the same.

Speed Percentile Equation:

[(Low Speed)/(Your Speed)] * 100 = Speed Percentile (Round up, no decimals)

At the end of your turn in the Loss Tag Phase, you post your Speed Percentile and a number called ‘Turn Order' which is your current Turn Order plus your Speed Percentile. At the beginning of the battle, before your first turn, your Turn Order is equal to your Speed Percentile.

Example - If your speed percentile is 50, at the end of your first turn you will put:

Speed Percentile : 50

Turn Order : 100

Turn Order is the important piece of information in all of this. At the end of any given turn, the person who is up next is the person with the LOWEST Turn Order.

-At the start of a battle no one should have a Speed Percentile over 100.

-If your speed stat changes within a fight you must recalculate your Speed Percentile by dividing your new speed by the Low Speed. If the person with the lowest speed has their speed stat boosted, they still divide by the Low Speed. As you can see, this can lead to a person having a speed percentile larger than 100 later in the battle. It is important to remember to always use the Low Speed as the number that you divide by; this number should never change throughout the battle.

-If two people have the same 'Turn Order' at any point, the player who hasn't had a turn longest goes first, etc. If a person ever has three turns to any opponent, at the end of their third turn they must make their Turn Order equal to the Turn Order of the opponent with the highest Turn Order AND who has also not had a turn within their three turn stretch.

-If a person joins mid battle, they calculate their speed percentage and start with their turn order equal to the person who went before them. This means that a person joining late in a battle can jump in after anyone's turn.

-Click here for some Examples


Low Speed: This is equal to the lowest speed among all participants in the battle before the first turn.

Speed Percentile: This is equal to the equation listed above and is calculated at the end of every turn.

Turn Order: This is equal to your current Turn Order plus you Speed Percentile. This is calculated in the Loss Tag after you calculate your Speed Percentile for the turn. Before your first turn in a battle this is equal to your Speed Percentile.


Accuracy is the ability for a player to perceive movement and coordinate strikes. Whether this is with their fist, an arrow or a fireball, it call comes down to the same ability of timing, aim and precision. As enemies become faster and more agile, a competing ninja must also continually sharpen their senses to be able to hit such an agile target. As a wise man once said "It is like trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet while wearing a blindfold riding a horse.”

Accuracy determines whether or not a character succeeds when physically attacking an opponent. Accuracy is also one of the two stats that determine the damage bonus for ranged weapons.

- For every 10 points in Accuracy raises your chance to hit with physical attacks by 1%, to a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 90%.

- For every 40 points in Accuracy the player receives +5 damage with range weapons.**

Example - Ninja A has 80 accuracy, so including a character's natural 60% hit rate, he has a 68% chance of hitting. The opponent gets to roll a 100 sided die (in their Response Phase) and if they roll 68 or lower you successfully hit them. If your opponent rolls exactly 1, you critical. Also see the blocking rules.


Evasion is the ability to react to dangerous situations. Often, at the speeds that things may happen in a battle between ninja, this is a reflexive action that the body will take without any confirmation from the conscious mind. This could include simply jumping out of the way, sliding around a fist as it swings towards you, using a piece of the environment to block a blow or even falling back on the inability of your opponent, watching as they completely miss without any intervention from yourself.

Evasion determines whether or not an opponent's attacks hit your character.

- Every 10 points in Evasion raises your chance to dodge physical attacks by 1%, to a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 90%.

Example - Ninja A has 100 evasion total and Ninja B, who is attacking Ninja A, has a total of 60 accuracy. So first Ninja B will add his +6% to have 66% chance to hit. Ninja A will then subtract 10% from that due to his 100 evasion, bringing the total to a 56% chance to hit. Ninja A would then have to roll above 56 on a d100 to dodge the attack.

*Note: REMEMBER! The defender rolls for the dodge to see if you hit or not, not the attacker.

**Note: Ranged Weapon Bonuses are determined by Accuracy and Taijutsu. For every 40 you have in each your ranged attack damage is increase by 5.

***Note: ALL TECHNIQUES THAT RAISE YOUR OWN STATS DO NOT GET MODIFIERS! Healing jutsus, self inflicted genjutsu, boosting taijutsus and ninjutsus, etc. Basically, unless otherwise stated, any technique that does not get your opponent's stats to subtract from them does not get bonuses.

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Ninja Academy 7.0; Techniques I


First off, here is a list of the amount and type of techniques for each village. I made this to keep track of them because in the final step of this technique sweep I plan to add in techniques to not only bring all of the villages to the same amount (probably about 10 techniques each) but also to balance out what is not represented appropriately. Following this list of numbers will be all of the broken gennin techniques from the main page and their proposed fixes. It is split into two posts because you can only have so many quotes per post.

I ask that you PLEASE do not bring up anything in this thread except for problems pertaining to Gennin rank Main Site jutsu.

Leaf (9)

Ninjutsu (5)

Taijutsu (3)

Genjutsu (0)

Hybrid (1)

-Tai/Nin (1)

Sand (10)

Ninjutsu (10)

Taijutsu (0)

Genjutsu (0)

Hybrid (0)

Stone (8)

Ninjutsu (7)

Taijutsu (0)

Genjutsu (1)

Hybrid (0)

Mist (9)

Ninjutsu (4)

Taijutsu (3)

Genjutsu (1)

Hybrid (1)

-Tai/Gen (1)

Cloud (8)

Ninjutsu (5)

Taijutsu (1)

Genjutsu (2)

Hybrid (0)

Grass (10)

Ninjutsu (5)

Taijutsu (3)

Genjutsu (2)

Hybrid (0)

Sound (9)

Ninjutsu (2)

Taijutsu (2)

Genjutsu (5)

Hybrid (0)


Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Substitute Technique)

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Academy Student

Cost: 10 Ninjutsu

Description: A lifesaver, and a must-have technique. With this technique, the user is able to swap their body with a nearby object, usually a log, which will take the full force of any incoming blows for them, while they retreat to safe ground or search for an opening. You can only use this 3 times per battle.

Damage: None

Effects: Evade the next attack aimed at you. You are unable to attack the opponent the turn you use this. You can only use this 3 times per battle. This technique cannot be used to dodge Ninjutsu, Taijutsu or Genjutsu Techniques.

Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Substitute Technique)

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Academy Student

Cost: 10

Damage: None

Effects: Evade the next attack aimed at you. Skip your main and setup phase this turn. You can only use this 1 time per battle. This technique cannot be used to dodge Ninjutsu, Taijutsu or Genjutsu Techniques.

Description: A lifesaver, and a must-have technique. With this technique, the user is able to swap their body with a nearby object, usually a log, which will take the full force of any incoming blows for them, while they retreat to safe ground or search for an opening.


Name: Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)

Type: Genjutsu

Rank: Academy Student

Cost: 5

Description: Wrap chakra around your body to change your appearance. You can still use the features of the thing you can become, e.g use the claws of a clawed animal, but not to the extent of if you were that thing.

Damage: None

Effects: Change your appearance.

Name: Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)

Type: Genjutsu

Rank: Academy Student

Cost: 5 Genjutsu

Effects: Change your appearance. A character 25+ levels above the one who uses this technique can see through it.

Description: Wrap chakra around your body to change your appearance. You take that physical form, but only to a certain extent, such as body shape and size. You cannot, for instance, turn your arm into a bow and start firing ammunition at an opponent.


Leaf Spinning Wind (Konoha Senpuu)

Type: Taijutsu (Tiger Style)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 50

Damage: 25

Effect: Half Opeing to Shadow Leaf Dance (Kage Buyou), +10% chance to hit with this technique.

Description: The ninja disappears in a blur of pure speed, appearing right under their target and thrusting a kick into their chin from below, launching them into the air. While weak and costly the move is very hard to avoid and makes a great opening.

Points: 3

Leaf Spinning Wind (Konoha Senpuu)

Type: Taijutsu (Tiger Style)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 55

Damage: 15

Effect: Half Opening to Shadow Leaf Dance (Kage Buyou), +4% chance to hit with this technique.

Description: The ninja disappears in a blur of pure speed, appearing right under their target and thrusting a kick into their chin from below, launching them into the air. While weak and costly the move is very hard to avoid and makes a great opening.

Points: 3


Powerful Fireball Skill (Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40

Damage: 30, 6 burn damage a turn for 2 turns.

Effect: If performed by a member of the Uchiha clan this technique causes serious burning which will extend the burn to five posts. If this technique misses the user is left vulnerable for one post due to the awkward position they need to take to use the jutsu.

Description: The trademark fireball jutsu, this technique creates fire from the lungs and generates it through the mouth, funneling through a hand put in front of the mouth. Due to needing to stand still and putting the hands away from the defense this can be a risky move.

Points: 2

Powerful Fireball Skill (Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40

Damage: 30, 6 burn damage a turn for 2 turns.

Effect: If performed by a member of the Uchiha clan this technique causes serious burning which increase the effect to 10 burn damage a turn for 3 turns. If this technique misses the user has -20 evasion for one turn.

Description: The trademark fireball jutsu, this technique creates fire from the lungs and generates it through the mouth, funneling through a hand put in front of the mouth. Due to needing to stand still and putting the hands away from the defense this can be a risky move.

Points: 2


Flashbang (Furashobangu)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 50 Chakra

Damage: 20 Requirements: Must be used some time after 'Hotaru'.

Effect:s: -40 Accuracy for 1 turn.

Description: After summoning forth the phantom fireflies, the user 'drains' the fireflies of their light and pools it with Chakra, then hurls it at the target's face, where it explodes.

Points: 3

Flashbang (Furashobangu)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40 Chakra

Damage: 20

Requirements: Must be used some time after 'Hotaru'.

Effect: -40 Accuracy for 1 turn.

Description: After summoning forth the phantom fireflies, the user 'drains' the fireflies of their light and pools it with Chakra, then hurls it at the target's face, where it explodes. The fireflies will return to their lit state after this technique.

Points: 3


Hurricane (Shippuu)

Type: Ninjutsu (Wind)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 20

Damage: 10

Effect: This ability leaves an opponent staggered for their next post, reducing Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Speed by 20 when trying to hit with any ranged attacks or jutsus.

Description: A flurry of wind surrounds the target, spinning them wildly and lifting them a bit off the ground before slamming them back down. It does little damage, but leaves their perception highly skewered and makes ranged attack difficult.

Points: 1

Hurricane (Shippuu)

Type: Ninjutsu (Wind)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 20

Damage: 10

Effect: Opponent's Ninjutsu and Taijutsu are reduced by 20 when trying to hit with any ranged attack or jutsu for one turn.

