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Na 7.0; Q & A!

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Ninjutsu Mastery-

You can now simply choose any element, rather then your home village's.

Ninjutsu Mastery [Element Name Here]

Ninjutsu of the chosen type of element will do an extra +5 damage. This is inclusive of modifiers.



So, I get that you can now apply this to different elements. Here's my question:

Can you take this multiple times, applying it to new elements? As in say, have two ranks in fire, one rank in water, three ranks in earth?

and secondly: If you had two in fire and two in water, could you apply this mastery to steam or combinational elements?

Or can you take ninjutsu mastery in combinational elements? Or perhaps just ones your village can get? (Sound, Sand, ect.)

I only ask because I am a fan of this skill ^.^

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You may mix and match elements with this skill. You can take it with any element you wish as long as you know it, so you may have it in Steam, but if you have any ranks in Fire or Water, it doesn't carry over. It also doesn't trickle down.

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Just a clarification.

If we do not already have a death bonus, we can roll one for our second character?

or if we have two normal first and second characters, on our third character we can roll a death bonus?

Or does someone actually have to die? I will be making a second character imminently is why I ask.

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So let's say I chuck a pineapple at azure during his classes in college when he least expects it and then I grab a plunger and begin to sodomiz...

Ok so for the response justu, let's say that a person is attacking you with a multi-hit justu. You use the Earth Wall technique. There are 3 attacks. The first two attacks put together are less than 700 and the last one breaks the wall. Would it be acceptable to have the wall block all three attacks since logic says the wall is right in front of them.

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Re: Stat point redistribution at any time.

For reals?

No limits like not reducing below half the stat at the time to put the stats elsewhere.

Or staff approval each time it's done?

Staff logging of such actions?

(I know the above two are quite impractical for staff)

Can this be done even right before battle?

In summary there's no such thing as a 'master' of any discipline anymore because someone can 'wake up' all of a sudden being the master of whichever ninja art?

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Hakkai: I will probably have to council myself and cry cry cry. How could you waste a pineapple?! Anyway, the wall absorbs all non-Genjutsu attacks aimed at the user during that response phase of Jounin attacks or less. The wall will absorb it it until it breaks or you move but if it breaks, the excess damage and effects are carried over to who is defending.

Nappers: You may redistribute your stat points in any way you want, once. This may only be done at the beginning of the timeskip or whenever a character is brought in to the post time-skip world. It must be done prior to playing them or things would get out of hand. But I say again, this is a one time deal unless we give the green light a second time.

...What Tony said.

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^ Awesomeness. I am also very much a fan of the 'Every 200 points in Concentration raises your chance to critically strike an opponent with physical attacks by 1%.'

Just wondering if there is a cap to that? I mean, I don't see it as being too much of a problem. it would take 2000 just to get 10%, and I don't see anyone possibly having over 4,000 concentration equaling 20%.

Edited by Baromosa
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(sorry about the double post)

But a shocking question came up. Quite urgent, actually.

It was stated that 'all skills that provide a % to hit / to dodge' are all unapproved and must be reviewed.

Does this include the Hyuuga and Uchiha bloodline skills?

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- For every 40 points of Genjutsu a player has their Genjutsu techniques deal an additional 5 ghost damage

Confirmation is what I'm looking for, but out of curiosity I feel the need to ask: does this apply only to damaging attacks, or is there an idea of allowing 'non damaging' jutsu to receive ghost damage modifiers? (IE: Gennin uses a technique that doesn't deal ghost damage; has 40 CON. Does that attack do 5 ghost damage as well?)

I don't figure it would, but wanted to make sure there were no plans for it to be this way (not that I'd mind it, but again, clarification purposes)

- Every 20 points in Evasion raises your chance to dodge Genjutsu by 1%, to a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 90%.

- Every 20 points in Concentration raises your chance to dodge Genjutsu by 1%, to a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 90%.

Significant problem: Genjutsu is now easier to dodge than other attacks? Why? According to common sense, Genjutsu is infecting someone with your Chakra, which isn't quite as visible or noticeable as typical attacks would be. So why are there two ways to disrupt and evade Genjutsu, but only one way to avoid Nin/Tai? Sure, you'd have to put points into both stats, but you could reasonably do it for other reasons (not intending to become a Genjutsu evading god) but still benefit from this. This effectively makes Genjutsu harder to use without penalizing other forms of attack. Even of the general consensus is "Genjutsu is more powerful" I'd still suggest that having X points in Gejutsu increases chance to detect and evade rather than physical evasion

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