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Cho Hakkai

Oto Nin
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Cho Hakkai last won the day on January 28 2024

Cho Hakkai had the most liked content!


26 Gennin

1 Follower

About Cho Hakkai

  • Rank
    I need response jutsu.
    Grand Master
  • Birthday 04/24/1992

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Admin
    Fu Xi Shizuki Azure
  • Favorite Mod
    Rei,Kouta, Eech
  • Favorite Member
    Me bitches!
  • Rank
    Thinks that Dogs are Ducks...
  • Ninja Rank

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Pennsylvania, USA
  • Interests
    I'm a dude from PA and Jersey. You think what I like. It'll probably be right.

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Recent Profile Visitors

11,787 profile views
  1. Cho Hakkai

    Still alive?

    Hi! Miss you hope you're well
  2. 18 years of NA membership! By the math of the Forum statistics, my posts make up 1.38% of the total!



    1. almondsAndRain



      Holy shit, you almost have six thousand posts xD




  3. Why do the Swedish Navy have bar codes on the side of their ship?


    So when the ships come to port they can scan-da-navy-in

  4. Why is it bad to iron a 4 leaf clover?


    Because you shouldn't ever press your luck 🍀

  5. Hey everyone! Hope you are all safe in this pandemic 💙 love you all uwu (except Paul)

  6. Oh ninja road, take me hooooome, to the bar where I belooooong 


    Big ass boooooty, Cho Hakkai, take me home, oh ninja road

  7. Merry Christmas ya filthy animals

  8. I've recently developed a severe phobia of elevators. 

    I'm taking steps to avoid them.

    1. Toroi21


      I enjoy seeing these jokes keep them going my guy! :)

  9. Should be a new NA rule: "The Member Cho Hakkai cannot change his signature... ever."
  10. Hahaha Arashi will always be a part of my NA. To be honest I came back like a month ago so it's awesome seeing you!
  11. How do you know the difference between a Chemist and a Plumber? 

    Ask them to pronounce "unionized"

    1. Cellar Door

      Cellar Door

      Fun Fact: This joke doesn't work when said out loud.

  12. Oh shit
  13. I hope Elon Musk doesn't get into a scandal because ElonGate would be very drawn out

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