Description: A flurry of wind surrounds the target, spinning them wildly and lifting them a bit off the ground before slamming them back down. It does little damage, but leaves their perception highly skewered and makes ranged attack difficult.

Points: 1


Wind God (Kaze Kami)

Type: Ninjutsu (Wind)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 30

Damage: 25

Effect: Increase damage by 15 points if used against a member of an Earth based clan or village. Target immediatly is forced fourty feet away.

Description: This is a straightforward attack for the most part, sending incredibly strong buffets of wind at the opponent and knocking them flying a good ways. It's beauty is against members of the opposite element, earth, where the wind, guided by some malignant force senses the chakra in them and buffets them for additional damage as they fly.

Point: 2

Wind God (Kaze Kami)

Type: Ninjutsu (Wind)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 30

Damage: 30

Effect: n/a

Description: This is a straightforward attack for the most part, sending incredibly strong buffets of wind at the opponent and knocking them flying a good ways. It's beauty is against members of the opposite element, earth, where the wind, guided by some malignant force senses the chakra in them and buffets them for additional damage as they fly.

Point: 2


Wind Blade (Kaze no Yaiba)

Type: Ninjutsu (Wind)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40

Damage: 20

Effect:: A very hard to dodge and especially penetrating attack. +5% chance to hit with this attack.

Description: A sword of wind that forces compressed air to cut through the target. Since it is so fast and hard to see it is hard to avoid, and the wind goes right through all defenses. Due to the tempermental nature of wind the blow only maintains enough force to be dangerous with ten feet though.

Points: 1

Wind Blade (Kaze no Yaiba)

Type: Ninjutsu (Wind)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40

Damage: 20

Effect: A very hard to dodge and especially penetrating attack. +2% chance to hit with this attack.

Description: A sword of wind that forces compressed air to cut through the target. Since it is so fast and hard to see it is hard to avoid, and the wind goes right through all defenses. Due to the tempermental nature of wind the blow only maintains enough force to be dangerous with ten feet though.

Points: 1


Shield of Sand (Suna no Tate)

Type: Ninjutsu (Sand)

Rank: Genin


--Activated in the main phase and may be de-activated in any phase. While active the user recieves no dodge roll, though they may still use jutsu, skills or weapons to defend against the incoming attack. If deactivated during the response phase, this occurs before the dodge roll; allowing the user to roll to dodge the attack.

-Void-type Jutsu = 2 chakra for every 1 damage

-Fire-type Jutsu = 4 chakra for every 1 damage

-Water-type Jutsu = 3 chakra for every 1 damage

-Sand-type Jutsu = 1 chakra for every 4 damage

-Lightning-type Jutsu = 1 chakra for every 2 damage

-Earth-type Jutsu= 2 chakra for every 3 damage

-Wind-type Jutsu = 4 chakra for every 1 damage

-Plant/Wood-type Jutsu = 3 chakra for every 2 damage

-Steam-type Jutsu = 5 chakra for every 2 damage

-Steel-type Jutsu = 3 chakra for every 4 damage

-Ice-type Jutsu = 3 chakra for every 5 damage

-Cloud-type Jutsu = 5 chakra for every 2 damage

-Sound-type Jutsu = 5 chakra for every 2 damage

-Glass-type Jutsu = 5 chakra for every 1 damage

-Light-type Jutsu = 7 chakra for every 1 damage

-Weapons = 1 chakra every 2 damage

-Taijustu = 4 chakra for every 5 damage

--If the opponent's applicable attacking stat is more than or equal to 1.25x the user's Ninjutsu, then the shield is bypassed and the attack cannot be blocked.

--If the opponent's applicable attacking stat is more than or equal to the user's Ninjutsu, then the user must pay 1.5x the chakra to block the damage.

--For the purpose of comparing the attacking stat;, the opponent adds 1/4 of their Speed if using Taijutsu, Shojutsu or Weapons, and they add 1/4 of their Accuracy if using Ninjutsu.

--Suna no Tate does not apply to Genjutsu and the user may roll to dodge against it.

Description: After the passing of the Fifth Kazekage many of the ninja within the village who looked up to him decided to try and preserve his specialty jutsu to be used by all Suna ninja. Since many of his most basic attacks and defenses relied on the Shukaku demon, they had to alter the workings of many of them. The only successful jutsu to come out of this plan was the Suna no Tate. It is a modified version of the technique that instead of running off of the abilities of the Shukaku demon instead are based upon the actual reaction time of the ninja himself. This jutsu is known through the village as the ‘Gift of the Fifth' which shows his determination to protect all the villagers even after his death.

Points: 5

Shield of Sand (Suna no Tate)

Type: Ninjutsu (Sand)

Rank: Genin


--Activated in the main phase and may be de-activated in any phase. While active the user recieves no dodge roll, though they may still use jutsu, skills or weapons to defend against the incoming attack. If deactivated during the response phase, the user does not recieve a dodge roll.

-Void-type Jutsu = 2 chakra for every 1 damage

-Fire-type Jutsu = 4 chakra for every 1 damage

-Water-type Jutsu = 3 chakra for every 1 damage

-Lightning-type Jutsu = 1 chakra for every 2 damage

-Earth-type Jutsu= 2 chakra for every 3 damage

-Wind-type Jutsu = 4 chakra for every 1 damage

-Sand-type Jutsu = 1 chakra for every 4 damage

-Other = (Amount of combinations) chakra for every 1 damage

-Weapons = 1 chakra every 2 damage

-Taijustu = 4 chakra for every 5 damage

--If the opponent's speed stat is more than or equal to 1.25x the user's Ninjutsu, then the shield is bypassed and the attack cannot be blocked.

--If the opponent's speed stat is higher than the user's Ninjutsu stat and less than 1.25x the user's ninjutsu, the user must pay 1.5x the cost to block the damage.

--Suna no Tate does not apply to Genjutsu and the user may roll to dodge against it.

Description: After the passing of the Fifth Kazekage many of the ninja within the village who looked up to him decided to try and preserve his specialty jutsu to be used by all Suna ninja. Since many of his most basic attacks and defenses relied on the Shukaku demon, they had to alter the workings of many of them. The only successful jutsu to come out of this plan was the Suna no Tate. It is a modified version of the technique that instead of running off of the abilities of the Shukaku demon instead are based upon the actual reaction time of the ninja himself. This jutsu is known through the village as the ‘Gift of the Fifth' which shows his determination to protect all the villagers even after his death.

Points: 5


Sand Tornado

Type: Ninjutsu (Sand & Wind)

Rank: Genin

Cost: 80 Chakra, lasts 3 turns

Damage: n/a

Effect:: Neither ninja can use thrown weaponry. User's Wind techniques get +5% accuracy and deal 5 more damage. If the user is from the Village Hidden in The Sand and this is used in an area with sand, the user's evasion goes up by +5%. Discription: User's uses chakra from within to preform a wind tornado similiar to the ones in the desert.

Points: 4

Sand Tornado

Type: Ninjutsu (Sand & Wind)

Rank: Genin

Cost: 80 Chakra, lasts 3 turns

Damage: n/a

Effect: Neither ninja can use thrown weaponry. User's Wind techniques get +2% accuracy and deal 5 more damage. If the user is from Suna and this is used in an area with sand, the user's evasion goes up by +5%.

Description: User's uses chakra from within to preform a wind tornado similiar to the ones in the desert.

Points: 4


Soul Prison (Kontan Kongoku)

Type: Ninjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40

Damage: N/A

Effect:: User becomes incable of using Ninjutsu techniques aside paying the upkeep for this jutsu. +80 Resistance to the user.

Description: A wall of pure, intense chakra is formed in a field around the ninja. The chakra distorts any attempts to force a jutsus through it from inside or out. The ninja must remain stationary to maintain the effects of the Kontan Kongoku.

Points: 2

Soul Prison (Kontan Kongoku)

Type: Ninjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40 Chakra; 32 Chakra Upkeep.

Damage: N/A

Effect: User may not use Ninjutsu while this is activated. +80 Defense to the user. Maximum of four turns.

Description: A wall of pure, intense chakra is formed in a field around the ninja. The chakra distorts any attempts to force a jutsus through it from inside or out. The ninja must remain stationary to maintain the effects of the Kontan Kongoku.

Points: 2


Liquid Thorns (Sui Ibara)

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 2 Chakra for each thorn (10 max)

Damage: 2 Damage for each thorn (10 max)

Effect:s: N/A

Description: An extremely simple technique, a Kiri nin will be able to manipulate water in the air into small spikes that are shot at the target.

Points: 1

Liquid Thorns (Sui Ibara)

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 4 Chakra for each thorn (5 max)

Damage: 4 Damage for each thorn (5 max)

Effect: N/A

Description: An extremely simple technique, a Kiri nin will be able to manipulate water in the air into small spikes that are shot at the target.

Points: 1


High Rise Tidal

Type: Taijutsu (Crane Style)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 45 Stamina

Damage: 20

Effect:s: The next time the target would regenerate, they instead do not regenerate any Stamina.

Description: This technique is initiated by first kneeling on one knee in front of the opponent and then flipping backwards; nailing them beneath the chin with the user's heel. While the opponent has momentarily left their abdomen exposed, the user dashes forward again. During the final step of the dash, the user begins to rotate and finishes the combo with a full roundhouse kick. This leaves the heel crushing into the opponent's belly. So called, because not only does it resembles the rising and falling of a tidal wave, but it also leaves the opponent shivering; unable to rest. This is due to minor internal damage that removes the ability to rest momentarily, but soon wears off.

Points: 3

High Rise Tidal

Type: Taijutsu (Crane Style)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 45 Stamina

Damage: 20

Effect: If the opponent is a Gennin, the next time the target would regenerate, they instead do not regenerate any Stamina.

Description: This technique is initiated by first kneeling on one knee in front of the opponent and then flipping backwards; nailing them beneath the chin with the user's heel. While the opponent has momentarily left their abdomen exposed, the user dashes forward again. During the final step of the dash, the user begins to rotate and finishes the combo with a full roundhouse kick. This leaves the heel crushing into the opponent's belly. So called, because not only does it resembles the rising and falling of a tidal wave, but it also leaves the opponent shivering; unable to rest. This is due to minor internal damage that removes the ability to rest momentarily, but soon wears off.

Points: 3

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Touch and Go (Tachi Kyou Go)

Type: Taijutsu (Lightning Strike Style)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 30

Damage: 30

Effect:: Ninjutsu is unusable by the target for their next post. This effect only occurs the first two times Tachi Kyou Go is used, whether it connects or not.

Description: A swift pass followed by a blow to the back of the head which leaves the opponent dazed from the impact and unable to concentrate temporarily.

Points: 2

Touch and Go (Tachi Kyou Go)

Type: Taijutsu (Lightning Strike Style)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 64

Damage: 30

Effect: The opponent is under the effects of 'Quarantine; Ninjutsu' for their next turn. This effect only occurs the first two times Tachi Kyou Go is used, whether it connects or not.

Description: A swift pass followed by a blow to the back of the head which leaves the opponent dazed from the impact. Due to the nature of the second attack, the opponent will be unable to concentrate temporarily.

Points: 4


Wish; Dream (Negai; Yume)

Type: Genjutsu (Lightning)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40

Damage: N/A

Effect:: -60 accuracy

Description: The user becomes the person most desired (or cared for if they desire no one) by the target in their eyes. This makes it hard to strike them for obvious reasons. This genjutsu is aided through the electrical flow of the opponent's brainwaves.

Points: 2

Wish; Dream (Negai; Yume)

Type: Genjutsu (Lightning)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 48

Damage: N/A

Effect: -60 accuracy for one turn.

Description: The user takes on the form of an imporant individual in the opponent's life, but only in the eyes of the target. This makes it hard to strike them for obvious reasons. This genjutsu is aided through the electrical flow of the opponent's brainwaves, using signals to bring up caring emotions and individual people tied to these feelings. Because of this, the user has no idea just who it is that they look like, but only that it is someone the opponent cares for.

Points: 3


Feast of Famine(Chisou Futei)

Type: Ninjutsu (Cloud)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 20

Damage: 10

Effect:: If this technique hits then roll 1d100. Roll 35 or lower and you may strip the opponent of one armor piece or weapon of your choice for the remainder of the battle.

Description: An oddly thick cloud engulfs the foe, strangling them and cutting off their breath. While distracted so the cloud goes to work on the opponent's more material belongings.

Points: 1

Feast of Famine(Chisou Futei)

Type: Ninjutsu (Cloud)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 50

Damage: 10

Effect: If this technique hits then roll 1d100. Roll 35 or lower and you may destroy one random piece of armor the opponent is wearing. Useable three times per battle. This effect may only apply against an opponent of equal or lesser rank to the user.

Description: An oddly thick cloud engulfs the foe, strangling them and cutting off their breath. While the enemy is distracted, the cloud will begin to dissolve the opponent's more material belongings, possibly damaging them beyond use.

Points: 3


Haze of Leaves (Moya Happa)

Type: Genjutsu (Plant)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 25 chakra. (additional chakra may be payed to increase effect, up to 20 more.)

Effect:s: Lowers Resistance, and Accuracy by 20. All additional chakra spent will be split amonst these stats evenly.(10 more chakra, means 10 more to each).

Description: Clouding your opponents judgement by making him think he is surrounded by leaves.

Points: 2

Haze of Leaves (Moya Happa)

Type: Genjutsu (Plant)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 30 chakra + 2x chakra (Maximum of 20)

Effect: Lowers opponent's Resistance, and Accuracy by 20. For every additional 2x paid the opponent's Resistance and Accuracy is lowered by an additional 1.

Description: Clouding your opponents judgement by making him think he is surrounded by leaves.

Points: 3


Smite (Shou)

Type: Taijutsu (Thorn Style)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40 Stamina. Requires you get hit. Takes one post to ready.

Effect:s: Upon being struck, you roll a d10. On a 1-5 you take 1.5x damage, on a 6-10 your opponent takes 1.5x the damage they just dealth you. Genjutsu is excluded.

Description: Seeming to give your opponent the advantage, you turn their own attack against them.

Points: 2

Smite (Shou)

Type: Taijutsu (Thorn Style)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40 Stamina.

Effect: Used in the main phase. If the user is struck in their next response phase, they roll a d10. On a 1-5 nothing happens, on a 6-10 your opponent takes 1.5x the damage they just dealt you. You still take the damage none the less. This damage cannot stack with a critical hit. Genjutsu is excluded. May only be used three times per battle.

Description: Seeming to give your opponent the advantage, you turn their own attack against them in an unexpected way. A lesser known tactic which radiates the lessons taught in many dojos throughout the country of grass.

Points: 2


Disgrace (Chijoku)

Type: Taijutsu (Snake Style)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 45 Stamina

Damage: 25

Effect: Opponent may NOT use any technique to dodge/block this. Taijutsu skills(Martial Artist) do NOT add to this attack. However Taijutsu bonuses can raise the damage UP TO 35. Only usable once per battle.

Description: Manipulating sound, you appear behind the opponent. Then, you deliver a crushing blow to their spine.

Points: 3

Disgrace (Chijoku)

Type: Taijutsu (Snake Style)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 45 Stamina

Damage: 25

Effect: Opponent may not use non-bloodline techniques of equal rank to dodge or block this. When calculating damage for this attack, martial artist and other offensive Taijutsu skills are not applied. Taijutsu modifier is applied, but it can raise the damage up to 35 at maximum. Only usable once per battle, target is left with at least 1 HP.

Description: Using a feint movement combined with falsely placed sounds of steps, the user rushes behind the target. Followed by delivering a crushing punch to the target's spine.

Points: 3


Disorient (Mayowa Su)

Type: Genjutsu (Sound)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 50

Damage: n/a

Effect: Lowers Accuracy and Evasion by 25 each for 3 turns.

Description: The user manipulates sound waves produced from any source to disrupt the fluid balance in the target's cochlea, disrupting the victim's balance and sense of direction. For the victim's next three (3) turns they will be off-balance, stumbling around and unable to respond properly to threats.

Points: 3

Disorient (Mayowa Su)

Type: Genjutsu (Sound)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 64

Damage: n/a

Effect: Target opponent's accuracy and evasion are lowered by 20 each for 2 turns.

Description: The user manipulates sound waves produced from any source to disrupt the fluid balance in the target's cochlea, disrupting the victim's balance and sense of direction. For the victim's next three (3) turns they will be off-balance, stumbling around and unable to respond properly to threats.

Points: 4


Sound Type; Shadow Sound

Type: Genjutsu (Sound)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40 Charka

Damage: N/A

Effect: Target's Evasion -20 User's Accuracy + 30.

Description: With the help of a Sound Amplifier, the user focuses a average amount of Charka into the Amplifier. The user unleashes a sound and a small black flash from the amplifier at a target(s). For the next three turns all sounds made by the target will me much greater about three or four times as great.

Points: 2

Sound Type; Shadow Sound

Type: Genjutsu (Sound)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40 Charka

Damage: N/A

Effect: Target opponent's evasion is dropped by 20 points for one turn, and user's accuracy is risen by 30 points for one turn.

Description: With the help of a Sound Amplifier, the user focuses a average amount of Charka into the Amplifier. The user unleashes a sound and a small black flash from the amplifier at a target(s). For the next three turns all sounds made by the target will me much greater about three or four times as great.

Points: 2


Lurking Beasts

Type: Genjutsu (Sound)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40

Damage: N/A

Effect: Opponent Terrified for one turn, then Scared for one turn

Description: The user of this jutsu creates the illusion using sound that there are several monstrous creatures near him/her ready to attack. This is emanated mainly by loud growls and snarls, the sound of heavy plodding footfalls, and noises of the environment being disturbed (if in a rocky area, it sounds like pebbles are being kicked, in high grass there is shuffling, etc.)

Points: 2

Lurking Beasts

Type: Genjutsu (Sound)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40

Damage: N/A

Effect: Opponent Terrified for one turn and Scared the following turn for one turn.

Description: The user of this jutsu creates the illusion using sound that there are several monstrous creatures near him/her ready to attack. This is emanated mainly by loud growls and snarls, the sound of heavy plodding footfalls, and noises of the environment being disturbed (if in a rocky area, it sounds like pebbles are being kicked, in high grass there is shuffling, etc.)

Points: 2


Windmill Triple Blade (Soufuushasen no Tachi)

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 50

Effect:: The opponent takes 15 damage and has 1/4 his evasion on his next response phase. (example: 80 evasion would drop too 20 evasion for one turn.)

Description: Ties the opponent down using strings attached too the ends of shuriken/kunai. Make sure you have at least two kunai/shuriken when you use this.

Points: 3

Windmill Triple Blade (Soufuushasen no Tachi)

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 50

Damage: 20

Effect: The opponent has -40 Evasion for one turn. Requires the use of two 'shuriken' or 'kunai in any combination.

Description: Ties the opponent down using strings attached too the ends of shuriken/kunai. Make sure you have at least two kunai/shuriken when you use this.

Points: 3


Sacred Arrow of the Phantom (Genzou Hamaya)

Type: Genjutsu

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 30 Chakra

Damage: 10 Ghost Damage

Effect:s: Target has a -5% chance of dodging this technique.

Description: A surprisingly quick attack, the user of this technique only needs to perform one quick hand seal to release Chakra into the air; this Chakra will affect a target's mind and cause him/her/it to imagine an arrow being shot at him/her/it.

Points: 2

Sacred Arrow of the Phantom (Genzou Hamaya)

Type: Genjutsu

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 26 Chakra

Damage: 10 Ghost Damage

Effect: Target has a -20 Evasion when dodging this technique.

Description: A surprisingly quick attack, the user of this technique only needs to perform one quick hand seal to release Chakra into the air; this Chakra will affect a target's mind and cause him/her/it to imagine an arrow being shot at him/her/it.

Points: 2


Kawarimi Tonzura no Jutsu

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 30 Chakra

Damage: n/a

Effect:s: Evade the next attack aimed at you. Roll a d100. If the roll is higher than 10*(Your opponent's level - Your level), the battle ends and no experience is awarded. If you fail, you are unable to attack the opponent the turn you use this. This counts toward your Kawarimi no Jutsu use limit. This technique cannot be used against Ninjutsu, Taijutsu or Genjutsu Techniques. This technique may also be used in the main phase, if not attacked.

Description: A tactical use for Kawarimi no Jutsu. By switching places with an object out of the opponent's point of view, the ninja may make a quick retreat, making this technique quite a life-saver in the heat of battle, though, if the opponent outskills the ninja, it may fail.

Points: 3

Kawarimi Tonzura no Jutsu

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 50

Damage: n/a

Effect: Evade the next attack aimed at you. Roll a d100. If the roll is higher than 10*(Your opponent's level - Your level), the battle ends and no experience is awarded. If you fail, you are unable to attack the opponent the turn you use this. This counts toward your Kawarimi no Jutsu use limit. This technique cannot be used against Ninjutsu, Taijutsu or Genjutsu Techniques. This technique may also be used in the main phase, if not attacked.

Description: A tactical use for Kawarimi no Jutsu. By switching places with an object out of the opponent's point of view, the ninja may make a quick retreat, making this technique quite a life-saver in the heat of battle, though, if the opponent outskills the ninja, it may fail.

Points: 3


Shooting Star (Ryuusei)

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 35

Damage: 10 per hit. (3 hits)

Effect:s: 3 hits. If all three attacks hit, opponent can only perform attacks that are long range during their next phase.

Description: An attack where the user delivers a swift punch to the stomach followed by kick to the rib, finally following up with a powerful kick to the opponent's jaw sending them flying.

Points: 3

Shooting Star (Ryuusei)

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 35

Damage: 10 per hit. (3 hits)

Effect: 3 hits. If all three attacks hit, opponent can only perform attacks that are long range during their next phase. Usable twice per battle.

Description: An attack where the user delivers a swift punch to the stomach followed by kick to the rib, finally following up with a powerful kick to the opponent's jaw sending them flying.

Points: 3


Sweet Nectar (Amai Kanro)

Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)

Rank: Genin

Cost: 10

Effect:: Halts the effect of bleeding, minor poisons, and other debilitating qualities.

Description: A sweet smelling, lightly colored fluid coats the ninja's hands and is applied to the troubled area. This technique will take care of any light maladies from minor infection to bleeding to poisons.

Points: 2

Sweet Nectar (Amai Kanro)

Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)

Rank: Genin

Cost: 10

Effect: Removes bleeding damage or turn based damage from a poison that deals 20 or less points per turn.

Description: A sweet smelling, lightly colored fluid coats the ninja's hands and is applied to the troubled area. This technique will take care of any light maladies from minor infection to bleeding to poisons.

Points: 1


Blessing (Megumi)

Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)

Rank: Genin

Cost: 5 per post

Effect:: The medical nin may sacrifice up to 20 of their own stat points to raise the corresponding stat of an ally by 20 points. This effect lasts for a post for each five chakra spent.

Description: The ninja lays their hands on the target and a small flash of light ensues, draining the strength from the ninja and infusing it into their target.

Points: 3

Blessing (Megumi)

Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)

Rank: Genin

Cost: 5x per post

Effect: The medical nin may sacrifice up to 20 of their own stat points to raise the corresponding stat of an ally by 20 points. This effect lasts a turn for each five chakra spent. Maximum of 4 turns.

Description: The ninja lays their hands on the target and a small flash of light ensues, draining the strength from the ninja and infusing it into their target.

Points: 3


Great Rain (Kyousei Amei)

Type: Ninjutsu (Summoning & Water)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 20

Damage: N/A

Effect: Raises Gennin water-type creature summoning chances by 20%.

Description: Causes a heavy rain to fall on the area, soaking it and leaving it more desirable for watery creatures.

Points: 1



Wild Fear (Mikon Osore)

Type: Ninjutsu (Summoning)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 30

Damage: N/A

Effect: Raise one stat of the summon by 30 points. Cannot be preformed by summon. Only works on level 0-2 summons.

Description: By making the summon feel fear the creature fights more violently for it's existance, becoming stronger than it was before.

Points: 2

Wild Fear (Mikon Osore)

Type: Ninjutsu (Summoning)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 50

Damage: N/A

Effect: Raise one stat of the summon by 40 points. Cannot be preformed by summon. Only works on level 0-2 summons. Lasts for two turns.

Description: By making the summon feel fear the creature fights more violently for it's existence, becoming stronger than it was before.

Points: 2

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Ninja Academy 7.0; Techniques II


The is the second post for techniques.

I ask that you PLEASE do not bring up anything in this thread except for problems pertaining to Chuunin rank Main Site jutsu.

Leaf (6)

Ninjutsu (5)

Taijutsu (0)

Genjutsu (1)

Hybrid (0)

Sand (8)

Ninjutsu (7)

Taijutsu (0)

Genjutsu (1)

Hybrid (0)

Stone (6)

Ninjutsu (4)

Taijutsu (0)

Genjutsu (2)

Hybrid (0)

Mist (7)

Ninjutsu (6)

Taijutsu (0)

Genjutsu (1)

Hybrid (0)

Cloud (5)

Ninjutsu (1)

Taijutsu (1)

Genjutsu (2)

Hybrid (1)

--Nin/Tai (1)

Grass (8)

Ninjutsu (6)

Taijutsu (2)

Genjutsu (0)

Hybrid (0)

Sound (8)

Ninjutsu (5)

Taijutsu (1)

Genjutsu (2)

Hybrid (0)


Dragon Fire Skill (Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 60

Damage: 70

Effect: This skill causes severe burning over the body; target receives five additional damage for each post other than taking care of their wounds for the next five posts. If this skill MISSES the nin who performed the technique must spend one post "recovering" from the effects of the chakra used.

Description: This technique requires an immense amount of chakra; the nin focuses enough chakra that the very air around him explodes into flame, then proceeds to send forth a incredibly fast stream of flame from their mouth at the target. Best used on an immobilized target due to the downside of missing.

Points: 2

Dragon Fire Skill (Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 60

Damage: 70

Effect: This jutsu causes severe burning over the body; target receives 8 additional burn damage for three posts after they got hit. The victim may spend a main phase tending to their burns to cure the burn effect. If this skill misses, the ninja who performed the technique must skip their next main phase and setup phase "recovering" from the effects of the chakra used.

Description: This technique requires an immense amount of chakra; the nin focuses enough chakra that the very air around him explodes into flame, then proceeds to send forth a incredibly fast stream of flame from their mouth at the target. Best used on an immobilized target due to the downside of missing.

Points: 2


Rend the Heart (Katsu wa Chusshin)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 60 chakra, 10 health points

Damage: 100

Effect: Severe burning: 10 damage to user.

Description: A Chuunin can't fully control the sheer volume of flame that is created by this fireball. It does massive damage for a chuunin level jutsu of it's cost, but because of that it has backlash and burns the hands holding the fireball quite badly when it is used.

Points: 2

Rend the Heart (Katsu wa Chusshin)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 60 chakra

Damage: 100

Effect: The user takes 10 burn damage when using this technique.

Description: Creates a large fireball that is thrown towards the opponent. A reckless technique that is impossible to fully control the sheer volume of flame that is created by this fireball. It does massive damage for a chuunin level jutsu of it's cost, but because of that it has backlash and burns the user's body when the fireball is used unleashed.

Points: 2


Firefly Regime (Hotaru Ryouiki)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 3 per firefly

Damage: 5 per firefly

Effect: Sacrifice a firefly each five damage. Must be done after Hotaru.

Description: Causes the fireflies summoned by Hotaru to explode in tiny fiery balls on their opponent. While only nuisances in themselves, they can deal a quite staggering amount of damage if the entire swarm blows up together.

Points: 2

Firefly Regime (Hotaru Ryouiki)

Type: Trap (Fire Ninjutsu)

Rank: Chuunin

Conditions: Must have x fireflies on the field from 'Hotaru'.

Cost: 4x

Damage: 5x

Effect: Sacrifice x fireflies for five damage each. This is not multi hit, maximum of 25 fireflies.

Description: Causes the fireflies summoned by Hotaru to explode in tiny fiery balls on their opponent. While only nuisances in themselves, they can deal a quite staggering amount of damage if the entire swarm blows up together.

Points: 2


Fire Type; Fire Wash

Type: Genjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 65

Damage: 45 (GHOST)

Effect: Enemy Fazed for 2 turns Descrption: Using this the nin creates a wave of fire that washes over the opponent with an intensely bright illusory flame.

Points: 2

Fire Type; Fire Wash

Type: Genjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 60

Damage: 45 (GHOST)

Effect: Enemy is Fazed for 2 turns

Descrption: Using this technique, the ninja creates a wave of fire that washes over the opponent with an intensely bright illusory flame.

Points: 2


Armor of Sand: Rank 1(Suna no Yoroi)

Type: Ninjutsu (Sand)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 120; 90 to repair.

Effect: Used in the Response Phase. Creates an Armour of Sand around the user with 150 health points. May prevent damage (not effects) from any non-Genjutsu attacks aimed at the user. If the health of the armour is reduced to 0 it may be repaired in the immediate set-up phase in the turn which it was broken for 90 Chakra; else they will have to pay the full intial cost when next used. May repair the Armor to full health points for the same repairation cost of 90 in the set-up phase. User may act in the turn as normal. Armor of Sand does not stack with one another.

Description: The secret armor of the wind people. This armor is weaker than the shield or sphere of sand, but comes at the use of heightened maneuverability. The user may attack while the armor is on still, and can activate it faster than one could blink if in danger.

Points: 5

Armor of Sand: Rank 1(Suna no Yoroi)

Type: Ninjutsu (Sand)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 120; 90 to repair.

Effect: Used in the Response Phase. Creates an Armour of Sand around the user with 150 health points. May prevent damage (not effects) from any non-Genjutsu attacks aimed at the user. If the health of the armour is reduced to 0 it may be repaired in the immediate set-up phase in the turn which it was broken for 90 Chakra; else they will have to pay the full intial cost when next used. May repair the Armor to full health points for the same repairation cost of 90 in the set-up phase. User may act in the turn as normal. Armor of Sand does not stack with one another. May only be activated twice per battle.

Description: The secret armor of the wind people. This armor is weaker than the shield or sphere of sand, but comes at the use of heightened maneuverability. The user may attack while the armor is on still, and can activate it faster than one could blink if in danger.

Points: 5


Slashing Wind Skill (Kamaitachi no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu (Wind)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 50

Damage: 55

Effect: This is an incredibly fast, invisible attack, making it very hard to dodge. Reduce the effective evasive skill by 40 when trying to dodge this move.

Description: A mighty blow of wind infused with chakra lacerates the skin. Due to the nature of the chakra seeking wind, it is very hard to see and dodge.

Points: 2

Slashing Wind Skill (Kamaitachi no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu (Wind)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 72

Damage: 50

Effect: This is an incredibly fast, invisible attack, making it very hard to dodge. Reduce the effective evasive skill by 40 when trying to dodge this move.

Description: A mighty blow of wind infused with chakra lacerates the skin. Due to the nature of the chakra seeking wind, it is very hard to see and dodge.

Points: 3


Bleeding Earth (Shukketsu Tsuchi)

Type: Genjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 70

Damage: N/A

Effect: -40 to Accuracy and Evasion. Lasts 4 posts.

Description: The battlefield appears to break open at the stone ninjas command and rivers of lava come rushing up to greet the opponent, forcing them to spend much of their attention dodging and avoiding the lava, making it harder to hit or avoid the ninja using the jutsu.

Points: 2

Bleeding Earth (Shukketsu Tsuchi)

Type: Genjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 107

Damage: N/A

Effect: -40 to Accuracy and Evasion. Lasts 2 posts.

Description: The battlefield appears to break open at the stone ninjas command and rivers of lava come rushing up to greet the opponent, forcing them to spend much of their attention dodging and avoiding the lava, making it harder to hit or avoid the ninja using the jutsu.

Points: 3


Curse of Pestilence (Bachi Ekirei)

Type: Genjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 70

Damage: N/A

Effect: -40 taijutsu and ninjutsu. Last 4 posts.

Description: The ninja appears to inflict some form of poison on the target, causing them to feel much weaker and an absolutely horrible splitting headache, reducing their damage in combat and making it hard to use jutsus.

Points: 2

Curse of Pestilence (Bachi Ekirei)

Type: Genjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 107

Damage: N/A

Effect: -40 taijutsu and ninjutsu. Last 2 posts.

Description: The ninja appears to inflict some form of poison on the target, causing them to feel much weaker and an absolutely horrible splitting headache, reducing their damage in combat and making it hard to use jutsus.

Points: 3


Earth Type: Earthshatter

Type: Ninjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 65 Chakra

Damage: 30

Effect: If this technique is used on a target that has been affected by the Prone status in the last two of their turns or currently has the Prone status, then this technique deals 15% more damage. Target also gains the Startled status effect for two turns.

Description: Carefully collecting a hand of soil or terrain, the user gathers it in their palm and lightly blows upon it. Upon doing so, it then covers the target and suddenly coagulates all over them, as though squirming. With one final handseal, the hardening soil finally settles, only to violently shatter; impacting the target with shards of galvanized soil and terrain. Quite visually impressive, it is a perfect demonstration of a shinobi's progression from Gennin to Chuunin rank.

Points: 2

Earth Type: Earthshatter

Type: Ninjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 55 Chakra

Damage: 30

Effect: If this technique is used on a target that has been affected by the Prone status in the last two of their turns or currently has the Prone status, then this technique deals 20 more damage. Target also gains the Startled status effect for two turns.

Description: Carefully collecting a hand of soil or terrain, the user gathers it in their palm and lightly blows upon it. Upon doing so, it then covers the target and suddenly coagulates all over them, as though squirming. With one final handseal, the hardening soil finally settles, only to violently shatter; impacting the target with shards of galvanized soil and terrain. Quite visually impressive, it is a perfect demonstration of a shinobi's progression from Gennin to Chuunin rank.

Points: 2


Iwa Type; Pinpoint Fault

Type: Ninjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 90 Chakra

Damage: 40

Effect: Target character is unequipped of all pieces of equipment that are not attached to their body. Unequipped equipment may be picked up during their setup phase, but only one piece of equipment a turn time. Opponent gains the Prone status effect for one turn.

Description: Creating a temporary fault line running beneath the opponent, the user taps into the line and begins to make the earth immediately around it shift. This causes a small scale earthquake that basically knocks the target off their feet and flings their equipment every which way. While it's not particularly impressive to see, it is still very effective and is fantastic for setting up combos against over-equipped opponents. After all, people seem to like it shaken, not stirred.

Points: 3

Iwa Type; Pinpoint Fault

Type: Ninjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 90 Chakra

Damage: 40

Effect: Target character is unequipped of all pieces of equipment that are not attached to their body. Victim may pay a setup phase to pick up a single piece of equipment per turn. Opponent gains the Prone status effect for one turn.

Description: Creating a temporary fault line running beneath the opponent, the user taps into the line and begins to make the earth immediately around it shift. This causes a small scale earthquake that basically knocks the target off their feet and flings their equipment every which way. While it's not particularly impressive to see, it is still very effective and is fantastic for setting up combos against over-equipped opponents. After all, people seem to like it shaken, not stirred.

Points: 3


Water Type; Water Dragon Blast Skill (Suiton Suiryuudan no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 80

Effect: Deals 100 damage to any one opponent. -20 to opponents evasion before they try and dodge because of fear from dragon form.

Description: After performing a series of hand seals, the user gathers water around him with his/her chakra. In an instant the water takes form of a dragon and hurrles itself at the opponent. The impact causes an immense amount of damage.

Points: 3

Water Type; Water Dragon Blast Skill (Suiton Suiryuudan no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 96

Damage: 100

Effect: +20 accuracy to hit with this technique.

Description: After performing a series of hand seals, the user gathers water around him with his/her chakra. In an instant the water takes form of a dragon and hurrles itself at the opponent. The impact causes an immense amount of damage and is frightening in appearance.

Points: 4


Scylla (Scylla)

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 95

Damage: 80

Effect: Immobilized target for one (1) turn.

Description: The user concentrates a great deal of water into the ground under the opponent, with natural liquids to dissolve the ground in it as well. This is then spun at an incredible rate, enough to visibly wear away the ground where this attack was used. The target is sucked down, struck against the sides of the pit containing the whirlpool and eventually crushed into the bottm of the put.

Points: 3

Scylla (Scylla)

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 114

Damage: 80

Effect: Immobilized target for one (1) turn.

Description: The user concentrates a great deal of water into the ground under the opponent, with natural liquids to dissolve the ground in it as well. This is then spun at an incredible rate, enough to visibly wear away the ground where this attack was used. The target is sucked down, struck against the sides of the pit containing the whirlpool and eventually crushed into the bottm of the put.

Points: 4


Water Type; Whirlpool of Despair

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 50/Turn

Damage: N/A

Effect: Opponent is under the effect of "Drowning” for 3 Turns. Additionally the opponent cannot perform any offensive action as long as this is active. User has to keep completely still and cannot perform any action at all while this is active. Large body of water must be near and target submerged in that body of water.

Description: A teamwork Jutsu used primarily to capture a target in a whirlpool while his teammates dish out the damage on the opponent.

Points: 5

Water Type; Whirlpool of Despair

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 50/Turn

Damage: N/A

Effect: Opponent is under the effect of "Drowning” while this is active. Additionally the opponent cannot perform any offensive action as long as this is active. User has to keep completely still and cannot perform any action at all while this is active. Large body of water must be near and target submerged in that body of water. Maximum of 3 turns.

Description: A teamwork Jutsu used primarily to capture a target in a whirlpool while his teammates dish out the damage on the opponent.

Points: 5


Float (Uki Wa no Justu)

Type: Ninjustu (Cloud)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 80 Chakra too activate, 50 per turn afterwards.

Effect: Increases your evasion by 100. On Opponents turn following this one, they may ONLY used ranged weapons on you. You may continue to pay 5 to keep this evasion up.

Description: Using chakra, you gain the ability to defy gravity. With this, you can fly, float high in the air, or simply do an amazing combo.

Points: 3

Float (Uki Wa no Justu)

Type: Ninjustu (Cloud)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 80 Chakra too activate, 64 per turn afterwards.

Effect: Increases your evasion by 100. On Opponents turn following the activation of this, they may ONLY used ranged weapons on you.

Description: Using chakra, you gain the ability to defy gravity. With this, you can fly, float high in the air, or simply do an amazing combo.

Points: 3


Air Raid (Kuuki Shinryaku)

Type: Genjutsu (Lightning)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 60 Chakra(may pay more in increments of 20)

Effect: Lower opponents Taijutsu, and/or Evasion by UP to 120 stat points, these effects last for 3 turns . If you pay an Additional twenty you may remove 40 more stat points.(this varies also on your Genjutsu skill, and opponents Concentration)

Description: Invade your opponents mind, to make them feel like they have been struck with lightning. This causes seisures througout the opponents body, making them less of a threat.

Points: 2

Air Raid (Kuuki Shinryaku)

Type: Genjutsu (Lightning)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 15x Chakra (Maximum of 120 Chakra)

Effect: Lowers opponents Taijutsu and/or Evasion by 10x stat points, these effects last for 3 turns.

Description: Invade your opponents mind, to make them feel like they have been struck with lightning. This causes seisures througout the opponents body, making them less of a threat.

Points: 4

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Bastard Sword of Lighting.(Banki Zenpuu No jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu (Lightning & Lightning Strike Style)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 40 charka, 40 stamina

Damage: 120 damage

Effect: When this technique is used, the oppenents evasion is increased by 10. User skips next setup phase.

Description: The more powerful version of Shokai Senpuu no jutsu. Instead of creating a normal long blade, the user creates a huge bastard sword with devesating power. The only problem is that the user becomes slower when attacking.

Points: 5

Bastard Sword of Lighting (Banki Zenpuu No jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu (Lightning & Lightning Strike Style)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 35 charka, 35 stamina

Damage: 120 damage

Effect: When this technique is used, the opponents evasion is increased by 10. User skips next setup phase.

Description: The more powerful version of Shokai Senpuu no jutsu. Instead of creating a normal long blade, the user creates a huge bastard sword with devesating power. The only problem is that the user becomes slower when attacking.

Points: 3

Kusa Type; Fighter of Nature

Type: Taijutsu (Thorn Style)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 110

Damage: 100

Effect: Whenever in “High Grass” or “Dense Woodland and Jungle” negate any effects those might have on this attack and increase the damage of this attack by 20.

Description: Using a Taijutsu attack designed for fighting in woody or grassy areas this attack takes full advantage of the terrain. A strategic Jutsu, if used right can do massive damage.

Points: 4

Kusa Type; Fighter of Nature

Type: Taijutsu (Thorn Style)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 80

Damage: 110

Effect: Whenever in “High Grass” or “Dense Woodland and Jungle” increase the damage of this attack by 20.

Description: Using a Taijutsu attack designed for fighting in woody or grassy areas this attack takes full advantage of the terrain. A strategic Jutsu, if used right can do massive damage.

Points: 3

Plant Type; Nature Cleanse

Type: Ninjutsu (Plant & Medical)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 120

Damage: N/A

Effect: Regain 20 HP/3 turns and remove any status effects you had on you the first turn. (Status

Effect =/= Stat Reductions)

Description: A medical Jutsu that draws upon the natural elements around you to cleanse your body of various ailments. Unlike other medical Jutsus this one works only for the Shinobi using it, highly useful in lone fights and as a secondary Jutsu to support yourself when fighting long battles.

Points: 5 (Erosion 1)

Plant Type; Nature Cleanse

Type: Ninjutsu (Plant & Medical)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 120

Damage: N/A

Effect: Regain 20 HP each turn for 3 turns and remove one status effect that is 70 DP or less per turn of your choosing.

Description: A medical Jutsu that draws upon the natural elements around you to cleanse your body of various ailments. Unlike other medical Jutsus this one works only for the Shinobi using it, highly useful in lone fights and as a secondary Jutsu to support yourself when fighting long battles.

Points: 5 (Erosion 1)

Ultimate Air Slicing Blast (Zankuukyokuha)

Type: Ninjustu (Sound)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 50 Ninjustu/ 70 Ninjutsu with Air Pressure Device.

Effect: 50 Damage/ 70 Damage with Air Pressure Device. The intense vibrations from this attack damage the ear drums for 3 turns, causing the target to get -40 evasion for 3 turns(not stackable; If used twice in a row, stays at -40 evasion, does not double too -80 evasion).

Description: A Jutsu which allows the user to freely control super sonic sound waves and air pressure. The cannons that are their arms can create blasts powerful enough to even destroy rock. It's intense sound confuses and disorients the enemy.

Points: 3

Ultimate Air Slicing Blast (Zankuukyokuha)

Type: Ninjustu (Sound)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 88 Chakra/ 104 Chakra with Air Pressure Device.

Damage: 50 Damage/ 70 Damage with Air Pressure Device.

Effect: -20 evasion for 3 turns, does not stack with itself.

Description: A Jutsu which allows the user to freely control super sonic sound waves and air pressure. The cannons that are their arms can create blasts powerful enough to even destroy rock. It's intense sound confuses and disorients the enemy.

Points: 3

Siren's Melody (Gouteki Kakyoku)

Type: Genjutsu (Sound)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 10 chakra per 5 defense and 5 evasion, Max of 140 Chakra.

Damage: n/a

Effect: Reduces Evasion and Defense of target(s) by given amount for 3 turns

Description: The user generates a hypnotic and enslaving melody by manipulating sound waves to directly stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain. The target is enthralled by the melody, leaving them wide open and defenseless to any attack during the period of effect of this attack.

Points: 5

Siren's Melody (Gouteki Kakyoku)

Type: Genjutsu (Sound)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 15 chakra per 5 defense and 5 evasion, Max of 150 Chakra.

Damage: n/a

Effect: Reduces Evasion and Defense of target(s) by given amount for 3 turns

Description: The user generates a hypnotic and enslaving melody by manipulating sound waves to directly stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain. The target is enthralled by the melody, leaving them wide open and defenseless to any attack during the period of effect of this attack.

Points: 5

Direct Sonic

Type: Ninjutsu (Sound)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 120

Damage: 30

Effect: Target is Deafened, Disorganized, and Dizzy for 1 turn

Description: By concentrating their chakra into every ounce of sound around them, the user of this jutsu concentrates it into a wave of sonic energy focused upon the target.

Points: 4

Direct Sonic

Type: Ninjutsu (Sound)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 120

Damage: 38

Effect: Target is Deafened, Disorganized, and Dizzy for 1 turn

Description: By concentrating their chakra into every ounce of sound around them, the user of this jutsu concentrates it into a wave of sonic energy focused upon the target.

Points: 4

Sonic Hands

Type: Ninjutsu (Sound)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 150 Chakra

Damage: See effect

Effect: The user gains +80 Tai for all but ranged attacks. For each melee attack this nin blocks, the attacker takes damage equal to this nin's defense minus their Resitance with no modifiers. Lasts 3 turns.

Description: This nin makes his/her body resonate with a constant vibration using very quick soundwaves throughout their body as guided by their chakra. This causes for more lethal melee as they tend to jar opponents with the not-so-subtle vibrations.

Points: 3

Sonic Hands

Type: Ninjutsu (Sound)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 150 Chakra

Damage: See effect

Effect: The user gains +60 Tai for all but ranged attacks. For each melee attack this ninja blocks, the attacker takes damage equal to this ninja's defense minus their resitance with no modifiers. Lasts 3 turns.

Description: This nin makes his/her body resonate with a constant vibration using very quick soundwaves throughout their body as guided by their chakra. This causes for more lethal melee as they tend to jar opponents with the not-so-subtle vibrations.

Points: 5

Sound Type; Thunder Clap

Type: Ninjutsu (Sound)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 100

Damage: 120

Description: By focusing chakra into the palms the ninja slaps thier hands together, creating a shockwave of sound sounding at a distance like a peal of thunder and at close range it sounds like a bomb going off. The shockwave of sound is focused enough to avoid hurting the Shinobi using the technique.

Cost: 4

Sound Type; Thunder Clap

Type: Ninjutsu (Sound)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 100

Damage: 125

Description: By focusing chakra into the palms the ninja slaps their hands together, creating a shockwave of sound that at close range sounds like a bomb going off. The shockwave of sound is focused enough to avoid hurting the shinobi using the technique.

Cost: 4

Uzumaki Naruto Combo (Uzumaki Naruto Rendan)

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 50 Taijutsu

Effect: Does 70 damage. +5 damage per ninjutsu clone made at the time.

Description: With the creation of clones, this combo includes punches and kicks very much like Lion Rendan except its many on one. This is the self-named combination that Naruto used to defeat Inuzuka Kiba in the Chuunin Exam's Third Test Preliminaries.

Points: 2

Uzumaki Naruto Combo (Uzumaki Naruto Rendan)

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 50 Taijutsu

Effect: Does 70 damage. +5 damage per ninjutsu clone made at the time.

Description: With the creation of clones, this combo includes punches and kicks very much like Lion Rendan except its many on one. This is the self-named combination that the legendary Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato, Naruto Uzumaki, coined in his youth.

Points: 2

Piercing Fang (Gatsuuga)

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 60 Taijutsi

Effect: 75 Damage. Opponent Bleeds 10 HP for 3 turns. +10 damage for every pet using this attack with the user.

Description: Powerful Beast Human Taijutsu Skill where the user spins at a fericious speed toward the opponent, aiming to cut and scratch them with the fangs. Most effective when performed by two or more people/animals.

Points: 2

REMOVE, should be given to the clan.

Body Freeze Skill (Kanashibari no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 100


- Cannot be dodged. Opponent rolls 1d100.

- If they roll higher than 25, then they skip their next response and main phase. - May only target the same opponent with this technique after 4 turns since they were last effected by it.

- May only be used once a battle per enemy by Gennin, two times by Chuunin and three times by Jounin.

- If target is of two ranks or higher than the user, they are unaffected by this technique.

Description: Used to cause ones opponent to lose the advantage of movement. Freezing them in their tracks, this Jutsu creates an opening for a more dangerous attack. Most Anbu Ninjas seem to know this technique.

Points: 4

Body Freeze Skill (Kanashibari no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 100


- Cannot be dodged. Opponent rolls 1d100.

- If they roll higher than 50, then they are Vulnerable and Stunned for one turn.

- A single person may only be affected by this attack once every four turns.

- May only be used once a battle per enemy by Gennin, two times by Chuunin and three times by Jounin.

- If target is of two ranks or higher than the user, they are unaffected by this technique.

Description: Used to cause ones opponent to lose the advantage of movement. Freezing them in their tracks, this Jutsu creates an opening for a more dangerous attack. Most Anbu Ninjas seem to know this technique.

Points: 4

Trap Type; Sword Breaker Mine

Type: Genjutsu

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 125

Damage: N/A

Effect: Victim is -75 Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, and Genjutsu 1 turn, Impaired Touch 1 turn

Description: The victim perceives four wires - One red, orange, yellow, and blue - two of which bind around each arm. While these do not tether the victim, they do slighly numb the hands enough to disorient.

Points: 5

Trap Type; Sword Breaker Mine

Type: Genjutsu

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 130

Damage: N/A

Effect: Victim is -60 Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, and Genjutsu 1 turn, Impaired Touch 1 turn

Description: The victim perceives four wires - One red, orange, yellow, and blue - two of which bind around each arm. While these do not tether the victim, they do slighly numb the hands enough to disorient.

Points: 5

Divine Seal (Tenrai Gokuin)

Type: Ninjutsu (Medical)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 80

Effect: The medical nin forcefully seals the target's ability to either use genjutsu or ninjutsu. This requires all of the medical nin's focus and leaves them unable to avoid the next attack made by their target. The effects last five posts.

Description: The medical nin sends hundreds of miniscule darts of chakra at the target, striking the body in key points to seal their ninjutsu or genjutsu skills.

Points: 4


MEDICAL: Format all 'Levels' to be the same format.

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Ninja Academy 7.0; Techniques III

(Jounin, Sealing and Forbidden)

This is the third post for techniques.

I ask that you PLEASE do not bring up anything in this thread except for problems pertaining to Jounin+ rank Main Site jutsu.

Leaf (4)

Ninjutsu (4)

Taijutsu (0)

Genjutsu (0)

Hybrid (0)

Sand (6)

Ninjutsu (4)

Taijutsu (2)

Genjutsu (0)

Hybrid (0)

Stone (5)

Ninjutsu (5)

Taijutsu (0)

Genjutsu (0)

Hybrid (0)

Mist (5)

Ninjutsu (4)

Taijutsu (1)

Genjutsu (0)

Hybrid (0)

Cloud (5)

Ninjutsu (3)

Taijutsu (2)

Genjutsu (0)

Hybrid (0)

Grass (5)

Ninjutsu (2)

Taijutsu (2)

Genjutsu (1)

Hybrid (0)

Sound (7)

Ninjutsu (4)

Taijutsu (2)

Genjutsu (1)

Hybrid (0)


Fire Dragon Flame Blast (Katon Karyuu Endan)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 120

Damage: 150

Effect: This skill causes severe burning over the body; if used by an Uchiha this technique will cause an additional five damage for the next five posts if the burns are not tended. A non-Uchiha will only cause these effects for two posts. Due to the nature of this jutsu, any attempts to dodge without using a jutsu have their relevant stat reduced by 20 points.

Description: The ninja draws in a deep breath and lets it out in a flame that flies at their opponents in a huge wall of incindiary might. This move is for obvious reasons very difficult to avoid.

Points: 3

Fire Dragon Flame Blast (Katon Karyuu Endan)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 125

Damage: 150

Effect: This technique will cause an additional five damage for the next three posts if the burns are not tended. Due to the nature of this jutsu, any attempts to dodge without using a jutsu have their relevant stat reduced by 20 points.

Description: The ninja draws in a deep breath and lets it out in a flame that flies at their opponents in a huge wall of incindiary might. This move is for obvious reasons very difficult to avoid.

Points: 3


Blaze (Kaen)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 100

Damage: 75

Effect: Inflicts 75 damage to anyone that enters melee with the user for the next three posts. Does not prevent the user from taking damage.

Description: A blaze of flame rises around the user about a foot away from them in all directions. Anyone that gets to close will be burned.

Points: 3

Blaze (Kaen)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 150

Damage: n/a

Effect: Inflicts 75 unmodified fire damage a turn to anyone that enters melee with the user for the next three posts. During this time, if the user hits the enemy with a melee attack, they take an additional 75 unmodified fire damage. If the user attacks the opponent with a melee attack of otherwise comes into melee range with them they may roll a dodge roll modified normally to avoid the damage.

Description: The user is engulfed in a blaze of flames that consumes their entire body. In every direction around them up to a foot away the air is lit aflame. Anyone that gets to close will be burned by the intense heat surrounding their body, and a melee fighter with this technique is an even more dangerous opponent than normal.

Points: 3


Bitter Crimson Tears (Katsurui Shinku)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 120

Damage: 40

Effect: Rains fire on target for the next six posts, dealing fifty damage each post. If the target moves the rain of fire does not follow. Must take up one Main phase to move.

Description: Forms an odd little cloud of flame above the target's head which rains down flame upon them. The cloud is stationary, so the full effect of the jutsu will only be felt on a stationary target. Fire does not damage the jutsu user.

Points: 3

Bitter Crimson Tears (Katsurui Shinku)

Type: Ninjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 120

Damage: 40

Effect: Rains fire on target for the next six posts, dealing 50 unmodified damage each post following the first. If the target moves the rain of fire does not follow. Must take up one Main phase to move.

Description: Forms an odd little cloud of flame above the target's head which rains down flame upon them. The cloud is stationary, so the full effect of the jutsu will only be felt on a stationary target. The flames are meant to not hurt the user of this technique, and if they were to stand in the rain they would not become burned.

Points: 3


Sandstorm Volley

Type: Taijutsu (Scorpion Style)

Rank: Jounin Requirement: Any combination of three small ranged weapons

Cost: 90 Stamina

Damage: 60/hit, 3 hits.

Effect: Bleeding 20/hit for 2 turns (3 hits)

Description: The ninja using this throws a series of ranged projectiles at the enemy with the explicit purpose of shaving off their flesh, like a sandstorm would erode at flesh and muscle.

Points: 3

Sandstorm Volley

Type: Taijutsu (Scorpion Style)

Rank: Jounin Requirement: Any combination of three small ranged weapons

Cost: 130 Stamina

Damage: 60/hit, 3 hits.

Effect: 20 Bleeding damage per hit for 1 turns

Description: The ninja using this throws a series of ranged projectiles at the enemy with the explicit purpose of shaving off their flesh, like a sandstorm would erode at flesh and muscle.

Points: 4


Earth Type; Rising Earth Wall (Doton Doryuuheki)

Type: Ninjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 350

Effect: Used in the Response Phase. Creates a wall with 700 health points that absorbs damage from all non-Genjutsu string of attacks (of equal or less rank to the user) aimed at the user of this jutsu. If all damage is absorbed by the wall, effects are negated too; user suffers damage that is not negated by the wall. This wall crumbles after the turn in which it was used ends even if damage sustained did not destroy the wall. May be used three times per battle. Descripition: The user "vomits" a small wave of mud, which suddenly turns into a large wall made out of that mud. The mud solidifies and is virtually impenetrable.

Points: 8

Earth Type; Rising Earth Wall (Doton Doryuuheki)

Type: Ninjutsu (Earth)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 350

Effect: Used in the Response Phase. Creates a wall with 700 health points that absorbs damage from all non-Genjutsu string of attacks (of equal or less rank to this technique) aimed at the user of this jutsu. If all damage is absorbed by the wall, effects are negated too; user suffers damage that is not negated by the wall. This wall crumbles after the turn in which it was used ends even if damage sustained did not destroy the wall. May be used three times per battle.

Description: The user "vomits" a small wave of mud, which suddenly turns into a large wall made out of that mud. The mud solidifies and is virtually impenetrable.

Points: 8


Water Type; Water Barrier Wall (Suiton Suijinheki)

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 300

Effect: Used in the Response Phase. Negates damage and effects from all Ninjutsu string of attacks (of equal or less rank to the user) aimed at the user of this jutsu. Negates the effects but only half the damage from all Taijutsu string of attacks (of equal or less rank to the user) aimed at the user of this justu. May not act in their main phase the turn that this is used. May only use two times per battle.

Description: A barrier made out of water from the surrounding area. This barrier is effective with blocking incoming Ninjutsu techniques and stops them from reaching the user. Unfortunately, it cannot fully stop Taijutsu techniques.

Points: 7

Water Type; Water Barrier Wall (Suiton Suijinheki)

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: x Chakra

Effect: Used in the Response Phase. Negates damage and effects from all Ninjutsu string of attacks (of equal or less rank to the user) aimed at the user of this jutsu, where x is the total damage. Negates the effects but only half the damage from all Taijutsu string of attacks (of equal or less rank to this technique) aimed at the user of this justu. May not act in their main phase the turn that this is used. May only use two times per battle. If the technique does not deal damage or is a lightning technique this jutsu does not work.

Description: A barrier made out of water from the surrounding area. This barrier is effective with blocking incoming Ninjutsu techniques and stops them from reaching the user. Unfortunately, it cannot fully stop Taijutsu techniques.

Points: 7


Thors Cry (Nakigoe Thor)

Type: Taijutsu (Lightning Strike Style)

Rank: Jounnin

Cost: 380 Stamina

Damage: 4 per strike, 200 total.

Effect: 50 hit combo. +100 speed for 4 turns.

Description: Becoming one with Lightning, you increase your speed, and unleash a highly destructive combo.

Points: 8

Thors Cry (Nakigoe Thor)

Type: Taijutsu (Lightning Strike Style)

Rank: Jounnin

Cost: 366 Stamina

Damage: 40 per strike, 200 total.

Effect: 5 hit combo. +100 speed for 4 turns.

Description: Becoming one with the essence of Lightning, you increase your speed as your movements become a blur. Approaching the opponent you unleash a highly destructive combo with over fifty blows at once.

Points: 8


Death Tree (Desu Mokuhon)

Type: Ninjutsu (Wood)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 90 Chakra per Tree (Max of 3)

Damage: 45 Damage per tree per turn

Effect: Tree like creatures that attack the enemy for two turns. Enemy must attack the creatures, cannot target user. If trees take over 200 damage they fall dead and stop attacking. For all purposes the trees are considered to have the same stats as their owner. User performing the jutsu cannot attack while using this technique. Can only be used once every 5 turns.

Description: Tree-like creatures grown by forcing chakra into seeds of trees. These creatures live on flesh or meat.

Points: 3

Death Tree (Desu Mokuhon)

Type: Ninjutsu (Wood)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 90 Chakra per Tree (Max of 3)

Damage: 45 Unmodified Damage per tree per turn

Effect: Tree like creatures that attack the enemy for two turns. If trees take over 200 damage they fall dead and stop attacking. For all purposes the trees are considered to have the same stats as their owner. User performing the jutsu cannot attack while using this technique. The user of this technique may not be targeted by the target of this technique. Can only be used once every 5 turns.

Description: Tree-like creatures grown by forcing chakra into seeds of trees. These creatures live on flesh or meat.

Points: 3


Dead Soul Skill (Shikon no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 300 to activate, 10% total Chakra per body per turn. Advanced chakra regeneration skills can not be active during this time.

Effect: Must have a dead body to manipulate. The body is under the control of the user like a bunshin or summon. Has 75% of the user's stats.

Description: With this Jutsu the user can make the dead seem lifelike. Allowing dead bodies to move around as a diversion or decoy. This skill causes the dead bodies' hearts to beat allowing the user to control them for a few minutes.

Points: 7

Dead Soul Skill (Shikon no Jutsu)

Type: Forbidden Ninjutsu (Unacceptable)

Rank: Jounin (Level 75)

Cost: 300 to activate, 10% total Chakra per body per turn. Advanced chakra regeneration skills can not be active during this time.

Effect: Must have a dead body to manipulate. The body is under the control of the user like a bunshin or summon. Has 80% of the user's stats. The body has all of the abilities that the character did at the time of their death. Cannot preform any techniques that require them to sacrifice their life, as they do not have one to give. A body that is killed while this jutsu is active may not be used again unless it is able to be repaired.

Description: With this Jutsu the user can make the dead seem lifelike. Allowing dead bodies to move around as a diversion or decoy. This skill causes the dead bodies' hearts to beat allowing the user to control them for a few minutes.

Points: 7


Shadow Shuriken Clone Skill (Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 8x chakra (x = amount of clones you want to make.) Max of 320 chakra can be spent on this.

Effect: Multiplies the amount of the small weapons you threw by x. You throwing limit is uneffected by this, since it happens after you throw it.

Description: A powerful technique. The user throws an object, in this case a Shuriken, and uses Ninjutsu to make it divide in the air, creating a few, or hundreds, of other real Shuriken.

Points: 7

Shadow Shuriken Clone Skill (Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 8xy chakra (x = amount of clones you want to make.) Max of 320 chakra can be spent on this.

Effect: Multiplies the 'y' amount of the small weapons you threw by 'x'. (y is the amount of weapons thrown and x is how much you are multiplying by). You throwing limit is uneffected by this, since it happens after you throw it. User decids which type of weapon is copied and how many times if different small weapons are thrown.

Description: A powerful technique. The user throws an object, in this case a Shuriken, and uses Ninjutsu to make it divide in the air, creating a few, or hundreds, of other real Shuriken.

Points: 7


Five Part Seal (Goguoufuuin)

Type: Sealing (Powerful)

Rank: Sennin

Cost: 400 Ninjutsu

Effect: Opponent cannot use target stat. This lasts until the seal is released using Five Part Seal Release (Goguoukaiin). The stat is treated as if it was 0, though you do not pass out if it is stamina/ chakra. Cannot target HP.

Description: An elemental seal appears on each of the users fingers, one for each of the five elements (water, metal, earth, fire and wood). Upon contact with the target it disrupts their chakra flow, sealing it from further use; though this technique has been known to be used to seal other abilities.

Points: 6

Already made, needs to be posted on the main site.

All Forbidden/ Sennin techniques need to have their type put in the type field and rank in rank field as dead soul skill is above.

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Made changes to Concentration/Genjutsu and Evasion. Please look them over and comment!


In order to balance Genjutsu's well known ability to become unstoppable at higher levels, Concentration will now give the following bonuses;

- Every 20 points in Concentration raises your chance to hit with Genjutsu by 1%, to a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 90%.

- Every 20 points in Concentration raises your chance to dodge Genjutsu by 1%, to a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 90%.

- Every 100 points in Concentration raises your chance to critically strike with Taijutsu based attacks by 1%.

- Every 100 points in Concentration lowers the cost of your Ninjutsu based attacks by 2%, rounded down.


In order to counteract the changes to Concentration as well as to make ghost damage more interesting rather than an illusionary clone of regular damage, the following changes were made to Genjutsu.

- For every 20 points of Genjutsu the player has his Genjutsu attacks reduce an opponent's stats by an additional 5 points.

- For every 20 points of Genjutsu the player takes 5 points less of stat reduction from Genjutsu attacks.

- For every 20 points of Genjutsu a player has their Genjutsu techniques deal an additional 2 ghost damage

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TIME SKIP ROLEPLAY- Players will be allowed to continue their current role play in the past until they are ready to time skip their characters. They will not be able to start a new role play in the past nor will they receive their EXP or money bonus until after they participate in the time skip. Once a player time skips they can not go back to their previous role play, and anyone who does time skip may not continue to role play in the "past".

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The board will be shut down starting tomorrow, August 25, until Thursday, August 27. The time of day that the board will be shut down and restarted will rely on my own schedule and the timeline that the staff can get things done. However, the board WILL be up by August 27 even if the world sets on fire.

When the board comes back up on August 27, you may take the time skip and preform any edits to your character sheet that you need to do for the rules changes. The following rewards will be given to characters during the time skip to simulate the passing of time.

+4000 EXP


If you have any questions please contact your prefered staff member.

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New Main Site Techniques

Fire Type; Summer's Heat

Type: Genjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 80 Chakra

Damage: n/a

Effects: The opponent has -40 to their accuracy and -20 to their evasion for the next two turns.

Description: The user causes the opponent's vision to blur and waver as if they were in extreme heat. This resembles as if the opponent was surrounded by jets of warm air that are constantly blowing out waves of heat. This blurs the movement and actions of the user and also makes it much harder to find and hit them.

Points: 4

Ox's Spear

Type: Taijutsu (Ox Style)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40 Stamina

Damage: 50

Effects: n/a

Description: The user will charge forward in a low stance, stepping forward and thrusting their shoulder into the opponent's abdomen in a powerful spear attack.

Points: 2

Double Ax Handle

Type: Taijutsu (Ox Style)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 77 Stamina

Damage: 40

Effects: Opponent is under the effect of ‘Headache' for 3 turns.

Description: The user will approach the opponent and elbow them hard in the stomach, followed by a double handed ax swing to the base of the neck, causing significant pain for awhile after due to the force applied to the head.

Points: 4

Water Type; Sea Illness

Type: Genjutsu (Water)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 80 Chakra

Damage: 20

Effects: Opponent is left "Sickened” for 2 turns.

Description: Using Genjutsu the Shinobi causes the opponent to feel the simulated effects that Sea Sickness gives people. Particularly useful against those weak of the mind and can cripple the strongest Taijutsu fighters.

Points: 4

Cloud Arc Strike

Type: Taijutsu (Lightning Strike Style)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 60 Stamina

Damage: 75

Effects: n/a

Description: The user will rush towards the opponent with a wide sweeping arc kick. The arc in which this attack hits is larger than normal attacks of its level, making it more accurate than most.

Points: 3

Under Shock Strike

Type: Taijutsu (Lightning Strike Style)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 45 Stamina

Damage: 5

Effects: Opponent is ‘Exposed' on their following turn.

Description: The user will perform a low sweep kick, knocking the enemy in the back of the calf and causing their muscles to feel ‘shocked' for a few moments. Just enough to open them up for a more devastating attack.

Points: 3

Double Drum

Type: Taijutsu (Snake Style)

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40 Stamina

Damage: 25 (x2)

Effects: Multi hit attack, two strikes.

Description: The user will slide in sideways towards the opponent and snap their forearm back twice towards the target's chest. The name of the technique comes from the hollow sound the fist makes as it strikes the rib cage of the enemy.

Points: 2

Twisting Lotus

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40 Stamina

Damage: 80

Effects: This technique has -10% chance to hit unless the opponent is ensnared.

Description: Through her deliberate movements and style, the user can get the most effective amount of force from her strikes. Jumping into the air, the user will twist their body to get the full force of their momentum into their kick, but because they are exerting themselves so much while twisting in the air, a person tends to loose their balance on the landing making it harder to strike their opponent.

Points: 2


Rising Force

Type: Taijutsu (Tiger Style)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 130 Stamina

Damage: 75

Effects: Opponent is ‘Clobbered' for two turns.

Description: Sliding across the ground towards the opponent, the user will push off the ground at the last moment and rise up with their foot, aiming to launch the opponent into the air. The quick shot to the jaw leaves an opponent disoriented for a few moments.

Points: 5

Pouncing Tiger

Type: Taijutsu (Tiger Style)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 120 Stamina

Damage: 90

Effects: Opponent is ‘Bruised' on their shoulders/chest for 3 turns.

Description: The user will jump into the air, coming down towards the enemy with both feet as if to crush their collar bones. If successful the enemy will suffer from bruising on the shoulders from where the user landed. Immediately afterwards they will jump off and move away.

Points: 4

Crashing Slabs

Type: Taijutsu (Ox Style)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 120 Stamina

Damage: 120

Effects: Opponent is ‘Exposed' on their next turn.

Description: The user delivers a double ax handled swing to the enemy's jaw, knocking them back and disorienting them for a few moments.

Points: 4

Ore Combo

Type: Taijutsu (Ox Style)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 100 Stamina

Damage: 50 (x3)

Effects: Multi hit attack, 3 strikes.

Description: The user will grab the opponent by the back and slam their knee into their stomach three times, causing significant damage to the user's abdomen.

Points: 4

Double Crane Peck

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Chuunin (Crane Style)

Cost: 90 Stamina

Damage: 45 (x2)

Effects: Multi hit attack, 2 strikes. Opponent is ‘Fazed' for 2 turns.

Description: The user will approach the opponent from behind, chopping down on either side of their neck with each hand before pushing away and landing a few meters away. This is an excellent example of a hit and go technique.

Points: 3

Ball Lightning

Type: Ninjutsu (Lightning)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 150 Chakra

Damage: 35

Effects: The opponent is ‘Burned' and ‘Numb' for 2 turns.

Description: The user creates a ball of electricity in their hand and then points their exposed palm towards the opponent, launching the ball towards them. Upon being struck by the ball the electricity the enemy will have their body washed over with the blast, numbing them for a short while and causing burning.

Points: 5

Polarized Spear

Type: Ninjutsu (Lightning)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 60 Chakra

Damage: 75

Effects: n/a

Description: The user will polarize the enemy from long range and with a sudden blast they will unleash a combination of lightning chakra from their own body towards the enemy at rapid speeds.

Points: 2

Aerial Thunder Combo

Type: Taijutsu (Lightning Strike Style)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 150 Stamina

Damage: 90

Effects: Opponent is ‘Stunned' and ‘Exposed' for 1 turn.

Description: The user will drag back their hand, rushing forward and striking the enemy straight in the chest with a powerful blow. Following this the user will rush behind the user as they stagger or fly backwards and kick them directly in the back, sending them into the air.

Points: 5


Turnabout Skull Split Combo

Type: Taijutsu (Tiger Style)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 160 Chakra

Damage: 380

Effects: Must be used after ‘Shadow Leaf Dance'.

Description: The user will grab the opponent in mid air, keeping their face in the palm of their hand and slamming it into the ground as they approach. On the way down the user will also ‘ride' on the back of the opponent, crushing their spin as they land as well and keeping them from harm.

Points: 4

Ghost Combustion

Type: Genjutsu (Fire)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 180

Damage: 270

Effects: n/a

Description: The opponent believes they were suddenly lit aflame from the stomach. From there, their flesh and muscle melting off rapidly as the fire spreads across their entire body. Finally as they are completely consumed by the flames their abdomen will burst open with a violent explosion.

Points: 5

Induced Cardiac Arrest

Type: Genjutsu (Lightning)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 380 Chakra

Damage: 120 Ghost Damage

Effects: Opponent is under the effects of ‘Metabolic Break Down' for 3 turns.

Description: The enemy is placed under an induced cardiac arrest, causing their heart to stop for a few moments and causing multiple complications. This is done through a combination of mind manipulation and lightning chakra to cause the body to react in a way that is unnatural.

Points: 8

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Chuunin and Jounin vests are having their resistance bonus flat out dropped. This means that Chuunin vests will give [+40 Def +40 Eva] and Jounin Vests will give [+80 Def +80 Eva]. All other equipment has two options with the change to resistance.

If your equipment gave a bonus to Resistance you may...

1. Automatically consider that bonus added to Defense without need for a reapproval.

2. Return that item for a rull rembursment of the price you paid.

3. Submit the item for reapproval without the resistance bonus. Once reapproved you may be refunded for the original and automatically buy the new one without needed RP.

Chuunin Vest

[+40 Def, +40 Eva, +15 Weapon Slots]

Jounin Vest

[+80 Def, +80 Eva, +25 Weapon Slots]

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Welcome to NA 7.0! After those two days you will notice some more changes around here. Our mods have been busy tackling the approval section so stay sharp to what you missed. Stay tuned for a special Shinobi Times post welcoming the time skip. Keep in mind the bonuses previously posted. Also you here's to keep you up to date:

• The forums have been cleaned and modified, you will notcied some subforums missing the topics dumped in to other places.

• Amegakure has been added to the Country of Coal and Rain forum.

• Yukigakure will now be a visitable village but you may not start a character within the village. As such there is no 'Yuki-nin list'. Wait for events to happen IC before further establishment.

• Cellar Door has been promoted to temp mod position, so go easy on him but make him feel loved with your requests!

• Remember to wrap up any events in the past before playing in the future!

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Welcome Again!

The following are now going to be joining our GM staff as temporary members! Please make them feel welcome and give them lots of work! They are all willing to show you just how well they can do their jobs! If they all do well we will be keeping them as permanent members of our staff!

- Blackrose

- Kay

- Tsu

Congratulate them if you get the chance!

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